
725 Reviews
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Wonderful little movie!
10 June 2024
I can't believe this flew under my radar as it is exactly the kind of movie I love! And it was so close to be an 8/10 except for the ending that bothered me and I found quite disappointing (to keep this review spoiler-free I won't go into further details) so I have to take one star away.

Otherwise I loved everything about it: the story, the directing, the acting are all on point. Harrison Ford has a minor role here but he is absolutely fantastic in every scene he's in. Plus as a San Francisco resident I like that it was actually shot in SF and not in "SF looking" streets in Toronto or something. For all the romantics at heart who like a dash of fantasy, I highly recommend it!
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Decent for fans.
10 June 2024
I am a big fan of the show and was really excited about this movie. It really is fan service, and while I liked it overall, my 7/10 rating really is for the fans. For anyone who is not necessarily a big fan, this would be more like a 6/10; and people who don't really know the show shouldn't watch it at all as there is no attempt to draw that audience in.

It is basically a new, long episode and while I don't mind the slightly darker tone like some other viewers did, I still think it's not the best the series has produced. Tony Shalhoub is great as usual but the other cast members seem to just be phoning it in. And the "how he did it" is pretty obvious (I guessed it right away) so it's definitely not as clever as some other episodes. Still recommend it for the fans!
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Nice movie for today's kids.
12 May 2024
I only recently watched the original movie as part of my "classics I've never watched" retrospective, and while I can see why there are elements that kids back then did like, it definitely didn't have the same effect on me and I found it a bit boring and dated. So without any nostalgia, I do think the Tim Burton treatment from this more recent take on the story does improve things quite a bit; I don't have children but if I did, I would be more likely to let them watch this version over the old one. That said, I still didn't enjoy it much more than that so besides entertaining your kids for a little bit, I wouldn't necessarily recommend this movie.
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Anna (II) (2019)
It's not a bad movie, but...
12 May 2024
If it came out 15+ years ago i would probably say it's a great action flick. The problem is that it feels like this story has now been done many times in films and TV shows, including from Besson himself with Nikita some 30 years ago, and it really brings nothing new. Also, there are too many annoying tropes common to older movies; but the one thing I personally hate the most as a bilingual person is the Russians speaking English when they're together. Anyone who speaks another language will tell you that no one does that. Otherwise the acting is convincing, the directing and pacing on point, which makes this an entertaining action movie if you have nothing better to watch.
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Light of My Life (I) (2019)
So much good but too much not so good.
10 May 2024
My ex and I disagreed on movies with endings that are open for interpretation; she just hated all of them with no exception while I think they're great when well done. This one though just ends abruptly, seemingly in the middle of a scene. It's not even bad, it's just... odd. The whole movie I was torn as to what rating I would give because the acting was great, and as a childless guy who always wanted a daughter the story really spoke to me. And great job on the pacing from (first time?) director Casey Affleck. There are however inconsistencies in the writing, and there isn't much originality either. And while I liked it, some may be turned off by most of the movie being dialogue. But really, the unnecessarily abrupt ending is what is pushing me to only give a 6/10.
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Cute, uncomplicated movie.
5 May 2024
This is your typical feel-good story with a basic plot, decent writing and directing, and good acting performances all around. A bit of humor, a touch of drama, and just plenty of good vibes throughout. If you're looking for something deep, groundbreaking, or thought provoking, that's definitely not the movie for you; and even though it is apparently "inspired by true events" doesn't necessarily make it feel more realistic. But if you're ok with just following along and enjoy the ride you will have a pretty good time, especially if you're feeling a little down and need a pick me up. All in all, I do recommend it.
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Elizabethtown (2005)
Exactly the kind of sappy rom com I was looking for!
5 May 2024
I keep telling my friends I'm bummed that I've probably seen every (good) sappy rom com at this point so I was surprised when one of them brought this one up, which I had never heard of. Even more surprising when it's apparently the movie that led to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl terminology, which I am familiar with. In any case, I personally really liked it. It reeks of the early 2000s but in the best of ways and has all the delightful sappiness of the rom-coms of that era. Sure, the story is full of holes and requires extreme suspension of disbelief and the characters are nothing but superficial, but the whole thing sells it very well, especially thanks to Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst who are doing a great job with what they were given. Recommended for fans of the genre!
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I'm gonna have to disagree with most people here.
5 May 2024
Personally, I feel like this 4th installment may not be quite as good as the second, but is much better than the third (nothing comes close to the first one), so I decided to rate it as much as the second one. I am not sure why the main complaint is "more of the same", which has always been the formula of this franchise; in fact I think eliminating the Furious Five and introducing the new character of Zhen was a pretty fresh move. And I did like the different kind of energy Awkwafina brought to the rest of the cast. So while I believe we don't really need a Kung Fu Panda 5, this serves as a very decent conclusion, and I recommend it over Kung Fu Panda 3 as an ending to the series.
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The franchise is losing some of its steam.
5 May 2024
While "more of the same" worked for the sequel, it starts to feel a little lazy and tired with this third chapter. The animation is still great, the actors are still doing a decent job, but the writing is not as polished as in the first 2. Some of the jokes do land, but most of them feel forced and fall flat. I saw all 3 movies when they first came out and just rewatched all of them in a row as a marathon leading to the recent number 4, and while I remembered a lot from the first and second movies, I had almost no recollection of the third one even though that's the one I had seen most recently... that alone says a lot about how forgettable it is in the end.
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Still fun, though a notch down from the first one.
5 May 2024
They took everything that worked from the first movie and just did more of the same, which leads to a very fun and entertaining sequel. And though none of this is an issue in and of itself, it does feel like the little "je ne sais quoi" that made the original movie even better is missing here, which is why I am giving it one less star. There are still hilarious moments that grown ups will appreciate, and also many other parts that will satisfy the younger audience. The actors are consistent in their performance and the animation is still on point. So I recommend it for the whole family to enjoy!
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
Still very fun today!
5 May 2024
So I gave it an 8/10 back when it came out but never wrote a review. I just rewatched it as part of my "Kung Fu Panda marathon" since number 4 just came out and truth be told if I had seen it today for the first time I might have given it a 7/10 since I have seen many excellent animated movies since 2008. Still, I won't change my rating because I believe back then a lot about it was quite original and refreshing. While the story is nothing groundbreaking, the writing and humor is on point with perfect delivery from the actors. And of course the animation is excellent and doesn't feel dated one bit 16 years later. All in all, still highly recommended today!
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Going against popular opinion with this one.
26 April 2024
It seems like most people liked the first movie, loved the second one, but disliked this third chapter. But I think it is as enjoyable as the second one, albeit for different reasons. I agree that the plot and writing went down a bit as they tried to cram a little too much into it and it feels rushed at times, and a slightly overly complicated as well with too many characters only explored on the surface. On the other hand the actors really found their footing and it shows; Tobey Maguire does a great job at portraying the "dark arc" of Peter Parker. And overall the movie does feel a bit more grandiose and epic, as a superhero movie should be. All in all, still highly recommended as a great conclusion to the trilogy.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Also sticking with my initial rating.
26 April 2024
The same way I gave a 6/10 to the first movie when I first saw it and I am sticking to it upon a recent rewatching, I am also sticking to the initial 7/10 I gave the sequel 20 years ago after giving it another go yesterday. They basically kept everything that worked in the first movie and addressed several things that made me give it a lower score. If the first movie really was the spark announcing the new era of superhero movies, this one really helped fanned the flames, which eventually would lead to Iron Man. There are still some issues (cliches, etc.) but overall it's a great movie that aged even better than the first one, and I think even the newer generation would enjoy it.
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Spider-Man (2002)
I have to stick to my original rating.
23 April 2024
I saw this movie in the theaters when it came out and I never wrote a review but apparently had given it a 6/10. Since I never rewatched it in the last 22 years (I can't believe it's been this long!) it was time to give it another go. And overall, I agree with my initial rating, though I might have given it an extra start for nostalgia, and recognizing this is the movie that really launched the era of superhero flicks as we know them (the original X Men that came before was a decent attempt but never reached that level). But some of the dialogue and acting is not quite there and does feel a bit dated now; also for the purists, the lack of web shooters is disappointing. I understand thy had to do some adjustments but I think the other versions that followed were better overall. We will see, as I'm embarking on a marathon to watch all the Spider-Man movies in order!
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One Day (2011)
Very nice romantic movie.
15 April 2024
I didn't read the book, so I can't make any comparisons. But I did like the original storytelling format, which helps cover a lifetime in the most satisfying way. I am not a native English speaker but when actors are bad enough at accents, even I can tell. In this case though, I see a lot of people complaining about Anne Hathaway's British accent but I think the mistakes are subtle enough it didn't bother me, and so I did fully appreciate her very good performance, as well as the one from Jim Sturgess. All of that being said, I do agree with some reviewers that the characters could have been explored a bit more in depth; but all in all I still recommend this movie to the romantics out there!
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Road House (2024)
Eh, good enough to kill some time.
5 April 2024
First of all, I was never a big fan of the original even when as a kid in the 90s with low expectations about action movies. In fact the most exciting thing for me about it was that it featured the Jeff Healey band, and the soundtrack was fantastic. I definitely can't say the same about this version, and there is not much that's great here outside of Jake Gyllenhaal who is doing a pretty good job at keeping this movie together. The plot is pretty basic and doesn't have the same campy charm as the original, and as many others have pointed out, McGregor was an absolute mistake of a casting here, and ironically didn't really help make the fight scenes look more believable. All in all, you can skip it unless you really have nothing else to watch.
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The essence of film noir!
1 April 2024
Compared to some other acclaimed classics that didn't really do it for me, Double Indemnity is everything I was expecting from a classic film noir. It has all the tropes and stereotypes of the genre in the best of ways; it's truly enjoyable when you consider it is one of the movies, if not THE movie that started all of it! Watching it today, it's not hard to guess a lot of what will happen, but it still managed to surprise me here and there, which is a testament to its standing the test of time. And some of the elements that do make it a product of its time are now strangely endearing. All in all, recommended to the new generation!
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Not that bad, but could have been so much better.
1 April 2024
I had really liked Part 1, especially after waiting 3 long years for it after the Amell cousins dropped their short. I was really hoping with this one they would keep building on this original world they created, adding some more layers of complexity to it. Alas, they went the easy route and just did "more of the same" but with even less substance. It's basically one long chase with characters that are not explored at all; basically a waste of great potential. It is still fairly entertaining as a whole so I disagree with the really bad reviews that call it boring, but it's definitely not as good as the first one.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Very good, not the masterpiece some are claiming it is.
21 March 2024
Let me start by saying that this is a very, very good movie. The cinematography is fantastic, the actors are doing a terrific job, and the directing is top notch of course even if, like me, you may disagree with some of the choices. Back to acting performances, Cillian Murphy truly does deserve all the praise he got for this movie, but all the supporting cast is equally talented; for example this is the first time in years Robert Downey Junior does not immediately conjure up Tony Stark.

I do have issues with the time jumps. Honestly it is a strange choice here that is confusing, and do not necessarily bring anything additional to the story telling; moreover it causes us to take a lot longer than necessary to fully get into the movie at first. Which also doesn't help with the fact that it is a very long movie, with many scenes that could have been much shorter without any loss in quality.

So all in all, any cinephile should watch this movie and I do recommend it, but I can see why it might not satisfy a certain audience.
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I'm sorry but I wasn't impressed.
17 March 2024
Another review that will surely get a lot of negative reactions but here we go. I was really looking forward to watching this movie that had been on my list for so long since it's widely recognized as a masterpiece and the original Film Noir that gave birth to the genre. So I don't know if it's a case of having unrealistic expectations but while it was pleasant, a masterpiece it is not. Even raving reviews mention the glaring plot holes. The acting was pretty uneven in my opinion, and I found the character of Sam Spade a bit all over the place. And I might be used to the more fleshed out Film Noir movies that came afterwards and those elements were too subtle here but I wasn't impressed by the overall atmosphere. I think it's still a good watch if you're into movie history but know what you're getting into beforehand.
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Everything you'd expect from Seth MacFarlane.
17 March 2024
I have no idea how I haven't heard of that movie until now. I like pretty much everything MacFarlane does, it has my long time Hollywood crush Charlize Theron, and other big names like Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried... so how on earth did it fly under my radar for the last 10 years?

It's typical MacFarlane fare, with some toilet humor but also some very funny moments that got genuine laughs from me. If you're typically not a fan of his stuff then you will definitely not like it and I'm not gonna try to convince you otherwise. But everyone else is sure to have a good, silly time and I recommend it!
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I was hoping reviews were harsh, but they were on point.
1 March 2024
I often like sci-fi movies a lot more than the general public but I have to agree on this one. It's basically Star Wars meets Dune meets Seven Samurai but instead of being inspired by those, or even an homage, it's just lazy, sloppy copy/paste stitched together with an overabundance of lens flare.

Questionable directing, bad writing, and mediocre acting even from actors who are usually better like Charlie Hunnam made it difficult to keep my attention, though I admit it gets a little less boring towards the end, but the first hour does set a low bar. You can definitely skip this and I am not sure I'll even attempt watching Part 2.
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Saltburn (2023)
There's obviously an audience for it, but it's not me.
27 February 2024
I went in knowing nothing about it, just based on the high score and the fact that it was in some list of interesting movies to watch somewhere. Right off the bat I should have suspected it wouldn't be my cup of tea from the artistic choice to use a 4:3 aspect ratio. While I can appreciate the performances by the actors, there is very little else that was to my liking, so much so that I almost stopped watching at 2 or 3 occasions. As some other viewers have pointed out, some choices were made to add "shock value" but it doesn't feel organic or seem to bring much to the overall story. I can see why some cinephiles might find some interest in it (hence the high ratings) but more conventional audience like me can ignore it.
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Monolith (2022)
Another good indie sci-fi!
22 February 2024
Again, this goes to show you don't need huge budgets to create good sci-fi. Absolute props to Lily Sullivan who's crushing it carrying the whole thing as a one-woman show. Now you have to know before you go in that it is extremely slow paced sci-fi with little to no special effects, and everything hinges on the atmosphere, closer to a psychological thriller in that way. In fact I find the poster for the movie a tad misleading. While it kept me engaged for the vast majority of the time, there are some pacing problems in certain places so that was unfortunate.

But overall it's definitely something I would recommend for people who can appreciate "non-flashy sci-fi".
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Pleasantly surprised.
22 February 2024
By now I have extreme "zombie fatigue" between all the movies and shows about it, and I really wasn't looking to watch one more. I had heard about this movie before and how good it was supposed to be but didn't feel like watching yet another zombie flick, until one of my sisters made a case for it. So I had to check it out, and I now can see why it is highly rated. It definitely has some fresh elements compared to all the Hollywood productions and that's definitely a plus from being a Korean movie. However there are a few things here and there that bothered me, like the complete "overacting" faces and movements from the actors becoming zombies, which I feel were too ridiculous and comical for the tone of the movie; also the acting was pretty uneven.

So all in all I would recommend it even if you're pretty over zombie movies at this point.
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