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Early Edition: The Choice (1996)
Season 1, Episode 2
Hobson's Choice
8 July 2008
If you're not familiar with the premise of this show, Former stock broker Gary Hobson (Kyle Chandler) starts receiving the Chicago Sun-Times, delivered by an orange cat every morning. However, it is TOMORROW'S edition, hence the moniker of Early Edition for the series. This particular episode was easily the most memorable story in the entire series. I was stunned by the plot device employed to resolve the situation. It's likely that I'll never forget it. I will not give away any details; suffice it to say that if you enjoy irony and plot twists, you'll love this as much as I. When Gary receives tomorrow's paper today during this second episode of the CBS series, he's faced with the choice of saving a little girl from dying of injuries resulting from a hit-and-run accident or try to prevent a plane crash which will end the lives of nearly 200 people. These two tragedies occur in the same afternoon, and Gary cannot be in both places at the same time. A true 'Hobson's Choice'.

Highly recommended that you rent or buy this as it's now been released on DVD.
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Very Good - Clean - Romantic Comedy
30 July 2007
If one objects to profanity as I do, you have to be very careful in selecting what passes for a romantic comedy these days. Some film directors just have to throw the the random 'f' word just to make some ludicrous point about "pushing the envelope" or so they say. I found this one to be quite on the wholesome side. I also thought the acting was quite good from Jennifer Lopez in addition to being great eye candy as usual. Seeing her in the dress that shows up in at the fund-raiser was just about worth the price of the rental in itself.

Bob Hoskins (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) is turning into a fine character actor. So much so that he became the quintessential butler. I had to check the credits again to be certain that it was really him. My high grade is for excellent acting and direction, seamless editing and a good score. I would have subtracted several stars had there been a lot of profanity in it.

A highly recommended film in the vein of 'Pretty Woman' but unlike that title, this one can be watched with your family.
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12:01 (1993 TV Movie)
High Drama for TV FINALLY on DVD
31 December 2006
I can't really express in writing just how extremely happy I am that 12:01 is finally out on DVD. It's been on my wish list since the DVD format was invented. The only copy I had was on the VHS that I had recorded off the air (with commercials (:(( on FOX-TV in 1993 and watched over and over and over, not unlike Barry's day repeating. As others have noted, the always beautiful Helen (Supergirl) Slater positively glows in this film. In the lead role, Jonathan Silverman excels as the discouraged office worker who witnesses his only real love being murdered in broad daylight, then being given the chance to undo it, while being thwarted at every turn.

As a fan of all time-warp stories, I count this as my favorite. Had it been released in the theater, it would have done very well indeed. It is good for all ages to see the the lengths that the hero of the story goes to in his desperate attempt to save the lady that he loves from afar. Ten stars out of ten and two thumbs up from me.

Run, don't walk, to get this exceptional movie while it's available!
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Nowhere Man (1995– )
What a Lovely Christmas 2005 Present!
26 December 2005
Having worked over the Christmas holiday weekend, and with little to do in the office, I started thinking about TV shows that I wished would be released on DVD. I hadn't been keeping up with the message boards because I had given up on my favorite show ever being released on DVD. Lo and behold! A search of 'Nowhere Man' turned up the news that it's being released this week, a wonderful Christmas present for those of us who enjoy watching high drama that respects the viewer. That it was canceled by UPN was a real tragedy for those of us who were hooked from the beginning. I agree with other writers who think Bruce Greenwood should have gotten an Emmy. These days there are NO series on the tube that challenge our intelligence and senses like Nowhere Man did. The creepy music by Mark Snow (X-Files) really added to the general other-worldliness of this gem. I don't think the cancellation had anything to do with it being scheduled up against Monday Night Football, because this show wasn't targeted at those viewers anyway -and likely wouldn't have been understood by the jocks anyway (;>).

After working 7 days in a row, I'll be spending the next 2 days catching up with Thomas Veil and his mysterious world on this DVD set. Highly recommend this show to anyone who thinks network TV is the vast wasteland; this is one of the few classy exceptions!
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Gratuitous Unspeakable Garbage
12 August 2005
This piece of tripe shouldn't have been given an 'R' by the MPAA. It's not only unsuitable for teens, but for ANYONE, with no socially redeeming value whatsoever. Production values were good, but wasted on this trash. Don't even rent it. It just encourages the miscreants to produce more of this ilk. We went solely out of curiosity and I, for one was nauseous through some of the scenes of brutal torture. It's too bad that one can't get a refund based on the quality of the film itself. I'll have to be sure to read all the previews before going to any films in the first place. I won't be describing what goes on in the movie in this venue, but consider yourself warned. I sincerely wish that a '0' was available in the ratings. (or a turkey symbol)
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Mary Christmas (2002 TV Movie)
A New Christmas Classic
22 December 2003
This 2002 film by Heartland Entertainment was rebroadcast on PAX-TV ever the weekend of 19-21 Dec 2003, so I taped it then watched it just last night. I thoroughly enjoy movies with plot twists (which I also never spoil) and I didn't see this one coming. A very enjoyable film and an excellent vehicle for John Schnieder - who also directed. Also, the role of Guv'nor was very well filled by Tom Bosley (of Happy Days fame). All around good casting, acting and direction. If you didn't catch it this year, I highly recommend it for future Christmas viewings.
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One of the two top westerns ever.
14 January 2002
There are no other western actors to compare with Gary Cooper. His role in High Noon has been conceded to be his best ever. I would put the Hanging Tree right up there at number two. I cannot understand why it is not available on either video of DVD, when High Noon is readily available in any format you want. If it ever becomes available, you will not be disappointed if you rent or buy it. I haven't seen it for so long that I don't remember the details, just that it was a very good film. (No spoilers possible here!).
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Invasion (1997– )
Better than it's budget would normally allow.
12 January 2002
I didn't see this miniseries in its original run in 1997, but watched it last week in a rerun on the SCIFI channel because of Robin's Cook's involvement. All of his work (books, screenplays, miniseries) has been consistently good. (Remember "Coma"?). This one was no different. I thought it was an interesting story, played seriously by a better than average cast. Luke Perry plays the leading man, the first to be infected by the alien virus, and his girlfriend (the extremely cute Rebecca Gayheart) who becomes the one to try to save him from it with the help of a molecular biologist in the person of Kim Catrall. As I enjoy most 'virus' type movies (Outbreak, The Stand), I enjoyed this one, too. I give it a 9 out of 10 for a TV miniseries.
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The Others (2001)
Best Ghost Story in Years
23 August 2001
My wife and I went to see "The Others" starring Nicole Kidman and produced by her ex, Tom Cruise. Upfront I'll say that my wife has never seen the same movie twice. Once she's seen one, that's it, while I'm the type that watches my favorites over and over again when I have the time. SHE wants to go see "The Others" again next weekend. If you haven't seen it, please do. It is hands down the best ghost story we've ever seen. It was made, not in the hacker/slasher style, but in the best tradition of the spooky, suspenseful films of old, the ones that keep raising goosebumps and have people gasping and sitting right up on the edge of their seats. There is zero actual violence. Remember "Poltergeist"? It SEEMED like everyone was going to be killed all through it, but nobody ever was. There is no gore at all, no foul language that I can remember, but it's just plain SCARY with a twist ending that will knock your socks off. Nicole Kidman plays a young British mother of two, right near the end of WW2, whose husband had gone off to war and is missing and presumed dead. When her servants inexplicably disappear, she is left in this rather large house on one of the Channel Islands always shrouded in fog. Her children are afflicted with a condition that makes them allergic to the sun's rays, so she must keep the drapes always closed in any rooms that they are in. She tutors them herself in both academic and religious studies. After advertising for domestic help, three people show up to apply for the jobs. Then it starts to get weird. And I'm not gonna tell ya any more! If you appreciate a good ghost story, you'll love this one. Guaranteed. It's one of the few that is worth ponying up the $8 to see in the theater. GO NOW! *****/*****
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Take anything, but not my family!
26 October 1999
Having just finished reading Maltin's one line summary of this film, I have to assume that he didn't see it, or has forgotten it if he did. "A violent, bloody chronicle..." he opines. Any man who truly loved his family would become violent and would spill the blood of those who took away his most cherished things on earth, his wife and children. I saw this film during it's initial release in Europe in 1975 and it gave me an enhanced appreciation for my family. I highly recommend it and will purchase it on DVD if it's available. The only reason I don't already own this film is I'd forgotten the title over the years. Thanks to the staff of IMDb for the excellent filmographies that allow searches of this type.
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The Asphyx (1972)
Weird is as Weird does.
26 October 1999
Last month, in the office, a discussion was going on about the weirdest movie we'd ever seen. The Asphyx got my vote but unfortunately NO one else had seen it. I saw it only once during its initial theatrical release in 1973, but never forgot it. This film is unforgettable because it is uniquely disturbing as it shows how man's quest for immortality can and does have alarming consequences. I'll not give away any more of the plot than has already been done in this forum, but will highly recommend it for those jaded film fans who bore easily. You won't fall asleep in the recliner while watching this one.
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