The Full Monty (1997) Poster

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A Dark Comedy that comes out shining very bright
ebe281 November 1999
When I first saw this movie, I absolutely loved it. With each successive viewing, I noticed the characters' emotions as they coped with the dirty hand that has been dealt to them and making the most of it. I also saw the immense bond between the men as they already shared the low-class existence and a rather bleak future but seeing nothing but an opportunity to be rich. And they were all willing to endure the humiliation in front of hundreds of people to achieve it.

Like M*A*S*H, the Full Monty shows people placed in a harrowing existence with seemingly no end in sight. Yet the laughs are sprinkled throughout nicely, and even though each man has their own personal fears to overcome, they find strength in each other, which makes the experience all the more fruitful.

The actors were absolutely top notch, particularly Robert Carlyle. I was already impressed with his performance from Trainspotting to know that he is very capable of carrying the central figure of the movie. Peter Cattaneo's direction was inspired, and he knew the right angles to use (check out the scene when the lads were auditioning new members, particularly Guy) for perfect comedic effect.

I admit that some of the sub-plots needed more fleshing out, particularly between Gaz and Nathan as well as Gerald and his wife. And as many times as I've seen the movie, I don't know much about Guy other than his love for Singing in the Rain and his obvious natural endowment that took the breath away from his mates!

The music was terrific as well. I dare anyone to deny that they had to consciously stop tapping their feet when hearing "Hot Stuff" after watching this movie.

I have been to Sheffield recently, so the movie holds even more personal meaning for me. And for all those complaining about the accents being difficult to understand, watch it again. It's in English not Chinese! The accents are part of the charm. I rate this movie a solid 8.5 out of 10 and worth seeing many times over.
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A bunch of losers make for a winning film
JCR-49 August 1999
This is a great black comedy. A bunch of losers down at the job centre have no hopes of getting a job. As the film progresses, it picks up momentum as the big date approaches. Some great scenes of 80's Britain, the job centre, the clubs, the houses with paper-thin walls and low ceilings. You know what the finale is going to be, but it doesn't detract at all from the enjoyment of the film. It doesn't get political, as some other commenters have complained, but why should it? This is about the consequences of 80's Britain, not the causes. The characters are 100% believable, in their appearances and their behaviour. The fat one is the sort you see on a Saturday night in just about every city centre pub in England (and at the football matches too!). A pity some viewers from across the pond couldn't pick up the accents, that's not altogether surprising but consider that this film was probably not originally intended for worldwide distribution and if you had taken the accents away you'd have taken away also a lot of its charm.

PS: Sheffield, where the film was based, is actually quite a nice town in many areas.
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A Great British Comedy
mjw230521 January 2005
Robert Carlyle and Mark Addy combine with a great support cast to bring one of the freshest comedies in years to the big screen. Set in Sheffield after the great 'City of Steel' Days, there are more people in the dole queue, than out at work.

Struggling for money the pair decide that if the Chippendale's can get the kit off and make a packet, then why can't they. They recruit some more strippers, all desperate for some cash, and promise the city the Full Monty. Now all they need is to learn how to dance, learn how to overcome there fear of the Full Monty and sell some tickets.

This film is a very funny view of a struggling community in what was once a thriving city. Great characters, slick and realistic dialogue and great direction, this is one of the finest British comedies ever.

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A gem of human comedy
jemmytee26 June 2004
I want to start off by saying, if you're looking for slap-shtick comedy and low- rent toilet humor, this is NOT the movie for you. It has its moments of "belt-in- the-face" fun, but they are consistently grounded in the real problems the lead characters face -- unemployment, loss of family, lack of self-respect, fear of ridicule and a bleak future that promises even greater failure. This is not a Farrelly Brothers kind of story...and that is what makes it so special.

Gaz is broke, on welfare, lives in the projects, is behind on his child support and is threatened with losing his son to his ex-wife unless he can pull together 700 pounds (about $1100). But this is Sheffield, England -- once a boomtown but now a deadening city of shopping malls and garment mills, where the factories (and the guys that worked in them) are empty shells of themselves. The women have jobs; the men have job fairs. Into this comes a touring "Chippendale's" dance troupe (aimed at women only; after all, they have the spare money) and an idea is born. Gaz and some mates will strip all the way, give the ladies "the full monty", as a way to earn some quick change.

The idea is preposterous. Only one of the six men in the new dance troupe is good-looking enough to pull it off (pun intended); the rest are either fat, skinny, old and/or ugly. But the movie's gentle suggestion is that not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but so is self-respect...and in following through with their plans, they gain a LOT more than just 2000 pounds each.

Robert Carlyle is good as the anchor of the piece, always pushing and planning and cajoling and begging and even stealing, as need be, but it's the rest of the cast that makes this movie work -- from Tom Wilkinson as a manager ashamed to tell his wife he's lost his job to Mark Addy as a man who's so ashamed of how fat and unattractive he is, he's driving his wife away right down to Hugo Speer and his joyful "let's have a blast" attitude.

"The Full Monty" is a gem of human comedy aimed not at the gut but at the sense of hope we all carry. I recommend it for anyone who needs a lift.
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Bits and Pieces from Across the Pond
evanston_dad16 July 2009
Charming film from the other side of the pond about a bunch of working class blokes at the ends of their ropes who decide to stage a strip show for cash. The gimmick is that they promise to go "the full monty," much to the delight of their wives and girlfriends.

"The Full Monty" was a minor sensation in 1997, and started a movie trend that exists to this day: the little indie film that could and makes it all the way to the Best Picture category at the Academy Awards. I don't know that it's quite that good, but you could probably fit three "Full Monty"s into one "Titanic," the film that DID win Best Picture that year, and if I had to pick one of them to watch again now, I'd pick the naked dudes over the sinking ship any day.

Grade: A-
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Funny and touching
SKG-219 February 1999
When this got praised all over the place, I avoided seeing it at first because I was afraid it would be a letdown. But it's not, not in any way. This continues a tradition of sorts; while back in the 50's and early 60's, the British were known for their kitchen-sink, angry young man dramas (like "Room at the Top" or "Look Back in Anger"), now they seem to be putting comic spins on them, and it's working. Not only do you laugh (especially when Horse is at the Unemployment Office after the videotape of them dancing has been released to the public, and when he says he hasn't been up to anything, the clerk says, "That's not what I heard"), but the characters and where they come from are taken seriously and are three dimensional, so you care about them. The humor comes from real situations, not sitcom humor. A real winner!
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You Can Leave Your Hat On
MicheBel30 December 1998
I jumped out of my chair when this was named as one of Oscar's Best Picture nominees. It SO deserved it. It was funny, with great acting, and great music. Not to mention the whole concept of men dropping their pants...and the way that it was presented. Just hilarious. Really really really great.
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"Excuse me... nobody said anything to me about the Full Monty"
theaxekeeper5 April 2008
I remember this movie when it originally came out. It looked interesting, but I was younger at the time and I wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies. Later, I finally saw this movie about three years ago on HBO. I laughed my a** off. It was so freakin' funny and I still think it is funny. I bought the "Fully Exposed" two disc DVD and I still love this movie. Yeah some people don't understand British humor, but I love it still. I grew up watching Bristish shows like "Mr. Bean" and "Are You Being Served?" I love those shows and I love this movie, I think it is one of the best comedies ever made. I highly recommend it, you will laugh as hard as I did.
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Very funny stuff
mattymatt4ever31 July 2002
Like some other films from the UK I've watched in the past, I didn't think too much of it when I first viewed it, but after a couple more viewings I start to generate more of an appreciation for the film. I just recently bought the DVD, since it was only $9.99 at Target. I guess I wanted a little diversity, since I have nothing but American movies in my collection. Watching it for the third time, I sat through the whole movie smiling. I still don't think it deserved an Oscar nomination, but let's face it--there are many other films that got nominated (and some that won) for an Oscar that deserved to a lot less. The point is it's a funny movie with fine acting, which at the same time manages to be endearing and warm-hearted. Sure, these characters swear like sailors and don't exude a conventional sweetness. Yet we fall in love with them. They're just a group of working-class lads struggling to put money in the bank. And I think that's the glue that kept this film together--we love these characters. This is not a filthy, mean-spirited comedy--and with a premise like this it certainly could've been tempted into that route.

At first, I felt the writer and director weren't using the premise to its full advantage. When I first heard about this movie, I thought the premise was brilliant: a group of unattractive guys who decide to become strippers. Sounds hilarious! Well, to my surprise the whole wasn't about their dreams to become male strippers. And now that I think of it, it worked better that way. In comedy, you have to be careful not to fall too much in love with the premise, because then it'll become a one-joke comedy and it'll fall to pieces. This is not a one-joke comedy. The stripper thing merely sets up the film. The story deals more with the friendship between these characters. And there are some great moments of truth, including one touching scene where Mark Addy indirectly tells his wife that he's too fat and ugly to be a stripper, but she completely denies the idea. The scene is not schmaltzy or melodramatic. It seems very real and endearing. Though these characters may not be as handsome or buff as the Chippendales dancers, they're not reduced to ugly caricatures. We do laugh when Tom Wilkinson says that great line, "You're too fat, you're too skinny and you're both f**kin' ugly," but we're laughing with them, rather than at them. In most of the comedies you see nowadays, characters like that wouldn't be treated so sympathetically.

"The Full Monty" is a bright, funny, intelligent, tasteful comedy that will most likely keep a smile on your face. I definitely recommend it.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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I Love This Movie!
KCohere17 May 2003
No matter how many times I've seen it, and there's been lots, I laugh so hard it hurts. The characters are so endearing, especially little Nathan, that you just love them all. The music is great, and there are moments that tugged at your heart as well as make you laugh out loud. And the final stripping scene is fabulous! Glad to see Gaz finally got in time with the music. ;)
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Lots of fun
allstarrunner5 July 2018
I saw this on HBO GO as a movie to stream and I figured if a movie was 20+ years old and still on a popular streaming service (seriously, think how many movies came out 20+ years ago and *aren't* available to stream!) then I should probably give it a watch; plus, the IT Crowd really won me over to British humor.

This is a great movie it you are looking for something very lighthearted and funny on a Friday night. It was funny, and what surprised me even more is that it actually has a "feel good feeling" to it by the end of it. I feel as if comedies these days don't tend to deliver any sort of emotional quality.

Definitely worth a watch even 20 years later.
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still blessing the day I taped it without knowing anything about the film
elektraking0074 December 2002
I saw The Full Monty about a month ago on TV and as soon as I saw it was coming up, I rushed to find a blank videotape for it. I didn't know what to expect but somehow I had this feeling that I HAD to tape it. And blimey, was it worth it! Now I watch the film every weekend and I enjoy it just as much as I did the first time I saw it. I love its style, its humour, everything. It's nice to see average people whose only goal was to get a job and in order to achieve it, they're willing to do anything. I've purchased the soundtrack as well, and I can clearly state that it's worth buying if you like 70's music. I think it's become my favourite film. It's so simple and that's why I like it, because at the same time it's greatly enjoyable.
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Good feel
Leofwine_draca19 September 2021
I quite liked this one and actually saw it a couple of times at the cinema. A good working class feel to the humour and nice interplay between the actors. Goes to show that you can make a good story out of pretty much any subject matter.
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Two Films in One
PKC8 July 1999
I must agree with those who characterize this movie as overrated. It begins very well -- a grim look at the fate of workers made "redundant" by a changing economy. Soon the tone changes drastically, to that of the most hackenyed sitcom on American TV: "one of the guys needs money, so let's put on a show!" That the show happens to be male striptease is a juvenile gimmick. By the end, this becomes a shallow feel-good movie. But all that said, the movie is not without virtues, particularly the acting.
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Great movie
artistathome29 July 2006
This is an unbeatable movie! I saw it at the theater in 1997 along with about 7 other women...we all went to the theater alone because our hubbies refused to take us! Seriously...I did not know one single woman in the theater that day! We all loved the movie right off...

My sister bought it and we watched it with captioning, and boy had we missed a lot of lines at the theater and funny ones at that! You see with the English accents and all their slang-- you just can't understand a lot of what they are saying...

Watch this movie with and without the captioning! It's like watching a movie with English being your second language, and I B.S. you not!

The English working class has a different way of expressing themselves--its so charming and hilarious...

I think Robert Carlysle is brilliant "Gaz". I cannot think of anyone who could have done it better.

This movie cannot be beat! I bought it and recommend it to everyone!! Definitely a ten out of ten.
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One night only.
Pjtaylor-96-1380446 May 2020
Despite the inherent sexualised nature of its subject matter, 'The Full Monty (1997)' is about as far from a 'sex comedy' as you can get. Its humour doesn't come from crudity, but rather from the good-natured relationship between its core cast. That dynamic is much more focused on than you might think. The characters are all rather well-rounded and most undergo some kind of arc. They're also just fun to be around, their sometimes biting banter masking a real camaraderie. In fact, male friendship is one of the major themes of the film. It also deals with body positivity, masculinity and self-consciousness. It surprisingly subverts gender norms and expectations, ultimately feeling rather ahead of its time. It is sometimes slightly coarse but, in the end, it's an inclusive affair with a good message. Perhaps more importantly, it's thoroughly entertaining. It's often genuinely funny and it keeps you smiling throughout. It's an uplifting, earnest and enjoyable experience. Plus, as a proper Yorkshire lad, it's great to see the steel city represented on screen. 8/10
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another great comedy from England
lee_eisenberg28 September 2005
What's one to do after the factory closes and you're left unemployed? For six Brits, the answer is quite simple: go "The Full Monty" (which means "all the way"). Led by the soft-spoken Gaz (Robert Carlyle), they decide to become male strippers. Along the way, some unexpected things happen, but it's a great movie from start to finish. And it had one of the best soundtracks that I've ever heard (I'd never even heard "You Sexy Thing" before I saw this movie). With top-notch performances by Carlyle, Mark Addy, Tom Wilkinson, Steve Huison, Paul Barber and Hugo Speer, this is one movie that everyone should see. It's not only funny, but takes a look at the dying dream of eternal success.
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A Peacetime War Film
JamesHitchcock15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The British humorist Denis Norden, noticing that many war films were about a motley group of men learning to fight together as a crack unit, once suggested making what he called a "peacetime war film" about a formation dancing team who learn to work together in a similar way. Norden's suggestion was intended to be facetious, but "The Full Monty" in fact comes pretty close to realising it, with the important twist that all the dancers are male and their dancing involves taking their clothes off. In addition, it also includes elements from three other genres- the gritty, social-realist drama about working-class people facing up to adversity, the "Flashdance" or "Billy Elliott"-type drama about how working-class people find fulfilment through cultural activities, and finally what might be called the Great British Smut Comedy, like a sex comedy but with the erotic element watered down, the sort of film in which the mere mention of sex or nudity is considered amusing.

The title is a British slang expression meaning, roughly, "the whole amount", but in this context it refers to a dilemma facing the central characters, a group of unemployed steelworkers who, in a desperate attempt to earn some money, form themselves into a male striptease troupe. The question they have to decide is whether or not to do the "full Monty"- that is to say, pose completely naked. In many ways, however, they are an unlikely group of strippers. Their leading light, Gary, is too thin. Dave is too fat. Horse is too old. The oddly-named Lomper is too weedy (and suicidally depressed into the bargain). Guy is young and good-looking, but has no dance skills or sense of rhythm. The only one, in fact, with any previous experience of dancing is Gerald, but there are two problems with him. First, he is even older than Horse. Second, the others all cordially dislike him because of his snobbery. (He was the foreman before the factory closed down, and regards himself as being their social superior).

Scenes of the group rehearsing their routines are intercut with subplots about the private lives of its members. Gary is divorced, and needs the money from his striptease routine to pay child support to his ex-wife. Dave and his wife Jean are still together, but his being out of work is putting strain on their marriage, and he can no longer perform sexually. Gerald is too proud, or too frightened, to admit to his wife - who thinks that he still has a job- that he is unemployed.

The film is set in Sheffield, an industrial city in Northern England once famous for steel production, but by the time of the film badly hit by the decline of the industry and by unemployment. It opens with an excerpt from one of those fatuously optimistic documentaries from the sixties, explaining in the tone of voice familiar from Soviet-bloc propaganda films what an exciting, vibrant place Sheffield is thanks to the steel industry. It then cuts to shots of a depressed, run-down modern city. In fact, by the late nineties unemployment levels in Britain were relatively low, much lower than they had been at their peak in the early eighties, but even today there remain blackspots where it is difficult to find work except for derisory wages.

The film has some similarities with another British film about unemployment, "Brassed Off" from the previous year, which features a group of miners facing redundancy and their colliery band. Of the two, in fact, I tended to prefer "Brassed Off", which dealt with unemployment in a more serious, less jokey way, while at the same time celebrating an important element of working-class culture. Nevertheless, it was "The Full Monty" which went on to become the highest-grossing British film of all time, whereas "Brassed Off" was a much more modest success- possibly its political stance was too overtly left-wing for the American market.

"The Full Monty" does, however, have some good acting performances, particularly from Robert Carlyle as Gary and Tom Wilkinson as Gerald. Gary is outwardly a rough diamond, embittered both by the loss of his job and by the breakdown of his marriage. To be fair, he does have a lot to be bitter about. His ex-wife Mandy left him when he became unemployed and now lives in comparative middle-class affluence with her new lover. Despite this, she still mercilessly pursues Gary for child support, knowing full well that he cannot pay. This is not, perhaps, a film that will appeal to feminists; Gerald's spendthrift, credit-card obsessed wife Linda is portrayed as equally mercenary. Gary also has some virtues such as his loyalty to his former workmates and his deep affection for his young son Nathan. At first Gerald comes across as arrogant and snobbish, but later on he becomes more human and approachable, becoming friendly with the other dancers as he comes to recognise their good qualities. When Gerald- alone of all the troupe- finds a new job near the end of the film both they- and the audience- are happy for him.

"The Full Monty" is not a particularly deep film, nor a particularly original one, relying heavily as it does on clichés about working-class life in Northern England. It is, however, an enjoyable one, sometimes humorous, sometimes touching. 6/10
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Definitely one of my all time favourites.
hbrookshaw27 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There are very few films that I would watch more than once, but "The Full Monty" is one of the very few. Every time it's on television, I have to see it again, despite having it on video and DVD.

This film has to be watched more than once as first time round, you might be laughing so loud that you miss the next bit.

The beauty of this film is that the humour comes from the characters and their situations, rather than being contrived, as so many other films are. The interaction between Dave and Gaz is totally believable.

The main characters are all likable in their own way, they are the sort of people you could quite happily have a drink with (with the possible exemption of Lomper, who might have you reaching for the anti-depressants).

Gaz and Dave, both unemployed, decide to make money by becoming strippers. Along the way, they recruit Lomper, after rescuing him from a suicide attempt, Gerald, their ex boss, who has had dance lessons, and whose job it is to try to teach them to dance, Guy, who can't sing or dance, but is well endowed, and Horse, who can actually dance. 6 guys less like the Chippendales you would be unlikely to find. Gaz, with his froggy face, Dave, the "fat bastard", skinny Lomper etc.

The main plot concerns the group getting ready for their big night, and there are some hilarious scenes when they are learning. But there are plenty of sub plots, Gaz's relationship with his young son, Nathan, Dave's marital problems, Gerald hiding the fact that he is out of work from his wife, Lomper's ailing mother.

The characters are believable and perfectly cast. They argue, confide in each other, display insecurity about getting their gear off (Horse actually orders a penis enlarger). The ending is a bit obvious, but there's no way it detracts from the enjoyment of the film. One to be treasured.

Oh, and the music is pretty damn good, too.
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It helps if you love British humor...and plenty of slang talk...
Doylenf19 July 2006
I had to turn of the TV during a severe electrical storm so I haven't yet seen the ending of THE FULL MONTY, but from all that I did see it manages to be a good mixture of comedy and drama with a lot of touching moments along the way.

Thanks to great leading performances by ROBERT CARLYLE and TOM WILKINSON, it's original enough to keep you watching and wondering how the whole thing will play out. But I have the feeling that this will find a much more receptive audience among British film-goers than those here in the U.S. who are not accustomed to seeing an unlikely bunch of men vying to become male strippers.

One of the film's greatest moments is the employment line scene, where the unemployed are lined up while a disco is playing one of the songs they've rehearsed. Their subconscious takes over, and little by little each man starts stepping in time to the disco song.

I have to catch this again to see the complete film, but I can understand the appeal it has for audiences here and abroad--except that, in my case, I found it necessary to switch on the caption feature to catch some of the British slang which does not fall easily on American ears.

Touching and humorous, although a bit slow-paced in spots, it has me waiting and wanting to see the final act. All of the bawdy humor is strictly in British style.

One criticism: The gay subplot seemed to come out of nowhere.
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A Comedy Filled with Warmth and Life
jhclues2 September 2002
This film has some moments of hilarity that will make you laugh until you cry; but it also has moments that will cause some reflection. And in the end, it's actually somewhat gentle fare, considering the subject matter, which on the surface may seem wont to lend itself to a much coarser interpretation. Rest assured, however, `The Full Monty,' directed by Peter Cattaneo, is a fun-filled excursion that skirts some serious issues while warmly embracing the more humorous aspects of the human condition. It's a telling study of desperation without the misery, of loss without the moroseness, and finally it's an upbeat, uplifting tale of pursuing possibilities, and what it means to reach for the rainbow in the wake of the storm.

The film opens with a clip that could've been prepared by any local chamber of commerce, touting the city of Sheffield, England, as a growing concern in the industrial market, a veritable city on the move. The story then quickly jumps ahead twenty-five years, and we find that the once booming steel business has been quieted, the mill closed down indefinitely. Which means, of course, that many able bodied workers are out of a job, and their prospects for the future are less than bleak. Among those forced to go on the dole are Gaz Schofield (Robert Carlyle) and his friend, Dave (Mark Addy), whose lives become especially complicated by their current status of `unemployed.' Unable to make child support payments, Gaz is about to lose visitation rights with his son, Nathan (William Snape), and losing his job has left Dave emasculated, leading to problems with his wife, Jean (Lesley Sharp).

Then one night the `Chippendales' show arrives in town, and for the `ladies only' performance, the local venue is sold out, at ten quid a head. And after having a quick peek at the dancers for himself, inspiration suddenly strikes Gaz, who figures if a bunch of `puffers' like the Chippendales can cause such a stir, why not some local talent? Like himself, Dave, and whoever else he can get to jump on the bandwagon with him. The kicker is, Gaz knows that they're going to have to go the Chippendales one up; and that means going `The Full Monty.' If they're going to pack ‘em in, they're going to have to go all the way...

Peter Cattaneo is to be commended for handling so sensitive a subject and the accompanying issues with such warmth and humor. Let's face it, a story about a bunch of guys who resort to `stripping' in order to survive could have gone in an entirely different direction. But thanks to the insights of Cattaneo and screenwriter Simon Beaufoy, the result is a film that reaches out and touches the humanity in us all. The characters are all richly drawn and delivered by Cattaneo through his actors with great care. These are very real people with whom anyone past the age of majority will be able to identify, in one way or another. And that's what really sells the film. Cattaneo keeps it all very real and down-to-earth, sets an effective pace and backs it all up with a terrific soundtrack of contemporary music. Who will be able to come away from this film NOT at least humming Hot Chocolate's `You Sexy Thing,' or thinking about the scene in which `Horse' (Paul Barber) `auditions' to Wilson Pickett's `Land of 1000 Dances?' Or when the guys, after having rehearsed for awhile, are on line at the employment office when Donna Summer's `Hot Stuff' comes on and they can't keep still. Cattaneo takes a positive approach to negative issues, wraps it all up in humility, humanity and hard work, and in doing so he gives his audience a film that is highly entertaining, emotionally involving and unforgettable.

Heading up the ensemble cast, Robert Carlyle is right on with his portrayal of Gaz. He completely captures the blue collar, working class image and attitude that defines his character so succinctly. And he convincingly conveys the fact that he doesn't know one `beat' from another, as evidenced by the way he is `always ahead' of the rest, regardless of which piece of music they're dancing to.

Mark Addy captures the essence of who these guys are, as well, giving a memorable performance as Dave. His is an extremely sensitive portrayal of of a man dealing with some very personal problems, which he addresses through his character quite believably. And, in Dave's case, especially, Addy manages to elicit empathy without making him unduly sympathetic, which affords him, as well as the others and the film, the ability to maintain a semblance of dignity in the face of adversity, which is essentially one of the main tenets of the story.

Also turning in an effective performance is Tom Wilkinson as Gerald, the former foreman of the steel mill, now reduced to being just one of the guys, and on the dole along with the rest of them. Wilkinson brings to light the fact that Gerald's issues are somewhat different from the rest initially, but he gradually develops his character to the extent that you finally understand that Gerald is not so different from Gaz or Dave or the others after all. And it's Wilkinson's insightful portrayal that more than any of the others cements that sense of community which is, in the end, the great equalizer of the species.

The supporting cast includes Steve Huison (Lomper), Hugo Speer (Guy), Emily Woof (Mandy), Deirdre Costello (Linda), Paul Butterworth (Barry), Dave Hill (Alan) and Bruce Jones (Reg). In reality, losing one's means of survival can be a devastating experience. And what Cattaneo has done with `The Full Monty' is establish a sense of hope for those who may find themselves one day in the `outbox' of life, and he's done it with style, class and that most necessary of all of life's ingredients, humor. This is a film to embrace-- and to enjoy over and over again. 10/10.
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Charming and funny
mistoppi25 February 2017
I don't know how many movies there are out there about male strippers, professional or no. The only one I've seen besides The Full Monty was Magic Mike, which turned into some kind of weird drama which I didn't expect. Still, I liked it. Now The Full Monty didn't turn into a weird drama. The main character's reasons were serious from the very beginning - he wanted to afford joint custody of his son. Still they manage to go through the movie with comedy instead of this movie being completely serious movie, because that couldn't work as well as this does.

One thing I especially like about this film is that the men all look different and they're not all as fit as the blokes on Magic Mike. (If only we'd have similar diversity in body types when it comes to women in movies.) And still even if they had doubts about their own bodies they still managed to go on stage. That's admirable and inspiring.

The Full Monty is a very charming movie. It's funny yet touching, and there just is that something that any American remake could never have - so hopefully there won't be any remakes, because those would fail spectacularly.
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Boyo-225 September 1998
This movie will stand the test of time and be remembered as one of the funniest, most touching comedies ever made. A small miracle of a movie. Could never have been made in the USA; if they do an American remake, I'll tell you now, it won't come close to this great time at the movies.
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Amusing British comedy is fun, crowd pleasing and small in scale
agp00329 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Full Monty came out in 1997 with a small four million dollar budget and grossed more than forty million dollars at the US box office and also was nominated for four academy awards including best picture. More than ten years later, it rightfully obtains its cult status. The movie is set in the famous steel making town of Sheffield, England. So once people start loosing their jobs, six unemployed factory workers (Gaz,Gerald, Dave, Nathan Lomper, and Horse) decide to become male strippers, much to the disapproval of their families.

Gaz is divorced and wants full custody of his son. Gerald is lying to his wife, telling her that they can go on vacation, but he has no money, and needs the job. Dave is depressed and thinks his wife is cheating on him. Horse is an aging break dancer and wants to be back on top. Lomper is suicidal and needs something to believe in and Nathan is obsessed with Singin' In The Rain. They all decide to perform the full Monty-or completely nude.

The story is simple, and feel good, but also rather predictable. But the outcome does not matter when the ride is so much fun. The Full Monty: *** stars
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Unemployed men become strippers...honest.
turpinjude12 November 2005
If memory serves me right, this film came out around the same time as Titanic. Now, Titanic had it's faults, but this has to be one of the worst ever Oscar nominees, ever. I know it was dirt cheap to produce, in fact I'd say most adverts cost more, but I just didn't get it. Maybe it was the cast, I had seen some of them in other stuff, mostly dire English comedies, but the whole concept was lame. Would people do this? Also, why was the young boy dragged into their daft scheme, what was the point? I think I fell asleep during this, but unfortunately not long enough. Even now, the opening bars of Hot Stuff send shivers down my spine in a way Hitchcock could only have dreamt. Brrr.
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