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Horrifying but brilliant. Heart of Darkness Redux
8 June 2024
Captain Willard - Martin Sheen - is struggling with his identity. Stateside, he just went through a divorce. Now, he's back in Vietnam and is lost without a mission. He gets one. Superiors ask Willard to find rogue Colonel Kurtz - Marlon Brando - deep in the Cambodia jungle. Kurtz was once a decorated officer but now he's gone AWOL. It's believed he commands his own army of natives and followers. As such, he must be stopped. Killed. Willard has a small party of soldiers and a Colonel played by Robert Duvall. As the journey is long and filled with danger, will he succeed? This film is horrifying brilliance. A great cast, spectacular sets, and a theme of war is hell. Don't bypass it .
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Passenger 57 (1992)
Decent thriller, Snipes and Payne are good foils
5 June 2024
John Cutter - Wesley Snipes - is a former cop who now trains airline staff on self defense. He's still mourning his wife's death and is content to be "out of the action". Yet, his former boss recommends John for a higher position in airline security and he boards a plane for LA. Unhappily, a dangerous criminal Rane - Bruce Payne - is also on the flight as he is being transported to face murder charges in California. Despite two guards, Rane has co-horts on the plane in various roles and succeeds in taking over the plane. Now Cutter is forced to prove his worth. Can he outwit the Brit? This is a decent thriller with two great leading roles by Snipes and Payne. It's cheer for the good guy as he faces an evil terrorist. Who doesn't like that ?
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Adorable and beautiful, get a ticket without delay
3 June 2024
David - George Clooney - is divorced from former wife Georgia - Julia Roberts. They haven't got along for years. Yet, they meet again at daughter Lily's graduation from law school and the news of her cushy job on the horizon. First, though, Lily and best gal friend are taking a vacation in Bali. On day one, the girls swim too far from shore and are rescued by a handsome young seaweed farmer. Lily has eyes for him and Visa versa. They fall in love and plan a wedding. Upon hearing this, David and Georgia both rush to Bali, to be at the ceremony, but in fact to stop their daughter from making a big mistake. Can they? This adorable movie has two fine comic performances from Clooney and Roberts while also boasting breathtaking scenery. The customs and natives of Bali are also a big asset. Don't miss this lovely romantic comedy. It's a winner.
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Pretty sick stuff but Cage is entertaining
1 June 2024
The drifter - Nicolas Cage - has the misfortune to have his car break down in Hayes, Nevada. A supposed good Samaritan gives him a ride to the auto shop but the estimate is $1000. Having no money and saying very little, a townie gives the Drifter a job. Clean the local restaurant Willy's Wonderland that night and his car will be fixed. But, uh oh. This pseudo Chuck E Cheese has a deadly secret: killer animatronics. It's a setup for our drifter. Can he survive ? This sick movie is billed as a comedy-horror flick. Not for me and please keep it away from the kiddies. Nevertheless, Cage gives a droll performance as the silent drifter with good fighting skills. Skip it, mostly.
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The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005 TV Movie)
Lovely story of an arranged marriage with beautiful results
29 May 2024
Livy - Keri Russell - was an archeological graduate student in Denver. However, a brief romance with a WW2 pilot has left her pregnant. Her minister father is outraged and insists she marry a farmer named Ray - Skeet Ulrich. Traveling to rural SE Colorado, Livy and Ray are soon married. She wonders why he agreed to the wedding and he tells her he wanted to help her and was lonely after his younger brother died. They seem like opposites. Livy is book smart and Ray knows about farming wheat and sugar beets. Slowly, things change. There is a side story where Livy meets two Japanese American ladies, assigned to work in Rays fields as part of their roundup by the US government. Can this marriage work ? This Hallmark film is a beautiful love story between strangers who get married. The times of the 1940s are recreated well and the two leads are marvelous. If you are searching for a romantic movie you could hardly do better than this one.
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Amazing film, stylish and violent, a surefire conversation starter
29 May 2024
In 1930, the tail end of Prohibition, Al Capone - Robert De Niro - rules Chicago. He's wealthy from his bootleg booze importation from Canada and most of the police force and city officials are in his pocket. Of course, he wipes out those who oppose him. One day, a little girl is a victim of a suitcase bomb left by Capones men for someone else. It's a camels back straw. Now, the Treasury Dept send Eliot Ness - Kevin Costner - to end Als reign. He's determined, is Ness. He does need the help of an old cop, Malone - Sean Connery - and a rookie - Andy Garcia - to help fight. It's a dangerous battle with Capone and his ruthless enforcer Frank Nitti. If only Ness can find Capones bookkeeper, they can nail Big Al for tax fraud. Who will win? This amazing and stylish film has a great true tale to tell. The cast is marvelous and the costumes beyond wonderful. Most importantly, the film is a treasure trove for inciting discussions on the law, even a Prohibition law that most everyone is breaking. Most viewers will admire this movie greatly.
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Decent thriller, enhanced by star Washington.
23 May 2024
On an unnamed US Caribbean island, police chief Quinn - Denzel Washington - has to deal with a gruesome murder. A wealthy American hotel owner has been killed in his hot tub, his head decapitated. Also, a bag with a large sum of money is missing. Everyone wants to point the finger at Quinns childhood friend, Mauphee. He's an odd jobs man with a record. Nevertheless, Quinn sends the body for an autopsy. Unbelievably, the cause of death is a venomous snake bite, the man's head was cutoff post-mortem. As Quinn searches for Mauphee, he tangles with the local witch - Esther Rolle - and others, including his estranged wife and a CIA agent. Will he be able to clear his friend? This is a decent thriller in a beautiful setting. Washington is a great leading man with fine support. Naturally, most of the Americans are shady tricksters. Fans of mysteries will enjoy it.
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Don't envy the "perfect ", chances are they aren't
20 May 2024
Stephanie - Anna Kendrick - is a new widow with a 6 year old son. Her work from home job is being a vlogger plus living off insurance money from her husbands death. One day at school, she meets a fellow mother, Emily - Blake Lively- who has a son in the same class as Steph. Emily invites her to come visit and have a drink while their sons play. Oh my, Emily seems to have it all. Great job, nifty house, handsome husband - Henry Golding - and more. Soon, they are semi-friends. Yet, a few weeks later, Emily asks Steph to pick up her son at school and babysit until she gets home from work. That's fine. Only Emily disappears and no one knows her whereabouts. Helping Sean the husband, Steph finds they have a mutual attraction. Meanwhile, secrets about Emily come tumbling out. What's going on? This is a decent thriller somewhat akin to Gone Girl. The cast is nice and perfectly chosen. Scenery and script are other assets. Most mystery fans will do themselves a favor finding this movie.
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Blood Work (2002)
Decent thriller from a great book by Michael Connelly
18 May 2024
Terry - Clint Eastwood - is a newly retired FBI profiler. His last case resulted in a severe heart attack, resulting in a heart transplant. With 34 pills a day, he's been ordered to live a less stressful life. However, one day a lovely Hispanic lady named Graciela finds him in his boat near Long Beach. She has sought him out specifically, knowing his stellar detective skills. Not only that, she tells him a startling truth. Terry has her sister Glorias heart. It seems Gloria was murdered at a convenience store and the police haven't found the killer. Now, Graciela has the care of Glorias son Raymond and she needs justice for them both. Terry says he can't help his health is too fragile. But, soon he's making a few calls and visits. Can he work this case without dying? This fine thriller based on a Michael Connelly book has its strengths. The cast is good, with Eastwood, Jeff Daniels, Anjelica Houston and Wanda de Jesus. The ocean setting is lovely while a surprise plot twist is intriguing. Most mystery fans will enjoy Blood Work.
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Here comes the female Terminator to start the War
18 May 2024
John Connor has been drifting around for ten years. His Mother has died from cancer and the predicted War of the Machines has not arrived. Relaxing, however, is not possible as John knows the worst is coming. Suddenly, the T-X, an advanced female Terminator arrives from the future to kill Johns future wife, since John has disappeared. But, as fare would have it, John is near Kathleen at that moment. In addition, our now hero Terminator - Arnold Schwarzenegger - has returned to fight the T-X. He helps them keep one step ahead. Meanwhile, AI SKYNET has advanced to start a nuclear war to wipe out humans. Who will survive? This third Terminator movie may not always make sense but is exciting. Just as Kyle Reece explained in film one, the Machines grew powerful and turned on their human creators. This shows the beginning of that bleak future. The cast is good and the effects are mighty. Fans will enjoy #3.
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Riveting entry into the Mad Max film series
14 May 2024
Mad Max - Tom Hardy - has been drifting through the ruins of post nuclear Australia since the death of his wife and child. As he explains, it's dreadful to live by one credo: survive. As it happens, he wanders too close to a compound ruled by Immortan Joe. Joe has water needed for human consumption and to grow plants. He trades these things for gasoline. He needs Max and grabs him to provide a blood transfusion to a loyal War boy, Nux - Nicholas Holt. Thus, Max is a prisoner. Meanwhile, 5 wives of Joe, led by Furiosa - Charlize Theron - are sent to make a trade but decide to steal the truck and run off to a green place Furiosa remembers from childhood. Naturally, Joe and Nux and others chase after them, with Max still tethered to Nux. Can the ladies escape ? This riveting film is quite violent, yes, but enthralling. The wasteland that was once Australia is not for sissies or loners. The cast is fabulous with Hardy taking on the Max role quite well and with Theron becoming one ass kicking heroine. Hoult is hardly recognizable as a shrunken victim of radiation poisoning but makes the most of his tole, too. All the others are great as well. As for the visuals and stunts, they are mesmerizing. Here is an action film for the ages.
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Excellent film with dark undertones, Smith is amazing
11 May 2024
In 1930s Scotland, Jean Brodie - Maggie Smith - is an eccentric teacher in a very staid girls only school. Not married, Miss Brodie tells her 10 and 11 year older students that she is in her Prime and her one big passion is teaching and molding young minds. Ha, what a teaching she pursues. Her girls learn about Italian art, cold cream is better than soap, and how great Mussolini is. Her "special girls" , Sandy, Monica, Jenny and Mary, go on field trips around the city of Edinburgh with their adored teacher. Meanwhile, Miss Brodie is in a secret romance with the male music teacher while also being loved by the married art instructor, Mr Lloyd. Of all the girls, Sandy is the most transfixed by Miss Brodie and her lessons. But, the school headmistress is waiting breathlessly for the moment she can give Miss Brodie the boot. Will she get her wish? This remarkable movie is first rate. The performances are top notch while the setting in Scotland's capitol is lovely. Most importantly, the theme of a teacher giving subtly toxic life lessons to vulnerable young girls is paramount. The surprise ending will effect everyone deeply. Don't miss this Prime time masterpiece.
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An oldie but goodie
8 May 2024
Neil - Richard Benjamin - is in his twenties but still not certain of his career direction. He served his time in the military and now works in a NJ library. It's not lucrative. Also, he lives with relatives in the Bronx. Meanwhile, Brenda - Ali MacGraw - is the pampered daughter of a newly rich couple just across the border in Connecticut. These two meet on a tennis court. Soon, they are a couple and Neil is invited to spend a couple weeks at Brenda's home. No one seems to feel this is a good match but Neil has a big crush on Brenda. Can a middle class slacker fit in with the wealthy suburbanites? This fine film has much to say about love, class, ethnicity and more. It's also quite funny. Benjamin and MacGraw make a fine duo. With a wonderful supporting cast, too and a script based on a Philip Roth novel, do make time for GC.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Don't overthink, just enjoy
7 May 2024
In the near future, Aliens called kaijus begin rising from the Pacific Ocean. Naturally, they target coastal cities and succeed in wiping out a few. These are huge monsters, generating fear. The earth unites in creating giant robots to kill the aliens. These robots need two pilots working in close tandem. It's explained why but it is complicated. Two brothers become legendary alien fighters until, sadly, one brother dies protecting Anchorage. The remaining man, Raleigh, in sorrow, moves inland to work on future robots. Plans for protecting walls around cities fail badly. All the while, Kaijus are increasing in number. The military comes calling on Raleigh. They have a risky new plan and they need him. Will he rejoin ? This alien film is complicated in plot elements but very fine in visual effects and action. Don't overthink. If you like sci-fi action and kicking Alien butt, you will enjoy this flick.
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Soylent Green (1973)
Just as scary and relevant as it was when released 50 years ago
5 May 2024
Detective Thorn - Charleton Heston - works for the NYPD in the near future. The city now has 40 million residents and the earth has nearly been destroyed thru global warming, pollution, and overpopulation. Most folks are waiting for their next meal and live in poverty while a few rich elite live in fortified buildings with bodyguards. The rich can still enjoy steak and strawberries. But, most everyone else eats Soylent Green, a wafer made of plankton, farmed from the ocean. One big wig - Joseph Cotton - is murdered in his home when his bodyguards step out. As Thorn investigates, this rich guy may have found a secret about the production of Soylent Green. Thorn resolves to find out the truth about what is going on. Can he handle the truth ? This scary movie is just as relevant as it was 50 years ago. The earth is getting warmer and our abilities to farm the land may change for the worse. Meanwhile, the population keeps increasing. Thus, this film explores the dark future that may be ahead. Heston and all of the cast are truly wonderful. Everyone should make time for this great flick.
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Sad sad movie from Ed Burns, none of the fun stuff like Looking for Kitty
3 May 2024
Claudia - Lauren Holly - lives in a seaside NJ town. Sometimes, it seems like a grim place. She lives with her boyfriend Michael - Jon Bon Jovi - a good guy who often works extra shifts. They are quietly engaged, although Claudia has no ring. Meanwhile, her single parent sister lives in the family home while the Mother hasn't left the house in six months. Not since her longtime husband took off. Sad. Claudia waitresses at the same restaurant she's been at for years. Suddenly, back in town is Charlie - Ed Burns, her former boyfriend and Michaels best friend. Will he try to win Claudia back? This sad movie has sad characters who never seen content with their sad lives. It's one day at a time and paying the bills and not much else. Even the look of the town is grim and gray. The ending is a surprise I must say. There are good performances here but it's hard to recommend this film except as a psychological study of small town life.
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The Eagle (2011)
Fine look at Roman Britain and a son honoring his lost father
2 May 2024
Marcus - Channing Tatum - has just arrived in Roman occupied Britain. He is the son of a Commander of the "Lost Legion ", that is the troupe of soldiers who went North to battle and disappeared. Especially important to Marcus is finding a golden eagle that represented his father's 9th legion. It's likely in enemy hands. Now Marcus is a leader but his new underlings think he's a bad omen. So, Marcus decides that only he and his slave Esca - Jamie Bell - will go into Pict territory and search. Esca is a native Celt who knows the region. But, oh my. In the hunt for the eagle, the Picts prove to be fearsome indeed. Can the twosome stay alive ? This is a fine film about Roman Britain and a son seeking to bring back honor to his family. Tatum does a good job as does Bell and the rest. The recreation of the times is wonderful, with the Picts scaring the living daylights out of most viewers. If you love history, you will appreciate this stroll back in time.
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Standard thriller, Hackman's role echoes his role in No Way Out
29 April 2024
The Prez of the US, Alan Richmond - Gene Hackman, is having a fling with the younger wife, Christy, of an old friend. One awful night, Alan gets too sexually aggressive and Christy can only stop him by stabbing him in the arm. He screams and in come the Secret Service, who shoot Christy dead. The truth cannot be known so the Presidents staff stage the scene to look like burglar killed Christy. However, there's a witness to the crime. Longtime thief Luther - Clint Eastwood - was indeed robbing the house on the night of the murder and saw the crime from a hiding spot. Will he talk ? Or can the President silence him, too ? This is a standard thriller, not awful but not outstanding. Hackman's role echoes his work in No Way Out and he can certainly play the "bad guy" well. Eastwood, who also directed the film, is slick as the professional thief. Other cast members offer fine support. The concept of the power of any President is a topic on everyone's mind in the 2020s. So, give it a try if you like Eastwood's films.
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Dark Water (2005)
Scary thriller with creepy visuals, not for children
26 April 2024
Dahlia - Jennifer Connelly - needs a cheaper apt in the NYC area for her and her little girl, Cecelia. Just separated, her ex is fighting for custody and he will win if she can't provide a home. She finds one in a ten story building on Roosevelt Island, very near Manhattan. At first, the place seems perfect. There is plenty of room, the caretaker lives in the building and an excellent grade school is nearby. But, whoa. Soon the two have water dripping from the ceiling while strange noises and sights become common. The caretaker stalls and stalls. Cecelia gets an imaginary friend who her teacher cautions Dahlia about. Soon, Dahlia makes a terrifying discovery about previous tenants on the floor above ? Is there a ghost in the place? This scary movie is a remake of a successful Japanese horror film. It's a worthy redo. Connelly shines as the troubled mother while supporting cast and sets are great. You will never hear the nursery rhyme of Itsy Bitsy Spider the same again, as Cecelia chants it during eerie moments. Thriller fans will give thumbs up but caution. This film is not for children.
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Epic film with eye popping visuals and style, a classic
22 April 2024
Paul - Timothee Chalamet - and his Mother Jessica have escaped the Harkonnens on Dune. Now, they are residing with the planets native Fremen. The burial of Jamis, who Paul defeated after a challenge, is something sobering. Stilgar - Javier Bardem - is Paul's greatest defender, since these outsiders are not really welcome. Meanwhile, the Emperor - Christopher Walken - and his beautiful daughter Irulan are mourning the death of Leto Atreides, even though the Emperor ordered it. The Harkonnens are back to ruling Dune for mining the spice melange. Rabban the leader is trying to kill Fremen and increase production. Yet, the Fremen attack his equipment on the sly and creat havoc. All the while Feyd-Ratha - Austin Butler - is honing his fighting skills and his psychotic mind as the eventual ruler of Dune. As Paul gains respect from the Fremen and Jessica becomes the Tribes new Reverend Mother, the group plots the overthrow of the Harkonnens once and for all. Chani - Zendaya - and Paul become romantic partners. But, this spirited lady doesn't believe Paul is the fulfillment of the Fremens prophetic Messiah. How will it end ? This gorgeous epic is a banquet for the eyes and mind. Everything - from the cast to the story to the staging - is gold medal caliber. Even so, there are a few subtle changes from the book which might bother true fans. For one, the Baron is a lesser wicked character to his more evil nephew. Chani's role has also changed from supporting partner to outspoken equal, giving Paul grief. But, these aren't serious quibbles. If you see ONE MOVIE in 2024, Dune 2 should be your choice.
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Marathon Man (1976)
Olivier very scary as the former Nazi in hiding
17 April 2024
Babe - Dustin Hoffman - is a doctoral student in history at Columbia. He is honoring his father, in a way, because Dad was a brilliant professor who fell victim to Joe McCarthys Red hunt. Babe is also a runner, training for a marathon. One day at the school library, Babe spies a beautiful lady, Elsa, and is relentless in getting her to go out with him. Meanwhile, a former Nazi hiding in Brooklyn is killed in a traffic accident. This prompts a small group of CIA agents to suspect the Nazis more famously evil brother Szell - Laurence Olivier - will arrive in NY soon. He does. He's after diamonds held in a bank box. Unknown to Babe, his brother dies as a government agent, with Elsa maybe the traitor. Szell suspects Babe knows all, being a brother, and tortures him with dentist tools. What is Dr Szell doing? This exciting film is hard to explain but is basically an escaped Nazi fighting for stolen jewels from Auschwitz 30 years after the fact. As Szell, Olivier is terrifying and ruthless. Amazing how great actors can change gears so effortlessly. Hoffman is also fine as the man who knows very little but is tortured anyway. But, his running ability helps him well in the final analysis. If you enjoy films of political intrigue, you can't help but like MM.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Unnerving prequel to Alien, especially as to AI
15 April 2024
A team of scientists in Scotland, around 2090, find a map of a distant planet. It appears this is a clue to the origins of humankind from single cells. As such, the Weyland corporation finances a space trip to this place. The humans will be asleep for the journey but their android David - Michael Fassbender - will stay awake to monitor the long voyage. When the group arrives, they find a strange black ooze which may contain DNA. Sure enough, a traitor on board mixes the ooze in a drink for man, who then has sex with his partner. The man soon begs to die while the pregnant woman carries a fast growing creature of strange identity. Also, the group discovers that the very old Dr Weyland - Guy Pearce - has been on board to find the answer to living indefinitely. Yes, trouble is ahead. This prequel to Alien is unnerving. The consequences of playing God are scary to behold. The cast is terrific and the films design is eye-popping. If you are a fan of the Alien franchise, you certainly will want to view this one, too.
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A creepy film with a good performance from Gere
14 April 2024
John Klein - Richard Gere - is a reporter for the Washington Post. He and his wife Mary are overjoyed to find a great home to buy. But, on the way to their old digs, Mary sees an apparition in the road. She swerves. The car is wrecked but John is ok and Mary has minor injuries. Yet, the hospital stay confirms she has a brain tumor and soon, she's gone. Johns grief is strong. Mary left drawings of a winged creature with red eyes, puzzling John. Yet, Mr Klein keeps working. His latest assignment is in Virginia but but but. He finds himself lost, with no recollection, on the W Virginia side of the Ohio River. The police chief Connie - Laura Linney - says strange happenings has engulfed the town these last few months. Now, John hears tales of prophecies which comes true and other sightings of the winged creature called Mothman. What's going on? This movie is creepy more than scary but fascinating. Based on true events, sightings of this strange winged creature have happened in many places. Gere gives a fine turn as the confused reporter while the settings are tailor made spooky. Most thriller fans will really love this one.
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Sleazy thriller but good looking cast
12 April 2024
Dr Ann - Annabella Sciorra - is a shrink with a varied practice. A beautiful female patient is visiting twice a week because of her boyfriends sexual demands. In increasing fashion, he wants to have sex in unusual places, often with her wrists tied. The patient is enjoying these episodes yet is frightened, too. Dr Ann is not sure how to guide her but is intrigued as well. Ann's breaking up with her current boyfriend and takes solace in longtime friend and mentor, Leo - Alan Alda. Then, Ann meets an attractive man named Doug who excites her very much. She is stunned to learn, by happenstance, that his first wife killed herself. Then, her beautiful patient also commits suicide. Morever, Doug may be the same guy who was romancing her, too. Is Ann in danger ? This is a sleazy thriller with sex and twisted deaths. Yes, Sciorra is beautiful and the supporting cast quite fine. But, the plot elements left a sour impression on this viewer. You decide if its worth a look.
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The Shining (1980)
Very scary, Nicholson delivers a classic performance
8 April 2024
Jack - Jack Nicholson - needs a new job and a place to write undisturbed. He gets both when he is hired to be the caretaker of an exclusive hotel high up in the Rockies for the winter. His wife Wendy and young son Danny will be going, too. Danny is special as he can see future events as well as communicate telepathically. The hiring manager makes clear that once it snows, only a few vehicles can make it up the mountain. Sadly, he also tells Jack a former caretaker went berserk and killed his family there ten years ago. Jack insists they will all be fine. Halloram the cook, who is going south, greets the family and communicates with Danny with the "shining" , his word for telepathy. He tells Danny to contact him if there's trouble. Then, the long winter begins. Danny sees ghosts and other scary things. Wendy grows more apprehensive while Jack starts drinking again and exhibits a growing anger. Could Danny need Hallorams help ? This Kubrick film has been praised as a stellar horror movie. It certainly is scary and has many frightening images. Nicholson delivers a descent into crazy performance that is awesome. The hotel and grounds are both lovely and menacing. Horror/ thriller fans should make time for it.
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