Astrid and Lilly Save the World (TV Series 2022) Poster

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I think most of the 1star reviews are missing the satire.
tweetlbug-559-97542514 February 2022
It is a ridiculous premise, in the best way. I would have rated higher if not for the 80s style fat shaming. I feel like they could have easily made this show better without it. Otherwise I'd have rated an 8.
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Satire, spoof, and empowerment
suj20 February 2022
For the people saying the show is just fat-shaming, you obviously haven't really watched it. Yes, Astrid & Lilly get picked on by their classmates, but they refuse to buy into the negativity. They constantly uplift one another.

For the people saying the show is not funny, I think you may be missing the point that it is spoofing teen shows. They are satirizing familiar tropes. The principal & teachers kowtow to the popular kids instead of mentoring them. The "nerdy" teachers are trying to get in good with the "popular" teacher. It's funny!

Is it the best show on TV? No. But it's entertaining & silly, and fun.
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Not High Art But Amusing
marie22921 April 2022
It's an amusing show to burn the brain cells. You'll chuckle. It's fresh and funny satire. Though, I don't understand the costume choices for the characters. It's the corniest of the 1980s outfits.
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How awful is this, let me count the ways.
V-Koger27 January 2022
1) Ridiculous plot 2) Bad acting 3) Terrible dialogue 4) Unrelatable characters 5) Nonsensical 6) Why is anyone doing what they're doing

Seriously poor execution of a contrived teen angst sci-fi mystery(?) romp(?) waste of time(?) nightmare(?)

Even the cliches are sub-par.

Target audience: 10 year olds that have been cooped up for 2 years and have no life off-line?

Just don't.
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Buffy Meets Booksmart
forsythbrandon7 February 2022
A very fun new show with a ton of promise. The leads are wonderful and the show has some really clever ideas that they're exploring about Chosen One narratives. I can't believe how many people have decided to post a review after watching "three or four minutes" - give this one a chance and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Big points for a predominantly female/non-binary creative team, too.
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good lead characters
SnoopyStyle15 April 2023
High school best friends Astrid and Lilly are chubby outcasts at school who spend their nights patrolling their neighborhood with night vision goggles. The mean kids call them, the Pudge Patrol. It turns out that they are the chosen ones battling the forces of evil when a portal to the monster worlds opens. They need ten different monster parts to close up the portal.

This Canadian series is ten episodes and lasted only one season. It happily references Buffy and others. I like the best friends and their issues. The show does need some better side characters. The Canadian production has some limits. It's definitely not a big production. Despite whatever issues, the two leads remain compelling and I'm invested in their friendship.
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This Is a Downer From The Start!
collectorofsorts28 January 2022
I had a feeling when this came on and the two main characters were chubby girls that this would be a feel good series about how 'big girls' are being treated better in todays society. But, Nope! The producers decided to go the other way. The girls are riding around stalking guys thru their bedroom windows and going to parties where the insults and fat jokes fly. It could have been a decent series. But who wants to see all that negativity? I sure don't. I watched about 10 minutes and that was enough. It was depressing. I'll watch the evening news if I want to get depressed!
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A Lot Of Fun!
candicewintercheeks1 February 2022
Only one episode down, but so far this is shaping up to be a really fun series.

Sharp smart comedy, solid friendship chemistry with the leads, and a warmth and sincerity to the writing.

It shows its budgetary limitations at times, but it also seems to revel in the b-movieness of it all, and rattles along at an exciting pace.

Definitely has that 90's early buffy vibe, but with a thankfully updated moral code.

Also worth taking a look at the demographics for imdb scores on this series. I think it's illuminating to see who is hating on this show. I hope it gets to those who will love it.

I love it, I am so here for the ride.
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5 episodes in and still senseless
codygdietrich8 March 2022
Imagine crossing Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv series with the original Bewitched tv series. The special effects are on the same level as Bewitched from the 1960s, with a few exceptions. Watching the first episode I thought the two main characters were maybe 12 tops, based in the way they looked, acted and spoke. When they start driving and using profanity I shockingly realize they are suppose to be teenagers, who stalk guys and look into their windows, both of which are criminal offenses. As much as they try to be positive about their big bodies the first time their monster trainer shows up their is a comment along the lines of "hottie with a body", as for the other males in the series: the jock with the typical jock body, the loner with the trim body and longer hair and the geek skinny white guy but broke stereotype in not giving him glasses.

Five episodes watched and the most interesting characters are even the two leads, it's the jock who has problems with his father and the ex best friend who has problems with her mother. Those two characters and their relationships with their parents and the expectations of their parents are more interesting than the monsters that look like they are from a children's show.

Just to explain my experience I've watched: Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Supernatural, American Horror Story, I'll even mention Scooby Doo just because of the monsters. I've been overweight my entire life. Given those facts this should be the perfect show for me and yet I struggle to get to the end of each episode because of the poor writing in the confused and cliche characters and sloppy dialogue and cheap and childish special effects.
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Great new show. Please watch as I want a second season!
darryldigiovanna17 February 2022
I LOVE this show. Shades of Buffy and Angel, which I adored, and great heroines. Acting, story lines, cast is great. I'm now an almost 60 year old and still enjoy this genre. This is my new favorite next to Resident Alien.

I look forward to new episodes. Hopefully they give this show a chance to catch on. I watch on DVR as do many, so pay no attention to live ratings. They are meaningless in today's world.
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Just so bad
hstrymastr27 January 2022
I don't like this show. They try to do the resident alien thing with the main character being inspired by law and order but the difference is that Harry and the main characters in this is that Harry from resident alien became the best detective and the main characters from Astrid and Lilly decided they need to stalk someone to be like law and order.
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Budget is no excuse
joecaren2 February 2022
Unconvincing protagonists, bad writing, lousy acting - not a feel-good amusing fantasy, more of a challenge, even a threat, like 'Enjoy this or else!" Well, it's very much 'else'.
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Delightful Satire of Teen Angst
man-9651327 January 2022
This is one of the best new series of the season. It will appeal to viewers who understand subtly and nuance... "literalists" will not understand much of the humor here.

I was delighted to see that the two Central characters are not the cliche anorexics that tend to inhabit other movies of this kind. These characters are far more real, and realistic, than most of the Stepford Wives type females who inhabit most Canadian television productions.

Most Importantly, the production has a positive message - all about loving yourself and treating others with value.

I cannot wait for future episodes.
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Horrible storyline & that's for starters..
ts-000021 April 2022
Horror? Comedy? Drama? Mystery? Fantasy? Honestly SyFy don't feel you knew either,just failed all around.

Sure the term"satire"can be used,still doesn't excuse the poor production quality.

People might feel this could of been better with healthier looking teens,but it was their overall poor acting.

The special effects with technology today,was generic at best.

Series is not something for young kids & not for adults,so it leaves a small demographic audience.

Remaining actors,their acting & cinematography was average.

Bottom line.. Skip this!
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Failure of epic proportions!
opticuscro18 February 2022
I watched and somehow all the time I had the impression that it was some kind of kids tv show, but the moment when they start choping body parts I realized it is not, but even after there is that impression of children's series which pretty much spoils the whole experience. This is a realy horror drama, it should be comical, but Im not found in first two episode anything that would make me laugh except the strange superpowers of the main characters (at least something), and btw the glamorous "heroines" are quite irritating. It should be adventure also but there is no trace of adventure in there. The acting is seriously below average, the actors are kind of stiff so the characters they play are all generic. I don't like that they start an episode with some action that is later set at the end of the episode. On top of all that, the story is not in the least original, everything has already been seen in series and films made earlier. To be honest, I managed to watch the first episode while rewinding the boring dialogues and ten minutes of the second episode, I just couldn't take it anymore, this was really badly done. This is one huge failure of epic proportions!
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Love it!
elisabethmp-7468910 March 2022
OMG the negative reviewers do not seem to realize that this is a spoof show filled with satire. I love it, its hilarious! I love all the actors, the story line, everything! I cant wait for the nest episode and Im 5 in and I love it.
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The worst
pronuke4 February 2022
Made it through 3 or four minutes. This is absolute garbage. I could care less about the physicality of the main characters but they can't act. The story sucks. I usually have to watch one or two episodes before I critique a program. No need here. There is not a show on cable that is worse. SYFY yourself and the rest of us a favor and cancel this now. That will make it easier for everyone to forget it ever existed.
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Very enjoyable
justabi-429-17581314 March 2022
I just happened on this on YouTube. I find it to be delightfully campy, and I hope SYFY doesn't do its usual thing of canceling a show before it can even hit a stride. It's sort of reminds me of a B movie as a tv show.
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Why... just why.
stuffandthings-2187013 February 2022
This show was set up to fail from the start and it only gets worse from there. If this gets a second season I will have lost all faith in humanity. Bad acting and just cringe dioluge ruins any immersion. Instead of focusing on positivity this went straight to fat jokes and never changes. This gets a 1 because the camera work is decent. Avoid and thank me latter.
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Getting worse and worse
keithhaugen14 March 2022
This show may have had a little promise at first, but it has gotten exponentially bad quickly and any comparison to Buffy The Vampire Slayer is an insult to Buffy.
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Two Tons of Mediocrity
katharineshowalter30 March 2022
While I want to applaud SyFy for not giving us yet another helping of Harry Potter (seriously, it seems to be on SyFy EVERY DAY), this mediocre kids' show is not the genre I'm looking for. Fat jokes, bad FX, and old plots makes this Buffy Meets the Weather Girls show a chore to watch. Please try harder, SyFy, and if you're going to show movies, at least show science fiction! There must be so many classics available and plenty in public domain.
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A hidden gem
joannawilsonphillips28 February 2022
This show is a love letter to all those that watched Buffy or Xena or old school Doctor Who and know how to enjoy the heck out a campy, well acted, thoughtful show. Those that don't see the excellence in this brand of low budget tv simply don't get what makes TV fantastic: good writing and committed acting. This show has both in spades.

I didn't know what to expect when I watched the first episode, but by the time I saw the cheesy horn pop out of Brutus' head, I knew my camp-loving heart was in the right place. Coupled with writers who know their way around a monster story... and who have also not lived their lives in insulated societal bubbles... the whole vibe of the world that's being created for Astrid and Lily makes you wanna binge watch episodes 1-5 - and then do it again while waiting for new ones to air.

I love this show, genuinely. Just like I love Buffy and Wynonna Earp and Resident Alien and all the other shows out there that are cult classics. This show will be in my heart for a long time and I'm so very glad it exists.

Please, give it a go. Watch it on the regular if you're so inclined. Shows like this rarely get a season 2 and it would be marvelous if this show was around for many years to come.
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Show shown at wrong time
dustyxx13 February 2022
The show is okay...The main problem is that it seems to have been written to entertain 7 year olds but is shown late in the evening......This is NOT a show for adults....the writing is childish.....
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fun, great young actors
dalemarshall20 March 2022
This is a celebration of friendship, growing up, and in-your-face reality for teens, tho enjoyable at any age. Mean girls, hot kids, everyday sexual tension, parental conflicts, and a depiction of earnest religious types as hypocrites that will offend some. Relax, it's a fantasy comedy! Some really talented young actors here who I hope to see a lot more of.
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Dear God Don't Watch It
srsaunders-468369 March 2022
Every time I thought it couldn't get worse it did. Is this supposed to be for kids or adults? What did I just watch? Honestly, I was really hoping for better. Hopefully the show gets better as I watch more. But I really do not see that happening.
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