The Curse of Downers Grove (2015) Poster

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What a Downer
dcarsonhagy1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"The Curse of Downer's Point" falls just short of being ridiculous. Ever watched a movie where NOTHING looked authentic or seemed real? This is a good example of such.

It seems Downer's Point High School has a "curse." Every graduating class since before time has to deal with a death of a senior. Of course, all these deaths can be explained, so those involved with this mess lost any kind of paranormal connection right away. One guy who is high on meth decides to climb to local water tower and falls. There are drownings, drug overdoses, automobile accidents, etc. One senior (Chrissy) tries to downplay the curse, but no one will listen. She and her friend (who apparently will sleep with ANYONE) decides to attend a party in a neighboring town and it's all downhill from there.

The viewer would think in all that you'd find a halfway decent movie. You'd be terribly wrong. Any of you who have read any of my reviews know one of the first things I'll go after is a script--or lack thereof. Whoever wrote this must have been doing Yeagerbombs AND bong hits because after Chrissy gives her reasons for not believing in the curse, the movie becomes one big old mess, e.g. there is an attempted rape that (when reported) is completely ignored by the police because the perpetrator is supposedly some football jock. Chrissy's brother is attacked by him and his goons and suffers a broken hand at their doing. The police do nothing.

The only "curse" for this movie was its complete, mind-numbingly bad script. Rated "R" for attempted rape, sexual situations, and violence.
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A hopelessly incompetent and irrelevant horror film
StevePulaski1 September 2015
I've lived less than five minutes away from the town of Downers Grove, Illinois my entire life, even going to high school there and finding myself going there for one thing or another on an almost daily basis. It's a remarkably unremarkable town, but it's one with everything one could need - a grocery store, a library, several parks, roomy middle-class housing, great schools, and low crime. It's the perfect setting for a horror film for the very fact that there's little that happens there and you'd be hard-pressed to hear the terms "breaking news" and "Downers Grove" in the same sentence.

This is ostensibly why The Curse of Downers Grove has created such a buzz in my community over the last few weeks, with news of its release spreading through the neighborhood like wildfire. However, I was usually the one to crush the hopes of local residents and friends by telling them that the film, in fact, isn't shot in Downers Grove, or anywhere in Illinois for that matter, but in California, in a town that is so valley-centric and coastal that it doesn't even mirror the sleepy, middle- class roots of Downers Grove. Right off the bat, that voids a lot of the film's credibility; why even use a specific location for a story and not even shoot the film in that location?

Turns out, the film is based off of Downers Grove, a teen novel by Michael Hornburg, who grew up in Downers Grove, Illinois and attended Downers Grove South High School, claiming to have seen numerous classmates die from strange occurrences over his years. In present day, I haven't heard anything about "the curse of Downers Grove," which leads me to believe, unlike high-profile Illinois curses depicted in films like Munger Road, this "curse" was simply something Hornburg could use as the basis for a novel set in his hometown. We haven't started talking about the film, and already, it seems to be bask in its own irrelevance.

The Curse of Downers Grove, indeed, is a bad film, for more reasons than its false setting and entirely fictitious curse, which could apply to any town anywhere in the United States or the world. It's a film so hokey and ugly, without a shred of an idea of what it's supposed to do as a film, that rather than function as a horror film, or even a competent thriller, it settles for middle-of-the-road, soap- opera production and comes off like a dark Lifetime murder mystery.

"The Curse of Downers Grove" is the justification for strange occurrences that always plague the graduating classes of Downers Grove High School (a school which doesn't exist in real life, mind you), where a member from the graduating class dies every year in some freak accident. With that, we focus on Chrissie (Bella Heathcoate), who believes the curse is a big hoax. When her mother (Helen Slater) goes out of town, however, she is left in charge of her younger brother (Martin Spanjers) and to her own devices. She decides to go to a party with her best friend Tracy (Penelope Mitchell), where she subsequently winds up being cornered by the star football player Chuck (Kevin Zegers) and nearly raped before she can fight back and poke Chuck's eye literally out.

Now, Chuck's future as a football player is ruined and his entire existence shamed by his abusive father (Tom Arnold, who does some strong work at being menacing and downright vicious). Chuck is out for revenge against Chrissie, and because his father is a former cop, he's practically untouchable. He resorts to vandalism and taunting her, and she resorts to seeking comfort in the well-meaning but offbeat neighbor-boy Bobby (Lucas Till), all while trying to get Chuck and his football goons to leave her and her friends alone on the week of graduation, when "the curse" usually strikes.

The first problem is editor Kayla Pagliarini seems to have so little confidence in the audience that she resorts to spelling out who to keep an eye on during the film and who appears unsettling through glossy and unwarranted editing tricks, particularly on one character, which just about ruins any credible mystery the film had. In addition, director Derick Martini and writer Bret Easton Ellis can't seem to figure out how they want to position this story. At first, with the commentary about the curse and its effect on people, it seems as if this film will be another Final Destination-esque teen thriller. It isn't until the film gets going, however, that you see it has little to do with the actual curse of the town, but with this side-story of Chrissie angering the football star and getting put in danger because of it.

Martini and Ellis have no clue on how they want to tackle this story, be it through paranormalities, teen drama, mystery, or what-have-you, so the result is a film that's dreary and unfocused. The Curse of Downers Grove is about as limp and fickle as a horror film can be, as its plot moves along at a miserably slow pace, despite only being seventy-eight minutes long, and its characters are largely faceless.

Absent of all tension, void of any compelling characters, loaded with undeveloped red herrings, and terribly misguided in its plot, The Curse of Downers Grove's only hope for long-term impact is the fact that it features the name of a close-knit Illinois town. However, because it wasn't even shot in said town, and formulates no connection to the roads, the landmarks, the people, or the foundation of Downers Grove, that part also has a very slim chance of making this out to be anything other than a seriously lame, irrelevant teen thriller.

Starring: Bella Heathcote, Penelope Mitchell, Lucas Till, Kevin Zegers, Martin Spanjers, Helen Slater, and Tom Arnold. Directed by: Derick Martini.
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A weak pretentious stalker movie masked as horror with creepy title.
quincytheodore23 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let's get the premise clear, there is barely any curse in this movie. It only used as a pretext to shoehorn script made of Facebook cheesy one-liners from a typical teenager's page. The movie is shallow and barely presents any thrill at all, it merely produces predictable story with abundance of flamboyant dialogues that only serve as lackluster musing.

Chrissie is a senior high school student at Downers Grove. There's a strange curse that a senior will die before graduation. It creates a sort of Final Destination foreshadowing at start, but this curse is far-fetched to say the least. The story is a straight forward, slow-moving stalker cliché and despite its relatively short runtime, the movie feels highly tedious.

Chrissie uses monologues a lot, as in almost every five minutes. When she's not doing that, she's spewing commentary about life or religion. It's an effort to give this average brunette female lead some depth to her character so audience would invest on her. Unfortunately, her bantering sounds authentic, almost to the point of reading from cat poster.

She even delivers monologue on the scenes where she has no business in. This gets old fast since it sounds preachy and self-righteous. It doesn't help when the other characters are too one-dimensional, probably in the exception of her younger brother who reminds me of young John Connor. The actors perform their characters rigidly and even though the movie tries to give mystery about them or the near irrelevant curse, you'll see the twist from miles away.

For a movie with grim title of The Curse of Downers Grave, it is incredibly feeble and timid. I guess Cheap Scream Knock-off wouldn't generate any interest, but unfortunately that's what this movie is.
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A Downer of a Film in Nearly Every Way
in198421 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
2.25 of 10. Despite being a short film (the actual film only lasts under an hour and 18 minutes), it is painfully slow and stupid. If you're looking for something scary and exciting in a teen film, H8RZ is a far better option. If you're looking for teen sex, Staten Island Summer is the only recent film that even gets close to doing anything worth watching.

Everything in this film seems so staged. When the teens do something smart, they typically lose out anyway. When they do something idiotic, they rarely suffer as a result. The story keeps being pushed along as if to fill in a minimum time gap. Even the credits crawl along for another 9 minutes with nothing interesting.

Then there are the plot failings. One second they're in a town with the other key characters being in a town in another county. Next, they're all in a suburb outside a bigger city and a former cop living in the other town/county somehow controls the cops and sheriffs and a place that the lead character once had to drive a long way to is suddenly within walking distance.

Finally, the end is a complete failure and forced simply to fit the "curse". It's hard to believe the writer of American Psycho could have supported such a poorly written and directed film. Apparently the need for cash is truly the curse of this story.
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Please, Sir, no more
michael-320421 September 2016
In many ways, this is the kind of horror movie that Wes Craven's "Scream" was supposed to put on notice, making the case that you can't get away with stupid, thinly drawn, overly sexualized adolescent characters who seem not to have a clue about anything around them. I guess no one told director/co-writer Derick Martini or co-writer Bret Easton Ellis how ridiculous making such a clueless film would be in 2015. Not that the film itself would have been any better in 1989, but the act of creating it wouldn't have seemed so inane.

There is, at least, an intriguing premise -- that the curse of Downer's Grove is the death of one graduating high school senior each year. Exploring whether the curse is real, in horror movie terms, might have been interesting, or whether it is connected to some kind of revenge of the natives who once occupied the land. This is hinted at but never explored. But this film is too scattered to do that, instead dropping vague references to drug problems (never really explored or taken seriously) and thwarted ambitions of abusive fathers (never really explored or taken seriously). Everything and every character here is a cliché. It would be one thing if they started out as clichés and developed into characters we might care about, but they don't develop at all. It is perhaps unfair to criticize the performers because, really, what could they do with this junk?, but they are mostly pretty bad. Some of those whose work I'm a little familiar with, like Kevin Zegers, Lucas Till and Tom Arnold, have been much better elsewhere, so I'm prepared to believe that most of the rest can be better than their work here would indicate. Hopefully, this will be a resume low-light for them, rather than a career suicide. But if the pedestrian direction in any indication, Martini himself shouldn't get many more chances to badly mishandle any material at all.
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What a "downer"!
stutsman-606-4754314 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let me get this out right off the bat, there is no curse,, and if there is, they completely forgot that there was supposed to be a curse by about 15 minutes into the movie. A more appropriate title would have just been "Dowers Grove" as this movie really is a dower. The entire movie I was trying to figure out where the curse would come in at, but it never did. I'm also really confused why all these guys seem so into this girl who isn't even all that attractive or have any decent girlfriendish qualities herself. As a character she was very.... stale. I was confused as to how someone who took "conflict resolution" classes would think throwing a brick through the window of a guy who tried to rape her and is harassing her and her friends, is a good idea at all. Oh, and why oh why do the brother and sister insist on not telling their mother about what is going on because they wanted her to enjoy her vacation in Vegas.... that whole premise was laughable and unbelievable. In fact the entire premise came off as laughable and unbelievable. Honestly, this seemed like a movie that would be produced by and shown on Lifetime. There is no horror to it, just a very very poor crime drama. Really, no need to watch this.,. save yourself the time and mental anguish in trying to figure out what they were thinking.

Oh and one more thing, no need to wait through the 9 minutes of ending credits to get to the final hidden "scene". Its just the same little non sense images that the girl was thinking through the entire movie, put together into one. Some of the imagery doesn't even make sense... such as the crow, the cross, and the church. This movie is just a big waste of time from the beginning to the very very very end.
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Not worth it
jezzajjmail22 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to check this out despite the low 4.7 rating as the brief description kind of reminded me of 'I know what you did last summer', a personal favourite of mine (granted, probably in part cause it reminds me of my own youthful days, plus Sarah Michelle Gellar and a young Jennifer Love Hewitt). That movie also only has a 5.6 rating here and while I understand why I still found it a fun film to watch. So I decided to go against my rule of thumb of not watching anything below a 6 and gave it a go.

However long story short this is not worth the time, even though it's not that long. The entire story evolves around a curse that may or may not be related to the Indians but the events that happen in the movie are so mundane that the whole Indian curse thing seems like an afterthought. Especially the weird flashback/lucid dreams where you can see an Indian and some random shaky images seem forced and distract from the story more than anything else. But hey, maybe that was in fact the intention cause there's not much to the story.

The acting isn't actually that bad, though having seen the odd 8 simple rules episode back in the day and therefore knowing that the guy who plays a 15 year old boy must in reality be the best part of 30 was weird to me personally. I guess if you don't know that though he might even get away with it. The rest of the cast are also OK, there's not much to work with as the characters are kind of one dimensional, but then in a movie like this that's expected.

It doesn't salvage this film though. I'm giving it a 4/10 because there's a bit of room below it for the complete and utter pieces of junk that exist in this world but if I could go back in time I wouldn't watch this again.
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The Curse of Incoherence
ignoratushominis8 May 2016
This movie had potential, but this potential was murdered by the curse of incoherence, such as countless other potentials in countless other movies.

The story starts out well, and then you wait for something to happen, and you wait some more, but nothing really happens. At the end, your brain tells you that things make sense, but they really don't, the ending would be suitable for another movie.

The acting is below average, the lead actress is cold and distant, which makes it hard to identify with her. The "villain" is weak and unconvincing, and Tom Arnold, well, i have no idea what he's doing in this movie taking this role.

The directing is promising, maybe if the director makes another attempt with a better script, he would probably avoid falling for the curse of incoherence. I don't recommend this film to anyone, unless they want to study it as an example of faulty filmmaking.
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Surprisingly good Araki-esque darkly humorous thriller
SeanBatemanJr10 September 2015
I knew this movie was co-written by Bret Easton Ellis but didn't expect much - I really hated the title, the IMDb score for this film was very low (which in retrospect seems really sad) and for a host of reasons I thought it was just a journeyman project for Ellis and it would be some kind of standard forgettable slasher.

The first thing I noticed was that screenplay was very literary and contained a lot of recognizable deliberate sentences and mean humor of Bret Ellis (sometimes it got a little too much, i think meth is mentioned like 3 or 4 times in the first 10 minutes of the movie). Then I noticed how surprisingly good the acting in this movie was. In the end a lot of elements in this movie were familiar but delivered with a slight twist and hence worked for me.

The mix of lo-fi look, acting style, dark humor and menacing atmosphere reminded me most of Gregg Araki movies like "Nowhere" but more plot-driven (another reviewer mentioned some stylistic similarities to "Donnie Darko" and "It Follows", but I think Araki movies are the closest comparison). Araki, of course, was influenced by Bret Easton Ellis and was probably the closest cinematic analogue of his prose.

I think it's a shame that in our age of faceless mass-produced genre movies this one, which has a discernible style, has such criminally low IMDb rating and recommend it.
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mediocre teenge drama
sunsunboston21 August 2015
mediocre. I feel like the creators had no idea where to go with the plot. thats why they have piled up whatever they had to make it neither horror, neither suspense,maybe another tasteless teens drama. Don't waste your time.

I didn't understand why they state that it is based on true events even though it is obvious that it is a loose adaptation of the book with the same name. I was hoping that Brett Eston Ellis would make a screenplay worth his name but dissappoiningly i bought into his name, which was the only good part about this flick.

i would give it ero if this option was available
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Really Good Teen Thriller
Mrssmiff15 May 2016
Not sure why so many gave this movie a bad review and low rating. For me, it was exactly what I expected it to be - a high school thriller, with a good story, credible performances etc. It wasn't what I expected but that was due to the title, trailer and premise of the film focusing on the "curse", when in fact, in my opinion, there is a whole other story portrayed. Had it been titled something other than it was, perhaps more people would have appreciated it more?

The performances from Bella Heathcote and Kevin Zegers were spot on. Other reviewers have focused on their real ages with regards to playing high school/college students but that is par for the course in movies these days.

All in all, an enjoyable movie if you like high school drama.
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Not Bad
tbaio-2586631 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This small film provided a nice surprise by rising above expectations & being totally different than how it was sold (spoiler: its not a supernatural horror movie).

The film is a pretty real look at a town of high school teenagers on the verge of graduating & starting their summer vacation. The catch: every year during these final days of school leading up to graduation, someone dies. Although this "curse" is on everyone's mind, teens will be teens; so parties & what results from these parties will continue. During one such party, the main character is set upon by a gang leader & she fights her way out of the attack; maiming her attacker in the process. This leads to her & her friends/family being stalked by the gang until the final confrontation during a house siege.

The actors do a very good job in creating likable characters, the setting is picturesque & the action is viscerally strong. The closing moments are surprising, but in my opinion, were not necessary.

Overall, an enjoyable waste of time. Fans of the following movies (I'm dating myself here): The New Kids, Massacre at Central High & the updated version of The Town That Dreaded Sundown should seek this one out.

Happy Hunting.
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No horror, but a teen rape-revenge drama
dien1 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's been ages since I reviewed a film, but this train-wreck of a movie made me come back.

The trailer and the storyline got me interested, so I watched it. Most of the time I kept asking myself "What the hell am I watching?", "Did that just happen?" and "How can they be this stupid?" You get the idea.

I won't bore you with the story, it's been done by other reviewers. I'll just point out that this film is NOT a horror, but a teenage rape-revenge drama with a very light touch of the supernatural. There is absolutely no curse, no matter how hard the movie tries to convince you. It's not even a slasher film, as I was mislead to believe. It's nothing. Much talk, some fighting among teens and an ending that makes little sense.

What bothered me most of all is how stupid the characters were: a girl almost gets raped and she doesn't tell anyone? I would have immediately went to the cops, called an ambulance or something. Then once her brother gets beaten, the cops can't do anything? There was an eye-witness! That doesn't count anymore? Incredibly stupid actions by badly written characters.

Not recommended. Not at all. But if you want to watch it, go ahead and make your own mind.
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Well made but very boring, then a bit stupid
thekarmicnomad20 October 2016
Every year a senior dies before graduation. This is the curse. A girl living in Downers Grove gets into an auticattion with another student on the lead up to graduation.

This has good production, good characters and great acting. The problem? It is as boring as hell.

The story is one of the most pedestrian I have ever come across. Yet despite its dullness manages not to be believable.

Without spoiling I would say that the supernatural element is very light.

The director and actors deserve more but this is just to dull to contemplate.
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It was acceptable in the eighties.......
FlashCallahan15 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Chrissie's last week of high-school in Downers Grove, is a paranoid trip through a small Midwestern town gripped by a 'curse' that claims the life of one high school senior every year.

With only five days to graduation, Chrissie is beginning to wonder if she will be the next victim of the Curse of Downers Grove.........

Bret Easton Ellis was something of a wonder in the eighties. His novel American Psycho, is a modern masterpiece, and the film is one of the greatest movies ever made. It seemed that anything he written that was set in the eighties, was, for the lack of a better word, acceptable, even Less Than Zero.

Even The Informers...

But then he had a helping hand in last years The Canyons, one of the worst films of 2014, and now this, which is beyond bizarre.

Remember that Mark Wahlberg film made in 1996 called Fear? Well imagine that film, without any style or flamboyance, but it's set on an old ancient Indian burial ground, that supposedly releases a curse every year......

So our heroine is almost assaulted by the recognisable teen in the film, she almost pokes his eye out, and he goes nuts, or does he?

And then if it couldn't get anymore bizarre, Tom Arnold turns up as an abusive father, Supergirl from 1984 proves she's still around, and there's the always nerdy best friend who is giving her the wrong advice.......or is he?

Add a cut price Heath Ledger as the wannabe boyfriend, and you are left with a below average film, form a once great literary genius, with a twist ending that makes no sense whatsoever........

Or does it?
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It wasn't quite what I expected...but not terrible.
ravenhair70219 June 2020
I always look at the other reviews before I make mine, not that it influences my review, but just to see what others thought. First off, this movie bombed so hard, it hit the basement. 2 Mil to make and worldwide, it made a little over 33 thousand. Yikes. As far as putting this movie in the horror category, Eh, no. I'd have to agree with some reviewers that this more of a revenge movie. I'm a big fan of Lucas Till, who plays in one of my favorite shows, MacGyver. It was good to see at least one person I recognize in this film. I've seen much worse, let me tell you. I was at the very least surprised by the ending. Gotta say, I did NOT see that coming. All in all, it wasn't terrible, but not something i would recommend to a friend to watch. Peace. P.S. I don't normally do this, but I LOVE one reviewers comment about "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye." That was freaking funny!
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ericdhall7729 October 2020
Okay, this may be based off a book by the guy who wrote "American Psycho" but this was indeed amateurish and humdrum.

What "curse"? Seriously, where was this curse?

The only thing I can give a great performance score for is Kevin Zegers 7/10. The female lead? Holy crap! Did she just finish film school?! She was monotone the entire movie. She was almost painful to watch.

The script? Whoever wrote this movie needs to go back to film school and finish their degree.

This was utter chaos and cheap. There is zero suspense and the plot twist was obvious, to me. This movie was all over. It will certainly curse anyone who watches this with the fact you can't get those minutes of your life back.
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Not what it seems...
Leofwine_draca18 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE CURSE OF DOWNERS GROVE is a very disappointing attempt at a horror film, one which fails to gather any kind of suspense or momentum at all. Ostensibly it's about a small town suffering from a curse which kills someone every year, but this is mere padding, back story that turns out to be irrelevant to the main story, which is the usual one of teen angst and violence. I was surprised to see that Bret Easton Ellis had written this one. It mainly plays out as a juvenile delinquent-style movie, with lots of scenes of people being beaten up and acting objectionably, but otherwise never rising above the level of a typical indie.
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not really the expected teen horror
SnoopyStyle10 September 2017
In the small town of Downers Grove, Illinois, there is a well-known curse of one high school senior dying every year before graduation. Chrissie Swanson (Bella Heathcote) fights off football jock Chuck (Kevin Zegers) during a party and gouges out his eye. She has a crush on Bobby (Lucas Till). Her weird neighbor Ian is a friend. Her best friend Tracy is planning to throw a wild party with her little brother. It's days before graduation.

Bella is a beauty with striking blue eyes. Her acting ability is functional. The same can be said of Lucas Till. He's beautiful with functional acting abilities. Zegers is growing into his villain phase although he's too old to play a teen. Actually, Bella is almost the same age but she can play younger. I can do without Tom Arnold even if he does fine here. This sets up a teen horror of some sorts. It's not the highest quality but it does have potential. The major problem is that the premise does not lead to a series of kills. The bigger potential is the mystery but it becomes an action thriller anyways. The 'curse' becomes a side issue and the reveal is not that surprising. The central premise might as well be forgotten.
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No curse here
adi_200223 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
All right so in my understanding these is a movie about a curse that takes the life of one senior graduate each year. But this time it skipped or what? Because I could not see it. After a promising start the movie slowly becomes a big yawn. We follow the story of a teen girl who was abused at a party and manage to escape from the hands of her aggressor and not only that but leaves him with one eye. Now the guy torments the girl and seek retaliation. He wants to punish her for what she did to him and to hurt the people around her and also the ones who are trying to protect her.

I chose a bad movie to watch tonight simply because it's a mockery for the viewer. At the beginning we expect to see a story then the film deviates from the topic and we see a completely different story. This is horror? Maybe for like ten seconds or so. Don't waste your time with these one, it has everything that we all saw in another movies and has nothing new to offer.
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What narcissistic reviewers!
aapscifi-9332027 August 2015
It amazes me how so many people posting reviews obviously have so little experience in the genres they review. As for winning Oscars and selling out theaters no this is not for you. As an individual who watches almost anything horror or fantasy they can get their hands I was VERY pleasantly surprised by this film. It brought to mind a blend of Donnie Darko and It Follows, not reaching the heights of either film but portraying a feeling of the atmosphere that both did so well. Sifting through Indies of this genre with no prior knowledge of the film you are watching can be very disappointing. I would say that one out of every 30 would come close to the quality of this film. The acting was great all around minus Tom Arnold, if you want to name drop you can do MUCH better even on a small budget. I especially liked Penelope Mitchell (also from Hemlock Grove, great series). IF you are a fan of this genre give this one a chance it may surprise you, If you're an Oscar hoe rewatch The Iron Lady and stay off the boards of Indies
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Misleading title
ElisaX21 August 2015
I'm not really into horror but still wanted to watch this movie because of Lucas Till. He's one of my favorite actors and he is great in this movie.

The movie is good, better than expected actually. But I think the title is a bit misleading. It should have been about the curse but most of the action has nothing to do with it. I'm not saying the script is not good, it's just that the title suggests something else.

The acting is good, the cast is good as well except for Bella Heathcote. Sorry but she's not my favorite. I would've chosen someone else. The rating is good so far so let's hope I'm the only one who does not like Bella Heathcote.
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What did I just watch?
salviolog3 February 2016
The Curse of Downers Grove would probably have been an OK by-the-book revenge/payback thriller with elements of home invasion in line with I Spit On Your Grave and An Eye For An Eye... if it wasn't for the absolutely out of nowhere W.T.F. ending, which just leaves you wondering what the hell that was all about. Without giving out any spoilers, the general feeling The Curse of Downer Grove leaves you with is as if you were reading a decent Stephen King book which for some reason ended with a sentence "And then they all got naked and started farting on each other". You might have enjoyed the rest of the text, but the way it ends would just leave you wondering just what exactly went wrong there.
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Revenge movie, not horror
Eagles40926 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me start by saying the only reason I watched this movie is due to the fact that I grew up in the town next to Downers Grove, IL. I've spent a lot of time in Downers Grove and was excited to see a movie with a local connection. That being said, I don't think anyone involved with the movie has ever set foot anywhere near Downers Grove. I know that's a bit nit picky, but since that's one of the main reasons I watched the film, it irritated me. Second, there is no curse of Downers Grove, so the "true story" angle is nonsense.

On to the actual film. The film is about a goody two shoes girl Chrissie (Bella Heathcoate) who is in to studying, religion and her family and her sort of slutty friend. The two attend a party together and a football player attempts to rape Chrissie. During her struggle to get away, she pokes his eye out and he loses his ability to play football. The rest of the movie is him stalking her and her family and boyfriend. This isn't really a horror movie at all, it's a revenge flick with some semi graphic death scenes.

The ending didn't really make any sense and seemed to be tacked on to just to make the title be true. On a positive note, it's a very short movie. The acting is overall pretty decent and Bella Heathcoate isn't difficult to look at, but overall I wouldn't waste your time checking this out.
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The Only Thing Cursed Is This Movie
soulcrisis2820 October 2021
What a pretentious piece of crap movie. There is absolutely NOTHING to do with a curse. This is a lifetime movie about stalking, rape, and corrupt small town cops. It should've been called Rapey Stalker.

So, don't go into this movie expecting some teen horror about some mythical curse cause you'll be sorely let down.
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