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Unexpectedly excellent!
7 April 2023
I will start by saying I'm a huge long time fan of Dumas and the books.

I have basically not liked any adaptations of it before.

I have loved this. It is a mix of exactly the book, and not the book at all. The atmosphere is dark, the action is excellent, I was never bored. It is easy to follow even if you don't know French history, but it is not dumbed down either.

The cast (as per real history and the novel) is FANTASTIC. The story is modernised and completely over the top which corresponds totally to the spirit of Dumas, if not to the actual book (it was way over the top for its time as well) .

You come out of there like you did as a child after watching a swashbuckling movie with Errol Flynn.

My brother cheered loudly like a child, a girl in the audience was crying, all in all, a roaring success in the vein of the very old action movies, but completely modernised with a certain dark steampunk flair.

Highly highly recommend. Especially with a good screen and sound which are worth it.
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The Serpent (2021)
3 January 2021
This is very very good. I just happened on it, and immediately realised this was going to be a lot nastier story than I usually like, but I haven't been able to turn it off and I've also watched the second episode and found it even better. This is a biography of the French serial killer Charles Sobhraj, who operated during the 60s and 70s on the Asian hippie trail, namely Bangkok, and the chasing of him by an idealistic young Dutch embassy attaché, amidst complete apathy, acceptance or downright corruption of all authorities, and against the express wishes of his vile, racist ambassador: the murdered victims were only "beatniks" and "scum". A good representation of the times, the ignorance, the sexism, the rivalries between countries, the casual racism, the colonialism etc. You quickly realise everybody is in on everything that's going on there, and the whole situation is rotten to the core.

An international cast, a realistic atmosphere and a smothering suspense building bit by bit, as well as the casual horror of what was done to the poor victims. Still, the culprit is managing to be handsome and charming, as he must have been in real life. The script goes constantly back and forth between events, and one must concentrate a little to follow the story, and the characters who are proving to be more and more complex and real.

This series is shaping to be quality viewing. Bear in mind it is unsettling, all the more for it having happened, but once you start watching you'll find impossible to look away. On the whole, excellent acting* in the "somebody real" line, and fabulous soundtrack of all the French hits of the day, Jacques Dutronc, Serge Gainsbourg, Charles Aznavour... there's an absolute attention to detail for everything, visual and audible.

*and the majority of the actors are of the nationality they are representing, which is a change. (Notable exception is Marie-Andrée, who was from Québec, but whose French is atrocious. However if you don't speak French you'll just read the subtitles when she speaks French and she is convincing when she does speak English anyway.)


Edit: I should like to add a few points. First, the flashbacks. They are definitely not annoying, nor are they difficult to follow, unless you have the IQ of a mosquito. However it appears from other reviews that if you are used to being spoon-fed run of the mill American series you may get irritated. Be that as it may, the structure of the story as related serves several purposes and is very cleverly done. First, gradual character exposure. By the end of episode 2 we have a ludicrous amount of important characters, compared to fictional movies, and every single one of them is clearly defined, and I know who everyone is exactly, through their clever gradual introduction. (this reminds me a bit of the Gandalf tactic in the Hobbit books when introducing 12 dwarves to an irate Beorn, via an addictive progressive adventure story that he can't help wanting to know the end of) Second, the story we are shown sort of just precedes the latter discoveries by the young Dutch embassy man (captioned at present time). This rather neatly puts us in HIS shoes, chasing for a murderer, and not in the ones of the several point of views we're also given. Third, going back to the same scene later but with new information and viewing it in a different way. All without losing the rhythm and the flow of the story. It's all very clever and very very well done.

Finally I'd like to analyse why I feel compelled to watch this when I don't do gangster and killer movies, because they are people I find nasty and uninteresting: the series doesn't glorify, or admire a killer, or gives him excuses, but essentially is an effective social critique of post colonial society at the time, while posing background reasons for such a behaviour and letting us understand it. Without excusing it. The film is much broader than "Charles Sobhraj". Even though it is, to all intents, only about Charles Sobhraj.
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This seems to have hit a nerve.
20 December 2020
I needn't go over the story again here, it's utterly gripping, but I am just posting this review to say that *every single account* that has reviewed this documentary as propaganda and fiction has been created in October 2020 and this was their first or unique contribution to imdb. I checked because I am naturally suspicious and I also immediately noticed an unnatural amount of thumbs down on positive reviews, for a documentary that highly rated. Draw your own conclusions.
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Unexpectedly gripping
3 August 2020
I had this recorded but looking at the reviews I nearly didn't bother - (I'm French living abroad for the record) A lot of French series have left me cold, particularly The Revenants, a boring piece where every female character seems only fit to break nails or whinge on a manly man's shoulder - and this was compared unfavourably to it.

Anyway I'm glad I gave it a try anyway. It's a paranormal psychological thriller, with an ecological theme I suppose. The characters are maybe a bit clichéd, but they are well developed* and evolve accordingly. Like real French people, with French lives, French concerns and problems. There is excellent suspense throughout - I'm itching to see the last two episodes. It's absolutely nothing to do with a soap like someone said. Another said it's unbelievable the whole of France wouldn't be there gawking, with social media and all, but really, what is there for the media to get excited about?? A funny cloud, such as get 3k lackadaisical likes on Facebook, and ten people missing for a few hours but found again. No, no outsider would see anything bizarre. Yet bizarre it certainly is. There's also nothing wrong with any of the acting. Some people just can't cope with subtitles or anything different. It's the "act like real people" school of series, and they are believable as real people. And the lead actor is excellent.

*through the nature of the plot and what's happening, they all experience extreme changes in their lives and behaviour. This is very well done. But you'll have to watch a bit more than one episode.

Personally I highly recommend. And it's really easy viewing, don't expect boring intense intellectual stuff à la Nouvelle Vague: it's France télévision series made for family evening viewing (bear in mind there is a normal French level of sex and partial nudity: it's important to the plot anyway)

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Bit of harmless fun that doesn't take itself seriously.
13 July 2020
Completely goofy (at times downright wacky) , teenage, manga-style and unrealistic detective comedy, in a sort of a Sherlock Holmes traditional set-up (useless cops, sidekick, esoteric hero etc) . Massage is elevated to some sort of kung-fu mastery of all truths, the humour is japanese therefore quite slapstick. Endearing and really fun if I'm honest. I am quite enjoying it. The episodes are short and require little concentration ; also there is a mysterious red line plot unfolding throughout the (unrelated) episodes , and the characters are interesting and amusing. Not taxing viewing.
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Completely wacky
10 June 2020
I'm ¾ of the way through this and all I can say is that, unless you're familiar with Japanese cinema, you will never have seen anything like this. (I am, so I'm grateful I found it) Essentially, this is a teenage show. The target audience is teen/YA (nb: I'm 48 and I'm having a ball with it) . The main characters are a bunch of - on the surface - silly 16 yo girls and a number of pervy older men, such as I remember well from my teenage years sadly. The tone is part comedy / part macabre, the humour is very black. Some acting reminds of Anime types.

The script is at the same time simplistic (young girls keep taking the wrong decisions, adults appear to act stereotypically - if you ever were a teenager, you will remember though that is how you thought the world worked at the time, plot twists might appear unbelievable to the scrupulously litteral), but on the other hand is very convoluted (lots and lots of things happen, most of which you weren't expecting at all and you will never be bored a minute) It's pretty dead-on with its analysis of human behaviour, especially the questionable; and is entirely Japanese in its view of death, humour, sex (no sex shown per se), and violence. It is a wonderful example of the Japanese fusion of silly and lighthearted with dark and intellectual. And since the mood changes every 3 minutes you're left on tenterhooks all the time. Without ever being once out of the classroom.

In short, and in the words of the original surrealists, you could call it an exquisite corpse. Enjoy the ride, but better have a dark sense of humour and a modicum of intelligence.
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Elizabeth Is Missing (2019 TV Movie)
Original and thought provoking.
8 December 2019
Exceptional performance from Glenda Jackson and an original dramatic treatment of the old mystery trope. an old lady's friend goes missing. The lady has dementia and must keep track of things through little notes. Superimposed are her memories of the disparition of her beloved sister in the 40s, some of it memories, some of it meshing with her real world as she sees it. Her family is understanding but doesn't believe her. Who is right, what is true? an interesting mystery as a background for a dramatic descent into mental ageing and disease, treated very thoughtfully and pathetically at the same time. I wasn't going to watch it but I got hooked within 90 seconds. Not to miss, this is BBC at its classic best.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
Starting with a bang!
3 November 2019
(I've read the books several times) Episode 1- I was looking forward to this and it hasn't disappointed! (a first for me, with fantasy adaptations) Plenty of money has been thrown at this series and it shows, in a good way. Yet there's nothing Hollywood about it, it's 100% British.

We're treated to a good bit of the background story during this episode, a thankless task, skilfully done and quite quickly. We're immediately thrown into the action and I am hooked, even though I know what's coming.

The sets are amazing, the music excellent, the cast is A1: this is the BBC so it is exceptionally diverse -which is already giving us a bunch of fine actors that might not be so famous and gives us a bit of modern colour. I'm not sure yet about Lyra, she's not what I expected but I've the feeling she'll turn out to be what was needed, if not what I wanted. Lord Asriel is just the right mixture of downright attractive and breezily self-centered as in the books. As to Mrs Coulter she's just fantastically and dangerously attractive. I finally understand what Lyra loved in her. The Gyptians are represented perfectly and individually and the whole thing has a tint of alternate medievality which mirrors the book exactly.

All in all, episode 1 is a success.

I could go on and on but really, just watch it, you'll know after twenty minutes whether you'll like it or not.

Episode 2: some fair deviations from the book, all in aid of story comprehension, suspense and doling appetising spoilers from much later to the viewer so that they won't drop off - you can't blame them really, they need to keep the viewership interested, considering the price of production. It's still very well done, and it's quite scary and tense, also the modern world (already shown) has been updated to current times. It looks like episode 3 will carry on with being rather different from the book storyline, while sticking to it at the same time, if that makes sense. It's rather on the dark side, and definitely not for children the way the books are.

Episode 3: I had minor doubts with episode 2 and the "new" storylines but this episode was very exciting and has allayed them. The whole thing is now moving forward properly and the plot is very tight in an action TV series sort of a way, without losing the spirit of the books. Back to a 9.

The following episodes are a bit hit and miss, some pacing/acting /directing issues - Lee Scoresby the one unmitigated success - trying too hard to force suspense to fit the tv format rather than concentrate on telling the story as a one whole, but the last episode packs a punch and gets to you. And really leaves you hating having to wait a year for the rest, excellent finish.


While there were a few pacing/acting issues in series 1, the first 2 episodes of series 2 are nail-bitingly near perfect. Absolutely brilliant beginning and better visuals than ever. The plot and the world's are really well handled in every particulars. Persevere if you were in two minds about series 1.
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Simple, poetic and beautiful.
25 May 2017
Jago is a (too) short documentary on an eighty year old Indonesian fish hunter. That's what you're expecting to see anyway. The reality is an absolutely mesmerising visual autobiography and a masterpiece in cinematographic storytelling. The set is an old man in his hut, relating his youth and how he came to be who he is. Subtitles unfold to the rhythm of his voice, and a re-enactment, as artistic as any award winning film, replay the story as if it was a very vivid prehistoric mythology. Sometimes the story carries on entirely visually, along with a superb musical score. Nothing is spelled out, dissected or explained. A shimmer in the water, a sparkling bubble, a teenage smile or a tear in the eyes of the old man say it all without any need for words. The story itself is a real life story and is quite simple, but it is all weaved like a poem and indeed the hero is a poet. Again, most is left unsaid and it is up to you to retrieve it, it's all there in a non verbal form. Simple it may be but no less elating nor harrowing.

Can I just add how beautiful that part of the world is, and how young and beautiful that old man truly is.

45 minutes you will never forget.
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Anne of Green Gables (2016 TV Movie)
28 August 2016
To anybody who ever saw the ultimate TV series adaptation with Megan Follows.... And no offence meant to this cast who is undoubtedly doing their best, But this is wrong, wrong wrong on every level.

This is dull as dishwater and has zero sparkle, even feels completely anachronistic in the actors' delivery and dialogs.

It feels like bad fanfiction. The children are doing a good job but they're not Anne, Diana nor Gilbert, not by any stretch of the imagination. As to the adults, the least said the better. Pointless remake of an absolute all-time classic (I mean it) , which I recommend to anyone who has never watched it.

Avoid this at all costs when you can see the other one.

And please don't click on "not helpful", unless you HAVE seen the eighties version I'm on about because you couldn't even envisage how superior it is ;)
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Ófærð (2015– )
13 February 2016
I'm already addicted to this thriller after watching two episodes only. Even though there is nothing particularly original about the plot and the back story (don't get me wrong, it's edgy in a Crimson Rivers sort of way, and is very very interesting on all levels but everything's been done before), it's extremely well directed and all the characters are very strong and uncannily lifelike. Part of the appeal resides in the "novelty" of the Icelandic location of course - I read some Icelandic crime fiction before and I found it in exactly the same appealing but rather grim vein in fact - but what really, really makes this, is the incredibly charismatic lead actor playing Andri, the unusual chief of the local police. What an actor. Negatives would be some overuse of atmospheric music but that's about it (eta: only the first 2 episodes really. It's being much better used afterwards. And it's great music) .

Am excellent watch although definitely not recommended for children, whether they can read subtitles or not. It has dead body parts and things.

After episode 3 I'm pushing this to a 9. Wild horses wouldn't drag me out before episode 4 on this Saturday night! This is top class TV by any standards.

Episode 5....still top class stuff .

The series has ended in both a pleasingly conventional and unconventional manner and I feel bereft and orphaned, such as I normally only feel after reading a particularly enthralling book. Well done, I shall miss you all like (dysfunctional altogether) family.

I would also like to add that user ratings are virtually the same across the board, from under 18 (who love it best) to over 45, males and females, US and non US users. It's quite astonishing and not at all usual.
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Too fake
8 November 2015
Excellent premises and subject, ruined by trying too hard to make it exciting with obviously fake shots, a never-ending and highly irritating invasive (and LOUD) background music, such as is employed in American children movies or housewife shows.

It would have been much more exciting treated as a serious cutting-edge documentary rather than a weak Walt Disney spin-off. It does contain extraordinary camera work to be fair, which makes the treatment of it very frustrating.

It's probably worth a 7 but I refuse to encourage the Beeb to carry on this Discovery Channel primary school vein :

so, 6.
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An Inspector Calls (2015 TV Movie)
13 September 2015
An absolutely gripping atmospheric huis-clos, this psychological period drama could remind of an English Zola novelette and it will make you take a good hard look at yourself.

Whatever it might be, you're not going to expect *this*. Make absolutely sure to avoid spoilers! All you must know is that it isn't a "detective" story. It's a whodunit of sorts but who did it isn't the point (while being the only point - it'll make sense after)

An inspector calls onto a wealthy family at dinner time in 1910 to impart some seemingly unrelated piece of bad news. Ensues a flawless story, stunning cinematography, perfect period atmosphere, and absolutely top drawer acting. English television at its very best. 10/10 and I'm ever so glad I happened onto this tonight.
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Quirke (2013–2014)
Just brilliant.
26 February 2014
Another top notch offering from the BBC. (2 episodes in) Wonderful, atmospheric settings and unusually artistic cinematography, a gripping back story and marvellous, marvellous acting. A very good insight into life in Ireland in the 50's also.

Quirke, the outstanding Gabriel Byrne in one of his better efforts ever, is an alcoholic pathologist in Dublin in the 1950's. Quirke, an orphan of unknown parents, was adopted into the wealthy Griffin family. A family where not is all what it seems, and where people love and hate each other at the same time, and harbour secrets, some of them quite terrible. (like a lot of real families). While Quirke tries to help find out what happened to bodies who used to be people with the help of a jaded garda inspector, we unravel his past life episode by episode, and watch his life unravel as well.

It is compelling stuff, I can only highly recommend it. Preferably from the start. While produced by the BBC, it's an all irish cast and location. It looks a million dollar, it's original, the characters are interestingly complex, and it's just very, very good.

It feels very much like the Maigret series with Bruno Cremer, only better (!). Note that the solving of the mystery is only a part of the drama, most of it revolves on the interplay of the family, their problems and their secrets, and the telling of life in a Ireland 60 years ago, with its obedience to the catholic church, treatment of women etc...therefore you can enjoy it even if you aren't fond of murder mysteries. It is nearly an anticlimax to come to the end and have the murder solved (sometimes rather too conveniently - hence the 9 instead of 10 - very small complaint) , so engrossed are you in the actual story in its entirety - you want it to go on!

Do not expect CSI or NCIS, it is as far removed from those shows as possible.

I did not read the books, so that I have no idea how accurate is the adaptation, but I can guarantee the story is perfectly clear and simple to follow, unlike some adaptations that require former knowledge of the written medium to understand anything at all.

I also highly recommend it in HD with a good sound system. The terrific atmosphere deserves that.

Contains smoking and drinking. [;-)]

Edit: Episode 3 is a straight 10/10. Very emotional, and even improved from the other two on all fronts, if that was possible. Classic television in the making. - I just read the first two episodes were adapted by Welsh screenwriter Andrew Davies and the third by Irish playwright/director Conor McPherson. Now it makes sense and it actually shows.
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Jappeloup (2013)
This film was made with Love
25 July 2013
I've only ever seen one horsey film that was any good, in my opinion as a professional horse person. This was Seabiscuit. (OK, maybe International Velvet was not too bad, in the guilty pleasure type category)

Now I've seen two. Jappeloup is quality. Every care was taken, every attention was given, every bit of love was lavished, on what could have been a run of the mill sporty rags-to-riches script (heavily romanced from the true story of Jappeloup and Pierre Durand), but turned out to be a beautifully filmed, heartwarming, exciting story.

I'm not sure how much more I love it due to the fact that I was watching Jappeloup as a child in France, that I knew all the riders and it reminded me of very good and very nostalgic memories, but you could argue that it would have made me more critical of it - yet I couldn't find any obvious flaws and I found myself on the edge of the seat once or twice (even knowing the outcome as it's history!)

The acting is excellent as you would expect from such a high class bunch of actors; the story itself comes very close to excessive sentimentalism a few times, but never crosses the line. It's handled with delicacy and tact, and they have made the very most of a very predictable tale. The photography is astonishing, beautifully showcasing the french countryside, the pace is leisurely, giving you time to know the characters, the times (accurately depicted, from everybody smoking, drink driving, getting back on the horse no matter how hurt you were etc...all true, young people! - things have changed a lot). Special mention to the soundtrack which is wonderful, and the action scenes, with a car following Guillaume and filming superb and never done before jumping shots

In brief, I highly recommend it to anyone who loves horses. So much of it is very close to home; it really translates the passion, the fears, the doubts, the love, what makes us.

For others, rest assured the film is more than a horse film, it's a solid story a la Rocky filmed in a more subtle way. And you might get to understand what your daughter/friend/cousin sees in those beasts. Certainly I never thought showjumping could be this exciting to watch, and I'm partial to it already! True story films are usually bland, seen one, seen them all, but this is better and worth watching. Set yourselves on Seabiscuit, if you saw it. It's the same type of offering: a well made straightforward people story with a blessedly realistic horse background.

(I just watched it in Bluray since I couldn't get to see it on the big screen, and it's worth it. The quality of the picture and the colours are amazing)

8 out of 10
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More than meets the eye
19 June 2013
This is an amazing story. Yes the artwork isn't all that much to my taste, though I got used to it after a few episodes, yes there are plot holes, yes it starts slow. I don't care about the above to be honest. The story is gripping, the characters really well developed, I cared for them, though I'm old and cynical. And there are more twists in the plot than in the local roads in county Kerry! Nearly all an entertaining surprise.

It's not a tale for cretins though, it can get nerdy and convoluted, and something which nobody mentioned, it's fairly deep philosophically as well. You can just watch the story and run away with it but there are questions all along the way, important questions. Who or what are we, what is reality, what is illusion, what is perception and what link has it on reality ....also there are great lessons in life: we CAN change, for the better or the worse, regretting the past or fearing the future will ruin your life, be brave, don't give up, so on. I have the feeling there are some references to Buddhism in there but I'm not familiar enough with it to say more. This series I thought was very intelligent, and is not necessarily aimed at teens, on the contrary there is something in it for every generation.

As usual I thought the American dubbing was a disgrace, (what I heard of it, I always watch in Japanese - excellent voice acting there, if clearly shaky subtitle translations) and only Crispin Freeman who dubs Karasu appears to make some sort of effort and have a clue on how it should be played. I'm not sure I could have stuck with more than one episode in English.

Oh yes, and the soundtrack is brilliant.

8 out of 10, and I will watch it again, knowing what I know now, I need to watch it again. Besides I miss the characters already. Minus some bad art IMO in places, this is one of the better series out there, right up with the better known usual ones. I can't recommend it enough if you like to use your brain while watching entertaining TV.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Tremendous first series
13 May 2013
Detailed ratings: Non US users rating: 9.6. US users ratings: 3.6, so far.

The above is a very important piece of information, to make up your mind as to the actual quality of this series.

I've only watched the first episode so I'll make it short. I thought this dark BBC thriller was not only original, but extremely well filmed, suspenseful, realistic (real northern Irish actors and Gillian Anderson a word perfect English lady, in what clearly is Belfast itself), very well acted all round. It is not a whodunit, we're made to follow from the start both a MET detective and a serial killer's lives, as one tries to figure out, find and catch the other, and the other one fights his addiction to rape and kill on a daily basis. The tone is dark, the story is very chilling, but that's only because the protagonists are so very...ordinary. They could be us, any one of us.

It's nice to see a story set in Belfast that is NOT about the troubles, (even though there are - few - references and slang words only local to the north)

I really hope this carries on in the same vein throughout the next 4 episodes. While both series have nothing in common, it reminded me of that enthralling underrated gem Ultraviolet, another left-field BBC masterpiece that still has a dedicated following to this day.

10/10 for episode 1, can't think of anything yet to even give it a 9 to be honest.

Update episode 2, 10/10. Unexpected twists! Update episode 3: 10/10; Infinite shades of grey. Update episode 4: 10/10; I'm bolting my front door and double-checking all the windows. Update episode 5: 8/10. A slightly weaker link to the next season, which I can't wait for, now.

I must add a warning for sensitive people: There are a few graphic, realistic, upsetting scenes.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
Quite a pleasant night out.
1 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Having read a less than enthusiastic review of the film, I wasn't expecting all that much. Though the reviewer did say that if you were a fan of Tim Burton, you'd be in first line waiting, and I suppose he was right in that.

When I went to buy my ticket, I was given glasses and realised it was in 3D! Didn't know this. Let me get this straight right now, if I had seen this before Avatar, I'd have wowed, but seeing it after, it made me realise the 3D effects were quite simplistic and I have now realised what a standard Cameron actually set. The film has obviously a budget much less than Avatar had, and a lot of corners have had to be cut. The 3D is indeed much less tooled, and, while it was nice (I think 3D particularly suits fantasy), it is not essential to see it this way, and 2D would serve the film quite well too. Let's get the bad bits over first: The CGI characters were cheap looking and some of them downright bad (Bayard, the horses); the CGI budget was blown on the Jabberwocky, who does deliver, in passing.

Burton obviously did not want to make another remake of Alice, so he got the idea to make her go back to Wonderland as an 18 year old; the side-effects of this is that it really feels like a sequel - Alice, the Return - and we know how much worse sequels are from the word go, probably because a story ought to finish with "and they lived happily ever after" and disturbing the dust afterwards feels contrived. So that when Alice arrives in Wonderland, we are subjected to a too long and tedious rehash and representation of all the characters. Burton might have been better off just doing something more different, rather than having to resume the first story in the first half of the film, which takes a while then to take off properly.

Alice is then 18, her father has died, and she is a wilfully delightful original girl, who daydreams all the time. She is invited to a grand ball, where her suitor, a young noble with digestive troubles, proposes to her. But Alice has seen the rabbit in the garden and flees to follow him, and go back to Wonderland, of which she has all forgotten about. In Wonderland, the red queen has overthrown the white queen and rules over beasts and men in a desolate kingdom. Alice is the promised one who can defeat the jabberwocky, dragony type monster who helped the red queen take over. She meets all her old friends and reluctantly embarks on this quest.

Once we've been reintroduced to all the characters, the story finally takes off. Helena Bonham Carter is a villain in the class of Basil Rathbone, Johnny Depp slowly takes over the whole show and Alice herself is an absolute joy. Stephen Fry as the Cheshire cat is simply brilliant. The other characters are somewhat blander, and some of them totally forgettable. (Alan Rickman as the caterpillar is of course fantastic, but he only appears to deliver bits of wisdom here and there and is not made the most of) My feeling throughout the whole thing was that Tim Burton couldn't make up his mind if he wanted a child's film or an adult film, and it veers from one to the other constantly, without much consistence. This is a shame. Disney produced the film, and it does feel as if Terry Gilliam had been taken over by Walt in a weird satanic internal struggle. Indeed there is a smattering of Python humour as well, and the crowd laughed a few times out loud. Once I laughed out loud myself, and I can't remember when that happened last in a cinema. 2/3rd of the way, I finally was totally engrossed in the story, Johnny Depp was growing exponentially in his role (even though his Scottish accent is shaky in places and even though it isn't all that different from Jack Sparrow to start with), and it ended in a total success (The epilogue might not have been entirely necessary - but Disneys and children and Hollywood must).

The general atmosphere of Wonderland was quite to very good, even with the budget obvious CGI limitations and it definitely had a Gilliam feel to it (well, it's Burton, isn't it), that fantasy tang, that I always failed to see in LOTR the movie* (which does look like random leather-clad dudes and trees walking across New-Zealand, let's face it. Actually, except that scene with Arwen at Aragorn's grave). It's probably the same bluey filter they use in the Guinness ads, and I love the feel of it. I thought the final confrontation was great. I wonder is Weta involved, or is John Howe involved, because it did remind me of Finarfin vs Morgoth (or St George vs. the dragon) *the white queen's castle is very reminiscent of Rivendell I must say.

So, for all its faults, I did enjoy the film very much and would go again, if only for Johnny Depp, who is disturbingly and magnetically attractive, even as a deformed fool.
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It Waits (2005)
Awful. Awful. Did I say it was awful?
17 September 2006
Urgh. I got to watch this on the basis that Eric Schweig was in it. Let me tell you first that you see him for maybe 3 and a half minutes, so this is blatant false advertising.

I am kind of fond of bad cheesy horror, but this is not a funny bad movie. It's unfunny painful and boring. It's unfunny silly. It's unfunny badly acted. The beast sucks. I didn't even laugh.

Stay well clear, please! There are much better bad horrors out there, many many many more. Don't get conned by the fact that Eric Schweig is listed'll barely see him (thankfully in a way).

3/10, because 1 and 2 star are reserved for real low-rated gems. This is too insignificant to deserve such.
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Bittersweet feel good movie
14 September 2006
The name Hank Williams added to a native movie made it a certainty I was going to watch this.

Adelard Fox, his wife and his 2 grandkids live on the rez. Uncle Martin gets in his head to go down to Nashville, TN, to make sure Hank Williams Sr. is truly dead. Adelard asks his grandson Jacob to go with Uncle to make sure things go smoothly on the trip. Meanwhile, Sarah the granddaughter, who has a crush on Larcis, and Huey, who is in love with Sarah are still stuck home on the rez, and all live their teenage lives as best they can.

The script is very light and basic, nothing much happens, and if you've seen Dreamkeepers, you will find some similarities. The film is pretty short, which sometimes is a relief in this era of overlong monsters, and very lighthearted (I found a fair few funny bits). May I add it never drags nor is it boring, and is very carefully and pleasantly edited.

While one might think there isn't much to it, it manages to deal with a lot of the problems currently faced out there, but in very delicate and low key way. It's not thrown in your face at all. Yet it is there, for all to see: parents missing, drug abuse, white father who didn't adapt, illiteracy, patronizing whites, family ties stronger than anything, religion, polar difference in sense of humour ...... it's amazing the numbers of subjects being broached, sometimes with no more than a sentence, or even a simple look or sigh. Although it's absolutely not a depressing or dark movie. The main characters are all happy people that anyone would look up to.

The acting was quite simply amazing. I finally discovered Gordon Tootoosis for what he is, probably one of the best actors out there. The man has a charisma and a presence rarely encountered in the last 40 years of cinema. I was hanging onto his every word and look. His performance is Oscar worthy, and like Graham Greene, he is ludicrously underrated. I found a genius there. He carries the film entirely, and makes it what it is. Stacy Da Silva, who plays Sarah, is another talent in the making. She is utterly pretty, normal, and fabulously believable. Look out for her last scene. Breathtaking! Big mention to Bernard Starlight too (Huey).

Why are these people stuck playing "indians" most of the time? These 3 have more talent than all of Hollywood put together!

Tough I don't wish to spoil, I found the last sentence in the "buffalo tracks" poem in the end to be worth a whole book. It may make you stop and think for a while. Quite bittersweet.

All in all, a light movie with a fairly unoriginal script, a lot of feeling of deja-vu, but with a very delicately put message, a good bit of hope, and peerless acting. Completely adequate for the whole family too. Oh, and amazing soundtrack! (if you like country)

6/10 +1.5 for acting (with all due props to the directing and editing that show it off) +0.5 for first movie

total: 8/10.

I'm definitely looking forward to more movies by Aaron Sorensen. May they all be as fresh and as touching as this one.
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The Protector (2005)
Painfully bad sequel.
11 September 2006
I am in a state of shock to see the ratings this movie got. Now, I really liked the first one: it was an innocent, original, fresh, visual and funny action flick; as well as a good moral guideline for Thai teenagers.

This sequel is a very very painful mish-mash of Hollywood cringe-worthy clichés, with a bad plot, and ludicrous fight scenes. Tony Jaa seems to spend his time fighting (and damaging) the whole Sydney population for Pete's sake! Fights that are tedious: I'd never thought I'd have to say this, but they managed it. It was more overdone than Kill Bill in places, and this is supposed to be a serious film!

Nobody looks even remotely interested in their roles, everything drags; there isn't one single sequence that you cannot predict in advance. If it wasn't for Tony Jaa, you would think this is a bad Vandamme movie. Yawn.

See it only if: - You are a fan of Jaa or Thai boxing. A die-hard fan. - You like elephants and sappy animal movies (I made it to the end to know what happened to them, I confess) - You like mindless Hollywood action flicks.(think those turkeys poor Jet Li got involved in, just not quite as good)

Don't even go near it if you haven't seen the first one, please.

This was a sequel made for the money, as is too often done. Nothing at all was added to the cinematic world by it, I can assure you. Very, very forgettable.

4 out of 10.
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The Promise (2005)
Do you like Legends?
3 April 2006
This is a fairytale. Obviously, most people dislike fairy tales. This film is absolutely over the top, CGI infested, unrealistic ..... How amazingly beautiful it was!!!!! If you love Grimm,Tolkien,Gilliam, sword and sorcery stuff,dragons,Brotherhood of the wolf,Hero, Manga and Casshern type of over the top legendary stuff ...if you can take a barrage of amazingly beautiful shots and riots of colours (I understand some people get sickened by it).... if you have the heart of a child, this is for you !!! Apparently it's a love it or hate it type of movie (lots of 1, and lots of 10) .... it left nobody indifferent as far as I can see .. how could it? Give it a chance, it's sadly underrated.

Cinema is to have fun, and to forget your troubles. This is pure unadulterated enjoyment, the type of movie you wish you had cried over when you were 10 years old; If you're a jaded cynic, who expects realism and grit, you might be disappointed right enough. It has an innocence that is hard to find nowadays in the western world.

[****Disclaimer**** : there is no dragon in the film ;) I was making an analogy.]

Note on the CGI: It's obvious in places. So what? What would happen if the CGI was flawless? People would only be able to say the CGI is flawless. *wink*

8 out of 10: I love myth and legend to bits
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Awesomely bad - Definite potential for cult status
12 March 2004
I watched this movie , warned that this was possibly the worst movie ever made....And after seeing it, I'm afraid I have to agree. But it's , as I said, awesomely bad, which made it great to watch. There are bad movies, plain bad movies, and great bad movies, this is in the last category, most definitely. So much as I could make out the story, it deals with 2 women whose mother was killed by some asian baddie when they were young...they go on a witness program and one became a special cop later...that's all you need to know about it anyway, because none of it makes real sense, nor does it need to. I started to laugh 5 minutes in,and then alternated all the way through between having fits and gales of laughter and being totally bemused by it. The acting is just hopeless, the plot nil, the soundtrack so badly cheesy I laughed AT it, the fight scenes look like pillow fights underwater (I think it's meant to be Thai boxing, but I'm not really sure), in short everything is so bad you have to wonder did they do it on purpose? (I'm still wondering) Oh, and the end credits top it all up of course..they won't let you down.

The girl who plays the younger sister is not a bad actress, which of course ruins the entire effect, but the 2 shower scenes or the pink panties-thai boxing-flashback training session make up for it all, trust me...not many movies make me cry laughing.

Anyway, I give it a most admiring one star, one star because it doesn't deserve more, admiring because I would never have dared (actually the lead actress didn't dare either, her name is nowhere to be seen on the credits, and I can well understand why, though it COULD have been to avoid shooting, because she's definitely the worst of the lot, by far)

If you love Z movies, well invite a few friends over for a bottle of wine and pasta bolognese, and pop this DVD in the might have the laugh of your life ;)
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