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The Man Who Saved Christmas (2002 TV Movie)
Not bad
18 December 2002
The thing that sticks out most about this movie is not the story (which is pretty straight forward) but the surprise acting of Jason Alexander, who is of course best known for his role as George on Seinfeld. In this movie, Jason plays A.C. Gilbert the famous toymaker of the early 1900's. He may not be as funny as George, but he's smarter, sweeter and has a big heart. I couldn't see Jason in a role like this, until I actually saw it, and it made me realize that George Costanza was not the only character out there for him. My family was also impressed with his performance, but they agreed that the movie was a little slow and sappy in places. Still, this is a fantastic Christmas movie with some real history behind it, not to mention a great message about what toys can do for the mind of a growing child. After seeing this, I'd like to see Jason Alexander in more dramatic roles in the future.
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Well, at least it's the Muppets!
30 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up with the Muppets... well not WITH them, but watching them - and they have always been a favorite of mine. Of course I was really excited to see this new TV movie. It is hard to rate it overall, since it has it's cute spots, fun spots, and kind of stupid spots. It doesn't really flow as one movie all that well. If you read ahead you might find some *spoilers* LOL it's kind of hard to spoil this one though since it's pretty predictable. Basically, it's Christmas time and the entire Muppet gang are going to put on a show in their theatre. (there's no real indication of whether this theatre is the one they had the old shows in, or if it's somewhere else). Then comes along mean Mrs. Bitterman (Joan Cusack) who wants to take it all away and make it into a night club so she can make more money. Meanwhile, an angel (David Arquette) sees God (played by Whoopi Goldberg)to ask Her to help Kermit and the Muppets with their dilemma. Although this movie alludes to several films and shows (Beautiful Mind, Moulin Rouge, The Grinch who Stole Christmas and Crocodile Hunter; who btw, isn't even played by Steve Irwin!) it pretty much ends up as a take off on It's a Wonderful Life. So unoriginal is that idea, that even Beavis and Butthead have done it in their 1995 Christmas special. In A Very Muppet Christmas, there is a lot of jumping around- from the theatre, to Heaven, to Pepe the Prawn, to Kermit and Piggy, to Fozzy and the rest of the gang. The whole lay out is kind of a mess and would be hard to follow for children. Fortunately there aren't many songs but the ones that there are suck bigtime. Although the well-known actors who star in this do a good job (David Arquette was so good, I never realized it was him until later) there seems like there could have been a lot more done with a new Muppet movie. Also, a lot of the original Muppet Spirit seems to be missing as it did with the last 2 movies that were in the theater: Muppet Treasure Island and Muppets from Space. The jokes are pretty lame and they rely a lot on silly gags and the aforementioned allusions to other shows/movies/ideas. The way the ending wraps up so quickly and spontaneously, you almost forget it's Christmas. I give it a 5 out of 10 because the Muppets are in it. Without them it would be a 1.
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Rare Birds (2001)
Give me a Break
30 August 2002
What the hell was that? All it is, is a movie about a loser guy named Dave who does coke. I felt like I was watching a combination of my last two ex boyfriends. Maybe I am a stick in the mud, but I really don't find cocaine, lying about a fake bird and some depressing looking coastal town in Newfoundland funny. There is no point to this movie, I mean absolutely *none*. Or maybe I just missed it the way I miss the two wasted hours of my life that I spend watching that crap. I found no laughs, no drama, no anything but dreariness to this pointless tale. I can imagine if it weren't a Canadian film what mainstream Hollywood would have done with it. The two lead characters would have been played by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. There would have been more explosions, an ass-kicking sound track, big parties with naked girls and a sappy finale. And as bad as THAT would have been, at least it would have kept people awake.
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Amazing performance
1 May 2002
Jami Gertz may not be the most noticed actress in Hollywood, but her portrayal of the talented legend, Gilda Radner, will get her noticed for sure. I already knew the whole story of Gilda since she captivated me (despite the fact that I was too young to remember her in her heyday) Who didn't Gilda captivate? The legend alone deserves a talent to play her, and that is exactly what it got. In this honest and touching story of Ms. Radner's life, Jami Gertz looks, sounds and acts not only like Gilda, but like the characters that Gilda portrayed on Saturday Night Live's classic early years. As well as Jami Gertz, the rest of the cast portray the other actors in such a way that you don't have to guess who it's supposed to be, it's obvious. There is no "Is that supposed to be Bill Murray?" instead there's, "Oh, look it's Bill Murray!" Gene Wilder is also portrayed perfectly, I found it almost eerie seeing this movie, because it was as if we were really watching them. However, like most Hollywood movies about peoples' lives there are some parts that are "stylized" for effect such as flashbacks, dreams etc... to add to the drama. The difference is in this case it is done well and even enhances the story telling rather than make it look silly. Besides the phenomenal acting, the other excellent aspect of this movie is that it captures the feeling of Gilda herself- despite tragedy, it is uplifting, funny and triumphant, the three things I always thought about her before this movie was ever made.
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