Elevator Game (2023) Poster


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The Embarrassing Game.
korkysyard15 September 2023
What a shower of crap. Just sat through this childish supposed to be, wanna be, horror film and hate myself for doing so.

It's like an episode Goosebumps,only with worse acting and less scares.

With a very low budget and very dislikeable characters,you just end up disliking everything about it.

I sometimes wonder why these films are even made because who in their right minds would enjoy making or watching stuff like this?

So anyway they've taken a game I'm sure everyone's heard about and actually had a chance to make something that could have been at least watchable. However they failed badly, buy just making a teen type cringefest.

If I were you I'd avoid this like the plague.
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Promising but with inconsistencies galore
tekumichan6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this movie being certain that it'll allute to the Elisa Lam case (if you don't know the case I reccommend learning about it. It's sad and tragic) which many scare-seekers thought she played that exact Elevator Game. To my surprise the movie isn't about that. But also isn't about... anything else.

That's the main problem. The movie doesn't know what it wants to be and has so many inconsistencies that it's hard to decifer. At the same time it has a lot of creative and nice touches. So I'll go through with them chronologically.

  • The movie starts way too slow. The first "scary" thing happened along the 30-40 minute mark.

+ They are using real-life apps (like TikTok or YouTube) instead of making fake ones for no reason.

  • We have a token group. A dumb jock, a stupid blonde, a token nerd, a token beliver in ghosts, a token good girl and a sorta-main-protagonist.

+ The design of the monster FROM A FAR is great. Suddenly in all this chaos I saw TekeTeke-esc, japanese monster-like creature. It was uncanny, it was weird and it was perfect. The movement, the sound. *chef's kiss*

  • The design of the monster FROM A CLOSE UP is terrible. Then we get the close up. The makeup on the creature looks cheap and isn't anything creative nor scary. Makes me wonder why did they even bother with the close-ups.

+ (AND IT'S A BIG PLUS) Characters act like real-life people. If someone has no real proof of the monster - they won't react as we expect them to in stereotypical horror way. If characters saw the monster they will - correctly so - overly freak out as we would upon seeing an out of this world thing.

  • No matter what I said above, the characters don't TALK like real-life people. They act correct, but the dialogue is stiff and is really a hit or miss.

  • The monster attacks are inconsistent. We don't know what to expect from the ghost but not in a good way. Does she teleport? She must, 'cause she's seen attacking different people far away from each other. Does she muliply? She must, 'cause we've seen her attack multiple people at the same time. What are her powers? Everything? It must be, 'cause sometimes she's invisible. Sometimes she attacks like a Mind Flier (from Stranger Things) would. Sometimes she can stand away from you to hurt you. Sometimes she has to phisically touch you to do any harm. Beacuse of that she seems overpowered.

+ movie is self aware. Which is nice and they don't cross the mockery line at any point. Nice touch of realness.

  • people die at weird timing. Why did the ghost take sweet sweet time trying to get to some of them, only to find and murder the rest almost immediately? I don't know. It was confusing at best, and a little distracting at worst.

  • The backstory of the ghost comes a little too late and a little too out of nowhere. There is no time for the new information of such relevance to really sink in.

  • The movie doesn't know if it wants to be gory. Some deaths are very PG, off screen. Some have bowels ripped from the stomach. After few deaths the first gory death really took me out and not in a good way. I was surprised and confused. Agaon - not in a good way.

  • The actions of the last two surving protagonists are so out of
character. The girl knew not to open the eyes - she said it herself yet she did it. The guy knew to immediately go back and finish the game yet he stuttered and slacked off. Did the monster made them act weird? We'll never know because as I mentioned before - we don't know what the ghost can and cannot do.

+ The movie end the same way it started. With an unknowing idiot who tries to play the Elevator Game. You could argue the last one being more stupid, because at this point several people "dissapeard" in this place so... natural selection I guess. I like how it says that people will never change. That they will always go out of their way to chase clout and risk themselves which - again - is a realistic part of the movie.

I can appreciate the effort and some of the details. The biggest problem for me tho, is the pacing. The movie starts too slowly, making you lose interes in the story and fates of the characters. Some flaws can't be fixed but I feel that with a few editing decisions we'd have a much better, remade movie that could maybe even reach a 7 in rating.
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Acting sucks but scary scenes are pretty good
ramobmw-4685517 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is like others say cringe and trying to be comedic at times but the horror scenes are pretty good I must say... if you do a sequel get better actors. Or writers... I literally had to fast forward sone parts just to get to the good stuff, the kill scenes are good, the scene in the restaurant/bar was a joke.. a manager at the front managing 3 tables 😂 and more salt shakers then I've ever seen in my life in one place. The Sheldon character doesn't fit in the movie. It's not a comedy it's a horror movie or so it should be. The storyline scenes take too long and can put you to sleep.. 5/10.
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The High School Cleansing Hour
Howling_at_the_Moon_Reviews17 September 2023
From the jump you can tell this is going to be your quintessential, un-self-aware indie horror with questionable acting, script and plot.

For the first 45 minutes it is exactly that, but in an unoffending way. You have your expected token characters with their quippy banter that isn't as clever as they think it is and some community theater like acting... and it's fine for the most part. It then hits a climax scene and it is... jarring to say the least. I don't know why literally anyone on set didn't tell the actor playing Kris that he was not in an off broadway production of The Shining, but I was literally sitting on my couch actively cringing throughout that entire scene... and honestly at that point I blame direction. From then on it pretty steadily goes down hill. I would say it was riddled with plot holes but Swiss cheese is just made that way so we will let it go...

On a positive note, I will say when the creep factor hit, it was pretty solid at times. A lot of the kills and the gore were pretty cool and I was surprisingly impressed with the sfx/cgi. I will say however, the makeup for the ghost/demon was unsuccessful and was serving up Party City body paint unfortunately. The movie also looked quite nice in general. Good picture quality and solid shots/editing. As far as acting went, the folks who played Chloe and Matty had some potential, but everything just felt so stilted and unintentionally campy that there wasn't much room for success regardless. It felt like maybe this was a first go around for the majority of the cast and in the least patronizing way possible, everything is a learning experience and not everything is always going to be your best work and that's okay.

At large, while still retaining some positive attributes, this movie didn't hit the way they wanted it to. I wouldn't say it was unsuccessful per se, but there were many variables that added up to a very amateurish fruition. I think that the cast and crew should still be proud of what they accomplished but as far as recommendation goes, I would probably have to say to pass on this one.
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what a cringe acting
nzrlsyzwn15 September 2023
I recently watched the horror movie "Elevator Game", and I was disappointed.

The premise of the movie is that a group of people are stuck in an elevator after it suddenly stops working - but that's where the fun ends. The "horror" aspects of the movie are more like cheap jump-scares than anything else, and it quickly devolves into a boring and predictable mess.

The acting is passable, but there isn't much to hold your attention. The movie just doesn't deliver what it promises; I was expecting an intense ride and instead I got a snooze-fest. This one is best left avoided.

Want a dose of cringe ? Watch this..
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the worst shudder...
ops-5253515 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Production ive seen up to this date, not so much the idea and plot, its the scenographics and the nest of actors that at moments seems like theyve just hatched themselves out of the egg into this brave new acting world.nystagmical eyes and unecesarry lipmovements, and an overall stifness in their bodylanguage...except the lady on the fifth floor... makes this movie slow and irritative to watch.

So why didnt they use somebody more experienced to this, at small moments gory horror story based on antisocial urban legends, the grumpy old man asks, who is not impressed at all, no shudders made down his spine...
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Better Than Reported.
fatfil-414-45179719 September 2023
I think this movies biggest problem is its opening 10 minutes., and if I was reviewing based on that only, it would have got 1 star. There are too many obnoxious characters, over acting in the featured, fictional, online show, and I agree, was poorly acted for the most part. However, the two main characters are not to bad, and carry the story through. And I do think the acting in general improves as the film progresses. This obviously wasn't a big budget movie, so don't go expecting big budget CGI, but I liked the plot and the suspense, the effects had an almost eighties kind of vibe to them. While I understand this not appealing to all tastes, I enjoyed iot for what it was. Just get past the opening sequence and enjoy the ride.
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Two Stars because technically, it was a movie.
dore-jeff16 September 2023
Another unimaginative, sub-mid shovel-ware movie. Nothing really stands out, the acting was lethargic and absolutely nothing stood. This is the kind of movie you throw out when you are vacuuming and folding laundry. That's probably the best thing I can say about it.

This movie feels like another low-effort offering for 12 to 14 year olds that want to get into Horror movies and this movie will gently hold their hand and ease them into things. The antagonist is simply called "The 5th Floor Woman", and that's fine. I didn't really care to invest enough brain cells thinking too hard about how this movie pandered to kids who think the Back Rooms or Slenderman are scary.

I call this kind of offering "Sesame Street Horror" because it basically spoon feeds you mild jump scares for an hour and a half.
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Boring, lifeless and dull characters
HorrorFilmHellion12 October 2023
Again with this tacky social media challenge/investigator horror movie formula. Shudder wiffed on this one. The setup in the first few minutes was probably the best part, and that's not saying much. The next 30-45 minutes of a bunch of social media hucksters banter back and forth is quite dull. I was not interested in anything they had to say, and no interest watching them stumble through their pitiful plight on their devices. Sometime after that we get a frightening scene, more pointless dialogue, and then we get to watch someone sift through web pages for a while.. and then I think I dozed off. I gave it a star for some ok-but-sparse tense scenes, but I couldnt come up with anything else worth mentioning. Bottom of the barrel stuff for Shudder flicks.
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Self aware horror.
Patient44414 September 2023
It is becoming a trend, the self aware horror. Ever since the original Scream, can't believe I have to say "original Scream" but ok, counting down to movies like Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, Final Girls, Fear Street, Talk to me, and so on, movie characters don't act like movie characters anymore.

If they are in a zombie movie, they know what zombies are, and the same happen here: characters that quickly accept their situation and try to find a way out. How do they do it? Well exactly like you would see in a horror film, by going back to the beginning, seeing how it all started and finding the way to end it.

Elevator Game is somewhat fun and sort of smart but it doesn't reach the heights of an original masterpiece. Characters are overall bland and boring, the plot is easy to predict and sadly...they went with a lot of bone cracking. I think this technique is overused and it just doesn't impress anymore. Should have done something different with our main killer.

It's no Grudge, no The Ring, the villain has very little screen time and whenever it does appear, its presence has no impact.

For a one time view, I think you should definitely try it. It's out there with Countdown (2019), Come play (2020) or Megan (2022). Close to something great, but not quite there.

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The wring kind of low-budget.
psychofox-8851115 September 2023
So I was born in the early 80s and, as a result, I grew up in a time when video rentals were a thing. Back then, if you rented a horror movie, it could fall into one of three categories: Big-budget film that had had a major cinema release, small-budget indie that was made by creative people with limited resources, or small-budget cash grab, made by people who just viewed making films as a way to make some money, with no real creativity or imagination involved; make the box look interesting and someone will pay to watch it.

Movies are distributed differently nowadays but, had it been released back then, The Elevator Game would fall into the latter category.

The plot is formulaic and unimaginative, locking on to a particular idea that the filmmakers thought was current and popular (It's already out-dated). It tries to incorporate modern tropes, such as YouTube videos and influencers, but does it so ineptly that it just shows how little actual knowledge the people at the helm have of these things, resorting to exaggerated and inaccurate stereotypes.

The characters are all stereotypical horror archetypes with zero depth, and the casting of some characters defies belief (why does the "high-school intern" look older than his colleagues?)

The make-up and effects are about the level you'd expect from a mediocre Halloween party.

The acting is generally poor but, to be fair, I think there is some real talent here. The problem is the capable actors are stifled by awful scripting and direction. I won't single anyone out but there are actors in this film who I really can see - and hope I will see - going on to bigger and better things.

Ultimately, this just felt like an unimaginative, made-to-order movie that was created solely to pad out Shudder's library of original films and earn someone, somewhere a few extra bucks.
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Am I the only one who liked this
Jimmoviesreviews22 September 2023
Wow the few comments are bizarre This movie should have been playing in the cinemas After watching that non scary Nun 2 this movie was Finally a Scary movie It reaches the effect of the original Grudge.. Not every movie needs a big budget,hah talk about paranormal activity.. Effects were good,ghost girl was creepy Acting was fine And not that cheesy as people say I don't know what people like these days I find big budget movies stupid and not scary at all You should search in 1 in a million to find something scary these days More people should comment on this for real .

I quess it should have streamed on Netflix.
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Fun but nothing new
ste_howard18 September 2023
I enjoyed this from well enough so would certainly suggest it's worth 90 minutes of your time. It's well put together and the cast are pretty committed. There's some decent effects and a few moments of real tension and creepiness, though I think the solid premise could have been exploited better.

What let's the film down a little, for me, is seemingly rushed characterisation and pretty tame finale. I'd have been tempted to lean further into the gore in this one too.

Overall, it's a good slice of fun with some good laughs and a couple of creepy moments, but one that could have been much better given its decent collection of parts.
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please dont watch this
danielrotarmihai16 September 2023
It was the most cringe and boring film I have ever watched with horrible acting.

This hole movie should have been a youtube video, at most.. everything is so predictable and every conversation is full of non-sense details.

It was the most cringe and boring film I have ever watched with horrible acting.

This hole movie should have been a youtube video, at most.. everything is so predictable and every conversation is full of non-sense details.

It was the most cringe and boring film I have ever watched with horrible acting.

This hole movie should have been a youtube video, at most.. everything is so predictable and every conversation is full of non-sense details.
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Terrible acting and a so-so plot
stevelivesey-3718319 September 2023
This is not terrible by any means. I can imagine that with someone like Sam Raimi at the helm this might have become a decent, scary little horror film. However what we have is TikTok driven fan fiction.

There are one or two jump scares here and there but none of it makes any sense.

The major problem is the acting or rather the over acting, the over emoting, the actors and their total lack of talent. Everyone is absolutely awful. So bad that we end up rooting for the elevator demon type thingy.

There may be another one, who can say. It was obviously filmed on a small budget however it didn't crack a million at the box office.
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Some doors should never be opened
MB-reviewer1857 October 2023
This is based on some kind of urban legend, being about an elevator, after pushing certain buttons to go to certain floors in the building, goes to another dimension along with some kind of entity on the fifth floor that I do not understand fully. The movie Elevator Game (2023) is not good, and boring to watch where I was not invested in what was going on and did not care about any of the characters doing these dumb things involving the elevator. Also, the movie was not that scary, and the entity was standard, especially when it came to killing these characters.

The acting was that good with the characters being annoying and hard to watch, and one of them having this tacked on story about his sister being in this other dimension that I did not care about. The characters did this show where they play creepy games in creepy locations, and I could care less about what they were doing, which made me question if this should have been turned into a movie or not considering how small of a concept the Elevator Game is. Plus, the rest of the movie is this entity somehow killing them because of them using the elevator in a certain way, and people being stupid when it comes to using the elevator when playing the game.

The entity looked a bit creepy, and it killed people in gory brutal ways, but it still felt like a standard demon like entity like everything else we have seen before. The rules of the game are straight forward on how you are supposed to follow them, but the characters will intentionally not follow them which leads to them getting killed in a gory way. The ending of the movie brings things full circle by having other people play the game, and standard terrible things happen to them where I could care less about.

Elevator Game (2023) is not worth your time; it was not scary with the characters being idiotic to watch, the demon like entity was standard, and the concept of the Elevator Game was not used that well. I would highly recommend not to watch this and watch something that is at least worth watching; this concept is interesting, but it did not need to be turned into a movie like this where it is boring because of how slow it can be. Do not watch this and watch something else.
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I did not care for this film
jfgibson731 October 2023
This movie had an uphill battle to climb, as it would have taken some really amazing writing to make this concept work. We're talking about a premise in which we have to watch characters ride an elevator up and down. My opinion is that the filmmakers just wanted a movie that would make a little money, so they only put in effort to produce something kids might be drawn to. I wasn't hoping for an all-time great cinematic experience, but I did hope it would at least be mildly entertaining. Instead, I thought the movie was very bland, overly serious, and not much fun. I also felt very unsatisfied by the ending, which I thought was the laziest part of this entire undercooked film. Not recommended.
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From The Annals Of The Internet...Straight To Shudder!
meddlecore25 October 2023
Elevator Game is a film whose story is based on an internet creepypasta legend that originated in Japan and South Korea.

The legend states that if you use an elevator to travel to a series of floors, in a specific order...upon reaching the fifth floor...a mysterious woman will enter.

You can neither look at, nor speak to this woman...less she pull you into her realm.

After reaching the fifth floor...you hit the button for the first floor...and if you go up...towards the tenth floor...upon reaching said floor...you open a portal to her realm.

One much like our own, though where there is no electricity...and a red cross can be seen in the sky.

Hence it being called "The Red World" in the film.

To get back...you must go to the same elevator, and repeat the process...though...upon heading toward the tenth floor, you must interrupt the process by hitting a button for a floor between the one you are on, and the tenth floor.

This should, in theory, return you to your own dimension.

If the process is interrupted by someone else entering the elevator, prior to reaching the tenth floor...you must immediately return to the first floor...and not look back.

Such are the rules of The Elevator Game.

For the most part, the film remains true to these rules.

However they take some artistic liberties of their own.

By having the "Fifth Floor Woman" rip you apart if you break the rules, for example.

Going into this, I fully expected it to be stupid.

And it is.

But I actually kind of enjoyed it.

It's definitely the type of horror that is tailored towards adolescents, and the youtube generation.

I think, ideally, it would have worked better as a short film.

But, for what it is...it actually kind of works.

Which is substantially more than I expected from it.

So colour me pleasantly surprised.

4 out of 10.
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An Awful Movie
alexrt-3340212 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the worst movie I have the displeasure of ever watching (And I watched the atrocious Poltergeist remake on Theaters!)

The only "Horror" in this movie is the horrible acting and the horror of knowing that some producers thought this movie was good enough for it to get made and distributed.

I rather watch the entire Sharknado saga than watch this movie again, because the Sharknado movies, even though are awful, at least don't take themselves too seriously.

This is a movie for the Tik Tok generation, who thinks someone lip-synching to a song is a "talented person". The "ghost" even have a NOSE RING, so that tells you what the target demographic for this movie is. If someone gives this abomination of a movie more than a 1 or 2 rating, is because they are one of those Tik Tok generation too, because they worked in the movie, or because they are getting paid to promote the movie.

Not only the movie is awfully acted but the movie doesn't even make sense! Sometimes the "Ghost" has telekinetic powers and can kill you without touching you, and sometimes (conveniently) the "Ghost" has to catch people and touch them so she can kill them.

The only reason I gave this movie 1 star, is because is the lowest that you can give, but if it were up to me I gave it a -10 stars.
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Simple premise but still with some chills
jmbovan-47-16017316 September 2023
The Elevator Game is a simple premise of a film: horror video blog just out of high schoolers need a quick and spooky idea for their channel to keep a sponsor. Thus, the decide on the Elevator Game that evokes the Fifth Floor Woman and her Red World.

The simple premise does lower the overall film as there isn't much more to the plot than this. (There is one minor twist about halfway through that is ultimately worthless for any deviation from the plotting.) Characters aren't bad for 2 dimensional, and acting is decent inside of these characters.

There is enough creepiness in the moments that do occur that I kind of liked this film. Ending is tired retread of other films, and most likely a sad attempt of the producers to allow for a sequel. Really? We need a sequel for a simple film?

Not saying it's great by far, but I gave a 6 as it did keep me watching without any yawns or sassy back talk to the film.
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Waste of a good idea... Horrible Execution
Industry_Insider8426 April 2024
Shudder needs to consider hiring some people with solidified talent. So turds like this film can't be churned out anymore. Elevator Game tries to play out like a Ringu, Grudge-esque type film. Where it fails is in the production itself. The acting is horrible, on par with some really bad student films I've seen. The way the story is fleshed out, very bad dialogue, bad pacing, predictable characters and moments. It has a cringe to it. Not even bad to be good enough to have a cult following like Evil Dead. This film is just trash. The special effects/makeup team also dropped the ball with their fifth floor woman that looks like something you'd find on a bargain brand Halloween makeup kit.

If you're EXTREMELY bored and want a really bad horror film, or are very very short on the spectrum and easily entertained, give it a watch.

Otherwise save the hour and minutes of life this steals.
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Nightmare On Dare Street
matt_jacobs120 September 2023
We need a prequel or a series - that follows the group on their many urban legend debunking missions.

"The Haunted Amusement Park"

On a crisp autumn evening, the members of "Nightmare On Dare Street" gathered in their makeshift studio, surrounded by the eerie glow of computer screens and the flickering light of candles. Kevin, the group's enigmatic leader, had called for an emergency meeting.

"Alright, team," Kevin began, his voice brimming with excitement. "I've got a lead on our next big adventure."

Izzy, the group's tech wizard, raised an eyebrow. "What's the story this time, Kevin?"

Kevin leaned in, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Ever heard of the old abandoned amusement park just outside town? Legend has it that it's haunted by the ghost of the former owner, Mr. Hargrove, who died under mysterious circumstances."

Matty, the skeptic of the group, chuckled. "Haunted amusement parks? Really, Kevin?"

But Kris, the fearless daredevil, chimed in. "I'm up for it! Imagine the views we'd get on YouTube if we could capture real ghostly activity!"

Chloe, the group's historian, nodded in agreement. "There's a lot of history surrounding that place. It could be a goldmine of urban legends waiting to be explored."

"Alright, Kevin," Izzy said with a mischievous grin. "We're in. Let's see if we can debunk this ghost story once and for all."

With their equipment ready and their hearts pounding with anticipation, the "Nightmare On Dare Street" team embarked on their next adventure, unaware of the chilling encounters, unexpected twists, and newfound friendships that awaited them in the dark, eerie corridors of the haunted amusement park.

Little did they know that this would be the beginning of their journey into the world of urban legends and the supernatural, setting the stage for the harrowing events that would subsequently lead them to the "Elevator Game".
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I thought the acting was good!
olivia-9405526 February 2024
I'm confused why so many people are saying the acting was bad! I really enjoy this type of characterful acting! I think they got the right balance, not too realistic it's boring, and not too much that it was unrealistic either! And the story on the whole isn't that bad at all! It's different to any big Hollywood movie that's for sure! I don't find the big budget horrors scary any more, they all have the same sort of concept, as a big horror buff who watches one a day, this was different and had a more entertaining type of acting so stood out to me. So I've got to say... the reviews are very surprising here.
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mariammorjan28 November 2023
Was really exited to see the movie for a long time because of all the hype about it, but got really disappointed when I saw it. Bad acting and bad script. Looked like a high school movie project. Eve my friends that are scared of scary movies were not scared and asked me is it was a kids movie.

It was not scary and almost felt like it was funny at the same time, like the "scream" movies. Had really high hopes for many months after reading a lot of stuff about Elise lam that died after playing the elevator game. Heard a lot of true crime pods about that story and how they found her in the roof of the hotel.
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This has not one thing of what makes urban legends interesting
The elevator game, modern urban myth, there have been several stories of weird situations related to elevators, and this urban myth was made up of a mash up of those, but it is intriguing

The thing is that this and most urban myths have rules that you are supposed to follow to stay safe and people don't follow them and then they are dead.

First, the game is supposed to be played solo, but it is understandable, that would be no fun in a movie(It would, done right, but this move was not done right even with more than one person)

After you start the game, you follow through to the 5ht floor step, and if you look at her she will talk to you and try to convince you to go with her, she can be a beautiful woman or someone you know(and that ofc cannot be there in reality) but there is no mention of her killing you(At least not in the elevator, which is the safe space)

The rules can be read in the ghost machine website btw. But to finish, the rule is to press 1 and go down... but to be vigilant because you could still be in the other dimension, and if so, you need to repeat all steps until you are sure you are in your og one

Then lets talk about the acting, the whole side stories with the characters are badly put together, the acting is subpar, they are just not good actors

All in all a lazy attempt to make an elevator movie, want a relatively OK one? Go see "Devil" this one is not worth it.
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