The Blues Brothers (1980) Poster

John Belushi: Joliet Jake



  • Elwood : [2:00:54]  It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Jake : Hit it.

  • Elwood : [50:30]  Illinois Nazis.

    Jake : I hate Illinois Nazis.

  • Mrs. Murphy : [1:00:21]  May I help you boys?

    Elwood : You got any white bread?

    Mrs. Murphy : Yes.

    Elwood : I'll have some toasted white bread please.

    Mrs. Murphy : You want butter or jam on that toast, honey?

    Elwood : No ma'am, dry.

    [Mrs. Murphy gives him a look, then turns to Jake] 

    Jake : Got any fried chicken?

    Mrs. Murphy : Best damn chicken in the state

    Jake : Bring me four fried chickens and a Coke

    Mrs. Murphy : You want chicken wings or chicken legs?

    Jake : Four fried chickens and a Coke

    Elwood : And some dry white toast please

    Mrs. Murphy : Y'all want anything to drink with that?

    Elwood : No ma'am

    Jake : A Coke

    Mrs. Murphy : Be up in a minute

    Mrs. Murphy : We got two honkies out there dressed like Hasidic diamond merchants

    Matt Murphy : Say what?

    Mrs. Murphy : They look like they're from the CIA, or somethin'

    Matt Murphy : What they want to eat?

    Mrs. Murphy : The tall one wants white bread, toasted, dry, with nothin' on it.

    Matt Murphy : Elwood

    Mrs. Murphy : And the other one wants four whole fried chickens and a Coke

    Matt Murphy : And Jake. Shit, the Blues Brothers!

  • Jake : [37:01]  How often does the train go by?

    Elwood : So often that you won't even notice it.

  • Jake : [8:00]  What's this?

    Elwood : What?

    Jake : This car. This stupid car! Where's the Cadillac?

    [Elwood doesn't answer] 

    Jake : The Caddy! Where's the Caddy?

    Elwood : The what?

    Jake : The Cadillac we used to have. The Bluesmobile!

    Elwood : I traded it.

    Jake : You traded the Bluesmobile for this?

    Elwood : No, for a microphone.

    Jake : A microphone?


    Jake : Okay I can see that. What the hell is this?

    Elwood : This was a bargain. I picked it up at the Mount Prospect city police auction last spring. It's an old Mount Prospect police car. They were practically giving 'em away.

    Jake : Well thank you, pal. The day I get outta prison, my own brother picks me up in a police car!

    Elwood : You don't like it?

    Jake : No I don't like it...

    Jake : Car's got a lot of pickup

    Elwood : It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Bluesmobile or what?

    Jake : Fix the cigarette lighter

  • Elwood : We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight. And we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois's law enforcement community that have chosen to join us here in the Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We certainly hope you all enjoy the show. And remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there're still some things that makes us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody.

    Jake : [singing]  Everybody, Needs somebody, Everybody, Needs somebody to love, Someone to love

    Elwood : Someone to love

    Jake : Sweetheart to miss

    Elwood : Sweetheart to miss

    Jake : Sugar to kiss

    Elwood : Sugar to kiss

    Jake : I need you you you, I need

    Elwood , Jake : You you you

    Jake : I need

    Elwood , Jake : You you you...

  • Jake : [51:28]  We're putting the band back together.

    Mr. Fabulous : Forget it. No way.

    Elwood : We're on a mission from God.

  • Jake : [13:42]  Forget it! Five grand? No problem, we'll have it for you in the morning. Let's go, Elwood.

    Sister Mary Stigmata : No, no! I will not take your filthy stolen money!

    Jake : Well then... I guess you're really up Shit Creek.

    [Sister Mary Stigmata hits Jake Blues with a ruler for using that kind of language] 

    Sister Mary Stigmata : I beg your pardon, what did you say?

    Jake : I offered to help you... You refused to take our money. Then I said: I guess you're really up Shit Creek!

    [Sister Mary Stigmata hits Jake Blues with the ruler again] 

    Elwood : Christ, Jake. Take it easy man.

    [Sister Mary Stigmata hits Elwood Blues] 

    Jake : Oh shit!

    [Sister Mary Stigmata hits Jake Blues] 

    Elwood : Jesus Christ!

    [Sister Mary Stigmata hits Elwood Blues] 

    Jake : Shit!

  • [while standing at the entrance to the Triple Rock church watching the service with much dancing and Hallelujah choruses, a heavenly light shines down on Jake and he has an epiphany] 

    Jake : [21:29]  The band. The band.

    Reverend Cleophus James : Do you see the light?

    Jake : The band!

    Reverend Cleophus James : Do you see the light?

    Elwood : What light?

    Reverend Cleophus James : Have you seeeen the light?

    Jake : Yes! Yes! Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ! I have seen the light! The band, Elwood! The band!

    Elwood : The band? The band. The band? The band!

    Reverend Cleophus James : Praise God!

    Elwood : And God bless the United States of America!

  • [Elwood Blues Jake Blues has a fight over the police car Elwood Blues got after he traded away the original bluesmobile for a microphone] 

    Elwood : You don't like it?

    Jake : No I don't like it...

    [Elwood Blues floors the pedal and jumps over an open drawbridge] 

    Jake : Car's got a lot of pickup.

    Elwood : It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Bluesmobile or what?

    [a brief thinking pause while Jake attempts to light a cigarette] 

    Jake : Fix the cigarette lighter.

  • [to man in restaurant] 

    Jake : [53:19]  How much for the little girl? The women. How much for the women?

    Father : What?

    Jake : Your women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters... sell them to me. Sell me your children!

  • [after a burst of gunfire from the Mystery Woman, Jake climbs to his feet, covered in mud from the tunnel floor] 

    Jake : It's good to see you, sweetheart.

    Mystery Woman : You contemptible pig! I remained celibate for you. I stood at the back of a cathedral, waiting, in celibacy, for you, with three hundred friends and relatives in attendance. My uncle hired the best Romanian caterers in the state. To obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party, my father used up his last favor with Mad Pete Trullo. So for me, for my mother, my grandmother, my father, my uncle, and for the common good, I must now kill you, and your brother.

    [Jake falls to his knees] 

    Jake : Oh, please, don't kill us! Please, please don't kill us! You know I love you baby. I wouldn't leave ya. It wasn't my fault!

    Mystery Woman : You miserable slug! You think you can talk your way out of this? You betrayed me.

    Jake : No I didn't. Honest! I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts! It wasn't my fault! I swear to God!

    [Elwood covers his head in anticipation of more gunfire, Jake removes his sunglasses to make a wordless appeal, and the Mystery Woman visibly softens] 

    Mystery Woman : Oh, Jake. Jake, honey.

    [Jake embraces the Mystery Woman and they kiss] 

    Jake : [to Elwood]  Let's go.

    [He drops the Mystery Woman and walks off] 

    Elwood : [to the Mystery Woman as he steps past her]  Take it easy.

  • Murph : Tell me a little about this electric piano, Ray.

    Ray : Ah, you have a good eye, my man. That's the best in the city Chicago.

    Jake : How much?

    Ray : 2000 bucks and it's yours. You can take it home with you. As a matter of fact, I'll throw in the black keys for free.

  • Jake : First you traded the Cadillac in for a microphone. Then you lied to me about the band. And now you're gonna put me right back in the joint!

    Elwood : They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God.

  • Jake : [37:48]  How are you gonna get the band back together, Mr. Hot Rodder, Mister Motorhead? Those cops have your name, your address...

    Elwood : They don't have my address. I falsified my renewal. I put down 1060 West Addison.

    Jake : 1060 West Addison? That's Wrigley Field.

  • Matt Murphy : [1:01:52]  Ah. Don't get riled, sugar.

    Mrs. Murphy : Don't you "Don't get riled, sugar" me! You ain't goin' back on the road no more, and you ain't playin' them ol' two-bit sleazy dives. You're livin' with me now, and you not gonna go slidin' around witcho ol' white hoodlum friends.

    Matt Murphy : But babes, this is Jake and Elwood, the Blues Brothers!

    Mrs. Murphy : The Blues Brothers? Shit! They still owe you money, fool.

    Jake : Ma'am, would it make you feel any better if you knew that what we're asking Matt here to do is a holy thing?

    Elwood : You see, we're on a mission from God.

    Mrs. Murphy : Don't you blaspheme in here. Don't you blaspheme in here! This is my man, this is my restaurant, and you two are just gonna walk right out that door without your dry white toast, without your four fried chickens, and without Matt "Guitar" Murphy!

  • Jake : [24:18]  We'll put the band back together, do a few gigs, we get some bread. Bang! Five thousand bucks.

    Elwood : Yeah, well, getting the band back together might not that be that easy, Jake.

    Jake : What are you talking about?

    Elwood : They split, they all took straight jobs.

    Jake : Yeah, so you know where they are. You said you were gonna keep in touch with them.

    Elwood : Well... I got a couple of leads, a few phone numbers, but I mean, how many of them visited or even wrote you, huh?

    Jake : They're not the kinda guys who write letters. You were outside, I was inside. You were supposed to keep in touch with the band. I kept asking you if we were gonna play again.

    Elwood : Well, what was I gonna do? Take away your only hope? Take away the very thing that kept you going in there? I took the liberty of bullshitting you, okay?

    Jake : You lied to me.

    Elwood : It wasn't a lie, it was just bullshit.

  • [Elwood Blues has just passed on a red light, and a police car rolls up behind them. The words are said in the same rhythm as a blues song ("Soothe Me") on the car stereo] 

    Elwood : Shit.

    Jake : What?

    Elwood : Rollers...

    Jake : No.

    Elwood : Yeah.

    Jake : Shit.

  • [10:43] 

    Jake : What are we doing here?

    Elwood : You promised you'd visit the penguin the day you got out.

    Jake : Yeah? So I lied to her.

    Elwood : You can't lie to a nun. We got to go in and visit the penguin.

    Jake : No... fucking... way.

  • Jake : Uh, Bob, about the money for tonight.

    Bob : Oh, yeah, $200, and you boys drank $300 worth of beer.

  • [while they are driving around in the shopping mall with 2 police cars on their tail] 

    Elwood : Baby clothes...

    Jake : This place has got everything.

  • Jake : Book us for tomorrow night.

    Maury Sline : Hold it, hold it. Tomorrow night? What are you talking about? A gig like that, you gotta prepare the proper exploitation.

    Elwood : I know all about that stuff. I have been exploited all my life.

  • Jake : [about the electric piano]  $2,000 for this chunk of shit? C'mon, Ray.

    Murph : [tests the piano]  I mean really, Ray, it's used. There's no action left in this keyboard.

    Ray : [smiles, comes out to the piano]  E-excuse me, uh, I don't think there's anything wrong with the action on this piano.

    [plays and sings] 

    Ray : Well, I heard about the fellow you've been dancin' with, All over the neighborhood, So why didn't you ask me baby? Didn't you think I could? Well I know that the boogaloo is outta sight, But the shingaling's the thing tonight, But if that was you and me a now baby, I would have shown you how to do it right, Do it right

    Jake , Elwood : Uh-huh!

    Ray : Do it right

    Jake : Do it right

    Elwood : Do it right

    Ray , Jake , Elwood : Do it right!

  • [the Good Ole Boys arrive late] 

    Jake : My name is Jacob Stein. I'm from the American Federation of Music. I've been sent to see if you gentlemen are carrying your permits.

    Tucker McElroy : Our what?

    Jake : Your union cards. May I see your cards please?

    Tucker McElroy : Well, suppose we ain't got no union cards and go in there and start playin' anyway? Whatcha gonna do about that? You gonna stop us, Stein? Ha. You're gonna look pretty funny tryin' to eat corn on the cob with no fuckin' teeth!

  • [the brothers race around the mall parking lot] 

    Elwood : [28:38]  We'll be all right if we can just get back on the expressway.

    Jake : This don't look like no expressway to me!

    Elwood : Don't yell at me.

    Jake : Well what the hell you want me to do, Motorhead?

    Elwood : Try not to be so negative all the time. Why don't you offer a little... constructive criticism?

    Jake : You got us into to this parking lot, pal. Now you get us out!

    Elwood : You want outta this parking lot?... O.K.

  • Elwood : This is definitely Lower Wacker Drive! If my estimations are correct, we should be very close to the Honorable Richard J. Daley Plaza!

    Jake : That's where they got that Picasso.

    Elwood : Yep.

  • [Trying to get Mr. Fabulous back into the band] 

    Jake : If you say no, Elwood and I will come here for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of the week.

    [Elwood takes a huge, obnoxious bite out of his bread] 

    Mr. Fabulous : Okay, okay. I'll play. You got me.

  • Elwood : I bet these cops got SCMODS.

    Jake : SCMODS?

    Elwood : State County Municipal Offender Data System.

  • [last lines] 

    Cook County Assessor's Office Clerk : Can I help you?

    [the brothers back him up and lift him onto the counter] 

    Jake : This is where they pay the taxes, right?

    Cook County Assessor's Office Clerk : Right.

    Elwood : This money is for the year's assessment of Saint Helen of the Blessed Shroud Orphanage in Calumet City, Illinois.

    Jake : 5,000 bucks, it's all there pal.

    Cook County Assessor's Office Clerk : And here is your receipt.

    Jake : [singing]  The warden threw a party in the county jail, The prison band was there and they began to wail, The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing, You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing, Let's rock, Everybody, let's rock, Everybody in the whole cell block, Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock...

  • Jake : Maury, you gotta come through for us. We need 5,000 bucks fast.

    Maury Sline : 5,000 bucks? Who do you think you are, The Beatles?

  • Jake : [29:51]  Disco pants and haircuts...

    Elwood : Yeah, lots of space in this mall.

  • Elwood : Oh no.

    Jake : What the fuck was that?

    Elwood : The motor. We've thrown a rod.

    Jake : Is that serious?

    Elwood : Yup.

  • Curtis : Well, the Sister was right. You boys could use a little churching up. Slide on down to the Triple Rock, and catch Rev. Cleophus. You boys listen to what he's got to say.

    Jake : Curtis, I don't want to listen to no jive-ass preacher talking to me about Heaven and Hell.

    Curtis : Jake, you get wise. You get to church.

  • Jake : Look at you, in those candy-ass monkey suits. And I thought I had it bad in Joliet.

    Willie 'Too Big' Hall : At least we got a change of clothes, sucker. You're wearing the same shit you had on three years ago.

  • Jake : Take $1400 and give it to Ray's Music Exchange in Calumet City. Give the rest to the band.

  • Jake : Give us a bottle of your finest champagne, five shrimp cocktails, and some bread for my brother.

    Waiter : We have Dom Perignon 71 at $120.

    Jake : That'll be fine, pal.

  • Elwood : [the Mystery Woman sprays the tunnel with gunfire as Jake and Elwood dive for the ground]  Who *is* that girl?

    Mystery Woman : Well Jake, you look just fine down there, slithering in the mud like vermin.

    Jake : [makes a reassuring gesture to Elwood]  No problem.

  • Jake : That Night Train's a mean wine.

  • Jake : [to Mystery Woman]  I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locust's. It wasn't my fault! I swear to God!

    Mystery Woman : Ohh, Jake!

    [He kisses her, she sets down her gun and he lets her fall into the mud] 

  • Jake : Well, folks, it's time to call it a night. Do what you feel and keep both feet on the wheel. You don't have to go home; but, you can't stay here.

  • Willie 'Too Big' Hall : [49:00]  You'll never get Matt and Mr. Fabulous out of them high-payin' gigs.

    Jake : Oh yeah? Well me and the Lord, we have an understanding.

  • Matt Murphy : How was Joliet?

    Jake : Oh, it was bad. On Thursday night they serve a wicked pepper steak.

    Matt Murphy : Can't be as bad as the cabbage roll at the Terra Haute Federal Pen.

    Elwood : Or that oatmeal at the Cook County slammer.

    Matt Murphy : Oh, they're all pretty bad.

  • Jake , Elwood : [singing]  Hey, we gonna loop de loop

    Ray : Shake it out baby

    Jake , Elwood : Hey we gonna loop de la

    Jake : Bend over, let me see ya shake your tailfeather

    Jake , Elwood : Bend over, let me see ya shake your tailfeather

    Jake , Elwood , Ray : Come on, let me see ya shake your tailfeather, Come on, let me see ya shake your tailfeather, Aaah!

    Ray : Come on, come on baby, Come on, yeah, come on babe, Alright! Do the twist, Do the fly, Oh, do the swim, And do the bird, Well, do the duck, Aaah, And do the monkey, Hey, hey, watusi, And a-what about the food? Do the mashed potato, What about the boogaloo? Oh, the bony marony, Come on, let's do the twist, Aaah, Twistin', Shake it, shake it, shake it, baby...

  • Elwood : Who are you gonna call Jake?

    Jake : Remember Maury Sline?

    Elwood : Sline. Booking Agent? What about 'em?

    Jake : Well, he got us some good showcases in the old days. He got us the Morgan Park. He got us the Tick Tock. I got him laid. He owes me.

    Elwood : Give it a shot.

  • Jake : I would like to do a favorite of the horn section. We hope it's one of yours.

    Jake , Elwood , Donald 'Duck' Dunn , 'Bones' Malone , Mr. Fabulous , 'Blue Lou' Marini : [singing]  Sometimes it's hard to be a woman, Giving all your love to just one man, And if you love him, Oh, be proud of him, Cause, after all, he's just a man...

  • Bob : I'm Bob and this here is my place.

    Jake : Well, it's a *beautiful* place, Bob.

    Bob : I guess you boys want to get your steel guitars and everything set up on the stage, don't you? Claire, get over there and turn those stage lights on and get these boys goin' up there.

    'Bones' Malone : [observing the stage]  Chicken wire?

  • Elwood : Rawhide in eight.


    Elwood : Rollin', rollin', rollin', Though the streams are swollen, Keep them doggies rollin', Rawhide, Through rain and wind and weather, Hell-bent for leather, Wishin' my gal was by my side, All the things I'm missin', Good vittles, love and kissin', Are waiting at the end of my ride. Move 'em on

    Jake : Head 'em up!

    Elwood : Head 'em up

    Jake : Move 'em on!

    Elwood : Move 'em on

    Jake : Head 'em up!

    Elwood : Rawhide, Cut 'em out

    Jake : Ride 'em in!

    Elwood : Ride 'em in

    Jake : Cut 'em out!

    Elwood : Cut 'em out, Ride 'em in, Rawhide...

  • Jake : Thank you and that was for Wilson Pickett. This is dedicated to the late great Magic Sam. One, two, one, two, three, four


    Jake : Come on, Oh, baby don't you wanna go? Come on, Oh, baby don't you wanna go? Back to that same old place, Sweet home Chicago...

  • Curtis : Boys, things are bad. They gonna sell this place to the Board of Education and I'll be out on the street. That money's got to be in the Cook County Assessors Office within 11 days.

    Jake : They wouldn't turn you out, would they?

    Curtis : Shit, what's one more old nigga to the Board of Education?

    Elwood : Curtis, you and the Penguin are the only family we got. And you're the only one that was ever good to us - singin' Elmore James tunes, blowin' the harp for us down here.

  • Elwood : [16:10]  Curtis, you and the penguin are the only family we got. And you're the only one that was ever good to us. Singing


    Elwood : tunes and blowin the harp for us down here

    Curtis : Well, the sister was right. You boys could use a little churchin up. Slide on down to the Triple Rock and catch Reverend Cleophus. you boys listen to what he's got to say.

    Jake : Curtis, I don't want to listen to no jive ass preacher talking to me about heaven & hell.

    Curtis : Jake, you get wise, you get to church!

See also

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