
36 Reviews
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Corner Gas Animated (2018–2021)
Acceptable but an odd reworking. Works better as audio only radio plays.
25 May 2023
It seems to me that this would be a slight shock to serious Corner Gas fans. The animation style works with some characters - Oscar, for one. Some are just strange. The "Officer Karen Pelly" character has strange movements and always smiling. It's bizarre and unsettling. The voice acting and sound levels are just...bad. I adore the actors involved but the technical side of things let them down. The *swoosh* fantasy asides are obviously "inspired" by Family Guy and just embarrassing nonsense. This would be a disaster if not for the fact that Corner Gas has always worked well as audio-only entertainment. This is much better, in my opinion, as a radio show, with your imagination to fill in the visuals. One does get used to the animation after a while and some early rough edges are smoothed somewhat. No matter what - it's Corner Gas and essential for the completist.
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A wild love letter to fans of the series with some interesting twists
8 May 2023
As an unabashed fan of the series...I was apprehensive of a movie version and viewed it with an extremely cynical eye. It pulled me in immediately with the wonderful visuals. The aerial view of Dog River had me freeze framing early on. The story begins with explosive events and the film tells what led up to such bizarre occurrences. The characters are essentially the same as in the series with a few exceptions: the characters of Wanda & Hank. Both of their negative character traits, while whimsical in the series, are highly exaggerated here. While it's understood that their actions propel the story along, I never expected to be actively angry with beloved characters. The character of Brent also crosses the line into being infuriatingly obtuse. I have no idea if this was intended, but I was getting a Seinfeld finale vibe. One where you reexamine the characters you were once in the habit of rooting for when they're revealed to be self-centered to the point of toxicity. This was hammered home when we actually get to visit Wullerton and see the contrast. An expectant Tara Spencer-Nairn isn't featured much, but she makes the most of her time on screen. My favorite part of this whole movie? Having a scooter written into the film for Emma's mobility, insuring that Janet Wright wouldn't lose any screen time in her final film. So, yes. If you are a Corner Gas fan...I recommend this highly. You may be challenged in unexpected ways and have your expectations subverted a bit, but this was a super-fun farewell to Dog River.
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I'm Haunted (2022)
Surprisingly good low budget "found footage" - Not groundbreaking, but decent.
14 December 2022
This was completely unexpected. Much better than it appears on the surface. No new ground is broken, but this movie did exceed my expectations. One hour and 15 minutes long and not a lot of padding.

The basic story is a video log of supernatural occurrences afflicting the protagonist. The story gets going immediately and gets the viewer at least curious right off. Elizabeth Chamberlain is our lead and she does a solid and convincing job. The film is gently eerie and peppered with some surprisingly chilling moments. The viewer gets used to watching the lead actress speak and attention eventually gets paid to everything that is happening in the room behind her. The tension gets slowly ratcheted up as you find yourself studying the kitchen cabinets and hallways behind her while she speaks.

The bad news: The film loses a bit of it's impact when additional characters are introduced. The second half of the movie falters a bit. The story is all over the place, aspects are chilling, but there aren't really any rules established or much explained. Our lead character starts making odd decisions that don't quite seem to make sense.

All in was a good watch. For such a short film, it was packed with interesting moments. Scary? Not really. Creepy? Definitely.
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Saloum (2021)
Solid, multifaceted, action horror film plateaus halfway, remaining entertaining.
9 December 2022
To compare this to any Tarantino film is shallow and insulting. This film, although flawed, holds some actual originality instead of thinly disguised ideas "borrowed" from other films. The first half of the film is solid. Interesting characters in an interesting situation. The second half of the film reminds us that this is a horror film. If you have a pathological dislike for CGI - this film might not be your thing. Personally, I found the CGI as interesting as it can be...but it does take away from the realism established in the first half of the film. Interesting to see what looks to be Kumpo dance imagery. The cinematography and acting were great. The presence of a compelling story drives this film, elevating it above tired, old comparisons.
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Death Count (2022)
Embarrassing and laughable on nearly every level!
9 December 2022
Abysmal. This film makes Nine Dead (2010) look like an absolute masterpiece. Easily the worst of the chained up in a room films. No story at all and incredibly cheap. The villain looks like he walked in from Land Of Doom (1986). Upon seeing his getup, I was convinced this might be a parody of sorts. Nope. If you are a fan of Michael may be disappointed. Madsen exhibits a stellar example of "phoning it in" that doesn't even qualify as acting. His paycheck was likely the biggest part of the budget and not money well spent. I mentioned that there is no story. They don't even try to tell any sort of story. Vague hints are dropped but nothing is explained, even in a skeletal manner. It's literally a string of tropes unconvincingly stitched together. Chained up people mutilate themselves at the behest of a mysterious villain. That is the story. Idiot detective characters pad the run time. I'm aware that it's a common and lazy insult to say a movie seems like it was written by juveniles. This one genuinely feels like it was written by and for sixth graders based on Saw tropes. The one positive? The practical gore effects were occasionally serviceable. Sure, some were of the "squirty kinfe" variety....but the effects department, in general, seemed to at least try. It's still not enough to recommend this film except as an example of how not to make a movie.
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Rabid (2019)
A Gore & body horror experience that's better than most.
24 November 2022
I generally detest remakes. This film eventually came into it's own and, although imperfect, deserves it's place.

Positives: The color palette is wonderful. Sickly jaundice with swipes, dots, and splashes of a severe, contrasting red. The make-up in the first half of the film made me had me adequately convinced enough to cringe and/or wince. I enjoyed the first half of the film more than the second. Acting was fine although a few characters really came off as caricatures. Directing and script were fine as well. Movie flowed well with little lag. The bad: This is all subjective, but I found the editing sort of odd. The film feels like a Horror film and then occasionally has these ugly Rob Cummings Zombie nonsense music video flashes. I get what they were going for but instead of dramatic tension or unsettling feeling - It stopped the movie dead (for me). A dream sequence that was really quite embarrassing...but, if you liked The Cell (2000), you may not mind it. This film is more solid than a lot of Horror efforts with a larger budgets and much better than some other reviews might lead you to believe.
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The Cellar (2022)
Audiophile horror for limbo afficionados. Not bad at all...just basic.
20 November 2022
Haunted house film. I liked what they were attempting to do. This one was a bit confounding for the seasoned viewer. High production values and nice visuals. The technological aspect is enticing, but never fleshed out. Solid acting. Some interesting ideas are unfortunately crushed by cliches. The story was a fine mysterious set-up. This sounds like faint praise but this might be a good film for young teen horror fans. It felt, at times like a good introductory film for a younger set who dig the occult. Poses interesting afterlife questions for discussions about what it all was supposed to mean. It was obviously a short film expanded to "feature" length. The padding is obvious and feels unnecessary. (caught The Ten Steps (2004), the short that was the basis for this film - recommended!) The characters act as you might expect in these films. The story heads in a direction that is fairly simple. Might be fun for fans of audiophile horror and demonic records. This movie wasn't bad at all...just filled with a lot of unused potential.
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Whirlwind of familiarity manages some unique creepy horror fun moments
10 November 2022
Indonesian horror film that reminded me of Terrified (2017), The Shining (1980), The Gate (1987), and approximately 238 haunted apartment building films. It was fun enough and had enough young protagonists that I was initially inclined to suggest it as an intermediate horror film for early-teens. I changed my mind when I realized that it's not really a good film to get too attached to any characters. It's violent, gory, and has some solid make-up that was genuinely creepy. Some excellent set pieces. The film takes advantage of blinking lights and sudden room illumination via lightning for many of it's scares. A few moments were chilling enough to have stuck with me. The story itself was fairly easy to follow (this is a sequel, by the way, a fact I learned after viewing. It didn't seem to detract from the flow or require having seen the first film). Plenty is left for you to assume until towards the end when the film dumps almost too much information on you. I found the Indonesian culture and burial practices interesting. The characters and actors were all solid. No one was unwatchable. The film is two hours long and feels it. I'm not going to complain much because it kept me interested all the way through. I enjoyed having trope after trope flung at me because some did have interesting twists. I liked it and can't think of any real reasons not to recommend it. I'm definitely going to seek out the first film, which should be a recomendation in itself.
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Leaving D.C. (2012)
Exceptional low budget film - slow, quiet, and genuinely unsettling.
26 October 2022
Unsettling and creepy on a micro budget. The story draws you in by being credible and normal. The set up is essentially a video diary. This lends to the realism of why things being recorded in the first place. No mythologies to try and wrap your head around. You are brought along on a one man show and promptly immersed in the story. In this film the journey is an anxious, enjoyable one, but the destination - not so much. A forgiving nature may be required for the ending...but all movies have to end somehow. I'm going to recommend this as something best appreciated at night, in the dark, alone.
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Deadstream (2022)
A found footage haunted house horror comedy that actually works! Quite fun.
18 October 2022
This is a found footage/haunted house film. It's also a comedy where the humor hits at multiple levels (something for everyone). It's a film firmly rooted in 2022, so it's destined to be a more of a time capsule curiosity rather than timeless. It had a decent set-up. Only two characters. Familiarity of the nature of YouTube streaming personalities is useful, but not required (There is a lot of humor to be read onscreen as you see a live stream chat and all the comments). The horror? It was actually quite fun! Practical effects that were charming. The setting was well-chosen and especially creepy. Listening to the lead character crack wise constantly didn't detract from some decent tension building. Had a few moments that I'd call gently chilling. Clever use of body cams in a survival horror situation. If you enjoyed the Evil Dead films - you'll feel quite comfortable with this one. The humor is all over the place and does approach zany Sam Raimi levels at times. Maintaining credible humor and horror at the same time can be difficult. The movie did start to falter a slight bit (you'll have the layout of the house memorized by film's end). Would have played better at an hour long, but any filler is forgivable. If you love haunted house investigations - I'd consider checking this out. This was pretty fun.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Depressing anxiety fuel. Adaptable to varied socital beliefs or ideologies
15 October 2022
Drone shots of the pastoral countryside won't cut it this time. This was a rough watch. All the components are laid out for you. You have seen this set-up 100 times before. Tense, while waiting for bad ones to do something to the innocents. The innocents in this film make particularly bad decisions, one after the other. Knowing nothing of Danish life or politics, I, curiously, found it was a film that opposing ideologies in the U. S. could attach themselves to as everyone seems to feel themselves denied a voice. Essentially, the film is about passivity and accommodating others to a fault. Any "message" gets lost in the cruel brutality, leaving me as if I'd just watched a high brow snuff film. Salò, this ain't.
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Altitude (2010)
So bad it might actually be fun for pilots, aviation fans (and aviation horror fans)
15 October 2022
Most reviews here will have already clued you in. This was not an enjoyable film. On the abysmal side, actually. Yes, that poster looked intriguing. That poster, while somewhat accurate, was still a little misleading. At points early on, I had to check a few times to confirm it wasn't: A teen-specific horror film, faith-based film, or a SyFy made for T. V. film. It was not. Then, it began to make me laugh. Out loud. The ridiculous decisions of the characters. The acting. The dialogue. I laughed at least a half dozen times in spite of myself. Low budget film in a single room setting. I had to watch to the end and see where all this nonsense was heading. To my surprise, the film did have a "point" if you can call it that. A tepid variation of a common twist ending. Why do I say it could be fun? Well, because it takes itself so seriously, and is so foolish, that it's somewhat unpredictable. I suspect that a pilot or aviation fan would have a wealth of things to nitpick and laugh at. The huge drawback here is the characters. A high tolerance for poorly acted caricatures will be required. I'd pair this film with Satanic (2016). Although it's set on the ground, it's another film with cast and characters you want to scream at (when you aren't laughing at earnest the bad dialogue is)
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Overused tropes brought together in an interesting and attractive fashion.
23 July 2022
Stylish horror worth checking out for light fun. If you enjoyed Terrified (2017) - this would be an ideal companion film for a double feature. This movie is a bit kitschier. The story is skeletal, occasionally predictable, and just enough to keep things always moving forward. It seemed to be a love letter to Bava and Argento in almost every way...Gothic overtones, and some of those characters! The flow made the viewing experience similar to reading a graphic novel or comic (better than Creepshow ever did). Some very striking and beautiful sequences and the lighting always seemed spot on. The hypnotism scene was so ambitious, fun, and well done. The basic Horror aspects of this film are rather common. Nothing here hasn't been seen before. The way they were put together, however, definitely held my interest. I was interested and curious which direction things would go. There are even a few genuine surprises. Some outrageous bits that were unintentionally amusing. Excellent practical effects. It was nothing I'd take seriously...but a very fun watch. For those confused by the ending - there is a post-credits sequence that spells it out.
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Low budget curiosity - Not that terrible (or great) and not deserving of such vitriol
10 July 2022
This reviewer took it for what it was (low budget and amateurish at times) and didn't mind it. Ambitious in spite of it's flaws. Another soldiers lost in the menacing forest film. Can't speak to the authenticity of the historic events, weapons, or garb (some of the dialogue seemed odd though). The plot makes more sense than The Terror (1963). Entire affair is minimal. Filmed nicely enough. Personally, I enjoy drone shots in the outdoors (every Horror film has one these days). The story is just OK. The acting was fine. Practical effects were passable. I agree with other reviewers about missed opportunities. I kept hoping for the story to move in a unique direction. It really didn't. The plot was the big let down. I can't actually recommend this film unless you are a war/horror film completest. I am...and don't feel any worse off for having watched it.
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Mad God (2021)
Adult fantasy horror - Outstanding on nearly every level.
25 June 2022
Did you LOVE the crew of the Nostromo exploring the mysterious derelict ship in Alien (1979)? Did you ADORE the scene in 30 Coins (2020) where the men were lowered into the abandoned, buried cathedral? Do you enjoy that Bed-Sitting Room (1969) aesthetic? This movie is the ultimate in surreal, grotesque, mysterious exploration. Layers upon layers of gorgeous visuals, riddled with clues. Shadow work, puppetry, stop motion, and a great deal of body horror and gore. There is as much of a story present as you may desire to unravel (hint: body horror). Observational skills and *patience* are rewarded. Some things are left to the viewer. Honestly, the visuals not only invite, but demand multiple viewings. play out in a similar fashion as video game cut screens. So, if you are adverse to an overriding sense of artificiality...this might not be for you. It's best when viewed as art, rather than relying on criteria normally used to interpret cinema.
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Freak Out (2015)
Well-made, tense military mystery slight supernatural undertones & dark humor.
10 June 2022
Israel/Palestinian tension infused mystery drama. Unique take on the empty military base setting. It's set up to be a horror just takes it's time before revealing what kind of horror. It's an illustration of military bro-culture and toxic masculinity. The story is solid enough and employs enough misdirection to keep things interesting without being overtly manipulative. The lead character feels like a genuine enough human. We get immediately dragged along on his journey and his questions and concerns become our own. There isn't a moment without some elevated level of tension...yet it's a pretty laid back film in how things are presented. Itay Zvolon definitely stood out as the lead. Zvolon was responsible for most of the delivery of the dark, dry humor. I enjoyed it all the way through. Common tropes were handled well. The biggest cliché was, thankfully, the end credit sequence. The handling of music was uneven overall...but there were some great songs included!
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Unique and engaging low budget horror - Nicely filmed and sincere
15 May 2022
This might seem like another low budget throwaway. It's low budget, but it's obvious that a great deal of care went into the making of this movie. When I say nicely filmed - i mean it. The composition of nearly every shot is outstanding. No exaggeration. For such a low budget film - this is unheard of. Nice job by cinematographer Scott Baisden. This is a horror/comedy. It's one of the more sincere films I've seen in while. It bumps silly moments against heartfelt and serious ones. There are a few creepy moments where the tension comes from literally not knowing what this film would pull out next. I don't buy Shawn Of The Dead (2004) comparisons. The lead (Daniel Falicki) does seem Simon Peggesque at times. This has more of a Bad Taste (1987) or Evil Dead (1981) feel to me. Grittier. The humor is scattershot and the banter peppered with pop culture references, both obvious and obscure. The lead character conveys quite well, the sense of perpetual misery caused by his exorcism talents. His performance is considerably more convincing than the mainstream attempts of portraying that "Constantine" character. I have absolutely no reason not to recommend this film to the horror fan. Any flaws are minor and overshadowed by cleverness or nifty camera work. Some minor aspects of make-up and stage dressing reveal the budget limitations. One dutch angle was a bit severe to my eyes. There's a vague non-ending which won't wrap anything up. This is more of a bizarre slice of life than an actual traditional story - make up your own ending if you need one. That's all the negative criticism I can muster. This film was such a surprise. This review was written after a third viewing. Highly recommended for aspiring horror filmmakers and camera operators. Even if you don't love it...i suspect you'll find something either amusing, unique, or enjoyable on some level. Vomit enthusiasts may also find this film of interest.
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The Twin (2022)
Variation of common horror theme holds it's own. Better than most.
10 May 2022
This film will feel very familiar due to an overused theme (grief). If you can somehow get around may enjoy this. Beautifully filmed (CGI cemetery was weird though) and the acting was solid all around. Atmospheric, but not particularly frightening. Not a fast moving film, but no noticeable filler. I can't think of a reason not to recommend this. Might pair nicely with Wake Wood (2009) for a double feature and exercise in contrast and comparison.
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Blight (2022)
Great quality beginning before falling completely apart.
10 May 2022
I wish I could recommend this film. I can't trash it completely because it started out quite good. The opening credits caught my eye right away. It began as a very good "found footage" style film. The cast is diverse and, for the most part, pretty convincing. The story was propelled forward at a reasonable pace. Just about halfway through...the characters became less real, any tension or suspense was contrived, and then it became an absolute flurry of cliches. The story falls apart to the point where no resolution would salvage it. I'd keep my eye on the filmmakers because the talent and potential is certainly there. It was an ambitious film with a good idea that just didn't work without a cohesive, original ending.
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First half great fun for lovers of dead media and TV signal hijacking - second half not so fun.
7 May 2022
The first half of the film was both compelling and quite creepy. Aficionados of obscure and dead media should love this. First half was solid, fun for the 70's/80's audio/video crowd with some genuinely unsettling moments. I was completely on board until the halfway point. Suddenly, nothing on the screen, especially the main character, was convincing anymore. It got bad so fast...I have to wonder if it was intentional. That's just an opinion. I might pair this one with the superior Choose or Die (2022) due to the vintage technology angle done credibly.
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The Triangle (2016)
Good slow burn "found footage" film of a slightly different variety.
2 May 2022
So - If you don't have the patience for a slow building film or need to have every aspect explained to will not enjoy this film. It will only leave you angry and confused. Aspects of the story are decidedly vague. There is a lot of handheld camerawork and (nicely done) split screens. I went into this film with the lowest of expectations. I'm still surprised at how engaging it turned out to be.

Found footage in rural Montana. That's all you need to know. The acting was solid and convincing. The build-up is slow and keeps you wondering which direction the film would eventually take (you won't likely guess right off). It's not by-the-numbers suspense and the feeling of menace and unease feels more nuanced and genuine than most. If you enjoy a variety of found footage films - this one definitely gives you something different.
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Spell (2020)
Solid example of captive/escape horror - Tense and very entertaining
28 April 2022
Appalachian Mountain folk horror. Falls into the "escape before you get sacrificed" genre. Good setup. Solid acting and credible suspense. Filmed nicely with some memorable shots. A practical gore effect I will not soon forget. Personally, I did not lose interest or roll my eyes once. *You will be required to suspend your disbelief here and there* If you can do that - this film is a blast. A few things conveniently happen and/or get glossed over. Completely forgivable, in my opinion, as the story is continually advanced.

A few scenes to make animal lovers cringe, but it's handled with tact. This is a memorable film in a sea of similar tropes.
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Surprisingly fun webcam horror comedy - Not groundbreaking but definitely succeeds. Different from "Host" (2020)
22 April 2022
This is a basic review for a basic film. If you have the patience to watch a talking head horror film...this one is a very good choice.

The actors were good and fairly believable. While I didn't quite die of laughter - there were some really amusing-to-funny bits, snarky lines, and reactions. The characters are supposed to be a little pretentious and over the top. I suspect that you aren't supposed to love any of them. Special effects? Please note this is a webcam movie...the special effects are the bare minimum and not the focus. A viewer should realize this going in. The special effects that were featured were good. It's not high art or remotely groundbreaking...but entertaining enough to recommend to horror fans. It gets compared to "Host" (2020). This film is much lighter and, honestly, more fun. Would be great as the second film of a double feature with Host. The highest praise I can give it is this: I may even watch it again.
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Choose or Die (2022)
A great start...Flawed but fun. 80's game aficionados take note!
19 April 2022
Out of all the possessed video/computer games of the last 20 years - this is my favorite. It started off SO good. The intro would have made an excellent short film in itself. Right about midway through...the story started to falter. The resolution and end felt mundane. The beginning of the film was strong enough to fuel my attention throughout the subsequent missteps. I grew up in the early days of computer gaming and felt this movie, for all it's flaws, was a stellar melding of "retro" 80's with the digital sensibilities of today. The characters and acting were solid. Eddie Marsan is great, as usual. The lead character was not sexualized and presented as a generally convincing human. For every cliched turn the story takes - there is something visually I hadn't seen before. So, it all seems to even out. But really...gamers and 80's kids alike should find find something to love in here - especially if you remember buying computer games on cassette tape.
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Taarna influenced hardcore Fantasy
18 April 2022
Story and imagery (brutal and ultra-violent) were solid. Rotoscoping seems to be divisive - maybe watch Wizards (1977) first so it's not such a shock. I hate to make such a blunt comparison (I watched the two back-to-back) but, If, like me, you found everything about Heavy Metal 2000 to be embarrassingly juvenile and might really enjoy this. Similar to the Taarna segment of the first Heavy Metal (1981) film story-wise. Heavier and deeper. Nice pacing. This is more in keeping with the adult and complex natures of stories from Heavy Metal Magazine than those actual HM films, which were seemingly made for 14 year old boys.
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