Tornado Warning (TV Movie 2002) Poster

(2002 TV Movie)

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Needed more realism
Pro Jury17 November 2002
Made-for-TV movie TORNADO WARNING and its sister film produced for the same network and in the same year, ATOMIC TWISTER (2002), share identical special effects and cinematography. Both have one "stand out" female breast scene to help with youth marketing. Both contain stealth tornados that pop down in partly sunny skies and dissolve equally as quick.

Real tornados are born inside the rather specific storm cells produced by clashes of warm air masses and cold fronts. Severe thunder and lightning surround the funnel clouds whirling down from inside the DARK storm clouds.

These blue sky, lightning-free stealth twisters blowing down barns but unable to release drying laundry from a clothsline a few feet away (TORNADO WARNING) suffer from a lack of realism.
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fairuza-noire2 August 2006
This is one of the better made-for-TV tornado movies I have seen. Like most of these movies, they save all the tornado action for the last part of the movie. This movie had a pretty decent plot, and some known actors. Sadly, like all if not most tornado movies, the producers did not get their tornado and weather facts right. The part where they give a tornado warning, no one heads for shelter. When a tornado warning is issued it means that a tornado or funnel cloud has been witnessed by a person, or detected on radar and the people in the path of the storm should seek shelter IMMEDIATELY. The movie takes place in Oklahoma, which is in the heart of tornado alley, and the people of the town did not take any sort of action when the warning was issued.

Not a bad movie, I would watch it again.
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TV tornado film that lacks in realism
marshalphipps10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While I was able to comfortably watch this film I have to ask an important question, did the producers take the time to properly research tornadoes?

There's a reason why I ask this question, there are so many inaccuracies that it's distracting to me. The first tornado sequence shows the mother being carried away by the tornado but not the father who was literally next to her and the daughter who was in the car that was only a couple of feet away. When the third tornado which touches down next to the storm chaser vehicles it doesn't move them, it just throws bits of debris at them. Finally when the reporter says there's only one building left after the EF5 struck downtown you can not only see other buildings standing but you can see traffic in the background.

If you're watching the film for the drama and not the tornadoes then you can easily watch it, if you're watching for the depiction of tornadoes then you'll be disappointed.
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What a 'cheap' thrill
ianl18 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Just flicking through the channels this morning and I came across this film - it was about 2/3rds the way through but I watched what was left. It struck me that I had seen this film before and then I realised I hadn't but it followed the same storyline as all other 'b' disaster movies. It made me laugh how cheap it looked and I thought there is hope for me yet - to produce a film and even get paid for it and see it on air!!!

One of the final scenes where the 'reporter' is doing her piece to camera and says 'there is only one building standing in two rivers' it it then cuts to the 'shelter' building where they pour out and then back to the reporter. What made me chuckle is that there are about 6/7 buildings and signs standing in the background!!

Oh well it's ok towatch when there is not a lot else to watch.

Enjoy it for what it is.

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It was almost a comedy
jerrywilson21 September 2002
The special effects, the acting, and the script were so bad that at times I couldn't figure out if this movie was a drama or just a bad comedy. The mayor was especially awful.

The special effects were pretty lousy, too. In one scene, the good guys are driving with the mayor following, yelling through her bullhorn that everything's alright. She then gets swept away. But a few moments later, down the same road, the tornado is seen about a mile away off in the field.

I'm sorry, but I was expecting a thriller and got a lame, unbelievable sci-fi pseudocomedy.
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just slightly above awful
disdressed1229 January 2007
i wish i could say this is a good movie.but i would be isn't that it's awful,though it comes dangerously close at times.most of the acting is pretty bad,even for made for TV standards.much of the acting is either overacting ,depending on the person.Joan Van Rark sinks to a new low in her role as the dip sh$t mayor of the small town in the path of a tornado.the dialogue she is given is laughable and her delivery is sad,to be polite.the really isn't much tension developed,considering the subject matter.there are some shots of cgi which are painfully obvious and at one point it looks like stock footage was used for on of the tornadoes.also,none of the characters are very developed,and from what we are shown,most are idiotic and unlikable.and finally,let me say that that if the majority of the human race was as dumb as these twits,we would not be around today.this film rates a 2/10 only because it's not as bad as Evil dead 2,Slither,or Lawnmower Man 2.
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If you care about realism then avoid this movie.
Cliffyboy19624 January 2013
Anyone who has the most basic knowledge of meteorology, which is almost everyone, knows that typical tornadoes are spawned from huge cloud formations. It is almost, if not completely impossible to be near such events and be in sunshine, yet so many of the chase scenes are filmed on sunny days with the storms CGI'd at a later date. This just looks silly. Wind tends to be a factor in tornadic storms but so many scenes were filmed on still days with barely a breeze evident. One classic moment where the heroin attempts to get back in her car but struggles with the door as if wind was keeping it closed, looks very convincing but for the completely still trees in the background.

I can't say it wasn't well acted or written/directed but to me, none of this is relevant if the realism of the whole premise of the movie, is ignored for the sake of budget. It might as well have been a book !
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No different from a dozen others
Leofwine_draca26 February 2015
Another terrible made-for-TV disaster flick from director Tibor Takacs. This one starts out EXACTLY the same as another I saw, with a young girl losing her parents to a twister and then growing up to become a storm chaser some 20 years later, although - unsurprisingly - I can't remember the title of that previous film. They all roll into one anyway.

TORNADO WARNING might as well have been called 'Storm Chasers the Movie', because that's exactly what this is: a film that follows the adventures of various rival storm chasing groups as they attempt to tackle the big one. The running time is mixed between lame scenes of actors overacting and really low budget storm set-pieces. Needless to say, rubbishy-looking CGI is the order of the day here.

The cast is headed by various ageing actresses who once had fame in the likes of KNOT'S LANDING before being reduced to this level of fare. The performances are over the top and almost as unbelievable as the special effects. In the end, they roll out the old cliché of having a stuborn mayor refusing to cancel the annual town festival/fete/event/gathering, and suffering for it. Inevitably, TORNADO WARNING is a waste of time, a play-it-safe and completely forgettable TV movie of the week.
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Stealing From...... Atomic Twister?
godzillakingmonster22 December 2018
Quite a strange movie. It's got most of the plot from Twister with some of Atomic Twister in here. Tornado Warning releases a few months after Atomic Twister and I guess it to cash in on a movie that was made to cash in on the success of Twister?

Tornado Warning aired on FOX Family Channel (I believe) while Atomic Twister was aired on TBS with much more success. A lot of the cinematography from Atomic Twister is used in this film and the tornado on the Box Art is practically stolen from Atomic Twister with and Identical Shaped Funnel and the clouds being identical also. One reviewer put "The Sister Film To Atomic Twister". Only that this film was the Ugly Sister while Atomic Twister took Number #1 Cable Movie of 2002.
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More Realistic than Twister
stormchase984 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone with any vague experience with storm chasing knows just how unrealistic the 1996 blockbuster Twister was. Not only did they feature techniques retired since 1987, but their science and daredevil attitude was off as well.

Tornado Warning takes a refreshing new look at the science of tornadoes and chasing. It does have a rather poor beginning that has strong ties to Twister but rebounds nicely later on. The F/X leave something to be desired(It was made for TV). The positive points of the movie were as follows: -A down-to-earth look at chasing. The main character, Jake Arlidge, doesn't take unnecessary risks(aside from the opening sequence) and has a genuine concern for those whose lives have been destroyed by tornadoes.

-The antagonist, Kurt Reed, also is a blend of certain types of storm chasers known as yahoos, who ignore basic safety to grab good video.

-Most certainly, Arlidge's calm demeanor makes him a sympathetic character and is easily identified with. Thea Gill and Steve Braun turn in satisfactory performances.

There is good science in this movie(Beware of even small tornadoes, the problems with inaccurate tornado warnings). However, know that the historical tornadoes that are referenced in this movie did not take place. And know that tornado forecasting is nowhere near where it is in this movie.

Worth watching!!!
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Some terrific actors, but lacks all sense of logic
steven_r-118831 December 2023
Sorry, but if I try to give people info that'll save their lives, and not only do they NOT wanna hear it, they take a dismissive attitude toward me, I'm not gonna risk jail or my own safety to keep trying to save them from themselves! Letting people like that die due to their own stupidity is nature selection at its very finest! In my version of the movie, the folks who do take the warning seriously shelter, and all the rest are pulled limb from limb by the twister. I'd certainly have all sorts of mannequin limbs with ketchup and other goo as part of the special effects *lol*. Gerald McRaney's talents were definitely wasted on this turkey of a film!
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Well-written Movie of the Week with sold performances
rickygrove12 September 2002
This movie of the week clears up many of the popular myths regarding tornados. You don't open all of the windows the "equalize the pressure"; you don't go a certain part of the house to escape the brunt of the tornados fury. The writers have certainly done their homework regarding the science of studying tornados. It also features refreshingly intelligent dialogue and believable female characters. While still fitting into the PAX network theme of 'family in peril', "Tornado Warning" manages to avoid many of the cliches and pitfalls that accompany this kind of movie. In addition, the performances by Gerald McRaney and Thea Gill are excellent - simple, clear and uncliched. Surprisingly good is David Milbern as the smarmy newscaster Kirk Reed. Usually this kind of part is played with moustache twirling cliche. Milburn imbues his character with a sticky charm that stays in your head after the movie is over. The only real drawback to this film is it's low-budget production design. It would have been nice to see the computer screen that the characters are looking at. However, this is a flaw in most lower-budget MOW's of this type. "Tornado Warning" is a promising opening for the PAX family network and is a good omen of things to come.
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Awfully fun
tunesnc27 January 2003
This movie was so bad, I loved it! It's one of those movies that you know is going to be just awful, yet somehow you can't bring yourself to change the channel. So you resolve yourself to see it to the end just to see if it's going to really get as bad as you think it's going to be. And your prayers are answered by Joan Van Ark in snakeskin pants, fringe suede jacket and cowboy hat with an awful accent playing the crazy mayor of the town that's going to get hit by the F5 tornado, who's in denial about it really happening. (Much like the viewers of this movie are in denial about what they are watching!) Gerald McRaney and Thea Gill are good actors who stand no chance against this really horrible, painful script. But they give it full effort and bless them for trying! My only real disappointment with this was that when the F5 did hit, it was entirely anti-climatic. If you delight in awful, made for TV movies, this movie is a must see!
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Unbelievably underrated
Chronus1 April 2009
I read one comment about this movie and...

The poster is right about ONE thing. Joan van Ark act is excessive, thus not believable enough.

But if you know America - and I mean REALLY KNOW - then you must have come across town mayors that really behave quite similarly to what she portrays. If you know America, you know that in some towns/areas/professions one is not allowed free speech, and people like van Ark's character really use their powers to silence people or news.

Special effects wise, this movie is quite good, though it is obvious that its budget was very small. Tornadoes are shown with solid, firm, believable special effects.

The characters are solid (exception made of van Ark's and perhaps of the Storm Chasers leader) and are engaged in real world problems.

Plot is, perhaps, the main problem. It's as if this movie was made by a group of scientists or storm chasers who vowed to put on screen their troubles related to: - chasing and predicting tornadoes - and, probably, the funds for their activities.

It is a VERY SIMPLE plot.

And because of this, it is predictable AND believable at the same time. Some people watched this as if they were watching a Discovery Channel's Storm Chasers big episode with a more intimate, behind-the-camera closer look at the main players.

Acting is...a mix.

Gerald McRaney is OK, quite solid in his portrayal of a discredited scientist.

Steve Braun is a good surprise. A timid, sensitive and wise young scientist/student. Good acting.

Thea Gil swings back and forth between convincing and non-committed acting. Good actors are known to be convincing throughout the repertoire or their characters - and that's what separates them from the average actors/actresses.

David Millbern's act was not convincing, hesitant, foolish at times. I have seen better from him, I'm sure.

The rest of the cast is good enough, though Joan van Ark's actions seem exaggerated and unbelievable.

In terms of the science behind it, this movie is one of the few that portrays the "attack" of tornadoes as they really are - short, loud and violent. The physical content (cloud formation, wind speeds, debris hurling, sky colors, pressure gradients, etc) is pretty much spot on.

Is there something that differentiates this movie from others of similar vein? Yes. Simple, dry and direct plot and the crude atmosphere of small towns and tornado attacks.

It could have been better, sure. But the striking thing is, it could have been MUCH, MUCH WORSE.
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Must see to believe
blackie-525 September 2002
This movie was a complete and total embarrassment. I couldn't believe how

cheap and awful it was. I mean, just ridiculous. Why would PAX bother to make a movie that's so horrific and embarrassing when they could probably get the

same ratings airing their reruns of Touched by an Angel and Diagnosis Murder

instead? If anyone sees this, the film's representation of a "parade" (this small town's annual celebration/parade are endangered by an approaching tornado)

is truly pathetic. It's one of those movie parades where all you seem to see is the trail end of it -- in one shot they show one lone clown walking along as if that constitutes a parade. And they have about 10 extras watching the parade as if that's the entire town.

Joan Van Ark tries hard, but she clearly received very poor direction. Her comic take on her drawling character just doesn't fit with the rest of the movie, which takes itself fairly seriously. This movie to me is the nadir of what the

once-awesome TV-movie has degenerated into. Look what the genre that gave

us The Burning Bed and Brian's Song has ultimately become... a cheap way for

a cheap network like PAX to fill airtime. Depressing.
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A dad and estranged daughter must come together and save a town from a deadlyF5 tornado
nick-20414 September 2002
I just saw the film last nite on PAX, and I had heard that it was shot very quickly and under very trying circumstances. I thought the casting was excellent. Gerald McRaney as scientist Jake Arledge who comes up with the predictor invention was very credible. Thea Gill was very good too as the newspaper reporter and estranged daughter Dee. But Joan Van Ark stole the show for me as the Mayor of the town where the tornado is predicted to hit. She was understated in her early scenes, then hilariously over the top toward the end. Extremely entertaining. The film's plot was surprisingly mature for a family film, and happily lacked condescending or maudlin "family" moments. The dynamic of the strained relationship between father and daughter was straight forward and direct. When the two join together to fight nature's fury, Dee still expresses doubts about her father's abilities, but ultimately decides to help him because of her faith in him. David Milburn plays TV news competitor Curt Reid, who runs a "Stormchaser" tour putting tourists directly in harm's way (while receiving a nice embroidered jacket) was over the top and a hoot to watch. As a villain he was rooted in his vanity and his drive for ratings and fame, not out to sabotage Dee and Jake which was a refreshing turn for these kind of movies where the villain can be so loathingly obvious. Steve Braun as the shy but intelligent assistant to Jake was believable and what else- a gosh darn good-looking teen boy for the boy band set. Although the visual effects were spartan, the scenes' shift of focus on the characters' dilemma and reaction made it a very entertaining movie for me. I loved Joan Van Ark's Mayor Dottie in the last third of the film. I have also read in a chat room that David Milburn has shot a hilarious and over the top infomercial for the "Stormchasers" tour complete with testimonials from kids and parents who had taken the tour and loved "seeing barns get blown away while we ate gourmet meals in our climate controlled van". I read (it's probably a rumor, but I hope it's true) that the producers thought it was too over the top for the US, but is being inserted in the Japanese version.

Another reason to buy the Japanese DVD import (nothing too over the top for the land of "Godzilla")! I also read the version will also contain additional news reports from Curt Reid as well. He was a hoot to watch. For a cast of only eight, chasing across midwest prairies in search of tornadoes, I found the film to a nice diversion and very entertaining for the whole family.
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Entertaining, fun, well-written family movie
rt10109228 September 2002
I thoroughly enjoyed "Tornado Warning". I watched with my husband and daughter and we were entertained the whole time. I thought it was well cast, funny where it should be, and a different take on other movies like it, such as "Twister", which I thought contrived and silly for a major motion picture. The action in this moavie was fun and engaging, and the writing was terrific. A must-see for any natural disaster fan!
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The best of its kind
prepress-119 September 2002
A lifelong Oklahoman, I'm always on the lookout for tornadoes, both in the air and on the air.

I especially loved the characters in TORNADO WARNING, which made its debut on PAX last Friday night. The scientist whose past both haunts him and propels him forward. The crazy, cocky storm chasers and the unknowing tourists they put in harm's way. The stubborn locals who think they've seen it and know it all. I see all these people every spring. They live right down the street from me. The writers of TORNADO WARNING got it right. This movie may not have had the budget that TWISTER had, but the story and the performances will help it stand after the others are picked up and carried away in the wind.
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It was the greatest movie ever!!!!!!
sweetiegirlkb14 September 2002
This was one of the best movies I have ever seen!!!!! The story line was perfect and the actors were great. Also Brett Thompson and everyone else who worked on this movie did a great job. I heard that this movie would be good and everyone was wrong it was SPECTACULAR !!!!!! Move over Twister , Tornado Warning is coming. This movie was a hit. It should have gone to the box office, it was so good. I am hoping that they will make a sequel. But, this movie rocks anyways!!!!!!!!!!
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