
4 Reviews
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The Words (2012)
Just saw the premiere at Sundance - a beautiful movie
27 January 2012
I was just part of a packed house to watch the premiere of this film at Sundance 2012. They started work-shopping this project at Sundance 12 years ago. It was a lovely film and I give it a ten for the story, casting,and how intriguing and enjoyable it was to watch.

These were excellent roles for Dennis Quaid, Bradley Cooper, and Jeremy Irons. (The first two were there tonight - I'm sorry Irons couldn't be there, as well.)

I'll let others give a more detailed review. I wanted to quickly post that this movie will be well worth seeing when it comes out in theaters. Congratulations to the writers-directors for sticking with the project and seeing it to it's beautiful fruition.
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Skateland (2010)
Really enjoyed this little film
31 January 2010
I saw this film today at Sundance and really enjoyed it. I don't know why the other two reviewers here suggest it would be better as a comedy about the era or should be like Dazed and Confused. That would be a completely different story and the writer and director obviously wanted to tell THIS story. They show a young man dealing at age 19 with his world crashing in on him, in several ways, pretty much all at once. I appreciated the story they chose to tell and found the lead character rather charming and a nice portrayal of a not too perfect "good boy." I was interested in following what he was going through. Sure, there have been many similar teen stories, several set in this era, and not a lot of new material was explored. Except that the Skateland theme will be memorable to many of us who enjoyed a skating rink during our childhood and teen years.

One of the sad things about seeing films you like at Sundance is that so many of them never see the light of day again. This may not be a blockbuster, but as the closing credits ran, I thought - this one will make it. I think the casting will help assure that this one isn't going to be mothballed.
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My Own Country (1998 TV Movie)
Very fine acting
14 May 2009
I just caught this on late night cable and stayed up until 3 AM to see the end. I was so moved by the acting - especially Marisa Tomei and Glenne Headly. Naveen Andrews was very fine, too. But Marisa's compassionate character was truly award-worthy, IMO. Hal Holbrook's storyline was beautiful, as well. And I hadn't realized that Marisa's real life brother was an actor (and portrayed her brother in this film).

We have tended to push the AIDS story on the back burner these days, but this was a meaningful portrayal of what one doctor went through, in a very unusual setting. I loved the inclusion of his family and culture into the story. If all the medical staff were really as supportive as portrayed, then it was an amazing place to get care.

One of my favorite lines from the movie was from the Doctor's loyal assistant (perhaps secretary, or clinic manager) who commented (to the effect) that she would give anything to be loved by a man as much as the male gay partners loved each other.

I recorded it so I can watch it again, I missed the very beginning. But I definitely thought it was beautiful and worth watching (and staying up very late to see through!)
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What's your problem?! I really enjoyed DaVinci Code the movie
21 May 2006
I read the book. I read Angels & Demons. I don't think Brown is the world's greatest word-smith, and while reading both I often questioned the plausibility of some of the situations. But he does know how to create a page turner and expose the reader to an amazing travelog and awareness of historical art, architecture, facts AND - MYTHS. It is a NOVEL. Those who are so threatened by the tale need to get over it. How much of our literature and movies are twisted and turned to make an exciting story? Most of it.

Now to the movie --- I thought Ron Howard did a beautiful job telling the tale of the book. He didn't leave out anything too important. What - you want to sit there over 4 hours? My son didn't read the book - and he was able to follow the plot. The story has wild twists and turns. It is fast-paced. But I thought it was well told and I especially liked the way they superimposed other images - often historical - to tell the back stories. There were actually some things I better understood after seeing the movie - like the motivation of Remy Jean.

Audrey Tautou was captivating and Ian McKellen was a perfect Sir Teabing. The big reviewers are criticizing Tom Hanks for being boring. It is one of his more subdued performances, but I didn't find him dull. And the portrayal of Silas actually brought more understanding to his actions and devotion to Opus Dei - rather than presenting him as a one-dimensional villain.

I am personally not threatened by the thought that Christ might have been married or had a child. Over the centuries a lot of our church doctrine was decided by men controlling things in a back room. I was actually surprised at several points in the movie where Howard especially brought out statements that one's faith should not be diminished by what was being revealed in the plot. But those with closed minds about this NOVEL aren't going to appreciate any of this.

I thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and viewing the historic sites. I sat through the entire movie, not wanting to miss a moment. No potty or snack breaks during this one. So I don't get the complaints about boredom. I'm ready to go see it again. Don't get turned off by the naysayers. Especially if you read the book, I think you will be pretty happy.

Now if they ever try and do a movie of Angels & Demons -- I think that will be a crazy one. The twists and turns are much more unbelievable and implausible!

Addendum: After reading the mass of negative reviews on this site - I'm guessing a conspiracy by the "religiously offended" to blast this movie here and wherever they can. (And for the others, with their snobby and blasting criticism -- I wish they would name what they consider a GOOD movie - so we can put their criticism in perspective!) Wonder how many blasters actually even saw it. One woman picketing a theater in Chicago was quoted as saying she was so upset about the blasphemy of Jesus having sex - and if they say he had sex - then every kid will think they can have sex with anyone! Great connection. The movie's theory is that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene in a loving relationship - not someone who slept his way across the holy land! Folks - you are out of control!
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