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a sweet movie with an excellent British cast
8 June 2024
Mrs. Palfrey (Joan Plowright) is an elderly English widow who comes to London to live out her last years at the Claremont Hotel, because she liked the looks of the residential hotel in the adverts. It turns out to be a fairly dreary place (although the public rooms look quite nice, to me, anyway). The other guests are all old people in similar situations. It's kind of depressing, until Mrs. Palfrey takes a tumble in the street and is helped by an attractive young man played by Rupert Friend.

The movie has been referred to as "Separate Tables meets Harold and Maude." Nevertheless a bond develops between Mrs. Palfrey and the young man, whom she passes off as her grandson, because her real grandson never comes to visit.

It's a touching story of connection between two lost souls. I found the busy-bodyness of the other hotel guests overdone, since English people of that generation would not be so forward. Also there is a tendency for everyone to come into a room whenever there's a conflict or outburst, which reminds me of the worst excesses of 1980s American sitcoms. Also, when they do show up, Mrs. Palfrey's daughter and real grandson are simply awful. It's hard to believe that this lovely woman's family would be so vile. But overall, the movie is touching, well acted, and easy to watch.
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Gilda Live (1980)
Good showcase for Gilda
8 June 2024
I had seen this years ago, it was a hit and miss show with Gilda doing some of her most famous SNL characters, which are the best parts. Director Mike Nichols chose to film some backstage stuff which I don't think was needed. Father Guido Sarducci (Don Novello) is given a bit too much footage.

But Gilda provides some hilarious moments with characters like Judy Miller, the little Brownie who does her own fantasy TV show in her room, nerdy Lisa Loopner playing "The Way We Were' at a high school recital, Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci ("Aren't I cute?") and gross newscaster Rosanne Rosannadanna making a guest speech at a journalism school graduation. Some good musical moments like the vulgar "Let's Talk Dirty To The Animals' and the sweet "Honey" at the end.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver and Gilbert (1959)
Season 2, Episode 25
It's not the bragging that's the issue so much...
7 June 2024
... instead, for me, it was the bullying that made Gilbert look so bad in this introductory episode.

Gilbert Gates is the new kid in school, and he lives across the street from Beaver. When Beaver goes over to see Gilbert, he claims he is training for the 1968 Olympics, that his father is in the FBI and has been shot in the line of duty before, and that Gilbert has been to the North Pole. Beaver is immediately fascinated with this guy, buying whole these wild stories. But then the next day Gilbert stands Beaver up when they had planned to go to the movies. It turns out Gilbert has gone to the movies with Larry and Whity instead, and later is out front playing football with them. Then when Beaver goes over to play with them at Ward's urging, Gilbert starts bullying Beaver and turns the other two kids against him too. What goes on here? Watch and find out.

This episode was a rare uneven one for LITB. Beaver is showing extreme gullibility that I'd understand if an adult was telling these wild tales, but not another kid his own age! And why would Gilbert suddenly just turn on Beaver when they had been getting along so well. No reason was given for that turn of events. The Gilbert of this episode doesn't act like the Gilbert of any subsequent episode, and thus his bully persona just seemed like a wild departure.

I did like how Ward handled Beaver though. He managed to keep him from being babied by June without angering her, and at the same time gave Beaver some good advice concerning the situation and other similar situations that might crop up in the future.
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Leave It to Beaver: Mother's Day Composition (1960)
Season 3, Episode 31
With June Cleaver as Ruth Etting...
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
AKA "Love Me or Beave Me"

Mrs. Rayburn, substituting for an ill Miss Landers, asks for suggestions from the class for a theme for their next composition. The ideas the kids have for a topic include tigers and submarines, but Larry suggests the class write about their mothers and what makes them so great since Mother's Day is fast approaching. Mrs. Rayburn fine tunes that idea a bit and says the class should write a 50-word essay on what their mother's did before they married - Do realize at this time that when a woman married she usually gave up her career and became a housewife.

So Beaver interviews June and, by her own admission, she didn't have a very exciting pre-marriage life. Her only job was at a bookstore where she got fired after five days for getting her sales slips mixed up. She won a swimming contest once, and she also worked at the USO during WWII. That's about it. The next day the class reads their compositions. Judy Hensler's mother was a department store buyer, Richard's mother was a captain in the WACs, and even Larry Mondello's mother was a dental nurse, meeting Larry's father when he had cavities. Beaver is suddenly ashamed of his puny composition and when his turn comes says that the composition got lost. Mrs. Rayburn gives him another day to produce one.

So that night Beaver struggles with his composition. With his parents gone to some social event, Beaver goes downstairs to watch some TV and regroup. A Broadway star is recounting her life to a reporter. She talks about running away from home at 17, dancing in dives, being discovered by a gangster, and the gangster helping her get to Broadway. Beaver starts to write notes and decides this will be his composition.

The next day Beaver's description of his mother's single days pretty much sounds like the life story of Ruth Etting - and he throws in that his father was a famous tap dancer. The class is impressed, Mrs. Rayburn thanks Beaver and he thinks he's in the clear. And then he comes home that night to see his dad cooking dinner because Mrs. Rayburn has called June to come down to the school. Is the jig - or should I say production number - up? Watch and find out.

At the end, Beaver is saying that he feels foolish and is afraid that his classmates will razz him over his fake composition. But Larry Mondello is comforting. He says that the class knew the report was not true, but that it was like watching King Kong eat people at the movies. You know it's not true, but it sure is entertaining. Larry was the giver of much bad advice to Beaver, but he did have a good heart.

I went overboard on detail for this review because I remember clearly seeing this episode in reruns 50 years ago when I was a kid, because I could relate. My mom didn't have a youth worthy of an encyclopedia article, but she was a great mom and that made her tops in my book.
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Leave It to Beaver: Lonesome Beaver (1958)
Season 1, Episode 20
With Eddie Haskell as Barney Fife
4 June 2024
Wally joins the Boy Scouts and Beaver, used to doing everything that Wally does, tries to join too. But the scoutmaster informs Beaver that he can't join until age eleven, and currently Beaver is only 7 and three quarters. Then one weekend the troop goes for a weekend of camping at Friend's Lake, and Beaver learns what it is to be on his own on a weekend without Wally. With his friends either occupied, away, or ill, and Gus having to ready for inspection, Beaver learns about loneliness at a young age.

There's not that much going on in this episode, and it feels a bit like filler. There are some things that recommend it though. First, joining the Boy Scouts sure seems like joining the army with the questions about age and qualifications and then the oath. Next, there is a rather frantic June, not wanting Wally to go camping, almost kissing him in front of the fellas, and obsessing over weather reports. A good wedding gift for Wally's future wife would be a sturdy pair of scissors - to cut those apron strings!

Then there is Eddie Haskell, trying to kiss up to the scoutmaster from the beginning and acting like he's in charge, like another famous know it all, Barney Fife. Finally - Was it common to put kids into bed in their pajamas all weekend so that they would not catch cold? This seems like an extreme precaution.
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Leave It to Beaver: Music Lesson (1958)
Season 1, Episode 30
The ending makes it worthwhile
4 June 2024
Wally makes the baseball team, and Beaver is feeling a bit left out with his parents' attention seeming to focus on Wally because of this. So Beaver decides to try out for the school band. He picks the clarinet, but he doesn't make much progress with it, and so when final tryouts come Beaver doesn't make the cut, although the band teacher is as kind about letting him down as gently as possible.

But Beaver doesn't have the heart to tell his parents he didn't make the band, especially with them so proud of Wally being on the baseball team. So he carries his clarinet to and from school every day, pretending that he is in the band. And then one day notice comes of a school band concert, and the whole Cleaver family is turning out to listen to Beaver play. How will this work out? Watch and find out.

There was more than one episode about Wally the athlete or even Wally the scholar showing up Beaver and making him feel inferior or even left out. What sets this episode apart is a great moment between Beaver and his dad at the end, much like between Ward and Beaver in the episode "Beaver's Short Pants" earlier in season one.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's Short Pants (1957)
Season 1, Episode 11
This was a hard one to watch...
4 June 2024
... almost as hard as the one where Lumpy was menacing Beaver about a watch that he said Beaver had lost when he was the one who had lost it. In this case it is Aunt Martha the terrible who is the bully, but not in the traditional sense. Instead she kills people with kindness.

June's sister has had a baby and June is going to be with her for a few days. In her stead, June's Aunt Martha will keep house for Ward and the boys. But Martha has some old fashioned ideas. In particular she doesn't like how Beaver is dressed and so she goes out and buys him a suit with short pants and knee socks that makes him look like Little Lord Fauntleroy. When his classmates see him in this get-up and tease him a fight breaks out with Beaver throwing the first punch. But the teacher who breaks up the fight sympathizes with Beaver and his ridiculous get-up and just sends him home without disciplining him.

Wally comes to Ward that night and tells him about the short pants and the fight and so Ward has to come up with a diplomatic solution that does not hurt the feelings of June's Aunt Martha. How will he do that? Watch and find out.

Apparently June's mother died when she was young and her Aunt Martha filled in that role as best she could. Martha is haughty and inflexible and I can see how, when June goes on an occasional streak of being unreasonable, how that may have come from both nature and nurture having seen Aunt Martha in action.
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Leave It to Beaver: The Black Eye (1957)
Season 1, Episode 3
When knighthood was in flower...
4 June 2024
... or at least chivalry.

Beaver comes home with a black eye, courtesy of Violet Rutherford, daughter of Ward Cleaver's colleague, Fred Rutherford. Wally helps Beaver try to cover up the black eye with their mother's makeup, but it doesn't work that well. Ward and June immediately notice Beaver's "white eye" at dinner, but what they don't know is that it was a girl who punched Beaver.

When Beaver is asked what he did in response, and he says he ran away, Ward's fatherly pride is somewhat wounded, and he decides to give Beaver some boxing lessons. Ward then tells Beaver to confront the bully and give him as good as he got, still not knowing the assailant is a girl. When this fact later comes to light, Ward and Fred Rutherford go out to stop Beaver from following Ward's advice. Will they be in time? Watch and find out.

This was a bit of a prototype episode. It's the first appearance of Richard Deacon as Fred Rutherford, Ward's stuffed shirt blowhard of a colleague, and the second appearance of Judy Hensler, a taunting overbearing girl in Beaver's class. In the middle of the episode Judy is having a conversation with an unnamed plump boy who never stops munching on his candy bar during their discussion. This is not Larry Mondello, Beaver's best friend for three seasons on the show, but he clearly is a first draft of the same character. Violet Rutherford will later be played by Veronica Cartwright, both a few times in this series and later in "The New Leave It To Beaver" in the 1980s.

It's interesting how three of the four Cleavers had best friends who were annoying people, definitely not on anybody's side but their own. Ward's best friend was Fred Rutherford, Beaver's best friend was Larry Mondello, and Wally's was the most famous wise guy of them all - Eddie Haskell.
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I wouldn't exactly call it noir...
4 June 2024
But more likely a whodunnit of Hitchcockian proportions. Directed by Michael Curtiz in 1959 and starring Alan Ladd, it has a strong supporting cast of children, which made the film very unusual.

Ladd was a gentle, somewhat under-rated actor and he was effective as the passive husband and victim in this film. Curtiz's direction is pretty sharp, and there's the usual suspension of disbelief which one has to engage in these kinds of films. But I felt the film was 'small' in scope and would more easily have lent itself to television.

It was predictable in that Carolyn Jones wasn't a strong, leading actor and it was obvious she was going to be bumped off because she didn't have the charisma to last the full distance of the film.
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Ghost Story (1981)
A horror tale that lured me...
4 June 2024
... with a fantastic cast of veterans - Fred Astaire, John Houseman, Melvyn Douglas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr, and Patricia Neal. Unfortunately, the film always keeps getting in the way, leaving the veterans with scant onscreen attention.

The tale concerns a group of men, haunted by a death they were all accidentally responsible for in the early 1930s, and what happens when the ghost of that victim (Alice Krige) returns for vengeance, resulting in a lot of men shocked to death and abrupt shock cuts that show a rotting corpse in place of Krige's face. Unfortunately, maybe because of studio interference, the majority of screentime goes to Craig Wasson as a pair of Fairbanks' identical twin sons, one ill-fated very early on, the other more successful in surviving. Frankly put, although he isn't bad in the film, it feels like false advertising. (Wasson also has to have one of the tackiest death scenes in cinema history as the ill-fated brother who, terrified by Krige's skeletal look after a night of sex, plunges backwards stark naked from a high-rise window, as the film shows him against a badly processed back projection flailing his arms about, while his private parts flutters every which way like a Planters peanut caught in a strong wind). There's a reason Krige goes after the next generation in the case of Fairbanks' sons, but you'll have to watch and find out what that reason is.

So, Astaire and all the others I came to see are left with mere onscreen scraps, and are left with unformed characterizations. That feels like a grave betrayal for this classic film fan, especially in the light that it was the final film for Astaire, Douglas, and Fairbanks.

There were some particularly well-done parts though. For one Alice Krige was perfect for her part because her porcelain doll looks make her appear to be somebody out of an earlier time. Winter in the New England town the veteran actors live in has the look of a place that's haunted - it's very atmospheric. And finally, the film points out how having a crisis at 20 rather than 30 makes all the difference in the world as to the calmness and wisdom with which that crisis is handled.
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This is actually the TV movie...
3 June 2024
... that ran in March 1983 and was a cast reunion of sorts. It would be another year and a half before the first episode of the TV show began its one year run on the Disney channel, followed by a three-year run on WTBS.

If you have no idea what the show is about, or maybe you know what it is and have seen just an episode or two, I'm just not sure how much you are going to get out of this, as there are more than a few ironic tie ins to the original LITB show. Plus, if you are younger, you may have trouble with the concept of superimposing the 50s on the 80s if you are unfamiliar with both decades.

Beaver Cleaver's wife has just thrown Beaver out of the house. His rich father-in-law therefore fires him, and he doesn't even have a car to call his own since he is driving a company car. He takes a bus back to Mayfield, to his mother's house, and tries to pick up the pieces of his life in a place that seems familiar and safe. He also tries to have a better relationship with his sons, who resent the divorce and the dislocation it has caused in their lives.

Beaver's older brother Wally is a successful attorney, and in his 30s has only recently married his high school sweetheart, Mary Ellen Rogers. But being mid to late thirties, they have a problem - possible fertility issues as they try to conceive a child.

A large number of the original cast members show up - Ken Osmond as Eddie Haskell, Frank Bank as Lumpy Rutherford, Richard Deacon as Fred Rutherford, Richard Correll as Richard Rickover, Rusty Stevens as Larry Mondello, Diane Brewster as Miss Canfield, and Tiger Fafara as Tooey.

One thing that I really enjoyed as a long time viewer were the many intercuts from the present Cleaver home to some relevant scene from the TV show. Hugh Beaumont, who played Ward Cleaver, died the year before this was made, in 1982, and many of those intercut scenes involve him. I thought these scenes were a tastefully done tribute to the actor and the role he played.
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An excuse for a clip show
3 June 2024
Eddie Haskell pretends to be the janitor at a psychiatrist's office so he enter sight unseen and get an analysis session from the doctor. At first the doctor is insisting that Eddie make an appointment, but Eddie turns on the old manipulation and gets the doctor to relent. As Eddie talks on, the doctor becomes intrigued and gives Eddie the session free of charge.

The result is Eddie talking about his past and present, giving an excuse for there to be many flashbacks to the original Leave It To Beaver as well as the current show, all concerning Eddie Haskell, his relationships with the Cleavers, his father, and his own wife and kids.

This episode was directed by Jerry Mathers, so that for sure would include the scene in the doctor's office. I wonder if Mathers would also have had anything to do with how the clips were put together.

Worthwhile for fans of Eddie Haskell who might enjoy a look back through the decades.
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A Cry in the Wilderness (1974 TV Movie)
A tension filled TV movie
3 June 2024
A farmer (George Kennedy) is bitten by a rabid skunk and chains himself up to protect his wife and son before the disease takes over his mind.

This was a tension filled TV movie that I haven't seen since first broadcast. Oscar winner Kennedy (Cool Hand Luke) was in between Airport movies is very good in the lead. Joanna Pettet plays his much younger wife who has to go for help since they are in an isolated area and no telephone. Pettet was one of the prettiest actresses of this era, she was in another very good TV movie called The Weekend Nun two years before this.

The suspense is heightened when we find out about a flash flood warning and she is stuck on the road when her truck breaks down. Lee H. Montgomery plays the son who has to tend with a chained Kennedy, who may go violent and delusional at any moment. There are many 1970s TV movies on Youtube but some are too dark or have out of sync sound. The copy of this one on there is excellent.
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Myrna, still the exotic
2 June 2024
It's unusual in that the story is about espionage and counter espionage (and perhaps counter counter espionage) among the Germans during World War I, at a time before America entered the war.

Myrna Loy plays a German spy, sent by her spy boss (Lionel Atwill) to find out whether the head of the Turkish forces (very well played by C. Henry Gordon) is a double agent, spying for the British. The Dardanelles are involved, and military secrets. Myrna's life and mission are complicated by the fact that George Brent, an American studying medicine in Germany, is accidentally arrested in a dentist's office, during the ambush of Leo G. Carroll, who is also a double agent. Rudolph Amendt (who would play the mad doctor in She Demons nearly 25 years later) has a small role.

There are nuns in this movie, and a convent, at the opening and closing. Myrna, having outed Mata Hari as a double agent, herself falls in love, jeopardizing her work. There is some very clever dialogue in this film, as well as a little bit of well placed humor, and a great scene in which C. Henry Gordon writes secrets in invisible ink on Myrna Loy's naked back.
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This is not a political thriller
2 June 2024
Writer-director Zeina Durra creates quite a character in Asya, (played fantastically by Élodie Bouchez). Asya is a Middle Eastern conceptual artist living in post 9/11 New York. When her ex, and first love, goes missing, she thinks the CIA may have put him on a rendition plane. Perhaps Asya is under surveillance. Don't worry, this is not a political thriller, even though serious subjects play in the background. The mood has a delightful lightness, and is very funny. We get to visit underground nightclubs, experimental theaters, and avant-garde art galleries as Asya and her boyfriend try to unravel the mystery. Whit Stillman of Metropolitan fame makes the most of a wordless cameo.
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Australia (2008)
contains the paradox of almost all films directed by Baz Luhrmann;
2 June 2024
It starts in a choppy, aggressive, rather goofy style, and then removes its brittle shell to reveal something far more deep and emotional underneath. This extremely long (165 minutes) and astoundingly expensive ($130 million) film found few takers in 2008, but if you get past those early passages (which do contain a very misguided brief moment of kangaroo poaching), you end up with something that feels floridly rich, like a Golden Age Hollywood melodrama.

The episodic story finds Nicole Kidman as an English woman who comes to Australia in 1939 on reports that her estranged husband, who lives there, has been stepping out on her. She arrives to find out that he has been murdered, and that she now owns his ramshackle property much coveted by her husband's powerful killer. Needing someone to tend the property, she reluctantly turns to a man she can't stand (Hugh Jackman), and she also temporarily takes in a half-Aboriginal boy left with no guardian after his grandfather was falsely imprisoned.

Of course, as time passes, opposites attract and Kidman and Jackman, both widowed, fall for each other. But their happiness is not only threatened by the aforementioned villain but also because of the trevails of WWII.... If you are looking for something subtle, look elsewhere. But the film is visually stunning, rather endearing, and emotionally satisfying. I enjoyed it a lot more than some much more praised titles of the era.
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somewhat humdrum follow-up to the previous year's Tony Rome
2 June 2024
This too stars Frank Sinatra as a Miami detective trying to solve a twisting, turning murder case that begins when he discovers a nude corpse of a woman with cement shoes while scuba diving one day, and ends up encompassing several more murders, including one that is falsely pinned on him.

Sinatra seems slightly distracted in scenes in this film, as sometimes he seems invested in his world-weary role and sometimes he doesn't. Raquel Welsh is pretty good as one of the suspects, Lainie Kazan does well in a one scene part early on, while Bonanza's Dan Blocker, playing a heavy, cannot escape his claim to fame as the famous TV theme song plays in one scene in which he appears.

There is some good, hard-boiled noir style dialogue toward the end, but at other times, the film isn't very involving, and frankly given how shady many of the characters are, black and white would have fit this film better than bright color. But, then again, this was in changing times (several scenes and images in this film would not have passed muster even two years earlier), so probably they would not have tried it in black and white.
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It has the gentle feel of Touched By an Angel rather than horror
2 June 2024
. I had actually thought this was going to be a series, but it ended up being a 2-hour movie.

The story was that very good-kids discover a ghost in the attic of their new home, the Father & older son exploit the haunting, the younger son tries to help the ghost & the Mom is terrified, avoiding the ghost at all costs. That's about it.

Well this movie is full of the usual tropes found in any movie of this genre, but the special effects of the ghost and the guy who plays the ghost (David Harbour) are outstanding. The younger son is a typical withdrawn teenager in a new school and he quickly pairs up with the adorable but wacky girl next door. The mystery of the ghost's story is easy to figure out & wraps up nicely in 127 min.

Kids, teens are definitely the target audience here, since so much of the story is completely implausible-and I don't mean the "ghost" part but the real-life part. For example, when the cop's car gets wrecked during a chase scene & he stands in the middle of the road shaking his fist as the kids get away. Sorry, there's no way police would simply give up without pursuing 2 teens on the run!

One aspect that rang so true was how fast social media stories spread & how info is distorted & editorialized by idiots.

Overall it was fun & cute, all actors were excellent (although the adult women were EMACIATED & skeletal) the sets were great and the lighting, photography & editing top notch.

This was written & directed by Christopher Landon, Michael Landon's son. He seems to be interested in the paranormal genre and this one has the gentle feel of Touched By An Angel moreso than haunting/horror.
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Not all directors have even careers.
2 June 2024
Stanley Donen directed many wonderful films from 1949 through the 1960s. But his career became very scattershot after the production code fell, and his big screen career came to a lamentable end with Blame It on Rio (1984). Although he later directed a nice little TV movie for ABC in 1999

The film is billed as a comedy, but its grim. Michael Caine stars as a man in the midst of a midlife crisis who, perhaps under the spell of a trip to sultry Rio, embarks on a brief affair with the nymphet daughter (Michelle Johnson) of his best friend (Joseph Bologna). The actors look embarrassed and stricken (this extends to Valerie Harper and Demi Moore as well), the script isn't funny (no laughs in this film, only one gag that produced a tiny smirk), the photography is flat, and the end result is very dour and unappealing.

But the worst mistake of all in the film is including a luscious black-and-white clip of the wing walking "Rio by the Sea-o" production number from 1933's Flying Down to Rio. The brief scene shows the studio system at its height, with true wonder and fascination. It leaves one lamenting the film around the clip all the more.
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1941 (1979)
There are few things more depressing to watch than a misfiring comedy...
2 June 2024
...and they rarely destruct on screen quite as badly as 1941. This was Steven Spielberg's Edsel, from a script by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale, and it is remarkable that it didn't kill off their careers right then and there. (For Speilberg, it was sandwiched between two praised hits: Close Encounters and Raiders).

The story is of a slapstick war comedy imagining what chaos would have erupted if the Japanese had tried to attack LA after Pearl Harbor and how the Americans would have fought back. The problem is that every single character in the film, American and Japanese alike, is depicted as a total and complete idiot. (No wonder why so many people were offended in 1979, as WWII is still preserved in amber as the bravest moment in American history) It's kind of like watching the biggest, longest, noisiest Three Stooges routine around. These characters bear no resemblance to any recognizable human behavior. The actors are helpless, and I am not going to list their names here because to do so would feel like blackmail at best, revealing a war crime at worst. And the film they appear in is the most cluttered and incoherent major studio production made prior to the Summer "blockbuster" dingalings that Hollywood foisted on unsuspecting audiences beginning in the late 90s.

The film actually begins with a hilarious gag, and the opening scenes show a bit of a spark, but by the time it moves into nighttime and the main attack begins, it becomes a miserable wall of screaming and noise (even the credits feature most of the cast screaming). What little can be said for this is that it is well-photographed and has some handsome sets, but that is little to go on.

I'm reminded that Zemeckis and Gale had scripted another noisy comedy the year before, I Wanna Hold Your Hand (many of its cast members have roles in this as well). That film actually was extremely funny and focused; perhaps if they had been in charge of directing this on a smaller budget, it might have worked. But on a mega-budget, with Spielberg, it is muddled, heavy, loud, inept, and virtually unwatchable. The notorious and underrated Ishtar was a far better film than this one. 1941 is a dead zone.
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They Call It Murder (1971 TV Movie)
It's good if you focus on the plot and not the performances.
1 June 2024
A man in a wheelchair, his widowed daughter-in-law, her mother and a cab driver find a dead body in the swimming pool. Complications of a missing murder weapon, evidence of a second weapon and a sleazy high-priced lawyer arise quickly.

The mediocre production values, plethora of B-List supporting cast and squishy ending testify that this was made-for-television. It has a very good plot despite that, and the mystery is on a par with a theatrical release.

I like Jim Hutton very much. That is what enticed me to watch this movie. He is here not quite as refined and at ease as he was when he appeared as: Ellery Queen but he is still quite fun.

I found Vic Tayback surprisingly good as a low-rent private detective. It was on a par with his role in: The Cheap Detective (1978).

I am sorry to say that the rest of the cast was quite disappointing. I expected much more from: Leslie Nielsen, Edward Asner and Nita Talbot but it was obvious that their hearts and minds were not in their role. They were all quite low-grade even for television.

I will split my rating to say that the story/plot/mystery are: 6.8/10 but the production values and most of the performances are: 3.2/10

This movie is available for viewing for free on the streaming channel: "The Film Detective". I do not know what sign-up or commercials that channel uses. I watched it on: Amazon Prime Video. The print was not very good.
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Completely plotless underground exercise in self-indulgence
1 June 2024
This is a short, rapidly edited sequences of people interacting, often wordlessly, with some dialogue, and some music. There's no comedy that I saw, although this is classified as a comedy. Downey features his family (Elsie, Allyson, and Robert Jr.), as well as some actor friends like Dan Hedaya and Seymour Cassel. I found this excruciating. It also looks and sounds worse than the films he made in the 60s.

I watched it because it was released as part of a box set of Robert Downey Sr.'s films, Up All Night with Robert Downey Sr., part of their Eclipse series. I recognize that most of the Eclipse series sets are only going to have a niche fanbase, and I can safely say after watching all 5 of the films in this set that I'm not part of that group. Many, if not most, of the films in these sets are obscurities and curiosities, because if they weren't, then they would likely have gotten a full Criterion disc release of their own.
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Leave It to Beaver: Teacher's Daughter (1961)
Season 4, Episode 15
Is this how Eddie Haskell got in the construction business?
26 May 2024
Wally has started seeing Julie Foster, a pretty girl at his high school. Her father teaches English at Mayfield High School, but he's not Wally's teacher - until the semester ends and the teachers and home rooms all change. Suddenly Wally finds himself in Mr. Foster's class. Lumpy, and in particular Eddie, are giving Wally "the business", saying he knew all along that Mr. Foster was going to be his English teacher when the semester changed, and that he started dating Julie to ensure that he'd get an A in that class. Wally talks to Mr. Foster about this and is told that he will get the grade he deserves, regardless.

Then Ward and June pressure him to see less of Julie Foster because they think he is too young to see so much of the same girl. But Wally expresses this opinion to Julie in the worst possible way and now he is on the outs with her. Will this impact his grade? Watch and find out.

In the middle of the episode, at some point Wally and Eddie are double dating. Wally is taking Julie, and Eddie is taking the daughter of the owner of a big construction company, saying that he is going out with this girl mainly to make connections with her father, who he thinks can help him later in life. In the 80s sequel show, "The New Leave it to Beaver", Eddie owns his own construction company. I wonder if there is an unmentioned connection there, or if it is just a writing coincidence.
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Leave It to Beaver: Chuckie's New Shoes (1960)
Season 4, Episode 11
It's too bad birth control wasn't more reliable back in the 50s...
26 May 2024
... and that motherhood was pretty much foisted on all women whether they were suited for it or not, as this episode illustrates.

Ward and June are going out on a Saturday, leaving Wally and Beaver at home. They are plenty old enough to take care of themselves at this point. Then along comes Mrs. Murdock from across the street. She has to pick her husband up at the airport and practically flings her small son Chucky at Wally, gives him some money, and tells Wally to buy Chucky some shoes. Wally and Beaver never consented to anything, and yet here they are saddled with this kid.

Along comes Eddie Haskell who wants Wally to come ice skating with him and two other girls. Beaver volunteers to run the errand in Wally's place, and he does a good job, but things run amok when Beaver turns his head for one second at the store and Chuckie hides because Chuckie is a brat who wants what he wants when he wants it. What Chuckie wants at this instance in time is to wander and explore the department store alone. This kid is on his way to becoming Eddie Haskell at best and Norman Bates of Psycho at worst.

Everybody blows up at Wally for giving the Beaver this task, but Beaver didn't make any mistake that Wally wouldn't have made. The fault lies with the mother for being such an emotional mess, for making Chuckie the nightmare that he is at this point, and presuming it's somebody else's problem to buy her child clothes. It's rather insinuated that Mrs. Murdock is a mess of a parent, but still the show puts too much blame on Wally and by extension, Beaver.

At the end, Beaver asks a question that I'm surprised no adult would answer - "Does a lion, roaming in the jungle, have a conscience?" Of course he doesn't. Only humans have a conscience. It's what separates us from the animals who act purely on instinct. Why wouldn't the writers just let this be said?
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Used Cars (1980)
a comedy from Robert Zemeckis that could never be made today
26 May 2024
It revels in bad taste, in its story of completely amoral car dealers. But it is amusing and zany in its own particlar way.

The story starts with two car lots across a busy road from each other, owned by two long feuding twin brothers (Jack Warden). The more polished one belongs to the nastier sibling, whereas the ramshackle one is owned by the kinder one with a weak heart. When the kinder brother dies 20 minutes in, the one lot is taken over by top salesman Kurt Russell who will employ any number of dirty tricks (including commercials with frontal nudity and strong language) to drum up business. The film is outrageous, but it is put over by a game cast and a script that knows to keep popping from one incident to the next without lingering too long on things.
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