
24 Reviews
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Christmas Lodge (2011 TV Movie)
A Christian Lodge
29 December 2021
A very thinly veiled vehicle for christian proselytizing in a poorly-acted and contrived story. The one bright spot in the entire movie is the lead actress who seems like she might be a descent actress in a better project. She certainly knows how to cry on cue and the director and screenplay writer must have wanted her to cry at least once for every time someone mentions "The good lord" or "god" or some other religious reference is made (and it is replete with such references). The production team has apparently never heard the word subtle because they even ridiculously have the main character check-in for herself AND her milktoast boyfriend (who is staying in a separate room at a hotel) so they can heavy-handedly deliver the line of obvious exposition "and here's the key to YOUR room", lest we think these caricatures of thirty-somethings might not be virgins like 99.9999% of people their age. Not only is this not representative of the mainstream, but it also makes no sense that two people staying in different rooms wouldn't check in for themselves. Why in the world would one person check in for for both parties while he stands uselessly a few feet away? It's hard to imagine a more contrived scenario, but don't worry, the writers manage it. The entire movie is a giant cliché and a nothing more than a made-up parable about christian "virtue", and being honest, good-hearted, god-fearing, people of pure-character. Then again, that seems to be what religious people believe in so enjoy (if you can).
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
Bo is a comedy genius
21 June 2021
I've always loved his social commentary as well as his fusion of all his talents; brilliant, irreverent, avant-garde comedy with musical talent and vocal abilities. A must see.
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Easy: Swipe Left (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Simply Amazing Acting!
11 February 2021
The last 20 minutes of this episode felt more real and conveyed the messy mix of emotions of a complex relationship more genuinely than any stage, cinema, or television production I've ever seen. I've thoroughly enjoyed the naturalistic writing and acting as well as voyueristic peak into the intersecting lives and relationships of these characters, but even if I had been less enamored with this series, this episode alone would have been the pay off that made the journey worthwhile. Elizabeth Reaser gives a career defining performance in just 20 minutes with a heart-wrenching, eerily real, resonant, and astonishingly vulnerable performance. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been to undertake and I can only hope that was shot in one take because the thought of her having to go through that multiple times seems torturous to my mind. This should be her submission for an Emmy and if she doesn't win I would be shocked. Brava Ms. Reaser, BRAVA!!!
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A Musical for the Masses
18 December 2020
It's hard to come up with something that hasn't already been said. Are critics are wrong? Yes. Does it have great music? Absolutely. Will you want to watch it again and again? Almost certainly. The entire cast does phenomenally well singing and dancing and for many, this achievement will be the first line in their biographies. It's a musical that is generally inspiring and evokes good feelings, but still takes you on an emotional journey. It's far from a documentary on P.T. Barnum, but that's not it's purpose. As someone obsessed with Hamilton to the point where I listened to the soundtrack everyday for 2 years before seeing it live on Broadway, I avoided watching this one because I just assumed it couldn't even come close. I was wrong. I'm not saying it's better than Hamilton or even as good because I don't think anything will ever be, but The Greatest Showman is definitely a modern classic that earns a place on the list of must-see musicals. Despite its 19th century setting, the songs are fresh, modern, up-beat numbers that can only be described as instant classics. Just try NOT singing along, I dare you. This is not an old school musical like West Side Story or The Sound of Music; it's very modern in the best sense of the word. The choreography and dancing are also first rate and the movie engages you and sweeps you along so well that by the end, you won't even believe it's been an hour and forty-five minutes. I could watch this weekly and never tire of it. Rather than the critics, trust the viewer reviews, the box office numbers, and the fact that it stayed popular in theaters for so long, they had to forcibly pull it before it's popularity waned because the DVD was about to drop and the streaming deals were about to kick in. If you've ever seen a single musical you liked, you're sure to love this one. If you've never enjoyed a musical before, the. this may be the one to bring you into the fold.
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The Rare Movie Everyone Should See
2 November 2020
Highly compelling documentary about the unintended and extremely dangerous consequences of social media on the world; not just for social media users, but everyone. It's jarring, but important. Some of the information will be things you think you know, but much of it will be news for most viewers. Regardless, hearing it presented by the developers themselves and experts in human psychology as a cohesive presentation is compelling, thought-provoking, and eye-opening. I highly recommend this to everyone.
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Devs (2020)
Dullards May Not Like This Series
10 October 2020
This series is philosophical, technical, and thought provoking. The acting is subtle, the cinematography compelling, and the narrative complex. For these reasons, simplistic people will not be able to appreciate a really well-written and we'll-executed story on every level. If the only kind of movies you find compelling are shoot-'em-up action flicks, this may not be for you. If you think The Fast and The Furious is the epitome of a great movie, this may not be for you. This is a cerebral story that doesn't rush the storyline, but rather allows the thoughtful viewer time to digest what's happening and to think through the complex dialogue and nuanced relationships. The characters are real and despite many negative comments I was invested in the main characters and thought Sonoya Mizuno (Lily) did a very hood job in the role. I absolutely loved Nick Offerman in this series and he nailed the performance at every turn. Even the choice to cast a woman to play a teenage wunderkind worked for me. This series clearly won't be for everyone, but if you like sci-fi, can follow an at times complex/technical storyline, have the patience to let a story unfold with a bit of a slow-burn, and can appreciate realistically drawn characters that are not over acted, this may just be the best thing you've watched all year.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Slow Burn-More HBO Excellence
7 August 2020
Starts slow like many great stories do, but takes off in episode 6...and it's sooooo worth the wait!!! Hang in there and I promise you will be rewarded.
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Run (I) (2020)
Quirky and Entertaining
5 May 2020
It's clear that people generally either love this show or hate it. I enjoy the avant-garde premise, the impulsive decision-making, the vacillation between being completely caught up in a heady and dangerous romantic assignation. The show is intentionally quirky and it's refreshing to see out of the box creativity. The situations no matter how unlikely or far-fetched create drama and comedy. It's not like we need another series about big city police firefighters or medical workers, those have all been done so much it's trite. The acting is great and feels authentic despite the absurdity of the circumstances. Some complain that a woman wouldn't walk away from her children. Others complain that she switches from being all in to being conflicted. And still others want to judge it because it lacks a wholesome Christian message. To this people I say, you need to get out more. People do abandon their families for selfish reasons, people do carry torches for old flames and some of them destroy their marriage because of it. Those people need a reality check and should ask their partner if s/he has reconnected with an ex from way back via social media. Regardless of their answer there's a very high likelihood that the true answer is yes. Is a story that dares to acknowledge the truth that life-long pair bonding is unnatural and the denial of biological drive encoded in our genes for sexual variety is an artificial construct forced upon society ground breaking? Sure. Is it beyond the realm of possibility or stranger than existing examples of human behavior, absolutely NOT! Now, I totally understand how those with little imagination or who are fearful that their significant other is unhappy because they settled for someone boring and uncreative and is therefore a potential flight risk makes some viewers uncomfortable, but that doesn't make this show bad. It simply means that people have been so indoctrinated with dogma that they judge everything based on an anticipated "morale" at the end of the story even though the word is spelled "moral". This is not meant to be Biblical parable, it's it dogma it's art. It's purpose is to entertain, not to teach lessons of morality. Did these folks dislike Taxi Driver because their Uber driver "wouldn't act like that"? Did they watch the award winning Schindler's List and rail against it because they've never known someone who tried to thwart genocide? Was the Diary of Anne Frank far-fetched because people don't stay locked away for long periods of time without going out? The story is a zany "what if" project and one that's fun and well-produced at that. If you can't set aside you Judeo-Christian judgement to enjoy some entertainment then just go to church and don't bother. As for the person who complained that Merritt Wever is unbelievable as a sexy lead I say she's not supposed to be a sex bomb. They didn't cast Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson to play these roles, they picked normal looking people because that's what they are portraying. As a man, I personally applaud the casting decision because Merritt Wever looks real. She doesn't look like plastic-filled, Botox paralyzed, glammed-up Hollywood mannequin which is perfect for this role. This character is a woman trapped in what is most likely a dull, unromantic, spiceless, and undersexed marriage for 15-years. She's sacrifices her youth and her body for her family and she feels suffocated. I would ask for a show of hands who knows that feeling, but I don't want cell phones crashing to the floor as 50 million women eagerly shoot both hands in the air in answer to the question. This character is awkward, conflicted, scared, uncertain, and incredulous at her own behavior. She is also very plausibly body conscious because she hasn't been naked in front of anyone other than her husband in a decade and a half and the last time this particular guy saw her naked, she was a childless 18 year old in her prime. Is selfishness, emotional instability, body consciousness and cheating only for the perfect people? Of course not, anyone can be those things and I think she represents this fictional character pretty faithfully while still being absurdly neurotic, assertive and self-conscious all at the same time. People are not one dimensional like they are portrayed in many projects we are complex. Women can be beautiful, flawed, self-confident, racked with guilt or doubt, beaten down, and strongly independent. Many can even be all those things at the same time. That's what this farcical romp is about. So check your high-horse at the door and let yourself be entertained without looking for a "morale" at the end. not all poetry rhymes and not all stories need to reinforce the dogma of our constructive belief systems. You can sometimes jump in your car without a destination in mind and sometimes stories don't need to be neatly wrapped with a ribbon and a card that says "good people do this". Sometimes a car ride is just a drive. Try to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
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Some of the worst acting ever!!!!
22 March 2020
Don't waste your time. I've seen productions 10x better in HS plays and children in community theater. So many of the high school students act like this was the first time they had ever acted and had no training. Lines with awkward pauses and incorrect inflection made it unwatchable. Don't waste your time.
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America Unearthed: The Ripper Unmasked (2019)
Season 4, Episode 4
Conclusion Provided-No Evidence Required
29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What a bunch of crap! I've only seen one episode of this series, but it's also all I could stand. This episode is not only ridiculously unscientific in its approach, it's dangerously so because it presents a bunch of illogical supposition as fact and deductive logic. This is dangerous because those unfamiliar with actual critical thinking will be fooled by the scientific-sounding false logic into thinking this makes sense and the conclusion is correct. The truth is they start out with a conclusion and cherry-pick just the vague facts that they can shoehorn to fit their chosen narrative. They twist the interpretation of selected bits of folklore, innuendo, and mystique to try to make connections that don't exist. The "symbols" used as "evidence" are so vague as to be meaningless and the assumptions the host makes are nothing more than mental leaps to overcome his biased desire to prove his premise. Starting with a conclusion and work backward by selectively choosing just the so-called "facts" to support their hypothesis is the FURTHEST THING from the scientific method. In fact it's what con-men and fake psychics do to trick people into believing them. This is at best dishonest and at worst harmful because it takes advantage of the human brain's desire for order. The host does nothing but string together isolated bits of dubious information from so-called experts to weave a preconceived narrative. At one point he reconnects with a supposed "Ripper expert" names Dr. Dan (a doctor of what and from where should be asked), a nutter who looks like they may have had to physically wrestle to run a comb through his hair. The host relates that the description the police were working from at that time described the suspect as having "dark hair, a mustache, a dark suit, and about 30 years old". The host then asks this self-appointed "expert" to compare that to an equally vague description of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. "Doctor" Dan obliges citing "evidence" reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials including things like 'Doyle was 29, had a mustache and always wore a suit". (Well then, he must be guilty). From this the host concludes that Jack the Ripper must be Arthur Conan Doyle because of the eerily similar, but exceptionally vague and useless description. The number of people in London matching that description at the time was probably in the millions. The Vaughn description about a man in 1888 London is about as useful as trying to find a specific hipster in 2019 Brooklyn by describing him as "mid-20's, Caucasian, with a beard, and jeans". Literally 1/4 of the population in London at the time was about 30, dark haired, with a mustache and a suit-(is this a spoof and I just didn't realize it?) The worst is a modern "composite sketch" of this uselessly vague description that he compares to a photo of Conan Doyle. First, this is based on witness accounts which are proven to be the absolutely least reliable form of evidence (look it up), then the description is so vague as to be useless, and despite all this, they are going to develop a sketch? C'Mon! Apparently the absurdity of a sketch done 100 years after a crime, without ever talking to a witness, based on a loose description of just '30 years old, dark hair, and a mustache' is lost on this show. I'd call it a joke, but this is far too damaging to rational thought to be funny. With the only physical descriptors being '30, dark hair and mustache', the artist is able to make the suspect look like anyone (including a generic white guy). And what does Doyle look like?, you guessed it, a very generic white guy. Bingo, call off the search, we've got our man!

At one point he tries to prove that the Ripper had to have medical training (because Doyle did). This theory is based on the Ripper mutilating a woman in about 9 minutes and taking out her kidney. When the host replicates the situation without any medical training, he does it very calmly and painfully slowly. We get the sense that he's taking his time to prove that it would take a layman more than 9 minutes. Despite dragging his feet, he completes the dissection in well under 5 minutes however, he inexplicably concludes "I'm convinced it would have taken me double that if I'd had the same conditions he did". He goes on to make the assumption that it was "pitch black" when the Ripper killed, but somehow completely ignores the excited state of the killer and the sense of urgency he would have felt. He falsely states that medical training would be needed to find the kidney, but the medical professional rightly points out that this would be true only if the goal was to find the kidney specifically. The truth is that the kidney had no particular significance to the Ripper. It just happens to be what he took. He could have just as easily taken the spleen, the heart, or gall bladder, but again this is a fact ignored by the host. In fact, in his typical false-logic that is easily missed by the fact that the host sneaks in such statements, he assumes the kidney was the goal rather than just a random organ taken by the killer. This baseless assumption that the killer targeted the kidney leads to view to the conclusion the host wants-The Ripper must have had medical training which means Doyle is a likely suspect. This example is typical of how the host manipulated the viewer and leads them around by the nose...and it's slimy as hell.

Finally, the host uses the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority" by invoking hiss status as a Freemason. If true, he should be expelled from the Freemasons for dishonesty. Masonry is an organization that teaches morality and the deception the host engages in is immoral. He interprets every scratch, scrawl, and scribble as Masonic in nature. From the makers marks on stones to a bit of graffito scrawled on the wall in the neighborhood where a murder was committed and where The Ripper May have walked past. I've been a Mason for over a decade and none of the symbols he attributes to Masonry are correct. The "V" is not Masonic (although in a rare moment of honesty he passingly admits that a "V" or "^" has been used as a symbol to represent an endless list of ideas by countless cultures and individuals. In this case though, it can only mean The Ripper was a Freemason. Finding stones etched with "+" and an "X" with dots between each of the lines are also supposed to be Masonic in nature. And even though as a Past Master, I've never heard of any such thing, the host has no trouble connecting them to Masonry. Then comes the farce of following the stones to the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). They never tell you that the marked stones also lead in the opposite direction from their start point and continue well past the UGLE. In this presentation the stones are supposed to be a hidden message to lead you from their chosen start point to their chosen end point. -please!

Rather than interpreting the word "Juwes" found in the graffito blocks from a murder scene as a misspelling by a under-educated individual or recognizing that word spellings were often varied and spelled phonetically especially by the uneducated in the 19th century, he contorts the meaning of allegorical tale of 3 brothers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. He claims he's heard them referred to as the "Ju's". This is yet another contortion by the host to shoehorn Masonry into his theory because Doyle was a Mason. In Masonic ritual these characters are NEVER referred to as the Ju's for several reasons. 1) associating violent criminals like these ruffians with the Jewish identity would be anti-Semitic and highly offensive to Jewish Masons. And Masonry is based on accepting all men in harmony so decisiveness is eliminated from Lodges 2) these characters already have a collective name, "the 3 ruffians" so there's never been a need to invent another term 3) if we gave the host the benefit of the doubt and assume he isn't again purposely misleading us to advance his theory and hypothetically assume that he actually did hear these characters referred to as Ju's, it would have been a local thing because this use is not common-it would not be a Masonic thing, but an individual thing 4) again, in a hypothetical case that such a word existed and was written it would not contain a "W" and be spelled "Juwes" but rather "Ju's"- the ruffians' names are Ju-bela Ju-belo, and Ju-belum not Jew-bela, etc. 5) as a doctor and renowned author, Doyle was an exceptionally well-educated and literate man and would not have misspelled "Jews " if that's what he intended.

If you have a brain in your head avoid this show.
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Game of Thrones (2011– )
If you didn't like season 8, you weren't paying attention
7 December 2019
I don't understand the people who were disappointed in season 8. I've literally read everything written or sanctioned by GRRM on A Song of Ice and Fire and was not disappointed in any aspect of this TV show. IMO, it is the most amazingly excellent show ever made. The only reason I can think that people don't like it is 1) people tend to be lemmings and are influenced by people who are often stupider than they are so they let their opinions become poisoned by others and simply jump on the bandwagon when others say they don't like it 2) misunderstanding or lack of thoughtful consideration of the characters, themes, and plots of the entire series 3) irrational misperception that the fewer number of episodes in the last 2 seasons meant the writers and producers were paying short shrift to the story which is clearly not the case when you consider the episode lengths, the predicted number of total episodes from the outset, and the fact that there was resolution to all major plot lines and characters that remained true to the character's story arcs and nature. If they were to investigate, those who say the season was rushed would learn that there was only suppose to be a season 7 with 13 episodes, but with the enormously ambitious scale of these last 2 seasons, the producers were forced to break it into 2 seasons with fewer episodes per season (although these were exceptionally long episodes so the total time was nearly the same. This was done to allow time for post production without the need for an even longer break between seasons. From the outset they planes for about episodes/hours to tell this story. Guess how many episodes hours there were: 73, some of which were well over an hour. They also began planning seasons 7 and 8, 5 years before they aired so I have yet to see how the argument that they rushed season 8 holds any water. The scale of S8Ep3 was so great that it alone required 18 months of work and years of planning. To even suggest that the team "phoned it in" is absurd and demonstrates the ignorance of the person making that assertion. S8Ep3, The Long Night was layered, complex, a technical miracle, absolutely grueling for the writers, director, producers, and cast and crew, not to mention it's one the single most expensive episodes of TV ever produced and contained the largest and longest battle sequence ever filmed for TV or movies. The writing and editing expertly concealed the direction of the plot, contained several unexpected twists, killed off several beloved characters, and kept the viewer on the edge of their seats. And despite the incredibly length of the battle, they kept it fresh by not dragging out fight scenes, brilliant editing and story sequencing that allowed them to switch between characters and subplots to avoid viewer fatigue. That episode is the embodiment of the word "epic" and I defy any intelligent and informed person to successfully defend the argument that season 8 and especially episode 3 are anything less than ground-breaking and incomparable television. Like I said, I have yet to meet anyone in person or read anything online that makes a cogent argument against it.
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Treadstone (2019)
Bourne-Worthy Origin Story
2 December 2019
I think this show is well written, well-acted, well-shot, and well-choreographed. The entire show is faithful to the Bourne series not only story, cinematography, style, and feel but also in its multiple global locations. It's sort of an origin story for the indoctrination program that created Jason Bourne and the operatives like him. The fight scenes are high quality and Bourne-worthy and I have no doubt the actors trained very hard to pull these off. Kudos to the fight choreographer as well. I'm a big Bourne fan-I read the books in the 1980's and have owned and watched the movies multiple times and still think they are among the best action movies ever made. Having said that, I am enjoying this show more than The Bourne Legacy movie. Those who complain the story is confusing are likely not paying attention while watching or are so used to watching shows/movies where every detail is spelled out to the viewer. (See this guy with the black leather jacket, the nasty scar on his face, the milky dead eye, and the cat on his lap, well he's the bad guy). This is a somewhat layered espionage storyline that switches between present-day and 1973. The premise is that in 1973, the Treadstone project started creating sleeper agents cleverly named cicadas (insects that lay dormant for 17 years before returning in droves). Some unknown person is waking up these cicada operatives (who don't even know they are badasses) and sending them on missions to kill people with the ultimate goal of selling a decommissioned and unaccounted Cold War Russian nuclear missile to the North Koreans. Through period flashbacks, we get to see the Russians re-program captured CIA officers, completely wiping their memories and allegiance to the USA and turning them into badasses. Clearly, something goes wrong with one such operative who is on a quest to figure out who he is/was, what happened to him, what he's done, and who he needs to blame and seek vengeance on. In typical Bourne style, there is intrigue which forces you to pay attention, make connections, and wait for reveals. I know some people like to veg in front of the idiot box and not think, but not being spoon-fed a simplistic story is part of the enjoyment of this genre for me. Imagine that, TV you actually need to think about! The movies were also like this, but I suppose for some a chapter title that says "Budapest 1973" is not a big enough clue to let them know that what follows is a flashback to the early days of the Treadstone-type project. And if they can't decipher an on screen title written in plain English, perhaps it's too much to expect that the distinctive clothing, music, characters, names, and storyline would be clues they could pick up on to let them know they are watching a different subplot. Perhaps these viewer should stick to the Real Housewives. I would recommend they read a book to learn how to follow multiple subplots, but then again, the subtitles of my the Korean and Russian characters in this show are probably too much reading already. The reviewers who really confound me are the ones who claim to be confused by 'look alike' actors. The main storylines involve a North Korean woman, a black woman with a British accent, and a bearded American man of middle age. The only characters who are even the same race and age are two white males in their late 20's, but these characters are separated by 46 years and completely different sets, costumes, and storylines. One is a recently woken sleeper agent married to a brunette American and the other is a single man undergoing brainwashing by a Russian redhead. Aside from everyone and everything around these two characters being different, one looks like a male model and the other looks like Kevin Dillon. Anyone who can't tell these characters apart should be screened for face-blindness. This is a good show for any Bourne fan with at least half a brain. I hope there's a Season 2.
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Fear the Walking Dead: End of the Line (2019)
Season 5, Episode 16
Most Reviewers Have It Right
30 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you have read the other reviews, they pretty much sum it up. The single 10/10 review can be discredited as it is from someone so confused about the show that he missed a major plot point. The baby is not Morgan's baby. The father is the man that Grace admitted hooking up with from work. Morgan and Grace never slept together. Hell, they just now admitted their feelings to one another. Also, the walkers were also much further away from Morgan than 10 feet. Ginny's vehicle was 25 feet away and the walkers were three times that distance. Oh and no one mentioned how ridiculous it was for Ginny to retrieve an unknown gun from the far side of a dead body who she didn't even know was armed, rather than picking up her own gun that she had just seconds before-so contrived. Despite being hit hard in the face, her gun would have been just a few feet away. Guns are heavy so they don't fly off into the distance. There is still gravity in this universe so her gun would have been even closer than the dead guy's gun. Writers need to get a grip.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Channel 5 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 15
Was Tom too stupid to live?!
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe Ginny was right. Maybe someone who is too stupid to get off a collapsing bridge is too stupid to be of any use to anyone. This writing is just so absurd. Why did they have to make Tom so stupid? Why couldn't the bridge collapse suddenly before Tom could get across? Why did they have to make us hate Tom for being the helpless girl who tries to run in high heels from the slow-walking monster -just asinine. I can't figure out who's dumber, Tom or the writers.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Channel 5 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 15
Why not just clear the space?
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Walkers are behind in tact fences and there are what, 30 adults? Why not stand on the safe side of the fence and just kill the walkers through the fence. It might take several hours, but it's simple, safe, effective and above all, gets you EXACTLY what you wanted. Why are they so willing to give up so easily? Did they never consider that the gates might be open? C'mon, that's a season one mentality. This doesn't make sense especially for people like Daniel, Victor, and Alicia who have cleared places before. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this writing sucks.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Channel 5 (2019)
Season 5, Episode 15
Why not kill Ginny?
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ginny gets upset that no one wants to go with her so she calls the walkers to attack the group. This is attempted murder of 40 people. Why in that moment doesn't sharpshooter John kill her 2 body guards while Dwight shoots the driver and then they both kill Ginny? It will likely provoke a war with the Pioneers but screw it, they are attacking the group anyway and they aren't giving you the fuel you need. I say go for broke instead of letting thempick you off one by one.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Today and Tomorrow (2019)
Season 5, Episode 14
A Waste of Good Actors with Crappy Writing
16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Daniel, the seasoned combat vet, almost gets killed by a walker because he stops in the middle of a walker attack to pick up records? Morgan has all the time in the world to deal with a walker behind a door and ineptly handles the situation as if he's new to the apocalypse and has been taken by surprise and as a result compromises their covert mission by knocking a walker out a balcony door into a court yard? Al and Morgan talk on a radio when anyone can hear them despite being within eyeshot and using hand signals? Al can't hear a walker despite the acoustics of a dead silent apartment complex made of concrete? A moving truck can't handle the weight of a poorly packed load without the transmission going out? They leave tapes for dozens of miles in every direction but they're surprised when people know their names?! Oh and the instant Morgan has an epiphany about caring for Grace, she's suddenly sick? C'mon, too convenient and way too obvious. It's just trite. Who do they have writing this show, former soap opera writers? This is what passes for writing? I've read better fan fiction. Who approves these storylines? Is there a show runner anymore?

And the other reviewer was dead on about Ginny being Jessie from ToyStory, from the cowgirl hat to the red hair to the face that looks like a doll to the caricature southern accent. It's like watching Pinocchio turn into a real boy! Oh worst line of the episode "spaghetti ain't simple...". Really? Since when? Name something that's simpler than spaghetti Jessie.
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So Smart and Funny!
15 September 2019
This show is consistently funny and clever. The writing is fresh and witty. I thought the whole show would be Latino jokes and I wouldn't appreciate it, but I was wrong on both counts. While many of the jokes are rooted in Latino culture, they are all funny and you don't have to be Hispanic to appreciate most of it. There are some jokes that will be even funnier to Latinos (like the passing joke about the aunt trying to use Vick's vaporub to treat her nephews depression after a break up). As a Caucasian I didn't catch this subtle reference until a friend explained that culturally Latinos tend to be big fans of vaporub for the treatment of colds, flus, fever, congestion, etc. It was apparently very funny to a Hispanic audience, but went over my head. The truth is I was probably laughing at the previous rapid-fire joke. Bottom line: you don't have to be Hispanic or even know any Hispanics to like this show and many of the skits have nothing to do with being Hispanic. This is a hilarious show for anyone and everyone. Do yourself a favor and give it a try.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Leave What You Don't (2019)
Season 5, Episode 13
Too Far Fetched
9 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The same EXACT situation happens to Alycia and Strand that happened to Logan. Same road stop, another woman, same radio plea, same running out of gas at almost exactly the place in the road, and the heroes arrive just a little too late to help, really? This is the best the writers could come up with? No matter how much crap Logan pulls, how much he endangers people (including children), no matter how much he takes, or how much advantage they have over him they are never willing to kill him!!! WTF?! The when the walkers start streaming over the cliff into the refinery for some trumped up drama, they take us to commercial only to have the show come back after the commercial where it's pitch black out. So what over an hour passed on the commercial break and they did nothing to handle the situation? Then the girl trapped in the truck stop just watches as the screwdriver that's keeping the walkers out slipping from the door and makes no attempt to prevent it from falling out. Then she is saved by someone who apparently comes out of nowhere into the room from another entrance. Why didn't she escape that way? For that matter there were two windows behind her she could have used to escape. Your telling me someone who has survived this long wouldn't think to use the windows when locked in a room with walkers at the door? At the end we see it was only about four walkers anyway. It's not like the building was surrounded. The far into the apocalypse someone in a room full of furniture and shelving should be able to delay/trip four walkers long enough to kill them one at a time. For that matter she could have gotten something long and sharp and killed them through the glass panes of the door while it was still locked and still had the barricade between her and them. Again, there were only four walkers!!! I'm all for suspending disbelief in order to enjoy a show, but there has to be some believability. I just can't do it if it's totally absurd and that's what this show has become. It's actually sad because most all the actors on this show are really great and they deserve much better material. With a few isolated episodes, it's been crap since Madison died, but I keep foolishly hoping it's gonna rebound. There are just too many good shows out there for my to keep wasting time on this ridiculous tripe. I apologize to the actors of FTWD, but I'm out!
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Pure (2017–2019)
Good Premise-Questionable Casting
27 January 2019
The core characters are believable as Mennonites, but casting Rosie Perez with what I think is supposed to be a southern accent is absurd. To hire Rosie Perez for any role is foolish because they all require something she doesn't have-acting talent. Aside from the fact that she can't act, her real voice is more annoying than the fake voice Fran Dresher used to when playing The Nanny. Even in roles where she is supposed to be "pretending" to be uneducated Bronx street trash, which is something that should be as easy for her as falling down she sucks because her natural voice is so annoying it seems unrealistic. Whoever told this woman she had a future as an actor must have been playing a cruel joke on her the way someone might evilly convince a mentally handicapped person that she could be Ms. America. As far as I'm concerned the joke has gone on far too long and her trying to do a southern accent is like watching that mentally handicapped person I mentioned before enter the talent competition as a break-dancer. Hollywood, please stop hiring this woman; she ruins everything she is in the way she has in Pure because her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and hearing it takes some viewers "out of the moment" and ruins the immersive experience of the story. They could save Pure by having Detective Bronco simply call the Texas police station where an actual actor tells his character that Detective Squeakydrawl was killed in the line of duty when she tried to speak to a suspect whose head exploded at the sound of her voice and she was caught in the blast radius. If you didn't give her lines it would be the best performace of her career, but her face would still ruin the scene because she looks like a squirrel (who can't act) pretending to be human while storing nuts in its mouth. For her to be cast in anything is ridiculous, but to hire her to attempt to play something other than an uneducated Bronxite who has a weird voice and can't act even with her native New York accent is a complete farce.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
27 December 2018
Just finished watching the season 3 finale and it was better than most series finales. I love, love, love this show. The writing is fantastic and the actors are impeccable!!! I usually don't get invested in sci-fi characters, but I have come to care about all of them. Plus, I think I'm falling in love with Marcy (or MacKenszie Porter, I'm not sure which it is). With its fantastical premis it would be very easy for a show like this to go too far or to become ridiculous, but the writers and the actors are so good that the suspension of disbelief is not only possible but all too easy. The easy buy-in is one way I know this is a great show. Another is that I couldn't wait to see the next episode and binged 3 seasons in 2 weeks. Now I can't wait for season four and beyond. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they keep up the quality they can't make these episodes fast enough for me. A very compelling and even heart warming show. Congrats to the cast, crew and Netflix for making an outstanding show. To potential viewers I recommend you watch the first 5 episodes and you will be hooked. Without a doubt a great journey that you will be happy to be on!!
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Travelers: Protocol Omega (2018)
Season 3, Episode 10
Mind Blowingly Good
27 December 2018
This season finale was better than most series finales. I love, love, love this show. The writing is fantastic and the actors are impeccable!!! Now I can't wait for season four and beyond. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they keep up the quality they can't make these episodes fast enough for me.
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Elementary (2012– )
One of the Best
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I find police procedurals to be boring and tiresome. Between the many versions of CSI and Law and Order it can feel like you're watching the same cookie cutter shows week after week and often the acting is ridiculous. This unconventional imagining of these iconic characters is fresh, creative, well written, well acted, and never disappoints. I'm a huge fan of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries (reading anthologies of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories were actually the first adult books I ever read for pleasure) so I could easily be put off by a poor incarnation of the stories. I was also not a previous fan of Lucy Liu not Jonny Lee Miller, so this show had an uphill battle in trying to win me over. Despite all that, I feel they have done an amazing job developing and portraying these characters. Their performances, the story arcs, character progression, and especially their relationship over time has been compelling. Over the past year or so I've taken to rewatching the series from the beginning and have enjoyed it even more the second time through. I would encourage others to give it a try because watching them in rapid succession adds to the experience of watching them grow and bond together. I'm so happy with the decision to have their relationship remain platonic else it would have played as a cheap ploy to add drama and would not have been true to the characters. The love they develop for each other is a familial love that is stronger and more permanent than romantic love so even when the show ends after 154 episodes, this Watson and Holmes will spend the rest of their lives happily solving cases together in my imagination. I also love that beyond the original choice to make Watson female, the character's gender was never an issue in their partnership. I also respect and appreciate their choice to make Watson smart and strong unlike some versions that portray Watson as a bit of a hapless boob. Not here-in Elementary, Watson is at first a brilliant protégé and later a fully enfranchised and worthy partner who Holmes, despite his quirks and unsentimental style, fully values and appreciates. Also, despite being emotionally constrained and undemonstrative, Holmes does occasionally express his respect and love for Watson, but only when served by the story such as when their partnership or lifestyle is at risk. I'm disappointed that the series will end after season 7 because I've grown to love these characters, they are still compelling, and the cases are still unique and interesting. I feel like I could have happily watched new episodes for years to come. Although I'll regret that there will be no more new episodes after 2019, I know I will watch the series from the beginning again and again in the future. If you've only watched as the episodes originally aired or caught the occasional rerun, I would encourage you to start back at the beginning and watch the episodes the pace of a at least a few episodes per week. This reduced interval between episodes may give you a new appreciation for this wonderful show. Elementary will be missed.
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Skip It.
2 June 2010
I agree with the other reviewers that commentators like Sheryl Crow, P Diddy, and Michael Douglas are absurd. And while these people are far from being "experts," I have an even greater objection to people like Al Sharpton and Sean Hannity. These two, despite being on the opposite sides of the ideological spectrum, can be grouped together as because unlike the other non-experts, these 2 are dangerous; they closer to enemies of the state then "experts." Al Sharpton is an instigator, fabricator and inciter (remember Tawana Brawley?). Sean Hannity, as a high-school drop-out is undereducated and divisive figure who represents the worst of what America has to offer. In my opinion, this man (and I use the term loosely) is one of the most un-American figures in today's society. He incites racism, division, and elitism which are completely at odds with the American narrative and ideals. What in the world could they be thinking by including a man whose values are professed to be purely American, but in reality are antithetical to the core American values of charity, equality, liberty, and justice. He is what the Father of our Country, George Washington, warned us about when he warned us to be wary of "the impostures of pretended patriotism." Hannity is a self-ordained patriot who cloaks the invective he spews in Americanism and distorts what true Americans, like those who HAVE served our Country, know America is about. I would have liked to use this to stimulate historical discussion with my young daughter, but the inclusion of Sean Hannity is a deal-breaker for me. I wouldn't let this fraud teach my kids to floss, let alone let him comment about what it means to be an American. And what's the deal Margaret Cho and the guy from Pawn Stars? Cho is a comedian and one of the worst ones at that. She has no business in any history production. I don't know if the producers were desperate, to find 'celebrities' to comment, but in any case these 2 certainly don't qualify as celebrities. They should have gotten Kathy Griffin-she is head and shoulders above them, making at least to the height of the D-List.

Bottom line: Save yourself time and frustration—avoid this show and read a history book.
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