What a film!
23 October 1998
This is surely one of the best biblical epics ever to be filmed. Even though it is terribly long, it is also terribly inspiring. The use of colour (or even the lack of it) is very ingenious, the script is intelligent, the acting is excellent, the visual effects are marvellous, the setting is realistic, the score fits excellently and overall it is GREAT. It was a very intelligent idea not to base the script only on the Holy Scriptures, but also on other novels. This gave the plot an original story, where everyone knows how it will end, but how this end is reached is a mystery. The love sub-plots are also interesting bringing up such issues as male dominion over slave-girls, forbidden love and marrying for love instead for pro-creation. Sadly this was C.B. de Mille's last film, but on second thoughts it could not have been better than this way: his last film ranks amongst his best and among the very best in cinema history.
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