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Trafficking (2023)
Don't believe the bad
7 June 2024
Before I review this, I just wanna say, my shock of finding out the great Nicholas Ball, had died yesterday, which is when, I watched this impressive, entertaining vehicle. I pass on my condolences to Nicholas's family, easily the best actor in it, stealing every scene. Though there is some bad acting in this, most people aren't at fault. Cool, well structured film, has a good script, excluding all the F and C words, which a bit trying, but for laughs, very entertaining, as in it's first 30 minutes, where it kind of lessened after. I loved the repentant stocky hero, a tired ex hitman, who's just been told some very bad news. He's someone I vouched for, and really understood. When he and his colleague go to collect on a debt, at the request of their boss, they inadvertently collide with some real drug dealing scumbuckets, also there to collect, but in a different way, for they're also involved in human trafficking, and the daughter of the soon to be slayed couple, looks mighty fine. But repentant Requiem returns to snatch away from her traffickers, and so begins a hunt down. I made this film for a big action one, which it really wasn't, but it's story, really got me in, with some really beautiful and potent scenes. The ones with Ball, who just owns his scenes. The main, was really good too, as well as young Hughes as the trafficked daughter. Liked the slow zoom in shots too, and a much appreciated, and unexpected last scene, where I cheered on the victor. It has a real coolness. The pre start featuring late Eastenders Leslie (Dirty Den) Grantham, although weird, as though trying to promote the film's company, was a cute little starter. Tight recommended drama. Films slap on title, doesn't befit story.
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Nifty cool B thriller
31 May 2024
RO is one of those movies which entertained much more than I thought it would. A great dramatic situation thriller which pitts hot show defendant Roberts, up against some real scum. When I saw this movie was directed by the same guy who made A Murder Of Crows, which I haven't seen, but have seen the trailer, funnily enough when watching this, I thought a lot about that movie, running much similar lines to this. RO is pacy and engaging, and Roberts is always an actor attention grabber. His life has become a nightmare after witnessing up close and personal, a client/mobster he has just got off, a James Russo looking guy, slay a aging friend, who owes gambling debts. As if to really reiterate to Roberts, a few times, the consequences of turning him in, and really making himself heard, Roberts fights back, and things really become personal. This is a well formulated thriller with good performances. A real slick thriller surprise moment near the end, I much appreciated, RO is wonderful thriller entertainment, which warrants unrestrained viewing.
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silver steeled action
29 May 2024
I saw the whole set up from the start, the game Reaper was playing, and along comes, our hero, an ex cop, now a biker intent on tracking him down. This B movie isn't bad movie fare, with a bit of bad acting, and better strength in it's leads, as our escapee, Reaper. Is now riding with his reunited bad biker pack, who are after this find involving confederate medals. We come across a tasty blonde, some beautiful models on a shoot. And a score of busty beauties in tasty lingerie, assisting this professor with an interesting face, who's beaten Reaper to his rich rewards Though this is a patchy, flawed, with some pathetic moments, kind of flick, it is quite fun. The video cover of our star actor, with a black busty babe, we only meet her in the last two minutes of film. But Wade is a real hero we can vouch for, and to who the revealed father figure reading our movie, through comic, I really admired. As I did, Wade's methods of getting information, via tattoo insignia. The photographer's brazen words to two d**khead bikies, interrupting a model shoot, I couldn't believe. This was quite an entertaining surprise, but still, B movie is B movie. Quite violent in bits too.
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Indio (1989)
Our boy Indio
28 May 2024
Here's a movie that really has something to say, and it hits it's points hard. I like movies which have intentions, and messages, and this good actioner, with an appealing lead, does that. Dennehy, here as the baddie makes a meal of his role, in top form as a officer tyrant, a greedy developer, intent on bulldozing and tearing down the rain forests, irrespectful who (the villages) may'be living within there. They just didn't count on this returning party, handsome Indio, with warfare in his blood who takes on Dennehy and goons. There's a lot of action, explosions, and a bit of romance, and blow bullet through hollow cane, shooting, a nifty action of attack. It's ending touched me, and I really liked the moment between hero and his once training black captain. An actioner, a notch above the others of this norm. We also hear an unforgettable voice, Director Dawson uses, in a lot of his exploitation dubbed pics.
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Reborn (1981)
birth of a different movie watch
24 May 2024
From the first frame, the fancy gyrating helicopter, circling a tall building bearing, a big lit up cross, and an encapsulating music score, we pretty know what to expect in the ensuing ninety minutes. Reborn is beautiful, mesmerizing, a little shocking, intriguing, and engaging, and again, beautiful in it's whole duration of weirdness, and style. Only some would be able to follow the story, where a lot of others will be trying to put the dots together. I am in this category. But it's a more fun way, to enjoy it, then the other. It's just a especial movie, one that's very inspiring. As for the performances, you can pretty much see Hopper spouting out his beliefs in effective shouts. And his trademark pointing gesture. Moriarty fares better as a touched party, who's girlfriend, is showing some quite, scary behavior. At one point, in reference to one shock scene, you could say, he's in, but not out. Moriarty always brings so much heart to every character, I consider him to be the greatest actors out there. The movie does drag a little towards the end, but just see this movie once, for the experience, Amen.
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Chapter Two (1979)
A chapter worth reviewing
24 May 2024
What a night with this underrated film. Yes I really liked James Caan, who again, plays James Caan, with fine support, where I always love watching Bologna. Here, he's an interferring brother, who's set his widowed and struggling writer of a brother, on a series of misfire dates, but Mason is a whole new kettle of fish, that special find. I've always loved watching this fantastic actress, and she does so much with every role, and again, she makes an impact, every reaction, whatever, is totally believable, even in her actress character, who finds herself, in somewhat of a crisis, as saying "I do" too soon, after Caan's impulse of a proposal, where when vacationing, he begins having flashbacks of his former wife, as bringing her to the same paradise, even ending up in the same suite. And here the conflict and heavy drama starts, which made the sudden cold Caan character, kind of enthralling, as to his impasse. Great angle of story. I always find Caan, a bit dry as an actor, where Mason, Bologna, and of course Harper (Rhoda) bring more excitement and gusto to their roles. As if forgetting, then not being surprised at all, to see Harper and Bologna in this, being Neil Simon, years before Rio, for me, this was one of the film's perks. But what I really loved was the pre meet, the back and forth short phone talks, which was good and ingenius writing. Yes, this film has a lot to offer, with such a fitting ending, which can't be topped. Turn the chapter, off the bad reviews with this one, and like this marriage, give it a chance.
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Looking for a good movie, look no further, stars, bars, scars
29 April 2024
Zip in for a mildly unsettling experience, partly due to a fantastic cruel music score. Sexy and really messed up individual, Keaton, lonely as hell, teaches deaf kids during the day, where her night life consists of bar finding men, for one night stands, mostly. Her character is impossible, won't listen, really afraid to settle down, and lead the normal married life. She beds married men, others of not so fortunate picking. Keaton, who I could never understand, not getting nominations for the Godfather films, is right at home here, and slips into her character perfectly. A real natural, engaging, SEXY, YES!, and sad character who you do sympathize with, but also disapprove of as to the way she chooses her decisions, bringing out violent actions in certain not so friendly or I should really say, not so unbalanced men, through the 136 minute film. All the actors give fine performances, notably the one who jumped out at me, being Gere, as a violent, unpredictable, stud type scumbag, while demonstrating some quite weird behavior, and bopping and taping tabletops a lot. He comes in and out a few times, in Keaton's, mostly uninvitéd company The other one, Atherton (him and Gere again later in the cop drama, No Mercy in 1987) is hard to figure out, intriguing, if slightly menacing. He becomes the main male support in Keaton's dangerously indulgent lifestyle, another married man, a professor early in the peace, such an incredible narcissisitic pr**k.'Tuesday Weld is very good as Keaton's more together sister, while the actor playing the father is really good, as the actress playing mother. What a movie experience this is, as is the devastating and violent end. Good solid drama, with well created characters, many you won't forget for a while. The imaginary scenes, those moments in Keaton's imaginings, work well too. Highly recommended watch.
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Grand Canyon (1991)
Like the Grand Canyon, something you should see
9 April 2024
Inspirational movies really intrigue and excite me. This one is freshly different . It makes you evaluate, what you are willing to risk, and what you can lose in a heartbeat. With a stellar cast, these great actors draw us into their characters, more than most films do. Two strangers become good friends, one, a saviour to the other. One of their wives discovers a dumped infant and adopts him. Martin is great as a self centered screenwriter/sugar daddy, who recovers from a violent incident, whose philosophies on life are indeed, interesting. Also a young jilted hottie, who has a strong and honest view on married men. The canyon itself, again a breathtaking view. Don't look for plot, more for situation, and you'll take away, quite a bit from this film, including two great dream sequences, the first one, quite an exhilarating watch. Real truth, nineties style. Highly recommended and thought provoking watch.
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Gere in gear
5 April 2024
Gere, tailor made for this role, for which Stallone, reportedly walked out on, carries this near two hour Schrader drama, as an illegitimate gigolo for hire, who gets nastily framed by an acquaintance. Gere's character is sad, as nobody will rush to his aid, and things get worse, where he's pestered more by a disbelieving detective (Elizondo) . Hot looking Hutton becomes his saviour in more ways than one, and this is what I really liked about the film, which drags on a little bit, but really markets Gere. Of course, the opening is classically memorable in the sense of the Deborah Harry hit, 'Call Me'. Good drama, though runs thin on story. Schrader has done better. Really a vehicle for an emerging Gere talent, and he fits the bill perfectly and expensively.
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Australia Laughs (1984 Video)
Australia won't be laughing.
4 April 2024
I love standup comedy videos, and I was quite downtrodden here with this sixty minute, mild laugh fest. First, we have a true blue fair dinkum' Aussie, unfunny. Then an impersonator who was above average, in his impersonations, which gave me a couple of hee haws. Prized asset was Vince Sorrenti, in the next act, which was the best duration of this vid, and a disgusting pig of an act by comedian/actor Garry Who, which really had me wondering, if he the latter woud leave the club, unscathed, one audience member, leaving the show in a huff, after being told by him, in jest to F off. Back in the 80's, this would of been funnier, but to me now, there are funnier Ocker comedy clubs, but I love, how it took me back. Strictly for the undemanding, but fascinating as to how far Who takes his verbal comedy abuse.
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Dadah Is Death (1988 TV Movie)
Don't sell drugs
21 March 2024
It amazes me, where after something like this happened, there are still braving Aussies, flying over with concealed heroin in what ever body cavity, item, whatever. I thought of the two fated Bali 9 men, who met their grim demise in 2015. That stay of execution before, the waiting, for that day of dread, that last flight to their deathl spot. Even though Chambers was the much more guilty one, enticing recently unemployed Barlow into his activities, the latter simply could of said "No". Dadah Is Death, proclaims no clearer warning, the harsh penalties of drug smuggling, H, the highest stature of drug. There is a zero tolerance towards drugs, in their country, and underneath, I really respect that and admire it. Our two main performers bring such truth and conviction to their characters, me really liking what Hugo brought, doing justice to the silky charms or rich boy Chambers, the real criminal, you can;t help hating, cause of his scumbag attitude. The uneasy music scores really set the grim atmosphere of scenes. A dirty grimness rings so true, in it's setting, circumstances, and fates of our two condemned. Polson is bl**dy good in this, and was so engaging as the weaker led Barlow, while Julie Christie, was an enigmatic casting choice, but she was very engaging too, in a stronghold performance, but outperformed by her husband player, who I really liked. Sarah Jessica Parker's character, á reporter who becomes devotéd and lovestruck towards Barlow, was kind of fascinating and she delivered too, as did the rest of the Barlow family, including a very young Noah Taylor as the youngest brother. Hugo also gets himself a bit of midnight Asian delight in his last months of life as Chambers..The injustice was Barlow's demise. In my opinion, he shouldn't of hung. The walk to execution, hanging scene, is the most grimmest and affecting I've seen in these black movie moments. The grinding 180 pan shot, stopping on our hooded figures, before the big drop, was haunting. What is great about, Dadah, is it's no holds barred, go for truth grimness, in it's photography and storytelling, also showing an ugly corrupt side of authority, not just in the East.
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Baby Love (1983)
Another tasty licking Popsicle
27 February 2024
You watch this addictively entertaining T and A flick, you feel you're reliving certain scenes in other Popsicle films. We know the score, as far as our four young horny stars are concerned, the slapped geek, the two studs, and the fatty who is always, the butt of the stud's pranks. So nothing has changed, with a slight change of story, where for Benji, it's true love, as falling in love with Momo's innocently cute Sister, which his best friend forbids, despite him, being the catalyst, for how this eventuated. But Benji's love is true, an angle I liked. Again we have a repertoire of rock songs, and again, this isn't a badly made film, where you feel there's a more serious film, that want to break out, and I really did like this one. Benji's cousin is a cute hoot. The climax is quite hairy too. Hold on, but check this Popsicle out. 6.5/10.
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Priest (1994)
In the name of the wholly viewer
19 February 2024
Priest is an enthralling film, with beautifully acted and sincere performances. Yes it's gonna offend, as of course it did, for figures in the church, when released. Roache and Wilkinson, are the strong players, and with Wilkinson here, he seems to be stereotyped as those 'bold, go for it, say how you feel, take a chance' characters, as I was seeing some familiarities, with the late actor's character in the Edgerton thriller, Felony, ten years ago. What I really loved was the conflicting story at play, involving teen incest, which really made a frustrating choice, or plan of action for Roache's character. The.final shot of repent, and forgiveness, is one of the most moving I've ever witnessed. All in all, Priest is excellent British film making, with some pretty frank homosexual sex scenes.
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2 days worth spending
15 February 2024
I almost forgot how much I enjoyed this film after many years absence. A few people have compared this to a Tarantinoesque type of film, only no Denny's. What we got is a story of interconnecting characters, many in awesomely acted roles. You just have to start with Spader, who's at the top of his game, playing a heartless and intellectually insane hitman, Aiello, his partner, with a heart. Surviving a hit, Aiello crashes the panoramic mansion, of a innocetly cute carer (Headly), and her barking and condescendingly abusive carer (Naked's Cruttwell so much fun here). As not to ruin anymore of this admiringly original situation of film, we have blood, a great serve of laughs, and awesome characters. Keith Carradine, does us solid, is memorably worthy as a caring cop. Spader, Aiello, Mason, and especially Newbie Theron, the scene stealer, and of course Daniels, are great, but it's Theron, who steals the limelight. So smoking hot. The very young Asian masseur chick, I had a soft spot for. SO gorgeously CUTE. Get a drink, pizza, sit down. And be entertained every minute. Spader delivering that great tagline involving a minute, one of the best and original one's I heard. Very original and different film, warrants your 104 minutes of viewing. Amazing actress Louise Fletcher fooled me again, unrecogonized as wasn't grouchy Lawrence Tierney, in an appreciated cameo.
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Nothing personal, but I enjoyed it
2 February 2024
Although never finding it funny, I found the film darn entertaining. The late Summers and Sutherland make a great professor and lawyer team, and this is really what drives it. Coleman, is just stereotyped here, as a greedy bad.guy, none concerned about these particular type of seals, endangered species, which are being clubbed to death. It brought back some bad memories, as seeing an 82' episode on John Laws world, where seals were being slaughtered in this manner. I admired the story, as this was an important and controversial topic in the 80's. Sutherland sporting nifty formal attire, brings a likeable character to the screen, and Summers oozes sex and sensuality, as she knows how. We even have a cameo by a Love Boat favorite. It's Sutherland and Summers cute chemistry, which makes this a watchable treat.
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Laserblast (1978)
A blast
30 January 2024
I must say, by judging the mesmerizing cover, I expected this to be a futuristic sci fi pic, which would probably blow me away. What I got, was predicatably bad acting, senseless, stunning explosions, a lot of flat stretches, a great opening score, some lovely night vision shots, and two cute dinosauric aliens. Not a total lost, I felt smally compensated. It's story is absurd. Mcdowall, and Deezen,.the scene stealer, rule in the acting category, and much used and younger Burkley wasn't bad either. Much more fun for teens and kids, this film, I can overlook the negatives, due to it's uniqueness, and originality.
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Romancing and dancing
24 January 2024
MR is a film you enjoy more, as it goes on. On the whole, the film is a delight, and really works, cause of the two lead's characters. They are both strong willled, stubborn, and have been through a lot. It's their indépendance and will. They're characters who take things at face value. We would love to meet these characters, and so wish they were real. Divorced Field and little son (natural likeable performance by Haim) have just moved into this town, and have bought a farm. Field strikes up a friendship, with a general store/pharmacy owner, Garner, in a wonderful take note performance, which garnered a lot of buzz for Oscar nominee selection. Although romance really hits the two near the end, with an awesome last bit of dialogue, you'll never forget, they were sort of romancing it, pretty much, from near the start, it was a conservative sort. Really throwing a spanner in the works, is Fields, younger buck ex (Kerwin) who arrives on the scene. He is a hoot and delivers a stealing performance, which must be acknowledged. He puts a lot of pep into his character. One slow 180 shot scene, which was quite a knock for six reveal. This film just grows on you. See it for Garner's once in a lifetime performance, and Kerwin. Also the most contunual if annoying, stealing dancing partner scene.
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Duet for Four (1982)
Not a bad duet
6 January 2024
This is a marvelously entertaining drama, soapie type film, I really got engrossed in. Always something happening type film, that hits home, with realistic everyday people, in much real situations. The performances are really good, no more than Preston's, a character who we really get caught up, who has his share of problems. Again, like in Hoodwink, we're granted a nice perv at Hughes's goodies, for a few seconds. The woman in this are beautiful, towel clad Binney, who sets a.new standard in hotness. Pate is a lot of fun in this, and Comber as Cilento's toy boy, left an impression too. Dignam, too, in top form delivery again as Preston's friend, legal advisor. Overall, colorful drama. With a nice intro music score, and a droning, annoying one at the end.
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Nuts (1987)
Nuts about Barbara
3 January 2024
This is a solid courtroom drama from the get go, with two powerfully charged performances, 2 leads, who bring their A game here. Streisand is being tried for murder, where certain parties are intent on making sure she's incompetent to stand trial, so she's committed indefinitely. Enter Dreyfuss who is appointed to defend her, and gets a taste of her crazy self, when witnessing her flying into a rage, and launching herself on her prior defendant. I really liked the building friendship between the two, Dreyfuss fishing out the real truth.by Streisand's incarceration. And becoming a really good ally.

We go back and forth to that fateful night, Streisand was working as a high priced girl, when a kinky john (Nielsien of all people) got rough with her. We also go back to much earlier times, which could well explain Streisand's actions. All in all, I found this engrossing viewing, and Wallach's performance, shouldn't go unnoticed either. Streisand's bold exit, still in her crazy fatigues, really hits home hard, the feeling of freedom, and freedom of speech.
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Don't go out alone
30 December 2023
Here's a nifty little slasher, which quite surprised and impressed me, like I didn't really think it would. Unlike A Stranger Is Watching, where you pretty know what's gonna happen next, HKYA uses some quite nifty movis, with some pretty awesome suspense. To call this a Halloween rip off, like all those other unjustly labelled ones, inspired, is a much more fitting word, I can't feel but, greatly entertained by this, as the film, knows which buttons to push. Too, we have a very capable cast. In his first film, with a small role, Hanks shows us why, he was desrtined to head for bigger and better things. So much charisma here, packed into his character. Scardino (A Cruising victim) brings a lot of animation into his lovestruck, townie. We even have a much younger typecast lawyer actor, who plays a teacher here, adored by many of his younger randy female folk. O'Heaney gives such a magnetically cute performance as the bride to be, who may not make it to her wedding day, with our crazy out there, slicing up other bride to be's, one done in sheer audicity, at the start. He's a smart pdycho too, where only O'Heaney has been able to see him, there one moment, gone the next, his stare of death, scarring, Scardino''s presence calming to her, where spotting the creep, again, just before. A nice little backstory to our freak too, is another reason, this is a tight little chiiller, with noteworthy performances,
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Obseessive viewing
18 December 2023
Horrifiic story, of indeed one psychopath, better put six feet under. Solid acting from Devane, obsessed like Doherty was with him, in that tv film. Here, he's a town cop, who heads up this investigation, to retrieve the kidnapped daughter of a South Carolina family, her older sister, a promising beauty pageant queen, and she is beautiful, the focus of this nutter's murderous obsession. A full scale search begins, to track down, the vulnerable diabetic teen. This sick SOB starts calling, taunting the family, builds up a conversational repore with the sister, who she and authorities try to bait this guy, but unfortunately he's very ahead of the game. The actor who does a marvellous job here, looks pretty much like the real Larry Gene Bell. His testimony in court, smally covered, this one lovestruck comment, was quite offputting. Indeed this true life t.v movie, is truly tragic, too, invoving child murder, this is a highly engrossing drama, and a sisterly repecting ending, as is footage of the real Dawn. Pretty much, this film will stay with you, days after. Solid, well made, wonferfully acted tv drama, with one great raging Devane moment. Watch.
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Fire Birds (1990)
Fire away
10 December 2023
Firebirds is 84 minutes of trailblazing fun. Harshly criticized, do other people, misunderstand it's intentions? It's pacey, with great, metaphoric comic dialogue between Cage and Young, an actress, who again didn't impress me. Cage and Jones are better. Never a dull moment here, where yes, I agree it's a bit like Top Gun, because we have another Gung ho narcissistic 'best of the best' Pete Mitchell (Cage) an ace military pilot, trying to rekindle an old relationship, with woman pilot (Young). I really appreciated some öff the base, family scenes with Jones, a character I really wanted to lnow more about. He shows concern for his ace pilot, and like Top Gun's Skeritt, shows admiration, and a smidgen of envy, on the side. And in the main mission, which again takes us back to Top Gun, or Navy Seals, whatever, we'll only know good will prevail. Many exciting action scenes, the frank Firebirds, sets out to do what it's spose to, and wastes no time, beating around the bush, getting you there. Is that a crime? I think not.
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Bloody Mama (1970)
Oh Mama
7 December 2023
Frankly, there have been better films made about this controversial outlaw. Shelley Winters is great as is everyone else, which is kind of sad, as to what inadequate material they're given, Dern and Stroud, acting highlights, Dern, who attaches himself to Barker and her boys. A much younger and handsome devil, is Deniro (six years before his Taxi Driver days) who fares pretty well, as one of Ma Barker's more meeker sons, and is definitely memorable, especially in one scene with a bathing beauty, rising out of the glistenng waters. A few shoot outs, the film only getting bloody in it's last five minutes, one frank CU shot in particular. The film is very well made, by a B movie legend, and the performances make it, but it's kind of rush rush, where we really don't get enough time, to really get under the characters, or for the story to really take shape. It needed better plotting, and meat to it's story, and this is where the movie, ultimately fails. Like Ma Barker, planning her next move, at a loss, metaphorically speaks, as to where the story should head next. Not without merit though.
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Nixon (1995)
Engrossing viewing
26 November 2023
Once again, Oliver Stone has brought a true life tale, respectably to the screen, through hard research, and potent, careful dialogue. Focusing on one of the most important and greatest American presidents, we chronicle his life through the most important, turbulent, and active years of his presidency, occassionaly harking back, through sepia tone, to his childhood. So many wonderful performances, Hopkins, the most engaging, make the film what it is, Joan Allen as Hopkins'wife, quite amazing. Heavy solid drama, makes us understand Nixon's standing, and his unpopularity. Sometimes quite a hard nut to crack, as to the illegarity of his acts, cover ups. One's of Stone's best, from start to end. What kind of chafes me, where after NBK, Stone cuts back and forth occassionally, with black and white picture clips in a scene. But I think I know why. Must viewing.
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Fugitive fun
22 November 2023
A fresh delight of a comedy here, which takes a few different turns, and has heart. Quite a surprise comedy, has just released, ex con Nolte, a reformed bankrobber, who just out of prison, and in a cruel irony, is taken hostage, in a bank, by one of the dumbest robbers out there (Short) and becomes fortuitously involved. He is soon fleeing and wanted, with his new found p**n in the ar*e friend. Short has a little mute daughter, who's so cute, and wonderfully acted. I love the way the film plays out in the situations, which make complete sense, and there are a few classic 'stitches' moments. It has more, than just comedy going for it, though. The three mains deliver good performances, but the little girl, is so engaging, and shines above them. James Earl Jones, and particularly Alan Ruck, are solid as the detectives on the case. After all, one of them drove Nolte to the robbed bank. Prefore.. And who do you call if you want two cliche'd mugging thugs? Thompson and Dallesandro. It's cute ending, I guess you could call double irony, or a domino effect. Highly reccommended 90's comedy.
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