Grimm's Snow White (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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rufatahmad23 March 2012
One of those movies that are so bad you wonder why anyone would make them. Poor acting, poor CG, poor costumes and most of all poor plot.

Retelling a famous story is fine but this had nothing to do with Snow White! I think they used the Snow White name to try to draw some viewers.

Even for entertainment, it is not worth it. You can laugh when you see the CG characters, or the "beautiful" Snow White, but in the end it makes you wish there was some censorship to ensure minimal quality of movies or that the famous names, such as Snow White, were protected from such blatant amateurism.
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A Waste of Entertainment Resourses
mysticaloneky15 March 2012
A Brave attempt to keep America Working. The movie was not very good, very cheesy and with poor special effect. It would appear that a very low budget was involved, one that could only afford less than 12 elves to make up a kingdom. The lead actors.. hope they didn't give up their day job. The storyline was also not sound and was neither the Disney version of the original Grimm version. It was a shock to see Jamie (James) King, of the Vampire Diaries play such a drab and uneventful role. He does so well in Vampire diaries, is very surprising he is so bad in this role. Prospective and camera shots very bad. If I was the evil queen, I must say feed it to the dogs.
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Has a lot wrong, but on the whole it could have been much worse than it was
TheLittleSongbird18 July 2012
I was dubious of whether to watch this movie as SyFy's resume ranges from a few tolerable, a lot of bad and a number of bottom-of-the-barrel movies. Grimm's Snow White didn't bowl me over, and I wasn't expecting it to, but as far as SyFy movies go they have done much worse than this. The costumes, sets and lighting actually do have a creative and colourful-fantasy-world-like look, while also showing a sense of darkness. The editing is not the choppy editing that I have associated with a lot of SyFy's films but more succinct, neither is it mind-blowingly amazing. The music score is also one of the better ones for a SyFy movie, instead of the generic and sluggish in tempo music SyFy movies often have, this one was suitably haunting with also a quite beautiful twinkling feel. Of the performances the best one was Jane March, her Wicked Queen is coldly beautiful and stoically sinister at the same time. On the other hand, this is where the negatives come. Eliza Bennett's Snow White, looking more like Alice in Wonderland than Snow White actually, I found to be lacking in innocence and she had a wooden way of delivering her lines. Jamie Thomas King also does very little with such an admittedly drab role. They are not helped by really stilted writing, and while the story did start off promisingly it quickly lost drive and became very disjointed in its structure. The sense of drama in the latter part of the film was lacking for me, the bit with the ring didn't make much sense and when people in the battle sequence were supposed to be dead you could tell they weren't. The characters I just didn't care anything for, apart from the Queen they were written very superficially and felt little more than fantasy clichés. The effects have been worse, but there is still a lot of artificiality going on, especially with the dragons. All in all, could have been worse and SyFy have done worse too but Grimm's Snow White didn't do very much for me. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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March Is Actually Better Than Roberts
Michael_Elliott2 June 2012
Grimm's Snow White (2012)

** (out of 4)

With both MIRROR MIRROR and SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN hitting theaters in 2012, it was only a matter of time before The Asylum struck with their mockbuster. The story is pretty much the same that we're used to as the Queen (Jane March) wants Snow White (Eliza Bennett) out of the Kingdom but when the jobs not done she enters the Enchanted Forrest where the Prince (Jamie Thomas King) comes to her rescue. Being The Asylum, the wood creatures are actually dragons, which is the biggest change in the story. GRIMM'S SNOW WHITE isn't going to make you forget the Disney classic (or even the good silent version) but it's actually not too bad considering who made it. It seems that everyone on board was actually trying to make a good film and not just a cheap rip-off of something else out there, which is often the case for The Asylum. On a technical level the film is rather impressive as it has a professional look and it's put together rather nicely. I'd add that the editing was also good as was the cinematography. Another thing the film had going for it were the performances, which were actually good and I'd say they were much better than what we got in the bigger budgeted MIRROR MIRROR. Bennett made for a good Snow White as she delivered a certain charm and innocence that really came across. Another major plus was March as the Queen. After the controversial start to her career with films like THE LOVER and COLOR OF NIGHT, I was really interested in seeing her today and she was still a beauty and managed to be quite good in the role. I thought she was very good at playing the evil and she didn't have to be cute with it or go over-the-top. Of course, the low budget also means you get some pretty poor CGI effects with the dragons but to be fair the quality is actually a bit better than you'd typically get. Another problem is that after a while the film just loses all of its gas and momentum and quickly dies out. Obviously this film isn't going to be for everyone but it's certainly not as bad as it could have been.
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To be honest, it's an improvement
selumt016 April 2012
Let's have a look back on the past Asylum films that they invented. 666: The Beast, 666: The Child and also, Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. THOSE films were terrible with a capital T. I saw another film produced by The Asylum not long ago with Ving Rhames 'Zombie Apocalypse' compare all those films to their latest ones now, they're improving just very slowly. They're not cheesy as much any more, their films are not in low quality, also they're hiring actors who are known to the community. I'm waiting for some of their new films that are going to be released soon Golden Winter, Super Cyclone, Nazis at the centre of the earth and also Alien Origin. Sure, Grimm's snow white wasn't as exciting but it's definitely an improvement from The Asylum. -Trent Browning
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Poorly done budget film
geekgirl10119 November 2013
Poor acting, poorly scripted, badly drawn CGI graphics, yellow stick-on ears that don't fit the wearer, a lack of depth in the characters, an incredibly small elf army representing the whole of the elf population, CGI dogs that can't jump gaps and just fall into them, guards who don't really pay very much attention to whether their queen is under threat or not, a serious lack of dwarfs, an ugly hag who's supposed to be the 2nd most beautiful woman in the kingdom and wears a dress that's massively too big for her and is lacking in any jewellery, and snow white has blonde hair and pink lips. Need I say any more?

While the story has an interesting take on the tale we're all too familiar with it's lacking proper care and whoever did the makeup needs shooting. Couldn't even be bothered to paint the ears to make them the same skin colour as the wearer or attempt at hiding the seams so it looks like they're wearing fake ears.
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madzec-15-4731075 September 2012
Aside that SnowWhite is blonde and that you can almost notice every part of CG and masks in the movie, dwarfs have been replaced with elves and you can see their different skin on their pike ears mask so easy it just hurts. Also they stepped aside from the original story so much that they turned nice fairy tale in some wannabe hack and slash wannabe copy of Lord of the Rings.... only here they replace a huge armies with barely 10 elf's... If my memory serves me well... original story was named SnowWhite and seven dwarfs not elf's... They totally ruined the movie with bad effects and even worse script.

My advice if you know original SnowWhite at all, avoid this movie like plague...
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SOOOO bad!
corajolindsay6 August 2012
As far as bad movies go, this one takes the cake. I'm always a sucker for fairy tales, so I thought "LET'S GIVE IT A TRY!" It's like they took the better parts of all the big epic movies and threw them in a blender and hit puree. First you have a girl who looks and dresses like Alice, and you have OBVIOUS knockoffs of LOTR and Game of Thrones with the elves (OMG they actually named one "Orlando?" - BLOOM by any chance?); and Prince Alexander has the RPat look going on. He does everything but sparkle. Our family had more fun MST3K-ing it than watching it seriously. As my husband eloquently put it, "Someone raided a RenFaire for these costumes.
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Poor production value, crazy story
SnoopyStyle29 August 2013
It's the Snow White tale with some odd takes. Eliza Bennett is Snow White and Jane March is the Evil Queen. The production value here is horrible. The F/X, the sets, everything is low grade amateur hour. The actors are just not A-list, and it shows on screen. I have nothing to recommend here, and everybody is best advised to just avoid this. The only interesting thing here is the different take on the well known tale. I think they are trying to go back to the source and take it back to Grimm's Tales. I'm not an expert on their version or versions. I can't really comment on its faithfulness. But with elfs, dragons, and magic fire, there's just too much going on.
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Fractured Fairy Tales told it better.
mark.waltz17 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Poor "Snow"; Whether getting ribbed because of infamous appearances on the Oscars or spoofed on "The Carol Burnett Show" (hilariously!), she has not had an easy time of it. Even Stephen Sondheim's "Into the Woods" failed to include her save a mention by one of the princes after marrying her fairy tale rival (Cinderella). The 1937 Disney film will always be considered a classic, and a 1997 cable movie, "Snow White: A Tale of Terror", told the Grimm story the way it should be told when taking it seriously. So in 2012, three hideous movies come along about "Snow", and this one, lavishly boxed for video, is the worst. (To be honest, as of this date, I have not seen the other two, but they can't be any worse than this.)

Some silly looking rubber monsters are thrown in to add gruesome horror to the mêlée. They appear to eat various peasants sent by the Queen into the woods to destroy them, but for some reason, the monster doesn't swallow them. Of all of the characters, the monster probably had the best taste of any of them. Snow White barely says a word; The Queen is given some hideously bland costumes and crowns; and the dwarfs are actually simple country folk of regular human size who adopt "Snow" when the Queen's henchman fails to kill her. Add on a "Prince Charming" who appears to have divided loyalties and isn't exactly charming. Try not to laugh at the Queen's make-up when she transforms into the old hag, minus the apple. Other than that, I thought that the Queen was appropriately evil, although there is never any reason explained for her hatred towards Snow White or her vanity in general. Sigourney Weaver did it best in the 1997 cable version I mention above, with motivations as clear as the Gothic mirror she gazes into.

A footnote about the DVD: it contains trailers for some of the most vile, evil looking series of films I've ever seen produced for viewing. There is no purpose to the meanness of either the trailers or the film other than to promote a seemingly Satanistic view of humanity.
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One of the Top Ten worst movies ever
rockinsoul4 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Well where do I begin. Snow White retold with the inclusion of dragons and elves? An unusual pretence for a movie but one that could have been interesting. Right? Wrong! Everything about this film was just terrible. From the opening scene you just know what is about to follow. At least they gave us the courtesy of turning the movie off at the start instead of wasting an hour and a half watching it, which I should have done. But I watched it through. The casting, the acting, the directorship, the editing, the CGI, were all atrocious. I found myself laughing out loud several times at just how lame it all was. None of the "poignant" scenes stir any emotions, except for hilarity at the lameness. The plot is disjointed, the crew minimal (there must be less than a hundred cast in the entire movie, and that is including both armies!! The only decent thing was the musical score, which may have made it OK to watch if you are blind and you could remove the script!! Get the sound track but for God's sake don't watch this movie. You have been warned. Other than all that, of course, it's alright :)
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An open minded review
longsparkle28 July 2012
Many may wonder why I gave it an 8. When I sit down to watch a movie I try to do it with an open mind... Granted it did not have the flare of a Hollywood movie.. but that would be because I am guessing they didn't have the money to do that.

I enjoyed the story and loved the different take on it.. There was a lot of hard work put into this movie and I loved it..

We are so spoiled in a lot of what is offered at the box office that we don't give the new upcoming stars a chance..

The music fit in perfectly.. the scenery was beautiful.. and the acting was good...

If you sit and try not to compare it and just watch it with an open mind I am sure you will enjoy it too...
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Good low budget fantasy
stevenlw1 June 2012
This was pretty good. I think the scenery was absolutely lush and beautiful and made half the movie. The action didn't flag, and the characters were mostly stock but well defined and played.

I know this sounds like faint praise. But, for a production produced by The Asylum, this is very very good.

I've seen a few of their 'mock' busters. This was much better than their usual, cheap fare.

If you like fantasy, with a beautiful central/southern European flavor, then watch this.

The stepmother was well played, as were many of the elf characters. The only miscasting was Snow White. She was the wrong one for that role. But fortunately Snow White had a small part, for all that the title promises.

In this age of high end special effects, they managed pretty well using basic computer graphics tools. Pretty soon, special effects in films of any budget will be good.
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really awful movie
doronn891 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
where do I start? first of all, the movie is directed really bad. the storyline makes no sense at all. i couldn't keep count of all the silliest, amateur goofs during the screen play, as much as i am surprised there were no goofs like hand-watches, and other electric devices. other than that, I must say the animation sucked BIG-TIME. I mean, really?? cant you at-least make one thing nice? except for the mirror, which was nice, as long as it was.. anyway, nor the actors, screenplay and effects were good. one thing was alright during most of the movie was the camera shoot.. it was OK...

thats my opinion anyway...

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Grimm Story
swedish_chef_dave14 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting a spectacular show of a very famous story that can only be told one way, unfortunately this sad and lonely film is a long long way from being spectacular. The wicked queen is not beautiful, not her fault but bad casting, snow white is not good looking either and is quite miserable actually, the story departs from the Disney one by having animated evil creatures, all of which were so poorly done as to be laughable, the script was just jumping from one silly evil creature fight scene to another with not much joining them, one thing that unites all cheapo films is the wooden acting and this did not disappoint, just wooden stilted disjointed rubbish that just killed any worthwhile elements in the story. I had to turn it off half way though as my wife couldn't stand anymore of my complaining, I wasted 45 minutes of valuable drinking time thinking it may be watchable. Don't make the same mistake.
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Great, for a Low Budget Adaptation
tiffanytallent198123 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After I watched the first 30 minutes, I was excited to watch the rest. But as I kept going, I realized that the movie was missing some things and it really started to bug me. Yea the dragons and hounds of hell were obviously cgi, but that's to be expected in a low budget film. Although, the dogs were extremely bad, like the Renesmee baby on Twilight bad. Lol The camera work was ALL over the place during any fight scene. And of course there are quite a few of them. I started to get dizzy after a while because it was too shaky to focus my attention.

As for the acting, it was pretty bad but on par with a low budget movie. The Queen and Prince were the best of the bunch. The elves, the Queen's guard, and the Princess started getting on my nerves because half of the time they were just standing around looking at each other. No emotions or expressions on their faces and no talking when there should've been some. Like when the Prince almost dies, the Princess never SAYS anything. She just cries softly. Um nope! I'd be screaming to please don't kill my love! I don't know why her character was made to be so helpless and practically mute. I think a lot of the actors were probably new to the craft. It wasn't natural. Instead, it felt like they were concentrating on their marks, which caused their acting to suffer.

So what DID I like about this movie? The opening scene with the King was sad, but good. He proved to be a courageous man. I also liked how the "dwarfs" were elves in this version. And they had magical powers! The Queen was extra evil and her powers were greater than the individual elves. And since the elves believed in keeping the peace, they never combined their magic to hurt the Queen. And finally, even though the love scene is rushed between the Prince and Princess, I still liked it. On different occasions during the movie, they end up saving each other. That's better than just the Prince saving the damsel in distress! It was awesome seeing the Princess FINALLY take action during the last of the movie too. It definitely made her a tad more likable!
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Entertaining only because it was ridiculous
daniellethron28 December 2021
Im not sure where robot looking dogs and a dinosaur dragon come into the story of Snow White... but they do here. The mythological creatures seemed really fake, acting was questionable, and the evil stepmother was more like a jealous best friend. They tried to stick with the main plot but many parts were confusing when it came to the elves, and who was who. And I'm sorry but when Snow White and the prince got back together no one cared.
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tried to not be typical, but was for the most part
angel_redwin19 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
i liked it... thought there was some pretty good acting; despite the fact that it says it's going in a non-traditional way with the elves and the weird dragons, it kinda didn't really stray from a typical plot line for snow white... loved how the fights scenes were done and i'm sorry but i laughed at how bad the special effects were whenever somethings head got chopped off... must have saved money on fake blood since i believe only one scene had any... the plastic elf ears were kind of cute and you gotta love the queen being a man user to get what she wants... i honestly have to say that i think they could have gone more towards a snow white confronting destiny and had the epic snow vs evil queen in front of the star flames and the ending needed to be cleaned up with a theme of peace and complete togetherness... my favorite character had to be Orlando the grumpy (yet super sexy) elf he just had more depth and transformation of character from being local bad boy/protector saying dude just let her die she's human, to a more compassionate, oh snow i see how hard it is to see your true loves forced wedding- understanding look in his eyes his character really pulled through and i love the depth the actor presented, the prince however i'm not impressed with his character which could have been the actor could have been how he was written... who knows
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Surprisingly Good 👍🏾
godzluvchild24 November 2021
The movie is not one of Hollywood's mainstream movies but there is still some quality to it. I can tell the movie crew did the very best they could with the budget they had. For me, the acting was the best part. Everyone was believable. I also like the different spin on the classic Snow White tale.
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How can this be possible?
nogodnomasters11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The opening of the DVD lets us know that Asylum has made over 100 films in 15 years and by the trailers, it looks like they are THE premier film maker of our age. It is worth a chuckle. This mock-buster film contains everything we have come to expect from Asylum's 15 year history. This one had second tier CG effects; actors who sound like they have been rejected from the Renaissance Fair; stolen script poorly rewritten; bad direction/editing, goofs, and plot continuity holes you can drive a truck through. And that is the good stuff.

We all know the story of Snow White (Eliza Bennett, Inkheart ). She comes to grieve her father fresh from the convent. (I didn't write this stuff.) The beginning opens with a narration of a "falling star" that lands on earth and creates a light/flame of great power. It also created two races: dragons and elves. The elves are skilled with the bow and have pointy ears (thank you JRR). There are 2 kingdoms, one protects the flame, the dragon and the elves, and the one ruled by Snow White's evil stepmother (Jane March, Clash of the Titans). She wants to posses the flame, enslave the elves, and kill the dragons...and also be the fairest in the land too which has become almost secondary to the plot.

The elves are skilled with the bow, can disappear, and have magical powers over the earth yet fear for their lives at the hands of the Queen's bumbling huntsmen. The prince is played by Jamie Thomas King (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy). There is no poison apple in this tale and fearful elves have replaced the singing dwarfs. The feral elves are more akin to Native American ninjas.

Runt (Sebastian Wimmer) is a likeable elf who provides the film with personality. Snow goes to the market the "day before the new moon." That night there is a full moon. The dungeon and battle scenes equally had me scratching my head. That is why I watch Asylum relive the glory days of Ed Wood.

There are no subtitles on the DVD for the hearing impaired, although it might be better with the sound off. It did include a gag reel which is not worth watching.

No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. While the dragon kills people, there is no gore. One urination scene. A quick scene with a statue with one breast exposed. Unless you're John Ashcroft (remember him?) you most likely won't notice. 8 stars for plot continuity errors, mediocre acting, goofs, and fake looking head roll. Unless you are a cult fan of Asylum films, my advice is don't go cheap. Spend the extra buck and enjoy the real blockbuster.
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Evil queen, beautiful princess, valiant prince, elves, magic, dragons, castles and emerald forests
Wuchakk5 October 2017
RELEASED TO VIDEO IN 2012 and directed by Rachel Goldenberg, "Grimm's Snow White" is a loose adaption of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about an evil queen (Jane March) who takes over her husband's kingdom after his dubious death. Upon discovering that her beautiful stepdaughter, Snow (Eliza Bennett), is a rival for the attentions of a valiant prince (Jamie Thomas King) she tries to kill her, but Snow escapes into the enchanted forest where she finds reluctant sanctuary with some elves (Sebastian Wimmer, Alan Burgon, Frauke Steiner, etc.). Meanwhile war is brewing. Otto Jankovich is on hand as the prince's adviser.

The Asylum (film company) is known for making low-budget knockoffs of major films (always for less than $1 million) and thus "Grimm's Snow White" came out eleven weeks before "Snow White and the Huntsman" to steal some of its thunder. While it lacks that film's production polish, I found the story at least as engaging and Eliza Bennett is just all-around more fitting in the title role than the nigh impassive Kristen Stewart. Sure, she looks like Alice in Wonderland, but who cares? As for Snow's blonde hair, there have been renditions of the story where she has blonde ("golden") hair. There's also at least one other film version where she's a blonde. Jamie Thomas King is also preferable to the hulking Chris Hemsworth simply because he's more of an 'every man' and is just plain more likable.

Moreover, the locations and authentic castles are awesome, shot in the heart of Europe; and the emerald forests are to die for. Sure, the CGI dragons and canine beasts are hopelessly cartoony, but that's to be expected in a TV-budgeted flick.

If you don't mind low-budgets and like fantasy adventures that feature all the elements noted in my title blurb, you'll find this movie entertaining. Remember: Imagination and legend are about good and evil and the power of selfless courage against impossible odds. There is nothing more heroic than man (male or female) against monster. This is what you get in "Grimm's Snow White."

Yes, some Asylum movies suck (e.g. "30,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "Mega Piranha"), but some don't (e.g. "The Land That Time Forgot" and "6 Guns"). "Grimm's Snow White" ranks with the latter.

THE FILM RUNS 90 minutes and was shot in and around Vienna, Austria. WRITER: Naomi L. Selfman.

GRADE: B/B- (6.5/10)
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Take it as an Adventure/Fantasy/COMEDY and you'll love it!
belac772 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was first attracted to this film because of Eliza Bennet. She played the role of Meggie in Inkspell, and did a fantastic job in this film playing Snow White. Sure, she doesn't have raven black hair, but it's nice to mix things up a bit.

I think the key to enjoying this film is to remember that it IS a low- budget, independent film. It isn't backed by a huge studio, it doesn't have brilliant CGI. In fact, the CGI is pretty laughable. But that's the key: laughter. Laugh at the corny parts; it makes the movie more enjoyable. Yes the elves have visibly prosthetic ears. Yes the 'dogs' are bigger than people and seem to be the product of some crazy genetic experiment. And yes, there are a LOT of decapitations. (It got to be a running joke while my family watched the film, we'd yell out 'DECAPITATION!' whenever one occurred, probably at least 6 times during the movie xD)

The acting is actually VERY well done. I'm not sure why other reviews diss the cast, because they all portray their roles perfectly IMHO. The Queen, Snow White, and the Prince are exceptional.

The cinematography is okay, not great, not bad. The costumes are fine, although most characters always wear the same outfit. (Hey, maybe royalty didn't change very often back then?)

The movie climaxes in a hilarious yet deadly combat between the two sides. Black elf's swing in on vines like Tarzan and his monkey friends. Snow White mostly stands around observing the fight. (Weirdo...maybe she has a fetish?)

And the crown jewel of comedy is when the Queen gets beheaded. OMG WE COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING! The camera focuses in on the severed head which is clearly a plastic mannequin face and LOOKS NOTHING LIKE THE QUEEN. In fact, it kinda looks like a dude. IDK why they chose to focus on that, since it's obviously fake, but boy is it hilarious.

So, in short, accept it, laugh at it, cry at it (I'll admit, the final kiss between Snow and the Prince gets to me.)

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Original? Hardly
neil-4761 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing how often the same good idea occurs to more than one movie production company at the same time, isn't it? After two big budget variations on Snow White, here comes the cheap and cheerful TV movie version from the SyFy channel. This usually does not bode well.

Actually, this could be worse. The scenery is good, the cast is attractive, and the acting is OK. Conversely, the script isn't wonderful, the direction is poor, and the CGI critters are among the SyFy channel's worst.

The wonderful Eliza Bennett is Snow White. I had hoped that, after her early promise, she would have found better vehicles than this.
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Not keen
nightroses17 May 2021
Asylum have done really good fantasy films. Unfortunately I felt quite bored watching it. There were no dwarves but elves instead. The prince wasn't convincing as a hero because he proposed to the evil queen! The kiss scene of the prince and queen was cringe. Snow White is blonde for a change although she miraculously became skilled at archery all of a sudden without training. The film had so many holes. But it had a number of monsters and special effects wasn't too bad. It had atmosphere, which is also important because most modern films lack this quality.
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blackswan-6442429 September 2021
I can forgive independent movies for certain things, like low production value, non-A-list actors, and what have you, but even those couldn't save the film industry from this abomination. I have read the original Snow White, and she is described as having white hair, so that's why they had a blonde actress playing her. However, she looks more like Alice from Alice in Wonderland. They could've at least put forth *some* effort into making her look more like an original character, if they were going to go that route. Otherwise, they should've had a brunette as Snow, especially if they were going to have the actress wearing a bow or headband. I honestly watched this hoping for some opportunities to make fun of it for a review I was going to post on my YouTube channel, but it's not even "so bad it's good." It's just bad. I had rented it from a Redbox, and feel like I was ripped off. Just an epic failure!
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