Another diamond mistaken for cubic zirconium (by the "experts")
18 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
For those of you who have indicated that the critics did not like this movie, I have the equivalent of Assimov's 3 laws of robotics. I call them the 3 laws of movie critics.

Law #1- Those who can act , act. Those who can't, become critics

Law #2- An actor-cum-critic's dislike for a film or performance is directly proportional to the quality of the performance.

Law #3- A film is truly bad only, and only if YOU don't like it.

Now that we settled that little issue, this movie is in my obnoxiously humble opinion, FAAAAABULOUS.


Of course the nephew comes into the picture forcefully. Anyone with cranial activity during the movie would have picked up on the fact that he was his son, making his struggle all the more ironic and heartbreaking.

But this film, like its kindred, Amadeus, is about the music. How a desperate soul finds expression and relief for its pain not in "tagging" buildings, or raping and pillaging, but in creating some of the most moving music we have ever heard.

Anyone with a pulse above cryogenic storage speed will be moved by this film and its message of hope and redemption, because in the end, all human struggles, trials and tribulations boil down to that, redemption. Have we left a good memorable mark on the world?
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