Firehouse Dog (2007) Poster


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I Disagree - great fun
cosmorados8 March 2008
4 out of 10? What? Who the hell is voting on this, people who enjoyed "Dude, where's my car?" or Canadian's who want to have a chip on their shoulder about film-making in their own country, if other comments on this site are to be believed. Well, personally I don't care where the film was made, I watched it with my family and I enjoyed it. Yes, it's Disney style corny, but the funny bits are funny, the touching bits are touching and ultimately you're routing for the dog and the fire crew.

Starring the underrated Bruce Greenwood and a decent supporting crew the film is fun for the family as the story of a pampered Hollywood pooch who learns what being a dog is really all about moves at a decent pace with gags that children will enjoy with a few extra bizarre touches for adults as well.

and for those people who give it 4, have you people seen Batman and Robin, Cool as Ice, of the abysmal Legends of the fall. Personally I suggest you watch these first before slating this.

6 out of 10.
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Some sleuthing, drama, and humor = surprisingly entertaining.
woohooo6 April 2007
I used this comment on a thread somewhere in here, and just thought I'd add my two cents on a quick review:

I went to the theater with the intention of seeing "Meet the Robinsons" but it was sold out, so with a choice of "Blades of Glory" and "Firehouse Dog", I opted for the dog flick.

I wasn't disappointed. It is a cute film, sure there are the boring and not-so-brilliant crude fart jokes, but the film is not so much about the dog, but about the relationship between a father and son, as they both work through a serious life altering event that they both experienced in the recent past.

In the story there is a bit a mystery and sleuthing involved, drama, humor and some silliness with the dog that I didn't find it too over-the-top. The relationships of those who live and work at the firehouse are also part of the story and the fires add some excitement and adventure.

I enjoyed the film, but wouldn't call it a blockbuster or anything. The kids in the theater were attentive throughout and everyone there seemed to enjoy it also.
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Doggone it, this is a terrific little film!
inkblot1127 April 2007
Shane has some problems. As a middle schooler, he has been doing poorly on exams. This is because his single parent father, Marc (Bruce Greenwood) is a captain in the fire department and is one the job a great deal of the time. In addition, Shane's uncle died in a fire about a year ago and his father is still mourning the loss of his brother. No wonder Shane is suffering from lack of parental attention and direction. But, one day, a dog is rescued by the fire department on top of a burning building. Shane and his father take the dog home. Unknown to them, this is no ordinary mutt but a movie star canine who was lost during a parachuting screen shoot. Although Shane does not like the dog at first, the little furry one is talented and wins over the boy's heart. And, he also becomes a great fire dog, leading to the rescue of another fire captain. But, will the real owner of the dog come back to claim him? And, just who is setting all of these fires in an already decaying neighborhood? This is a terrific family movie. Yes, it is implausible, at times, but it does not matter in the least. The adorable dog of the film is smart, talented, and will melt hearts. The cast, although mostly unknown actors, is also just right for the film. The costumes, sets and movie production values are fine, too. Then again, many children and adults are interested in fire fighting and this flick has plenty of minutes devoted to battling blazes. In short, if you want to get a new and worthy film for your family's enjoyment, this is a terrific choice. It will have everyone cheering and clapping for the brave little canine and his taller companions.
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anne11059425 August 2007
okay, some people just got issues from what i can see from the last comments.

so what if the dog's stunts are not believable? so what if it's not some high-tech or flashy movie and instead in some people's opinion - "a low-budget movie"? for me - i loved that movie.

i thought it wasn't going to be as good as i thought it would be but i had a change of mind - i actually loved it. well of course, when i found out josh hutcherson was in it, i got all curious about it. :P people - it's just a movie. you don't have to put up mean comments up on here. for me, it was moving and the plot was more actually based more on the father and son than on the dog as i thought it would be.. but again i was wrong. :] it had the classic basic character's in a movie - the heroes and the bad guys.

plus, the humor in the moving kept me laughing throughout the movie. i swear, the grin on my face was like implanted or something on there. :] it's a movie based on family relationships - dealing the loss of someone special, and a dog's trust and loyalty.

of course, it's not some Hollywood flashy movie or blockbuster or anything like that but it's enjoyable and will keep you interested, i'm sure of that. :]
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It was pretty bad. What did you expect?
jamaicamante9 April 2007
I was forced to go see this movie with a bunch of ten year old, and even they found this boring and pointless as I did.

Themes were tossed around uselessly in this movie, yet I was not completely bored, the only thing keeping me awake being my icee and the scenes where something would catch on fire.

Of course, I failed to understand what significance the dog had in the movie, and to understand the relationships that were going on either.

If you are looking for a great family film, or even a movie with a point, don't look here, don't even think about going to this. It was pretty much the worst movie I have seen this year, especially at the theatre.
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Kids should love it
zombiez6714 April 2007
This is a movie the kids are sure to enjoy, yea it has the same plot most movies of this genera have, bad guy, good guy, and a animal hero, with a couple added new things in it. Over all its worth a rental if nothing else. The best actor is the "Dog" , not to say the human actors were that bad but the movie focuses on the mutt and that's what you should get out of it. It will probably be a rental fairly quickly and that is what i would recommend for those not willing to fork out 60$ bucks to take the family. As an adult i thought it was a half way decent film, not boring even if it is a bit predictable. If you like animal acting type films , you should like this one.
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Quite entertaining
creeda17 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this because I like dogs. The dog itself was perfect - some sort of Irish terrier cross - very "doggy" looking. The story was quite good I thought. The nasty little boy turns out to be quite a pleasant fellow.......although I think he is meant to be adorable! Couldn't understand more than 30% of what anybody was saying, but that didn't really matter - they all seemed quite standard people with nothing interesting to say. The firemen were a sort of Keystones Cops bunch - a black person, a Latino, a woman and a blond chap who seemed quite stupid. Unlike other reviewers I didn't mind the relatively coarse scenes of the dog farting and snoring....I did however object to the scene where the dog has been reunited with his original owner who - to celebrate - offers the animal a variation on a group of hookers - three differently colored poodles! This really seemed vulgar and not particularly suitable for the children who are presumably the target audience - but then indoctrination can't start too soon!!
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Great Family Movie
cstewts5 August 2007
Rented movie as we walked down the rows of movies at the local Blockbuster. Grand kids loved it! 7 & 12 yrs of age. Grand parents are always looking for a family movie you can show grand kids that everyone can enjoy. No real deep plots, should not have that for the young ones. Dogs are winners in good movies, Rin Tin Tin and Lassie were classics. The movie has a story line, one that is common today with kids and a single parent. His life is turned around both at home and at school. Heck the boy even gets his girl in this film. A good movie with a happy ending.

Watch and enjoy!
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Oh! Please!!! A Total Loss
sazzwho6 April 2007
This movie is a cross between Herbie the Love Bug remake and the Shaggy D.A. remake.....It tries to be serious then it gets to be surreal. The script was awful and the flashback sequences made it hard for young children to watch and follow. Even though the narration of the film is from the boy, there are flashbacks from everyone including the dog. For most young ones it is impossible to see movies that are not linear. Everyone in the film has a flashback or a "vision". Add on top of it the need to show the dogs bodily functions. Why the film has to have a dog crapping scene? Plus the dog had as much gas as anyone in any National Lampoon movie. I don't know if this was meant to be a child's movie, but it wasn't. In the final scheme, a children's film that tried to be adult but wasn't and wasn't children enough to be a children's film.....
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Worth watching!
Cheetahchic147 June 2014
I happened across this movie when it was playing on Cartoon Network and I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not usually one for animal acting movies, but this one was so well done and cute that I just couldn't not enjoy it! If you want to sit down and get emotionally invested in something and you're not sure what to watch, give this movie a try. It's especially fun to watch with family :) the antics that Shane and Dewey get into remind me so much of my own dog, with a few surprises thrown in of course! The final scenes will not disappoint anyone who is willing to take the time to watch the whole movie. As per usual it's a happy ending, and predictable, but in my opinion that's why it's so good! It wouldn't be worth watching otherwise. Give this movie a go :)
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Low, low budget film
mjrt20 April 2007
I couldn't believe how bad this movie was! The underlying arson plot was not developed fully, the dog's skills were not believable (how does a dog learn agility training in or learn to be a rescue dog in a day?), and the poor editing with the boom all over the film and over actor's heads and the top visor on the camera showing were all it took to make the film a waste of time and money for the whole family. Even the kids that were in the audience thought it was a corny and boring movie. And I totally agree with Bobdepyro, the boom should have been given credit as the main actor in the film (yes, everyone else in the theater noticed it too)!
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Surprised by this movie - I enjoyed it, and so did my kids!
christiec6414 April 2007
I gave it such a high rating not b/c I think it's such a great movie, but b/c it did what a family/kid movie is supposed to do - make you laugh, keep the kids' (and my) attention, and not make you fall asleep.

It did all of those things. Based on some of these reviews here, I expected it to absolutely stink. But my kids who are 4 and 6, and I thought maybe too young for this type of movie, were riveted. They liked the silly humor, and when the father and son had their screen time together my son cuddled with me and was obviously moved. And I didn't feel like pulling my hair out and I never checked my watch.

All of this made for a fun, worth-the-matinée-price, movie experience. On top of it, my husband took the kids to see this movie last week; so this was my first time, and their second - and they sat still through it the whole way.

Funny, sweet, enjoyable movie.
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Catches Your Eye
katzinoire27 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My son was raving about this film (he's 10) and suggested I watch it with him-which I did. Outside of wanting to smack the previous owner of Dewey (nee' Rexxx) for looking 40 and sounding like a 20 year old wuss reading from a translation book titled "How To Sound Cool,Dude" to impress the "cool kids"-I liked the film. Was it believable? No, but come on-neither is making a star dog do a stunt jump from a plane-one would use a stunt dog-IF they were allowed. I was frankly shocked that even the concept wasn't lit upon by the ravinging extremist groups. Anyway, we have the basis of a film good for kids: family situation-single dad firefighter dealing with also the recent death of his brother-which promoted him to Captain and his son acting out over this-we have Silly Animal-hamming it up with cute looks, well placed dog fart noises and of course defecation. and then the fish outta water-female firefighter who is an extreme tomboy, and of course-the underdog (no pun intended) firestation that-GASP! will be closing down soon due to the decline in the area. The villain doesn't have a waxed, twirly mustauche, however I think this is done to keep us from figuring him out-outside of the whole guilty looks, giant sign pointing at him. We even have insight for the life of a pampered dog (3 tri-colored poodles waiting for him-yeah..............??). The movie is watchable, and the plot, although cookie cutter Hollywood style, is OK. Kids do enjoy it, even if you get sick of the reference of the dog critiquing the Firehouse cook's food creations visa ve pooping on it, it is a cute movie.
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low-grade kids' film
Buddy-5118 October 2007
In the utterly unremarkable "Firehouse Dog," a pampered movie star pooch named Rexxx falls out of an airplane and into the lap of a second-rate fire station where he is immediately adopted as the department's mascot. With his natural talent for search-and-rescue missions, Rexxx soon insinuates his way into the hearts and affections of all, including the young, slightly troubled son (Josh Hutcherson) of the station's chief (Bruce Greenwood).

Despite all its obvious good intentions, I can scarcely imagine anyone but the tiniest tots in the audience being either intrigued or inspired by this film. Apart from the slight difference that the Timmy-fallen-down-a-well predicament has been replaced by a Shane-trapped-in-a-burning-firehouse sequence, this is a thoroughly conventional "a boy and his dog" tale in which neither the boy nor the dog is really all that appealing. In fact, Rexxx is so un-cute and so un-cuddly that it's hard to believe that he could ever be a true canine superstar sensation in the real world.

As for the script, it consists mainly of feeble jokes, broad slapstick and obvious sentimentality ladled out in roughly equal measure. There are a few touching father-and-son moments along the way, but this is otherwise a very long, very uninspired "kid flick." There's nothing overtly wrong with either the values or the morals conveyed by the movie - unless, that is, one considers subjecting innocent and unsuspecting children to bad film-making to be, in and of itself, immoral.
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Booms Gone Wild
IAMEnergy3 August 2007
The director and the producers of this film must think the audience is stupid. I took my acting class which is made of mostly children to watch Josh in action and talk about character development. Well the only thing they were able to talk about is the boom coming into view more than two dozen times plus seeing the top of the camera several times. I can not believe any distributor actually paid money to have this film produced, it is poor quality and everyone involved in it from the director to the DP & the editor should be embarrassed and ashamed to have worked on this project. I think everyone involved in this project owes the audience and the actors a huge apology. This movie's production value is worse than watching student films , at least student filmmakers know never to have the boom ever show in a shot or a movie let alone a movie that has more than 2 dozen boom shots. Save your money because the boom/mic coming into the scene every five minutes will drive you crazy, what a waste of good talent from Bruce Greenwood and some other veteran actors.
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He's a special dog in a regular kid's movie
Jay_Exiomo25 April 2007
Pampered Hollywood canine star Rexxx (played by four dogs) is presumed dead after a stunt gone wrong that had him dropping from thousand miles up in the air. But unknown to his owner Trey (Dash Mihok), Rexxx has been adopted (albeit reluctantly) and christened as Dewey by Shane Fahey (Josh Hutcherson), the 12-year old son of Connor Fahey (Bruce Greenwood) - captain of Fire Station 55, which is due for closure in a week.

However, after a display of heroism during a fire rescue on top of oodles of improbable dog tricks, Dewey develops a relationship with Shane, eventually becoming the mascot of the fire station. But no sooner than things are becoming well than Trey arrives, looking to claim what is rightfully his.

Well, you know the rest.

Predictably scripted by Claire-Dee Lim, Mike Werb and Michael Colleary, the film suffers from a scattershot narrative that tries to cram as much subplots into a film that exceeds well over the usual running time for films of this nature. The dog (or dogs, for that matter) is cute but ultimately feels inorganic due to the fact that Todd Holland's uneven direction seems content in letting the special effects take over, and that the whole movie's too busy trying to wrap up every loose end that the relationship between the two leads (i.e. the dog and the boy) is tackled superficially, if any at all.

Children may find the antics cute and will probably never mind the intense scenes. Anyone other than the target demographic will find little else than a simplistic kid's movie that fares no better than a straight-to-video release.
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aelias-26 December 2008
Some of the people commenting on this movie really need to lighten up and learn to enjoy life! They must be awfully unhappy people.

Other reviewers need to remember that this movie wasn't made for grown-ups looking for witty repartee and clever insults; it wasn't made for teens looking for sex, violence, and explosions, and it wasn't made for jaded, cynical people of any age. It was made for kids who are still kids, and for the adults who love them, and love seeing them happy.

Personally, I loved this movie; it was charming and heartwarming without being saccharine, funny without being stupid. My kids are grown and moved out, but my two dogs sat and watched about 90% of this movie, so I guess they liked it. Sure, it was corny in places, but why does that have to be a bad thing? I will have to put this one on the list for the grandkids when they show up...

Bruce Greenwood is a really under-rated actor; and does a great job playing a father who's not perfect, but one you could always count on. Josh Hutcherson also does well, considering he plays second fiddle to the real star of the movie, Rexxx/Dewey the Wonder Dog. The credits say his part was actually played by 4 dogs, and I assume their trainer was a "Lord of the Rings" fan. Regardless, the dogs are impressive with both their stunts and their "acting".

Highly recommended film for families with kids and dog-lovers, young and old.
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Firehouse Dog
jboothmillard29 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I spotted this family film and I assumed it was made by Disney, it isn't, but I guess I was going to watch it and still give it a chance, as there have been the occasional dog hero films that have proved worth watching for me. Basically Rexxx the Dog (Arwen, Frodo, Rohan and Stryder) is Hollywood's top canine talent with a string of hit movies, stunt dog credentials and a line of cool doggy products, and naturally he is treated like a star diva. When lightning strikes the plane carrying him to another location, and landing in a truck of tomatoes, Rexxx winds up stranded and taken by a dogcatcher, and after getting out of this he is found by Shane Fahey (Zathura: A Space Adventure's Josh Hutcherson). At first the young boy is not all that interested in looking after a dog that is a little annoying and troublesome, but his father Connor (Bruce Greenwood) encourages him to look after the dog, wearing a tag with the name Dewey, this is what they call him. As time goes by Shane does find better friendship with "Dewey", especially as he has great agility, bravery and characteristics that make him unlike your regular dog. This bravery especially shows as a number of fires have been going on around the area, and Connor is the fire chief at the station Engine 55, also called the Dogpatch, and Rexxx proves reliable as a great smeller and rescue dog for the fire department. The filmmakers that knew Rexxx assume by the way that he died falling out of the plane, and held a funeral, but when they see the news report with their star dog on it they go to where he is and sadly have to take him back to where he belongs. Rexxx does escape though, and he goes to help the fire brigade as they tackle another fire, but Shane overhears a conversation by ruthless businessman Corbin Sellars (Matt Cooke) that this arson is a diversion. Sellars has been creating these deliberate fires around the area in order to buy the land, and the last place in the way of achieving this goal is the fire station, but in the end Rexxx, or Dewey, saves the day, the villain is caught, and the dog is allowed to stay with his new family. Also starring Sister Act's Bill Nunn as Joe Musto, Scotch Ellis Loring as Lionel Bradford, Mayte Garcia as Pep Clemente, Teddy Sears as Terence Kahn, Steven Culp as Zachary Hayden and Dash Mihok as Trey Falcon. The human actors do their parts reasonably, and the dog is obviously the cuddly and lovable star, the story suffers though with predictable material and a subplot that not everyone may be interested in, if you like animals (specifically dogs) then you will like this, but otherwise it is not something I would feel like watching again, a silly action comedy. Adequate!
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Cute For Kids and Families, Adults...Maybe Not As Much.
filmbuff-0570623 February 2022
Before I review this movie, let me give you some background. I was 8(nearly 9) when Firehouse Dog came out. My Grandma loves dog movies and so she took me to see it in theaters. I remember really enjoying it, and I even bought the DVD when it came out (as did she).

For off-topic and personal reasons, I no longer own my old copy and my Grandma lost hers. A couple years ago, she got it for me for Christmas, however we actually just finished watching it. Is it as good as it was 14 years ago? Well....hold on.

Firehouse Dog is about a boy named Shane, played by Josh Hutcherson(a big child star at the time), who's father is an occupied firefighter. One day, Shane meets a stray dog that annoys him. When the firefighters think that he has no owner, they decide to take him in.

The dog adjusts to the firehouse life, but as it turns out he is an actor who got lost. (As a film buff who enjoys puns, I must admit that I loved the film titles- The Fast and the Furriest and Jurassic Bark among them.) Is he fit for acting, or firefighting?

Firehouse Dog, on the whole, is a decent movie. It made me laugh a few times, it's mostly entertaining, and the acting is fine. (No one was getting Oscar nominations, but it was good for what it was.) It is for these main reasons that I am giving the movie an 7/10.

But as you can see, this movie does not live up to the expectations that nostalgia laid upon it. For one thing, there are some poop jokes that my adult self doesn't care for. (For instance, the dog poops into a stew that the firefighters are about to eat.) The dog also passes gas a few times- which rarely works for me. (Blazing Saddles is the only exception I can think of at the moment.)

I know this movie is aimed at kids, but so is, for example, Willy Wonka, and that is still a great movie and it's not dependent on such humor.

The movie never really lost my interest, but I did like some scenes more than others, if that makes sense. I also give movies a 9 if I liked it but didn't LOVE it. Firehouse Dog gets a 9 for being good and not great, and loses another 2 stars for the juvenile humor. My Grandma actually gave it a 10, but she mentioned this is more of her kind of movie. (Note that she gave Citizen Kane, a movie in my top 10, a 7.5/10. Make of that what you will.)

So, back to my original question- Is Firehouse Dog as good to me now as it was 14 years ago? My answer, unfortunately, is no. I felt torn as the movie ended- I had laughed a few times and I got teary at the end, but on the whole, my enjoyment was more out of nostalgia than quality.

As for my recommendation- it is two-fold. If you are seeing if a kid(middle school and younger) should see it, or you're looking for a pick for family movie night with kids that are young, sure. It'll be a good time for them and alright for the grownups accompanying them.

If you are looking for entertainment as a lone adult and dog movies are not your usual go-to, this one should go to the doghouse.

Firehouse Dog is a cute family movie that is strictly for the family. If that is what you are looking for, congratulations, you have a contender. For families, this movie is a treat. For adults, this movie will be a bone with no meat. Satisfying perhaps, but not fulfilling.

Reverse Recommendations: As I said, Josh Hutcherson was popular at the time this came out. Better movies of his include: Bridge To Terabithia, Little Manhattan, and RV.

Note: Because of Grandma's enjoyment of it, I decided to put the DVD in her collection. I thought about keeping it, but I decided I just didn't like it ENOUGH to do so.
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Family films take another dive into nothingness
freakfire-124 February 2008
Well, well, well other movie studios can make Disney-esquire films without actually being affiliated with Disney! Such a low state of affairs for a movie studio when they try to 'out-Disney' Disney. And they seem to have beat them, but only in Disney's bad sequels department. Trouble is, this isn't a sequel! The premise is very cheesy: a dog actor thinks gets lost during a stunt and they only find his hairpiece. What??!?! I can't believe that, but it gets worse. The 'troubled' kid only seems to ditch class sometimes. Hardly a troubled kid that commits robbery and does illegal drugs.

But the dog helps the fire house save the day and the neighborhood. Bad, evil corporations trying to burn people out of their homes! Not like the real ones, who only buy people out of their homes and claim 'imminent domain'. Well, I guess pyromania is more plausible? Overall, except for the explosion near the end, nothing exciting or interesting happened. "D-"
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Basic family movie
funnycommentor2 July 2022
The plot of the movie wasn't very interesting, but I decided to give a chance to the movie. The storyline was just OK, nothing wow. The characters weren't very likeable nor funny. It was just a basic, boring family movie. In my opinion, it wasn't a very funny movie. Most jokes were so cringe. However, I kinda enjoyed the movie. I don't think I'm gonna watch that movie ever again, but it's suitable for little kids. Moreover, the runtime of the film was too long, it should have been at least 1 hour and 20 minutes. The best part of the movie was the dog, it was very funny and well trained. The ending was expected.
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Fire House Dog
firemt126 July 2007
This movie has made firefighters look like fools. This movie is insanely ridiculous and a complete waste of time and money. I am a firefighter and I don't want to be thought of as part of a group that supports this insanity. Its like Air Bud with Bad acting and a Fake dog!! Crap Crap Crap Todd Holland doesn't have a tract record of making great movies, this is without a doubt one of if not the worst movies he has done. he has made firefighters like idiots, I can tell you FF are not. I wouldn't even let my own kids see this in fear of them going stupid or thinking that this is how FF truly are. Nobody in my firehouse supports this movie. The Lassie TV Series was good in the 50's and 60's, its almost like Lassie reborn but... totally bad.
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Firehouse Dog
rkyracer9 April 2007
I was surprised when I saw the rating and thought about not going and seeing this movie. But, my wife and I were looking for a movie to take the children to see - difficult to find these days. We went and were pleasantly surprised by the total movie experience. Laughter throughout the theater during many parts of this film. Sure, some plot scenarios were far fetched but for a family movie, a comedy and a dog star type movie this movie was excellent. I have learned that the dog is an Irish Terrier - what a fantastic personality this animal has. I sincerely encourage everyone of all ages to see this movie. Look at it as a fun family film - not as an Oscar winning drama of great significance but certainly much better than the rating indicates.
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Great for the whole family, better than expected
MasterGuns20771 January 2010
My little brother twisted my arm into watching this film. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. This is no cinematic wonder by any stretch, but it does what it sets out to do. It entertains the little ones, and keeps the attention of the adults. The story is good, even moving at times, and actually does a good job of displaying the bonds that exist in the fire-fighting community. You will care about the characters and the story. The dog, while being the title character, does more to tie the stories of the film together, and provide much of the humor. It's a little too drawn out, and it is definitely a kids movie, but it's not bad at all.
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Very disappointed
Bobdepyro12 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The story it self was very enjoyable and the actors did their job rather well. But, there were technical problems that were very annoying and totally unprofessional. There were times, too numerous to count, when the boom mike was in the camera shot. The microphone should have been listed in the credits with the actors, it had more scenes than the dog. And we really liked the droopy and mal adjusted lens cover shroud for the elevated camera. I'm just wondering if my wife and I were the only ones that noticed this? I'm sure that some time during the production process there was an editor, director or producer or craft services employee that noticed that there might be better clips on the floor.
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