
31 Reviews
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Do Revenge (2022)
Very underwhelming
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, me and my bf started to watch this film with a good spirit and from reviews had an expectation that it would have some resemblance to the good old 90s classics. We love the 90s and early 2000s teen movies, they had so much soul and character and sometimes just silly simple laughs. BUT this movie underwhelmed us quite fast, I´d say within the first 20 minutes or so. Here are my top 5 good things about the movie:

1. Maya Hawke is a lovely actress 2. For nostalgic reasons, I loved every little second seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar on the screen 3. The idea and premise of the movie was good and captivating 4. The production and style were quite okay 5. Who doesn´t love a good twist

And now for the top 5 worst things about the movie that made it underwhelming and worth a score of 5 for me:

1. I do not enjoy Camila Mendes in that role (not a fan of hers at all) - she feels inauthentic and then to no fault of hers her character is written in such a way that I cannot root for her, not even at the end, she is just simply a bad very self-centered person in my opinion 2. The film tries too hard with too many weird details, such as students randomly working at the farm. At first you watch all of that and it seems okay, but then when you dissect it you realize that it was unnecessary and weird.

3. Goes along with the 1. Point but none of the characters had redeeming qualities. None. Maya Hawke was meant to be mean and that's fine and logical, but the rest of them were douchebags and towards the end some of them pretended to be nice suddenly. This whole dynamic was senseless for me.

4. The story with the twist would´ve certainly been more impactful and shocking if the characters had a better and more sincere friendship, that just wasn´t shown in my opinion.

5. The love interests of the characters - just no. So boring, so forgettable and not at all relevant to the whole story whatsoever. Besides for Camila´s revenge boy of course. But he as well could´ve been so much better as a character, so much deeper and conniving.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Very weird experience
4 August 2022
So, overall technically speaking and visually this show is good. Cannot fault it in these categories. BUT to me the most important thing wirh non-documentary shows and movies is their entertainment value and here I found it to be lacking quite a lot.

The first few episodes were interesting and caught my attention. The middle part of the show was so very boring I couldn´t stand it. And the ending was what I was waiting for for a long time already. But when it did actually end I didn´t feel satisfied with it. Because the overall experience wasn´t entertaining for me.

The show could´ve easily been a movie, 2 hours tops. Maybe 5 stars is a little harsh, but there are so much better material out there that I would give a 6 or a 7, that it feels fair.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
2 for the effort
13 December 2021
I was so excited to watch this movie as I have loved the work of James Wan before. I got really into the film, I was invested and not gonna lie, I did expect greatness.

But, by the time when the movie was about halfway, I started to realize that this is going to go so-so sour for me. The style and the atmosphere of it was just almost right, but still off most of the time. I did not enjoy the acting at all, the dialogues or anything really. And I was in disbelief at first and trusted that it will at least end greatly. But oh man, the ending ... The way the story turned out was toooo ridiculous, unbelievable, and just outright not horror movie material for me. Maybe for some folks this style is enjoyable and that's fine, we like different things. But I just wasn't expecting this at all. I actually got mad at this movie, it really raffled my feathers that it turned out to be so-so bad. I will definitely never be watching this again.
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Antlers (2021)
Almost quite good
10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie was suspenseful, mysterious, frightening and thoughtful. It seemed to actually be a very good horror flick, with a meaningful backstory and characters that you could root for. But then halfway through I was expecting a bit more depth to the storyline. I wanted to know how it actually all began and why. And why the antlers? The movie is called Antlers - and yes we do see antlers shown a couple of times and we know where they´re from, but we do not know the why. And also, what is that burning thing inside the "thing´s" victims who turn into monsters. I felt like since I didn´t know the why it took away from the scare factor.

Also, one scene sequence from the end particularly bothered be - first a cop goes to the shed, gets slaughtered, then the other cop, the brother arrives, does the same, manages to stat alive and then the main lead character does exactly the same - the same camera frame and everything and at this point I knew - well they wouldn't have the monster to attack exactly the same way for the third freaking time. They didn't.

And did the ending suggest that there´s going to be a sequel? Maybe they held on to some of the backstory for that, I don´t know. But this could´ve been very good. I mean, the actors were good, the cinematography was good, the gloomy small town was perfect and so on. So, I guess we will have to see if and what they do next for this film.
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An exciting ride
22 October 2021
I am not an avid James Bond movies fan. But I was very pleasantly surprised with this one. It was fully entertaining from start to finish. Had a lot of action, lot of suspense, some mystery. I always say that for a movie to be good it just simply has to entertain the viewer, so they don´t get bored and start thinking about other things rather than the movie. And, Daniel Craig is quite alright as the main character, he suits well for this part.

In conclusion, I really can´t fault this movie in anything, its good, watch it.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Unique and thrilling
22 October 2021
I find this series to be very unique and thrilling. It is just not anything you would expect. And the acting and the lot are good.

I can´t wait to watch the second season and then I´ll do a more detailed review on it.
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Freaky (2020)
A comic trhill
22 October 2021
I have come to enjoy comedic horror movies. And this one is a delight. The main theme of it has been done many times already, but despite that, it still manages to be funny and entertaining.

I think the casting was done quite well - if talking about the two main characters. The girl was very good in her role and I do adore Vince. I haven´t seen Vince in a role like this before and I think he nailed it. As for the supporting characters, I´d say they were so-so. But that didn´t bother me because it didn´t take away from the movie overall.

If you like comedy, you are not faint-hearted and enjoy a classic body-switching plot, this movie is definitely for you.
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Spiral (2021)
Very average
22 October 2021
In my humble opinion, this movie was veeery average. It just fell flat for me. I have enjoyed most of the Saw films as they had a certain tenseness that just crawled under your skin and kept you on the edge of your seat. Not with this one though.

I felt like there was something big missing in this movie, plot-wise. Chris Rock was fine as the lead, but not great. And the protagonist was kind of random in my opinion. Even his masked voice throughout the movie was kind of weird I think, it wasn't intimidating or scary at all. I just feel like the whole story didn´t add up so good altogether. And by the end I kind of knew every step ahead before it even happened.

I was excited for this movie, but feeling underwhelmed really. Maybe 5 stars is too generous even.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Japanese Peace Lily
14 May 2021
I just saw this film for the first time and now I feel really sorry for myself that I hadn´t seen it before. It is a delight!

It is such a lovely, funny and intelligent comedy. It has suspense, comedy, emotions, action - everything. And one thing that I noticed it didn´t actually have and I didn´t miss it either, is somekind of obligatory relationship drama thorughout the movie with the main character. Yes, there is a relationship scene at the beginning, but it is very minor.

All the characters are likeable, the acting is good. Just watch it and enjoy it!
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The Empty Man (2020)
The Empy Film
14 May 2021
No disregard to those, who enjoyed the movie. But I hated it. I love horror movies and I don´t expect perfection from them, but this is just bad.

Some of the most annoying and disappointing things for me:

*We get it, the main man grew up in San Fransisco! It is repeated too many times.

*The content/substance is utterly pointless from start to finish.

*The dialogue was absolutely ridiculous, laughable and corny.

*There was no one to root for.

*Gave me zero emotions, made me daydream about other things, got me bored.

*Made no sense most of the time and it really bothered me, made me hate the movie within the first 15 minutes.

*Nothing is real? I wish this movie wasn´t real.
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The human mind
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To me this is a deeply psychological film and it is all about how humans think, feel, cope with trauma and what the brain chooses to protect them from and how.

I have seen this movie about 5-6 times in my life. And before, I don´t know why or how, I had this idea that maybe, just maybe they were all just tricking Teddy into something really evil, manipulating with him and making him believe he´s crazy. It seemed possible to me. But then I watched this movie again last night and I saw it in another light. I mean, you often translate things in movies for yourself depending on your own mental state and what you actually want to see. So, yesterday I had a quite different experience watching this. And what is amazing - it was still a terrific and thrilling one!

I absolutely adore the scenery, the colors, the frames in this movie and the acting is just superb. Really, I don´t see how it could have been done better. And the ending was exactly right. I believe this is actually what a person in his state of mind and trauma would choose.

For me, a masterpiece.
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Not charming
23 April 2021
This series is one if those quilty pleasure type movies for me. I enjoy these for exaggerated emotional scenes, really dramatic outbursts, very romantic moments and silly lovely main characters. It just puts me in a light mood and the first film certainly achieved that.

So I had the same hopes for the second part. From the getgo, i don´t know why, but the main characters just didn´t have the same spark anymore, the same little humor and quirky moments. And as the story went on it didn´t get better and at some point I didn´t even root for the main couple anymore. It was boring, underwhelming, it didn´t bring out any emotions in me, id didn´t excite me, the scenes were done very bluntly and there just wasn´t this little magic in it as before. Sad, really. Not sure i´m going to watch the third installment when it comes out.
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6.5? Really?
16 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fortunately, most of the time IMDB scores have been legit for me and I can comfortably seek guidance from here to choose my next movie to watch. This is an exception. The last house on the left. The whole concept and idea is really disturbing, suspensful, thrilling. The movie wasn´t. To me there was unnecessary gore, ridicilousness and superlong uncomfortable scenes that weren´t the main topic of the movie. It was predictable at times when you really wish it wasn´t, you would´ve wanted to have the surprise effect and it was unpredictable at times when you wish it wasn´t, because it turned really stupid really fast. By the end part of the movie I was laughing already, because it was just truly unlogical and stupid. How the mother and father acted when they found out what those people did was ridiculous. And you could argue here that everyone reacts differently to stressful and life threatening situations and that is true, but I feel like you would want to feel for the characters in the movie who are in distress. You would want to think with them, hope for their success and look forward to the outcome. With this movie, it just wasn´t there. It is just utterly disappointing and I really cannot imagine why it has such a high score.
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Not anything really
19 February 2021
This film is not exciting, not funny, not really very romantic, not educational, not trhilling, not suspensful, I just cannot really see the point of it.

I have seen the previous 2 films, the 1st one was lovely, I liked it. The second was already meh and now the third is the worst one in my opinion.

Sure, the scenery was lovely, the actors were the same sweet people we were used to and they kind of had a logical storyline. But. It was boring, it really was. I wanted to enjoy this, but instead I found myself thinking of other movies I should watch instead, other feel-good entertaining movies. This was not very entertaining to me unfortunately.
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19 February 2021
This is one of those feel-good fun movies to watch if you´re in a mood for something light and fun. And if you like Ben Stiller. I think for the most part it is a fairly entertaining movie and captures some real-life sitations that you might find yourself in and might want to avoid. It is not the funniest comedy of all, or the most romantic, or the most ridiculous, or the most anything, it is just good.
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Almost unique, almost very good
19 February 2021
So, I was kind of excited to see this film. I think Zendaya was great in Euphoria and John David Washington seems to have a good talent. Also, I was intrigued by the fact that the movie was in black and white.

From the beginning to let´s say somewehere in the middle of this film, I was invested in it, I listened to the dialogues carefully and enjoyed most of it. But then I just couldn´t keep my attention anymore and the movie became so very repetative for me. And yes, I mean it repeated itself over and over again. All the points they made, it was repeated.

The vizuals were nice, the acting was okay. But I couldn´t bother with its content anymore, with the back and forth between the two characters, so just spaced out totally and at the very end I really couldn´t wait for it to end already. And that right there is just not a good enough movie for me that it makes me wish it would end. The movies I love, I watch them over and over again and fully enjoy every minute, even the longer ones.

So, I give it a 5 out of 10, because acting was okay, vizuals were nice and the theme of it had potential and I could relate to some if it. I just really really wish it would have been a bit more exciting, thought provoking and not so repetative.
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Identity (2003)
Suspensful and thrilling from start to finish
15 December 2020
What a great masterpiece! The actors are all on point! Great casting. John Cusack is one of my all time favourite actors, he is simply phenomenal. He has his own unique acting style and he fits perfectly in roles like this. Amanda Peet is lovely, dramatic and great in her role. Ray Liotta shines, he is perfect in this. Everyone is on point and almost equally good. The plot is interesting, compelling and makes your mind work, makes you question everything, search for clues that aren´t there and not believe the obvious ones. You´ll not be bored watching this.
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Christmas Made to Order (2018 TV Movie)
Below average
15 December 2020
I love Christmas movies, they´re usually feel-good or funny light movies. This one is basically a feel-good romantic family oriented Christmas movie. BUT. The acting, the characters - simply bad. The leading couple has no chemistry as other reviews have stated already, they don´t have a believable connection to each other. But the worst out of the two is the leading guy (I don´t remember him acting this bad in Mean Girls). He just doesn´t deliver whatsoever and lot of the scenes with him feel like it´s the blooper reel. It just ruined the movie for me. I usually don´t expect perfect perfomances in movies like this, but was difficult to look past the awful acting. The idea and concept are okay, so it had potential. This is one of those watch-one-time-and-forget movies.
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Ratched (2020)
Very disappointed
30 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At first when they started to show trailers and teasers for Ratched, I was very excited, it seemed like my kind of series. I was hoping that the Ratched character would indeed be truly ratched and savage and clever. Boy was I wrong when I started watching. I hoped for it to get better episode after episode, but it didn´t at all. If possible, it got even more boring and a lot of the dialogue and exchanges between characters did nothing for me. Although, acting was great, visuals were great, I guess that is why I was so hopeful up until the very last episode. But the substance, where was that? And nurse Ratched, well she wasn´t so ratched after all, her brother was more so and at times even more interesting to me. The doctor was forgettable, the Sharon Stone character could´ve had more of an impact on Ratched and the whole sotryline and honestly the Gwendolyn character did not give anything extra to the whole story either. It was basically established that nurse Ratched and her brother had a rough childhood and that Ratched just had a good heart and wanted to make things right. So in conclusion, I did not see any ratched, clever, entertaining, mind boggling stories. I saw beautiful visuals and some good acting, but that is far from what I expect from good TV series.
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Parasite (2019)
Good moive? Yes. Oscar worthy? Nope.
13 February 2020
As I watched the Academy Awards gala and wondered who and what would win in each category I never in my wildest dreams thought of or considered Parasite. But that is just because I hadn´t seen it beforehand and didn´t know if it was that good as they say. But I guess I didn´t consider it to win anything much, because in my opinion there were so many wonderful movies represented this year and especially for the Oscar for best movie. There were so many gems and yes, I had my favourites that I was rooting for. I was extremely disappointed when I found out that Parasite won best picture. And then I felt bad and thought to myself well it is not right for me to judge this movie without even seeing it, maybe it is genius and excellent and so much more than the Joker or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. So yesterday I finally got around to watching the much praised Oscar-winning Parasite.

The first half of the movie was abysmal for me. Maybe because I just didn´t quite understand how to feel about it, how to relate to it and was trying to think where would the story go. There were some good moments and I liked the camera work, the angles and a few comical incidents. But mostly I couldn´t wait for it to get to the point. I know some people said exactly the same about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood as well, that it was boring during the first half. But in that I don´t agree, I was fully enjoying the director´s vision in that, the actors, the dialogues, everything. But in Parasite I couldn´t really find those things to enjoy. I am not saying the acting was bad, but I also cannot say it was excellent in some way. The second half got interesting for me. I liked the way the story progressed, how things started happening, how people showed their true colors and how human nature is sometimes just awful. And there were a fair amount of suspenseful moments where I actually held my breath a bit and wanted to find out how the scene is going to play out. So, this is all good, this is what a movie is supposed to do - entertain you. The ending - in my opinion it was good (not mind-blowingly excellent) and morbid (also not a bad thing, but makes you think and analyze). So all-in-all it is hard to even give it a score that I am sure of. At first I thought I will give it a 7, because as I said, at least half the time I was interested and invested on the storyline. But I guess I am a bit biased since I am still a bit shocked about the whole Oscar thing and it irritates me a bit. In my opinion a Best Picture movie should be amazing, with a wow-factor, with outstanding directing and acting, storyline - it should have it all, it should be the best of the best that there is. Compared to all the nominees for that award, I just don´t see how Parasite would or should win and why it did, I guess I´ll never know.
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Once upon a time in the magical Tarantino land
15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I have to point out that I am a huge Tarantino fan. I grabbed those movie tickets so fast as I really couldn´t wait to see this masterpiece. And I really could not imagine a Tarantino flick to not be a masterpiece so I am comfortable making this assumption. So before I got the chance to see it on the big screen I´ve heard some of the reviews and to my surprise they were very different. Some people were saying this is a great movie, some were saying this was one of the worst they have seen yet or from Tarantino at least. Some said the movie was boring, had no content and that only the ending was exciting and fun. Then also to my surprise I heard people talking that Brad Pitt did such a great job in his role that he outshined Leo. So I was very curious to see it all with my own eyes. So here goes my opinion: This movie for me from the very start to the finish (and yes I mean to the very end where they show credits and you see some more scenes with Leo) was nearly perfect. I only give it a 9 because I don´t like giving out 0.5 points and 10 is just top of the top for me and not for taking lightly. The cinematography was exquisite, like always with Tarantino. All the details, all the perfect frames. My eyes were fully enjoying it all. The actors. Well, Tarantino always knows how to pick them. I was very happy to see Emile Hirsch on the big screen again (haven´t seen him for a while and I think he is a great actor with some special charm that leaves you wanting more). I always enjoy watching Timothy Olyphant, because there is something mysterious about him and his voice is mesmerizing. The little girl, Julia Butters, well scenes with her were one of my favorites in this movie, talented little girl. Seeing Luke Perry was a bit sad, but I was glad I saw him. Damian Lewis is also one of my favorites, a very talented actor. Well and of course Al Pacino, when has he ever disappointed. And for the main characters now - I have actually seen Margot Robbie in a few movies only, but in those few she has rocked it. She has a certain charisma about her, a bit of mystery and a whole lot of classical beauty. Now about Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio - do I think one of them outshined the other? Nope, I absolutely don´t. I have always known both of them are excellent actors, the best of the best and I saw exactly that in this movie as well. For me it kind of seems like people are maybe rooting for Brad Pitt a bit because well I personally haven´t seen him on a big screen for a while now (actually the last movie I saw with him on a big screen was Fury and it was great) and it is really great to watch him do what he does best. The role of Cliff Booth was excellent for him, he really got to shine as a diverse character who was so loyal, helpful, kind-hearted, witty and also strong, curious and brutal if necessary. He carried the role out with perfection, I couldn´t imagine anyone else doing it. I would like to see him in some more roles like this in the future. But to say he overshined Leo is a bit unfair I think. Leo´s character was very different and by far less likable to the audience, because he was insecure, a bit depressed, unsure of what to do and so he didn´t make us laugh as much or root for him in very intense scenes. But if you keep in mind that this is exactly what he was supposed to do and how many emotional scenes he had playing his character in the westerns or being Rick Dalton, he was amazing. He was simply amazing. He was sad and depressed, then happy with his friend Cliff, then roaring angry in his western scenes and a bit dorky and weird in the cut-out scenes or even with the scene at the end with the flamethrower - I mean it was a bit funny in the most excellent way. In conclusion, I loved this movie. Tarantino, please make some more.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
19 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am one of those people who has never seen Game of Thrones, but I have heard a lot about it and most of my friends really like it. So I decided that I will give it a shot out of curiosity. Actually before I thought that I will not start to watch it unless I am sure I have enough free time, because I´ve heard the series can be quite addictive.

So I got through the 1st season and a couple of episodes from the 2nd season. Maybe it gets better from there, I don´t know yet, but for now I am overly baffled as to how utterly bad this has been. I cannot wrap my head around the rave about this show, about all the hype, all the excitement. I just don´t get it. And I must say I am no rookie with series or movies - I have seen and reviewed a lot of good material. Maybe the thing is that I am not super into this genre or this type of history that is displayed in the Game of Thrones... but then again I feel like I would´ve enjoyed it if it would´ve been better.

So what was so bad about it in my opinion? The script, the storylines - so-so vague and pointless, jumpy and unlogical. So I got the feeling that it is not the most important thing about the show. And I´ll add that I haven´t read the books either to really know the true content of the whole story. The actors - well...they´re kind of okay, but when they killed off Sean Bean I thought okay, so nothing and no-one interesting to watch anymore. Yes, king Joffrey is kind of creepy, but I am not sure if its because of good acting or because the actor has a very specific suitable look for the part. But then again, maybe in other seasons there will be/are some better characters. Everything else - I mean the gory scenes seem pointless most of the time and seems like they want to make you want to watch the show because of very cheap shock value. Got me thinking "Do I need to be sicker somehow to enjoy this?" Again I thought well maybe they just started the series off that way, to get people to engage and talk about it etc. I hope that´s the case...

So as of now I´ll give this show 2 points out of 10 and we´ll see if I feel like watching it some more and if I will like it more. One point is for Sean Bean and the second point is for being able to surprise me with how bad it all was.
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Green Book (2018)
16 April 2019
I cannot believe I didn´t watch this movie earlier, but I am so glad I got to it at all. As I have stated before with other movies - for me a very important part of a movie is to make you feel something, anything, stir up some emotions and leave you thinking and debating on some things. Yes, this movie has all of that. It talks about imoprtant issues and gives a glimpse of different sides of humanity. I do believe that the big part in the success of this movie is on Mortensen and Ali - they did their roles just perfectly, but I was especially impressed with Mortensen. What is another interesting thing about thos movie is that it often seems like you can predict what´s gonna happen next, but that´s not the case and I quite liked that. Also I just realized in the very end that this was a true story and usually movies make it pretty clear at the very beginning. But that just made it all that much more enjoyable. When the movie ended I felt sheer happiness and gratitude that I had spent 2 hours of my life looking at an incredible story that took my mind to so many different places and made me feel in many different ways. I fully reccomend this film to everyone.
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A revolution in Estonian film industry
10 April 2019
This movie was absolutely epic for an Estonian movie. I was completely astounded, amazed and really couldn´t believe that our (I am estonian) film-makers have done something so good of quality and really put their hearts into it and ofcourse a lot of money.

The main characters are excellent, very well done on the casting. I think who stood out the most for me is Pearu (Priit Võigemast), his performance is truly unforgettable. But that doesn´t mean the rest of the cast didn´t perform perfectly aswell.

The special effects that went into this film - I mean to think that this was done in Estonia is just baffeling and I felt really proud of this. I saw the clips on how they made the effects and made the scenes better, believable etc. Excellent work!

The sole reason this film gets a 10 from me is that I am so proud of Estonian film making at this point. If it were a foreign movie, I´d given it an 8 or a 9 and this shows that this is all in all a great movie, very well executed.
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The Nun (2018)
How does it have a score of 5.4?
18 March 2019
It just baffles me that this movie has a score of 5.4. How? Have you not seen The Conjuring or any other horror movies for that matter? I just cannot give it anything over 1.

So just to quickly review:

The plot - what plot? Was there a plot? Was there a story that needed to be told? The best part of the whole movie was the ending scene where they showed Ed and Lorraine talking about this curse, because it reminded me of what a decent movie actually looks like. And also it made me realize that The nun just did not need to happen at all, there was absolutely no value in this film, no new and interesting information etc. Even the nun itself wasn´t scary anymore, it roared for pete´s sake.

The actors - uhm yeah...maybe sister Irene was kind of okay. But as I said - the nun itself was absolutely horrible and not in a good way. I mean I laughed when there were close-ups of the nun. I think you´re not supposed to laugh during a horror movie unless they intended to make a joke.

And the scare-factor? Well unless you are totally new to horror movies then I just can´t see how you could´ve been scared of anything they showed in that movie. To me most of the "scary" parts were laughable, unlogical and very poorly executed. I am truly sorry I ever saw this movie at all, it ruined the "nun-factor".
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