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5/10 with no tension and as "MEH" as it gets
8 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off a huge negative is the fact that the character of Captain Marvel herself has all the interest and personality of dry toast... lots and lots of dry toast. Maybe that appeals to some but not to me. The strange thing is that I don't think it can be blamed on Brie Larson's poor performance but rather an extremely mundane and joyless script. Second, there is absolutely no tension at all in any of the plot points. No danger to Carol or to anyone that is with her. With no sense of danger, there is no thrill to any of the action. Not when powered up Carol takes on the Starforce and not when Ronan launches missiles you know will not find a target or threaten anyone. Honestly, I have watched Agents of Shield TV episodes with more thrills and tension. This entire movie because of the "meh" factor didn't feel like a big budget MCU epic that we've come to expect. What aids to save face are its overall ties to that MCU. Fury was a bit of a neutered tool but he was still likeable and interesting. It was great to see young Phil Coulson even if ever so briefly. The Tesseract tie and the Skrulls were damn cool and they referenced what was to come without completely ruining what we've already seen and enjoyed in the MCU. (Except the Fury eye loss, that adds a BAD cringe factor) I seriously hope that for Endgame they limit Captain Marvel's presence because even after two hours spent with her she is just such an uninteresting character.
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Not offensively bad but not good either... so shallow
17 November 2017
This was completely "meh" in most every way possible. Not offensively bad like Batman V Superman, but certainly not good either. Everything came across as shallow and the CGI bad guy is the absolute worst. Why on earth did they need to go all CGI and not use an actor?

I do totally agree with studio execs that forced them to keep the run time under two hours. Since everyone NOT Wonder Woman in this cinematic universe is terribly one dimensional, adding thirty minutes or more of mindless prattle would have been a terrible idea. Basically, there is no developing characters this shallow to start with... might as well go all video game cut scene action. As for Wonder Woman, THAT is the true ace the WB has going for them. Not the character so much as the actress they stumbled upon to play her. Talk about finding absolute gold. Gal Gadot hypnotizes and captivates on screen no matter what she is doing. Add action to her natural beauty and charm and you literally can't get enough of her in to the story. I'm sure they realize that the focus should be on her from here forward.

Of the new characters, only Cyborg has any hint of depth at all. Both Flash and Aquaman are cardboard wastes so far. So, the DCEU is truly stuck in the shallow end of the pool but maybe Wonder Woman can single-handedly tow the universe to deeper and more interesting waters.

Best overall quote I've read: "Justice League was the cinematic equivalent of watching a classmate give a presentation they totally forgot about"
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a GREAT hidden gem - emotional and powerful
5 November 2017
Based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighters division, this film strikes a very emotional and moving chord. What's surprising is the fact that it's every bit a character piece and focuses as much if not more on relationships as it does on fighting wildfires. The main focus is on Eric and Amanda Marsh (Josh Brolin and Jennifer Connelly) and Brendan (Miles Teller). It successfully deals with marital issues as well as redemption arcs.

Honestly, if you make it through this movie without shedding a tear then start questioning your empathy level. The final act is flat out emotionally wrecking. All three lead actors are deliver soul turning performances and really should be in awards consideration. The supporting cast is also very good, especially Jeff Bridges. Overall, this a worthy lasting tribute to some very brave men.
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this movie was a joy to experience and a blast to watch!
5 November 2017
The hype and reputation of this movie set expectations in a weird place. Critic reception is through the roof and some talk of it being a pure comedy tuned out to be grossly exaggerated. First and foremost the film has a proper amount of gravitas. It's not overtly "jokey" Scenes and actions have real weight. Thor and Loki both have great character arcs and both characters are fleshed out quite well.

The very beginning did give me pause. I feared that the early tone and rather light handling of epic characters from the books would make me hate this film. How Surtur, Skurge, Volstagg and Fandril are handled in the first 15 minutes frankly ticked me off. Even Loki seemed off at first. Yet, as the film unfolded most everything fell in to place nicely and everything seemed to fit the movie perfectly.

The action and the visuals are as amazing as advertised. Even Valkyrie worked as a character even though I was not sold on the casting choice. She could easily be any Valkyrie and not the specific one from the books. This third effort puts a wonderful bow on the trilogy with healthy nods to the previous two films. Yet, this certainly stands on its own and is very unique.

Hela is a superb villain and this is the best Hemsworth has ever been.

Allowed to settle after a stumbling start, this movie was a joy to experience and a blast to watch.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Copies BETTER Movies but it's not bad... a shock for a DCEU film
2 June 2017
I found this effort to be quite entertaining despite being unoriginal. It is interesting to break down the overall tones of the film itself because although predictable throughout, it manages to craft enough of its own spin. It really is entirely cobbled together using VERY familiar elements that we've already seen. I know her source material originated first but the movie borrows heavily from familiar narratives. The movie IS a mix/copy of Captain America: The First Avenger (HEAVILY), Thor (mythology/powers), the Hogan's Heroes TV show and a CGI video game boss battle cut scene. It's the last two elements that seriously detract from the overall rating. The conclusion literally played out like a cartoon and not a very good one. Also, the infiltration of the German party played out very "sitcomish" complete with everyone speaking English.

Still, Gal Gadot captivated me as Wonder Woman and Chris Pine was amazing as Steve. They both elevate the overall material to be honest.

Moving forward, the DCEU would be smart to focus more on Wonder Woman and less on the garbage we've already seen. The only negative I see is that they made her overwhelmingly powerful. That can be a huge problem in the future not only when facing enemies but with consistency. Even in this film it was all over the place in terms of her power. One scene she is straining to lift her own body weight and the next she literally lifts a tank over her head.
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The Promise (II) (2016)
Powerful, moving and TRAGIC.
21 April 2017
A tremendously powerful and utterly tragic depiction of the disheartening true life events surrounding the staggering attempt to exterminate Armenian Christians before and during WWI. Profound sadness and disbelief linger throughout the film because of the cruel and evil practices on display. Regretfully, until this movie I really had no idea these events even occurred. One and a half million Armenians wiped out. Cultist Muslim butchery and evil should be combated and moved to be exposed in any era. This film takes on that responsibility in a truly heartfelt and moving manner. Nothing is easy to watch as waves of tragedy assaults the senses. Hope is conveyed but when certain characters meet their demise it truly delivers shock, dismay and disgust. The film makers and remarkable cast deliver revolt and true emotion and do a remarkable job of telling this sad yet heroic struggle.
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Could have used more inspiration and faith
23 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A solid film based on faith and inspired by a true story. The performances are excellent; Hayden Christensen has come a long way since his wooden Vader days. Kate Bosworth was exceptional and proves she can still play in the big leagues. The story itself was more about the struggle to overcome injuries and the awful tedious nature and toll it takes on everyone's lives that are associated with a life altering injury. To be honest, I was expecting more faith and inspiration and less of the tedium and pain. The film conveys its message but the actual "90 minutes in heaven" isn't even discussed until late in the third act. The entire lead up until that point felt dragged out and unnecessarily long. I was also disappointed that a preacher or any of his fellow ministers never brought up the aspect of offering up pain or fighting through adversity to "carry one's own cross" as is a tenet of Christian faith. To me, the best part of the film was the close where the actual real life preacher upon which this story is based gives a brief sermon on his experiences.
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The Judge (2014)
This is an amazing film any way you JUDGE it.
11 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, everything about this film deserves award consideration.The fact that the critics are split on this film stuns me. Personally, I feel it's better than a majority of the movies nominated for awards over the past several years. I enjoyed everything about this wonderfully structured effort.

It's more family drama than courtroom drama so; maybe expectations came in to play. I join those that would have liked a more complex courtroom case. However, just because there's no mystery or "who done it" to solve doesn't mean the courtroom scenes aren't fulfilling. Every scene was packed with drama (some great humor early) and they are absolutely riveting. At least the praise for the performances of the Roberts Duvall and Downey seems to be universal. They are flat out amazing. The chemistry they bring to their on screen relationship absolutely makes the film. They manage to deliver depth that instantly conveys true history and tension for each character. Every interaction is pure cinematic gold. By films end, motivations are clear and the reason why they are estranged and the reasons their relationship went down that path are clear. I thought they masterfully tied plot, story and motivation together. The people at the heart of the case are all pivotal in life long events and I found that to be an impressively smart link. Both leads become relatable when you step back and look at events through their eyes.

Maybe the film could be considered "syrupy" or cliché at times but I found every emotion challenged and anything expected still delivered impact. For me, this is one of the year's best films.
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So bad.... actually offended by how bad this turned out.
2 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the fact that I did not enjoy the first movie, I lowered my expectations yet still tried to judge this film on its own merit. Even so, I have to classify this effort as an absolute film travesty. It is all kinds of awful.

I seriously am searching for something to like and I do absolutely love the character. Spidey looks great and I really do like the cast. It's too bad they gave them such a dumb story and such a bad script to shoot. There are so many things wrong with this effort that it's tough to sum up my utter contempt for what I saw unfold on screen. What struck me about an hour and a half in to the run time was the fact that nothing major was happening yet they managed to develop NOT one single character. Everything feels shallow and most nothing connects. They book end the film with cheesy Rhino moments that really deserve all the "Batman & Robin" comparisons that I've read. (Spider-Man messing around in the opening truck chase should have gotten dozens of people killed for no reason) Seeing New Yorkers standing behind instant barricades watching gun battles and explosions happening less than 100 yards away as if it was some sort of Spider-Man sports contest actually made me cringe. That happens three times during the film. Electro was ridiculous and again, the parallels to the worst films the genre has ever produced are real and tangible. Harry Osborn is yet another wasted and unbelievable cheesy character.

I do award a few salvation points for actually giving Aunt May a few scenes to shine (unlike the first film.) The action is completely forgettable except for the final Goblin showdown. That was well done (more salvation points). The slo-mo vibe is terrible and the soundtrack severely detracts from everything. The dialogue is as bad as it gets as is EVERYONE'S motivation.

Overall, I'm a Marvel fan that is actually offended by how bad this turned out.
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it's poignant, uplifting and instills a great message of love and hope.
18 April 2014
Being a Christian and already a believer; this film struck an emotional cord with me. Without beating anyone over the head with certain beliefs, the movie manages to be thoughtful, reverent, dignified and emotional. It tackles Colton's story head on and explains what he experienced. People are free to take from that story whatever they feel is believable or necessary.

Every character comes across as real, not like other high sap faith based "goody-two-shoes" films. The entire cast really delivers wonderful performances across the board. The child actor is believable and never awkward and this could very well be Gregg Kinear's best work ever. His character's final sermon to close the movie will be a highlight of the year in film for me. Like the film itself, it's poignant, uplifting and instills a great message of love and hope. Even those of no faith would have a hard time blasting that message even though I'm sure there will be those that try.
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A Flat Out Amazing and Emotional Instant Classic!
10 December 2013
This is a flat out amazing film. It's nuanced, extremely thoughtful and features some of the strongest performances of the year. If I had a vote, we'd get another young teenage girl nominated for "best actress" in a lead role for Sophie Nelisse's amazing work. Everyone's work here is award worthy. Sure, the subject matter may seem like a rehash (The Diary of Anne Frank"/"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"/The Pianist") but it really isn't. It's fresh, and packs the most emotional impact of any film that I've seen all year. Captivating and extremely powerful, the film is hauntingly beautiful. It moves at an effortless pace which allows the viewer to become immersed in the realities of Liesel's situation. That pace may not be for everyone but I found it to be perfect. Everything breaths properly and every connection made is heartfelt and meaningful. The literary vehicle of death as the narrator really is a masterstroke and works perfectly. It starts the film and finishes but is never intrusive.

I honestly feel this film is an instant classic. It really stayed with me after watching it and I'm still moved by its impact.
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It feels like DVD bonus material for the original film
23 September 2013
I really enjoyed The Ultimate Gift (original film) and saw it at a time in my life where it really hit home and really registered with me. I was greatly looking forward to this sequel. Having said that, something seemed missing this time around. To be honest, this entire movie feels like DVD bonus material for that original film. That's not a bad thing but despite a great message, this effort feels lacking. I enjoyed the Red Stevens back story but the writing and story feels somewhat shallow and incomplete. Since I enjoyed and was moved by the first film, this extended look appealed to me. Truthfully, as a stand alone film it really doesn't hold up well at all even delivering a wonderful message and few points to live by and dwell upon.

More than worth watching if you enjoyed the first film.
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Great performances, average story
8 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent and interesting first act and lead through to what is ultimately an anti-climatic conclusion and resolution. It's not a terrible ending but it does feel inconsequential and mostly unsatisfying. One huge positive is the wonderful performances from Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall. They deliver a gripping and a believable portrayal of English barristers in a no win situation. The plot itself stumbles under a few logic flaws like why Bana is working alone with a team on such a big case or why they never even considered going to the press. Any press would run with a story that big if their protected sources were the two lead litigators and the suspect's son. Anyway, the film heads in an intense direction but then loses all it's teeth and lands in the "meh" category faster than the viewer would expect.
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The Wolverine (2013)
An Exceptional Film On Every Level!
26 July 2013
I just loved The Wolverine. I thought it was very well written and the impressive cast really delivered! Hugh Jackman finally gets a full film to bring the character to the next level. It's been delivered in flashes before but this entire movie is the Wolverine that I wanted to see. This is the character that I grew up with and have enjoyed since youth. Mangold should be commended for giving the film a subdued yet intense flavor. I think they captured the vibe of the classic Japanese story from the books wonderfully. They delivered an intelligent plot that featured the fantastic grounded in a believable reality. One of the difficulties with the character is placing him in situations where he is in true danger. That wasn't an issue here as they managed to intelligently do this on numerous occasions in a smart fashion. I was very impressed with the many great moments and fine character arcs in this one. The action is dark, perfectly suiting the character and the PG-13 rating was pushed right to the edge if not beyond it.

I disagree with those that say the villains are poorly utilized. Viper may have been one dimensional but I consider her a throw away tool when the entire plot is taken in to consideration. Yashida was perfectly utilized and his actions not only drive the film but flesh out everyone's motivations perfectly. Shingen was everything the character needed to be.

The true strength in the supporting cast is both Mariko and Yukio. Amazing renditions both.

That bullet train scene DID live up to the hype. Short but oh so sweet! The best adventure film of the year. Yes, BETTER than Iron Man 3.
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Epically Bad. Brain Damaged To The Point Of Absurdity.
11 July 2013
This movie isn't just bad, it's EPICALLY bad. It's like they intentionally tried to combine the films "Green Hornet" and "Wild Wild West" but somehow vowed to make it worse than either one. Who in their right mind at Disney ever thought that this was a good idea at any stage of development? I have to wonder if they added the idea of having the entire movie be told as a story by 1933 Tonto because that way they could have a cover or an excuse that everything seen is so very dumb because it's coming from the mind of a senile and slightly retarded character.

Honestly, this movie is as outrageously bad as anything I've seen in years. It packs little to no popcorn fun. Yet, it tries to pay off the budget with incredibly asinine explosions every once in a while. Depp's Tonto kept saying that "there's something is seriously wrong with that horse" referring to the Silver, the superhero horse that appears out of nowhere every time the Lone Ranger needs saving. I say, "There's something seriously wrong with this movie."
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Hit Just The Right Tone. A Wonderful Film Experience.
4 July 2013
This Shakespeare adaptation hit the perfect tone for me. It felt intimate yet, after the story started to flow, was a delight to follow. Sometimes, Shakespeare on screen can be a labor for those with more modern sensibilities. That is not the case here at all. The first fifteen minutes or so were tedious but after those establishing scenes everything hit a great stride and became a delight to watch. Nothing seemed stuffy or pompous and everything flowed quite well. I'm very impressed with Whedon's ability to induce such a wonderful coupling of performance and story in just a few days worth of shooting. I'm not surprised given his intelligence and talent but it's still impressive. The cast was superb, every last one of them.
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Finally, A Brilliant Number Three Film!
4 May 2013
I had high expectations going in to this film and it managed to hit or exceed almost all of them. I simply loved that nothing held to any type of cliché. Nearly every interaction delivered something unexpected and fresh. Stark was shaken to his very core by the events of Avengers and further more by the events early in this film. Make no mistake, this movie is all about Tony Stark's struggles both external and especially internal. Choosing to focus on Tony out of the armor is a wonderful decision. RDJ is as brilliant as he's ever been as Stark. Fans of the books (of which I'm one) may complain about certain character translations but I really have no complaints. Flexibility has always been a Marvel strength over the years and I liked how they flexed and twisted certain ideas here. The thing they get so right from the books is the ingenuity of Tony Stark. He's so much more than a man in a metal suit. It's his brain and his wit that are the true weapons. This movie goes out of its way to illustrate that brilliantly.

The armored adventure scenes do thrill but are spaced by gritty old fashion action and a movie filled with a lot of heart and humor. Again, it was well played and I found it to be genuinely refreshing while bold all at the same time. No one can accuse them of playing it safe.

As for the supporting cast, the results were spotty. Pepper is given her due and Killian is an amazing villain. The rest of the supporting cast is barely seen and underutilized. Despite one very cool hero moment, Rhodey isn't fleshed out at all. I can't say much about The Mandarin. Overall, it's a well crafted, funny and refreshing number three film that wraps up the trilogy beautifully.
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over-the-top silly and just a BAD movie
9 April 2013
I have to admit I was expecting bad and I got exactly what I was expecting. This is a loud movie with a brain damaged plot any way you cut it.

The surprise here is that I didn't find much popcorn entertainment. Everything is so cartoon and over-the-top silly that nothing registers at all. Even the mountain side ninja battle that so enticed in the trailer falls flat. Eye rolling absurd things at every turn strip away all the fun for me. One star for the cameo of Bruce Willis with his well stocked kitchen and one star for the hypnotic Adrianne Palicki and that's about it. If a person wants to induce a noise headache and hates the White House, I suggest catching a double feature of this thing and Olympus Has Fallen. Other than that, there's really nothing to recommend here at all.
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A Wonderful and Underrated Fun Film!
8 March 2013
Why people are split on this (including the critics) actually baffles me.

To me, this is exactly the set up and prequel that the original Wizard of Oz deserved. It's highly entertaining and hit some very impressive visual notes. Sure, the story does come across as a bit shallow but it's not like the original film was full of complexity and depth. I'm glad I avoided most press and knew nothing about the movie before I saw it because the twist really did surprise me. Maybe I should have seen it coming but I honestly did not. Franco was great and the CGI characters really worked. The flying monkey and china doll were just what a family friendly like this needed. Although, there was a stretch were the china doll's personality hit a cartoon sour note but her intro and how she finished erased that in my book. Overall, a film that delivers fun and a wonderful use of effects and visuals. The budget was well spent and so was my movie ticket money.
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Just Awful In Every Way
15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly didn't believe all the bad press and bad word of mouth for this film. I figured people where being uptight and were engaging in a form of backlash against a long running franchise. Well, I was wrong.

This thing really is as bad and as dumb as most are saying. How could they blow it this badly? Obviously they had the budget in place to deliver the fun. Instead, what hits the screen is as nonsensical as could be. They even managed to make a long and budget eating car chase unentertaining. What appears to be many cool and old school car crashes are wasted in what has to be the worst camera work and the worst filmed big action sequence that I've EVER seen. There's no depth to anyone and just about everyone is a live action cartoon character of some kind. Maybe it's Fox Studio's plan to phase this series in to another franchise because the events at the end of the movie clearly set up John and his boy as a live action Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy from Fox's The Simpsons side of the ledger. Why not add super powers to the mix? John McClane has become an indestructible cartoon character anyway.
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Broken City (2013)
A Badly Written Mess
18 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a mess. It's an entertaining mess but a mess nonetheless. Besides taking no time to introduce or make us care about any of the characters, the overall plot and concept are simply ludicrous and that's putting it mildly. What transpires a week leading to the election for mayor of New York is so outrageous and nonsensical that it deflates this movie right to its core. Character actions make no sense at all and the movie tries to turn on a dime in a few places to seem clever or deliver some sort of arc but it all plays out as lazy writing and development.

SPOILER: The mayor's wife Cathleen Hostetler (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is written the worst of all and when you think about it, her involvement and the motivation of others to include her makes no sense at all. It's not a plot hole, it's just too silly for reality or for entertainment in this case. You have to have a plot that makes sense in the first place for there to have plot holes or flaws. Crowe phoned in the bad guy mayor role because I believe that he had to. There's nothing there to work with as an actor, even one as good as Russell.

Overall, the writing and character beats are atrocious just like Wahlberg's last early year release Contraband.
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Very Well Done... BRAVO!
15 January 2013
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There's no doubt about it; this is flat out a well-constructed and a riveting procedural drama. I love the fact that it really is ambiguous and doesn't even try and send any sort of over-the-top political message. It also tackles the subject matter in a serious and proper way. Opening on a black screen and hearing a sample of 9/11 but seeing nothing is exactly the right way to start the film. Closing the way they did by not "spiking the football" or showing any American celebration was also the right move in my opinion. We all know the images from those two events. They are not needed. There's enough emotion to carry what was depicted as is. Jessica Chastain is amazing as the lead and now I understand her Oscar nomination. It's well deserved. The torture issue is clearly depicted for what it is and the viewer can make up their own mind about how effective it was and could be in the war on terror. The movie does a fine job of saying how things changed over the years but does so with a boots on the ground approach. Again, great choices and handled so very well.

A remarkable movie any way you cut it.
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I never liked musicals... until now! What an AMAZING and MOVING film!
4 January 2013
First, I have to confess that the only knowledge I had of this legendary tale came through popular culture references. If it wasn't for Star Trek or Seinfeld episodes, I would have known absolutely nothing about Les Miserables. Yeah, I'm THAT guy. I can also say that I never met a musical that I liked or even wanted to give much of a chance. That changes in a BIG way here!

I was completely enthralled and completely moved by this film and the way it was presented. I've read the critiques stating that the direction may be inferior or that the vocals should have been sweetened in post but I find both those criticisms to be without merit whatsoever. The entire cast was superb and there really are some award-worthy performances to say the least. Hugh Jackman is amazing as is Anne Hathaway (although being a novice to the tale, I was surprised at how small her role was). Every actor struck a chord with me emotionally. I honestly didn't expect that to happen. Sure, a person can nitpick the story and the rather instantaneous love and connections that happen between characters but why seek to cheapen the experience? Getting hung up on logic when everyone is singing their thoughts and feeling would be missing the point. The overall message is as grand and moving as the performances. I also have to finish with another confession. It takes a tougher man than I to not tear up at the end of the film. The conclusion hit home in a big way with me as did this film, much to my surprise.

(Note: I usually consider myself in the "it's not my kind of thing" category when it comes to musicals. I saw it because of the hype. Five minutes in when Crowe and Jackman are doing their opening sing/speak I thought to myself, "good lord, this is going to be intolerable." "Why the heck did I pay to see this?" Now, I'm so glad I kept an open mind and allowed the film to do it's thing. This is one of the few 10/10 ratings and experiences for me of the 2012 releases. I enjoyed it FAR more than I thought I would.)
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Massive disappointment that's often massively dull
14 December 2012
There's no dodging it, this is a massive disappointment on almost every level. It's an overly long and rather mind-numbing film that doesn't even offer the courtesy of a semblance of an ending. Yes, I know they are taking a page from the original trilogy and telling the tale in three parts but I wish they had at least offered some sort of payoff in this installment.

The first forty minutes absolutely drags and is as tedious as any film in recent memory. The entire first act feels like a dull parody of a Disney/Snow White/Dwarfs film complete with two singing numbers. They couldn't even use that time to give us relatable bases or depth for the characters they want us to follow for three films. Bilbo is a sniveling ninny throughout all forty minutes and you can't tell one dwarf from the other outside of the king.

Also, the CGI seems to be a step back which is bizarre. A lot of things and scenes looked horribly fake. I'm talking "Clash of the Titans" remake bad CGI (except Gollum- he was again exceptional) Then, there's the same ole plot flaw from the very first film surrounding the use of those giant game changing eagles.

All-in-all, there's nothing here that's thrilling and nothing that can come close to matching the grandeur or feel of the originals.
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Lincoln (2012)
Shakespearian Flavor & Well Done
26 November 2012
To me, this film has a Shakespearian feel in its delivery and presentation. There is lots of flowery language and it's rhetorically ornate. There's a fine line between being elaborate when being true to Lincoln's legend or being excessive by using his speech rhetoric and style to craft his every sentence in a long film. This movie is marked by intricate detail but it never feels excessive. So, it juggles everything perfectly in my opinion.

The behind the scenes look at a complex issue and a complex man really works if you're in the mood for a film where you need to focus and pay attention all the way through. As everyone has noted, the performances from what is an all-star cast are all wonderful and compelling. A special shout out to James Spader who just shines in a small part.
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