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11 June 2024
A New disease is causing people to mutate into various animal species. Francois' wife Lana is hospitalized, and in the process of mutating. Francois and his son Emile move closer to a center where she is being treated. One day, a bus carrying infected patients veers off the road and dozens escape into the forest.

Now, Francois and Emile is on a mission to find Lana, but Emile also notices abnormalities as he starts mutating. Emile's transformation is so effectively done. I enjoyed the way the film treated these mutated people with respect, and didn't make them out to be freaks or monsters (although they are considered by some of the characters as such, and referred to as critters.)

Emile meets a young man, Fix, who is transforming into an eagle, and the friendship between them was beautiful. Fix's mutation is also so well done, and almost believable.

This fantasy adventure concentrates on characterization, and I enjoyed all the characters. I loved the bond between Francois and Emile. The performances are excellent. The make-up effects are excellent. I loved the script, the setting near the woods, the hauntingly beautiful score, and the great visuals. The film has depth and substance. In general, I had a really good time with 'The Animal Kingdom'. This truly is a remarkable film.
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Tumbbad (2018)
The Price of greed.
10 June 2024
"The World has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." How true!

Hastar was the first-born of the Goddess of Prosperity, who created the Universe. (...and already I can hear Christians calling the film blasphemous...). Because of Hastar's greed, he was to be forgotten, but eons later Man built a shrine in his name.

The film starts with young brothers Vinayak and Sadashiv along with their mother looking after an old woman, who is chained in a room. Their mother is mistress to Sakar, who lives in a mansion, and the old woman is his ancestor. When Sakar dies, and Sadashiv dies shortly thereafter in an accident, the mother and Vinayak leaves the town of Tumbbad, vowing never to return.

However, with rumours of a treasure in Sakar's mansion, Vinayak returns years later. He finds the old woman - a hideous creature and hardly human - alive still, and she tells him the secret of the treasure. He sets out to find the treasure, and to find it he climbs down a well into the Goddess' womb, where the creepy Hastar still dwells. To distract Hastar while he steals the gold coins, Vinayak feeds it a dough doll.

Vinayak prepares his son to collect coins with him, but with greed comes a price to pay. 'Tumbbad' is an unusual horror film with excellent cinematography, good performances and creepy effects. I wouldn't call it scary and there are few to no jump scares, but it certainly would make a scary bedtime story!
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Timecrimes (2007)
Deja Vu?
9 June 2024
I never expected 'Timecrimes' to turn out this good. The film became more involved - and complicated for the character - as it developed, and it was wonderful!

Seeing a naked woman in the woods through his binoculars, Hector decides to investigate. He finds the woman unconscious, but is suddenly attacked by a man whose face is bandaged. Fleeing, he enters a nearby building. Trying to call for help on a walkie talkie, a voice on the other end, El Joven, warns Hector of the bandaged man approaching. El Joven guides Hector to a house, and then hides him in a machine.

When Hector gets out of the machine, El Joven explains that he travelled back in time an hour. Now, Hector is able to see himself - back in time - like a mirror image. The only way to rectify the situation, is for Hector's mirror image to catch up with him to the time before he got into the machine. However, Hector soon finds himself if a loop. And just when you think you know what's coming, the film surprises us once again. (The film reminded me of 'Triangle' from 2009.)

As events unfolded, I was wondering how the film could have a satisfying ending. Does it? Well, let's just say that would depend on how you view it... (For me it did.)
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Cabiria (1914)
Too many characters and subplots.
9 June 2024
Cabiria is the daughter of wealthy Batto. When their home is destroyed by a volcanic eruption, Cabiria is kidnapped by pirates shortly thereafter and is sold to a High Priest at a marketplace in Carthage. She is then taken to a temple to be sacrificed to the god Moloch - along with a hundred other children. (With young children being sacrificed in the burning fires inside a huge statue, this 1914 film showed no mercy!)

Cabiria's nurse, Croessa, approaches a Roman spy Fulvius Axilla and his muscled slave Maciste and begs them to save Cabiria. (Maciste is portrayed by Bartolomeo Pagano, a hunk of a man who never wears a shirt in the entire movie - and I was definitely not complaining!).

Fulvius and Maciste go on a mission to save Cabiria, but there are many obstacles for our heroes, and with the outbreak of the Punic Wars, their mission is delayed. The film spans several years. If this film was made today, it would have been criticized for the characters not ageing one bit in over a decade - except for Cabiria. Oh, and speaking of Cabiria, for a film supposedly revolving around this character, she really doesn't feature much in the film...

I usually find it very easy to follow silent films, but I must be honest there were moments when I found it difficult to follow some of the characters. I think the problem here was too many characters, and too much information for a silent film. It was easy to follow the adventures of Fulvius and Maciste, but eventually there were just too many characters, too many subplots, and too much time spent on war strategies.
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Who is the real monster?
8 June 2024
As unbelievable as it may sound, 'The Elephant Man' is not fiction. It is a factual story based on the life of Joseph Merrick. It is believed his mother was attacked by an elephant, and she constantly had nightmares of an elephant. From the age of five, Joseph developed abnormally, and literally turned into a freak, or hideous being.

John Hurt stars as Joseph and delivers an incredible performance. To effectively bring the story to the screen, the most important aspect of the film was the make-up, which is fantastic.

The film tells the story from the time Joseph was exhibited as a freak show at a traveling circus. At the time he was 'owned' by Bytes, who treated him like an animal. When surgeon Dr. Frederick Treves (Anthony Hopkins) saw Joseph, he made it his mission to help him and to offer him a 'normal' life. He admitted him to the hospital where he worked so he could take care of him.

Although this is an exceptionally well made film, it wasn't always a pleasure watching it. I sympathized with Joseph. No human being should ever be treated the way he was, or look the way he did. With the cruelty of men who benefit from another's misery, who is the real monster?
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Under Paris (2024)
I liked this one!
8 June 2024
We just can't seem to get enough of shark movies, do we? There have been some really bad shark movies lately, and a few good ones. 'Under Paris' is one of the better ones. It is not trying to be like any other shark movie, and also doesn't have the usual clichés.

Three years ago Sophia's crew died in a shark attack while they were searching for a shark they tagged, and named it Lilith. Now working in an aquarium, Sophia still blames herself. She is approached by Mika from SOS - an ocean conservation group, who claims they managed to track Lilith. Lost and trying to survive, the shark adapted and made its way to the freshwater Seine.

With a big upcoming triathlon, time is of the essence and the Mayor insists the event will proceed, stating too much (money) is at stake, as well as her reputation. It is now up to Sophia and the River Police - lead by Adil - to take care of the shark, but Mika has other plans. The situation is aggravated when they discover Lilith is giving birth.

The final act is action all the way with a good climax. The shark effects were also well done. Oh, and you gotta love that cliffhanger ending, which leaves so much room for a sequel! The film also sends out a powerful message of conservation.
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Sunrise (1927)
Amazing for its time.
7 June 2024
'Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans' is a film about infidelity. A Married man living on a farm with his wife and young child is having an affair with a woman from the city. His wife is clearly aware of the affair, and sits home sadly thinking about the good times while her husband is with his mistress.

One night when The Man is with his mistress, she suggests he sell the farm and move to the city, and that they should kill his wife. Upset at first, The Man then considers it. The plan is to drown her, and one fine day The Man invites his Wife to go on an outing on the lake.

To avoid spoilers, I won't go into much detail further. There are interesting developments, with well crafted suspense. While the second act is mostly humorous, the film quickly shifts gear for the final act. 'Sunrise' boasts amazing production value for a film made almost a century ago. The storm scenes were also very well done (although not quite as impressive as Buster Keaton's 'Steamboat Bill Jr.' released the following year).

'Sunrise' is often listed among the best films of the silent era, and its easy to see why. Those not wanting to watch silent films are losing out on some amazing films! I love silent films!
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Atlas (2024)
Atlas and Smith.
7 June 2024
With rapid evolving technology there's been a lot of talk about A. I. lately, and we see it quite a bit in movies, as well. 'Atlas' is yet another film exploring the A. I. gone wrong premise.

Artificial Intelligence (or A. I.) is designed to help humanity. Robots have been used for years in the manufacture industry and on assembly lines. Giving robots a human appearance and making them able to 'think' is simply the next step. The best early example of this was the computer HAL in '2001: A Space Odyssey'.

'Atlas' takes it a step further, with Harlan becoming the world's first AI terrorist. After wreaking havoc, Harlan left Earth 28 years ago with a message that he will return to finish what he started. Analyst Atlas Shepherd (Jennifer Lopez) was just a child back then, and during the course of the film her involvement with Harlan is explained, and the reason why she blames herself for the death of over a million people. She therefore has a personal vendetta against Harlan.

When Harlan's location is discovered in the Andromeda Galaxy, Atlas insists on going with on a mission to capture him. Unfortunately things does not go according to plan, and when they get shot down, she's on a new mission: survival - her own and that of humanity.

We learn a lot from Atlas' back story through her interaction with a robot named Smith, with whom she reluctantly synced. I rather enjoyed this set-up between her and Smith.

There's plenty of action and adventure as they go on a mission to capture Harlan. A Secondary antagonist, Casca, is on their trail as well, on his own mission to destroy them. This visual effects laden fantasy adventure is entertaining with some thrilling sequences. The visual effects are really good. And who would have thought a goddamn robot could create an emotional moment!!!

I actually really enjoyed this movie, which was not well received by critics.
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Weather is a mystery.
6 June 2024
'Weathering with you' is set in Tokyo in a time when it evidently is normal for some (Weather Maidens) to be able to control the weather. One of the characters actually mentions a Weather Maiden dating back 800 years.

When Hina's mother was very ill, she prayed for good weather. Following a ray of sunlight (literally), Hina was able to control the weather from the moment she went through a torii gate. The film also follows a young boy named Hodaka, who ran away from home and is trying to make a living in Tokyo. Desperate for work, he contacts Keisuke, a man who saved his life on a ferry.

Keisuke - together with his niece - has a small editorial company, and he offers Hodaka work investigating strange phenomena. Hodaka becomes acquainted with Hina, who lives on her own with her younger brother Nagi. She is a sunshine girl, and demonstrates her abilities to Hodaka. They decide to start a business where clients can request good weather for events. Only, with power comes a price to pay. The more Hina uses her powers, the more transparent she becomes. After months of heavy rain, Tokyo is starting to sink, and Hina realizes she might have to sacrifice herself in order for the weather to return to normal.

I must be honest, I didn't find the first half of the film all that interesting. A lot of time was spent on trivial moments between the main characters. I guess this was to establish a romance between Hodaka and Hina, and to make us understand the characters better in order to root for them.

The film vastly improved during the action-packed final act, when it became a rollercoaster ride. The animation is beautiful. In general, this is another good offering from Japan.
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The Pianist (2002)
Food is more important than time.
6 June 2024
There's no denying 'The Pianist' is an incredibly well made film, but let me be frank; this is a very morbid film. There really never is an uplifting or happy moment in its two and a half hour run. The film's most inspiring moment came in the form of Captain Wilm Hosenfeld, a German captain who helped Jews during the Holocaust.

Based on Wladyslaw Szpilman's book, one can assume the events depicted in the film to be accurate. Adrien Brody delivers an incredible, emotional performance as Wladyslaw. The film starts in 1939 with Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland. Soon after, Jews were relocated to a designated Jewish district. Hunger and death became a daily occurrence, and there were moments when Nazis would randomly select Jews to execute. (I can't help but wonder what became of these soldiers after the war. Did they simply return to their normal existence?)

Whenever I watch a war movie depicting the horrors of war, I can't help but question the existence of a God - especially considering the fact more than 6 million Jews were killed. But let's not open this platform to a religious debate; this review is about 'The Pianist'.

Wladyslaw, the titular pianist, constantly found himself on the run, cold and hungry with every day being a quest for survival. The hate against Jews is starting to evoke the same feeling (for me) as racism in films, because it technically is the same thing. I hate discrimination. Therefore, 'The Pianist' is not an easy or pleasant film to watch. It certainly does not serve as escapism. It is a depressing film down to the core.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the film. I'm merely expressing my feelings towards the film in the light of entertainment value. I also understand this is based on fact, and it must have been an incredibly difficult time not only for our protagonist, but all who were affected by the war (Jews in particular).
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No Exit (I) (2022)
A Nice surprise with interesting twists.
6 June 2024
Recovering drug addict Darby (Havana Rose Liu) is in rehab when she receives a call her mother has been rushed to hospital for an emergency operation. Even though her sister thinks its best for Darby not to visit her mother, Darby is desperate to see her. This made me root for her. Despite obvious family challenges in the past her mother was still a driving force that compelled her to escape from rehab, steal a car, and made a journey to see her.

Unfortunately for Darby she gets caught in a blizzard and has to seek shelter at a Visitors Centre until the weather clears up. However, when she accidentally stumbles upon a gagged kid in the back of a van, the night is about to turn into a nightmare! With only a handful of people at the Centre, the guessing game starts as to who the kidnapper is.

'No Exit' has plenty of twists and surprises in store for its audience, and I found the developing events captivating. I was glued to the screen and on the edge of my seat for the entire duration of the movie. Havana Rose Liu carried the film with ease as Darby with the character's survival skills put to the test.
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Suzume (2022)
Highly imaginative with stunning animation.
5 June 2024
'Suzume' is a fantasy action adventure with stunningly beautiful animation. In an age of CGI effects and computer animation, parts of 'Suzume' was still hand-drawn. I have so much respect for the Japanese. The complex events of 'Suzume' looks incredible on screen.

The story revolves around a young girl named Suzume. She has a tragic back story, and so does her aunt who took her in since she was just a child. As a result we root for both characters. One day on her way to school, Suzume meets a mysterious young man named Souta, who asks her if there are any ruins in the area. He is looking for a door.

We soon discover the door he refers to, is no ordinary door, and Souta is no ordinary young man. He is a 'Closer' (not closer as in nearer, but closer as in 'closing things'. In this case, closing doors). Intrigued by his strange request, she follows him to ruins of a resort, where she discovers an unusual door. Fascinated by what she sees when she opens the door, Suzume accidentally removes a keystone in the form of a cat, which turns into a real cat.

Now, she and Souta goes on a mission to find the cat, but not before Souta is cursed into a chair. Yup, a three-legged chair! So, for most of the movie, we follow Suzume and a chair on a weird and wonderful adventure. Gates are opening across Japan, releasing a giant worm which threatens to destroy the city. Only Souta and Suzume can see the chaos and mayhem, and they are desperately trying to stop the worm.

We meet many interesting characters along the way, and also learn so much about each character. This is a very imaginative film young and old can enjoy. Even if the premise sounds a bit complex, the events are well explained and the story is easy enough to follow. I really enjoyed this.
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Nefarious (2023)
Prone to controversy.
2 June 2024
If you intend watching 'Nefarious' at movie night, choose your audience wisely. The subject matter is prone to controversy and guaranteed to divide your audience, if to be analyzed.

I generally don't like movies with too much dialogue, so who would have thought a film set in a single room with only two characters having a conversation would be this captivating? I was glued to the screen from beginning to end!

After Dr Alan Fischer's suicide, Dr James Martin is sent at short notice to do a psychiatric evaluation of mass murderer Brady, who is to be executed. Dr James must determine whether he is insane, or fit to be executed. On arrival, Brady claims to be a demon. Needless to say, James does not believe him and starts the evaluation process. As we soon discover, Brady is possessed by a demon and James has the opportunity to talk to both victim and host.

'Nefarious' is a dialogue-heavy movie, but it was always interesting and is well written. Sean Patrick Flanery's performance of Brady and Nefarious is fantastic, and he absolutely sold the character(s) to me. Jordan Belfi was just as good as James, who - as we discover - is not quite as innocent as he appears to be.

There are plenty of surprises in store. The film also challenges the viewer's beliefs, and there's the age-old argument whether you believe in heaven and hell, and whether they are actual places or a state of mind. Either way, by the end of the movie you will have plenty of food for thought. This was indeed a nice surprise and I enjoyed it. If Christian horror is not your thing, or you are offended by potential blasphemous dialogue, I won't recommend 'Nefarious'.
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Julie Darling (1982)
The Evil that young girls do.
1 June 2024
Categorized as horror, 'Julie Darling' is more of a psychological horror, and the evil that men do - or as it turns out in this case, the evil that a teenage girl does.

Julie hates her mother (who is always complaining about everything), and she adores her father...well, maybe too much. She's in love with him. When Julie's mother is accidentally killed by a delivery boy, Weston - which Julie could have prevented - Julie seems almost overjoyed at the fact she will now be alone with her father, Harold.

It turns out Harold has been having an affair with the beautiful Susan. When he invites Susan and her son Dennis along to his country house, Julie is upset and jealous. She was hoping to spend the time alone with her father (I would too!!).

Julie's evil intentions intensifies as she puts a plan into motion to get rid of Susan. People are always so eager to believe 'innocent' children, but this movie should serve as a wake-up call. The film has a well set-up plot, which kept me engaged throughout.
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Civil War (2024)
31 May 2024
In the light of the current wars in Ukraine and Gaza, 'Civil War' is a relevant film in this time. Although it has nothing to do with these wars and is purely fictional, it is relatable.

Kirsten Dunst stars as journalistic photographer Lee. Her job made her a tough and strong person used to seeing violence, chaos and mayhem. Lee and her journalist colleague Joel (Wagner Moura) are to travel 857 miles to DC to interview the President of the United States, who hasn't done interviews in 14 months. With armed forces moving in on Washington DC - and the President - time is of the essence.

Accompanying them on the journey - although not entirely by choice - are ageing journalist Sammy (Stephen McKinley Henderson) and amateur journalistic photographer Jessie (Cailee Spaeny). Along the way they encounter and photograph many disturbing events, and in the process also find themselves in life-threatening situations.

Since the film revolves around imagery, the photography and cinematography was important and they succeeded brilliantly in that regard. This film looks really good on screen. There's one sequence in particular that looks almost magical.

Although essentially a (civil) war movie, 'Civl War' concentrates more on characters than the actual war, and I really liked it. There's plenty of room for character development and I enjoyed and rooted for every character - even the ones in smaller roles.

'Civil War' is a thought-provoking film and the political instability in my country made me believe the events depicted in the film could very well happen here at any time. This is a very well made and realistic movie.
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More stupid than funny.
30 May 2024
'Return of the Living Dead' was a bad movie, but it was a good bad movie that turned out to be entertaining and understandably became a cult classic. Unfortunately I can't say the same for 'Return of the Living Dead 2'. This was just a bad movie.

The humour in 'Return of the Living Dead 2' is more stupid than funny and the film suffers badly from intentional over-acting. Uhm, come to think of it; maybe it wasn't over-acting...maybe the acting was just plain bad. James Karen and Suzanne Snyder, especially, were annoyingly bad. I swear, Suzanne Snyder will never go down in film history as a scream queen! Ugh, enough already! Dana Ashbrook was by far the film's biggest asset - as TV repair guy Tom Essex, who also becomes the film's protagonist. Ok, young Jesse Wilson (Michael Kenworthy) also served as a protagonist.

So, what's it about? When an army container filled with experimental substance falls off a truck and lands in a river, three kids find it. Out of pure curiosity, one of them manages to open the container, releasing a gas that covers a nearby cemetery like a mist - bringing the dead to life. As it turns out, those who inhale the gas also eventually becomes living dead.

This is an incredibly noisy film with all the irritating screaming from the cast - so much so that I had to turn the volume down a few notches. This together with the over-acting and silly humour made the film almost unbearable. I honestly couldn't wait for the film to end.

Action sequences and good practical effects were added during the final act, which made it a bit more tolerable. Even so, the film in general was more annoying than entertaining.
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The Lance Henriksen and Brion James Show!
29 May 2024
Although the film is called 'House 3' and it is part of the 'House' franchise, it shouldn't really be compared to the previous two films, as this was meant to be the start of a new trilogy. If compared to the previous films anyway, this would be my favourite in the series.

Yes, 'House 3: The Horror Show' is laden with clichés of the genre. (I mean, how many times in horror movies did a cat account for a fake jump scare!!). Even so, the presence of Lance Henriksen and Brion James makes this film stand out. I absolutely loved Lance in the role of Detective Lucas McCarthy, the film's protagonist. His performance here reminded me so much of his performance of Ed Harley in 'Pumpkinhead', which happens to be my favourite performance by the actor. I must also mention Lance is looking mighty fine and in great shape!

Lucas is the man who captured brutal serial killer Max Jenke (Brion James), and he is still haunted by nightmares. Max is sentenced to death by electrocution, but the execution doesn't go smoothly, and before Max dies, he vows to tear Lucas' world apart.

Professor Peter Campbell (Thom Bray) is convinced Max will return, and intends destroying his spirit. Max is indeed a creepy villain, and the film has a 'Nightmare on Elm Street/Prison/Poltergeist' feel to it. This was by all means the Lance Henriksen and Brion James Show, and I enjoyed it!
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Nightmares (1983)
Stories with a message.
28 May 2024
The first story is 'Terror in Topanga'. A Patient escaped from a mental institution and is terrorizing Topanga. Despite the warnings - and against her husband's will - Lisa goes to the store late at night to buy cigarettes. When the chance of encountering the killer becomes a reality, fear sets in. To make matters worse, her car is low on gas. This segment, I suppose, is trying to warn chain smoker's of their addictive habit.

The second story is 'The Bishop of Battle'. J. J. Is a gamer and obsessed with getting to Level 13 on a game called 'The Bishop of Battle'. The 13th level is said to be a myth, but J. J. is determined to beat the game. However, Level 13 is an entirely different game... (pun intended).

The third story might be seen as Christian propaganda. It sees a priest starting to question his faith, and decides to leave the parish. When he goes on a road trip and encounters a black Chevrolet truck, it becomes a life-threatening ordeal. The truck personifies evil and puts the priest's faith to the test. This was actually my favourite story thanks to the foreboding atmosphere and effects.

The final story is 'Night of the Rat. Claire is convinced there are rats in the walls. Her husband Steven refuses to spend money on an exterminator and insists on dealing with the problem himself. He sets traps, but their problem is much bigger than expected... (again, pun intended).

The film as a whole wasn't that bad and I found it entertaining enough to keep me interested throughout.
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Retribution (1987)
I rather enjoyed this.
26 May 2024
On the same night George Miller wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building, another man, Vito Minelli, was tortured to death by a group of people. George survived, but Vito's vengeful spirit entered his body.

After receiving psychiatric treatment from Dr Jennifer Curtis, George is finally going home. However, he now starts having nightmares, and his body is used by Vito's spirit to avenge those responsible for his death. The victims die in horrible ways.

George firmly believes he is somehow responsible for the murders, and confides in Jennifer, but she doesn't believe him. The police is also having a difficult time understanding how the victims died. There's an interesting turn of events later in the movie.

The film also concentrates on human drama, and focuses on George and the people around him. His best friend is a hooker named Angel, who longs to be George's girlfriend. I actually enjoyed the relationship (and I use the word loosely) between them.

I liked the movie and thought Dennis Lipscomb did a great job as George. I just don't think I'm going to remember the movie by its title.
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Superstition (1982)
How did I miss this one?
26 May 2024
The film starts with two guys playing a prank on unsuspecting lovers, only to die a horrible death in a gory display shortly thereafter. This already set the mood for what was to come...and (as sadistic as it might sound) I was looking forward to it!

The house is built on church ground, and said to be haunted. Inspector Sturgess visits the scene of the crime, and is accompanied by Reverend David Thompson. The house is soon to be rented to Reverend George and his family, and David oversees the restoration. However, this does not go without incident.

As we soon discover, a witch named Elondra Sharack was executed in 1692 for murdering a young girl. Elondra is the self-proclaimed bride of Satan. During her execution, she cursed the land, and is now haunting the house. 'Superstition' is relentless in the sense it never allows the viewer time to catch his breath, as there is always something happening. Jump scares are plentiful and the witch is a creepy and merciless creature.

As a fan of 80s horror, how did I never hear of this movie? It was actually darn good. There never is a dull moment in this slasher horror, and I certainly was entertained! The film is also well acted.
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There's just so much wrong with this movie.
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Developers of a new shopping mall wants Eric's property. I was waiting for events to unfold which would lead to Eric's reason for revenge, but unfortunately I waited in vain. His story was merely told in back flashes. Being such an important aspect of the film - and the very reason for Eric's revenge - why was this not shown in the beginning? (like in the 1981 movie 'The Burning', for instance.) Also, if this is a vengeance story, the culprits should have been shown so we could have an idea who were to be avenged.

Instead, after a short intro establishing the characters, the film jumps ahead one year to the opening of the Mall. Eric now hides and lives in the Mall, and starts killing people. But if its about revenge, then why is Eric killing innocent people - like the piano player for instance? Did he have to die simply because he is employed by the Mall? And what about the security guard? Also simply because he works at the Mall? And the Mall owner's son? Just because he was being a dick? If Eric is killing innocent people, why should I root for him? If he was a maniacal killer like Jason Voorhees, then it would have made sense. But this is supposed to be about vengeance.

I'm about to do spoilers, so stop reading if you intend watching the movie still. Melody was Eric's girlfriend, and believing he is dead she is trying to move on. So, when she meets reporter Peter there is a spark between them, and this causes Eric to become jealous. But what did he expect? Why did he never try to contact Melody, since we learn he never died in the fire? To a certain extent I suppose I can understand he didn't want her to see him all scarred and looking like a monster, but then why not allow her to move on? Instead - after a year!!! - he suddenly wants her with him and wants to keep her locked up like a prisoner! Oh, pfff!!

From the shallow characters to the very bad script and the equally bad execution, 'Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge' is not worth it, and forgettable, actually. When all was revealed I had more questions than answers. 'Chopping Mall' from 1986 - also set in a shopping mall - is by far a better option. Rather give 'Phantom of the Mall' a skip.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Stunts! Stunts! Stunts!
25 May 2024
Colt Seavers is a stuntman, and has been performing stunts for action star Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) for several years. Colt has a crush on camera operator Jody (Emily Blunt). When Colt is seriously injured when a stunt goes wrong, he leaves the industry.

18 Months later his producer Gail (Hannah Waddingham) convinces him to return. Jody - now a director - is directing her movie 'Metalstorm', for which Colt will be doing the stunts. Tom Ryder stars in the movie. However, things get complicated when Tom suddenly disappears, and Gail asks Colt to find him. What seems simple at first turns into a life-threatening ordeal for Colt as he gets involved in murder, with thugs on his trail.

'The Fall Guy' is a lighthearted movie and the potential life-threatening moments are presented as comedy, so the film is never to be taken too seriously. For most parts, I think it worked well and there were many funny moments (although never really hilarious). I enjoyed the film's presentation in general with the film boasting some fantastic visuals, action sequences, and off course stunts. This film is laden with incredible stunts from beginning to end. What I loved most, was the return to practical effects instead of CGI. Hats off to director David Leitch!!

It was also exciting watching the characters making a movie. It gave a good insight into the making of a movie, and being on a movie set. (Yes, fortunately I have been and could relate). The film has an awesome soundtrack and I loved the way 'I was made for loving you' by Kiss was transformed into an exciting film score.

There's more than enough action and adventure to keep the viewer engaged and I also thoroughly enjoyed the film's climax. So, fasten your seatbelt, sit back, grab the popcorn and enjoy!
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Everything Puppies (2024 TV Movie)
What you expect from Hallmark.
25 May 2024
What attracted me to 'Everything Puppies' was its title. I love dogs!! Being a Hallmark movie, it is cheesy, but that's what you expect from Hallmark - and I'm not being critical by saying it. They are cheesy, but they're feel-good movies serving as lighthearted entertainment. This is what I expected going into the movie. And I wasn't disappointed.

'Everything Puppies' is a cute little movie and the puppies are adorable! Ok, so they're not given all that much screen time and the movie doesn't actually revolve around the puppies. The story is about Scarlett, an entrepreneur who designs dog toys, and makes healthy dog treats. Together with her friend Gina they start Puppy Palate.

Getting into the corporate world is tough, as they soon realize. Then they meet Alex - general manager of a Paws and Wellness Emporium store, who decides to give them a chance. Oh, Alex! Stephen Huszar stars as Alex, and he is a handsome hunk of a man with a great body!

Erm, before I get sidetracked here, the film follows the business relationship between Scarlett and Alex, which predictably transforms into a romance. Off course, there are obstacles challenging their relationship, but I really enjoyed Alex as a sincere and very likeable character. I must be honest, I didn't always find Scarlett all that likeable and even questioned her reasoning and actions at times. The film in general is not realistic, but then again, it's not meant to be taken seriously.

Well, if the characters doesn't always leave you smiling, the puppies certainly will! I do think 'Everything Puppies' will appeal more to the female demographic (chick flick), but it served its purpose for what I was in the mood for at the time.
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Fighter (2024)
Overall, entertaining enough.
24 May 2024
There's no way you're going to watch 'Fighter' and not compare it to 'Top Gun' (providing off course you've seen 'Top Gun'). In fact, this film is so similar to 'Top Gun: Maverick', especially, that it might be considered a Hindi remake. There are moments when Hrithik Roshan looks like a spitting image of Tom Cruise with his jacket, shades, and riding a motorcycle! (Speaking of Hrithik; oh that sculptured body!!)

The best combat pilots in the Indian Air Force are members of the Air Dragons unit. Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania - or Patty - (Hrithik Roshan) is the best pilot, and his attitude confirms this. His best friend is Taj, and together with the rest of the members they are a close-knit circle of friends. They are introduced to Minal Rathore - or Minni - (Deepika Padukone). Her Dad never wanted her to become a pilot, as he views it as a man's job. The film quickly establishes a romance between Patty and Minni. I suppose they feel the viewer roots more for the characters if there's a romance...

The antagonist is Pakistani terrorist Azhar Akhtar (Rishabh Sawhney), who intends destroying the Indian Air Force. He is a so-called freedom fighter in the name of Kashmir. There's plenty of action as war ensues between Pakistan and India.

For most parts, the action sequences were entertaining. My biggest criticism here were the explosions, which were so obvious CGI. I also found the film a bit sensational (and not always realistic), but overall it was entertaining enough to satisfy my needs for an action film. 'Top Gun: Maverick', off course, is far superior, but let's not be too critical. At least India tried. Oh, and the Indian film makers do love their slow motion effects and musical segments in their films, don't they!

In Hindi.

Would I watch it again? I don't think so. I'd much rather spend time watching 'Top Gun: Maverick' again. I also found 'Fighter' far too long a movie.
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Love and vengeance.
24 May 2024
From what we learn throughout the movie, Dr Anton Phibes' wife was treated by nine doctors, but they failed to save her life. Not able to speak after a car crash, Phibes invented a way to have his voice heard by using a speaker, or rather what appears to be a gramophone. Horribly scarred, he uses prosthetics and make-up to appear normal.

Out for vengeance, Phibes kills the doctors one by one in the most horrific ways. I must be honest, these killings were highly improbable and by no means realistic, but this is a horror comedy after all and many of the kill scenes were more funny than horrible. I believe this was done intentionally. Being a lighthearted film, it goes with the territory.

The detectives trying to crack the case mostly serve as comic relief characters and therefore not to be taken seriously. They discover Phibes is killing the doctors according to the Ten Plagues of Egypt, and must now try to protect the doctors who are marked for death.
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