
135 Reviews
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Love it but not for everyone
1 September 2023
The Spectacular Now is a romantic film that is subtle and realistic; it makes you feel like you're watching real-life events unfold.

Miles Teller is one of my favorite young actors, and he delivers another outstanding performance in this film. Shailene Woodley also has strong chemistry with Teller; their connection is palpable and contributes to several emotionally charged scenes.

This movie isn't for everyone, and it doesn't have the typical romance movie conclusion that everyone expects. The film takes risks, and the majority of them pay off. The finale, on the other hand, seemed a little too ambiguous for the tone of the film. Regardless, The Spectacular now tells an engaging story and nails most of its themes.
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Steve Jobs (2015)
Great biopic that deserves more recognition.
1 September 2023
Steve Jobs is one of the more underrated biopics.

If you want a genuine and truthful portrayal of Steve Jobs' life that does not glorify anything he did, this film is a must-see.

Michael Fassbender provides one of the best performances of his career, perfectly capturing Jobs' likeness. One of the surprises in this film is Seth Rogen's performance; he embraced his character and runs with it. I'd want to see him take on more serious roles since he can pull off a wide range of emotions. All of the other performances are strong as well, with Kate Winslet and Jeff Daniels doing particularly well throughout the film.

The way the film sequences the events of each character's life and the events of Apple as a company is immensely effective; this provides an insightful perspective of the influence it has on each character's life. The film may not be rewatchable, but this is not surprising from a movie like this.
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Great coming of age story
1 September 2023
This movie is one of the best coming-of-age stories in recent memory.

The Edge of Seventeen, with its excellent combination of comedy and drama, will undoubtedly leave an indelible impression on you. This movie portrays the supposedly life-changing events of a teenager's life from their point of view and does an excellent job of bringing you along for the ride.

Hailee Steinfeld is a great actress, and I hope she'd star in more films. She hasn't appeared in much after this movie, which is disappointing. She delivers an outstanding performance and carries the movie on her shoulders. The other performances in the film are also strong, with Woody Harrelson standing out among the supporting cast.

This movie is an easy watch. It's thoroughly entertaining and is extremely rewatchable. While it's not perfect, it's definitely among the best teen dramas.
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Good display of artistic filmmaking
1 September 2023
A very strange film. Had some amazing scenes and really came into its own in the final 30 minutes.

One scene, especially, is incredibly beautiful and nearly made the movie for me. It had one of the best shots I've ever seen in a movie.

The ambiguity used to paint the story of the protagonist was very well done and Joaquin definitely adds the acting needed to provide the emotional weight for the character. Despite all of this, I feel like the script could've been a bit more compelling. The themes work but the sequence of events isn't too great. I may like this more upon a re-watch but for now, it was decent. More artistic than entertaining for sure.
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Great slower-paced dramedy
1 September 2023
McDonagh's approach is more meditative in this film. Although the pacing is slow, if you give the slow burn time to play out, you will see what he was going for.

It was awesome seeing this duo in a movie again. In Bruges is a favorite of mine and seeing them acting alongside each other again was cool to see.

There aren't many negatives to this one that I can think of. Sometimes it can seem a little self-indulgent, but you could virtually say that about any of Martin McDonagh's movies. It takes a lot of skill to blend comedy with serious dramatic elements, yet he consistently succeeds.

Despite how much I like it, it could be some time before I revisit this again. Due to the pacing, I don't believe this will be as re-watchable as his previous works. Having said that, I'd like to watch it again in the future to better understand some of the themes.
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BlackBerry (2023)
Loved the tech history lesson
1 September 2023
This is such a fascinating story. I remember the days when everyone had a BlackBerry, and to see exactly what happened behind the scenes and its inevitable downfall was genuinely interesting to watch. The cell phone revolution was a wild time and observing how businesses operated during this era made for a compelling story. The references to familiar pop culture and how it played a massive role in the development and engineering world added a cool component to this movie. I have certain memories from my childhood about pop culture, and hearing how it fit into this world was captivating.

This movie isn't flawless, though. The lead performance from Jay Baruchel was rather stale, and the movie could have benefited from a stronger lead. Glen Howerton is awesome to watch in this. I'm thrilled to see him finally break into a role outside of Always Sunny. He does a good job with most of the dramatic scenes and provides humor in plenty of moments. The rest of the performances are quite solid, with, in my opinion, the strongest coming from Matthew Johnson. He gives the most emotional weight to the story.

***Just found out Matt Johnson also directed this. Pretty awesome. He gives a great performance and also directed a good movie. Props to him.

The soundtrack was good, the directing felt pretty swift, and the writing was also strong. I don't have many complaints about the movie other than the lead performance, and maybe the movie didn't quite nail the landing towards the end. Overall, a good movie though. I would watch it again someday.
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Air (I) (2023)
A good sports history lesson
1 September 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed the sports history lesson, and this movie had some strong performances from Damon and Affleck, as well as the rest of the cast. I usually love movies about the inner workings of businesses on the brink of something big. This one was pretty good in that regard.

My only issue with this, and it is a major one for me, is that the movie seemed to rely on Michael Jordan's mystique instead of telling a compelling story on its own. I never really felt much tension throughout the movie and, unfortunately, wasn't exactly enthralled by the story. However, this serves as a pretty good sports history lesson, and I'll give this movie props for that. I wouldn't rewatch this, though... there's just simply not much to revisit. A very base-level script.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
Worth watching for Steve
1 September 2023
Worth watching for Steve Carell. He gives a great performance as usual.

Some great elements are in place for this one but unfortunately it falls a bit short with its execution.

I really liked the Autumn setting, the premise, and most of the setup. However, the scenes in place weren't nearly interesting or funny enough to truly pull me into the story.

This movie completely flew under the radar when it came out, which is suprising because Steve Carell was at the height of his fame in 2007. I can see why that was the case, though, because the movie is just sort of okay.

I will say that this would probably make for a decent comfort movie. It has plenty of positive vibes that generate that type of feeling. With a 90 minute runtime, you can't really go wrong in that department.
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Loved it
27 March 2023
One of the best action movies ever made. They really leaned into what truly works in the John Wick franchise and went full-throttle on it. Non-stop action.

The best of the franchise by far. I wasn't a massive fan of the 3rd movie so for this one to rebound and really kickass is awesome to see.

I can think of multiple sequences in this that are easily some of the coolest scenes I've ever seen in a movie.

The story isn't perfect and there are a few bits and pieces that I didn't particularly love, but the overall epicness of the movie trumps any flaws it has. The runtime was a bit long but they make the absolute most out of that 2 hours and 40 minutes.

This is one of those movies where you are truly left wondering how they pulled off certain moments.

The ending was also good enough to bring it all home.

Favorite scenes: nunchuck fight, traffic fight, over-head shot of gun fight in house.
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Goodfellas (1990)
16 August 2022
The greatest mob film ever made. Nothing can compare to the level of characterization in this film. Every character has a distinct role to play in the plot, and the actors/actresses nail every scene. I don't want to name one "standout" performance because quite simply every actor, especially the 3 main actors, are all equally phenomenal. The amount of quotable lines and memorable scenes is something that most films cannot seem to obtain. It is one of the most iconic movies ever made.

This is Martin Scorsese's masterpiece, and when compared to his other work, it says a lot.

This film's three-act structure is flawless. Every scene is beautifully displayed and storyboarded. There isn't a dull moment or scene that you can imagine being built in a better way.
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Cast Away (2000)
An absolute classic.
16 August 2022
One of my favorite movies and probably my favorite Tom Hanks performance.

It was genius of Zemeckis to not use a musical score during the scenes on the island. It adds to the immersion and that feeling of being present on this island with Chuck. There is something extremely reflective and meditative about Cast Away that I haven't quite seen in another film. Ultimately this movie can lead you to questions about your own life and I cannot commend a movie enough for provoking these types of thoughts.

One of the most emotional movies of all time. Incredible themes as well.

"Tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring."
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A Ghost Story (2017)
A hard but worthwhile watch.
16 August 2022
Almost unbearably sad. One of the few movies that legitimately made me tear up, particularly during one scene that ended up being one of the most heartbreaking scenes I've ever watched.

I never would have thought that a sheeted ghost would give me such vibes. The depression starts early in this one and continues throughout the entire runtime. I can't think of many times that I've felt this bad for a character in a movie.

The long takes were a bit much but damn this was such a beautifully tragic movie.

It was one of the most emotional movies I've ever seen and didn't need much dialogue to pull it off-major props to the director.

It gave me a bit of an existential crisis, so it's hard to imagine revisiting this one too often. Given that, this movie was extremely well made and I do not regret watching it one bit. I do want to watch it again just to give it a chance to have an even higher rating because this movie is definitely something special.
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Disturbia (2007)
Fun watch despite some flaws
16 August 2022
Really wish this movie focused solely on being a thriller because when it does, it's great.

Still, really enjoyable movie to re-watch every now and again.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
The more I think about the ending, the more I like it...
16 August 2022
The final shot caught me off guard but the more I let it sink in, the more I appreciate the subtle and poetic nature of the ending.

Great callbacks to previous seasons as well. Overall, extremely well done and one of the best episodes of the series.
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Loved just about every minute of it.
30 May 2022
Kind of hard to describe but for the first time in a while, this movie gave me that thrill ride of a theater experience that I've been so desperately craving. It's so rare to see movies like this anymore, and thank god Tom Cruise and his production team are pushing the envelope with films like these because Hollywood is in desperate need of some inspiration. The level of skill it took to achieve what they did with this movie cannot be understated.

This movie was an absolute blast. The romance was a bit corny but it gave you that 80s vibe. The thing that really caught me off guard was the level of emotion they pushed the story to. Definitely caught myself tearing up in certain scenes.

I cannot wait for what Tom Cruise does next. The dude is absolutely on fire right now.
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The Hunt (2012)
One of the most depressing movies I've ever seen.
4 February 2022
With an outstanding performance from Mads Mikkelsen, The Hunt not only succeeds as a realistic drama but also as a heart-wrenching tragedy about the consequences of mob mentality and the ramifications of spreading rumors.
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Dune (2021)
One of the better cinematic experiences in recent memory.
27 October 2021
This movie may not be for everyone, as it takes its time to set up the world the characters live in. However, once it gets going and the action picks up, the epic scope of this story is displayed beautifully.

Denis is a master at crafting a breathtaking shot and uses the special effects to his advantage in creating awe-inspiring moments. The performances across the board are all fantastic as well, with no particular stand-outs, but that is only a testament to everyone's overall performance.

This film's staying power will hinge on the success of Part 2, but no doubt serves as a great first installment to this sci-fi epic.

If you are a fan of Denis. V and enjoy his filmmaking style, you will like this film.
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Good but definitely a one-time-watch
13 October 2021
The first half was fantastic, but the second half dragged a little. The action in this film is its strongest aspect. The vehicle chases and gunfights were thrilling enough to give Daniel Craig a fitting send-off. The villain was a bit weak, and the premise was a little silly. The movie dragged on way too long, and the climax felt like the weakest part of the whole movie.

Despite all of these flaws, there were plenty of thrilling scenes and a great opening hour to the film. This Bond would've worked much better with a shorter runtime.
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Ghost (1990)
Offers a wide range of emotions.
16 September 2021
It's heartwarming, heartbreaking, and strangely funny all at the same time. Ghost successfully blends many tones and is a fun film to watch again and again. If you're a fan, Patrick Swayze is an obvious plus.
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Go (1999)
Interesting multi-plot story
9 September 2021
I had a good time watching this film. It had three unique plots that were well intertwined.

The script was excellent and carried the film. The acting was good throughout the film, yet it's hard to point out a standout among the cast.

The three stories portrayed in the film were all solid, but the first one drew my attention the most, and when it strayed from that, I became less interested. The second and third character stories were decent, but not nearly as good as the first one.
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I, Robot (2004)
More relevant than ever.
21 August 2021
An underappreciated film that appears to be getting better with each watch. The plot points are pertinent to today's world, and the messages delivered by the story are ahead of their time.

It's no surprise that Will Smith carries this movie. In general, the acting was solid.

I don't have too many issues with this movie; it isn't flawless, but it is enjoyable to watch. The action is plenty of fun.
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Really fun movie
19 August 2021
Definitely a fun film. I didn't love it, but it was entertaining. The jokes worked well, and the action was excellent. I didn't care for some of the plot points, and the ending felt a little long, but overall, I had a good time watching this film. I hope that more superhero films take this approach.
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Slow burn, yet tense throughout.
6 August 2021
A long movie that takes its time to tell its story. The dark tone, coupled with Fincher's directing guides this film. All of the technical filmmaking aspects are nailed here and no one should have any complaints in that regard.

The acting was excellent, especially Roonie Mara, who steals the show.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's slow burn may turn off some viewers, but if you give it time, you'll find an eerie, dark, and ultimately poignant story about these characters.
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Emotionally powerful true story.
6 August 2021
An emotional, humorous, and fascinating look into the lives of these heroes. The performances were excellent, and the cinematography was superb as well. Only the Brave is the kind of film that will please most people and tug at their heartstrings.

Although the movie is based on a true event, I couldn't help but feel that the script's structure was a little clichéd or predictable. What happened is clear, but the film's portrayal of the events felt a little generic.

However, that is the film's only major flaw, in my opinion. It is a great movie that will please just about anyone who watches it.
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Black Widow (2021)
Some really good ideas but never compelled.
15 July 2021
This film had a ton of potential. Black widow is a fantastic character, and delving into the realm of an agent might result in some intriguing scenes. However, due to the length of the film, some scenes dragged on, which drew me out of the experience. Many of the jokes fell flat, and the MCU can't seem to make a film without include cringey quips in otherwise serious scenarios.

The performances of all of the actors were excellent, and few fans will have any complaints in that regard. However, some people may be disappointed by the lack of use of certain characters.

The lack of realism established in the movie is my biggest criticism. This is a superhero film, so it's understandably unrealistic, but there are a few instances where you can only suspend your disbelief so long before rolling your eyes. Throughout the film, the characters never felt like they were in any actual danger.

Despite these flaws, the film still has some enjoyable action and cool sequences that should keep you entertained.
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