232 Reviews
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Ultimate Martial Arts Movie
8 February 2024
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I have watched this so many times now. A real piece of nostalgia. Ground breaking for its genre. Really put Bruce Lee and Martial arts in the map. The fight sequences are awesome. The soundtrack rocks. I always remember the music when Lees sister is being chased by the henchmen and also when Lee kills O'Hara. Really eerie and haunting. Lee's fight with O'Hara is so well choreographed, as is the dungeon fight where Lee takes on multiple attackers. Ropers character is a welcome addition also, he adds the humour and light relief although him beating Bolo...sorry that ain't gonna happen and we all wanted Bolo v Bruce. It's sad Williams dies. I think that Roper and Williams could have done multiple spin off movies. This movie has often been imitated but rarely bested. It really did set the tone for all Hollywood martial art movies moving forward. Epic.
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A Mess
19 December 2023
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So I really enjoyed the first Sr Strange movie. I had never found his character that interesting in the comics but on screen his wit and personality came to life and he and Wong were great additions to the MCU and the Infinity Saga. This though was pretty bad. Firstly the CGI I found pretty awful. The monsters looked pretty bad and there were too many. It was chaos and as the title suggest absolute madness. I didn't mind the Wanda stuff too much but after a short while I just became so bored. I wanted it to end. The only stand out but for me was the surprise multiverse appearances of Reed Richard's, Professor X and others. This I have to admit was one of the Marvel products I liked least and will never ever watch again.
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Eternals (2021)
Not as bad as you think
19 December 2023
So I heard a lot of bad stuff about this movie. I read comics and have to admit that I have never been that interested in The Eternals. I love Marvel though so will watch, good or bad. Look, Marvel is struggling a bit at the moment. For all the Wins like Loki and Hawkeye there are many many recent duds. I genuinely feel that they are trying to hard to be too diverse. The thing that made the original movies great was the connection we felt to the main characters. More recent heroes seem to be very sub par. This was not one of Marvels finest but I did kind of enjoy it. Messy at times with probably too much going on. A few of the characters I like but many I had no real time for. It was an ok watch but Marvel do need to go back to what they know best. Big characters that we care for not minor ones that we simply can't connect with.
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The Alamo (2004)
Interesting Watch
19 December 2023
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So I was a huge fan of the John Wayne classic Alamo movie. Growing up it would be on most bank holidays and I would watch it as a young lad, marvelling at the spectacular battles and heroes on display. I did enjoy this recent version in a different way. A different telling of the tale. Less showy, understated and low key. Probably a truer version. Billy Bob Thornton's Davy Crockett intrigued me. Not the full bloodied hero that John Wayne portrayed. This version was a man who had become a legend out of myths that over the years had been exaggerated. More of a circus showman than a hero. He had played along with the idea of who he was to make money and gain fame. There was clear regret, guilt and shame at being a kind of fake hero. His participation in the Alamo therefore gave him the chance of redemption. A good movie with good action sequences and performances.
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Fun & Entertaining
12 September 2023
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So is this movie one of the best MCU entries..No, but it is still a fun and entertaining entry. The lead actor was fine in his role, action sequences exciting and original. It added a new dimension to the Franchise with new characters and locations. The plot was good. Was great to see Sir Ben Kingsley back in his comedic role as Trevor Slattery. He genuinely was loads of fun. I also loved seeing cameos from Wong and The Abomination. Unsuspecting and a nice surprise. One of my few criticisms really was the end battle. The CGI was on overload and Marvel seem to live these big battles. Don't get me wrong, these rocked in Avengers and Infinity War/Endgame but I would have preferred just a good old fashioned dust up between hero and villain to be fair. A solid entry and a fun movie.
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Bizarre and Boring
8 September 2023
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This came with really good reviews and from recollection even got an Oscar nomination. The cast is fantastic. The costumes and period sets are stylish and impressive. I just found it all a bit dull. After a while I became bored. It felt like it was trying too hard to be cool. Again, with quite a few films, a main issue was not being able to really root or like any of the main characters. Bradley Coopers character is a lying swindler who uses everyone and is a fraud, often playing with peoples emotions. Cate Blanchetts character is also pretty horrible. The only nice people seem to be those who work in the circus and they are not really focused on much. This one is style over substance I am afraid.
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Ok I suppose
8 September 2023
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So it's definitely not up there with the original. I remember watching this movie with real excitement and anticipation but then feeling disappointed and flat after. I watched it again recently hoping over the years it may have grown on me but it hadn't. The main character played by Robert Carlisle has a problem in that he is actually not that likeable. When the kids find their Zombie Mother he could easily wing it with them. I think most people would have genuinely thought she was dead after the attack and he could have just said that. The other characters are not that interesting. Jeremy Renners soldier is fine. The action set pieces are average. I just think they could have done so much better. Won't be watching it a third time.
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28 Days Later (2002)
One of the best Zombie movies out there
8 September 2023
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I had seen this movie many times but revisited it again. It still holds up and stands the test of time. Genuinely one of the best Zombie movies of all time that has been used and copied in other movies and shows many times since. For example Rick waking up in the hospital in the Walking Dead is a complete rip off of the start of this movie. The zombies are genuinely scary. Fast, quick, violent. Not the slow moving type. I like the premise of how the plague starts in the lab. I like the London setting. The way it is filmed is fantastic. You really feel London has been wiped out. The acting is great and many of the characters original. Soundtrack rocks. I did find the army storyline at the end a bit boring and ridiculous to be honest but it's a minor thing. A great movie.
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Pathfinder (2007)
Dark and Gloomy
10 August 2023
Now I love a good Viking movie. Vikings Vs Native American Indians is right up my street. This movie though just felt really cliche and flat. It could have been so good but just wasn't that convincing. Dark and gloomy, most shots were at night. The vikings were not that interesting and neither was the hero. Urbans Tarzan like character just didn't cut it for me. I didn't really care if he survived really which is not great for a hero. The fights and action sequences were quite basic and flat and not very inspiring. The sane with the bog standard run of the mill script. It all felt a bit like I have seen it all before in hundreds of other b rate action movies. Give it a miss.
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The Hustler (1961)
So So Cool
10 August 2023
Everything about this movie is just fantastic. The performances, I mean where do we start. Newman is electric as Fast Eddie. Arrogant, vulnerable and so cool. Gleason plays such a quiet and unassuming role but shines every time he is on screen. Even though he is our hero's pool adversary you can't help but like him. The real adversary though is Scott's character. Menacing, manipulative, a user of people. An astonishingly good performance from Scott as the loathsome agent/gambler. Piper Laurie again plays it beautifully. The story is captivating, the direction great, pool sequences electric and the sets, well you just feel you are in the smoke filled boozy pool bars being hustled as you watch it. Actors and Movie makers at the top of their game. Never ages, always a good watch.
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Black Widow (2021)
Just a bit boring
10 August 2023
For me this movie just never really got going. I found it all a bit dull and boring. I didn't particularly like the action sequences or set pieces. Black Widow is a great character and an integral part of The Avengers and MCU but I just don't think she is big enough a character for a feature length movie. Maybe a TV series with her going on missions would have been better. The huge plus in all of this is Florence pughs character who was fun and engaging and had great chemistry with the Widow. After about the first 30 minutes I just generally lost interest which is a real shame as I love the MCU.
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Anthropoid (2016)
Intelligent War Movie
10 August 2023
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I really enjoyed this movie. Plenty of intrigue and suspense. You really are rooting for the two main leads who are excellent in their roles. Both are on their mission but struggle to cope with going through with it, falling in love and feeling the fear of the inevitable. It's not loads of machine guns and explosions. To be honest there is only one real action sequence and that is expertly created right at the very end of the movie. A really intelligent war movie that focus's more on the the fears of those living through those harrowing times. Really recommended. Great performances, scripts, costumes and period sets. A must watch.
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A guilty pleasure
16 October 2022
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This is a movie that you shouldn't enjoy, given it's story surrounding football hooliganism. Amazingly though I find it a thoroughly enjoyable movie that when it's on tv and I am flicking through the channels I am always drawn to. I either end up watching it again or setting the record button. There is a great deal of humour throughout and it has a cracking soundtrack. All the cast fit their roles perfectly. It does not try and glorify football violence but sometimes I think the result is that those watching do get caught up in the excitement of it, just like the characters. What some fail to see is the sadness that comes with the movie. Grown men who are bored and unfulfilled trying to stay young and relevant. Even though some have families they are unhappy in life with their jobs and general lifestyle. You see the new young thugs being groomed, hooked on their gang and idolising the main men. They just don't seem to have a future other than football, drugs, alcohol and violence. A glimpse at a broken part of society. I also particularly liked the sub plot of the old boys trying to leave the misery of the UK. They, who fought in wars seeing clearly how things have gone wrong and wanting one last chance of peace. Strangely a fantastic movie.
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Good but preferred the original
16 October 2022
A really enjoyable watch with a great cast. Great glossy production values. Really good period music, design and costumes. One of Christie's best stories for me. Love the way the murder happened. Just blows my mind how clever and creative Christie was. I am still not convinced by Branagh as Poirot. It's not that he is bad, there just seems something missing. I did enjoy it but sadly the original Ustinov movie tops it for me. I just really liked the way those Ustinov movies were shot and the scripts and acting were so good. I do hope they keep doing more of these though. It feels like it could become an annual thing and Christie has such a great catalogue of stories there is so much more that can be done.
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The Guilty (2021)
Amazing performance
29 July 2022
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Was this my favourite movie? No. But at the same time so glad I watched it, even just for the superb performance from Jake Gyllanhaal. He smashed it and showed how brilliant a performer he is. The often uncomfortable watching of his characters descent into what I can only describe as a work placed breakdown is hard to watch. I saw the twist early on but it was still compelling to watch. Jake should definitely have been Oscar nominated for this one.
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A classic
28 July 2022
What can I say. Have seen it loads but not in a long while. Amazing how good it still is. So very original. The actors perfectly cast, the action, the story brilliant. Great soundtrack also. Arnie just absolutely rocked. A piece of cinema history that really changed the the science fiction landscape forever. Cinema gold.
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It's ok, not as good as the first
28 July 2022
So this movie was kind of ok. It was nowhere near as good as the first. It just seemed a bit tired and forced. Not fresh and original like before. I can only really describe it as ok.
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Love this movie
28 July 2022
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I can't help but love this movie. Sometimes I catch it late at night and find myself watching it to the end. It's such a silly premise but I find it really engaging. The characters are great, action sequences also. I always find the supernatural elements a bit daft. They start off really well and you think what are these beasts, why do they not bleed or die but then in the end it's just a bunch of guys wearing furry hats led by an old witch. I just think they could have handled that part better. Anyway, only a slight moan as I genuinely love it.
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The Outsiders (1983)
Really nostalgic
28 July 2022
I caught this late one night recently. Had not watched it in years. Amazing to see so many established actors in their youth, many starting their Hollywood careers. The directing and way it is shot is a joy to watch along with the soundtrack. The performances are good. Yes some are a bit over the top, some wooden but it all just kind of works as they are a bunch of kids. The story is great and just think it is a really powerful movie. Great period setting also. A top watch.
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A bit of a strange one
9 February 2022
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I love a good Viking movie or show. This was kind of weird. The lead actor was so boring. He got his backside kicked in most fights and the romantic angle was not that believable. I found many of the other vikings much more interesting than the lead character. The fight scenes weren't too bad but it was all just a bit boring.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Good movie, great cast
9 February 2022
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So this movie for me was a decent thriller, bordering on a bit of horror. The plot was a bit daft but of course it was always going to be, what with invisibility being the main topic. It was a good twist having the creator using it for his domestic violence and stalking pleasures. Some of those scenes were actually quite chilling. The cast were superb especially Miss in the lead. I do feel she is being typecast a bit though, she always kind of plays the same role. She was amazing in it though. Look, it's a solid 7/10 and good Saturday Night movie stuff. Most will enjoy it but forget it instantly like most other 7/10s.
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Pure Nostalgia
9 February 2022
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I did not go to the cinema much as a kid. My family was not really the going out type. I do remember though the excitement of going to see ROTJ at the cinema with my family. It was amazing and still is. Great great moments, Jabbas palace and barge rescue, Boba Fett, the attack on the DeathStar, Speeder Bikes, Leia and Luke, Leia and Han, Ewoks, the battle of Endor and of course Luke V Vader and Vaders redemption. Loved it and still do. So much fun and so different to the recent trilogy which seems to take itself so seriously. Just for info, my dad bought me a toy LightSaber after, Green. It did not last long but I remember pretending to be Luke as a kid. Pure nostalgia.
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Great movie but not the best in the saga
9 February 2022
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So I am probably going against most Star Wars fans who rate this as the best in the saga but for me it's a great movie but not the best. I can't really put my finger on why. I found the whole trip to see Yoda a bit boring and it went on for too long. Hoth was great but did not see why we had to spend first ten mins watching Luke get captured by the yeti type monster. The chase in the asteroid field was all a bit yawn. That being said there were some fantastic highlights such as Hoth battle, Cloud City stuff and of course the Vader/Luke father bit. I just found it all a bit trying to be edgy in places. Great movie but not the best in the saga for me.
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Good movie but just went on a bit too long
19 January 2022
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This was a decent Bond movie. I have enjoyed Craig in the role although have found the movies a bit hit and miss. Casino Royale superb, Quantum boring, Skyfall excellent, Spectre ok. This was one of his better. Great action sequences, car chases, fight sequences, locations, baddie, suits, gadgets etc. All you would expect in a Bond movie. Unfortunately for me, I hate to say it, it has gone a bit woke. Bond has lost a great deal of his original character and appeal that millions over the decades loved him for. I appreciate times are changing but there still needs to be a balance. It can't be all just wiped out. That being said I did cringe somewhat at seeing an ageing Bond hooking up with a young lady, even if it was in a long term relationship and not just a casual fling. Much of Bonds charm and humour was his somewhat inappropriate quips. Now he tries humour but just cheesy one liners that for me miss the mark. Not Craig's fault, the scrip writers. Finally the elephant in the room and Bond dying. I get why they did it but was it needed. Could we just not have seen his story arc come to an end and a new Bond begin. This has again worked for decades. I fear that it will go completely wrong now and we will see the most bizarre, woke choice ever for our beloved James. I truly hope I am wrong.
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Magnificent 7 type movie.. great
18 January 2022
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So I know the Magnificent 7 was based on Seven Samurai but this is also very similar. A team of oddball warriors team up for one last ride to help out a monk and a convoy of camels to deliver and protect a precious and powerful religious artefact. The action sequences were great. Not too much use of CGI and most of the fight and battle scenes seemed quite realistic. The filming locations and cinematography was breathtaking. The desert looked beautiful and I especially liked the mountain lake setting. The characters were all quite likeable also and you could really root for the hero. My only gripe was the religious artefact back story. It gave flashes of moments which suggested the relic was powerful but we never really found out much about it and what its powers could do. Anyway a really good movie that I highly recommend.
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