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Blur (2022)
A solid low budget Aussie horror
10 June 2024
As this Australian horror film opens with a woman, who works for a museum, being driven through the desert in Iraq. She asks the driver to stop at some ruins and photographs an ancient statue. She then returns home and unpleasant things start to happen in her apartment that will place her and her friend Jade, a bookseller, in grave danger from supernatural forces. An early event leads to a police officer taking an interest in what is going on; at first he believes Jade has done something very bad but later suspects that she is in danger.

This is clearly a fairly low budget film and the plot is fairly simple; that doesn't mean it isn't worth watching though. The setup is effective and once things start to get unpleasant the tension remains high for most of the time. I thought the acting was pretty solid and while the special effects may have been limited by the budget they were actually pretty good. Keeping most of the action in Jade's flat gave the film a good claustrophobic feel. While there isn't a huge amount of gore there is some injury detail, suitably unpleasant moments including a surprising early death and some nicely disturbing body horror. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of low budget horror.
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Rebus (2024– )
A reboot for the gritty Edinburgh detective
8 June 2024
Detective Sergeant John Rebus isn't above breaking the rules, as we see in the prologue where he almost kills a suspect. A year after those events he is partnered with DC Siobhan Clarke. Together they are tasked with investigating the attempted murder of a known gangster on a busy Edinburgh street. A robbery at a drug dealing flat over the Forth in Fife will only lead to tensions in the area escalating. Rebus will ultimately come to realise that somebody close to him is getting increasingly caught up in events.

In the previous TV versions of Rebus he is depicted as a somewhat world weary Detective Inspector but here he is a young DS, it isn't a prequel though as it is set in the present. The series effectively introduces key characters and sets up a gripping story. It is more violent and sweary than the typical TV cop/detective drama and , despite some shots of the more attractive parts of Edinburgh, is largely set in less salubrious parts giving the series a grittier feel than its predecessor. Having a hard drinking protagonist with a broken marriage may be a bit of a cliché but he does feel believable also we must remember the character was created some time ago. The cast does a fine job; I particularly liked Richard Rankin's performance as Rebus. The first series leaves many unanswered questions so clearly the BBC is hoping this will do well enough to justify further series... I certainly hope we get plenty more.
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Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
The Doctor and Ruby take a back seat in this satire of social media addiction
7 June 2024
As this episode opens Lindy Pepper-Bean, an inhabitant of Finetime, wakes up. She immediately activates her dot and bubble... a miniature computer system and VR projector system which lets her chat to friends all day long. It even directs her where to walk as it obscures the view of the outside world. One of her friends asks about a mutual acquaintance who seems to have disappeared but she isn't interested. While at work she is contacted by The Doctor, who she blocks, then Ruby. She is warned that creatures are literally eating the people of Finetime; she takes some persuading but even when she learns the truth she has difficulty coping in the real world. Can The Doctor and Ruby save her and the rest of Finetime?

I think this may have been the best episode so far of the latest series. The satire on those addicted to the internet to the neglect of real life might not be subtle but it is effective and provides a tense story. Tension is increased by having things centred on Lindy Pepper-Bean, a character we've not seen before and won't expect to see again; this makes it possible to believe that she might not make it even though we know that The Doctor rarely fails. Callie Cooke did an impressive job as Lindy; she is rarely off screen and really carried the episode. Overall a really good episode that managed to go in unexpected directions without it feeling out of place. I certainly hope for more episodes of this quality.

The world of Finetime seems happy and harmonious. But an awful terror is preying on the citizens. Can the Doctor and Ruby make them see the truth before it's too late?
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RoOT/Route of Odd Taxi
6 June 2024
This ten part Japanese drama is centred on two detectives, nineteen year old Reina and her partner, new recruit Sato. An investigation involving a taxi leads to a bigger case; the disappearance of a young woman. The case will lead them into dangerous situations.

When I came across this series on Crunchyroll I was intrigued as the vast majority of what they show is anime but this is live action. It turned out to be rather fun. I liked how most of the episodes concentrated on the investigation before extended backs of what really happened to the missing girl before returning to the present for the denouement. Weekly twenty two minute long episodes did lead to a slight problem as I occasionally forgot key details between episodes; luckily for new viewers this won't be a problem as they can obviously watch several together. The cast, particularly the leads, do a solid job; giving the series a light but never silly feel. Overall I'd certainly recommend this.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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A solid French Canadian crime drama
5 June 2024
This French Canadian crime drama is set in Montreal and opens with Anthony Kamal starting his first day forking for a special unit of the local police. Here he meets his new boss, Maryse Ferron; veteran officer Bernard Dupin and sketch artist Eve Garance. Eve has the ability to 'read' people and coax them to reveal details they didn't realise they'd seen to come up with accurate likenesses of suspects and the crime scene. She is also bi-polar and haunted by the disappearance of her baby son many years previously. Other characters have their own problems too. Most cases last two episodes but there are elements that run through the series.

I've watched many series in French but I think this is the first French Canadian show I've watched. On the strength of this I wouldn't mind checking out a few more. The cases are interesting and our protagonists are varied and likeable. It also manages to provide some interesting surprises. Having two episode cases alongside longer running stories is effective; giving satisfaction each time one is solved while keeping one interested in the longer plot arcs. It does inevitably require some suspension of disbelief... I couldn't describe somebody I see every day in the detail witnesses recall following a glimpse some time ago. The cast does a solid job bringing their characters to life. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of subtitled crime dramas.

These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.
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Doctor Who: 73 Yards (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Ruby takes centre stage in this delightfully strange episode
2 June 2024
As this episode starts Ruby and The Doctor arrive on a Welsh clifftop. As they walk from the Tardis The Doctor mentions the most dangerous Welshman; Prime Minister Roger ap Gwilliam... then realises he is somebody in the future so quickly changes the subject. The Doctor steps into a fairy circle and vanishes leaving Ruby alone. She spots a strange woman in the distance, who moves way whenever she tries to approach; always remaining seventy three yards away. Anybody the woman talks to runs away and shuns Ruby. Years pass but the woman remains, a constant presence that makes her life difficult. Will she ever see The Doctor again?

I thought this was a solid episode. Having The Doctor absent for most of the story actually improved matters... deep down viewers know he will be back so he and Ruby can have another adventure in the next episode but the longer he is away the more one wonders how it will be resolved. Early scenes are nicely creepy with folkloric elements and a pub that is only a tiny bit more friendly than the one in 'An American Werewolf in London'! No one is likely to be surprised that the dangerous PM turns out to be a warmongering nationalist, I can't see RTD featuring an equally dangerous 'loony lefty' in one of his stories. I quite liked the fact that it isn't disclosed what the old woman says that makes people shun Ruby; if we'd been told I suspect it would have been a bit of a let-down, as it is we can imagine anything. The resolution isn't the strongest but at least it resets things for the next adventure. The acting is solid with Millie Gibson really carrying the episode as Ruby. Overall a pretty good episode, any quibbles are relatively minor.
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Death Club (2023)
What will happen when five obnoxious characters enter the 'Death Club'?
25 May 2024
As this film opens five twentysomething friends; two girls, three boys; meet up outside and abandoned dance club; dubbed the 'Death Club' due to a number of fatal incidence that are reported to have occurred there. Initially the group wait for a sixth friend but when he doesn't show they break into the club without him. Once in they explore a bit then sit down for a drink and to partake in illegal substances. Soon things start to get strange; they start seeing things and each in turn is confronted by their various character flaws... is the club haunted or was there something in the drugs they took?

I thought this was a somewhat mixed film. On the plus side the abandoned club had a great atmosphere and things got nicely creepy at times. The mythology concerning the club was quickly established and helped in adding to the feel of the place. The idea of people being forced to confront past misdeeds isn't the most original, 'Flatliners' did it decades ago, but it is still effective. On the downside the characters were fairly unlikable from the start so it is hard to really worry about them when things get scary. At first I wasn't too impressed by the acting but to be fair they were playing obnoxious characters and certainly succeeded in coming across as obnoxious so it is hard to say they failed. Overall this isn't a must see but it does have a good atmosphere and as it is under eighty minutes in length it hardly outstays its welcome.
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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
A genuinely tense instalment
22 May 2024
This episode sees The Doctor and Ruby arrive on a planet where soldiers have been fighting an unseen foe. Moments after they arrive The Doctor steps on a landmine; it doesn't detonate immediately as it needs to scan him, for reasons that become apparent later but he knows that if he steps off it will go off. While The Doctor remains on the mine he and Ruby are joined by one of the soldiers and the daughter of one of the war's casualties... gradually The Doctor figures out the true nature of the war being fought.

Even though everybody watching will know that The Doctor and Ruby will ultimately survive this still manages to be a really tense episode and just because our protagonists are safe it doesn't mean that other characters are. The setting felt like a throwback to the classic Doctor Who I watched as a child... it could so easily have been filmed in a disused gravel pit! Unlike the previous two episodes there was little in the way of 'humour' and it was all the better for that. Overall I'd say this was a pretty solid episode; I hope it is a sign of things to come.
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Six short episodes showing two women's involvement with The Dark Side
19 May 2024
Like the previous 'Tales of the Jedi' this series consists of six fairly short episodes.

The first three show us how Morgan Elspeth, the sole survivor when the Droid Army attacked her people, the Night Sisters, gradually moves to the dark side. This is shown in three time periods, the first episode is during the separatists' revolt against the Republic; the second is during the age of the Empire and finally we see her as magistrate of Corvus; the roll she had when first introduced to viewers in 'The Mandalorian'.

The second three follow Barriss Offee, the former Jedi who was jailed for treason after betraying Ahsoka. After Order 66 and the rise of the Empire she is released to be trained as an Inquisitor and hunt surviving Jedi, a role she has growing doubts about.

I thought this was a solid little series that can easily by watched in a single sitting. The characters are minor compared to those depicted in 'Tales of the Jedi' but that didn't stop it being interesting. Each story had a solid character arc which differed nicely from each other. The animation is top notch and the voice cast does a great job bringing the characters to life. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to 'Star Wars' fans and hope we get more 'Star Wars Tales of...' in future.
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Sparrow (I) (2010)
A low budget Anglo-Polish slasher
16 May 2024
As this film opens four friends go camping in the woods and are picked off, one by one, by a machete wielding maniac. Sometime later another group of friends, three boys and three girls, head into the same woods. They set up camp and one of them tells of an urban legend about 'Ranger Sparrow' who killed his wife and her lover in those very woods and is, if the story is to be believed, still out there killing those who venture into the woods. Of course none of them take it seriously until strange things start happening... will any of them make it out alive?

Few people will find this anything but utterly predictable; the only questions are 'in what order will they die?' and 'will any survive?'. Given that the characters are somewhat irritating one isn't likely to care all that much. They are meant to be friends but don't behave like it; they constantly argue and seem to dislike each other. 'Ranger Sparrow' just appears out of nowhere and kills those who are separated from the group; usually stabbing them with his machete... machetes don't work that way they are hacking or slashing weapons! There was no real sense of location; it was filmed in Poland, the group drove a car with New York plates and the cast were English but at no point talked about where they were meant to be; the fact that I spent much of the film pondering this showed how little the main plot gripped me. Overall I'd not call this a must see, not by any stretch of the imagination; it is just about okay if you like the genre and aren't too fussy.
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Suddenly in Dark Night
14 May 2024
This Korean psychological horror is set in a large remote house where biology professor Kang Yu-jin lives with his wife Seon-hee and their young daughter. When he returns from his latest butterfly collecting expedition he shows slides of various species he saw to colleagues, amongst them is picture of a strange wooden doll, he has no explanation as to how it got there. Following his next outing he returns with nineteen year old Mi-ok, a girl who was orphaned after her mother, a shaman, died in a fire. He suggests the family take her on as a maid. She has just one possession from her past... the strange wooden doll from the picture. At first she fits in okay but soon Seon-hee becomes convinced something is going on between Mi-ok and Yu-jin and has nightmares involving the doll. Is she imagining things or is something sinister going on? Either way her sanity will be tested.

When I started watching this I had no real idea what to expect; I've seen a few Korean horror films but none that were this old. It turned out to be quite different from the ones I had seen. For the most part it eschews gore in favour of creating an atmosphere where the viewer is unsure if what they are seeing is real or something Seon-hee may be imagining. This proves to be enjoyably disturbing. The special effects may be pretty basic but they are effective at adding to the film's atmosphere. The cast does a solid job, especially Kim Young-ae who is convincingly terrified as Seon-hee. It was somewhat, if accidentally, amusing that during the mildly erotic scenes the music used had been lifted from 'Flash Gordon'! Overall a solid film that I'd certainly recommend to fans of K-horror who would like to see something older than most that are available.

These comments are based on watching the film in Korean with English subtitles.
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Andor (2022– )
An impressive prequel series to a prequel film
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The character Cassian Andor was introduced to us in 'Rogue One', the film that showed us how the Death Star plans were leaked prior to the events in the original Star Wars film. This series shows us what happened to him in the years before that. When we first meet him he is searching for his long lost sister but only finds trouble in the form of two local security officers. They don't survive the encounter but he is far from safe. His activity has come to the notice Deputy Inspector Syril Karn, an ambitious man who won't stop looking and who will ultimately put Andor on the Empire's radar. Andor finds himself working with rebel elements; something that will only put him, and those close to him, in greater danger.

Having enjoyed 'Star Wars' films since 1977, even the ones many fans don't like, I was still unsure about spin off TV series... it turned out I needn't have worried as I enjoyed them too. This is the final series I came to and must say it might just be the best yet. There is a good amount of action but unlike most of Star Wars it feels gritty. Rebels will do bad things for the advancement of the cause and far from being depicted as evil most of those working for the Empire are fairly ordinary people who believe what they are doing is the right thing for a stable galaxy. As well as Cassian we follow several key characters on both sides and they develop nicely as the story progresses. The series uses impressive locations and the effects look real; clearly a lot of care was taken to get thing looking right. The cast, which includes plenty of familiar faces, does a great job. Overall I really liked this and can't wait for season two. I hope we get more Star Wars series of this quality.
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Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
An improvement on the previous episode
13 May 2024
In the prologue to this story a music teacher in 1925 plays a 'forbidden note', the devil's note and as a result a strange woman, identifying herself as Maestro emerges from his piano. Back in the present The Doctor asks Ruby if there is anywhere (anywhen) she would like to go; she tells him she'd love to watch The Beatles recording their first album. They manage to blag their way into the studio but the first song is not what they expected; the words are trite and the music bland. The world no longer has proper music and if The Doctor and Ruby don't bring it back by defeating Maestro humanity will be doomed.

After the admittedly low bar set by 'Space Babies' this is a real step up. The story was imaginative and more importantly it was fun. Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson continue to impress as The Doctor and Ruby and Jinkx Monsoon was suitably over the top as Maestro. The effects were good. The only part of the story I wasn't keen on was the 'twist at the end'... I really could have done without that but that is just a matter of personal taste; others may love it. Overall an improvement on the series opener; hopefully things will continue to improve.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Okay meat-headed action
12 May 2024
As this, the fourth instalment in the series, gets underway a group of ne'er-do-wells is attacking a base in Libya and stealing nuclear triggers. The Expendables are sent in to stop them but the mission does not go to plan; not only do the villains get away with the triggers but one of our protagonists is killed. The team are tasked with going after the attackers to prevent a nuclear conflict and identify 'Ocelot' the man behind the attack. They will be one man short though; Lee Christmas has been removed for disobeying orders on the previous mission... that won't stop him though. They will be reunited on a freighter heading into Russian waters with a nuclear bomb primed to detonate.

If you want plenty of violent action and aren't too demanding this is okay... of course that means it will be somewhat disappointing to fans of previous instalments, in particular the first two. There may be lots of action but the CGI isn't that great. Action fans know what they are seeing isn't real but it should at least look real. The story is okay; it serves to justify the action and has a couple of twists. The cast can clearly do the action and Jason Statham steps up to take the lead in impressively. There are some fine additions to the cast, most notably Iko Uwais, best known to Western views from 'The Raid', as Suarto Rahma and Tony Jaa, of 'Ong Bak' fame as Decha Unai, a former Expendable. The action is fairly mixed, as stated before the CGI is disappointing but the close-quarter fighting and much of the stunt work is still pretty good. Overall not a great film but it passes the time well enough if you just want some meat-headed action.
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Doctor Who: Space Babies (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
A weak start to the new series
12 May 2024
After being introduced to the new Doctor and his new companion, Ruby Sunday, it is time for their first proper adventure together. After some exposition where the Doctor tells Ruby, and new viewers, about himself and the Tardis they set off into the far future and find themselves aboard a space station. They encounter a monster before fleeing to a higher level where they find babies growing in glass jars... not only that there are babies that appear to be running the station after the adults abandoned the facility. Will they be able to discover the nature of the creature and get the babies to safety? What do you think?

I started watching the original Doctor Who series in the seventies; enjoyed the reboot series, even most of the episodes other fans disliked, and after the introduction of the new Doctor and Companion had high hopes for this. First the positives; I thought Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson are great as The Doctor and Ruby and the special effects show that more money is available now Disney are on board. The exposition, necessary to introduce the characters to new viewers was swiftly and effectively dealt with. Unfortunately this wasn't enough to save the episode as the Space Babies, which could have been either cute or creepy, managed to be cringe inducing instead. The nature of the monster is a bit silly but should appeal to younger viewers, who were always a key demographic for Doctor Who. I did enjoy nods to sci-fi classics Alien and 2001 - A Space Odyssey, done in ways that won't affect enjoyment for people who haven't seen those films. Overall a disappointing start to the new series but with enough good points to keep me watching later episodes.
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Decent enough slow burn horror
10 May 2024
As this film opens a couple stop off at a remote New England lodge to ask for directions... they don't come out alive. Thirty years later old friends Maddy and V are going away for a spa holiday together; things don't go to plan as Maddy's college friends, who V didn't know had been invited, show up and say that a group of wealthy young men had invited them all to stay with them for a few days at an exclusive lodge. V isn't pleased and it isn't long before displeasure becomes concern that something is off about their hosts. By the time we learn just how off they are it may be too late.

I thought this was a decent enough, if somewhat overlong, horror film. It opened well in the short prologue before introducing the main characters. V and Maddy are likeable, unlike Maddy's college friends who are irritating from the moment they show up. The premise is solid enough if not the most original and once at the lodge it drags somewhat more than necessary before the gory denouement. The cast is okay; I particularly thought Victoria Mirrer did a good job as V. The effects may have been fairly low budget and confined to the finale but it was nice to see physical effects rather than obvious CGI. Overall I'd say this is far from a must see but it isn't terrible either; worth watching once if you enjoy the genre.
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Spy/Master (2023)
A solid Cold War drama
8 May 2024
As this six part series opens it is 1978 and the Cold War is still ongoing. Victor Godeanu, a member of the Romanian intelligence services and advisor to President Nicolae Ceausescu, walks in to the US Embassy in Bonn intending to defect. He has second thoughts when he sees a woman he recognises. Early episodes intertwine current events with the events that happened a few days previously that ultimately led him to decide he must leave his homeland and his wife and daughter. Eventually he does meet with CIA agent Frank Jackson. As soon as his disappearance becomes known the Romanians are determined that his treachery will be punished. He may be in West Germany but he is far from safe, neither are his family back home.

I thought this was a gripping series. It captured Cold War tension and had a real sense of danger. There was also a sense of intrigue; Victor's world was very murky leading to his motives not being too obvious. While the story is fictitious the way it used real events, most obviously the Camp David peace talks, gave it a feeling of reality. The cast was solid although I can understand Romanian viewers being more particular concerning those playing real people such as Ceausescu and his wife. At six episodes in length the series neither feels rushed nor does it drag. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of cold war drama.
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Hanna's Homecoming (2018 TV Movie)
5 May 2024
As this film opens Hanna returns to her remote village home after being at boarding school for three years. It soon becomes clear that the locals have a problem with her. Her mother vanished some years before and shortly afterwards the bodies of three men were found in the nearby marsh. They believe her mother was a witch and she might be as well! Hanna does manage to make one friend; a city girl named Eva who lives in a cabin in the marsh with her grandmother. Soon people start having 'accidents'; is Hanna really a witch, is somebody else behind them or is the explanation more down to earth?

This film, retitled 'Witchcraft' on Amazon Prime, is a solid chiller. It starts well with the isolated location and unfriendly locals creating a good atmosphere. It isn't too long before things start happening that create doubts about our protagonist and hint at worse things so come. While it isn't gory there are a few scary moments. The cast is solid enough, especially Valerie Stoll and Milena Tscharntke who play Hanna and Eva respectively. I thought the resolution was pretty good; neither to obvious nor overly unexpected. Overall a decent chiller that is worth a watch if you are a fan of the genre.

These comments are based on watching the film in German with English subtitles.
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Princess of Mars (2009 Video)
Entertaining in a low budget kind of way
3 May 2024
John Carter is a sniper serving in the US Army in Afghanistan. Following a serious injury suffered in the line of duty he if forced to take part in an experimental teleportation operation. He is sent to the fourth planet in the Alpha Centuri system; a planet the locals call Barsoom. When he awakens there he discovered that here he has the ability to jump great distances but is still captured by the reptilian Tharks. After helping during an attack he gains the trust of their leader. Later the group capture human Princess Dejah Thoris who was on a mission to take the new operator to run the planetary air-cleaning station... if what she says is true the atmosphere will become unbreathable if anything goes wrong at the plant... inevitably things will go wrong at it will be up to John Carter to save the day; but not before he has faced other dangers.

Perhaps it is because I expected so little of this that I ended up rather enjoying it. Yes, the plot is pretty simple, the effects are basic at best and the acting isn't going to be award winning but is far from terrible. It was more fun than I expected. Antonio Sabato Jr was solid as John Carter; I felt that he successfully avoided both taking it too seriously and the opposite and treating is as a joke. Not having read the books I can't say how close this is to the source material; obviously there are some changes as John Carter comes from the present day not the nineteenth century. The 'Mars' of this film has a good enough look even if the Vasquez Rocks filming location will be familiar to anybody who watched the original 'Star Trek' series. Overall I'd say that this film passes the time well enough if you like low budget sci-fi.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
An enjoyable 'Clone Wars' spin-off
2 May 2024
The 'Bad Batch' of clone troopers were first introduced in 'Clone Wars'; this series shows what happened to them after Order 66 caused troopers to turn against the Jedi. These aren't ordinary troopers; each of them has specific skills and after Order 66 is given all but one of them turn against the new empire. They leave the clone facility on Kamino along with a young female clone named Omega. She was part of an important Imperial experiment and they are desperate to get her back. Over the course of the series The Bad Batch and Omega will get involved in a number of stand-alone stories while ongoing series long plots continue.

Based on their appearance in 'Clone Wars' I wasn't sure how the 'Bad Batch' could make up a whole series... thankfully the makers did and provide a really good show. We get to know the group much better and their characters develop nicely; especially the one that remains loyal to the Empire. Young main characters can be somewhat irritating but Omega is likable and not overly precocious or whiny. It was a refreshing change for a Star Wars series to be centred on relatively normal characters rather than Force Users. The stories are gripping with all the action one would expect from a 'Star Wars' series. The animation is of a high standard; when faces aren't on show one could almost be forgiven for forgetting that it is an animated series. The only minor quibble is that one really does need to watch many episodes in a dark room if you want to make out what is going on as the settings are dark. Overall an impressive series that Star Wars fans are likely to really enjoy.
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Invincible: Atom Eve (2023 TV Movie)
The origins of Atom Eve
30 April 2024
This 'Invincible' spin off takes place before the events of the main series and concentrates on the origins of Atom Eve. We follow her from her birth to being a young girl with an instinct for science before she gains the power to change matter at an atomic level. Gaining powers gives her opportunities but also causes problems with friends and her adoptive parents as well as authorities who want her for their own purposes.

I enjoyed the first two seasons of 'Invincible' and liked the character Atom Eve so thought this would be worth watching... I was right. It gives a lot more depth to the character. It was enjoyable seeing her powers emerging; especially later on when she confronts various dangers and demonstrates just how powerful she will become. There are some nicely comic moments; I laughed out loud when one crook asked her if she was a Power Puff Girl! There are also more emotional moments as it becomes clear not everybody can accept who she really is. Overall I really enjoyed this special episode and would definitely recommend it to 'Invincible' fans.
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Dodsworth (1936)
An American marriage hits the rocks in interwar Europe
28 April 2024
As this film opens successful businessman Samuel Dodsworth sells the car company he founded. With his wife, Fran, he plans an extended trip to Europe. Soon after they set sail aboard the, then new, Queen Mary, it becomes apparent that they want different things in life. While she flirts with Captain Lockert, a young Englishman, he befriends American expat Edith Cortright, who lives in Naples. Following a 'misunderstanding' with Lockert, Fran insists they bypass England and head to France. It soon becomes obvious that their marriage is in real trouble.

I thought this was a pretty solid film. The characters felt real and managed to be sympathetic; it was easy to understand why the Dodsworths were drifting apart even if one party was more to blame than the other. The cast is impressive; Walter Huston is solid as Sam Dodsworth as is Mary Astor as Edith. However for me Ruth Chatterton stood out as Fran, a less likeable character who is overly concerned about growing older. It was fun to see David Niven appear in an early roll a Lockert. Sets and locations are good; one could be forgiven for thinking it was shot on location in Europe rather than in America. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of older films; it may not be full of action but the characters feel real.
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It Comes at Night
25 April 2024
Minthe Hellheim's life is about to get difficult; through no fault of her own she is about to lose her accommodation and her job. Then she gets offered a new job; surveying and restoring an old watermill near the town of Hellheim. It is no coincidence that she shares her name with the town; as a baby she was found there and taken into care. She isn't keen to go back but has little choice. Once there she learns more about her job then heads to the mill, which is situated in the remote Wolf Valley. She is instructed to stay away from the out building and the mute woman who lives there. It is a mysterious place and locals talk of ancient myths concerning the mill and what has happened there. Before the film is over she will learn more about the place, and herself.

I thought this was a decent enough film. The location created a good atmosphere and it did a solid job creating the mythology of the place. Unfortunately it never really got scary, succeeding only to get to the level of a bit creepy. Diana Maria Frank does an impressive job as Minthe and the rest of the cast are solid. There is little violence to speak of and what there is tends to happen out of view. Overall I'd not say this was a must see but if you prefer chills to outright scares it passes the time well enough.

These comments are based on watching the film in German with English subtitles.
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Fallout (2024– )
You do not need to have played the game to enjoy this series
22 April 2024
This series opens in a time that looks very like the 1950s shortly before rising tensions lead to nuclear destruction. Moving forward two hundred years we find ourselves in Vault 33, one of a number of subterranean structures where the lucky few survived and their descendants await the day that it will be safe to return to the surface and rebuild America. When outsiders manage to enter the vault and kidnap its leader his daughter Lucy heads out into the wasteland hoping to find him. Here she will encounter many dangers. At the same time Maximus, a squire in the Brotherhood of Steel is given the task of assisting the mech-suited Knight Titus on a mission to capture a certain individual. When Titus is killed Maximus dons the armour and continues the mission. Also looking for the individual is a bounty hunter known as 'The Ghoul'... events will lead to these three crossing paths as more is discovered about the world they inhabit; things they don't realise themselves. Back in Vault 33 Lucy's brother Norm gradually learns further facts about the people that run their lives.

I've not played the game so have no preconceived ideas about what the show should look like. I can't say whether that is for the better or worse but I can say I really enjoyed it. It quickly and effectively introduced key characters and the world they inhabit and the story moves at a good pace. Every episode provides plenty of tension and fairly violent action as well as interesting revelations. Such a story could easily take itself too seriously but this manages to provide plenty of laugh out loud moments. I thought the cast did a fine job bringing their characters to life. The sets and locations are great; the vaults have a believable look and the locations have a suitably abandoned look. This might be because in at least one case the real long-abandoned town of Kolmanskop, in Namibia, is used. Similarly I liked the use of mostly physical special effects rather than the CGI more modern films and shows use. The retro soundtrack was fun and added to the feel of the action; especially when a light song played over more violent moments. Overall I'd definitely recommend this to fans of post-apocalyptic sci-fi whether you've played the games or not; I can't wait for season two.
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River of Fear (2021)
River of Fear
21 April 2024
This Latvian film features a group who plan to film a commercial for vegetarian sausages in a remote river, and surrounding forest, near the Estonian border. The employ Andrejs to be their guide; he is unimpressed by their lack of safety concerns. Red flags should have been seen when they get to the river and are approached by a local who reprimands them and warns them against going into the forest. Things soon start getting strange; Andrejs suddenly finds himself naked in a forest pool. There is no sign of anybody else. He sets off looking for them and meets some strange and unpleasant characters along the way.

I admit that the main reason I watched this film was that I'd not seen a film from Latvia before. I wasn't disappointed. The plot was a little confusing at times but that didn't bother me as it added to the film's atmosphere. The river through a forest setting isn't exactly original; something the makers acknowledge with a reference to 'Deliverance'. That doesn't stop it being effective though. I don't know if it is referencing local folklore but certain elements certainly feel folkloric. The cast is solid enough; the sort one expects in a low budget fare. It is hard to assign this to a particular genre; there are horror elements but no real scares or gore, just a constant sense that something isn't quite right. Overall a decent enough film but not really a must see unless you are curious to see what sort of film Latvians make.

These comments are based on watching the film in Latvian with English subtitles.
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