Not just one of the best comedies of all time, but one of the best movies PERIOD
5 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
My friends knowing that I'm a huge film buff asked me to come up with a list of my favorite movies of all time, when it came down to number one, there was one film that stood out in my head that I knew I could watch over and over again and never get sick of: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. One of the best comedies of all time, Ferris Bueller is a movie that just stands the test of time. How anyone could not love this film is beyond any of my understanding, Ferris Bueller is my hero among many others. John Hughes is usually remembered more for The Breakfast Club, which is an incredible movie as well, but I think this was his masterpiece. He said in an interview that this was his childhood, getting his wife and best friend and skipping out on school to go down town and just have a good time. If you are a Chicago citizen, you've pulled a Ferris Beuller's day off too, it's like a law here, lol, if you haven't, I pity you. The reason that this movie works is because of it's outrageous story that everyone wants to live, Matthew Broderick, there was no other choice, he is who everyone wants to be: Ferris Bueller.

Ferris Bueller is a teenager who fakes out his parents on being sick, even though it is his worst performance of being ill, somehow it works and his parents let him stay home. He takes the gorgeous day outside, takes his really sick best friend and his girlfriend and goes into beautiful Chicago for a blast of good times. I'm not kidding fellow Chicagoians, this is the best Chicago movie! Ferris has two problems though, his principal who is sick of being made a fool of and decides to bust Ferris on his fake illness. And his sister Jeanie, who cares more about Ferris's life than her own and just wants to prove that he's faking it.

Even though, you have to admit that it's a bit unrealistic that it is broadcast throughout Chicago that Ferris is "dying" and no one notices that he's singing in the Chicago parade, on a field trip to the Art Institute with an elementary class, getting "snootie" with a waiter at Chicago's finest restaurant, and catching the Cub's home run ball at Wrigley Field, you just have fun and cannot stop laughing. Plus you have got to love Edward Rooney, the obsessed principal who is actually sicker than Ferris in one way of putting it. He goes through the whole city to find him just so Ferris doesn't make a fool of him, but he fails on all levels because Ferris is just that awesome. The scene between him and Grace when Cameron prank calls to get Ferris' girlfriend out of school is just too hilarious and will have you in stitches. I don't know what else to honestly say other than this movie is the best comedy to watch if you are looking for a great laugh. So sit, back and enjoy because "…life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and take a look around once in a while, you might miss it"; my philosophy. I will love Ferris Bueller till the day I die.

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