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Murder by Natural Causes (1979 TV Movie)
One of the finest TV movie of seventies, on three workarounds, what will be darling???
1 June 2024
The first half part the movie seems an average offering, then you possible will wondering why a high-rating at IMDB over a slow pacing starting? Wait to be rewarded, it really gets fires after reaches the middle forward the ending, it will surprise you plenty, a clever plot for a TV movie in years, well-crafted screenplay, fine stagey performance by the casting, many twists coming over letting the audience awestruck.

Hal Holbrook plays a rich-famous mentalist with heart peacemaker, which has a younger wife Katherine Ross whose has a youthful lover, both intents kills him by a sudden death caused by die of fright, although the self-called perfect crime didn't work out as the mastermind Katherine planned previously, she would have a B-plan? Well it you can see watching this unusual murder thriller,

I saw this little picture in early 1987, since then I've never got a chance to see it again, just finding it on Youtube from a VHS washed-out print, it worthwhile to see or re-watching that was my case or even for nostalgic reasons, it deserves a DVD release!!

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First watch: 1988 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 8.
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Tam Lin (1970)
Folk horror freely based in ancient Scottish Tam Lin, don't be fooled by the haters, see by yourself!!!
31 May 2024
Roddy McDowell at his first and unique directorial experience hired his goddess Ava Gardner to play this fabulous and contentious ancient folk Scottish fairy tale "Tam Lin" adapted for late sixties, over a possessive Witch-Lady (Gardner) that used to gathering around free-spirit youngest group and a special lover (McShane) as long as he doesn't dare leave her love nest for another girl, in that case she used to kill them, however such death will not undertaken by the spiteful woman, after drug-induced aiming for a self-murder by a stark having mad in a hunting carried out by the crazy crowd of the youngest group.

The outcome has a strong similitude with THE MOST DANGEROUS GAMES's Zaroff, it was shot in 1967, although the Commonwealth United Entertainment went to bankrupt before the movie be released, henceforth it was shelved, let McDowall too much disgruntled, worst it made a true damage for the picture that lost the timeline previously stablished, just in 1970 the movie was released finally, nevertheless it was utterly chopped to the dismay of the young director Roddy McDowall, just now come out officially the uncut and restored version conceived by him in plenty way.

Since then the cinephiles around the world have been assessed, therefore dealing it as near masterpiece like me, it has many qualities on cinematography, moving camera, slow motion, great photography and an outstanding Scottish landscape, great scenarios also a scariest and lavish adornment as turkey mark used by Ava Gardner, a must to see!!

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.
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The poorest Cleopatra in cinema's golden era ever!!!
30 May 2024
Even the Technicolor's Queen Rhonda Fleming was enable so save this lowest budge flick over the infamous Cleopatra, the blonde disguised into black hair shines through with those bright golden adornments on the head, neck and wrists, to enhance the epic the producers had earmarked mostly share of the tight budge to built an average sets as the inner palace, all remainder as few soldiers in pale battles is a crying shame.

Worst the painted scenarios were scattered wherever they go, it said our beloved William Castle shouldn't be blame for it, he had to dealing what he had in hands, nevertheless it wasn't so bad at all, Raymond Burr played a decent Mark Anthony where the shrewd Cleopatra enforces by all means became his blood into wine, William Wilding as former Cleopatra's lover since Julius Cesar's era in Egypt didn't add too much.

Overall a mild offering concerning this key character as Cleopatra that really became a true nightmare for the powerful Roman empire, involving two majors leaders as Cesar and Mark Anthony in her love poisoned nest.

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First watch: 1988 / How many: 5 / Source: TV-DVD-Youtube / Rating: 6.
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On a Bette Davis picture who shines is the beauty Lynn-Holly Johnson!!!
29 May 2024
Always Disney worked in a thematic pictures focused on family background, gift young characters, light comedies and so for. It were a pre-stablished standard was enforced by own Walt Disney himself, in The Watcher in the Woods it's an off-patten offering, mainly bringing the bleak old lady Bette Davis in a thriller takes place at England's old mansion surround by cursed wood where a teenage girl disappears in the past years and presumed dead without any reasonable explanation.

At present day an American family rent the old mansion by a cheapest price, Carrol Baker and David McCallum and two girls, the youngest child Kyle Richards and the beauty teenager Lynn-Holly Johnson a kind of psychic girl, henceforth she starts feeling and watching strange sights concerning the missing girl, a scariest and spooky storyline addressed for teenager audience, so angry for this new genre of entertainment.

After an auspicious starting everybody envisage a bright future for the youngest actress Lynn-Holly Johnson, nevertheless this gorgeous girl didn't reach at stardom whatsoever, what was the matter I don't know, perhaps someone has an answer.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Sourc0e: DVD / Rating: 7.
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Colorful characters in well-crafted plot directed by Landis mean a near masterpiece!!
28 May 2024
Rarely the producers-director had a luck to get an auspicious story connected with colorful characters in a well-crafted plot, all this gathered together led by a clever director as John Landis, it certainly means a near masterpiece as Trading Places became.

The early proposition is underpinned by three couple characters as follow the old villainous cheapskate brothers Bellamy-Ameche on sleazy treatment the whole employees, the main characters Aykroyd as snobbish and sharp eyes trader-manager for the older brothers, the rising black star Eddie Murphy on comic style often speaking in a black-jargon is amusing to play the opposite of Aykroyd's character and finally two supporting actor-actress the high-class butler Denholm Elliott on British mannerism and the street pros.titute Jamie Lee Custis complete the emblematic team.

It was one the best comedies of the eighties including a huge box-office, grossing worldwide more than 94 millions dollars, it came out in VHS, DVD and Blu-Ray format in Brazil, which I'd the fine experience on my brand new copy on 1080p, a stunning comic entertainment!!

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First watch: 1987 / How many: 5 / Source: VHS-TV-DVD-Blu-Ray / Rating: 9.
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Genuine, fresh, graphic, aesthetic, cult and extremely boring!!
28 May 2024
When I'd heard about Tetsuo de Iron Man I bought an import Japanese DVD, then out of the blue a famous Versátil Home Video announced an upcoming release of Two Tetsuo movies in Brazilian market place, well it arrives and I wondering how be this Cult picture, I'd expected a kind alike from the sixties, a Iron Man a sort of mutation becoming in a menace aftermaths.

Instead the director Tsukamoto developed a weirdo and dystopic world post-industrial at Japan where the man becomes a frenetic mutation process not into an Iron Man properly speaking, however into a trash-iron man with excessive wires, metallic conduit, screws, rivets and so for, oddly enough Tetsuo got a large spinning metallic pha.llus (really funny).

Afterward the early impact this weirdo offering caught in an endless of mutation progress that takes it to nowhere whatsoever, a hard to swallow for ordinary taste, if it is really fresh and original, although for one session only.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 6.
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Zorro (I) (1975)
Alain Delon paid the price by this silly Zorro flick!!
27 May 2024
Locking back this far-fetched Zorro watched in far off 1987 with the upper-class Alain Delon who scratches his status to play the Spanish hero best portraited by Tyrone Power on the forties, he caught in the mass grave of many producers and directors enforcing a humor-oriented flick on those countless contrived acrobatics actions, worst their enemies are those stereotyped silly-dumb casting as paunchy Sgt. Garcia and so on, just the baddie Col. Huerta (Stanley Baker) is off-patten as true menace for the hero.

This Euro-production also changes the ground, rather the Spanish California at Los Angeles, they move further south where today is Colombia, nearby Cartagena and a fictional Nueva Aragon, now Don Diego also has the famous mute sidekick Joaquin (Bernardo was replaced), this formulaic picture will be replicated in Antonio Banderas's Zorro, highly entertainment with a brainless proposition, like this wrong move by the finest Alain Delon!!

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First watch: 1987 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD-Youtube / Rating: 6.25.
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Tom Conway plays a bewitching Lawyer at Courthouse!!
27 May 2024
The upper-class actor Tom Conway is best remembered by his previously work in Val Lewton productions, his unmistakeable velvety voice improves a bewitching Lawyer on this early Noir directed by the upcoming star-director Robert Wise, the plot is far-fetched to say at least, even so is quite interesting besides it was too short, Conway plays a successful and expensive Lawyer Steve Barner that is nominee by community to running for District Attorney against the corrupt opponent sponsored by a mobster Vic Wright (Robert Armstrong).

The unexpected comes when his singer girlfriend Georgia Gale (Martha O'Driscoll) is hired to work at Vic's night-club, it's ends up in a tragic event taken place there where Vic came to die by accidental circumstance in a clash between he and Steve, in such dead the fault lies on the shoulders of the silly Giorgia that got the gun on the floor witnessed by Vic's brother and running away aftermaths, then came up another show at courthouse by the skilled Steve Barner, fine small Noir directed by the newbie director Robert Wise.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.
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Cidade Oculta (1986)
Dark vision of São Paulo's underground scenario at night!!!
26 May 2024
The baby face Carla Camurati a famous actress on TV series on the powerful Globo TV and the musician Arrigo Barnabé get together in this independent picture outlining the night-life of a greatest city as São Paulo mainly exposing the underground scenario on the mid-eighties also the burlesque spots, the filmmakers wisely shot at night only.

The plot is silly over a former convict Anjo (Arrigo Barnabé) back to streets after seven years in prison, by an unsuccessful drug smuggling on the past, now he works in a night-shift ferryboat cleaning the Pinheiro river, when sudden appears his former Boss Japa (Celso Saiki) soon the meeting with the gorgeous Shirley Sombra (Carla Camurati) at nightclub is a matter of time a sex interesting each other, turns out that the Chief of Police Ratão (Claudio Mamberti) that was in charge when Anjo was arrest actually is a corrupt guy, he has been received his share in every single criminal activity, Anjo put in jeopardy his life to get in touch with those criminals again.

As usually on Brazilian productions sex scenes have in plentifully way as Carla Camurati kindly offered to us her beauty body in a hot sequence, also on burlesque environment as dancing girls, strippers properly supported by a Brazilian rock led by Arrigo Barnabé and his troupe, further the free-appearance of Jô Soares due his kindly nature, sadly for a few moments only, overall an interesting movie upon a kind of time-capsule from the eighties, I've ought to emphasize the fabulous moving camera, great cinematography allowed by the filmmaker on those amazing night scenes, mainly the subway crossing by Dom Pedro's park exposing the most famous São Paulo's Skyscraper as backdrop.

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First watch: 1988 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 6.25.
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Scrutinizing Der Untergang!!!
25 May 2024
I really love any making of due it bring many hidden info where you didn't find on movie itself, in Der Untergang is hard to figure out that was shot on St. Peterburg in Russia, the producers had chosen this place for several reasons including the German architecture alike and no modern signs around, to improve several interviews gave by the main cast, on spotlight Bruno Ganz's make up and how he embodies the evil Hitler even hating him.

On behind the scenes the words from the producers and the hard smoker Director Oliver Hirschbiegel where they expose how were deeply criticized by their own fellow citizens on Germany, also they used several sources including the still unknown character of Traudl Junge as real and still alive Hitler's secretary that wrote aftermaths upon her sad memories on the bunker, it was a key of the success due she was there and witnessed all those sad events carried out on that tight spot, certifying in part the last days of Hitler.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: Blu-ray / Rating: 7.5.
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Downfall (2004)
Upon German's eyes the final word over Hitler at bunker!!!
25 May 2024
This gloomy and last chapter of WWII has been told many times, however never upon German's eyes mainly by still unknown Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge's notes wrote afterward those sad events witnessed on the bunker, even anyone hadn't enough outline precisely the own bunker itself, so it was a great puzzle where each info has been fulfilled the entire picture what's really happened on those deep and tight shelter.

Bruno Ganz made a stunning performance of the ever-evil Hitler, no one even reaches closest as the Fuher, all Nazi members within down there, as Goebbels, Albert Speer, Herman Fegelein, General Weidling just named a few as major characters including Hitler's mistress Eva Braun, therefore the newest Traudl Junge appears to certify all those early rumblings exposed on previous pictures, although for me many dialogues shown on movie are merely for dramatization purpose only, there aren't any reliable source due some chat were made at closed door for those died aftermaths by own hands, upon this point of view on many scenes are purely speculative.

The Germans producers and director and the whole crew involved in such outstanding production were hardly criticized even by their fellow-countrymen, despite that they kept steady at their early proposition, for me it's the finest and the final world about Hitler last days.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: Blu-ray / Rating: 9.
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The Time Tunnel: Invasion (1966)
Season 1, Episode 15
Average episode even in a farfetched plot concerning Doug's brainwash!!
24 May 2024
In the entire series just in three occasions they landing at WWII, conflict, the first one at Pearl Habor, second this one at D-Day on France and the last one at South Pacific's island post WWII, as usually ours friends drop at Cherbourg on 4th June 1944 just two days before the allied landing at Normandia and outskirts areas, meanwhile Doug is arrest by Gestapo for a brainwashing session, the Nazi allowed Tony runaway to led them to French resistance.

Soon the skilled Nazi Doctor finishes his job at Doug's brain suggesting him as true German Captain who in the past his beloved father was killed by Tony, now it's a matter of time of Doug making his so awaited revenge in an upcoming meeting, in other hand Tony has to prove to resistance members that wasn't a spy sent by Nazi, unfortunately among them has an informer, nice episode, although a farfetched plot concerning Doug's brainwash.

Post scription: As far I know Tony for first time has to kill two german soldiers in front door of Gestapo headquarter, a paradoxy due anything of the past shouldn't be change for the travellers, otherwise it will triggered changes in the future.

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First watch: 1972 / How many: 5 / Source: TV-Cable TV-DVD / Rating: 7.
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Bill Rebane makes Ed Wood looks like a sort of Tim Burton!!
24 May 2024
When I did watch it in far off 1987 it sounds me slight better, last night after a hard searching it on Youtube I've finally found it, in my reassessment process it had to make a downgrading due such meaninglessness of the post-apocalyptic offering, when a small group trapped in Manitoba on Canada try reaching in a nearby town is warned by a airport member to didn't landing due a strange red fog coming from inner earth are killing human beings like flies.

Back at a small cabin with almost empty gas on the plane, they tried figure out what going happen in the world, by radio ham contact any answer, however upon hearing a radio broadcasting some news about half of America already spreading an unknown disease has been killed the entire population, turns out on the group has a weirdo scientist that makes a odd theory where in 8.000 years ago the Mars coming next on Earth like at Moon's position, then the Martians went to Earth's core that had a similar and perfect environment that allowed to they living there.

On slow pacing the movie is unfolding in an everlasting conversation, including lousy gags, useless walking around and so for, just in last chapter they have some action, badly by the way, some of them just disappears without a trace after death, others are blinded by a strange light coming from nowhere, in a nutshell a true endurance for the viewers, I just did not gave the lowest grade by two reasons, fine cinematography and auspicious premise increase a little bit, all the rest as cheapest FX, sufferable soundtrack, hideous dialogues and so on!!

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First watch: 1987 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 3.
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Lost in Space: The Mechanical Men (1967)
Season 2, Episode 28
The gander Dr. Smith becomes in a king of tiny Robots!!!!
23 May 2024
This time the writer Barney Slater went too far on a weirdo story when Dr. Smith trying create another fuel put in danger the nearby spaceship area, blasting aftermaths, right away he is expelled from the group standing aside, suddenly a tiny purple alike Robot coming from outer space appears there, held Dr. Smith and demanding a freedom of the Robot with a strong army of tiny Robots behind, aware of the menace Dr. Robinson finally agrees to handover of our beloved Robot to be the next King of the entire Robot's army, he accepts however when the purple Robot demands a punishment of a couple of rebels he resigns of the throne unable to destroy any whatsoever.

To dismay of us, such evil tiny robot figures out that Dr. Smith is more suitable for the charge, then he switches Dr. Smith into Robot and vice-versa, now the empowered Smith will rules at your Machiavellian manner, to worsen he also enforces to Dr. Robinson his spaceship neither, instead all them will be slain, later out of nowhere the brave Robot's soul embodied on Dr. Smith body decides struggles against the powerful army of tiny ones with a prompt aid of the Robinson's family, it really sounds strange the sudden bravery on Dr. Smith's body, it's funny indeed.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.
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Teen Witch (1989)
Sugary teen romance-comedy peppered with witchcraft!!
23 May 2024
I think that already see somewhere this plot about an overlooked girl that dream date in the best looking guy on the school, turns out that him has been dating with a gorgeous and pop girl of the entire school, out of the blue the hapless girl stumbles upon a older fortuneteller that the things will change when she reaches at sixteen whereof she'll becomes a powerful witch, henceforth she ought gets the boy's heart through her spell power.

A silly and mild teen comedy with a few moments only, apart the old lady Zelda Rubinstein and the veteran Dick Sargent the remainder casting were essentially unknown by its period of time, to worsen the awful soundtrack with "rap noise" oriented is hard to swallow, also the final is too predicable and lovey-dovey than never.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 6.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
One of the best pictures of long partnership Burton-Depp!!
22 May 2024
Tim Burton's alter ego Johnny Depp made one of best pictures together on this American legend Sleepy Hollow improved by Burton's concept, the craftsman director implied a scary and mystic style on this fabulous story about the former Headless warrior that comes alive from the hell to behead all those involved with his missing skull at Sleepy Hollow community.

Johnny Depp played an advanced forensic investigator send to there aiming for clarify the unusual beheading carried out in such forgotten spot, he soon figures out a conspiracy from a high positions members of the Church, the Magistrate, the Mayor and the Lawyer who takes care of the bequest of the richest man behead recently by the headless warrior, also falling in love by a gorgeous girl Christina Ricci.

As usually Burton assembly a spooky environment to enhance the fear and tension, also a humor oriented on Johnny Depp character as well, great and lavish sets to bring a menacing atmosphere required in this kind, if possible look forward on Blu-ray to get it on high definition on those breathtaking landscape.

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First watch: 2007 / How many: 2 / Source: DVD-Blu-Ray / Rating: 8.5.
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The Untouchables: The Underground Court (1961)
Season 2, Episode 18
The Untouchables stumble upon a black widow!!
22 May 2024
Surely an unusual episode concerning the premise of the series, aside it is linked with the underground, it has elements of black humor and flirting with ominous on a bleak character of Joan Blondell as Lucy or "Lucifer" as his former husband Gordon used to call her, it already implied a hint what coming next.

In the beginning a Mobster Valentine Ferrar (Richard Devon) settled on Cuba has to running from there, due the ship liner went to sink, he is presumed dead, therefore a million dollars went down on the water with the dead body, turns out that the syndicate has a court lead by Judge Coley (Frank De Kova) that suspect that Ferrar assembly a plot to steal the money.

Meanwhile Ferrar perceiving the menace of underground court, he has a thump card, a letter addressed to Eliot Ness exposing the mobsters delivery previously to his Angel Lucy, that has others plans for him.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.5.
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Nighthawks (1981)
Lame plot about an unemployed terrorist against a disguised street-Cop!!
22 May 2024
This turn we can't blame Stallone by a lame plot, he didn't wrote this silly draft over a blood terro.rist unemployed by excessive violence on Europe, thus he must shows service in New York at U. N. memberships, meanwhile a British expert Nigel Davenport reaches there to training a small squad including a squeamish disguised street-cop Stallone that usually arresting cheap drugs dealers, aiming for study the modus operandi and later kill this fearless foreigner assassin.

As often the wooden face Stallone portraits as selfless Cop, also he disagrees to putting in jeopardy a single civilian on the chase, in other hand the skillful assassin played by Hutger Hauer made a decent cold bloody performance, a slight overacted, Stallone has a partner a sort of buddy cop Billy Dee Williams that gave an upgrade on contrived offering, to worsen as guesting star Lindsay Wagner as former wife of Stallone just appearing on few minutes or so, what a waste of talent, works as simple decorative character.

To downgrading the picture Hutger sets into action an implausible taken hostages members of U. N. at areal tram nearby the New York bridge, what a stupid plan, also the final outcome is too predicable for those with keen eye, anyhow another Stallone vehicle.

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First watch: 1988 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 6.25.
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Untamed Women (1952)
Druids descendants living in a pre-historic island, not so bad at all!!
21 May 2024
Silly sexploitation offering concerning the Druids descendants whereof had relocated to South Pacific's island from Europe, turns out at WWII some aircraft crash survivors reached in this time-capsule spot of Jurassic era, firstly they get in touch with some kind of Amazons living for some years without any men around, the small US' crew members getting exiting times with so gorgeous girls, looks like a paradise.

Not so fast the woman leader forbidden any relationship with those men, including put them into a cave to aiming for any physical contact, it ends up useless of course due the human nature, they were spelled from there to be back at ocean, in the journey the astonished US's soldiers have to fighting for their own life against prehistoric monsters as lizards and even a giant armadillo for instance, not too bad as some reviewers implied in their comments.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: Youtube / Rating: 5.
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Peckinpah's screenplay is undoubtedly based on Custer's life!!
21 May 2024
Even has been drawn up a fine screenplay, strangely Sam Peckinpah didn't get the direction of this picture, maybe upon his hands he certainly could be improves the overlong offering, strongly based on Custer's life about a greedy General McCabe (Andrew Duggan) a kind of unscrupulous commander, just aiming to his own glory at US's Calvary.

Basically the picture focuses on the previous happenings before the final battle against the Apaches, the tough Captain Demas (Tom Tryon) and the calvary scout Sol Rogers (Harve Presnell) fighting for to same widow woman Lou Woddard (Senta Berger), also to enhance the story entering in the US's Calvary some unusual characters as the New Yorker Anthony Duggan (James Caan) often in clash with a cranky Lt. Hodges (Peter Brek) who is willing to punish him as everlasting stable cleaner, also the weeding escapee Martin Hale (Michael Anderson Jr.), all those rookies are in charge of the even-tempered Sgt. James Gregory (Slim Pickens).

A slight humor oriented, fine punch-fights and romance, all these elements increase the movie into another path, without forget the final battle against the fearless Apaches, aside too much overlong an awesome entertainment.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.5.
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Hidden Classic Pre-Code of Faulkner's novel!!
20 May 2024
It's a rarest movie banned since 1934 until 1968 at last fully restored for newest generation of cinephiles around the world, adapted from a novel of William Faulkner entitled Sanctuary about a aristocratic southern girl Temple Drake, granddaughter of powerful Judge Drake that caught in a trap with bootleggers when his boyfriend's car has an accident nearby the old mansion she goes into jeopardy to be hara.ssed by some men gathered there on that night, including the bleak Trigger (Jack La Rue) who ends up de.flower the untamed girl.

Aftermaths all sad events come to surface, to worsen a not guilty man is charged by a crime committed by Trigger on that night, his former girlfriend Stephen (William Gargan) a kind of high-minded public defender has to involve Temple Drake aiming for prove the innocence of the indicted man, therefore so afraid girl doesn't want any statement at courthouse even to save a not guilty man, otherwise it will ruin her honor for good, be ready for an unusual sad and dared picture.

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Resume: First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.5.
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The Norseman (1978)
So inaccurate premise concerning the fearless Vikings!!
17 May 2024
The iconic producer Samuel Z. Arkoff has given countless great productions, although this specific one that was offered in an inaccurate premise concerning the fearless Vikings that never made a raid in anywhere with a single ship as exposed in the picture, that being said the whole offering falls apart, further some Vikings displayed on movie were already aged, such thing is unthinkable upon any point of view.

Aside the untamed Seminole American natives, however measure them with the Viking is pusillanimity, to getting worst the meek behavior implied on warriors Vikings is a crying shame, the casting apart the wooden clean-shaven face Lee Major all remainder are great as Cornel Wilde, Mel Ferrer, Chistopher Connelly.

Jack Elam is a chapter apart, he played a Death Dreamer, that usually is an esteemed and holy character in Viking's culture, wrongly exposed in movie as hunchback-jester, he has been mocked by whole crew ship members, another colorful character is the Indian Witch Kathleen freeman.

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First watch: 1992 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 5.5.
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Petlya Oriona (1981)
Odd offering from Iron Curtain, the whole packet is really bad!!
16 May 2024
These Sci-Fi conceived in Iron Curtain generally speaking is hard to swallow, due they used to a kind of metaphoric offering in mostly of their productions, also usually dealing with abstract issues, to worsen Petlya Oriona has a confusing narrative, almost encrypted, the plot is quite acceptable for a Sci-Fi, however the whole packet is far away to be reasonable.

Due a tight budge the producers implied a sloppy inner spaceship, whoever masterminded it was logged out of real life in a tight environment of a spaceship, it has countless of mismatches as many couch at meeting room, also all king of test tube and sample vessels at laboratory all these loose there, heavy ladders, great wide spaces everywhere, anyway a bad conceived scenario to far off journey into outer space.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 5.5.
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Nairobi Affair (1984 TV Movie)
The poachers are chase by hostile Father & Son meanwhile a look at gorgeous girl around!!
14 May 2024
Unfortunately during the eighties the iconic-veteran Charlton Heston has been scarcely invited by film industry for many reasons including his advanced age and also the higher cost, whatever after the successful mini-series CHIEFS he goes along in many projects, although Nairobi Affair as TV-movie has proved itself a wrong move by Heston mainly by the lame screenplay even an auspicious premise on Africa dealing with poachers of ivory and dealing with his bittered son.

The daft writer imposes an implausible double affairs of Maud Adams by father and son altogether, it somehow demote the offer to a lower point, meanwhile the clash between them upgrade the narrative, Heston playing Lee a slopy father with his family splitting up his worn out marriage and left behind his bothered son Rick played by John Savage, turns out that Rick previously had an affair with Anne, so when Lee finally meets Rick on the ex-wife's funeral the things get worse, due Lee has been proposing a long time an engagement with free Anne.

Rick is assigned by Kenya government about poachers acting at savanna territory and he goes there to chase them, in the same area where his father works as tourist guide, thus the upcoming events will get hotter than never, after a little relief both joint forces to find out the mastermind of forbidden hunting of Elephants and Rhinos on fabulous landscape of Kenya.

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First watch: 1987 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 6.25.
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Why you were praying for on death row? Once more Robinson steal the show!!
12 May 2024
The quietly Alan Ladd this time played a bittered former Cop wrongly sentenced for a five years in prison by a murder that he actually wasn't guilty, back at San Francisco streets he tries hard clean his name and promising kill Victor Amato (Edward G. Robinson) a mobster that lead San Francisco's harbor on fishing boats's union, worst his wife had an affair meanwhile he stayed at prison, due it he refuses be back at house.

Who stolen the picture quite sure is Robinson as usually, he often mocking his scar-face body-guard (Paul Stewart) by he had often praying on death row until Vic arranged he get out of there, also he used to taunt his love affair with a former movie-star (Fay Wray), oddly enough Vic is married with a true believer blessing woman (Renata Vanni) in fact even of Italian heritage Vic hates whatever persons tied by church.

In other hand the wooden face Alan Ladd tracks down a hint aiming for bind Vic that was the mastermind of his misfortune, in the meantime he used to going to a nightclub where his beauty wife (Joanne Dru) works as singer (I see), nothing stunning or so, however let see it easily, aside the far-fetched outcome at San Francisco bay.

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First watch: 2024 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.5.
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