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Glossy, original psychological thriller...
AlsExGal15 February 2021
...with elements of mystery and Gothic horror, from Fox and co-writer and director Gore Verbinski. Dane DeHaan stars as a cutthroat financial agent in a big Wall Street firm who is tasked with traveling to Switzerland to find the firm's CEO who has checked into an exclusive health resort. Upon arrival, it doesn't take long for DeHaan to realize something is not quite right at the seemingly idyllic sanitarium, which is on the grounds of an old castle in the Swiss Alps. But try as he might, DeHaan doesn't seem able to leave the place, and the hospital's chief doctor (Jason Isaacs) doesn't seem in a rush to allow that, either.

This movie looks amazing, with evocative cinematography and terrific locations and sets. The acting is also good, and the cast of mainly lesser-knowns helps the characters to stand out. With a story like this, you know the outcome will be one of two things: either the protagonist is hallucinating/dreaming many of the events, or the events that he's experiencing are real and the story moves into Weirdsville. I won't spoil which it is here, but I will say it kept me guessing up to the end, and perhaps beyond. A warning: there is quite a bit of disturbing imagery, and you'll see a whole lot of people naked that you would rather not have seen.
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Mixed feelings....
gcarpiceci-7326816 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, well, this is going to be a tricky review, folks, because this is a weird movie, very weird. A Cure For Wellness has the great merit of being different, and to reward the movie goer with something that stands out from the crowd; but, once you have appreciated this aspect, you might also want to be rewarded with a kind of content that gives the form some substance. And here is where A Cure For Wellness lets you down. I thought the first part of the movie was very good (rating: 8): you are simply smashed by the oneiric, hypnotic power of the images, by the stunning photography, by a breathtaking use of the camera, pretty good acting; and the intrigue created by the plot is such that you just keep asking yourself where this can reasonably go. That should have been the job of the second part (rating: 2) , where instead most of the potential built in the first half is wasted: the story, from intriguing, turns silly; the mysterious plot turns into a surreal Dracula movie which just does not make justice to itself.
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Visually gorgeous, but a lazy screenplay holds it back from greatness.
jzathajenious5 June 2017
Gore Verbinski has created a visually splendid thriller/horror film, which creates a wonderfully foreboding atmosphere. However, what could have been a great film is marred by a convoluted screenplay that falls to pieces in its final act, and is riddled with plot holes. I waited patiently for all the pieces of the puzzle to fall into place (and with the running time approaching 2 and a half hours, it's quite a wait), yet ultimately I was left somewhat confused and underwhelmed by how it all played out.

I still recommend it for the wonderful cinematography and chilling atmosphere. But with some liberal editing and a tighter screenplay we could have had a real classic on our hands. Shame.
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Acquired taste
Ramascreen8 February 2017
Gore Verbinski, the man who gave us the first "Ring" movie, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, "Rango," and "The Lone Ranger" is now back with this Hitchcockian Gothic psychological thriller designed to keep you guessing till the very end. Even though its final 20 minutes somewhat go off the rails a bit, overall A CURE FOR WELLNESS is stunning, bold and hypnotic.

Dane DeHaan plays an ambitious young executive, Lockhart, sent to retrieve his company's missing CEO who's decided to stay at a remote wellness center in the Swiss Alps. What is supposed to be an easy assignment turns into a journey of slowly but surely uncovering the center's dark past, uncovering the real reasons as to why the guests keep staying there, longing for the cure, as Lockhart himself starts to question his own sanity.

You will fall in love with the cinematography by DP Bojan Bazelli. Even if you're not a fan of mystery or suspense, Bazelli's cinematography for "A Cure For Wellness' will leave you floored, the word breathtaking doesn't even begin to fairly describe it. There are shots through the tunnel, around the castle, and even during some of the film's most disturbing moments, they draw you in, gorgeous in every possible way. And the fact that they actually filmed a big chunk on location at Castle Hohenzollern in Germany does help because the place becomes a supporting role.

Ever since "Chronicle," Dane DeHaan has been an actor that's caught my attention because I do believe that this rising star has what it takes to be great, A CURE FOR WELLNESS allows him to showcase a tease of that potential. His performance reminds me of Leo DiCaprio's in "Shutter Island" and Jack Nicholson's in "The Shining" where to a certain extent, you're not certain if they'd eventually cross that line or remain on this side of the fence. A CURE FOR WELLNESS is trippy, it's intriguing, it's filled with all kinds of odd imagery, it's definitely not for the faint of heart. It's a sensory experience type of a film, the kind that also evokes all sorts of questions about society and what it means to live well and the ambition for purity. But again, as I said earlier, the final 20 minutes do go off the rails a bit, by that time the film feels like it runs longer than it should and furthermore it gets ruined by its desire to leave us on a happy note. A CURE FOR WELLNESS will find its audience, but it's an acquired taste.
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Absurd but quite watchable
ALB2 February 2017
(I saw a preview screening of this.)

Director Gore Verbinski is best known for the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, and also Rango, The Ring, and The Mexican, so "quietly understated" is not really his thing, If the Pirates movies are kind of a throwback to old Hollywood swashbucklers, this is a more lurid version of old Gothic suspense thrillers like "Rebecca" or "The Island of Doctor Moreau."

The main character is Lockhart (Dane DeHaan), who is the exact sort of morally bankrupt young financial hotshot you've seen in a bunch of other movies. His bosses are so cartoonishly evil that they may as well be counting wads of cash as they tell him he's being sent off to Europe to fetch a wayward executive whose signature is needed to allow a merger to go forth so as to allow them to rake in more millions. (Oddly, a similar plot undergirds the otherwise-completely different Will Smith vehicle "Collateral Beauty.")

Most of the rest of the movie takes place in a Swiss Alps sanitarium where practically everything looks like it's from some time in the first half of the last century. I half expected John Harvey Kellogg to show up, but instead we get Volmer (Jason Isaacs), the place's director. As with the patients and the staff, there's something not quite right about the overly affable man, and the impatient Lockhart has plenty of time to figure it out after an accident delays his trip back to New York.

Exactly what's going on, and why no one ever seems to leave the place, takes quite a while (almost 2.5 hours) to unspool, but Verbinski successfully distracts the viewer with visually arresting images of hallways, of peacefully exercising old people, of slithery fish, of living and maybe dead bodies in all shapes and sizes (but mostly white and old), and so on. A teen girl (aptly named Mia Goth), the only young person besides Lockhart, may hold some clues. Rather than a lush island, the sanitarium is high on a mountain, but the effect is the same, as if the viewer has been transported to a world apart.

Does this all sound good? Then you'll probably like this very dark fable. The deep mystery of why the place is so strange is possibly layered with too much complication. I think everything fits together pretty well, but I'm not positive. I am positive that this is definitely going to be a lot different than anything else in the multiplex whenever you might choose to see it.
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Bizarre and Weird
claudio_carvalho11 June 2017
In New York, a middle-aged executive of a financial company has a fatal heart attack while working after hours in the office. The board of directors indicates the young and ambitious executive Lockhart (Dane DeHaan) to assume his position and assigns Lokhart to bring the CEO Roland Pembroke (Harry Groener) back to the company to sign a merger. Further, the company is under investigation of the government and the directors intend to blame Pembroke for dirty business. Pembroke moved to an expensive spa in a castle located in a remote location in the Swiss Alps. Lockhart heads to the place by plane, train and a limousine driven by the local driver Enrico (Ivo Nandi). On the arrival at the spa, the attendant and the director Dr. Heinrich Volmer (Jason Isaacs) do not let Lockhart speak to Pembroke and ask him to return later. Enrico drives Lockhart back to the village but there is a car accident and he returns to the spa to recover a broken leg. Soon Lockhart meets and befriends the weird teenager Hannah (Mia Goth) that drinks a liquid from a blue bottle; and an old patient that tells how the castle was built on ruins of the castle of an evil baron that wanted to marry his sister to have a pure blood child two hundred years ago. When he discovers that his sister is infertile, he uses the local residents to find a cure for his sister that was killed by the dwellers. Lockhart suspects that Dr. Volmer is performing experiments with the interns and decides to investigate the clinic.

"A Cure for Wellness" is a bizarre and weird thriller in a nightmarish atmosphere with strange characters and a long and predictable storyline. The plot is a little confused but the cinematography and sets are wonderful and the performances are great. With a more concise screenplay and a better plot point, "A Cure for Wellness" could be a little masterpiece. But it is worthwhile watching this film. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Cura" ("The Cure")
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intriguing moodiness
SnoopyStyle18 December 2017
Lockhart (Dane DeHaan) is a corrupted young executive. The board is pushing for a merger and they send Lockhart to retrieve CEO Pembroke from a mysterious wellness center in remote Swiss Alps. Both the board and Lockhart agree to pin his indiscretion on Pembroke. Upon arriving, Lockhart senses some strangeness from Dr. Volmer (Jason Isaacs) and the various people. He gets into a car accident with a deer and wakes up with a cast on his leg being cared for in the wellness center. He is taken with strange beauty Hannah.

I find the brooding moodiness intriguing. I love the body horror aspects. It could have stayed a simple horror which would be much better. It goes off into some slightly questionable directions. It should be much harder for Lockhart to leave the hospital. The tension would be higher if he's forced to stay. Trying to escape is a great way to raise the intensity. The movie plays with the reliability of Lockhart's perception but that could be sharper. DeHaan as a lead continues to struggle with a tinge of personal demon. Overall, I love the mood and the style but the story could be improved.
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It is legitimately better than the rating...
ambitionz14 October 2017
I'll never understand why some movies end up rated the way they are. This is one of those movies. It's not groundbreaking. It's not mind blowing. But it is a great example of what a quality movie is. The acting is good to excellent. The cinematography and visuals are exceptional. The story is a little odd, but so what? Since when does a movie plot have to be within the realm of "Normal"? It is what it is, and this one actually all comes together relatively well. The pacing, although a long movie, is actually pretty good. You'd think 2-1/2 hours is too long. After watching this movie, I'd have to disagree considering the fact that everything that happened contributes to the story and slowly builds suspense. I can see why some people don't like that, but it's unfair to rate a movie poorly simply because you don't like the style. It's not a frantic seat-of-your-pants thriller horror movie. Why do people insist on rating movies how they think they ought to be, or how they thought it was going to be, and not simply how it is?

I sit here and can't help but think I might be completely crazy. I just finished watching "Transformers: The Last Knight" before this movie. That movie was incredibly bad. I mean, literally the only thing going for it was special effects and, a few of dozens of attempts at humor that were actually funny. How on Earth is the aggregate user score only 1 point lower than this movie? That blows my mind. Or how about "Get Out"? I liked that one too, but I cannot fathom how it's better than this movie in any way! They are both "it's not what it seems" type thrillers. Is it because of the racial element or something? I'm sorry folks, but "A Cure for Wellness" is a far better movie in every way.

I implore you to watch this one if you enjoy "it's not what it seems" type movies. I can't remember enjoying one like this since "shutter Island" with Leonardo DiCaprio. Don't believe the 1/10 reviews on this. It's a shame people have to be so shallow and misuse the rating system. If people rate this movie anything less than 6/10, it's because they have no idea how to judge elements of a film. The only legitimate gripes about this one are the length and the slightly bizarre plot. But those are elements that worked for it IMO.

After using IMDb for years to get my reviews, I just now decided to make an account. Because I can't stand seeing a very good movie like this rated so low. It's a 8.5/10 movie and nothing about it is bad at all. You may not like it, but you can at least try to be objective about it and give it a rating it deserves... I mean, come on people. Captain America is 8/10 and this is 6/10!? Give me a break...
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Very good except the end!
RodrigAndrisan22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Prepare yourself for something very special! And some harsh scenes... You will feel the ghost of Hitchcock in it but it's different. The film is very good until Volmer, The Chief Doctor(Jason Isaacs) takes his mask off. From that moment, it's completely another film, with a cheesy stupid end(there are about 2 good hours before that). The actors are all good, specially Mia Goth(very special) and Dane DeHaan. Music is cool, especially the theme with that girl voice which repeats obsessively. The cinematography is also very special. It would have been a perfect movie, if it were shorter and with a clever ending. The end is ruining the whole movie.
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A potentially-great movie that ultimately lets you down.
wmacl23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this odd movie, other than that I was absolutely captivated for the first hour or so. Visually stunning, images that will live in the memory for some time, great editing, superb camera work, stunning scenery and background, and a plot that captivates and keeps you guessing.

But what a letdown the ending was! It was like the director chickened out, and went for the boy-gets-girl, American apple pie conclusion, instead of creating a Gothic masterpiece. I would have sooner left some of the plot threads unresolved than to have inflicted on me such a silly and B-grade alternative, that ultimately left a bad taste in my mouth. If that sounds harsh, it is only because the rest of the movie was so mind-blowingly stunning, at least an 8 or 9.

One reviewer called anyone who didn't like this movie a moron. We can do without patronising opinions like that. I'm not a moron, just disappointed. Go and see the movie? Yes. The visual elements are worth it. Will you experience the catharsis of a great movie experience afterwards? I doubt it.
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A tall, cool glass of water—with a contaminant or two
drownsoda9021 February 2017
"A Cure for Wellness" follows an ambitious, young New York financial executive who is sent to Switzerland to retrieve a colleague who has indefinitely extended his stay at a mountaintop sanitorium known for its therapeutic mineral waters. Hiding behind the veneer of medicine, however, is something far darker.

Though it's taken a critical beating, "A Cure for Wellness" is a bit of an underdog in my book. It's a big-budget picture backed by a major studio that is a financially dangerous mix of genres, references, and ideas. It's, in a word, ambitious—and a gamble on just about all fronts. The result is phenomenal in many regards, less so in others, but given the current climate of the horror film, this movie offers a lot of things that you simply do not see much of in genre films (or just films in general, for that matter) anymore.

One could list the aesthetic references for days, though director Gore Verbinski seems to be heavily influenced by Alfred Hitchcock in compositions, David Cronenberg in theme, and Mario Bava in both—and that's probably just the tip of the iceberg. In any case, the film is visually sumptuous, and honestly one of the best-photographed films I've seen in perhaps years. Stunning compositions of the castle yard and the surrounding Swiss Alps need to be seen to be believed, while the vintage hospital interiors are equally stunning and atmospheric for different (and more sinister) reasons. While the first twenty minutes of the film are wildly contemporary, everything that follows seems to be framed within a pre-World War II vacuum.

Needless to say, the film is visually incredible and saturated in a Euro-Gothic atmosphere that to me seemed quite reminiscent of Bava (think "Kill, Baby... Kill!" stretched to big-budget parameters). In terms of narrative, the film is borderline mythical, weaving an entire history of the sanitorium that, though contrived, is enough to pique the interest of any self-respecting genre fan. The main problem here is that the unfurling of that history and its relationship to what is happening at the sanitorium is not only semi-predictable, but it begins to drag its feet a bit in the last act of the film, coming to a conclusion that, though appropriate, feels slightly pedestrian. I don't want to say the film devolves, but it certainly does cross the threshold from "genuinely unique amalgam" to "semi-predictable psychological thriller" somewhere in the third act.

In spite of this, however, the film is undeniably fun, and remains engrossing from start to finish; though the two and a half-hour run time could have been trimmed a bit, the film never felt tedious to me, probably because of how skillfully it was able to invent and then wallow in its own world. Solid performances also help; Dane DeHaan convincingly plays the young and assertive financier, while Mia Goth is an ethereal and guileless patient whom he befriends (and who plays a key part in what is to come). Jason Isaacs is also sinister as the cool, self-possessed leader of the hospital.

While "A Cure for Wellness" certainly deserves some hits for taking a few predictable narrative routes, I am still somewhat surprised that it's gotten the negative feedback it has from critics. I think genre fans will genuinely appreciate it—ranging from sci-fi fans to through-and-through horror cinephiles like myself—because it uses its references smartly and evokes an atmosphere that is truly overpowering. There is enough heady Gothic atmosphere, body horror, and psychological paranoia to keep everybody engaged. Even when it's predictable and even when its own mythos registers too absurd, I can't bring myself to knock it because there is so much it gets right—but I suppose my greater point is that, even when it doesn't get it right, you never feel compelled to look away. 8/10.
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Reminded me of why I love movies, but also why I hate them
darkreignn9 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
God, what a beautiful, visually stunning, stuttering mess. I haven't seen a movie this gorgeously mediocre in a long time, and I've seen every major release this year. I don't even know where to begin, sweet Christ Almighty. Alright, first of all, this movie looks freaking amazing, like jaw- droppingly amazing. Imagine the most attractive person you've ever seen, multiply that by ten, and that's what every frame, every shot, and every scene of this movie looks like; when the movie started I literally said out loud "this is why I love movies!" and then as the film went on I proceeded to moan audibly, worrying my parents, as my eyes lapped up the visuals. If Nicolas Winding Refn watched this movie, I have no doubt he probably climaxed numerous times because "A Cure for Wellness" looks this good; it's an eyeball stimulating movie, I'll tell you that much. Seriously, it felt like me eyes were making gentle love to the screen while watching this film, and I haven't had a good eye ******* in a long time.

That's about where my praise for this movie ends. You see, some people have praised this movie for being original, and I disagree completely. Yes, this movie is weird af, it's very bizarre but at the same time it's a story we've seen done, and done better, numerous times before. I will not spoil anything about the plot, but let's just say what starts off intriguing gradually turns into a ridiculous, and I mean RIDICULOUS, farce. And the last 20 minutes? You won't believe how stupid this movie becomes. It's still gorgeous, but it's so stupid, almost as if the studio was like "yeah we need a big fight scene, a villain, and a damsel in distress, Gore you can give us that, right?"

The acting isn't much better. It's not awful by any means, but like the rest of the movie, it's just mediocre. Dane DeHaan, who I loved in "Chronicle" and "The Place Beyond the Pines" and "Lawless" gives an adequate but "ehh" performance here. In fact, the main reason I wanted to see this movie was because Dane DeHaan was in it, but I'm not sure if he was miscast or trying too hard or what because his performance was almost comedic. He's not bad by any means, he's just so average that it hurts, and we know that he can do better, which makes watching his acting all the more painful.

On one level "A Cure for Wellness" is a movie that you will enjoy watching solely because of how visually stunning it is, but on another level you'll hate it because of how convoluted and ridiculous its plot it. If you want to spend 2 and a half hours feeling like someone is pleasuring your eyeballs, than by all means watch this movie because you definitely won't regret it, but just don't be alarmed when afterwards, when you're smoking a cigarette in bed, you end up feeling unfilled, disappointed, and a little bit shameful for spending your time with something that doesn't want to love you back, something that is gorgeous on the outside but boring on the inside.
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Ends in tears
tomsview5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I just knew it was going to end badly. After such a build-up how could there be a resolution that would be totally satisfying.

I enjoyed the first 80 per cent of this movie. Although I didn't know much about it, the trailer hooked me. It looked like a dark twist on Alan Parker's "The Road to Wellville".

Lockhart (Dane DeHaan), a young executive from a New York financial firm is sent to retrieve a senior executive from a seemingly idyllic wellness centre in Switzerland run by Dr. Heinreich Volmer (Jason Isaacs). When Lockhart is involved in a car accident, he ends up as a patient at the centre. Then things get weird.

He meets a mysterious girl, Hannah von Reichmerl (Mia Goth), and there are events that make him wonder if he's losing his mind. You know a horror movie is on track when a live, healthy tooth is drilled without anaesthetic. So far, so good.

Now being a devotee of this kind of movie, I thought the story could have gone in a number of directions. There was the possibility Lockhart was killed in the car accident and just didn't know it: "Carnival of Souls", "The Sixth Sense, and "November". He could have been having a schizophrenic episode à la "A Beautiful Mind", "Mulholland Dr.", "Woman in the Fifth" etc. Or it could have been an elaborate sci-fi set up as in "Vanilla Sky". Mind you, I would have been disappointed if it had been any of those; I was hoping for something original.

There was some business about the suicide of Lockhart's father, which could have provided an avenue for the filmmakers, but nothing came of it. That's where I think the opportunity was missed to bring this baby home.

Writer/director Gore Verbinski gave us an ending straight out of the Roger Corman horror movie manual 1964. Except for the sex, Dr. Volmer could have been played by Vincent Price.

I also think Mia Goth could have been treated better. Nudity is still a little iffy in mainstream movies and it's not handled well here. It comes in late and is a bit shocking, but not in a good way.

I don't consider this to be a total turkey, visually and stylistically it is stunning; I like movies that have intriguing build-ups and play with your head. "A Cure for Wellness" falters before the fade-out, however there are still things to appreciate before it topples over the edge.
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Love that dirty water
ferguson-67 February 2017
Greetings again from the darkness. It might seem peculiar for the director of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, The Lone Ranger, and the Oscar winning animated Rango to be the driving force behind an atmospheric Gothic mystery-thriller, but Gore Verbinski seems to ignore any attempt to generalize or label his films. In fact, this latest film (written with Justin Haythe) attempts to challenge genre conventions by cloaking us in familiar themes and expecting us to be surprised by the late twist.

Dane DeHaan has established himself as an actor with no boundaries. He has played characters as diverse as James Dean in LIFE, and Cricket in LAWLESS. This time he dons a business suit as Lockhart, an ambitious, young, morally flexible, workaholic financial hotshot. By bending a few FCC regs, Lockhart has maneuvered himself into a plush corner office on Wall Street, and is now strong-armed by senior management into taking on the less-than-appealing task of traveling to a "wellness spa" in Switzerland in order to bring back the CEO whose signature is necessary to complete a lucrative merger.

The cinematography of Bojan Bazelli is gorgeous throughout, and it's literally breathtaking as we view the Manhattan cityscape, and then follow Lockhart's train streaming through the Swiss Alps mountains and tunnels. These are the "wow" shots, but the camera finds beauty even once the story takes us inside the sanitarium with the dark history … and confounding present. The building's history seems somewhat sinister, but its current day secrets are every bit as creepy. What exactly is the sickness that "the cure" is treating? Why does no one ever leave? What's with the eels? What's with the water? Why are teeth falling out? Why are the townfolks so off-put by those on the hill? What answers do the puzzles bring? SHUTTER ISLAND offers the most obvious comparison with its similar tone and atmosphere, but others that come to mind include THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU, ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, and especially, Hitchock's REBECCA. Verbinski makes marvelous use of sound throughout – whether it's Lockhart's creaking crutches, the squeak of doors, the drip of ever-present water, or the metallic whir of machines. The look, sound, and feel create the tension necessary to prevent viewers from ever really relaxing, even if we wish the movie wasn't so darn long.

Filmed at Castle Hohenzollern in Germany, it's a perfect example of how on filming on location adds an element that no soundstage can hope to achieve. Support work comes from some familiar faces like Jason Isaacs as Dr. Volmer, Celia Imrie, Carl Lumbly, Ivo Nandi, Harry Groener, and Adrian Schiller. However, it's Mia Goth (Everest, 2015) who has the biggest impact on screen outside of DeHaan. Her unusual look and slightly-off mannerisms are perfect for the role of Hannah, who is so crucial to the twist.

Spanning two-and-a-half hours, the film abruptly flies off the rails in the final 15 minutes. It acts as a release for the stress it has caused, and as a reminder that director Verbinski likes to have fun with his films. It's quite possible that the film will struggle initially to find an audience, but later find success as a cult favorite and/or midnight movie. Whether you deem it silly or creepy, love it or hate it, you'll likely appreciate the look of the film and the creative surge of Verbinski. At a minimum, it will generate some talk about Big Pharma and how we seem to always be searching for a "cure" of the latest societal ailment … or you may just have nightmares about eels in your bathtub!
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great idea, flawed execution
Nergal1401 July 2017
I'd like to say I just watched a masterpiece, hell even a great movie, but unfortunaly there's just too many mistakes for me to say that, the movie is barely good, the idea is amazing, but the execution is sloppy, it's like that one great idea we all have but can't quite execute, we have it all in our heads.

now I'll go in SPOILERS.

too many strange mistakes like: how did he get free from the dentist chair when he had 2 men holding him, restrained and with a goddamn drill to his teeth? if you ever did dental work without anesthesia you know how it is: it's HELL. how could he formulate any kind of cohesive thought in that situation? let alone escape?

the movie's also not very logical, OK, people don't really feel like living so that's why they stay there? or was it all mind control? if they do employ mind control then how? characters also act plain creepy, you know what I mean.

I was expecting some kind of big reveal or twist and we do get it, the problem is that it's obvious to the point where I asked "that's it?" also the last scene is kinda nonsense, he smiles creeply like he's an evil genius or something, I could articulate this review more but that's how much I care now that its over, the movie could EASILY have been 1 hour and 30 mins, instead sometimes it feels like a drag.

would I recommend this movie? it's a mixed bag and it's not for everyone, but if you have nothing better to do then go ahead.
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What they heck did I just watch?
mark-45221 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's technically a spoiler to observe the obvious: You know going into the genre that the hero should probably not hang around a weird hospital to "see what happens" but should call home and then leave. Immediately. The plot holes and "stupid" moments of this film are so numerous that I lost count and found myself enjoying it. We know the head of the institute is a mad scientist so why doesn't the hero see it? Why is the most significant room in the whole place secured with a lock that a shovel can remove in seconds? Why does the mad scientist allow the hero to wander around and get into trouble, again and again and again? Why doesn't anyone EVER investigate a Frankenstein castle-on-a-hill even as wealthy people that are sure to be missed are going there and disappearing? How does such a place exist in modern day Switzerland in the middle of one of the most busy tourist regions in the world? Wouldn't Samantha Brown and her Travel Channel camera crew have stumbled onto this place by now? If you're a hero and just escaped a madhouse, wouldn't you at least go a few villages over before trusting local law enforcement? If you're visiting someone and given a 3 page document to sign, wouldn't at least a few people bother to check out what it says before signing?

Aside from the dozens of plot holes, there's the awkward perverted sexual scenes in the film sure to make audience members wince. I suppose it's like a horror version of 50 Shades of Grey where the viewer will be ashamed to admit they watched the scenes and perhaps that's part of the appeal?

All of this combined made the moviegoers I watched this with laugh as they were thinking: "What the heck did I just watch?" Perhaps that was the point in which case, Bravo!
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Completely Underrated !
Lewis_Heather78720 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One of the many films that I personally forgot to see in the cinema when it was released earlier in the year, oh how much I regret missing this film now.

Lets set one thing straight this film is not for everyone, this is not your everyday thriller or mystery or soft horror for that matter. I can completely understand people absolutely hating the film or completely loving this experience, and that's exactly what it is......an experience.

Directing - Gore Verbinski has made a very well put together film the camera work in the film is seamless and shows off his talent as a film maker. He doesn't put a foot or shot wrong in the film very good job from start to finish.

Dane DeHaan is, in my opinion, a very talented actor its just unfortunate that "Hollywood" has tried and failed many times to make him the next best thing. A Cure for Wellness is the type of film where DeHaan belongs and he his brilliant in the film, as the audience you can really get behind him in his struggle. Even though he starts of the film as not a nice guy to put it nicely his character arc in the film is strong and delivered brilliant by DeHaan, he is at the top of his game in this film. The other stand out of the film for me is Mia Goth who plays a really interesting a mysterious character which we don't know a lot about in the beginning, however as the film grows so does her character. She is innocent but slightly peculiar at the same time and is the victim of the whole film her delivery throughout the film is really good. These are the two standouts there is nothing bad to say about the rest they are all good as well Jason Issacs is also really good in the film also.

Another positive of the film is the cinematography which is really striking and bold, it sets the tone of the film really early and makes the film haunting but beautiful to look at which is a interesting contrast. Production design especially of the hospital is also really good in a strange way, it is eerily perfect which makes us as the audience doubt its authenticity, well it did for me.

The final positive of the film is the most important and that is the story of the film which is brilliantly simple but with a lot of hidden messages and undertones that are striking and woven into the story perfectly. On the surface a film about some off beat "wellness" centre in the Swiss alps is strange in its self, couple that together with the main theme of the the film water and the "cure" it is elevated to a new level. Everything that as the audience and Dane DeHaan's character is told is put into doubt straight away because nothing adds up about the place. Talking of water the use of the substance throughout the film is so well done that you start to fear it, how is that possible something so innocent turned into something so sinister so easily. The story of this film and depths it reaches changes every time you watch the film.

On the other hand there are only two negatives of the film, number one is the pace of the film which is very slow. This is by no means a easy film to watch and it shouldn't be either but you feel as if the end of the film is much quicker than the beginning or the middle, the pace feels slow and uneven. The other negative is the re-watchability of the which could be difficult knowing the pace and length of the film however knowing the enjoyment that can be had watching the film could out balance it.

Overall this film is a psychological soft horror thriller that is full of surprises it uses great film making techniques, a incredibly interesting story with great characters and will definitely make you not want to drink water straight after, very creepy and effectively use of water. 80% out of 100 or 8 out of 10 this film is a truly great film and one of the best of the year a real gem, I'm so disappointed I missed it in the cinema. Hopefully this film gets the recognition it deserves as well as audiences time, it will definitely make you uncomfortable!
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Takes a long time to reach its disappointing conclusion; it's usually entertaining and eerie, though.
Pjtaylor-96-13804417 May 2018
'A Cure For Wellness (2017)' is usually entertaining but is just far too too long, meandering in the middle act with multiple moments that actually add to nothing. It also isn't as creepy as it thinks it is, despite a decently eerie tone for much of the run-time. Though it isn't ever boring, I was never exactly pining to uncover the mystery at the heart of the feature. The finale also becomes incredibly silly, seemingly betraying the tone portrayed up until that point. I generally enjoyed the flick, though, even if it never really grabbed me. It just doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, especially as it moves into its final third, and takes a long time to get to a disappointing conclusion. 6/10
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Looks nice but feels hugely insubstantial and unsatisfying
rabbitmoon2 March 2017
This film feels like a Black Mirror episode - but one that treads water for almost two and a half hours without ever reaching its main idea. 250% longer, but only a fraction of the satisfaction.

I really wanted to immerse myself in its atmosphere and ideas, the idea of a David Lynch/Cronenberg style Shining/Shutter Island film seems great. But the film really tests your patience. The main character is icy and unlikable, the other characters are similarly distant. Stuff happens, a lot of stuff, some of it great looking, but with nothing to tie it together or the any character depth to engage with, it ends up feeling like you're being taken through a film students visual exhibition that doesn't end soon enough.

It really doesn't live up to the amazing film that the trailer suggests, a pattern that seems to be more and more common with films these days. Similar to Passengers, I wonder if moments were shot just to make the trailer more powerful in selling the film.
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Highly underrated movie .
vikasjoshi-997054 November 2018
Director deserves applause for depicting a brilliant psychological horror with intencse thrill , stunning cinematography , sound , brilliant direction , performance are enough to make it must watch , it will give you feelings like "Shutter island " ..
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A Cure for Wellness
jboothmillard4 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw clips and trailers for this film about two months before its release, then it was reviewed on the programme Film 2017, it was definitely the sort of film I couldn't miss, directed by Gore Verbinski (Mousehunt, The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lone Ranger). Basically in New York City, at a large financial services firm, a man named Morris (Craig Wroe) has died of a fatal heart attack, ambitious young executive Lockhart (Chronicle's Dane DeHaan) takes his place. Lockhart's superiors Hank Green (David Bishins), Hollis (Lisa Banes) and Wilson (Carl Lumbly) inform him that the company's CEO, Roland Pembroke (Harry Groener), has not returned from a trip to a "wellness center" somewhere in the Swiss Alps, and a note suggests he may have suffered a breakdown. Lockhart is sent to the remote spa to retrieve Pembroke, the company need him to sign for a merger with another company, in fact the firm is covering up unsightly business deals, several of the partners hope to pin the blame on Pembroke. Lockhart finds the idyllic but mysterious spa,he is met by some resistance by the staff when he wishes to talk to Pembroke, particularly by the director, Dr. Heinreich Volmer (Jason Isaacs). When leaving the wellness center, a deer runs out into the road and causes driver Enrico (Ivo Nandi) and Lockhart to crash, Lockhart wakes up in the spa with his leg in a cast, he is forced to stay at the spa until his broken leg is heeled. During his time at the spa, Lockhart meets a mysterious young girl named Hannah (Nymphomaniac: Vol. II's Mia Goth), she says that Volmer is claiming she is a "special case", like him she drinks a strange fluid kept in a cobalt bottle. Lockhart finds out from another patient, Victoria Watkins (Celia Imrie), that the spa is built on the ruins of a castle, that was burnt down 200 years ago. The baron that once owned the castle wanted an heir of pure blood, he married his sister, but finding out she was infertile he began performing hellish experiments on the peasants, they eventually rose up and burned down the castle, they captured the baron's wife and cut the baby from the womb, Watkins claims that despite it being thrown in water and being fragile, the baby survived. Lockhart has his suspicions about what is really going on at the spa, including the staff not contacting his firm about his accident, something that may be in the drinking water, and the ailments of the other guests, he discovers a transfusion wing. The spa is a front for macabre medical experiments, eels are being filtered through human bodies to produce the "cure" Volmer and Hannah are ingesting, it is also causing the strange behaviours of the guests as they drink the water. Lockhart is captured by Volmer, he is subjected to nightmarish treatments and torture that warp his mind like Pembroke, making him question whether he himself is sick or not. Lockhart writes a letter to his employer saying he intends to remain at the spa, but one night he has a moment of clarity, he cuts open his leg cast and finds that his leg is not broken at all, and he finds Pembroke is dead, he goes in search of Hannah. Around this time, Hannah has had her first period, meaning she is fertile, a party to celebrate is organised by Volmer, he leads Hannah into a secret room, built from the ruins of the castle, he intends to rape and impregnate her. Lockhart realises that Volmer is actually the centuries-old baron, and Hannah is his daughter, during the confrontation and fight, Volmer's face is revealed to be a mask that hides his hideously burnt baron face. Lockhart sets Volmer on fire, the heated sparks blow through the ventilation and cause the whole castle and spa to burn down, Volmer overpowers Lockhart and is about to feed him to the carnivorous eels, but Hannah kills him, lodging a shovel into his head, he falls into the pit and is devoured by the eels. Hannah and Lockhart escape the castle on a bicycle as the whole place burns to the ground, on the way however Lockhart's employers from New York arrive in car to retrieve him and Pembroke, he is ordered to get in the car, they want to pin all corporate wrongdoings on him, but Lockhart chooses to run away with Hannah. Also starring Adrian Schiller as Deputy Director, Magnus Krepper as Pieter the Vet and Susanne Wuest as Volmer Institute Staff. DeHaan gives a good icy lead performance, as the film goes on you really question whether he is sick or going mad, Goth is wonderfully strange but fascinating, and Isaacs is almost pantomime but a reasonable villain. It is not the most original story, you could argue similarities to Shutter Island, but the style of the film, with its supernatural fantasy elements and dark nightmarish atmosphere throughout, feels like a classic Hammer Horror, the most disturbing visuals are the first eels in the large immersion tank, and the nasty gory dental torture scene, it may be a little long and uncertain in its direction at times, but it is very likely to become a cult classic, a worthwhile psychological horror thriller. Good!
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A Cure for Wellness: More than a little odd
Platypuschow20 March 2019
I remember watching the trailer for A Cure for Wellness and having absolutely no interest. It looked like a bizarre arthouse film and not something that would appeal to me. Circumstances played out in such a way that I was presented with it and decided to give it a go and *Drumroll* I was pretty much right.

Starring Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaacs and Mia Goth it's a very difficult movie to categorize as its a bit of a genre breaker.

It tells the story of a young businessman who is forced to travel half way across the world to convince a colleague to return home from a mental asylum. Upon arrival it quickly becomes apparent that things aren't as they seem.

It's moody, it's atmospheric, it's genuinely interesting and at 2 and a half hours its quite the epic.

It however does not make for the easiest of viewing, in fact it's kind of gross. The plot drifts off in various directions but to its credit does culminate in something fairly good.

So why the below average rating? Because I simply didn't like it, I respect what they've done here but ultimately it is an unnerving little arthouse film and just didn't entertain me.

I get the appeal, but it wasn't for me.

The Good:

Jason Isaacs

The Bad:

Makes for some nasty viewing in places

Just lacks.........something!?
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A cure for yuppiness.
fedor815 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all for curing yuppies, but what about curing Hollywood of chronic diarrhea of the brain? How do we cure all these cocaine-sniffers who write these dumb scripts? How about curing film fans after decades of watching BS films such as these?

If I were a leach or an eel, I might find this movie empowering and confidence-boosting. "Finally we eels/leaches get some much-deserved attention!" But I'm not an eel, and I certainly don't have the brain of one - because that is what is needed in order to overlook the glaring flaws and numerous plot-holes in this stupidly scripted, confusing story. Correction: you need the brain-power of a leach to consider this an intelligent story. My apologies to eels, which are more advanced than leaches.

Reading the reviews of (intelligent) people, you will find many espousing the quality of the first half compared to the disappointing second half. They are absolutely correct. The set-up is eerie, interesting, intriguing, visually pretty good. However, after about an hour, this over-long flick (does Verbinsky not know of editing?) starts literally spiraling down, getting dumber and dumber, more and more baffling, more repetitious, and illogical.

Basically Gore wants us to believe that wealthy successful people (who ore often narcissists more than anything else) willingly subject themselves to torturous medical experiments just so a 250 year-old vampire can screw his daughter? That's what's on offer here. Don't laugh just yet, because there's a lot more nonsense than just that.

We don't really find out HOW the bloody hell medical experiments on humans help in getting Dr. Mengele to finally screw his daughter i.e. get her to be fertile. Apparently, drinking a lot of water leads to dehydration and tooth loss. Furthermore, eels being stuffed into your guts makes an young-looking old woman fertile. It's all so dumb.

For what purpose is he so obsessed with her getting pregnant? Dunno... because he wants her to give birth to another girl so he can screw her i.e. his granddaughter next time too? And after that his great-granddaughter? Just what the hell is the point of this ultra-elaborate lunatic scheme - if not for Mengele to keep shtooping his descendants well into the 50th century. Seems like a rather pointless exercise to me - for an alleged "genius". Oh right, but I forget: geniuses are always "insane" because they are "mad scientists", and scientists OBVIOUSLY abide by the one golden Hollywood rule: the more genius they are, the dumber their plans and motives. And the more brilliant they are the more evil they are; goes without saying.

We've got the eels and the leaches which are so mercilessly overused, that by the time you see them for the 48th time, you just want to either yawn or laugh (depending on your personality). We are somehow supposed to just take these eels/leaches at their face value as being some kind of mysterious secret ingredient that prolongs the life of a deranged lunatic. Because the "fetus survived" the sewer and the sewer has... eels and leaches? And these creatures were... somehow guided by the fetus into...? Nope, I have no clue what the pseudo-scientific BS is supposed to be all about. Even silly horror-movie pseudo-science has to at least have a flicker of logic: it can't just be totally random nonsense that we're all going to accept with our jaws dropped like a bunch of mouth-breathing morons.

Plenty of other malarkey. Dane's tooth grows back - without explanation. He escapes Mengele's dentist ordination - without explanation: one moment he is tied to a chair being tortured by Sir Olivier's star pupil, and then voila: suddenly Dane is running out of the building and fetches a limo that just happens to be waiting for him. How did he escape? Sorry, no explanation given.

The less said about the Goth/punk teens, the better. Every scene with them was a joke, reminding us just how clueless Hollywood's anti-intelligentsia is when it comes to following or understanding youth trends. I am surprised they didn't dress the kids up as Emos and yet let them headbang to Cannibal Corpse. Or Sigur Ros, that works too. The more embarrassing, considering that Verbinski is supposed to have been a punk rock musician prior to deciding to make boring and silly movies.

Or how about Mengele having superpowers just because he found the elixir of youth? He has the strength of many elephants, and he is apparently immune to fire or has some kind of unusual trick by which he can deflame his body. Just some more examples of how stupid this flick gets. But at least he isn't immune to having a shovel planted into his brain: Gore considered that the proper cure for vampirism, if not wellness. So Mengele was a zombie? Oh well, why not. Aren't all vampires zombies by definition? Then again, this vampire doesn't suck blood, he just gets off on jacking off. As do his employees: that masturbation scene was stylish but fairly absurd.

You thought that was it? Ha! There's more silliness. How about the fact that Dane is allowed to freely move about the hospital/prison, and do rather extensive detective work that DOES in fact eventually destroy count Mengelicula? That was pretty dumb. So basically Mengele has a very nosy young man in his building, and this man continually proves himself a nuisance - yet Count Mengele just lets him continue roaming the corridors and finding clues and then some more clues. No explanation given.

Did I say clues? Well, paradoxically and stupidly the more he finds out the less the viewer understands, so it's not exactly a prime example of great detective work - or at least a great detective story. Did I say story? Sure, there is A story here, but it's not a proper story, is it? It's just a bunch of Goth/vampire/mystery cliches/scenes lumped together - stylishly admittedly - in order to dazzle the viewer visually. I love being dazzled visually, but I do like my movie plots to make some sense too. Is that too much to ask for? Of course it is, because writing a dumb, illogical script is so much easier than actually making an effort to create a coherent story that doesn't have a million loose ends and doesn't rely on silly plot-devices. Because Hollywood is a diseased place full of cretins who think we are all cretins as well and need to be cretinized further.

Considering how boring Verbinsky's previous films are, this is definitely a step in the right direction. But the man needs to finally understand that visual slickness without a smart script is like a great meal that makes you fart a lot. Dumb analogy, sure, but so is this movie.

If you wondered who that odd-looking Shelley Duvall blonde look-alike is, that's Mia Goth. Does she appear deranged and ditsy? No, that's not just her character giving you that impression: she is actually Shia's fiancée. It figures.
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I wanted it to be more
jtindahouse19 March 2017
'A Cure for Wellness' reminded me a lot of Martin Scorsese's 'Shutter Island', a film I absolutely adore. One of the main reasons I love it (however, far from the only reason) is the ending and all the implications it has on everything we have seen previously. Sadly, that's the one thing that was lacking in 'A Cure for Wellness' for my liking. I understand the ending and I can appreciate what it means, but it isn't a memorable ending. It's not one that will lead to endless debate and discussions as to its meaning and possibilities.

The film is long at nearly two and half hours. I often say if you're going to make your film that long, you have to have tremendous pacing. 'A Cure for Wellness' I would have to say does. It isn't a film like 'The Dark Knight' that is over in the blink of an eye despite being that long, but it certainly never feels like it is dragging. Most of the scenes are punchy and to the point. The film does come across a little repetitive on occasion, however aside from that I'd say the run time was justified.

I'm not sure exactly which type of film viewer I would recommend this to. There are elements of horror but I certainly wouldn't call it out and out. There are elements again of fantasy, but for pure lovers of the fantasy genre there might not be enough during the long run time to keep their attention. Probably mystery lovers are going to be the ones who get the most out of this. There are certainly mysterious elements to the plot line that can be appreciated and enjoyable.

I wouldn't say I loved 'A Cure for Wellness', but I certainly didn't hate it either. It just comes across middle of the road. There was squandered potential though, and even if the ending wasn't as satisfactory as I may have liked, it was a fun ride to get there.
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The Existential Dread of Gore Verbinski
bkrauser-81-3110644 February 2017
One cannot deny the ingenuity of director Gore Verbinski. At his best, he artfully weaves stories through a centrifuge of age-old storytelling techniques, and sumptuous world-building. Sometimes it feels as if Verbinski creates his worlds without even trying; the filigree and lore of Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-Present) and Rango (2011) exists almost as a state of fact. They exist because, of course they do. Would you want it any other way? A Cure for Wellness takes that same instinct and eye for detail to the stratosphere, providing an opulent and unique playground for all the film's ghouls to play in. The alpine roads leading up to the Swiss sanatorium where we lay our scene, hug the mountains like laces of a tightly fit dress. The naturalism of the verdant bluffs compare starkly to the shimmering glass buildings where our hero Lockhart (DeHaan) has found his professional niche. "Her eyes are closed because she's dreaming," a character says about a ballerina figurine. At the film's height, it certainly feels like we're dreaming.

Then we wake up. For me, it was around the time Lockhart takes a trip down the mountain to make a phone call and drink a beer. Up until that time, the plot - a young executive sent to retrieve a company's CEO from a health and wellness retreat, smacked of Dracula (1931) in the best of ways. Once we snap out of Lockhart's head-space however (roughly halfway through the film), all the meticulous setups, all the dreamy mis en scene and all the under the skin horror slips out like water out of an amniotic sac.

It's a shame too. The sanatorium, the ambulant patients, the creepy staff all hint to an unspoken horror. The kind that doesn't just go "Boo!" in the night but impacts you with clinched anxiety that can hardly be quelled. "No one ever leaves...why would they want to?" says Hannah (Goth) the only patient, other than Lockhart under the age of forty. She utters her words with the breathy tone of a ghastly harbinger of doom. It's a common trope but because Mia Goth sells it so well, we want to believe there is unimaginable horror lurking just underneath the surface.

Yet while Verbinski has all the visual instincts of a world-class auteur, his taste in stories are surprisingly literal. Visual exploration and motifs concerning existential dread and mortality are confounded by pulpy plot reveals. Real and perceived threats are overwhelmed by last act explanations. Slow-burning scares are drowned out by loud showstopping scenes that don't so much frighten as they do shock. And the CGI, good gravy, that CGI.

What it all amounts to is clichés that are just that, clichés. They don't explore the dark recesses of the human mind or find unique ways to scare up some audience goodwill. They don't go outside the box nor do they give us anything substantive outside the baroque horror echo chamber that hasn't been relevant since "The Fall of the House of Usher". The clichés, the characters and the sets are simply there to push a plot that feels like they were checking off squares on a horror trope bingo card.

Of course if one were to severely penalize every horror film that sprinkled clichés into its soup, we'd never get a horror film worth the admission price. If you exhumed and analyzed every bad thing about A Cure for Wellness, you'd still be left with a fairly good mystery. Not to mention an abundance of scares that are still accomplished the hard way. It's also a handsome film. A fact that shouldn't account for much but does account for something.
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