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tarbosh2200013 May 2010
"The Mad" is a decent but very silly horror flick.

The Plot: Jason Hunt (Zane) and his family stop at a small town restaurant. While there, the townspeople turn into zombies after eating the hamburgers. Now Jason and his surviving daughter Amy (Maggie Castle) have to escape and figure out the mystery.

For a direct-to-video horror movie, this wasn't so bad. I expected the worst because it's distributed by the same company that put out UKM. Zane saved the movie with a funny performance. There was some good gore scenes too. The only flaw in the movie is the editing. There's no need for the movie to turn into a epileptic fit. It only happens a few times though.

"The Mad" is a good rainy day movie. It's fast-paced and gory, topped with an entertaining Zane performance. Recommended.

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A film that sways around like a zombie.
lumocolor29 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is as messy as a zombie chowing down on guts. Considering it's only 80-odd minutes long, it takes a good half hour to get going. It's certainly a quirky film, there are some bits which are genuinely funny, and none at all that are scary or particularly horrifying - not quite sure what the DVD has that makes it "unrated" to be honest! Billy Zane is okay, although UK viewers may find his resemblance to "Les" from Vic Reeves Big Night Out a little disconcerting. All other actors do their jobs well enough, but they can't carry the comedy. The script tries to be too clever and/or postmodern for its own good sometimes, and any humour, irony or subtle comedy just doesn't work. Shaun Of The Dead (to which this film owes a huge debt) did it all so much better.

One scene with Amy and her dad walking through the field, dissecting their lives whilst kicking a couple of zombies to death without pausing for breath is the best scene in the film - unfortunately spoiled by inappropriate background music which just does not fit.

The director refers to this film as "social commentary" - he believes the zombies have a lust for consumption, of any material goods - but this isn't brought across to the screen. They just look like typical zombies destroying a car, it doesn't make you think "Wow, what a subtle insight into American materialism." Worth seeing only if it costs you nothing, you have 85 spare minutes, and you'll watch anything with zombies and/or cows in it.
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Another Close Call From 235 Films...
gavin694225 May 2007
A father, a daughter, a future stepmother and a boyfriend are traveling when they stop in a small town (isn't it always a small town?) for some dinner and a place to sleep. The restaurant gets its meat locally, but sometimes local doesn't always mean healthy. There's a new kind of mad cow disease in town.

When this film showed up in the mail, I was undecided on how to take it. It had "Billy Zane" written on the cover, which seemed like a promising thing. Because Zane, for whatever reason, seems to suggest greatness -- despite my inability to determine why. And then I watched the trailer on my DVD of "Bottom Feeder", and this looked like a possible American answer to England's "Shaun of the Dead". Boy, is that giving it way too much credit.

The company behind this film is 235 Films (a new company behind such greats as "Bottom Feeder" and "UKM: The Ultimate Killing Machine"). Their gimmick seems to be get a half-baked script, an unknown director, and then find one B-league star and put his/her name prominently on the cover. First Michael Madsen, then Tom Sizemore and now Billy Zane.

Now, Billy Zane ("Demon Knight", "Back to the Future") is a great actor and a wonderful action star and comedian. I think I could say he was the best part of this film without much debate. But he just couldn't save it. They gave him no good lines and he was just way too big to fill such a small character (not a small part, mind you, just such a one-dimensional character).

You see, the cool parts only take up ten minutes of the film. The rest is mostly a bunch of scenes where the daughter and future stepmother fight with each other. It's overdone, poorly scripted, poorly acted and really doesn't tie in to the overall plot. I was quite bored through much of this. I guess the daughter was sort of cute, but that didn't even come close to making up for the sheer blahness of it all.

Best scene was the "zombie debate" scene where they were trying to determine if the people they were fighting were zombies or not. They were flesh-eating and not dead... but were they undead? It's a good scene, and way too short. This sort of discourse could have carried the movie if it came in copious amounts.

Also, as with many films, I enjoyed the deleted scene. It was a music scene and nothing really happened in it, but it had artistic merit. And if you're going to give me a boring, pointless film -- you can at least make it artistic. Instead, they excised it out.

This film wasn't worthless. It had some good scenes, it had some humor, it had Billy Zane and I think the story was interesting. Maybe it had the wrong writer or director or editor. Maybe it had the wrong actors. It's hard to pinpoint it, because it seems like something that should have been kick-butt. If someone wants to remake this twenty years from now, or even a year from now (heck, "The Incredible Hulk" gets away with it) I support your cause. Because I think this one has a piece of hope buried under its large, bulbous morass.
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Logan-2222 May 2007
This movie totally sucks!!! It's not funny, it's not scary, it's just a bunch of brain-dead crap with unlikeable characters in one of the dumbest scripts I've ever seen. A shameful waste of time and money that even die-hard zombie fans will most likely fail to appreciate. Zombie hamburgers attack people. People eat the infected hamburgers and turn into foaming-at-the-mouth "zombie" killers. The acting is okay, the directing is okay, but the script is the foundation and this should never have been produced. It is just so unbelievably rock-bottom bad! The Mad is confused as to what it wants to be, and in doing so, fails to satisfy comedy or horror fans on any level. Then there are the constant marijuana references and smoking that were completely unnecessary. Avoid this like the (zombie) plague!
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Got Its Moments
Tweetienator10 September 2020
I take any bet that everyone rating/reviewing The Mad lower than with a humble 3 never had the experience nor joy to watch a really bad movie - and the zombie genre really got a lot of unwatchable schrott produced. Anyway, The Mad is a zombie comedy that is no revelation or new cult but got me here and there smiling (including a tango dance of the father with a zombie girl) and on top we get here and there some little gore injected. For sure a B-movie that got a decent level of cheese and trash, maybe with some lengths here and there that could have easy cleaned up with some cuts. Recommended only to the lover of the genre that does not mind to dig in trash to reveal something worth to watch.
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darth_nax26 May 2007
I like zombie films and all manner of B horror and science fiction shows. But this thing is simply too bad to put into words.

It tries to be a fun campy zombie flick but fails miserably. The funny parts and not even remotely funny. The only thing I can think of to compare this to is Napoleon Dynamite. It just has no substance to it at all.

The acting and production values are good and it obviously was made with some kind of budget but the direction, feel, atmosphere and plot of this movie suck.

I urge everyone in the strongest possible language to stay as far away from this movie as possible
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Surprisingly funny take on the zombie genre
mack-5927 May 2007
I'm not sure what the fate of The Mad is but lovers of zombie films should give it a go whenever and however it becomes available for public consumption. The Mad is a surprisingly funny and twisted addition to the zombie genre. I laughed really hard at a few moments in the film and I am usually immune to laughter. But the script is very funny.

Billy Zane is pitch perfect, as is the actress who plays his daughter, Maggie Castle. The rest of the cast is admirable but the real standouts are this father and daughter duo.

It took too long to get going and lost a bit of it's steam throughout the second half. And only because it could have used more zombie action and less meaningless effects segues have I rated it as such.

Family bickering during a zombie crisis was never this good.
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The Mad
Scarecrow-8830 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A Mad Cow disease causes those who eat meat infected by it to turn into flesh eating zombies, ruining the vacation of a dysfunctional family. Zom com places major emphasis on laughs which are few and far between. Billy Zane plays his doctor straight-faced all the way through, never changing expression, with this dead-pan delivery an attempt at forced comedy. Shaun of the Dead, as good a movie as it was, has encouraged an innumerable amount of imitators which fail to capture the same kind of balance of (funny)humor and horror as it did. For instance, there's this entire comedy bit where father Zane and daughter Maggie Castle bicker over the name of the farm which provided the bad meat which started the zombie mad cow falls as flat as possible and desperate. There's plenty of "goremedy" using violence as a means to seek giggles, failing miserably. I think it takes entirely too long to get going and by the time the zombies are unleashed, I reckon many fans of the genre would have laboured in vain. There's heavy focus on the family dynamic and how the disconnect between father and daughter regains momentum as they encounter danger. Eventually they decide to take the SUV of a couple torn apart by zombies, confronting the father-son farmers whose "medicine" for their cattle caused the zombie disease infecting the meat. If anything, Castle in Daisy Duke attire and pig-tails should leave an impression even though the humor fails to do so. Shauna MacDonald is the woman that almost comes between Zane and Castle, Evan Charles Flock, the daughter's beau who doesn't fare well when all is said done. You could call this a treatise on the dangers of eating meat, celebrating vegetarianism, but I wouldn't dare submit such a theory for a movie this painfully unfunny. When you see Zane and Castle disputing with farmer Sutter over whether "strange" or "strangely" applies to the behavior of mad cows, then you know a film's struggling mightily to belly-laugh their audience into a stooper.
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So bad, it's good.
atomdrake14 November 2007
"The Mad" is without a doubt meant to be bad. There can be little doubt that both the cast, the director, and most likely the screen writer foreordained this to be a laughably bad film. There are time in which Billy Zane's performance not only breaks the forth wall it shatters it into a thousand pieces, leaving the viewer in a vortex of both confusion and pure hilarity. If it's not zombies, who's only zombie like aspect is alka-seltzer driven mouth foam, it's seemingly omniscience beef patties that attack the characters in-mass. The full affect of this leaves one with more per-zombie-giggles than "FIDO". If you happen to have a group of pro-zombie minded friends and what a movie to put everyone in stitches try "The Mad".
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I reckon I should have stayed home with the cows..
Peyote_Ugly13 September 2007
No, I didn't laugh my head off at this dark comical tale of rural horror. However, I would have liked to give my head a shake for seeing it. Being a Troma and general B-circuit film buff, I was entirely let down and that's hard. I tried to have an open mind and let 'The Mad' ride its course of a humored, satirical play... I still had no satisfaction. Bring back Romeros' original zombies or Wiederhorns' aquatic zombies... well, maybe not. First and foremost, polish the dark humor and give it fuel because it sure ran dry in this film!

As many folks out there, I'm well-aware of the drawn out comical sideshows of zombie flicks. I thought I would give this film a chance, seeing how I enjoyed 'Shaun of the Dead' and other collaborations of the whole zombie genre. Now, there's only so far one can beat the zombie drum and I truly believe that it is done already, not from this film though. Yes, it's unfortunate that the horror icon, Billy Zane, seems to be the prelude to department store five dollar DVDs. I can't blame Zane though, I think he's still an under-appreciated actor that has a lot of potential.
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A fantastic zom-com... Zane was great
evansm-126 March 2007
In the increasingly popular movie genre of zombie comedies, The Mad is an excellent entry. I saw the premiere of this film at the Canadian Filmmaker's Festival last week and it was a bucket of fun.

The film stars Billy Zane (Dr. Hunt) and Maggie Castle (his daughter Amy) as they attempt to navigate the usually rocky terrain of a family road trip, complete with Amy's boyfriend and the Doc's girlfriend (played to bitchy perfection by Shauna MacDonald).

I can't say too much without giving the premise away, but suffice it to say, when the zombies appear, there's a pleasant amount of blood and gibbets of flesh to go around.

Zane does well in a comedic role, and the supporting performances are strong.

This movie does exactly what it's supposed to do: makes you laugh, frightens you, and leaves you feeling satisfyingly entertained.

One additional thing I have to mention: saw the cover art for the upcoming DVD and it doesn't really speak to what the movie's about: this is a zombie comedy, not a purely gruesome horror flick. Just my opinion.
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Zombies and Billy Zane equals fun
siderite25 July 2009
I was just saying that I feel like seeing one unapologetic movie like Crank or Feast. The Mad is just that: a ridiculous zombie flick that doesn't take itself seriously for one single moment.

Was it good? Absolutely not. But it was fun enough. Perfect tension breaker after you've watched three other horror movies and felt like unwinding a bit.

Anyway, it is not as good as Feast, nor as fun, but at least is one film that breaks the norm and makes a little difference. Of course, meat corporations would have approved making a movie about how eating bio steak turns people into zombies :)
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total crap
deadagain-423 June 2007
What in hells teeth is going on with this film ? Billy zane's career is plummeting faster than the comet in Armageddon. Now i am a 35 year old horror fan, i can appreciate the finer detail in most horror films, and i have one weakness, zombies...they genuinely scare the holy outa me..i know ...sad. But i have no idea of what they were trying to do with this film. I mean did i just not get the point! Zane's reaction to the zombies is bizarre, his expression doesn't change, the tone of his voice or anything. People getting eaten around him and he just looks bored, or again, was that the point. The zombies are awful, the effects were special needs rather than special effects. I kinda got the impression the director wants to be early Peter Jackson, bad taste, braindead, but he has completely missed the point, no humour, no acting, no plot. I just realised that it was 90 minutes of my life i will never get back. Avoid at all costs
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"I think you're all mis-using the term zombie."
Backlash0071 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers

The Mad is a movie that came late to the party. Shaun of the Dead showed us how to make a zombie comedy and became an instant classic. Dead and Breakfast was a perfect midnight movie that became an instant cult classic. The Mad will be instantly forgotten. And that sucks because I really love Billy Zane. He just picks the wrong projects. I had been excited for this movie since it was first announced. That announcement made no mention of comedy. It was supposed to be Billy Zane and his daughter fending off zombies at a gas station. Imagine my surprise when 2 months later (literally) the movie came out direct to DVD and it was touted as a "zombedy." Flags went up after seeing how soon this came out, but I decided to give it a chance anyway because I love zombies and I love Zane. Let me say after viewing it they could have called it The Bad. It was just blah; not funny, not gory, certainly not memorable. This is a classic example of trying too hard. If a joke doesn't work, no amount of zaniness (pardon my pun) is going to fix it. Believe me when I say The Silence of the Hams was funnier.
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Oh jolly ... Another lame zombie-'comedy'
Coventry13 November 2007
I think I can safely consider myself to be a fairly open-minded and tolerant horror fan, but there's one thing I honestly can't stand: horror comedies that are not funny, nor gory. And unfortunately we happen to see a lot of those lately, especially in the sub genre of 'zombie movies' ever since a British instant classic called "Shaun of the Dead" successfully mixed humor with splatter. By now everybody seems to think they're capable of making a horror comedy and this naturally results in a huge pile of stinking, inept, insufferable and redundant straight-to-video crap. All these untalented filmmakers don't seem to realize that "Shaun of the Dead" was actually the exception that confirmed the rule: zombies, people coming back from the dead to hunt the flesh of the living are no laughing matter. Like the case in "The Mad", there's absolutely nothing even remotely funny about family members getting killed by walking corpses that died after consuming beef infected with the mad cow disease. People will not start to make jokes or have discussions about the definition of a zombie moments after their beloved partners have been reduced to a pile of blood and intestines on the floor! "The Mad" really tries to be hilarious, with its absurd & stereotypical character drawings and clichéd father-daughter-stepmother-punk boyfriend relationship jokes, but it miserably fails. The other elements to create comedy are either totally pathetic (spontaneously attacking hamburgers) or utterly derivative (inbred farmers and banjo music). "The Mad" can't even distinguish itself from the majority of lame-ass low budget horror junk with a good amount of nauseating splatter, as the make-up effects and massacres are nothing exceptional at all. It's not a gore-soaked bloodbath and we're only treated to a couple of mundane zombie-attacks and relatively bloodless annihilations. And then there's Billy Zane, the "famous" name parading the DVD-cover; hoping to attract more viewers with it. To my surprise I encountered a lot of reviews claiming that his performance was awesome but I, on the other hand, have rarely seen someone acting so uninterested and hammy, and no, I don't misinterpreted the fact his performance was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. Zane more than obviously wasn't interested in starring in this piece of junk and he can't hide it. For crying out loud, Billy! Maybe you desperately needed the money, but if you really don't want to star in garbage like this, then don't sign the contract! "The Mad" is a terrible film, not funny, not horrific, not gruesome, nothing to recommend.
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LevynLeenen16 April 2009
I can't believe people actually like this bullshit I'm not going to write a whole review, the movie isn't worth it it simply sucks, I usually like these stupid zombie movies, like house of the dead it's total crap, it's meant to be a seriously good movie, but it's so lame it's funny

this isn't the case here because I could tell that even the actors were thinking; why did i sign this damned contract, my movie career will be over

it's just lame, there's hardly any gore, the most annoying movie scenes ever, I mean, there were like 50 of the same scenes just popping in randomly, I guess it should've frightened me or something i don't know

I watched it because i was in the mood for a cheap bad zombie movie, which would make me laugh because it's good, or because it's just that bad but it's neither, i would've been more entertained watching my TV on stand-by mode for over an hour
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Campy, Fun, Clearly Canadian
renfrew6724 March 2007
Having screened The Mad at the Gala Opening at the 2007 Canadian Filmmakers Festival, I can say that it would be a shame for this movie to be relegated to the 'Direct to Video Pile'. It's likely to become a cult movie in a similar vein to "Shaun of the Dead", "Evil Dead", "Return of the Living Dead", etc.

A tad slow in places, the intelligent humour and earnestness of the characters more than makes up for any shortcomings. This movie makes no pretense to being anything other than fun.

Nice to see Billy Zane in something other than a dramatic role, with luck we'll see more comedic acting from Zane in the future as he seemed to have a great deal of fun with this role.

Go 'Team Chris'
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A fun way to spend a couple of hours.
Saturnfly27 November 2010
This isn't the best zombie movie, not the best zomedy either, and I wasn't really expecting it to be, but it was a fun little ride, and surprisingly had a decent structure of originality separating it from other zombie films plaguing the ever increasing genre.

Billy Zane held this movie throughout and provided some seemingly improvised laughs which made the atmosphere light hearted. It wasn't a film to make you scared, just a little grossed out with an extra smile on your face.

I thought the camera work was very decent. The sound effects as well as visual effects were top notch, the only problem I really had with the movie was the script and that it faltered continuously which I think was the only reason this movie took a low rating. I felt Billy Zane's instinctual acting experience almost completely made him avoid this pot hole, but unfortunately the other actors seemed to just follow suit and act their way to the finish line. I wasn't seeing characters, I was seeing people acting and sometimes not that greatly.

Besides Billy Zane (who seems to polish up a dirty script, even if he is the sole memorable presence of the film) another actor which I thought did extremely well was Maggie Castle. In this film, acting experience obviously pays off, but the cast shouldn't have to construct the film. That's the film makers and the screenwriters position.

Of course I'm just an armchair expert, I have no experience in the process of film making apart from the countless 'making of's' I have watched as well as thousands of movies. But it doesn't take a film director or an actor or a screenwriter to claim whether or not their movie is good, it should be left to the audience who get that untainted first view without reminiscence of the actual process of making the movie.

Overall score 5/10 -- It was fun!
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Amusing Zomedy Film Warning: Spoilers
WOW, the Zombie comedy genre sure seems to be in style lately. I'll say this much, The Mad had a lot of firsts in it, and definitely entertained me, even though it wasn't quite as perfect as some reviews have made it out to be. first off, Billy Zane is a great actor, in fact this is totally his movie. I did laugh at his dialog, even though I felt his performance was a tad uneven at times. Some of the death scenes were just plain hilarious. I won't spoil it for you with specifics, but I will say look for a funny decapitation scene, as well as an attack from a possessed Hamburger Pattie.... Now that has to be a first. The Mad certainly has B movie classic potential. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good campy horror film.

Spoiler Warning- I do have some mild criticism. For one thing, I didn't care for the climactic portion at the farm. I felt the villainous father and son duo, were just kind of dumb, and pointless. I didn't find them funny, and certainly didn't find them threatening in any way. Second although the film did have a few generally laugh out loud moments, the comedy, and performances were a tad uneven at times, and just didn't consistently hit for me. But hey I can't complain to much about a film that has freakin Hamburger Patties attacking people. If you enjoy this check out the numerous recent entries in the Zomedy genre like Dead and Deader, Shaun Of The Dead, Stink Of Flesh, Dead and Breakfast, and an early example of the genre, Dead Heat.
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joor796 April 2021
A sad but accurate example of how mainstream horror is dead. All the predicable players are here. A hipster stepmother a annoyingly spoiled brat of a daughter a idiot boyfriend and a dimwitted dad. Played by legend Billy Zane the movies only saving grace. Lots of immature low effort gags that fall short. Jumpscares that don't pop. A full first half of the "movie" is wasted trying to make the one dimensional characters relatable that didn't work because the writers forgot to give the personalities. Very boring I would only recommend this movie to those that suffer from insomnia.
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Total Zomedy fun
fheywood29 March 2007
You are what you eat... THE MAD was fast, funny, had some terrific gross-out moments, and snappy dialogue. The main cast was great - you could transplant the central characters (a family) into any other kind of film (romantic comedy, say) and they would work just as well - they weren't just stereotypical horror movie fodder. Loved seeing Billy Zane in a comedic role. Get your zombie fix and see the movie!

One weird thing: The upcoming DVD cover looks as if it is for a completely different movie - I'm pretty sure the picture on it isn't even from The Mad - it looks like a stock photo of a generic zombie. Why on earth would they do that? Why misrepresent a totally fun movie?
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A different take on the Zombie genre
whidbeydanielg11 July 2017
One thing I learned from this film: Billy Zane is a better actor than I ever thought he was.

We found this film to be thoroughly enjoyable. It was kind of the Airplane of zombie films. You aren't going to be scared, there is no suspense.

Instead, you get a lot of intelligent dialogue, disguised as dumb dialogue. If that makes sense to you, you will enjoy the film.

Maggie Castle was an actress we had never heard of. Sometimes it seems odd as to why some actors and actresses make the big time while others do not. She is actually quite good in her role.

We found the film to be a fun evening's entertainment. It is different and clever.

p.s. The zombies sound like cows. We'll leave you to figure out why.
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Lol...not a terrible zomcom. Opening music was cool and set the mood for the film. Thought it had some hilarious scenes and each scene didn't feel like it was dragging on. 6/10 for a meh ending.
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A Father-Daughter Feel Good Zombie Film
scott-watkins2 April 2007
A father and daughter reconnect on a getaway in the country.

This would all be a terrific setup for a TV Movie of the Week, If it weren't for the fact that what drives dad and daughter together is a ravenous horde of mindless zombies.

Billy Zane is surprisingly funny as the father, the confused Dr. Jason Hunt, in this entertaining twist on the zombie film genre. Maggie Cassels is wonderfully petulant while still managing to kick ass as his daughter Amy. Shauna McDonald is bitch-tacular as Dr. Hunt's new girlfriend.

There's plenty of blood and guts flying, fulfilling the horror quota, but this film is just plain funny. See it if it gets to the theatres near you, rent it if it comes to your video store, or stay up 'till 2 on a weeknight if it's playing late on the teevee. You won't be disappointed.
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A lot of fun and really entertaining zombie comedy
kannibalcorpsegrinder4 February 2018
Driving through the countryside, a doctor traveling with his family decides to stop off in a small town during a big town celebration where they notice they're the only survivors of a weird plague that has turned all of the locals into raving zombies and must try to get out of town alive.

This is one of the greatest zombie comedies of the genre. One of the greatest attributes here is the fact that this one manages to both mix the serious zombie action with the humorous comedy which makes for plenty of enjoyment. The film gets some rather great jabs with comedy in here, including plenty of silly gags and physical pratfalls that always works well based on their complete unfamiliarity with the situation. The hilarious wordplay between everyone is also worthy of a few laughs, especially the argument on the doorstep as well as the ensuing one in the barn as they try to figure out what's going on and a later one with the characters standing around discussing whether or not they're dealing with zombies or just really sick people. Just as good is the segment where the zombies strike at the diner, which unleashes a torrent of gags including a dance sequence disguised as a fight to a jukebox playing an appropriate song for such a scene. The seriousness is made up with the graphic zombie attacks, which here are actually threatening to the others where the laughs are played more in trying to get away from them, not the zombies themselves, so they remain a fearsome threat. There's some rather nice gore to this in the multitude of attacks in the form of some rather big action scenes where they attack in the diner, which leads to some really big parts later which are just as good. The film also has a frenetic pace, able to incorporate a lot of good stuff into it from the zombies to the gags to a couple of really fun moments that make it even more of a blast to watch. This here was a thoroughly entertaining film since this here doesn't have a whole lot really wrong, and the few flaws aren't that bad at all. The main one is that the zombies here aren't that well done, looking really cheaply and without a whole lot to really make them memorable. The design is to slap on contact lenses and a few blood marks over the face and it's considered a zombie when all it does is really make the film look cheaper and is very hard to take seriously because of it. The other one is the fact that the storyline about the tainted farm's meat is a little too convoluted. First, it's mentioned that they're cows were sick, which became a big scandal, then used an experimental treatment to make them better, which no one knew about to make them healthy then gave it back to all of the locals. It's a little tough to understand and doesn't really make much sense. These here are what really strike the film down.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and mild drug use.
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