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Ghostbusters reunion show
9 May 2024
So this movie starts off with basically a fast and Furious scene which don't get me wrong I love me some cheesey fast movies, but this was child endangerment. I'm half joking, but I was like wait a second these are bad parents. The nostalgia overkill in the first 30 minutes was so dumb. I felt like I was watching a Ghostbusters fan film. The acting is bad, the pacing is bad, the story is boring, too many characters to follow and not enough time. The effects are kind of cool, but again very cheesey. I'm gonna go ahead and give this hot take and I don't think it's really that spicy. Ghostbusters 2016 was a way more enjoyable film with better effects.
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Wonka (2023)
I had fun and I'm not the target audience
1 February 2024
Willie Wonka and the Charlie Factory is one of those things I saw as a child back in the 80s and it was fine enough, but as I've grown musicals just didn't land with me often so I probably haven't watched it in over 20 years. I think I like South Park Bigger, Longer, and uncut and Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd just to put into perspective of what musicals entertain me. I figured I'd give this a shot and more than likely shut it off. However, not only did I finish it. I finished it with a smile on my face. It brought back old memories of being a child and hearing those songs again after all these years. The set was amazing, the acting pretty much all of it took me back to a different time. I had fun and anytime a movie ends with me smiling I'm gonna say is a really good movie. I feel like watching the og now.
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Xbox 360 cut scene graphics the film
28 January 2024
I love Resident Evil Degeneration and the other ones that I forgot the names of I remember enjoying well enough, but I don't remember them like i do Degeneration. This one I think I'm gonna remember and not for good reasons. The graphics are just wild and weird. They move so hilariously and their mouths randomly get completely out of sync with their mouths or never be in sync ever like Claire Redfield. The others at least were exciting here and there with not a lot of down time. This one is like the assassin's creed out of the animus cut scenes that suck. It took way too long to get going and when it finally did i honestly was so checked out that I didn't care at all anymore. It wasn't that bad, but I'm this one really left me disappointed. I guess if you watched the others and remember them maybe you'll find something here to enjoy, but I had a rough time with this one.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
Like Kingdom, Netflix put the word out on another hidden gem.
18 January 2024
It's unbelievable to me that I've never even heard of this show until I saw it on Netflix. I read a little bit and came right here to imdb to look at user reviews and I'm happy the reviews were positive. Now I want to add to hopefully reach another person doing the same I thing I do. This show is very raunchy and the setting feels kind of like shameless except it finds a positive message within all the tragic world of addiction.

Ron Livingston basically plays the same type of character as he did after he got hypnotized in office space except he's an addiction counselor. I don't think there's a better selling point than that?

The only reason I didn't give this a 10 is when Cutter sponsors Tom. It's rough, but it gets more tolerable as it goes.
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Puff piece
10 November 2023
I mean absolutely no disrespect to the victims that appear in this. I would imagine that they're not exactly happy about this weak doc that hulu decided to release. It is toned down and doesn't expose much of anything to the point that I bet it made some people sign up for it. There's several YouTube videos on this that are far better with little to no budget. If you want to know what this is about go watch the multiple videos Reckless Ben and his friends did. They go through the process and trick him at every turn with changing the NDA Russ makes them sign without him knowing. It gets insane the longer it goes and it makes me question wtf was hulu doing here? There is all this info out here and they decide to release this trash? Shame on them.
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Possibly my favorite series this year
20 October 2023
I absolutely loved this and was hooked almost immediately. If I were to describe this to someone I would say it's like succession written by a modern day Edgar Allen Poe. I have to mention Carla Gugino 👏 👏! She is awesome in this as is all of the actors, but she plays so well in the gray where you're guessing who or what she is throughout, is she evil or good? I am a big Poe fan and I felt like this was a great homage to his work. The scenery and characters going back and forth between light and dark is brilliant. It is eerie with great jump scares and it's not just a "BOO! Got ya!" Horror show either. It's even a little gory. This is what October viewing is all about.
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I have to give this a 10 because
29 August 2023
I enjoyed this so much. I'm a child of the 80s and if you want to kind of relive what it was like to be a 80s kid or if you are not a 80s kid and maybe want to understand a gen Xer this is very good for this. One of the last quotes the guy said something like we wear growing up in the 80s like a badge of honor, but we also hate that we had to do it is perfect. This documentary showed how we all were pretty crazy and did really stupid things to show we were tough or not scared etc. The rides at action park are completely insane and how they came to be is even more insane. The park guests telling of their experiences at action park and the employees are hilarious. The story itself has a lot of funny parts and there's even some sad ones that I feel like people that didn't grow up in that time will be in shock that anyone was dumb enough to ride these and the ones that grew up in the 80s are thinking "man that looks awesome!" We were raised by Vietnam vets and or hippies so yeah we are different. The last thing I want to mention is MTV Headbangers Ball hosted by Riki Rachtman had Layne Staley and Jerry Cantrell on as guest on a live broadcast and when that clip played I had a rush of nostalgia. I forgot about this, but instantlyrecalled as it played. Layne and Jerry went down a slide that apparently shoots water up your booty so they didn't seem to be having the most pleasant time on that episode. Now I know why.
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Jurassic Shark
6 August 2023
This movie is bad, but really fun. All of the creatures were over the top as is everything else in this movie. Jonah has turned into a eco warrior and he's running around beating people up fighting pollution so he's basically a brooding Captain Planet. Most of the crew from the first is back minus Ruby Rose and Bingbing. There's a few other new additions, but the biggest is Wu Jing who is a huge star in China so this movie is going to crush it in China and pretty sure that's the only reason he's in this. He just feels like when another actor replaces the original actor of a longtime character like in the show Spartacus. There is winks and nods at other shark movies like Deep Blue Sea and Jaws the Revenge. I didn't like not having Rose and Bingbing back and my other issue was it's like two movies in one. The beginning is save the planet from people to suddenly having to save the planet from monsters. The first half slogs, but the last half goes completely bonkers.

If you liked the first one then you'll like this one. If you didn't like the first don't waste your time because you're not gonna like this one either.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
29 July 2023
Twisted Metal is one of my favorites. Me and the people I grew up with reference or just bring up the OG ones on Playstation one because it stuck with Gen X and millennial gamers back in the 90s. I had my concerns about how this series was going to turn out because it had to be violent, full of explosions, blood, guts, bullets, rockets, etc. So it needed to be a Michael Bay film with a dark plot. It's not the exact plot of what I thought it would be, but I am liking it. The show is set in 2005 and full of all kinds of turn of the century nostalgia. Anthony Mackie is even doing a 90s Will Smith with his character and it's a lot of fun. It's got a mix of Fallout, Mad Max, The Postman, and of course Twisted Metal.
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The Bear (2022– )
I don't know if 9 or a 10 so
19 July 2023
I chose ten because this is a much watch. Carmen is at the top of food as a chef in New York. A family death leads him back to his home in Chicago. Once there he decides to save the family restaurant which is over the brink of collapse. I don't want to spoil anything so I will say it's very good. It's fun, dark, heartfelt, sad, happy, and at times a little cheesy like 80s and 90s dramas. You would think this cheese is a negative, but it really is not because it works so well with the interactions of Carmen and the rest of his family. They are brutally honest with each other to the point it is mean, they scream and yell at each other a lot, but they love each other and would do anything for one another. Then there's Richie.... just wait until cousin Richie pops in.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Anxiety inducing
6 July 2023
Acting is not the best. The plot is ridiculous. They make betrayal out of a dead dude for absolutely no reason except to pull a few more minutes into the runtime. Completely pointless things happen every so often, but the viewpoints, the climb, the whole thing once they go to the tower is unnerving. I am not afraid of heights, but I am a little claustrophobic and that combined with the heights gave me a feeling I haven't felt in a very long time. It had me on the edge and it was great. Watch this for the thrill and don't try to make sense out of the movie or you are gonna have a terrible time.

Turn off your brain and let the vertigo take you.
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Watchmen (2009)
2023 take
20 June 2023
I thought this movie was just OK when it came out in 2009. Now watching it in 2023 I am watching this movie realizing I was an idiot in 2009. I see the Boys and almost every comic movie since in it in 2023. They've all pulled something from Watchmen. Superheroes with real people problems that have real opinions negative and positive doing both good and bad things all the time. It's great and I'm finally seeing what those that got back in 2009 that were way ahead of the curve. Acting, camerawork, effects, costumes, story, nostalgia, all put on full display in this movie. Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Jackie Earle Haley put on a show in a movie that I felt like everyone was exceptional. That's how good they are. Give this another go if you're somehow here reading this debating on whether you should watch this movie.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
This is going into my bad movie HOF
4 June 2023
Jon Snow is playing the Spaniard from gladiator with Conan the Barbarian's back story. Kiefer Sutherland is trying to play a tough guy version of Joaquin Phoenix's Commodus and is less believable as a Roman Centurion, Caesar, senator I don't know what he's playing, but whatever it is Nic Cage has a better Alabama accent than whatever the Kiefer is doing in this. Then the volcano blows and it turns into a Roland Emmerich disaster movie mixed with titanic. The fact it's pg13 makes it funnier because there has been several throats slashed. Woman and Children cut down in cold blood on screen, but no blood spatter at all. This was obviously rated R and someone made a decision to make it more family friendly, but left all the death in. Basically it's a top tier comedy. This movie is awesome. People are dying dramatic deaths and I guess I'm supposed to care, but have no idea who they are because it's moving so fast I don't know who is who, but just that I know I saw that person earlier and now they're dying in slow motion by all sorts of different things. If you don't like this than you know nothing Jon Snow. This is a Neil Breen movie with a huge budget.
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19 May 2023
I don't know why anyone thought this was a good idea because the original White Men Can't Jump is great with two characters played by two actors that are almost impossible to replicate. The chemistry between Walls and Harlow is cheesy at best. Wesley Snipes who apparently is not a good basketball player and they ran most of his basketball scenes in show motion especially that spin move that would never work against anyone still looks better than anything they were doing in this with people that are not bad ball players from what I've been told. Then there is Woody. Woody and Snipes were perfect and terrible together, but in a believable way. You could see them being life long best friends even after all the awful things they did to each other afterwards. I fell like I just reviewed the original against the new one and that's the very reason why this isn't going to be popular at all. It will be compared to the original because the original is a time capsule of sorts and beloved by most everyone. If you haven't seen the original watch it. Skip this. If you have hulu give this one a go I guess, but do not spend money on it.
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The movie I didn't want, but glad I got
26 April 2023
I am probably biased because I love the series. It's a 10 out of 10 all day for me. It's definitely one of if not my favorite all time. The characters are great. Every character is damaged in their own way, but they're not as bad as the ones they're fighting so you find yourself rooting for terrible people at times. Sometimes you need a little evil to defeat evil I guess. Every character is conflicted, they will make the wrong decisions at times that cost lives and that's what life is. Nobody is perfect not even our hero Uhtred. He's murdered, stole, cheated on his wife which in turn basically destroyed her life, terrible father. Most of the story is about atonement, revenge, and redemption. This movie is exactly this for another one of our beloved characters from the series. I'm not going to spoil anything. I'll leave with this. If you loved the series? Go for it. I didn't want this because the series ended so good, but I'm glad I got this. It didn't disappoint.

Destiny is all.
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Fired on Mars (2023– )
Not what I expected
21 April 2023
I thought this was going to be totally different like maybe goofy and fun. It's completely not this at all. It almost is like watching a person be in their own personal hell. I stayed interested, but I was not laughing. I don't think I grinned. I don't think there is a single character that is likeable at all. They're either mean, annoying, douchey, ditzy, just completely unlikable. I felt sorry for Jeff from how he is treated by others, but I also see why some people would be just done dealing with him if they had to do it all the time. He's that one person that you work with that is just too much and they are grating! That's Jeff.
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Game changer
26 March 2023
This movie is going to be like Die Hard in how a lot of action movies from here on will copy it in some way. The acting in this is so good, but wow oh wow big shout out to the stunt team. There were times I lost my breath. I had my eyes on the screen and didn't blink. At times I felt like I was on a roller-coaster or the adrenaline you get playing basketball. I hope they make more because they're so much fun, but if it is the last that's a helluva way to go. Hands down the best action movie I've ever seen. People bouncing off cars, flying through the air I mean it's AWESOMEEEEEEE!

I felt like how I felt after a close game when I played football in high school when I left the theater.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
A coke addicted bear just trying to ask for help
7 March 2023
It is bear that wanted a break from depression and turns to drugs. Not just any drug can satisfy this bear. The yayo, the white, snowy sweet cocaine is what put the hooks into our hero who is now trying to feed their addiction and along the way meets people who don't see the bear as in need, but instead see it as a monster because it's different from them, but had they truly looked they would have seen this poor soul just looking for what we all want. Even deep down buried in the deepest parts of the most evil of hearts want nothing more than to live, laugh, love. Unfortunately our hero has taken a dark journey into being.... Cocaine Bear.
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Moonfall (2022)
The best Lexus commercial ever
3 January 2023
I don't know what just happened. I think i watched this movie called moonfall with Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, and Samwell Tarly. I think the film crew and actors time travel back to 1996 and shoot this movie then time travel back and then release this movie in 2022. I'm not sure if the moon was a monster or.... I don't know. My head hurts from the mixture of good acting clashed with the worst acting ever,CLASHING WITH OVERACTING is just WOW! Who thought this was a good idea or even who asked to have this movie made? Now that I've hopefully warned you about how trash this film is. I laughed so hard. I mean so hard! You have to see it to believe how bad this movie is. It's a zero, but I was laughing so hard that it made me happy so 10 for entertaining me. Pay attention to the Lexus. It's the star of the movie.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Screw it! I'll give it a 10 Just because
30 December 2022
This movie had Ben Shapiro like Keebler A..... squeaking away in anger which brought me much happiness. The movie is clearly making fun of all sorts like the Kardashian/Hilton socialites, Elon Musk and so on. If you worship any of these sorts? You're gonna hate this and this also brings me happiness. You should do better than these sorts. I laughed and was uncomfortable through a lot of it and I'm sure that's what it is trying to do because let's face it. These people are not real. They're a bunch of scammers that don't really know who they are themselves. Ed Norton had me cracking up the entire time, Kate Hudson who I'm not usually crazy about was perfect in this role as was Bautista as the influencer, I can say this about everyone in this, but the stand out is Daniel Craig and my fellow KC born Janelle Monae. I'm serious. She does not get blown away in this and she's hanging with some of the best. Ethan Hawke and Hugh Grant even have a cameos. When I watched this I laughed and thought probably 7 or 8 out of 10, but in the aftermath and seeing how it affected so many I had to say 10.
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Highlander (1986)
I know some are going to think I'm crazy for giving a 10, but hear me out.
11 December 2022
Highlander in my opinion has the greatest opener ever. It begins with THORN EMI screen entertainment presents in big bold red letters followed by Sean Connery saying "From the dawn of time we came...moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you.....until now." then Queen bursts in only as they can do. You get two of the GOATS back to back. Now this movie is not perfect. The Scot is playing a Spaniard, American playing a Russian and a American raised in Switzerland playing a Scot. Some of the immortals are older men while others never age. I could do this forever. This movie only exists to entertain you and it does. It instantly grabs your attention from the jump.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Was not expecting this at all
24 November 2022
So I thought this was going to be God awful like most Netflix adaptations, but I found myself laughing and appreciating the camerawork, the clothes, the colors, the acting etc. The way everything is colorful and vibrant while Wednesday is just colorless and unemotional makes Wednesday stick out so much from being so out of place. You almost can feel how much she dislikes almost everything. She's smart, witty, and honestly kind of scary. Catherine Zeta Jones made me a believer in her from her performance. From start to finish this was a easy and fun watch. It almost flew by too fast and now I want more.
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You're Next (2011)
In my annual October horror movie binge
17 October 2022
You're Next is in my annual horror October movie binge because it's soooooooo good. You hate every single character for numerous reasons, but there is one that is awesome! It takes good work to make and perform to make you really hate the characters that you can't wait to see them get it and it delivers viciously. A lot of action. There is some very good kills which some make you kind of evil chuckle afterwards. The music was well done even hit us with Dwight Twilley Band Looking for Magic a very influential song a lot of people do not know. The killers mask is very creepy. The little twist at the end really pays off. Good times had by all.
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Jexi (2019)
This is trending on Netflix
13 October 2022
Finally this is getting some attention. This movie is short, sweet, and hilarious. After a break-up a man decides to lose himself in his phone. He breaks his needs a new one which has like a Siri, but called Jexi instead. It starts basically starts controlling his life. In a way it is a rom com but it is vulgar. It's cheesy but it's good cheese. It's under 90 minutes which is perfect for this type of movie. Adam DeVine is great as usual in a comedic role. The rest of the cast is great and likeable. Now to the star of the show. Rose Byrn as Jexi. She is mad funny in this. It's crazy that a phone steals the show, but that's what makes it what it is.
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Awesome trash
13 October 2022
This movie sucks! It also is amazing! The acting is atrocious. The writing is stupid. The plot is insane. This is a sequel to the Halloween reboot.... I think? There is a opening scene that makes no sense after the way the previous Halloween ended. It is violent. Like I don't know who came up with the deaths in this, but I love them. They're the best part of the movie. Then the serial killer Michael Myers some how ends up becoming the hero for taking out all of the people that are getting on your nerves yelling stupid things like "EVIL DIES TONIGHT !" Over and over.

Go in expecting a low budget comedy and you'll find that it is one of the dumbest movies you've ever watched in your life. It's craptastic.
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