2012: Supernova (Video 2009) Poster

(2009 Video)

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Like eating socks.... more chewing doesn't make it taste any better
nineveh-424 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I like all movies from highest production to cheesy C-. This movie had potential to be a fun sci-fi flick. This potential had a sad collision with a supernova and the supernova won.

The first sin of this movie is to display a shelf-full of stock stereotypes. You got the devious Chinese scientist that will betray the US even at risk of her own country's annihilation, the vodka guzzling Russian scientist that looks like a semi-bold Albert Einstein whose IQ score married a '-'. My favourite are automatic weapons wielding Palestinian-dressed Iranians who after ambushing our hero asked him WHY is he smuggling nuclear weapons in his jeep into a high secure US base? Yes, a terrorist cell in search of answers! The second sin of this movie is setting dichotomy. No matter where the events are supposed to be taking place, your brain is going - but ...but...that isn't WHERE you are! I mean yes a bit of suspension of belief is normal when watching movies, but it takes 3,000 meters of suspension rope to convince you that an obvious empty metal workshop is really the headquarter for the most advanced secret space computer lap. It doesn't help that the computers look older than Tandy. Yes, I was waiting for the tubes to burn out...

The third sin is irrational dialogue and behaviour that causes enough double takes to produce double vision. Example, heroes are complaining that their car has been transformed into lightning magnet, so they make a decision to get out of their fully functioning car to hail another car that might NOT attract lightning this time... My favourite is when the hero successfully eludes the terrorists running after him by finding a truck then drives for a few minutes then turns into another spot of the same area to get out and resume being chased on foot...

To be fair, the movie did have one redeeming value. The cgi graphics were pretty well done for the scenes of havoc. The only thing is when they appeared you felt like someone switched the channel without warning. The quality and background and the impact of the visuals were so out of the sync with the poor excuse for a home made sci-fi movie attempt that you wished all the actors died so you can just focus on the only thing worth watching...our solar system going kaboom! If I was the guy in charge, I would cut out all scenes involving actors, keep the special effect reel and put it on you tube as a resume for a job in a real movie.

*drinks lots of water*
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Avoid at all cost!!!
nmkostic26 October 2009
This movie (if you could even call it so)is probably the most offending one to intelligence.

They don't get more stupid than this.

The whole time I asked myself: "Are they kidding me?!"

Nothing is good in this movie!!! Story, acting, effects, NOTHING! It is a complete waste of time and money.

People who made this will never get another cent for any more projects in the future, because they have proved them unworthy of it. No, they should be prosecuted for stupefying effects on people!

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Blitzkrieg-627 October 2009
Shitting myself is more fun that watching this movie.

10 lines to comment - are you kidding me?

It will be almost as long as longest version of this movie plot.

Don't watch this Do yourself a favor... its slow, boring, bad acting, not logical plot at all actually there ain't nothing good to say about this movie

In my humble opinion it is total crap - I'm sorry but its true... People who worked on it to make this movie

Im sorry but if you watch it yourself then you see its worst B rate movie ever...
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Do yourself a favor... DO NOT watch this!
adi-cat25 October 2009
I know that the minimum for a comment is 10 lines but I'll have to work hard to come up with them for such a pile of crap. This is an insult to the intelligence of anyone older than 10 years. It makes your garden variety B movie look like an Oscar candidate. I guess in a Saturday afternoon, after a few 6-packers some guys just thought:

"-Hey, we should make a sci-fi movie.

-Wow, that's great! Let's do it!

-OK, but how do we do it? We'll need a script, and actors and special effects and a lot of other things.

-Never mind, we'll just wing it. We'll rent a warehouse and call it the secret base, a bunch of weird looking guys and call them scientists and that's pretty much it. Oh yes, we'll show a stream of rocks traveling through space form thousands of light-years headed towards a single point in the Universe: Earth. And that's pretty much all there is to it. Of course, let's not forget the two chicks who run through all the movie."

So, they went on and made it. The only bad thing was that they never sobered up. So, instead of what it should have been, this pathetic excuse for a movie came up, which turns out to be a horrible rip off of Armageddon. If you're looking for an effective way to kill braincells go and watch this movie. Otherwise run for your life! My thumb is still glued to the fast forward button.
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Not worth the minimum one star I gave it.
andy_cchrn13 November 2009
I joined IMDb to give my say on how bad this movie is.

It's too bad the lowest one could rate a film is only one star. There should be a special zero star rating to rate such films as this. This movie is THAT terrible. Whatever plot there is was dull, boring and completely uninteresting (I had to play a game of solitaire to keep myself at least a little entertained!). There's no logic to this at all, the acting is awful and laughable, the CGI is the worst I've ever seen. The science in this film is an insult. The old series of Power Rangers is ten stars on all grounds compared to this.

This movie should be forgotten and never seen again and I have to beg anyone who is considering to see this... DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS MOVIE!

You'll regret it if you do. I know I did.
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Worst movie ever
alreay126 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the most irritating movie ever made. It stank so bad I actually had to leave the room to get some fresh air.

For starters it has absolutely nothing to do with the year 2012. Normally that wouldn't be a concern but the producers of this movie have called it that to detract from the similarly titled "2012: end of the world" which can't possibly be worse than this movie.

If you have any grasp of physics, or reality, than the premise, execution and method of the movie will drive you insane. For example, a crew of 4 people sitting around launching spaceships willy-nilly at the press of a button.

Stereotypes galore: foxy Chinese spy/scientist, drunken Russian scientist "From the people's republic of vodka".. yes, seriously, also starring black guy in charge of the facility and white guy protagonist with hot wife and hot daughter Mum and daughter are perpetually in danger from rapists, lightning, earthquakes, avalanches, heat, explosions, terrorists, global warming etc. They can't go 30 seconds without destroying their current vehicle or running a gauntlet of exploding objects.

The "movie" drops in bits of stock footage to set the scene, not an uncommon practice, but it reuses the same footage over and over again. Also, events will happen but instead of seeing something cool like a house exploding the scene will jump to a character saying "Oh, the house exploded".

Save yourself and a friend, don't see this movie.
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Worst movie in all history and most likely in all future
Henrik-Norberg24 October 2009
It was so bad I could not stop watching. And It's not bad so you laugh, just shocked at how bad it is.

Acting is so bad I almost cried. The script is unbelievable bad. This movie is like asking a Creationist to make a movie about the evolution, the writer have no insight in science at all. My 7 years old niece know more about how the world work.

I'd pay money to forget this movie. I mean it, it's that bad. If you like Sci-Fi stay very very far away from this movie.

If you like Armageddon type of movies and don't give a crap about realistic science and think it's fun to see really bad amateur actors and badly cut scenes, you wont be disappointed. The go ahead and have a blast.
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How is it possible for this to exist?
violentauntie26 October 2009
Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. Don't waste your time with this one period. The acting is unbelievably awful, the fake Russian guy, the mother and daughter, they should be struck off for life for injury to the public and the profession, maybe they should be sued under trades description or something similar!

Who funds this kind of thing and why? When you think about it there must be some kind of scam involved people can't be that dumb. Someone knows it will flop and that's the idea, like betting on something to lose or a tax right off. I don't know and don't really care, but what I do care about is whilst this gets funded and made and waste's our time there is no funding for the wealth of true talent that exists in abundance ignored by those who pretend to care about film and the standard of our entertainment and education.
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Give me back my 2 hours!!!! (spoiler alert)
dale-carol-m26 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Another film jumping on the 2012 bandwagon. But, like a zillion other disaster movie buffs I watch them, and whether a block buster or a z grade I usually enjoy them. Until now!!!! Boy could this movie have used a rewrite, some good actors and a decent budget.

Lets start off with the tri-partisan team supposedly saving the world in a top security bunker with top of the range computers which in actual fact looked like you local warehouse with computers from the Amstrad days! We had a Chinese, kungfu, save my country at the expense of everyone else, female scientist, who, incidentally can fly the shuttle! A vodka swilling Russian scientist who looked a lot like a mad

Einstein, who also could fly the shuttle and a good old USA scientist out to save the world even if it meant throwing himself into the face of death... of course! and of course he can pilot the shuttle, all of them wearing overalls and motor bike helmets... oh, and i have seen enough of the shuttle over the years on TV to know what the inside of it looks like and trust me, I have never seen anything like what they were supposedly flying... And when they got to the space station they were the only ones on it. Where were all the other scientists while this was going on? Are we to believe that the world at large trusted 3 scientists to save us... no contact with any world leaders, or any one for that matter.

In the middle of all this we have tornado's, lightning storms, earth quakes, even a lecherous farmer and just about anything else that could be thrown at the poor wife and daughter of the American scientist who are just trying to get to safety while their man tries to save the world.

I kept watching this hoping it would get better... BUT IT DIDN'T.

There are some movies that are so bad you have to watch them, but this doesn't even fit in that category. It is just plain bad. I guess its the best you can do with a budget of $3.50. And with that I would want $2.00 change. Don't waste your time with this one. SciFi channel... shame on you!!!!
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By far one of the worst Movies I have ever seen.
havitushkey27 October 2009
What a waste of precious time. the CGI was hilarious - in a movie that should have CGI as one of its cornerstones of the storytelling ..

and not to mention the acting .. the Russian actor - please have him not put that much into the accent.

in short - one of the worst movie I have seen. no - make it - THE Worst movie I have EVER Seen.

I see now that I need to enter 10 lines of text. how the hell can I fill in 10 lines of text about a crappy movie ?

well, lets say that I would've enjoyed watching a news report about the economy in south east Turkmenistan much more than watching this movie.
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So bad it's funny
kebman11 November 2009
Let's begin with the positive: It actually has some great scenes, if you don't look at the whole of the film. There's a really cool near accident car stunt, for instance, and some cool space scenes.

But by far the BEST part of this film, is all the comments you'll find yourself saying in reaction the incredibly terrible manuscript.

Here's a couple: "Oh, the world is ending, and the girl is wondering what she'll pack in her beauty bag?" "Now, let's see... The world is ending, and we can't afford a space chase... No matter! Let's have a car chase instead - by the evil Hezbollah!" Now to the negative: It's a terrible film! No need to say more, really. It's so terrible some people might even find it entertaining.
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An average movie
mercede7529 October 2009
It was an average movie. The special effects were good but the script was really bad. I do not blame actors as they did just what the director told them to. Besides it's really the director who is able to put pieces together to make a complete movie.

Someone has mentioned that there is no oxygen in space therefore there should be no explosions of fire. True then i guess there should be no sound as well since sound requires a medium to travel and there is really no sound in space.

Science fiction doesn't have to be 100% accurate. It was a B category movie so that it. Don't expect it to be a discovery channel documentary.
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Science Fiction , Apocalyptic,
mollidew28 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Brian Krause is an excellent actor. I am not familiar with the rest but it looks to be a low budget movie. Science Fiction does not have to be science accurate...it is fiction and nothing more. The acting wasn't bad, it was the script. I am sure some of these people needed the money. Acting is a job. Actors have a director that tells them how they want the scenes to be done. I am appalled at so many people that make this "bad acting" mistake. The screenplay sucked and they had bad lines but it probably started like any project with good intentions. I don't know why people have to pick everything apart. It is only for entertainment value and it isn't that bad. Special effects looked fine and this seemed more like a cable channel TV movie to me. I doubt it went into the theaters, so you cannot expect it to be an academy award winning movie. It isn't as bad as people are saying...it is just a low budget movie. If you want science accuracy watch a documentary. This is someone's viewpoint of a happening in 2012. Brian Krause and the two females playing his wife and daughter did a good job. The Russian scientist was eccentric and funny. You can't suddenly become a scientist and know everything about space. I am sure they did some research and they might not have been able to afford a consultant for this particular film. I have seen some of the same things in other space movies so it wasn't exactly anything new but someone's twist on past movies that took up this topic. I thought it was all right for a "B" movie.
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TheLittleSongbird2 June 2011
I will give some credit where it is due, I have seen much worse movies, but that is not saying much. 2012:Supernova is my definition of a terrible movie, with pretty much nothing to recommend or redeem it other than an intriguing concept.

However, this concept is squandered, because the story structure is so disjointed and predictable and the pace is so sluggish. Even worse is the script, which is questionable in scientific logic and laughably bad in one too many parts, and the direction which is so sloppy I questioned whether there actually was any direction. The production values are not much better, the special effects do look really cheap, and the photography and such indicate that this film was made on a low-budget.

I was indifferent to every single one of the characters, that is including the lead character who is too bland to sympathise with his predicament. The Russian was the worst, the character verged on stereotypical and the accent was as fake as the effects. The acting is terrible and none of the actors connected to their characters which is probably a major reason why I didn't care for any of them.

In conclusion, a very, very, very poor movie. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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not worth watching - not even for 5 minutes
glasblok28 October 2009
there is nothing positive to tell about this movie. Acting horrible - Story? "A scientist tries to save the Earth from the deadly blast of a star gone supernova." where are all the scientists, NASA experts, military, politicians, the president? One scientist is trying to save the Earth with the help of a Chinese woman (who obviously did not grow in China) and a half drunk Russian. Some poor Russian accent and a glass of vodka doesn't make a convincing Russian. Well yes there is a story, but it is really painful to see how poorly this story can be put together. Low budget is no excuse. I fell asleep after 30 minutes, don't waste your time and money on this flick.
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Do Not Watch This Movie
cassmj15 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, just saw this despite it apparently coming out in 2009.

Okay, my warning said, let me try to explain some of why. The concept is a supernova that happened in the Lyra Constellation (that is crazy in itself, as a constellation is a group of stars that look near each other from our perspective, but in reality are no where near one another -- in other words, a constellation is not a place) and we somehow get two years warning. How? No explanation (a common fault in this movie). Pappa is one of the persons conceiving of the fix to place nukes in orbit and blow them up just before the blast wave comes, thereby creating a magical shield for the planet. Well, if we can get a two year warning, why not? Acting: awful. Science: awful. Accents (actors): really awful. Story: well, most of the story was unexplained within the script. Have you heard of Snappy the Squirrel (Animaniacs)? She had a line that is worth noting here: "Thank you, Mr. Exposition." This story did a lot of telling without ever showing. Don't drop a line to say something you could have shown us.

Another thing, if you've heard the term "Hang a lantern on it," this movie is a classic example. They would introduce ridiculous concepts and try to explain them away by saying it was a ridiculous concept (for example, two actors looking for a necklace they couldn't find, and they were looking in kitchen cabinets -- kitchen cabinets?. But that's okay as long as they mention they hid the necklace in an odd place, right?).

The script tossed in some timely but silly elements, as well. Terrorists who were completely unexplained as to why they were there. Pappa trying to drive off in a semi-truck, but only going about 100 feet before coming to a dead end (couldn't see that far ahead, dad?). Even the title itself: 2012 appeared only in the title, nowhere else in the script.

The wife and daughter were worthless, as well. They were driving from home to the air base where the husband was, and they had to drive about 50 miles, and they COULDN'T GET THERE IN THREE DAYS! At one point, the road was destroyed moments before, and somehow a road crew was able to put a sign up already that said "Road closed." One amazing department of transportation, there.

One possible good thing this movie could be used for: a drinking game. Every time the wife sighs, drink a shot. You'd be plastered before the first commercial break. Be forewarned: have several shot glasses for each person, because she doesn't give a lot of recharge time in some instances.

The writers did not know science, logic, or how to write a decent conversation. Do not watch this film. My girlfriend and I skimmed through the last portion of the movie, and we still want our time back.
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Not really worth watching.
zaluya25 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I actually got angry watching this movie to the point where I just had to turn it off. So the movie starts of pretty nicely, there's some good graphics and stuff, until you see an exploding planet that look like a ball stuffed with fire crackers when it exploded, the "supernova" then proceeds to destroy a space telescope, again, the firecracker effect. They even added some kind of fire in there, even though it's in space... Where there is no oxygen. You then get a look at the main characters, the dad who always calls his daughter "babe" for some weird reason, and the mother and daughter who don't know what seat belts are.

The movie heads off directly into a car chase with some terrorists in pursuit of questions, for some reason the dad decides its a good reason to go off road when their seat belts look like a strap for a backpack. The movie contains a lot of terrible acting, this is instantly discovered in the scene where they for some reason run into an abandoned factory like place with a completely new truck in there, which they proceed to take off in for about 20 yards, and terrorists who think shooting wood will stop the wood from falling over them, and for some reason their UZI's sound like heavy machine guns. Later into the movie for some reason just contains a lot of bad acting, some weird driving and a lot of planets exploding along with ridiculous explosions with overdone sound effects that were found on the internet. The main reason why you would want to watch this movie would probably be to make you angry, or to get something sweet to laugh at while being high or drunk.
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The disaster in this disaster film is the film itself
jimdclements18 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Attempting to find a starting place for this review is like showing up at a massive train wreck to help clean up the remains. There's not really a good starting point, so you just have to dive in with your shovel.

Brian Krause is the illustrious Dr. Kelvin, one of three scientists on a mission to save the world from a deadly, planet-obliterating supernova. His allies? Two other scientists who have come straight out of page 9 of "Stereotypes Weekly" - A vodka-swilling Russian with a terrible accent, and a cute petite Chinese scientist who you secretly suspect to turn traitor at any moment.

Amidst saving the earth, Kelvin is distracted by threats ranging from Iranian terrorists (see page 13 of "Stereotypes Weekly"), to his hot 33 year old wife and hot 23 year old daughter who can't travel 30 miles in three days, to a ninja attempting to kill him (who looks and sounds like a petite Chinese woman...). Even his Vulcan-esque ally Henreaux eventually starts questioning whether Doc Kelvin should try to subvert the hand of God.

So can the good doctor save the earth? He sure hopes to, and he has a fire-proof plan to do it: detonating a bazillion nuclear warheads right smack dab above the Earth's atmosphere. What could possibly go wrong? I have tried everything imaginable to come up with something positive enough to give this film two stars, but I simply can't. The only redeeming factor in this whole film is that the camera operators had enough skill to somehow manage to keep the cameras steady and in focus. This is quite the feat, as simply being on this set should reduce most mortals to a quivering, nauseated wreck. I suspect that they have worked as crime scene photographers, as the only way to build up the fortitude to capture a piece of work like this, as well as they have, would be to spend your days finding the best angle to really capture a mutilated decaying body left to rot in a swamp somewhere.

To help understand the horror that is this atrocious waste of film, I've broke my rating into the following categories:

Originality: 0 out of 10 stars. There's nothing original about this film, down to the mockbuster title. The plot is terrible, and feels like they pulled bits and pieces from a number of places. The film relied heavily on stereotypes, from Iranian terrorists that didn't really have anything to do with the film, to the inbred country hillbilly that wants to have his way with the daughter (I guess his threshold for hotness is somewhere in the 10ish years that these two actresses are apart from one another). It left you feeling like you've seen parts of this film somewhere, but you can't imagine ever voluntarily looking upon a sight so wretched.

Artistic & Technical execution: 1 out of 10 stars. NASA is apparently launching shuttles from a power plant where everyone drives golf carts. The base that Kelvin & Co. work from is shot in a warehouse. The computer technology is on par with ENIAC. The graphics in the film were terrible, even for a no-budget film, and I was appalled that they chose to use stock footage from both the Challenger and Colombia disasters to represent their shuttle being blown up. Further, the cockpits of these shuttles were ridiculous, and looked more like a set one might build for their little kids. The space station is even worse, not to mention the very convenient fact that there is apparently gravity in space now, as the crew can just walk around from place to place. The only reason I give this category a single star is because somehow, amidst the sea full of awful, the camera crew managed to get their stuff right for the most part.

Content: 0 out of 10 stars. Everything about this film is wrong. Why do a mid-30's looking couple have a biological child in her mid 20's who looks nothing like them? Why do the special agents allow the girls to go back home while the entire planet is apparently falling apart around them? The film has plot holes big enough to drive a truck through. They sort of allude to some people thinking that stopping Earth's demise is playing against the hand of God, but then why does the stereotypical Chinese girl (who doesn't ascribe to western religion) try to kill everyone off? Why does Kelvin seem suspicious of the drunk Russian, and not the fit Chinese girl when he just had his butt kicked by a masked assailant who was very clearly a fit Chinese girl? Seriously, there is nothing in this film that makes any sense. The science portrayed in this film is laughable at best, and they seem to ignore crucial facts, like the fact that the edge of Earth's magnetosphere is some 125 times farther from earth than any space shuttle has ever flown. We're talking tens of thousands of miles here.

Overall experience: 0 out of 10 stars. Nothing in this film felt right. At some points I wondered if the scenes with the girls were going to break out into some sort of adult film. It was awkward, and nobody in the film seemed comfortable in their roles. Being an aspiring filmmaker, I love low budget indie flicks, and even by those standards, this is bad. Some films are so bad that they're funny. This film is so much worse that it goes all the way past funny, back around to being horrid. Save your money and/or time.
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what a load of rubbish
benjaminwooff10 November 2009
i will say sorry up front for my rubbish spelling i have dyslexia. now i thought that this was the 2012 end of the world film. sadly mistaken, this is the worst film ever made. now i normally like all films but this is appalling. first the acting is rubbish. i mean the girl sees meteors failing outside and treats this like its normal. then they randomly go off road get out of there car get chased get into a brand new truck drive 20 feet get out and get chased some more i mean what the hell was the point of that. also the terrorist gun fire, did you notice that it Carry's on after they stop shooting. the Russian is he meant to be a joke or is that just what the director thinks all Russians are like, the accent was appalling and drinking vodka. also there in a room smaller than my bathroom and they are controlling shuttle launches and there are just 4 of them. anyone with a sense of intelligence will not not watch this film. there is so much more i could say about this that was bad but that would the whole plot, script filming of the film. DO NOT WATCH
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Tired Old Clichés Served Cold
sarfarazahmad7 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Its three days to the end of the world and the planet is about to be blasted into eternal oblivion. Earth has never had to deal with such a cataclysmic event before and therefore we are lucky enough to have a brave Nasa scientist at the helm, a man who seems to make arbitrary decisions about the lives of 7 billion people without even once consulting the elected heads of State's.

No 'end of the world' movie would be complete without its baddies and this movie has two for the price of one. If the supernova explosion that is threatening to blow up our solar system (Poor planet Pluto gets it in the neck quite early on)isn't bad enough the protagonist also has to deal with terrorists wearing "Palestinian scarves" who appear out of nowhere and try to shoot dead the soon to be Saviour of Humanity and his family. as far as baddies go theyr'e not very powerful as a few minutes later they are both dead. With blood spurting out of their bullet ridden bodies the Palestinian Scarf wearers are quickly despatched by the hero's team who manage to arrive in the nick of time.Why they were included in this movie? What purpose did they serve?

By labouring to associate the Palestinian scarf (and those who wear it)with mindless criminality or terrorism- the film makers succeeds in putting the viewer off with pointless zionist propaganda.It seems that the director wanted people to think 'Hey! These people are horrible because even though its the end of the world and our brave Messiah is single handedly trying to save the world (not to mention their sorry ass's) and these guys are so evil they don't give up."

Unfortunately the racist clichés don't stop there. The two sidekicks of the hero (who spend a lot of time unnecessarily pushing flashing buttons in a control room) happen to be an uptight initially hostile Chinese woman ("Peoples Republic of China," she tartly corrects the hero) and a drunken Russian who declares he is from "The Peoples Republic of Vodka." Hmm. Saving the world is going to be hard work.

The only real hero in all this is the brave viewer who manages to sit through 90 minutes of drivel and aviods a massive brain haemorrhage.
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A Classic Sci-Fi Fail.
neumann-aj24 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well i've seen a whole lot of Sci-fi movies and to be honest when i saw the title of that movie i was expecting something more intriguing than what i saw .. but bottom-line is , there's nothing that has to do with the Mayans and their calendar, Graphics aren't really that good and the storyline was horrible with a whole lot of forced elements into the plot .. for example the Palestinians people or the terrorist cell that just happens to be operating in the U.S and by some miracle managed to know that a guy who works for the government is trafficking nuclear weapons in his truck -which is a whole different LOL-Worthy element - then a Chinese scientist that betrays the U.S just to add some more complication to the plot while the fate of the whole solar system is hanging in the balance. not to mention the scientific glitches as to where that half of the solar system got destroyed with no impact whatsoever on earth and my personal favorite .. that nuclear weapons is the solution to all our problems and in which case a shield made from nuclear detonations is going to save the earth from a super-nova. The acting was horrible .. the storyline was even more horrible and the graphics weren't too good. Bottomline, i wouldn't recommend that movie for anyone.
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Ya ya 10 lines, i can give another 50 may be................
snehakar21 July 2011
Yes i did watch this movie! It was so much fun to just read all other peoples comments! Priceless!!! Had lot of fun reading. Yes i did watch this movie! It was so much fun to just read all other peoples comments! Priceless!!! Had lot of fun reading. Yes i did watch this movie! It was so much fun to just read all other peoples comments! Priceless!!! Had lot of fun reading. Yes i did watch this movie! It was so much fun to just read all other peoples comments! Priceless!!! Had lot of fun reading. Yes i did watch this movie! It was so much fun to just read all other peoples comments! Priceless!!! Had lot of fun reading. Ya ya 10 lines, i can give another 50 may be................
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Excellent - well worth seeing.
register09111420 December 2009
What a great movie! It reminds me of those 50s B movies where the inside of the spaceship was a desk with a steering wheel attached and a curtain behind it! Fantastic! I thought they didn't make them like that anymore. Terrible dialogue, cheap special effects and laughable plot. Pure entertainment! Kids everywhere will be delighted that with a bit of free software off the internet and Mom's iMac they too could make a laugh-a-minute sci-fi yarn. Hawt chicks run from one tricky situation to another while the hero is saving the world from what looks like an office in an old electricity substation. Get a bucket of chicken wings, a six pack of beer and a few friends who dug Plan 9 From Outer Space. Edward D Wood is smiling down on us. Oh yeah, one criticism... should have been made in black and white, but I guess you can turn that down on your set.
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ALMOST as good as that other commercial !
guestar5729 October 2009
Starring : Brian Krause,Heather McComb Directed : Anthony Fankhauser This is really well done Science Fiction ! Krause is a classic hero,Kind of like Bruce Willis in Armageddon…That kind of bent. McComb actually gets more to do and goes thru a myriad of emotions and has the audience against and THEN routing for her very next move. The special effects are getting rave reviews,Tiny Juggernaut has seriously stepped up from journeyman techs to " Hey,We have a threat on our hands Big Hollywood !" Knowing there is a bigger budget,But similar film coming to theatres,This is not a 'Mockbuster' to be taken lightly. Throughly entertaining and characters that are allowed to breath with depth…Yes,Depth .
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This is a modern day B-Movie
alex-jones2012 November 2009
I've seen people do better than this using Lego characters on Youtube. You get the impression at the beginning that it maybe OK and then the first car scene hits you, remember this bit, driving off road and bumping up and down. That is the extent of the stunts for that scene. In the next car scene there is more driving off road and bumping up and down and so it goes on. Some classic bits to watch out for, the golf buggy scene I was expecting Steve Martin to walk past, the lightning scene was SSSSSOOOOOOOO scary, I was shaking with laughter. The Presidents speech was more like something off Sesame Street and the same shot four times just reversed when the spaceship blew up was amazing. All in all for this day and age I have to say this is one of the worst films that I have ever seen. I only carried on watching it to see if it was that bad the whole way through, and it was.
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