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Smart and touching
6 June 2024
I was skeptical getting into this, since my pre-conceived idea of K-Dramas was that they were cheesy, focusing too much on unrealistic love stories and overall lacking content but this show changed my mind.

While it can still be considered a light watch sometimes with an over positive representation of the real world, I find that to actually be refreshing.

With that being said however one element that I felt was outstanding was the realistic approach they took with the narrative overall.

I am not too familiarized with South Korea society issues, nonetheless several themes that were portrayed on the show are universal across many modern societies regardless of the weight each of them have in South Korea in specific.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo navigates through the life of an autistic attorney with some exceptional skills and an aptitude for the law world. We get to see her struggles, her joys, the lives of the people around her.

The plot itself is really well done, it develops slowly and expands as the series progresses, you start to get to know people from Woo's past and some really interesting connections between characters that become central to the narrative, it's a really engaging and well written story in that regard.

Adding to that, in each episode we see different issues in nowadays society that are being portrayed in the show through the cases handled by Woo and her colleagues, it's a great balance between entertainment and social critique.

The real amazing achievement is however not only Park Eun-bin portrayal of Woo's character, but also the awareness the series brings to the topic of autism.

It's a touching and respectful portrayal that has been already praised by real life people who live with this condition, it's really amazing that a show is able to be such a positive outlet for it.

This show is entertaining, educative and emotional at times, I am happy with the outcome of the first season but I will be equally happy if they make a second!
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Masterful Parody
3 June 2024
Given the popularity of the second season's opening, I don't know how this show is not getting more attention and praise, this is a masterclass in anime comedy.

It was a major surprise to me, as probably many others I decided to watch it since the second season opening became a viral phenomenon, I wasn't expecting too much, just a silly, light story but I was blown away with the quality.

This is a smart and incredibly funny parody, full of meta dialogue and references, it's at the same time a homage and a satire to many other anime's and the common elements that a lot of them share (the underdog hero, funny supporting characters, changing the current evil society system, etc).

It somehow manages to be funny, probably the anime that made me laugh the most, with incredibly ridiculous and silly moments but at the same time it has a strong and interesting plot, I don't know how they pulled this off but it works in perfect harmony.

It doesn't take itself too seriously it's a perfect example on how to make a really great satire.

Sometimes shows overall have trouble in finding the right tone, they are either suppose to be really serious and the comedy doesn't work or they are suppose to be ludicrous and the serious tone doesn't come across as intense as it should; Mashle just hits the right spot.

The characters are amazing both the support ones and of course Mash himself.

It also goes without saying that of course this is a clear tribute to Harry Potter, it uses many elements of the Wizarding World, once again giving it a feel of both homage as well as a bit of satire, making a bit of fun of the plot holes of the saga (this is coming from a huge Harry Potter fan); and I really loved it!

I am really looking forward for its completion and I hope they don't cancel until the full story is told in anime format.
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Civil War (2024)
Great concept but with slight identity crisis
26 May 2024
Taking place in a fictional dystopian reality where the US finds itself in a bloody civil war, I was expecting it to easily turn political but it's made clear from the start that in fact there is no statements of ideology.

I found it really interesting for starters that as scary as it might be, this dystopian scenario can be closer than we think, with a lot of countries these days being extremely polarized this will likely be more a question of when rather than how.

We follow a group of war journalists that cross the country to get an interview with the acting president, so at first I thought this would be a study and exploration of this profession, taking insane risks to make sure the world knows what's really going on.

To a certain extent it is, mixed with a narrative that works as a cautionary tale showcasing how pointless conflicts can be, how neither side seems to be quite sure of what their fighting for and how very few people can put so many lives in danger for their own twisted beliefs.

It's an interesting movie, a nice watch, however I felt it was a bit empty, it lacked a plot, while the message is clearly there there isn't a narrative in its core, the journalist reality is not fully explored, it's not a movie necessarily focusing on that, the themes of war are superficially dealt with, we just get the message based on very few interactions of soldiers and the journalists and the final act is a bit underwhelming.

Without spoilers, while I understand they shifted away from any politics I was expecting that their ultimate goal had some meaningful outcome from it, but it falls incredibly short in that regard feels empty - by the end I wasn't quite sure if this was a film about war journalism or an anti-war cautionary tale. If they focused on either I would be all for it but it seems it was lost between these two routes.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Stunning film making, subject matter depends on the viewer
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There were many elements in this film that made me place it in my watchlist, Zac Efron in a darker and more serious role, the fact that this was marketed as one of the greatest tragedies in US sport and of course being from A24.

I mentioned this because as far as wrestling goes as a sport, I have absolutely no interest on it, I did in my early teen years and I can respect that it does require a huge commitment from a physical standpoint and the people performing it have amazing athletic capabilities, but it feels completely pointless given its staged, it can lead to serious injuries and the industry has had some questionable practices to say the least over the years, long story short it's not for me.

Nonetheless, to start with the positives as a film I think it's really well done, the first half introduces us to the characters and sets the tone perfectly and when the tragedy starts the shift of the tone is intense yet smooth, it's a masterful work from a cinematography standpoint, the imagery speaks volumes, you don't need dialogue to understand a huge portion of the story!

The acting is good for sure, I was expecting Zac's character to give him the opportunity to shine, while he does a good job its not one of those defining intense characters that I would like to see him in.

As for the not so positive, although this is of course subjective, I felt that there were some questionable decisions on the narrative. I know it is really hard in stories based on true events to find that balance between being faithful to the actual events, specially if you are portraying people that are alive today and you collaborate with them on it, and adding that portion of drama for the sake of entertainment.

In this specific case I felt that Iron Claw was too respectful towards the father... I mean some stories are subjective and the ones living it feel it different than spectators, however, you have a strict father figure that projected his failures on his sons and pressure them all their lives to compete and be the best while they die one by one due to injuries that lead to awful conditions, accidents fueled by what they imply as being substance abuse (although this is only superficially mentioned) and that same father seems impervious to these more than tragic losses and carries on with his life, I mean this man is the devil....

Again the surviving son has commented that the film suggests his father was the responsible for the pressure they had and that's not accurate... really? I mean again we shouldn't make judgements but this wasn't an isolated case of substance abuse, we are talking about 3 of their sons committing suicide (1 is not even mentioned on the film and the 4th is shrouded in a bit of controversy) there's clearly something beyond dysfunctional, it was a tragedy with a mix of bizarre and rare situations but there's a clear culprit here and the movie seems to let him off the hook maybe out of respect for the living son, I don't know but that felt odd to me.

As a movie is great, I don't like wrestling at all so that side to me is irrelevant and I feel they were too nice with the father character, but I guess that might be personal and subjective.
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The not so Inglorious Bastards
22 May 2024
As someone already pointed out in one of the reviews here, it doesn't feel like a Guy Ritchie film, it lacks that frenetic atmosphere and while it's not a bad movie it feels somewhat blend and average.

The actors do a good job, for the most part their charisma keeps their characters slightly interesting, the film is will executed and technically speaking it hits the marks, but that's about it.

Even though its a curious story based on actual true events, as I mentioned in countless other reviews the 2nd World War setting is so overused that for me it kind of feels irrelevant given the amount of stories I've seen from that time period.... Boring generic German bad guys, the secret plan that has almost no odds to happen but the protagonists make it happen, relaxed and cool guys killing off bad soldiers... I mean all these elements were depicted countless times, nothing new here.

It's not one of those films that depicts the true story in the most realistic fashion but its not an Inglorious Bastards type of crazy and funny action flick, jumping rope between fiction and real life events, its an odd mix, it tries to be real while adding some of the flare and by not choosing to be one or the other, falls short.

Its still a fine watch, as I mentioned its not a bad movie, it just doesn't feel like Guy Ritchie, so manage your expectations.
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
If chaos was an anime
20 May 2024
I didn't read the manga and I am mentioning this from the start since I've heard that the people hyping up Jujutsu Kaisen are for the most part the manga readers, I hope that's true because while it has huge potential so far it's very overrated...

Since the start it sets a really high pace, it doesn't give you much clues about its lore, characters or the overall world rules, so you have to continue to watch to make some sense of the story.

While throughout the episodes all of the mentioned elements start to be explained and you get more clues and insights about the plot, the abilities, some character backstory, etc, things derail really fast mid second season.

Let me start with the positive, while it doesn't seem to be a groundbreaking plot, the characters are indeed interesting, the struggle of the main character Yuji, Gojo being a really cool guy, Todo having a great dynamic with Yuji, among others. The humor aspect is also good and has some nice timing to it and the narrative manages to be interesting enough to make you curious about the outcome.

It makes for a good anime, paired with a surprising good prequel movie, it was nice, however the second season intensifies all the issues I was finding with the first.

For once, I had a huge problem with the world building, they tried to put up so many "rules" about the sorcerers, their abilities, the curses, that the line between complexity and randomness gets very thin, to me personally it feels at times that it is just lazy writing... They come back with the most ridiculous abilities always backed up by being manipulation of cursed energy and you get no sense of what's the limit or how that ability is even possible to be used in the first place, a very generic explanation is usually provided... The characters balance is also questionable, on one scene a characters seems weak, then it fights a sorcerer that is suppose to be very strong and all of a sudden it's stronger than it seemed... it feels very random, you just assume what is being fed to you since most of the rules make for a vey subjective outcome.

Another issue I have is how frustrating it is to understand if one of the main curses was killed or not, there are so many boring fights with the same curses that end up with no outcome that I find myself asking, "was this curse really killed or will it appear in a new fight for then 10th time?" And the second season that got so much praise is so inconsistent, you have single episodes where tons of plot lines are showed and moving fast and then you get 4 or 5 episodes of the same boring fight... I know this is highly subjective, but I am for sure not a fan of the animation they used for most the battles of the second season, I am aware that a lot of people love it but it feels really off to me, the drawing of the characters is weird, it distorts their appearance and makes it just bad, but again this is a subjective one.

And the gore while justified some times for the sake of shock, for others it just seems gratuitous.

Long story short, I found the show to be chaotic, it removes any sort of suspense or tension, you are just seeing a bunch of people shooting abilities at each other and expecting it to ends so you can see what happens next...
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Monkey Man (2024)
Average action movie with interesting cultural elements
16 May 2024
The John Wick trend continues... For some reason the action driven, fight focus movies with a basic plot made a come back since the first installment of John Wick came out.

This is not the same as John Wick, Monkey Man has slightly more drama in comparison to a pure action movie that JW is and while I appreciate the stunts, the coordination and the overall hype feeling of the action I am no fan of the genre.

I gave Monkey Man a watch simply because it seemed a huge change of roles for Dev Patel, I was also curious for this being his directorial debut plus it's composed by an Indian cast with a lot of cultural elements and references made throughout the film.

This last aspect is actually what makes it slightly more interesting, the story is very basic, your everyday revenge story without much substance, the fighting scenes are nice and the music that accompanies it is good as well.

What stands out is of course the Indian cultural aspects introduced; from a social commentary on the huge gap between the filthy rich and the poor, the discrimination of the Hijra community which I was not familiar until I saw the movie and political corruption, it's nice to have some fresh perspective from other countries on their own issues and I am glad the movie industry globalization continues to thrive.

Other than that it is a really average movie, if you have a similar curiosity as myself and if you want to support the multi culture scene in the movie business give it a go!
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A consistently solid franchise
16 May 2024
I remember the first installment of the Planet of the Apes reboot. I wasn't familiar with the original so the entire plot was new to me, that associated with amazing motion capture technology paired with great CGI and a great Andy Serkis performance, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

As in all Hollywood blockbusters, one could argue that the first could be a single movie with no sequels to it, it's easily a standalone story, but we have lived in a world of sequels for quite some time, some are great some are not, but it is what it is, it's been part of the industry for quite a while.

With that being said the two movies that followed were good, not amazing, but solid enough to keep the story alive and somehow interesting. Even though I didn't see the original movies I knew that the way the third movie of the reboot series ended, wasn't the same as the original, so I suspected more were to come.

While specially the first two movies dealt a bit more deeply with moral issues and made us reflect about us as a species and where we are heading, this one feels slightly more generic.

But let me start with the positive, it's yet again an achievement in cinematography and visual effects, they somehow improved the motion capture technology and the overall image is amazing.

The performances are great and there are some fun moments throughout.

The story however is nothing memorable, in a way it feels kind of basic and straightforward, I was hoping that the human aspect of the plot would introduce some interesting ideas and would explore a bit more of the feeling of not being the dominant species, however the story is mostly a rescue mission and even the villain was somehow generic and underexplored.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting too much so I actually enjoyed the movie, its just that there isn't much depth to it so if you go with the right mindset you will for sure like it. I am curious to see the story to its end knowing that this is the first of a second trilogy.
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Fallout (2024– )
Starts as fiction, turns into a cautionary tale
13 May 2024
I was really surprised on how this show turned out to be, I consider myself a casual gamer and I had given a try to the Fallout games before but I got to be honest - I didn't become a fan... After some hours, no matter how good the story was the overall gameplay didn't do it for me. Nonetheless I am really glad that the fans also enjoyed the adaption because I have a feeling that this is a rare occasion where the TV format actually works better for the story than the original.

I have been saying this often, one of the most hard things to do in the entertainment industry is to successfully adapt a video game, into a movie or a TV show. We've seen great developments in this realm recently and Fallout is just one of those recent successes. Everything seems to work perfectly, the portray of the characters, all around, the amazing environment and overall atmosphere created with a mix of astonishing practical effects, real locations and of course some CGI, the narrative and story telling that feeds us the pieces of the puzzle slowly as the series progresses, leaving room for some future surprises in the seasons to come.

I was really glad when I saw Jonathan Nolan was involved, one of my favorite writers, highly experienced in the Sci-Fi genre, everything was aligned to make this a great project.

The way the moral grey areas are explored in this brutal and harsh environment are really well played out and of course I can't go without mentioning how incredibly well the political side was introduced within the context of the story. For me it actually does serve as a cautionary tale, it leaves room for some reflection, I was shocked that this fictional, made up apocalyptical and sadistic world brought some elements that are real today and others that while not a reality somehow they felt like a daunting possibility... We really need to prioritize dialogue these days otherwise self-extinction is no longer a distant possibility but more of an inevitability.

It's an amazing show, great dialogues, great cinematography, well written, even the graphical violence seems to serve its purpose - although some of the gore scenes felt a bit unnecessary - mixed up with some dark humor that actually does work quite well, it's a must. I am really looking forward to see how everything wraps up.
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Rashomon (1950)
See it with the right mindset
11 May 2024
It's true that some movies are so good that they become timeless, however there are also amazing movies that stand the test of time in some aspects but in others you have to make the effort of looking to it through the lens and the perspective of the year that they were made.

I feel that Rashomon sits on that second category I mentioned above; in a way it's for sure ahead of its time, the amazing cinematography techniques, the way the story is told and the fact that this is not a simple plot with a basic outcome but rather a study of the fact that truth is sometimes nothing more than your own perspective - however it also has times where you do have to make the effort of reminding yourself that this was made 70+ years ago, for example, several scenes depicting mundane actions over extend for too long and it took me a bit out of the moment.

Aside from those moments I also felt that the acting can feel a bit over the top and distracting but that's of course my own personal perception.

Given this is Kurosawa's work it for sure shows how impactful he was in the movie industry, the fact that so many filming techniques, themes and story telling methods he created are either inspired or used to this day it's mind blowing and again this is 70 years old... the fact that you tell a deep story about perspective and truth it would have a big impact in today's industry let alone in the 1950's where the tendency was for mainstream media to be a bit shallow.

I can't lie it's not necessarily an easy watch, for old films it never is, but it's important to be aware of the people who had such impact on this huge industry we all appreciate today.
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Haikyu!! (2014–2020)
Fly High
11 May 2024
I never stop being amazed on how powerful a movie or series can be, in the sense of the positive impact it can have in someone's life. Anime series in particular, the good ones, have this way of balancing the real with the dramatic just enough to get you hyped, happy, inspired, in a way that not all media can do. Haikyu is one of those anime's...

A story of will power, dedication and friendship told through the sport of volleyball. In my country and I assume in many others as well, it is one of those sports you get to try in school and then forget it exists, it's simply impressive how this show managed to not only get me interested in volleyball but realizing all the complex tactics and hard techniques it requires.

The story itself is amazingly done, it starts to follow a short guy that has this eager to play volleyball, a sport that gives advantage to tall people, and gets inspired by a former player in his school about the same height as him who was regarded as one of the best.

As mentioned we start the story with him but it expands rather quickly and once he crosses paths with another player his age who has an amazing gift for volleyball but refuses to be a team player, the magic begins.

We get to see the evolution of these characters and all the dynamics between the entire team of the Karasuno school. There are many details that makes this anime standout, aside from the most obvious one of the underdogs becoming great touching in themes of camaraderie, will power, positive thinking, mental strength, it also makes a realistic approach. We get to see backstories of all the players, we learn the motivations and personalities not only of the main characters but also their team and their opponents.

There are no exaggerated or unrealistic villains there are just people and everyone wants to win equally.

The pace is great, the most important games take more episodes but they never extend them too much, they found a great balance in their way of telling he story. It's a great story, told in a really great way, amazing character development, great animation and soundtrack, I did thought that some moments would be more epic but again it's a realistic approach so in that sense it does the job amazingly well. Can't wait for the movies to wrap up the show!
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Entertaining but no that relevant
5 May 2024
This one had a great potential, seeing the background of dark characters is always a treat since general rule it is about exploring their humanity and how they lost it at some point, with that being said I feel they could've explored many other characters rather than these two...

The animation is fantastic, the pace is great and the stories are fine, the only thing is, the characters are not that interesting... they both have appeared before in animation and Morgan has even appeared in live action in Ahsoka, but not every character is worth exploring... There are so many "villains" or characters with a questionable morale that could've made it to this series that I feel that it was a missed opportunity.

If you choose to explore irrelevant or blend characters you need to make it more interesting with maybe a glimpse of a pivotal moment that they affected or the cameos of well known characters and how their journeys crossed...

Other than that it's a fine show fans will enjoy it I guess but it's not memorable.
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Not what I expected, but still worth it
4 May 2024
I've been a Conan fan for quite some time, I do feel that he goes a bit far on the cringe jokes here and there but then again that's his style and both the sketches with Jordan as well as the Conan Without Borders remotes were some of his best work!

Naturally I was highly expectant of this show, it didn't start great, a mix of the Nordic cold and blend culture and humor on the Norway episode with strange editing and the lack of a live audience that somehow validates the jokes made for a whole strange and cringe first episode.

It was okay but far from the highly amusing episodes in foreign lands that Conan got us used to.

Once I've seen the remaining episodes my opinion changed, Thailand, Argentina and specially Irish people made for a way better chemistry and the jokes landed way better since the people seemed more eager to go along with Conan foolishness.

The last episode was almost emotional to an extent, seeing Conan acknowledge his past relatives who migrated to the US years ago.

The fact that we got to see Jordan and Conan again together in Argentina, seeing Jordan breaking character again made up for the initial impact.

It seemed forced at times and with some strange editing but it still managed to be fun thanks to the people on the last three episodes of this first season!
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An engaging prequel
22 April 2024
I started to watch Jujutsu Kaisen recently after the incredible praise the series has gotten, I am still not fully onboard with it but this was a surprisingly good movie!

I just recently started season 2, the story so far doesn't strike me as ground breaking, sure it has some good characters and somehow original content but the overall plot is nothing new.. Adding to this, its very convoluted - the rules of the world seem arbitrary at some points, they try to provide several explanations in regards to the abilities, the limits and the overall lore but I am not convinced, it seems kind of a free for all when it comes to the cursing energy, the curses themselves and the special grades.

The story moves fast, which in most cases is a good thing but when you are not fully involved on the plotline it makes things a bit superficial.

This is where this movie shines for me, at least it provides a bit more context and sense to the series as a whole.

We get to know the past of some of the protagonists and a new character that is briefly mentioned in season 1, and the way it was introduced was actually spot on!

Another great thing about this film speaking from a general perspective is that its actually canon to the story and most importantly is not a repetition of the already existing episodes.

I don't get why other anime's don't do exactly as Jujutsu Kaisen did with this film, it makes way more sense to develop the story instead of just placing existing episodes into the big screen!

Looking forward to season 2.
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The Marvels (2023)
What in the actual...?
6 April 2024
I think I need to make the same promise to myself as I did with DC movies... It's time to move on and stop watching these... the absurdity is out of control.

I wasn't actually going to see this last movie from Marvel given the poor reviews, but I've seen all Marvel cinematic Universe content so far, so I gave in... the question is, why did I do this...?

First let me share this in the hopes Marvel creators see it, any dramatic charge you try to add to these movies will not work if you mix these attempts at comedy that serve only to ridicularize whatever is taking place in a film that's already poorly written.

It's not the fact that the jokes are always the same boring type, it's they make the movie superficial and any suspense or sense of danger goes out the window.

The characters are so one dimensional it hurts, I admit that I kind of enjoyed Captain Marvel's first movie but she is an under explored character, she is constantly somewhere doing something and we never get to really know her motivations.. They don't even bother now to give any sort of explanation to anyone's power, it's a free for all, there are more people with some sort of super ability than regular people, and they get these powers in such random and nonsensical fashion it's laughable.

And what on Earth was that musical scene, it was so cringe I almost had to fast forward... I know it's hard to produce good content after the success of the last avengers movies but are the people working at Marvel just keep pushing bad movies with bad CGI and the same old story to earn some bucks in the hopes another multi super hero saga catches on again...? People need to send a message and stop supporting this content, at least the ones who feel the same way.
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Nothing new but the execution does it!
17 March 2024
If there's a list of over used themes in Hollywood movies, zombies make the top of the list.

I was afraid that even though this is an entirely South Korean production that the movie wouldn't bring anything new to the table, fortunately I was wrong.

Sure the plot itself is not groundbreaking but this movie proves that a great execution does make the difference while telling a story.

Train to Busan is a low budget film that does a phenomenal job in terms of the realism of its scenes, most of the footage and the special effects, a mix of practical and CGI, are incredibly believable, it makes for a highly engaging experience.

The characters are also interesting and in the short time the movie has we can see quite the development on the main ones.

It's actually more than an action zombie movie, you can almost think of it as a cautionary tail, not in terms of the pandemic itself but how we should cherish our relationships and pay attention to the people we truly care and are alive with us today.

Surprisingly good and the trend of non-American productions gaining relevance on the movie industry always makes me happy.
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True Detective (2014– )
Season 1 will be unforgettable, newer seasons can cause damage
11 March 2024
Traveling back in time, this was one of the first series I started to follow... and what a time it was... To this day the first series has a huge impact on me, it's without a doubt a triumph in television history.

Everything about it was perfect, the dark tone, the philosophical themes, the mystery, the chemistry between the protagonists, the acting, the plot and the way the story is told in different timelines... I mean it's one of those situations where the creator made one of the best TV shows ever to be created on the first season... so it was predictable that any follow ups would be hard to make given the expectations.

It was a remarkable achievement and a true TV phenomenon.

When season 2 came along it was as expected a slight let down, but I didn't think it was bad, it just wasn't brilliant. I truly feel that this should've been a mini serie and should've ended with the first season but I was also curious with the anthology approach.

The years went by and I think maybe the creator, the network or both had a hard time deciding what to do... capitalize on its success or end it for good? They gave it another go with a third season, some of the mystique of the first was indeed captured, great actors and decent narrative, slightly better than the second but a mere shadow of the first.

Then another huge gap went by and again by now they should've learned that this should just be wrapped up... Now season 4, a great opportunity to part ways with the original and be considered a spin off like Narcos Mexico for example, but they consider it a 4th season.

I don't think this last season is as bad as the critics claim, it doesn't capture the same mood and tone of the original 3 previous seasons that's a fact, it feels like a more normal murder mystery show, but it's still interesting specially given its setting as well as the main leads' charisma.

I had some trouble with the supernatural elements however, while in previous season the supernatural was a clear symbolism for many of the events during the show as well as an exploration of the character's psychology, in here the creator gives as a more open interpretation, the supernatural elements seem to have an impact on the narrative and one might argue that they are a present force which I didn't like because historically True Detective at the end of the day, didn't have any supernatural element that physically impacted the crimes.

Season 1 was a masterpiece so I have trouble given it less than 10 for that alone.. but I guess it comes down to how much more seasons they will insist on making since at some point season 1 will be forgotten if they don't bring a season that is at least closer to its level.
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Visual masterpiece, questionable narrative
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have to start by saying that I absolutely loved the first movie. I wasn't familiar with the story and I went with zero expectations, only to be completely stunned by the masterful artwork that was Dune Part 1.

The music, the sound, the visuals, the entire world and its atmosphere, the characters even the plot, I found everything beautifully crafted and a breath of fresh air for the Sci-Fi genre.

I am not familiar with the source material so this is considering only the movies and while I had a deep desire to love this second part specially considering the reviews it has been getting and how much I loved the first one, I couldn't help but feel a slight disappointment... Let's start with the positives - the cinematography is consistently out of this world, it is a visual wonder, a mix of practical effects with CGI that blends in perfectly. The intense and dramatic sound effects associated with a thrilling and daunting soundtrack delivers! And of course the acting is consistently good, this time around it was great to see Javier Barden's character being developed and bringing some great topics to the table.

What makes me wonder the most to be honest is how different both the first movie and the second are being reviewed by the general public.. For once its running time is considerable (almost 3 hours) and somehow it feels strangely rushed... It's a bit odd to explain but in other words, we get so many scenes that feel that don't contribute at all to the narrative and out of the blue we transition to a scene where the main character changes the demeanor entirely without much build up leading to it.. The movie spends so much time trying to connect Paul to the Fremens, yet it fails to explore his own inner motivations, the moment we see his character changing, it gives you the feeling that you missed something.

Paul's betrayal to Chani also feels a bit irrelevant since the chemistry built on the first movie seems to just dissipate... The relationship with his mother is also very odd and inconsistent, her character becomes dark fairly early in the movie, in one moment she is her beloved mother and without much shared screen time he then seems to almost despise her by the end of the film without the audience having a deeper understanding of their relationship dynamic.

The newly introduced villains are one dimensional and having Austin Butler's character seemed pointless... there was no goal for him, he gets killed off almost instantly alongside with the Baron who got so much build from the first movie... An A list of actors like Florence Pugh, Christopher Walken and Léa Seydoux, all of them could've been amazing characters but get zero chance of showing that.

An entire plot with Paul's sister goes out the drain as well... messing with time started to become promising but it leads nowhere... I mean I could go on, in short the movie had many plot gaps, didn't develop the characters properly, poorly introduced the newcomers and relied heavily on its outstanding cinematography and sound.

It's a shame because I can't tell you how excited I was to write a praising review, but this was my honest opinion which apparently doesn't seem to align with the majority.

A lot of scenes drag without much substance to it, the highlight of the film was Javier Barden's character and the messages behind the dangerous of the concept of a Messia.

I am of course hopeful for the third movie, maybe with my expectations now lowered it becomes a great experience all over again.
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Similar to the other Demon Slayer movies
4 March 2024
I've already made reviews to the other Demon Slayer films so this a bit of a repetition.

I don't quite get why you make movie with the exact same content and I am aware that contrary to Mugen Train both this and the third Demon Slayer movies decided to use half the already aired content, whereas in Mugen the movie came out before the episodes.

So for me there wasn't any major difference since I only started to watch Demon Slayer recently I could enjoy the movies as part of the story without watching the episodes.

So my major criticism goes to why making a movie that will end up having the same scenes as the anime instead of a new canon arc... but I don't agree with the criticism that claims that they reuse content, ALL of them do it its just a matter of timing.

In similar fashion to the anime, the movie has an amazing animation, soundtrack and action scenes. These elements alongside some of the humor and the characters are the core of the show.

The plot itself is nothing too complex, in fact is quite the opposite, but nonetheless with all the positive elements including the heavily depicted Japanese folklore makes it an international success, and it is deserved!
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The mandatory WW2 Oscar movie
4 March 2024
There are specific settings and types of movies that we've seen countless times, specially coming from Hollywood, World War 2 flicks for sure make it to the top of the list.

There are so many movies about this dark period of Humanity, ranging from amazing, unbelievably cruel, inspiring stories, all the way to repetitive narratives.

I am aware this was one of the most impactful, if not the most, event in recent human history and that are many relevant and important lessons to take from it, however it's just an overused topic, no matter how different stories and different approaches film makers have to it, there's a threshold up to which you are just telling the same story over and over.

This Academy fixation of having a war movie goes back many years... actually last year there was a great one (All Quit on the Western Front), but again with so many being done there's a point where it just gets more of the same.

Now getting into The Zone of Interest, there is really nothing to say. A lot are claiming this to be a masterpiece in subtility, that showcases the normalization of cruelty.. Well I get that was what the movie was trying to convey, but for me it failed miserably.

The entire runtime of the movie is a depiction of mundane boring daily routine of the German family living right next to a concentration camp. Nothing really happens, we see them doing daily chores, walking around, going for a swim break and then we get the occasionally Nazi meeting and very few glimpses of the actual camp, and that's it...

The background sound is suppose to be one of the core elements to make people uncomfortable but again there's no impact, it's just a boring movie, the message seems obvious how can a family with kids live such ordinary lives right next to one of the most horrific things you can think of being done to fellow humans, but the movie doesn't make justice to that, it is one of those occasions were the easy critique is real, it is drawn out and flat out tedious!
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Poor Things (2023)
It's not the meaning behind, it's the execution
3 March 2024
I have a difficult relationship with Yorgos Lanthimos, I know he is an unconventional director with a very specific style which is of course great no one can take originality from him, I did really enjoy his previous work in the Favorite the "oddity" that he has made us use to makes sense in that movie but in Poor Things it just didn't work for me.

The meaning behind it and the women empowerment messages are somewhat clear but they are depicted in such an odd, unfamiliar and flat out weird setting that almost takes your mind of the topics at hand.

Everything about the movie is odd, starting with the premises but its not so much about the concept being odd its just that there are so many scenes that are just weird I had a hard time trying to understand what was the purpose of them in the first place? They don't seem to add anything to the plot or to the themes...hybrid animals roaming around, the always unnecessary killing of an animal, the macabre lab setting I mean... I didn't get it at all why those elements are needed.

It is of course the director style at the end of the day you either like it or not, that's the wonderful subjective element of the arts, for me it didn't work.

Some scenes are funny I give you that, not hilarious but funny, the performances are good, not amazing, and the concept is interesting it just didn't execute well for me.

Also, and I know this is a somewhat controversial topic, I don't have anything against violent or sexual scenes but I do try to find purpose in the director's introduction of them, while its clear that the sexual awakening of the main protagonist is one of the main topics I do question if it was necessary for so many exposing scenes, there's a fine line between art and gratuitous... Some movies make it obvious that having these scenes adds to the dramatic or shock effect but in here, it's at least debatable.
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Master animation drives the show
3 March 2024
Demon Slayer needs no introduction since it has become one of the most popular anime's in recent years, so sooner or later I had to see what the fuss was all about.

It's clearly one of the best animation works I've seen in any anime, visually its just stunning, the fight scenes are beautifully made and the overall design of the animation mixed with soundtrack that will give you chills, it is the core that makes this show so good.

It has some light funny moments and the characters grow on you for sure.

The plot however, while somehow interesting and most of all a homage to a lot of Japanese cultural elements, it doesn't have much complexity, the story is straight forward and we've seen it before in the anime realm.

All the positive elements that I outlined make up for all this however, as all great shows the characters do start to grow on you, and while from a macro perspective the plot has simplicity to it, the path that is outlined all the way to its completion is very satisfying and it has some unexpected twists here and there.

It moves fast which is for the most part great since it doesn't stall like a lot of anime's out there but sometimes you do feel like it skips too fast in specific sections, specially when you see a character doing something unexpected you wonder, are the other characters aware of this? You just have to assume as the series progress that they do.

I am looking forward to see how the story pans out in the end!
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Worth seeing it in a theater room
3 March 2024
In all honesty I feel it is odd when anime movies have the same footage as the series, why not make the movie canon and unique rather reusing material?

With that being said however I disagree with the low score people are giving the movie, it is exactly like the previous, it is the exact same images as the original series the only difference being TIMING.

I just recently watched the entire series so all 3 movies had already came out, while I understand that the Mugen train movie came before the second season, that's the only difference, again ALL MOVIES show the same footage as the series so the only reason people are complaining about this is because half it is the same as the series finale... Since I previously knew that I skipped the last episode and went to the cinema and I have to say I really loved the experience! It's not common at least in Portugal to have theater releases of anime, fortunately it is becoming more frequent and I am here for it!

I loved the finale of the third season and I really enjoyed the set up for what is to come and what is most likely the first episode of season 4!

I feel that overall Demon Slayer doesn't have the most original plot but it has stunning animation, amazing soundtrack, funny moments and great characters as well as voice acting. It is an overall great anime series and I am looking forward to the next season!
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Musical doesn't seem to fit the tone of the movie
29 February 2024
I wasn't aware that this was a remake, the story is powerful but I just felt that as a musical it takes away the dramatic charge that would be important given the topics it conveys.

After having watched "American Fiction", for those who had the chance to watch that great movie, I have to admit that going into the Color Purple might not have been the best idea, nonetheless the story, the plot and the empowering messages are great it's just that as most musicals, it seems to give some paradoxical feelings; being a somewhat dark film with harsh moments that are almost disregarded by the light tone the music conveys.

Remakes are difficult to make as it is without being perceived as cash grabbing movies, doing that by changing the tone of the film makes the job even harder to get right and I don't think it benefited this movie.

I do have to praise the performances though, amazing job all around specially Dannielle Brooks, I mean what a powerful role and so amazingly well played, for me it was the best female supporting role this year, no questions about it. Coleman Domingo also stands out in a year that seems to have placed him on the map.

It's not a bad movie it just seems the execution as a musical might not be the best idea.
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A smart movie with a great message delivery
28 February 2024
Yet another solid movie from this Oscar season, a satirical drama that portrays the stereotypical use of African American stories in the entertainment industry.

It's a great movie that shares an insightful perspective with an humorous approach. It conveys its message in a balanced fashion and even goes as far as introducing some interesting "counter arguments" with Issa Rae's character.

We all know that Hollywood and the entertainment industry is, as most things in current society, a business, so money always speaks louder - so its refreshing to see a movie that brings these topics to a wider discussion while being an engaging story.

It has some sub-plots that go into the main's character life, touching in other relevant topics as well, at the end of the day it's a funny, intelligent and engaging story, with some amazing actors and performances specially from Sterling K. Brown and Jeffrey Wright.

While its not the best of the year I do hope it gets the recognition it deserves in the award season!
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