Endgame (TV Series 2011) Poster


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one of the Best shows on TV to date...
fastforwardcoaching6 June 2011
what I usually do is only watch the first 20 min of a new show and this let's me know if it is something I will enjoy to watch, and I can tell you that with-in the first 10 min I new that this was going to be a very entertaining show to watch. I keeps you under suspense the entire time, and it is very well written, and the acting is fantastic... very sad to hear that it has been cancelled, what a shame especially when there was finally something to watch that was worth watching... The story lines are very interesting and it is very difficult to tell what the out come will be. Most of the shows on TV now are so very predictable and bravo to the writers that pulled this one off and did a fantastic job doing it, and the production value is great as well.
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Giving it a Chance
schobitz057 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Something awesome happened to me with this series. After the first episode i must say i was a little disappointed with it, but then, i saw second episode and everything changed. The characters got more deep, the story changed for the good and i could really understand what this series was going to be about. Now i'm on the third episode and i can see from the start a mystery, well played characters and also JACK DANIEL from stargate! HA! Being a fan from former character and all, all i can say is GIVE THIS A CHANCE TO GET TO YOU... It may take a while to introduce trough your senses, but, it will sure get to you after a little while seeing the genius of the master chess player in action reveling the mysteries of crime. If you are a fan of LIE TO ME, you will get to love this. Follow my advise and i assure you one hell of a ride.
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Quickly grows on you
ihatespike27 April 2014
I came across this little gem of a series on Hulu (after it advertised it about a million times) and I'm certainly glad I did; it's one of a handful of shows you watch with bittersweet enjoyment since you know right away it has already been cut before its prime. The detective setup is reminiscent of a chess game in that it starts the same. There's the quirky, somewhat impaired detective and the patient supporting cast who put up with his antics. Give it a little time and your fear of triteness will vanish; the cast is pretty easy to like, the detection/thought process of the main character is quite enjoyable and fresh, the accents do not chafe (bravo, Mr. Doyle), the mysteries are actually mysteries (there's room to guess, but it isn't dumped in your lap), and the stories got better and better. Here and there the dialogue doesn't seem to strike the right chord, but that isn't the actors so much as the scripts. All in all this bit of television is well worth your time if you like detective shows.
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This show deserves a second season!
trlibhart6 June 2011
I absolutely LOVE Endgame. The cast is phenomenal, the story is original, and it is one of the most intelligent shows today on ANY network- Canadian or otherwise! Shawn Doyle as Arkady Balagan is AMAZING and a true credit to Canadian talent! While his chess master may first come across as arrogant and ego-centric, Doyle has the ability to play Balagan with such depth and complexity that you cannot help but be astounded by his genius and saddened by his pain. Balagan can see beyond the obvious and notice the nuances of any problem he encounters, except the one case he has yet to solve- that of his murdered fiancée. I was first drawn to the series as a longtime fan of Patrick Gallagher (True Blood, Glee, Men of a Certain Age), but now I cannot wait to watch it every week to see all of these incredible actors portray this touching and brilliant story.
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Pleasantly Surprised!
keikomushi1 June 2011
I have to admit beforehand that after being so disappointed with recent detective shows that I was reluctant to give Endgame a go. However, upon prompting by a house mate, I decided to give it a watch. I was a little confused at first, expecting it to be more serious than it was. Once past the first few minutes, I found that the comedy elements were a perfect fit. The acting and direction did justice to the amazing work of an awesome scriptwriting team. I hope to see this series continued past the first season, though there seems to be a trend of late wherein intelligent shows are canceled. Fingers crossed the viewers take a liking to this series.
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Intelligent television
killerqueen7631 July 2011
Among all the "crime" shows out there, i enjoy this one the most. Intelligent TV is usually an oxymoron, but not in this case! I love the way Balagan doesn't have to resort to anything physical,but uses his intelligence to solve crimes. And the use of chess moves to work out the sequence of events is genius on the part of the writers! It is well acted and I especially like that the show is set in Vancouver, and you know it's set in Vancouver; not in some anonymous American city!

I really hope the network gives this a second season to gain more viewers. I have friends as far away as Isreal who really love this show.
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And a half.
Headturner115 December 2020
I came upon this the other night. I thought it was going to be like The queens gambit since I didn't read the synopsis. Not bad ( Ive like Isabelle in other things) pet peeve... The horrific Russian accent that he goes in and out of! I like the kid and the maid ( who I think was in tin ? need to google that.) the crimes seemed to be wrapped up kind if quickly in the last few minutes but other than that if there's not another series I'm loving atm I'll watch this.
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Brilliant concept, great execution!
mike_koganov6 June 2011
I am hard core chess fan and reasonably strong player and I always wished our game gets media attention and recognition it deserves. Here comes Endgame. The show is not really about game of chess, but rather about Chess grandmaster who applies his analytical skills to solve crimes. The brilliance of the show, is the way they display this thinking process. Arkady, the grandmaster imagines potential suspects as pieces on the chess boards, he actually talks to them to question and analyze their motives.

Shawn Doyle who is playing the main role- I absolutely love this guy.

From a chess fan standpoint, I greatly appreciate the fact that show producers went to a great length to reproduce quality chess content, in those occurrences where chess has actually being used. It references Donald Byrne - Bobby Fischer game of the century as an example. It warmed my heart to see real position from Kings Indian defense to be played in one of the episodes and fashionable chess equipment (like Chronos and Saitek Competion chess clocks). Compare this to some other shows where chess board placement is typically wrong. Guys- remember, white square on the right side of player with white pieces.

For someone who was born Russia, it is obvious the show was made for Western audience and full of Russian stereotypes. Arkady drinks vodka right from the bottle, talks about Putin wanting to kill him, often says "na zdorov'ja" (instead of na zdorov'ie), dances "gapak", etc. Still all those Russian shortcomings simply add charm to this show.

I hear the news that for some reason that is simply beyond my understanding there maybe no second season. That will be very sad. The story of the main hero has just been briefly touched upon and all the fans are anxious to find out more about him. I really hope that network gives the show another chance.
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fadiltobi14 May 2011
I just watched this accidentally and geez this is one thing i might have regretted my whole life if missed! From start to end, this series will keep you tight and unpredictable like no other. If i am not wrong "Shawn Doyle" does a very fabulous job with his role. Which of course will cause lots of laughter and plot twists which i admit "like never before seen on a drama"(you might prefer CSI already did this kinda job, but NO! it never did that on a humors way like this series does!) without a slight bit of boring sequence...

In fact, Watching an episode of this drama will sink the time faster just like watching an episode of "Game Of Thrones"....

Trust me, This will be the "Thing" that you seek on to be in a plot solving series if i am not wrong...

Just give it a try will ya! I'm sure you'll never regret watching it!
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Smart TV
tikiwheels6 June 2011
Looking at crimes from the point-of-view of a chess game and the players as chess pieces is fascinating. The chemistry of this ensemble cast led by damaged Russian Ex-pat Chess-master (played by Shawn Doyle) is a testament to the phrase "friends are the family you choose". Albeit a dysfunctional one, but then what family isn't a little bit? I was curious to see where the storyline was headed. I really would have liked to see the back story of the character of Sam (played by Torrance Coombs). Where does he go when he's not assisting Arkady solving mysteries in trade for chess matches? It's really nice to see a Vancouver, BC based show actually play as Vancouver, BC. Sadly it looks like we'll only see one season. A shame as the show was just hitting its stride.
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Unsatisfactory ending
kratus-552-7393218 June 2018
The story of an agoraphobic chess master solving mysteries with his associates had some good moments, especially once the season got underway. Unfortunately, the single season ends with NO resolution to the central mystery of who killed the protagonist's finance. This was a very unsatisfactory ending, and my wife and I feel that we wasted our time on a show with no resolution.
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Great start for the new show
tablekorner21 March 2011
When I first so a commercial for this show I thought it looked like an interesting idea. Definitely worth checking out. But I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. The first episode was great and had some good performances. My favourite would obviously be the main character Arkady Balagan played by Shawn Doyle. He was funny and entertaining, but at the same time seemed pretty serious. Katharine Isabelle as Danni was something I looked forward too after hearing she was in the show, and like always I wasn't disappointed. The last notable was Brendan Fletcher as Merritt Singer, even though it was only one episode he was in and not the main cast, he still was entertaining to watch. The story itself although simple and basic had a small guessing games too it, and the way that Arkady solved the crime was humorous and creative. After the first episode I'm anticipating watching the next. Especially can't wait to find out Arkady's back story.
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Creatively combining the best aspects of "House, MD" and "CSI"
whoopingchow6 June 2011
This show reminded me a little bit of House. I was first introduced to it when I read the general plot of the show on a weekly TV review magazine. It was intriguing, and I am always willing to give shows that attempt to imbue intellectual pursuits creatively a shot (like, Numb3rs or Big Bang Theory). When I first watched the pilot, I was hooked. Shawn Doyle portrays his character beautifully, and it almost reminded me a bit of Dr. House. The connections to chess (the game) are sometimes a bit contrived, but as the show goes on, you gain a deeper appreciation of the producers' visions. I like it the same reason way I was drawn to the original CSI. Its cast of characters and the exposure to new concepts and ideas have created a small revolution in my own way of thinking, and I greatly appreciate the show for accomplishing this.

I did not give this show a 10, because it is not "The Wire".
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not your usual fare
EarlKeim16 June 2011
The first time I saw Endgame, I thought it would be your usual "brillant guy shows all the cops and those with real know-how how to solve crimes." The show is nothing like that. Endgame's protagonist has a phobia that will not let him leave the hotel he is staying at. After his wife's murder, he was so traumatized that he could no longer be part of the "real world," unless it is through quips of his knowledge and intellect.

The supporting cast literally marvels at his genius and scoffs at his arrogance.

Every character in every episode plays a relevant part in telling the story.

In one hour, we see one of television's most vulnerable characters show everybody what he feels and sees.

Great show, Do yourself a favor and watch it if you can.
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Endgame= Canadian Mentalist!!!
flames_mnorth8 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this show with the thought of, how is this going to work and how will it set itself apart from all other crime solving shows, such as the CSI franchise and the mentalist? For one, I wasn't sure how chess and crime solving would mesh and if it would mesh nicely, for another I didn't know if it would be realistic for a man, with many issues, to solve said crimes, all the while never leaving his prison (Agoraphobia) or the hotel. I was going into the first episode of Endgame thinking how is this Canadian actor going to pull off a stuck up Russian or how long will he be able to do it before I start to lose interest?! In the end I was pleasantly surprised and quite addicted! First two episodes in I had a completely different mindset about the show. Endgame proved to have a very nice balance going for it, one I appreciated. For it set itself apart from the other, very similar, crime shows. I found Arkady Balagan(Shawn Doyle)quite refreshing, as well as the supporting actors/characters, Hugo(Patrick Gallagher) Sam(Torrance Coombs), Danni(Katharine Isabelle)and Pippa(Melanie Papalia), to name a few. As far as Arkady, chess and crime solving go, I loved it, the story line had a smooth flow to it, The episode "Mr. Black" is a prime example of this. If anything my interest and need for the show grew with each new episode, considering they kept getting better and better, there was a new and unique idea to each episode, which made it impossible for the show to get "old"!!! So now of course i've fallen in love with the show and all it has to offer, the fact that it is Canadian and shot in Vancouver only made me love it more. I was heartbroken to hear that it had been canceled. I joined a movement known as Save Endgame and became what people have started to call "Endgamers", in order to save this show. Facebook pages(Save Endgame, and Endgame) were set up to allow not only North Americans but the rest of the world to have a voice, a fighting chance to save this amazing show. A petition was started(go to the facebook page- Save Endgame for the link) So that everyone around the world could actively take part in saving the show!!! Now we have a global voice, that is growing every minute of every day, we want this voice to shout so loudly that the producers and anyone affiliated with Endgame hear us and give us what we scream for, A second, third, fourth, we'll even take a fifth season, perhaps even throw in a movie to top it all off!! Join the cause and save an amazing Canadian show, if not for you, do it for us!!! Save Endgame!!!!
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A very nearly unique conceit for a cable crime drama
DJWyce13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Arkady Balagan, an agoraphobic grandmaster chess player cannot leave the hotel he was staying in when he saw his fiancée killed. Nearly skint, he accepts commissions to solve crimes brought to him by others. He conscripts a young chess playing admirer, a chambermaid, a bartender, and the hotel's head of security - who does not like him (great relationship there) - to do his footwork for him. As they bring back the results of their investigations and research, he runs it all through his imagination, like envisioning a chess game and all his future moves, until he comes upon a likely scenario. He always inserts his own avatar into the playback, asking questions and getting advice from the characters even as he watches his scripts unfold. While having similarities to Sherlock Holmes, Nero Wolfe, and Bobby Goren, he deserves not to be seen as derivative of those characters, but on a par with them.

Canada's Shawn Doyle portrays Arkady Balagan with finesse, arrogance and bravado appropriate to his egoistic appreciation of his own skills and intelligence. The supporting cast is just as good, and each episode is as good as the last.
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100 times better than the crappy Mentalist
Dr_Sagan23 November 2014
The idea behind this series is there interesting and somehow unique.

Endgame follows a fictional former World Chess Champion Arkady Balagan (Shawn Doyle), a genius who uses his analytical skills to solve crimes. An interesting addition to that original idea is that after the violent death of his fiancιe, Balagan has developed ...agoraphobia, and he cannot leave the luxury hotel that he was staying! So it's up to a few confident helpers to gather the clues from crime scenes and help him solve the mysteries! Shawn Doyle is exceptional as the eccentric Russian chess champion and the series tried some unique visual approaches (like on a chessboard) to show top the audience what is happening in Balagan's superior brain.

Unfortunately Endgame is now canceled. There is only 1 season that includes 13 episodes. Fans made some petitions for a comeback but in vain.

Overall: An "a la Sherlock" crime drama faaaaaar better than other mediocre or less series like the overpraised "The mentalist" that I recommend to check out.
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Mediocre effort using rehashed ideas
johnEvegas21 June 2011
This would be an interesting concept but still very mediocre show if not a rehash of already done ideas.

The fun and ridiculous garbage that is The Mentalist, Castle, Lie To Me and other similar shows that are done SOOOO much better and if you are going to spend time with this genre, spend your time with better quality.

I am a 4th generation Russian decent and REALLY wanted to like the show that highlighted a Russian character. The actor and character are NOT BAD and the actor is probably the highlight.

Everything else just ends up mediocre, or less than mediocre.
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Please bring it back
gerviospades20 June 2020
A very fun, creative show with exceptionally likable characters and a very unique premise! Like other reviewers said, the season ended with a lot left to be revealed about the main character and the central mystery. I would have loved to see a second season!
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A wonderful "whodunit" series - Reminds me of The Mentalist
wlb30 April 2014
This is the only reason I am extending my Hulu Plus subscription - to see all 39 episodes of this wonderful series.

Like The Mentalist - the hit series on CBS since 2008, the main character has 2 cases to solve each episode - the current case and the background, that of the murder of his wife.

Wonderful script writing - As the case develops, it is fun to see the logical deductions (played out by the actors in various scenarios) in the main character's (Belagan) mind.

If it has been canceled it is a problem of marketing or "getting the word out" - certainly not the wonderful scripts or their execution.

Wouldn't be the first time a wonderful series was canceled.

Only place you can watch this in the US is through Hulu Plus.
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Great Concept
Mike_Panno10 May 2019
Why oh why was this show not renewed? WAY more interesting than The Mentalist. A very interesting original concept with excellent acting.
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Delightful and fun
M0vieL0ver3 January 2021
The accent doesn't work very well, but look past that. This is a great hidden gem. Fun, good cast. Unique concept setting. Find it and watch it if you want to smile and sit back and enjoy a who dunnit.
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aims for "quirky" and hits target squarely
A_Different_Drummer5 February 2022
Generally under-rated and under-appreciated. In this period a lot of shows tried to avoid traditional arcs and aimed for quirky. This one succeeded. Production values are not merely good, they are outrageously good for a Canadian project. Doyle has enough natural charm for two series. And the supporting cast is rock solid.
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Another Great Unknown Canadian TV Show
aguynameddrew13 July 2020
The "eclectic genius crime solver" is a theme that's been done many many times. Sometimes very well and sometimes very badly. The show Endgame is definitely part of the former group.

I'm trying to think of shows that are similar and all i can come up with right now are The Mentalist and Monk.

Sadly there is only one season of this show. I watched it when it first came out and now i'm binge watching it on Amazon Prime.
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keshabbaskota31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
October Review On my spare time over the summer, I came upon a show that caught my eye. Endgame, a Canadian drama that focuses on a chess grandmaster Arkady Balagan. As soon as I saw the poster for it, I was excited because I was fascinated with chess at the time. I loved watching it and analyze it move by move. The series is about a former world chess champion who has witnessed the murder of his fiancée and develops a debilitating case of agoraphobia. Fear of places that cause panic, hopelessness or embarrassment. Because of this Balagan is forced to stay in the hotel and not leave. He is also running out of money and need to find a way to stay at the hotel no matter what. Balagan becomes a detective using his analytical skills. He has his 'pawns', friends as well. A chess fanatic Sam, hotel bartender, Danni, housekeeper Alcina, and his fiancée's sister, Pippa. The hotel security manager, Hugo, tries to stop Balagan every chance he gets. The usual plot is that some sort of conflict occurs that needs a brilliant brain to analyze the situation which is Balagan, the ultimate detective. He employs his main strengths which are remembering things and creating a scene with the things and information that he has already analyzed. He must then lead forward onto another topic. Sam does his spying outside the Huxley hotel and collects information to report back to Balagan. It's really cool to get an insight into a chess player's head and how they think. All the memorizing and analyzing he does is unbelievable, thus incredible. This actually portrays a life of an intelligent man who is ill with a fear of leaving the Huxley because his fiancé was assassinated by someone. The moral for me I think that, When life throws you under the big bus and crushes you, be resilient but also find answers and build on everything as you go along; do what your good and then charge for it while still earning a profession and a title.
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