
8 Reviews
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The Flash (I) (2023)
No speedster here, just a bad jokester
3 November 2023
The Flash is such a disappointment.

Someone at the top of DC and WB had all the resources available, a great story already written in the comics of Flashpoint Paradox and a great character developed already and instead of using them, using at least just a part of it at least they chose to went the "comedic" way and filled this film with SO MANY STUPID JOKES.


They probably saw a couple of marvel movies and thought "oh boy, it's obviously the jokes!!! They get more money because of them!!".

The movie is longer than 2 hours and I bet you could cut at least 40 min of idiotic, cringy humor designed for 8 year old kids.

As for the special effects, well they are SpEcIaL all right. They made the Flash look as if he was skating instead of running in the other 15min of useless scenes in which the characters floats above concrete in slow-mo instead of just running but at the same time he's going supper fast. It just feels and looks terrible. And the babies...Ugh!!! The freaking babies!....

Anyway. I could rant a lot more but to be brief this movie is a solid 6. You can watch it to kill a few hours or entertaining your kids but that's it. No one will watch it twice and you won't miss anything by skipping it.
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Avoid it.
27 March 2023
Boring, all over the place, with no cohesion between them whatsoever.

In my humble opinion, this "collection" only saw the light of day because it was either dirt cheap to acquire the rights to (and justly so) or because someone's kid in HBO participated in one.

All of them have terrible stories, poor animation and the art is generic at best in almost all of them (Only Ep,6 Aroon has some merit because of its beautiful artwork, but only that, the story sucks).

If you thought for a second "hey maybe this is like HBO's version of "Love, death and robots" you were horribly mistaken, just like I was.

DO. NOT. WATCH, IT. I have no idea how does it has an score of 8 at this time. It's freaking hideous.
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Just like Alien 3 and Prometheus...this movie doesn't exists....
9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A terrible disappointment.I gave it 6/10 because i've seen worst, believe me, but this is nothing to be proud of.

After the whole "scientists are incredibly stupid" thing in Prometheus you would expect some correction to how all humans in this "prequels" lack common sense or apparently any sort of training as how to behave or what to expect when going to space, but no, apparently humans are even dumber this time.

Are you filling a ship with colonist (or writing a terrible sci-fi script) and sanding them to another planet??? Don't train them in any way or tell them to wear any kind of protective gear when exploring a new planet, don't even tell them to land the ship on solid ground, just let them put it down on a shallow body of water,don't teach them some basic weapon use and marksmanship,tell them it's OK to roam free on any alien world and poke any new organism they encounter on their way,let them improvise what to do in a quarantine situation and obviously make them believe it's OK to go on-board the mother ship again after being exposed to a confirmed lethal organism without any kind of precaution, those things will obviously make your colonizing mission success.

To keep it short, I was impressed with how terrible this movie was compared to Prometheus, it just throws logic out the window and it's the equivalent of a drugged teenager jumping out of the window of a 5th floor claiming he can fly just because he once saw someone did it in a similar fashion.

If you are a fan of the Xenomorphs don't expect any re-vindication of the franchise, just do as we all do, watch the movie to quench your curiosity and then deny it's existence. And be happy we have a couple of good Alien movies that were made decades ago and a bunch of comics to read with better stories than this garbage.
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Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
Layman's school of basic facts
25 June 2017
Let me start saying I had huge expectations from this show that were never satisfied.

Well,this show start with a fast pace and with the promise that this would be a show directed to adult audiences and to explain current events of political and social importance through science...and then it quickly descends into the equivalent of an awkward "funny" lesson in junior high. The experiments presented are most of the time boring and basic, the topics are explained in a very simple way (not a good thing) and the guests are given like 7 min (tops) to discuss very ample topics, the show is filled with unnecessary and boring musicals and capsules that look childish most of the time and boring.

Pretty lights and smoke does not equal a great show, by the 9th episode I stopped watching and it took me a month to gain interest in this again.

People don't like this show because it explains very important topics in an foolish over-simplistic manner, it made me feel like they were explaining everything in a very slow manner because they thought regular people wouldn't be capable of understanding this things,and you should know that no audience likes to be treated like they are mentally disabled.

Still, I admire what the show is trying to do, but trying to shove science into people's throats this way just won't work.
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Life (I) (2017)
Slow, Boring,Illogical and Predictable
30 May 2017
I expected this movie to be a new classic in the sci-fi genre or at least to be a decent movie, instead i got a movie full of plot holes and stupid "scientists", all without the basic ability to make good decisions and living in the International Space Station...if the ISS was designed by the equivalent of the three stooges, full of conveniently timed flaws and the total lack of redundancy in any system.

What is worst, Life is very slow passed, you will spend the first half hour of the movie waiting for something to happen, then another 20 min marveled with the idiocy of the so called scientists and all the failures in the ship systems, and i don't even want to take actual physics or biology into account, because then the movie would be completely senseless.

By the end of the movie you won't really care what happens to any of the astronauts, you will only wish the show was over half hour ago and NASA standards for hiring "astronauts" are better in real life than in this movie.
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Entertaining but lacking
22 April 2017
I must say that I feel this movie lacks a bit of consistency, it starts with a decent story but then it just goes down leaving a bunch of questions unanswered and some plot holes.

While you can see the effort in developing Kong and the crawlers,every other creature in the island is just there to fill the huge void in the plot.The guys at legendary pictures apparently heard how everyone complained about "to much plot and not enough Godzilla" in their last monster movie production and turned this into something similar to a "transformers movie", it's full of visuals but the story is lacking and some characters have no motivation or logic in their actions.

I can't say it's a bad movie, but it's a wasted opportunity to expand the lore of the franchise, you will exit the cinema feeling that something was not there.

It is obvious they are trying to turn this into a profitable franchise, but when you give priority to visuals instead of plot, you end up with movies like "Alice in Wonderland" and it's sequel, or any of the recent "Transformers" movies, pretty to look at, but completely forgettable, and doing that to a character like King Kong feels just wrong.

However,I would like to see more monsters movies in the future, and Kong skull island was enjoyable and a fresh take to a character that's been around for over 80 years, you probably won't become a fan of "kaiju" movies watching it, but let's hope next installments in the franchise are better.
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G.O.R.A. (2004)
Avoid at all costs
16 April 2017
This movie is garbage. I thought i found a nice entertaining comedy from across the world based on the IMDb rating it has, but I was wrong.

This so called comedy is full of obvious childish jokes disguised as "parodies" and predictable punchlines and situations, you may think the humor didn't translate well because I'm not from Turkey, but I don't think that's it.

Granted this is the first Turk movie I ever watched, but humor can be a universal thing, and comedy is capable of breaking cultural barriers, but this is not comedy, this is just a foolish attempt to make a movie out of a bunch of ideas for "funny sketches", but the jokes are obvious, they felt outdated and worst of all simple, like the kind of jokes a child will tell you, just one step away from "Why did the chicken cross the road?".

The worst part is that there is a sequel,but the only way I would ever watch that (or this movie EVER AGAIN) is if I was forced in a "Clockwork Orange" fashion strapped to chair.

Movies like this shouldn't exist.
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The Assassin (2015)
Not the sum of its parts
3 April 2017
Well I must admit I was misled by the Title of the movie and was expecting an action flick, still I watched the whole thing and was very disappointed. In my opinion "The Assassin" tries to be too many things at once; it tries to have action in it but fights are short and few (if well choreographed), it tries to be a drama but it never made me care enough for any of the characters or what happens to them and finally it actually provokes amazement and wonder with it's locations and general cinematography, but sadly it's not enough to make the movie entertaining. It felt more like a 2 hr slideshow of landscapes than a movie. I know there are people that will appreciate it in some way, but I'm sure they studied cinematography or are related to the subject in some way, the rest of us will find it slow and boring, no matter how visually beautiful it may be.
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