The Sound (2017) Poster


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Frequently low quality
TheLittleSongbird17 August 2018
Loved the idea for 'The Sound', which for recent modest to low budget film viewings was one that was really quite creative. Executed right, 'The Sound' had potential to be quite decent. The cover/poster/advertising was attention grabbing and does make one want to see the film. Christopher Lloyd too is always watchable, despite being in a lot of bad projects in recent years.

It is unfortunate that 'The Sound' was yet another great potential waste, which is both frustrating and annoying. It doesn't come anywhere near close to being as attention grabbing as the cover/poster/advertising, makes a creative concept dull and ordinary and Lloyd is much better than this. Really wanted to like 'The Sound', but couldn't do it with such underwhelming execution of almost every component. Not all of them, but all but a few.

Rose McGowan is competent and Lloyd gives his limited character and screen time a lot of gusto.

First third of 'The Sound' is intriguing and creepy and some of the photography is atmospheric and slick enough.

The rest of the acting is not worth mentioning, Michael Eklund in particular spends the whole time looking like he was recovering from a hangover. The characters are sketchy at best and there is just nothing interesting or investable about them. Photography aside, 'The Sound' looks drab and like it was made in haste.

Dialogue is very stilted and muddled, the direction is pedestrian and after a promising start, the intrigue and suspense goes and the story for the rest of the film is a mess of incoherence, with too many things being vague, silliness and dreary pacing, complete with a rushed and petered out ending.

In summary, pretty weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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cjs654729 September 2017
I like to think of watching horror movies like going on first dates: Does it have a likable personality? Is the memory of this film going to stay with me till the next night? Is it something I can go back to watching and still enjoy?

With The Sound, the only thing I'm left with is the thought of what it could have been. I could not be disappointed if I didn't have somewhat high expectations for it. The title is sufficient to pique my interest. I would have been satisfied if this was about a particular creepy sound. So many horror movies rely on visuals that it would be very refreshing.

It starts out promising: a campy little story with likable faces. But you soon realize it runs far too long for the punches it packs, which are barely a handful. Your mind starts working overtime to entertain you where the movie fails to, which includes not only imagining how different scares could be built up where there aren't any, but also poking fun at the vague and rushed plot. All this makes the movie a disappointing watch.
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It almost starts out ok...
iceman8886919 June 2018
It had good atmosphere and the situation was nice and creepy, but then Rose McGowan starts ignorant social media hashtags as she progresses through the story which made me think it was a millennial "horror" movie. Before halfway through the movie, it still had me kinda interested, even with the millennial hashtag stuff. Then this cop shows up, his acting was all keeping one eye almost closed with an intense look his whole time on screen.

It really started hard down hill after this guy shows up. Rose McGowan's wooden acting husband did not help. That guy could not act his way out of a wet paper bag. I have seen better acting in high school plays. Anyway. Around 1/3 way through the movie Christopher Lloyd shows up. I had hope he could help this movie, but basically, he does cameos. A total of like 5-7 minutes of screen time. Then the twist at the end and the ending were just stupid.

For sure not the worst movie I have ever seen, but just not good.
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"The movie is a "thinking person's horror film"" -- IMDb reviewer beenishraza, 29 November 2017
AlexanderAnubis23 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Kelly Johansen, (Rose McGowan), a freelance debunker of the paranormal, is seen at a farmhouse (located, inexplicably, in the woods) where she is investigating a young boy's report of nightly disturbances. She asks the boy's father if there are any airports nearby because, apparently, aircraft noise can cause spooky sensations. (This rather begs the question: why haven't people been complaining about such fearsome effects since the Wright Brothers demonstrated powered flight in 1903? But never mind.)

Anyway, Pop replies that there are no airports or helicopter landing pads within 200 miles.* Ms. Johansen has a sudden inspiration, and inquires if any of the neighboring farms have been having their crops dusted -- at night. This turns out to be the correct solution to the mystery. I guess crop dusting in the dark makes a kind of sense. Sort of like having a blind person paint a house; the coverage might be sporadic, but the results would definitely be original.

The rest of the film is mainly Ms. Johansen investigating the haunting of an abandoned subway station in Toronto, which she does by meandering around a small, dim set with a flashlight while heavily sedated. Altogether, this goes on for thirty-five minutes or so. She also examines her computer screen to analyze "low frequency sound waves" on software that looks like Audacity or Winamp circa 1997, and as her screen shows only one waveform spectrum we can conclude she records the data for her expert analyses in mono on her laptop's built-in microphone.

After finding a CG corpse and contacting the police, the corpse disappears but a detective shows up. He goes to the bathroom, returns to find Johansen asleep, wakes her up and advises her to "get some rest." (I am not making this up.) Later, for entirely inaudible and incomprehensible reasons, he forces her at gunpoint to prove that ghosts don't exist. Then he gets trapped in a small room where, for even less comprehensible reasons, he explodes. In addition, CG moths fly out of a cement wall, a creepy doll sits on top of a cabinet, and a spectral Christopher Lloyd periodically replaces some light bulbs with flux-capacitors before heading back to the past.

With all this, and more, you might expect there to be some coherent, unifying, explanatory lynch-pin. On the contrary, the movie can't quite decide why the station is haunted in the first place, but we are given three possibilities:

1. The suicide forty years before of a mentally disturbed young woman.

2. The existence of a tunnel connecting the station to a now closed asylum at which, in proper accordance with the doctrines of movie psychiatric medicine, terrible abuses occurred. (Exactly why this absurd piece of cryptoportical architecture was constructed is never discussed, but perhaps it was to provide a means for the suicide to get to the subway without asking the audience to believe that she strolled out of the asylum, and through the streets of Toronto, barefoot and dressed only in a hospital johnnie.)

3. The subway runs through an old Potter's Field and the resident dead are not happy about having been evicted and told to take the train.

All things considered, I think the general story is supposed to be something like this:

The day Ms. Johansen is exploring the subway station is also the thirtieth anniversary of an assault she suffered as an eight year old child. This event was so traumatic that she was institutionalized at the very asylum that is connected to the station, but it is unclear whether she recalls this. Things such as the creepy doll, (which was hers), the combustible detective, and Christopher-the-Friendly-Ghost help her get a handle on this personal situation, as well as an understanding that the moths are the trapped spirits of the dead from the suicide or asylum or cemetery, (feel free to mix 'n match). In a dramatic, cathartic moment, boyfriend arrives just in time to help her liberate the little winged digital souls by opening the door to a shed at ground level. The spirit moths swarm out and, after a tense, hurried meeting of responsible officials, the city of Toronto places emergency calls to Orkin and Ghostbusters. Ms. Johansen's skeptical narrow empiricism is properly placed in the recycle bin, and she signs off of her debunker blog thingy forever -- or does she?

But one is left with more questions inspired by this thinking person's horror film. If the paranormal is exists, what about the para-abnormal? What would have happened had the spirits been caterpillars? Or cocoons? Could a no-pest strip have resolved the issues more efficiently? Is The Sound of Music (1965) an example of White Noise? Does noise come in decorator colors? How DO you solve a problem like Maria?

There are so many questions that my puzzler hurts. Maybe I'll take a Jawbreaker (1999) and lie down.


* Assuming a circle of radius 200 miles, this implies no airport within an area of (pi)(200)^2 mi^2 > (3.14)(200)^2 mi^2 = 125,600 square miles. This is 18.26 times larger than the 6,880 square mile area of Kuwait, where this film was released, and Kuwait has an airport. Rhode Island, the smallest US state, has an area of only 1,214 square miles, or about 0.9665%, (slightly less than one percent), of our hypothetical circular area, and I know for a fact that it has at least one airport too!

Remark: The Apple product placement is particularly shameless here. Multiple shots practically framed around the computer's glowing insignia, and when searching for a signal with the phone held at arms length toward the camera you can almost hear a low frequency voice saying, "Rose, honey, remember not to let your fingers cover the logo." (Just once I'd like to see a Linux based movie.)
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Disappointing and Boring
WankerReviews28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First 10 minutes were promising. Leader character is out to prove ghosts aren't real, and gets contacted online about a haunted subway. The build up was promising, and then we get to the abandoned subway, where things take a nose dive. You'd think a dark abandoned underground subway, where a woman committed suicide would be at least entertaining, but it ends up being boring. This was such a waste of a set up. A talented writer and director would have made the most out of this, but it falls flat. Poor Rose wasn't given much to do, except stare at things, walk around, and tweet on her phone. FYI you don't have to hashtag every single word in your tweets! She has the exact same facial expression throughout.

The dialogue is lifeless. In one scene rose's character rambles on and on about nothing, in run along sentences. It gets so mind numbing that you can see the look of complete boredom on the detective's face. Neither actor wants to be there, and are just waiting for their paycheck.
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sanovabeech21 January 2019
I would have liked to see this movie. Unfortunately, they budget didn't include lights and I probably missed most of the film because I couldn't see squat.

It started interestingly enough and had potential. (I will give it that much)

But in the end, it was probably better that I couldn't see much. The plot was pretty dumb, the effects were non-existent, and the only scary thing was the fact that someone spent money to produce this garbage.
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The Sound: Absolute garbage fire
Platypuschow19 December 2018
The Sound otherwise known as Paranormal: White Noise is a dreadful ghost themed horror.

Starring Rose McGowen, the excellent career villain Michael Eklund and industry legend Christopher Lloyd it tells the story of a supernatural debunker who finds more than she expected on her latest case.

The moody dark setting is great and was rather unexpected, but that's where the redeeming qualities both begin and end.

The plot quickly falls into the realms of stupidity, cliched unadulterated stupidity. You know what's worse than a stupid plot? A stupid plot that is riddled with plot holes, inconsistencies and unanswered questions.

I've seen some poor horrors lately but The Sound truly takes the title as the worst. With Lloyds minimal screen time, all the questions regarding Eklunds place in the film and McGowans botox being so excessive she's unable to shift facial expression throughout it's made that much worse.

This is a sound not worth hearing.

The Good:

Decent setting

Lloyd and Eklund

The Bad:

Plot holes

Incredibly boring

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Christopher Lloyd must be doing a Robert Englund and be paying back to the industry to agree to do a film like this

With those new lips McGowan has the acting range of Kristen Stewart

I'd love to do that job, professional debunker!
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paulcmiranda5 May 2018
I think I made it half an hour into the movie before the stream of incoherent hashtags had me rooting for the protagonist to get killed. There were a few brief interesting moments when Christopher Lloyd makes his entrance but the succession of characters that wander into the lack of a story just remind me of how unprepared our hero is for her adventure. As a "scientist" she should be worried about the real physical harm that can come to somebody wandering into "a rat infested pit covered with graffiti", to borrow a line from the movie. The story had some potential but it went nowhere for so long that no payoff could ever be worth the wait.
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Nothing you never seen before
kaefab30 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well the movie start good but ends up losing its touch quickly.

Its nothing you never seen before and its been done a zillion times before b movies, hand-held, don't believe in ghost but are proved wrong, ghost are evil..... etc......

Rose Mcgowan is the lead role she debunks ghost myths, and has an internet following, she receive a case in a metro station in Toronto that is suppose to be hunted,now its weird because i live in Montreal and lots of people committed suicide by jumping on the rails or in front of the metro and they never close the station for that, but this one event happened in 1966 and the station as been closed since? She ends up going to the station and nothing new, she starts seeing things ghost, apparitions, bees, and the more and more things happen she realize that ghost are real, and that the metro station leads to a asylum for mentally ill patient, who got experimented on.. and now the ghost are not happy about all this..... end of story.......
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Might as well be The Absence Of Sound
nebk1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Sound is a supernatural horror thriller in which Kelly Johanson (Rose McGowan) debunks myths about ghosts and the supernatural using measurements of low frequency sound waves. She reports her findings on her blog/website and invites people to recommend places which she should visit and prove that there are no ghosts. As a result she finds herself at an abandoned train station in Toronto where a woman committed suicide in the mid 1960s. And the plot thickens from there as Kelly is soon faced with apparitions haunting the abandoned station. Her sanity starts slipping and the question is whether she will manage to save herself and get out alive.

Whilst the premise and the first third of the movie were relatively interesting the rest went downhill quickly. Or should that be slowly since the movie starts dragging on and the story becomes more convoluted and less believable. In the end it's hard to care what happens as the viewers have probably lost interest. The ending feels rushed and there is a scene with hundreds of moths buzzing and flying around the abandoned station. To my knowledge moths don't sound like an angry swarm of bees. That just seems to have been added to include an irrelevant jump scare. Or wake the audience. The acting is more or less okay but nothing special. The supporting actors (Christopher Lloyd and Stephen McHattie amongst others) are fine but are not given enough screen time to make an impact. Overall the movie ultimately fizzled out.
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mjsreg10 October 2018
This film is truly boring to watch. It so so boring that I forgot the title of it by the time it ended.

It is very rare there are no reasons to watch a film - even the awful ones - but this is one that has nothing going for it at all - not even anything amusingly awful. It is that bland.

The acting is exceedingly boring - apart from a brief appearance by Christopher Lloyd - which even then was bland because of the character he plays.

There were so many fundamental errors in what little relief from the tedium that it just make's one's brain uncreative as it goes in to 'can't be bothered' mode..

Really, no exaggeration, you would be more entertained by watching a gold fish swim around in it's bowl fro an hour. Even if someone were to describe the film from beginning to end there wouldn't be any spoilers .
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Awesome movie!
tdino-274211 December 2017
The Sound is a thriller that was a truly enjoyable experience to watch. While some thrillers tend to drag on forever, this one was the perfect length and had great movement throughout the plot. I was really interested in the concept of this film from the beginning, and it definitely didn't disappoint. The story follows main character Kelly, who works to debunk ghost sighting via sound waves. She measures the waves and uses the sound frequency to account for visual and auditory hallucinations that occur when her clients "see ghosts." Since this concept was introduced immediately, the film does an incredible job of keeping the viewer guessing what's real and what's not. I was hooked until the end to see the conclusion of her adventures to debunk her most complicated job yet. It definitely takes the viewers along for an intense and thrilling ride. The plot and subplot in this movie are very well executed, with good acting and visuals. For future viewers, i would definitely compare this movie to a Shutter Island type movie- it wasn't a classic gory, horror movie- it has more psychological thriller base. If you're interested in the supernatural, paranormal, science, and psychology, this is a movie you won't want to miss!
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Sounds so low, we might even be able to record the hallucination
nogodnomasters9 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Kelly Johansen (Rose McGowen) is a ghost debunker. She detects low level sounds which cause vibrations and lead to hallucinations. She is drawn to an abandoned subway in Toronto to investigate the ghost of a woman who committed suicide. Once she gets there the plot thickens as new information is suddenly thrown at us all in the effort to ruin a simple ghost story.

This falls in line with the modern trend of having the debunker, i.e. person with no faith, change their mind. "1408" was the classic of this style. It maintained a simple plot. I liked the film, and then.. Hey Jenna Mattison, sometimes less is more.

Apparently in Canada, there is no such thing as trespassing. Rose McGowan kept falling asleep during the film.

Guide: no swearing, sex, or nudity
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Boring and incoherent
phenomynouss21 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film didn't get off to a good start with its rather unusually amateurish style and tone at the start. But I didn't begrudge it that, I figure it would be fine... until it started having twitter hashtags and random words and phrases floating on screen when the main character, Kelly Johanssen, speaks them or types them in.

Basically the whole movie has this irritation, with her live-tweeting her attempt to debunk a ghost in a haunted subway station in Canada. She relies on the theory that most ghost sightings are caused by low sound waves below the human ability to hear that causes vibrations in the eyes that cause people to see things in the edge of their vision. This is a real thing and it's very interesting and intriguing, and exactly none of it is in any way important or relevant to the plot here except to try to provide a thin veneer of false mystery as to whether the inevitable spoopy events that unfold are actually real ghosts, or just her suffering from the very same "hallucinations" she herself has relied upon to debunk prior ghost sightings.

Somehow Kelly thinks the best way to tell if the station where the sound vibrations cause nosebleeds, hallucinations, and lightheadedness is actually haunted is to actually go down there and just sit down there for hours, suffering from nosebleeds, hallucinations, and lightheadedness.

The vast majority of this film is basically that. She is directed there by an anonymous messenger online, and despite her prior repeated mentionings of hallucinations and the like, she foolishly falls for the hallucinations almost immediately and ends up calling the police to report a dead body which turns out not to actually be there. Before that, as well, she encounters a random jerkoff teenager who is just loitering around down there smoking, who happens to know about the legend of the station's haunting. Within moments I figured "This kid is probably a ghost or hallucination" and towards the end I was proven right.

One of the cops, a detective, turns out to be the one who anonymously messaged her about the haunted station, and is stalking her, digging up old medical records that showed she was self-admitted into a psychiatric asylum, and then follows her into the station where he is pointlessly belligerent. His scenes with Kelly feel like they were very sloppily edited, or else badly written by someone who forgot to write down everything, because the detective guy is suspicious, shady, obnoxious, and belligerent for absolutely no reason, and at some point pulls a gun on her, threatening her to... do exactly what she's doing.

He wants her to debunk that the place is haunted, and eventually reveals it was him who basically commissioned her to do it. because she's stupid, instead of saying "Yes, okay, this is exactly what I am doing and have been doing until you came down here and pulled a gun on me", he decides to needlessly agitate him by constantly asking "what if I can't debunk it?" which is exactly what you want to say to a delirious jibbering psychopath who has pulled a gun on you.

Luckily, his role comes to an abrupt and incoherent end as he follows a ghosty girl into a room, and she barricades him in, only to suddenly remove the barricade and open it up yelling at him to get out of the room. He wasn't even aware he was being locked in before apparently getting killed or something.

Christopher Lloyd inexplicably appears in the film to roam around and change the lights. He too is one of those miscellaneous background characters you suspect is actually a ghost within the first five minutes and they turn out to actually be a ghost at the end and he ends up serving no purpose in the film at all except to boost the movie.

Meanwhile, expo-dumps have been repeatedly adding lots of pointless backstory, and at some point, despite the ghost supposedly being a woman covered in blood who jumped in front of a train in 1966, she is suddenly tracking a ghost girl named "Emily" with absolutely no connection to the base plot. This feels like something that was added in post-production or at the very last minute, with the "Lady in Red" stuff not edited out. It also serves to make for a pointless twist ending that does nothing and is almost completely unrelated to the story as a whole.

At some point, they seem to have given up filming what they had, and filmed an entirely different movie and forgot to re-film or re-edit the first half.
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Never mind
smoke019 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Never mind the fact that this film would have made a great found footage film if Rose's character actually used modern technology to document her alleged work other than some photos and a twitter feed. Never mind the sound technology she uses that always shows one static mono stream on a huge laptop that never needs charging and has the best wifi card in the world because it always has a signal in an abandoned subway terminal that isn't locked and can be accessed easily by anyone. Never mind the various ghosts who show up for absolutely no reason to seemingly help Rose, and never mind the cop who shows up with no explanation for his interest other than to have Rose debunk the ghosts and never mind the strange way he dies or why, because the film never minded that either, and never mind Rose's dedicated bf who easily runs four miles to the station, easily finds the entrance to the abandoned subway and easily wanders around looking for Rose and easily finds her just at the right moment. And never mind seeing this film, because it's just wasted potential.
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Stink Rhymes With Stink
LouAbbott30 April 2018
As soon as Rose McGowan (the central character) enters the lower level of a Toronto subway station, the film sinks lower than the station could ever sink. Stink rhymes with sink. This film is a boring, confusing mish-mash that never makes much sense. The scariest part of the movie is the ending, which is a set up for a sequel! Terrifying!
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wallacecc-180252 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was continually being dragged along. I still don't understand any of this "Emily" stuff, whether she's real or not
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Abysmal acting
thebogofeternalstench3 October 2017
Could they have picked a more terrible actress? Wooden as they come. She even had a stupid hack job haircut. Awful acting from her and the opening scene is terrible. Everything is out of place and really stupid.

Atrocious movie. Avoid it like the plague.
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Nearly unbearable
midnightmosesuk9 October 2018
This film is dull, cliché, messy, over long, nonsensical and, worst of all, unscary. I watched it to the end but it was all I could do to stay awake, let alone engage with this film. I can only think that Christopher Lloyd was in this film as a favour for a friend or needed to finance a loft conversion or something similar.

Not really worth your time.
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Blooming Terrible!!!!
jhmoondance7 October 2018
What a completely utterly DIABOLICAL piece of CRAP!!! If you don't believe me then watch it!

STUPID acting, writing and storyline!!!!!
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Weak horror movie
agabot-118 October 2017
I'm kind of tired of looking for good horror movies. The Sound came to me mostly sight unseen, to which the title intrigued me and I intuited it as a horror movie. ' Mostly set in the darkness of an abandoned subway station in Canada, one is puzzled by how intricate an abandoned subway station can be in Canada. Nevertheless, it is literally a dark movie.

Credibility is stretched by how heavily the heroine's career is supported by social media, how unlikely it is that she is led to the subway ghost story by the detective, and by how stingy the film is with the shocks and spooky reveals. It does not make for a good horror film.

Also, the hook of "The Sound" as a major plot device to drive the movie along is kinda weak, as is the denouement at the end.
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What the......
shazzaw-984668 March 2020
What the fluff was all that about? What a load of garbage! This film had no story to it. Rose MxGowan was terrible in this - what was the trout pout all about?? 🙄. Who was the detective and what did he have to do with it? Internet connection underground and a phone I'm impressed!!

Sorry but I wasted almost two hours of my life watching this. I would rather stick pins in my eyes!!

On the whole this film was boring!!
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"thinking person's horror film"
beenishraza29 November 2017
I watched this movie' 'The Sound''. O my God this is totally amazing with full of drama. The movie is a "thinking person's horror film"

The best this about this movie is this is not typical horror movie with knifes and flowing those who love to watch bloody type of horror movies this is not for them. This is supernatural recording of every scene. Every scene looks so natural.
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Debut film was too slow at first
merryfieldbeth8 February 2020
The first half of the movie plodded too slowly. I would have liked seeing more character development and glimpses of Kellys back story during this time. The final ten minutes cleared everything up, however I felt I had to wade exhaustively through the first half to reach the detailed plot. The cinematography was excellent as was the eerie soundtrack. I hope the production team and writer make more films.
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How did this make cable?
kakymorris7 December 2018
This has been done over and over... however it had promise the first 12 minutes...then dropped... flopped and trashed...just like the awful wig Rose wears in the movie
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