
403 Reviews
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Wanderlust (2012)
Leave your baggage behind
9 June 2024
Wanderlust is a 2012 comedy that centers around an unemployed married couple who try to escape the stress of their big city lives by moving to a Georgia commune.

Written by David Wain and Ken Marino with directing duties by Wain, Wanderlust is a delightful comedy that follows a simple formula relying on it's odd and colorful characters to bring home the story in a somewhat unusual but hilarious fashion.

Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston star as George and Linda, a married couple down on their luck who finds comfort in the unorthodox lifestyle surrounding a commune they stumble upon while driving through Georgia.

Marino and Wain wrote a good story that is interesting, funny and charming. The cast is superb, with a lot of familiar faces giving great comedic performances, and although it might not be everyone's cup of tea, I'd recommend giving it a chance.
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All Of Humanity Has Been Judged
9 June 2024
Knock At The Cabin is a 2023 apocalyptic psychological horror film that follows a vacationing family that is held hostage by four strangers who ask them to do something unthinkable in order to save humanity.

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan and based on the 2018 novel Cabin At The End Of The World, Knock At The Cabin isn't M. Night Shyamalans best film, but it is certainly not his worst. It tells an intriguing story that really does a good job capturing your attention early on and keeps you wondering what's going to happen next, but unlike most of M. Nights previous films there's no big twist ending here. Instead, he delivers a straightforward conclusion that some might not find satisfying, but ultimately works well for the story being told. It has a good cast behind it with Dave Bautista standing out and really giving a solid performance. It has some tense moments that add some good drama, but nothing that will really shock anyone or surprise you.

Overall, I found the film enjoyable. If you're a fan of M. Night and haven't seen this before, It's definitely worth checking out.
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We Are Not Ninjas
9 June 2024
Brainsmasher... A Love Story is a 1993 romantic action comedy about a nightclub bouncer who helps a model on the run from Chinese ninja monks who want the flower that she possesses.

This is one of those movies that most people will probably hate, but as terrible as it might be I absolutely love this film. The story isn't very clever and borderlines ridiculous, but the characters are fun and keep things entertaining. I'm a fan of Andrew "Dice" Clay, so I thought he gave a great performance as the tough talking bouncer Ed, and Teri Hatcher portrayed the spoiled model role perfectly. It has some good humorous moments with some silly but funny dialogue, and a decent amount of action to make the movie overall enjoyable.

It might be so bad it's good quality, but I love this film. If you've never seen Brainsmasher before, I would recommend checking it out.
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Stop-Loss (2008)
The bravest place to stand is by each other's side
6 June 2024
Stop-Loss is a 2008 war drama that centers around a soldier's life getting turned upside down when he returns home after completing his service and finds out that the army isn't letting him go.

From Boys Don't Cry director Kimberly Peirce comes Stop-Loss, a gripping war drama that doesn't hold back it's feelings and shows some of the difficulties that can be associated with trying to return home from combat.

Ryan Phillippe stars as Brandon King, a decorated soldier whose ready to return home and start the next chapter of his life when he is informed that the army is sending him back into the field. Angry and frustrated Brandon then goes AWOL in hopes of getting the decision overturned which sets off even more problems.

This is a fantastic film with an incredible cast that hit nothing but home runs as far as performances go. The story although kind of sad is very compelling, and Peirce captures the main characters anger, desperation and confusion beautifully.

I love this movie, and if you haven't seen it before, I would highly recommend checking it out.
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Fist Fight (2017)
Something occurred to me as I was being dragged down a flight of stairs by a horse on meth
5 June 2024
Fist Fight is a 2017 comedy that centers around a school teacher who is challenged to a fight with a colleague after unintentionally causing his termination.

I'm not entirely sure if this is supposed to be a remake of Three O'Clock High or not, but if not, it definitely has a very similar premise. The only difference being this films focus is on two teachers fighting instead of students, and it puts a lot more emphasis on the comedy elements than Three O'Clock High did. But otherwise, this is a pretty decent film that delivers the laughs that you're looking for. Charlie Day and Ice Cube work great together mixing their comedic energies and getting the most out of their over the top performances.

I'm a big fan of Three O'Clock High, so if this is a remake, then I prefer the original. But overall, it's still an entertaining comedy that is definitely worth checking out.
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The Super (1991)
The best way to punish a slumlord is to make him a tenant
2 June 2024
The Super is a 1991 comedy that centers around a slumlord who gets sentenced by a judge to live in his own dilapidated building until it's brought up to code.

This is a great comedy from the early 90's starring Joe Pesci that isn't high on the radar, but definitely should be. Pesci's performance is hilarious and with the rest of the cast bring nothing but a good time to the table. The story is creative and funny, the jokes are silly but effective, and there's no shortage of entertaining moments that will make its 86 minute run time fly by.

I've loved this movie since I was a kid, and if you haven't seen it before, I would recommend checking it out.
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You never sign up for anything at school. You fly below the radar! That way you never raise anybody's expectations.
26 May 2024
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid is a 2011 comedy that follows a 12 year old boy as he deals with the trials and tribulations of life in middle school.

This is a wonderful film that tells a charming story about growing up and how even though you really want to fit in, you should always just be yourself.

Zachary Gordon stars as Greg Heffley, a 12 year old transitioning from elementary to middle school whose trying to find the fastest way to the top of popularity. Only all his get popular quick ideas seem to backfire.

It has a terrific cast, some good comical moments, and a suitable end that will warm your heart and leave you entertained. If you've never seen this movie before, It's definitely fun for the whole family.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Sons. Brothers. Champions.
22 May 2024
The Iron Claw is a 2023 biographical sports drama that centers around the ups and downs experienced by legendary pro wrestling family the Von Erichs.

Written and Directed by Sean Durkin, The Iron Claw is a movie that, although overshadowed by the tragic history of the Von Erichs tried to honor their pro wrestling legacy while telling their unfortunate story. It's hard to tell their tale without acknowledging the saddest aspects of their history, but I do wish they would have shown a few more ups to compensate for all the downs. After all, the Von Erichs were rock stars in the Texas territory, and without a doubt fantastic wrestlers that helped pave the way. The entire cast was incredible except for Aaron Dean Eisenberg whose portrayal of Rick Flair was just awful, but the rest of the actors delivered terrific performances.

As heartbreaking as the second half of the movie is, it was still nice to see the Von Erich story on the big screen. Overall, this was a very good movie that tells a difficult story that I'm sure wasn't easy to fit into just two hours. But whether you're a fan of wrestling or not, this is definitely worth checking out.
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In every love story, there's only room for one leading man
21 May 2024
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton is a 2004 romantic comedy that follows a small town girl who wins a date with a celebrity making her best friend jealous and creating a love triangle between the three.

This is a mediocre Rom Com that won't do anything to impress you, but still has its moments of fun. The cast is decent enough with good performances from Kate Bosworth and Josh Duhamel, but I'm not a big fan of Topher Grace so the role of the best friend could have been better. Although not completely creative, the movie tells a nice little story about two friends falling in love and living happily ever after.

It's not that bad, and it's not that great either, but it's definitely entertaining enough to check out at least one time if you're a fan of Rom Coms.
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Capone (2020)
We all pay for our crimes in the end
21 May 2024
Capone is a 2020 biological drama that centers around notorious gangster Al Capone, and the last year of his life suffering from neurosyphilis and dementia at his mansion in Florida.

I'm a Tom Hardy fan so my hopes were high going into this one, but unfortunately it was rather disappointing. I knew it was about the last year of Capones life so I wasn't expecting there to be a lot of mafia gang shootings, car chases and what not, but I was expecting to at least see some good performances from a pretty decent cast of actors which seemed to fall by the wayside. Hardy's gravelly frog voice gets a bit irritating about 20 minutes in, and once I realized the film was just going to be him hallucinating the whole time while others try to get his hidden treasures, I lost interest pretty quick.

It wasn't as good as I had hoped for, but they can't all be winners I suppose. If you haven't seen this before, check it out and see what you think.
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Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (1997 TV Movie)
Baseball's just a phase, it'll pass. But science is always cool
18 May 2024
Honey We Shrunk Ourselves is a 1997 science fiction comedy that centers around four parents who accidentally shrink themselves and attempt to get their children's attention in order to get back to normal size.

This is a movie that I really enjoyed watching when I was a kid, but now many years later it doesn't hold up as well as the original. Aside from a couple of comical moments, the film is pretty forgettable due to its silly plot line, bad acting, and poor special effects. I'm a fan of Rick Moranis, but I'm sure he would even tell you that this isn't a very good film.

But on the other hand, it's still a perfect movie for kids, so if you haven't seen it before, it's worth watching with the little ones, and if nothing else they will be entertained.
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Almost Famous (2000)
telling secrets to the one guy you don't tell secrets to.
14 May 2024
Almost Famous is a 2000 comedy-drama that follows a teenage journalist who goes on tour with an up and coming rock band in order to write an article on them for Rolling Stone Magazine.

Written and directed by Cameron Crowe and based on his own experience working for Rolling Stone Magazine, Almost Famous is a delightfully fun film that tells an entertaining story with a lot heart behind it. The characters are genuine and fun loving which Crowe captured beautifully in its carefree rock and roll setting, with a fantastic cast that gives terrific performances. It has a ton of great moments, good dialogue, and a wonderful soundtrack making the overall movie just a pleasure to watch.

I've seen this film more times than I'm sure is necessary, but it's just that good. If you haven't seen it before, I'd definitely recommend checking it out.
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Hall Pass (2011)
One week. No rules.
14 May 2024
Hall Pass is a 2011 comedy that centers around two husbands stuck in a rut who are given a one week hall pass to do whatever they want by their wives.

Directed by the Farrelly brothers, Hall Pass is not the best comedy that you'll ever see, but still manages to bring a lot of laughs to the table. The premise is slightly creative and sets up plenty of chances for amusing situations, but some of the comedy at times can be a bit dumb. The cast is good, and although Owen Wilson has top billing it's definitely Jason Sudeikis who steals the show in this one.

It's one of those movies that's really good the first time you watch it, and even though it's still entertaining it loses a lot of steam the more you see it. If you haven't seen this before, it's definitely worth checking out.
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Blind Fury (1989)
Master of the sword. Avenger of the truth. Blind as a bat
13 May 2024
Blind Fury is a 1989 action comedy that follows a blind war veteran and trained swordsman who helps rescue the son of a fellow soldier.

This is one of those films that even though it has a very creative premise, and a good cast to back it up, had a hard time finding the right audience when it came out. And although it was a box office flop I'd like to think it's gained more appreciation now days in cult status because it's actually a pretty decent movie. Of course like a lot of 80's films it has some cheesiness to it, but Rutger Hauers performance is quite good, and it mixes the humor elements in with its tone nicely.

It'll never be considered an amazing movie by any means, but is definitely entertaining. If you haven't seen Blind Fury before, give it a chance and see what you think.
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
It's like the Michael Bolton starter kit
12 May 2024
Just Friends is a 2005 romantic comedy that follows a formally obese womanizer who attempts to get out of the friend zone after coming home for Christmas and reconnecting with his high school crush.

This is a fantastic movie that brings its comedy A game right out of the gate and stays funny the whole way through.

Ryan Reynolds stars as Chris Brander, a former overweight and unpopular high school kid who never got the girl of his dreams. Now grown up, and the man he always wanted to be, Chris comes back to his hometown and attempts to get the girl that he never stopped loving.

The cast is terrific, with Reynolds performance and self centered sarcastic demeanor shining with hilarity. As with most Rom Coms, the movie can be pretty predictable at times but that doesn't keep it from being very entertaining. If you've never seen this before, I would recommend checking it out.
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Knocked Up (2007)
You Want Me to Stop smoking Pot Cuz There's An Earthquake Once Every Ten Years
11 May 2024
Knocked Up is a 2007 romantic comedy that follows the repercussions two opposites must face after their drunken one night stand ends with a pregnancy.

Written and Directed by Judd Apatow, Knocked UP is a fantastic film that hits a comedy home run, leaving you all smiles by the movies end. It's creative and tells an unconventional yet charming tale about the love that develops between two complete opposites after a drunken night of sex results in them becoming parents. It has the perfect cast of comedic actors that makes the word funny an understatement. Everyone involved gives an A+ performance, with Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl really doing a terrific job feeding off each others energy pulling out the best from both of them.

It's filled with some memorable scenes, very humorous dialogue, and an ending that although slightly predictable suits the story quite well. If you have never seen this movie before, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
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Funny Games (2007)
Shall we begin
9 May 2024
Funny Games is a 2007 psychological horror film that centers around a family on vacation who is tormented and forced to play sadistic games by two psychopathic young men.

This is an interesting horror film for the fact that although isn't exactly good, it isn't that bad either. On one hand, there is no story to it what so ever with no character development so as everything unfolds it's hard to invest yourself in anything going on. But on the other hand, the premise is brutally terrifying making the movie border the line between torture porn and effective art house filmmaking. The chaotic musical introduction sets the perfect tone for what you're about to see, but the film slowly loses steam once it gets where it's going. The whole cast is good, and Michael Pitt and Devon Gearhart's unnerving super polite demeanor makes their characters stand out, but also makes them slightly annoying.

It's not a film I can overly praise, but also one I can't completely bash. If you've never seen it before, It's worth checking out at least once.
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Screwed (2000)
I Was Scared
9 May 2024
Screwed is a 2000 dark comedy about a butler who attempts to kidnap his boss's dog for ransom, but things go from bad to worse when the plan doesn't go accordingly.

This is a very wacky comedy that is actually quite funny if you don't take it seriously and expect to roll your eyes a lot. The premise is silly enough as it is, but the goofy characters and acting amplify the silliness of it all ten fold. Norm Macdonald and Dave Chappelle are great together as two sidekicks that suck at committing crime, with also a very humorous performance from Danny DeVito that keeps things pretty entertaining.

Although I prefer Dirty Work over screwed, it's still a decent Norm Macdonald comedy that's worth checking out at least once. If you haven't seen this before and enjoy dumb comedies, I would recommend checking it out.
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Prepare yourself for the darkest day of horror the world has ever known!
8 May 2024
Day of the Dead is a 1985 post apocalyptic zombie film about a group of survivors sheltering in an underground bunker in Florida where they are attempting to figure out a solution.

Written and Directed by the master of zombies George A. Romero comes Day of the Dead, his third film in the series and my personal favorite of all of them. It has a good story that follows a group of survivors who are at each others throats trying to figure out the best way to deal with the situation which ultimately ends badly culminating in a very brutal and bloody final moment's of the film that is unforgettable.

Tom Savini as always does a superb job with all the special make-up effects, taking the gruesome nature of the movie that much further as the zombies invade the bunker looking to tear apart everyone inside.

This is a fantastic horror film all the way around, and if you haven't seen it before and don't mind gore, then I would highly recommend checking it out.
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This cigarette tastes funny
8 May 2024
The Heavenly Kid is a 1985 fantasy comedy that follows a guardian angel who is tasked with helping a socially awkward high school boy fit in.

I don't think most people would consider this to be an amazing 80's film, but to me the Heavenly Kid is a classic, and one that I hold in high regard.

Lewis Smith stars as Bobby Fontana, A 1960's greaser who gets killed while playing a game of chicken with a rival who made a pass at his girlfriend. But in the afterlife he finds out that he must complete a specific task in order to earn his wings and a ticket to get into heaven.

The premise of the movie seems kind of silly, but the story being told is actually pretty sweet and endearing on top of being quite funny. The cast is terrific, the plot is creative, and it has a fantastic theme song that screams the 80's. If you've never seen this film before, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
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Savage Dawn (1985)
The reign of terror is about to end
7 May 2024
Savage Dawn is a 1985 action film that centers around a war veteran who goes to battle with a ruthless biker gang that invades a small Arizona town.

This is a movie that definitely would not be considered a classic in any way, but definitely is a decent action flick by cheesy 80's standards. I'm a fan of both Lance Henriksen and William Forsythe so I was very interested in checking this movie out, and I have to say, I was not disappointed. The characters are over the top border line ridiculous, and the plot is typical action dribble you've seen more than enough times, but I still loved it. Although it comes off like a corny 80's film and has some pretty subpar dialogue and acting, it still has plenty of action and fun moments that make this movie overall entertaining.

I thought it was a great film, but I also like these cheesy beat em up action flicks. If you haven't seen this before, I'd recommend checking it out.
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Over the Top (1987)
The world meets nobody halfway. When you want something, you gotta take it.
4 May 2024
Over The Top is a 1987 sports drama that centers around a long haul truck driver who attempts to repair his relationship with his estranged son while also trying to win an arm wrestling tournament.

This is another masterpiece from the infamous Cannon Films Group that must have sounded better on paper before it was made. Although I give them credit for coming up with an original concept that hadn't been done before, the arm wrestling aspect of this film is just kind of laughable. The premise of the movie is actually decent, and was just poorly executed by Cannons leader Menahem Golan. Nevertheless, I still love this corny little film which I consider a classic from my childhood.

If you haven't seen this before and like cheesy 80's flicks, I'd recommend giving it a watch because it's unintentionally funny if nothing else.
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Bushwick (2017)
The New Civil War Has Begun
3 May 2024
Bushwick is a 2017 action thriller that centers around the unlikely alliance that forms between a war veteran and a young graduate student when their city is invaded by a heavily armed militia.

This is a pretty decent movie that has a similar premise to Red Dawn, only instead of forming a group to fight back, the main characters are just trying to stay alive and escape the situation all together. The Cast is good giving solid performances, and even though Dave Bautista might not be the best of the best when it comes to acting, his abilities shine well in the action genre. It doesn't necessarily throw any creative curveballs at you, but brings plenty of tense moments and action that keep things entertaining in its unstable atmosphere.

It's not the cream of the crop when it comes to films in the genre, but definitely has enough going for it to keep you interested. If you've never seen this before, I'd recommend giving it a watch.
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The bogeyman is real and you found him
3 May 2024
House of 1000 Corpses is a 2003 dark comedy horror film that follows two young couples who are kidnapped and tormented by a sadistic family of serial killers while traveling across Texas.

Written and Directed by Rob Zombie in his directorial debut, House of 10000 Corpses is a crazy horror flick that doesn't rely as much on imagination as it does brutality and bloodshed. It keeps an eerie tone throughout it while also throwing in some dark humor elements that actually manage to work very well together. Zombie created characters that are creepy and captivating making it hard to look away, while also capturing their ruthless antics in an environment that is unsettling but visually fun.

The music is good, the cast is great, and it's one film that any horror fan should see at least once. If you've never seen this awesome movie before, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
With no power comes no responsibility
2 May 2024
Kick-Ass is a 2010 superhero dark comedy that centers around a comic book loving high school outcast who decides to become a superhero of his own.

I'm not a big fan of superhero films so it took me a long while before I finally sat down and watch this, but I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. It didn't have the feel of your typical superhero movie, and had a good story that was creative and interesting, not to mention funny. The whole cast was great, but Nicolas Cage and Chloë Grace Moretz performance really stood out portraying arguably the two best characters in the film. It has plenty of comical moments, good action, and a pretty satisfying ending making the overall film quite entertaining.

It's never going to be an all time favorite, but I really enjoyed this movie. If you haven't seen it before, I would definitely recommend checking it out.
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