The best movie by Pedro Almodovar
26 July 2001
It's difficult to find such a great film, I had seen most of the Almodovar's pieces before I saw this one, and it is strange to see that after that one he has done beautiful jobs, although they haven't been as good as this one. Performances are incredible, the script is awesome, Almodovar can combine comedy and drama in a sad story about a mature woman who is alone in the world.This is a very sad story, far away from other Almodovar works which are more in the way of the comedy. Carmen Maura makes here one of the most impressive roles of her career,she;s very strong and credible like Gloria,the neighbouring place,the supporting characters are all brilliant,and it also contains a very short but beautiful soundtrack according very well to the movie. I liked a lot Veronica Forque, Chus Lampreave and Kiti Manver. The movie has also some moments that can be surrealistic experiences that makes the story incredibly real. "Que he hecho yo para merecer esto" is without doubts the best film ever made by Pedro Almodovar, is perfect, the dramatic moments are so intense, and very credible, surrounded by comic situations that make it even more beautiful, it is a master piece, a must see movie.
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