
39 Reviews
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Europa Report (2013)
Wasn't expecting much, was a bit surprised
25 October 2022
This film has warning signs. It's a relatively unknown sci-fi space movie with relatively low reviews. I had a bit of time to kill and figured, why not. In general, the film was okay, definitely better I thought, but still lackluster. The main problem is general lack of tension and care for any of the characters or mission. Great sci-fi space films are so tense (see Interstellar) you can barely breathe. If only the ending had been explored just a bit more instead of ending where it had.

Visuals are beautiful and the core concept is sound, but the film falls short of any marks it would need to be a top contender in a genre that has seen the likes of The Martian and Alien. If only the audience cared about what was happening, perhaps the audience would care when things didn't go as planned.
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This movie is everything you don't want to see.
25 October 2022
Rise of Skywalker is everything that's wrong with modern cinema and more. In addition to the fact Abrams tried to undo Rian Johnson's work in the Last Jedi (which is already a huge mess), the film's plot is a HARD letdown to all Star Wars fans, both dedicated and casual. (No spoilers, but it's horrible.) Your mind will be baffled, confused, and disappointed by the time you give your eyes the mercy of looking away from what can hardly be called a movie, what to speak of a Star Wars movie. Disaster of an attempt to honor the original trilogy. This film should mark the end of any future Star Wars trilogies. Disney should only do spinoffs.
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Thoughtful, provoking, moving film
29 September 2022
Gangubai, incredibly portrayed by Alia Bhatt, is such a powerful character in the context of such a controversial theme. Her perseverance through trials, fortitude, and determination are deeply inspiring and striking. The songs are beautiful, the plot is compelling, and the acting is excellent. Overall, this film comes across as well-thought out and moving. Highly recommend - even though at times, it may be hard to watch! Prostitution is a tough reality of the world, especially in the featured time period of this film, and Gangubai is an inspiration for all women to stand strong, and for men to stand for all underrepresented women.
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Knives Out (2019)
Well, I wasn't expecting that
27 June 2022
Such a good movie! Detective and crime movies are nothing new, but Daniel Craig brings a new type of character that strongly contrasts his usual English Bond style of investigator, and it works so well! The plot twists come from left field and everyone feels like real people - which keeps you engrossed for the entire duration. Definitely watch if you enjoy a bit of mystery and clues!
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Shrek (2001)
A must-watch
27 June 2022
Shrek has everything - plot twists, love, adventure, battle, beautiful countryside, fantastical creatures, catchy songs ... you name it. A wonderfully animated masterpiece by Dreamworks that stands the test of time. It's too bad the sequels couldn't follow up, but how could you?
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Is it funny or not? Up to you.
27 June 2022
In my opinion, the jokes and humorous nature of Thor: Ragnarok didn't fit the universe Marvel set up over years and years of movies. It came from left field and just didn't feel very funny. Some swear by this film and say it's one of the best Marvel films made, but I feel like it used humor to make up for the fact the plot was lackluster and couldn't keep one entertained for longer than an hour.

That being said, it's a Marvel film - the visuals are fantastic and the characters are fun. It almost feels like a side quest, and it's a good time. Still falls short of the best of the Marvel films though.
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Ratatouille (2007)
A classic forever
27 June 2022
Such a unique story, beautiful animation, great character progression. An animated masterpiece, and in the end, everyone feels good in the best way possible. Highly recommend.
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The Orphanage (2007)
Utilized a plot far better than other horror, but not horrifying
27 June 2022
It's a unique experience to watch Spanish horror compared to American, but I personally enjoyed this film. The ending fits the buildup, and the scary scenes are definitely unsettling. It doesn't take anything to the next level like the best horror out there, but you'll get scared a few times throughout your viewing experience.

Worth a watch if you are getting bored of the same, violent, predictable horror out there.
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A fairly decent successor to Insidious
27 June 2022
More of the same, except not as scary. If you watched the first film, you pretty much know what will happen in the end, anyway, Predictability makes things less scary and this film is no exception, The visuals are a little too jumpscary to be very memorable, but overall, much better than most other jumpscare horror out there.

You might as well watch this one if you watched the first one.
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Paranormal Activity? More like Normal Activity
27 June 2022
I believe the creators of this film hoped that showing the story through "amateur" filming would help the film feel more real, but in the end, nothing scary really happens aside from people getting pulled around and things getting knocked over. There's never really a punchline. Look elsewhere for scary films filmed in a VHS-style.
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Amazing in all the details, small and big!
27 June 2022
There isn't much to say about the Haunting of Hill House that would do it justice. So much of the beauty of horror is in the unknown, and this show does it beautifully. A wonderfully crafted show from beginning to end. If you enjoy horror, please give this a watch - it goes far beyond your typical jumpscares to creep you out.
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Better than average zombie movie
27 June 2022
I enjoy Korean media, and Train to Busan was no exception. Zombies are a little overused, but after much time stuck on the train, you feel genuinely worried; claustrophic, even. You don't expect everyone to live, so the progression of the story feels just about right. The character development feels real and genuine. The storyline is decently captivating and keeps you hooked until the end. The situation definitely seems futile.

As far as horror movies go, it's not THAT scary, but definitely worth a watch!
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Midsommar (2019)
"Mid"sommar; too unsatisfying to be considered good
27 June 2022
I had high expectations for this movie and was let down. Compare this movie to Hereditary, which is made by the same director:

Relatable characters, superb acting, believable mental deterioration A linear progression of good to bad to worse Surprising twists as more context is revealed

Midsommar, on the other hand:

Who are the characters and why should I care about them?

Up and down, up and down - are the characters in danger or are they safe?

A story so unexpected and confusing it defies belief

The ending felt so ridiculous it felt like it could not be a real story. Hereditary hit the fine line between shock and belief, and Midsommar crossed it halfway through. In the end, it wasn't even surprising. It just made you wonder, "Why am I watching this?" All in all, Midsommar is a film that was far, far more weird and bewildering than scary.
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Hereditary (2018)
One of the most terrifying films I have ever seen
27 June 2022
What does it mean to be scary and disturbing? Does it mean you spill human guts? Have a demon burst from the dark directly into your face? Watch a ritualistic suicide over and over? Or, is it your imagination - the power of your mind to control you and others? Hereditary brings out the worst in a seemingly normal family - odd, but normal. Things are not as they seem and they get worse and worse until finally everything falls apart in a disturbing manner. (and yet bearable to the viewer)

You don't know where Hereditary will take you. Who will get killed off next? Who are the good guys and who are bad? Watch and find out - you will be surprised.

P. S. Viewer discretion, there is a theme of beheading in this movie.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
How to do jumpscare horror
27 June 2022
Many have said they don't find Insidious to be scary or suspenseful. In my opinion, Insidious takes the cake on jumpscare horror, similar to The Conjuring. You can tell a lot of effort was put into making the movie as unsettling as possible without excessive violence, language, or disturbing scenes. The infinite possibility of the subconscious is something fascinating, and if one truly believes there is something beyond this world, something subtle, Insidious may hit close to home.

Also, the ending is masterful! Even if it was slightly predictable (and makes little sense), I enjoy a movie now and then that ends in horror, disbelief, and shock - with a cliffhanger.

They could have made the main villain a little bit more hidden and mysterious, but even so, he looks quite scary!
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The Ring (2002)
A masterpiece of horror, one of the best
27 June 2022
The Ring may not have as many jumpscares as the Nun, but you will be far more concerned for the characters and more taken aback by the progression of the plot. The story has such an incredible timeline of events; each day of the week in the story of this film feels unique and memorable. The main character feels like a real person and the antagonist so helplessly angry. The Ring surprises you and shocks you, entertains you and makes you look away.

The ending is also very unexpected and leaves you with a lot to think about. In my opinion, The Ring sets an example of how to create horror without darkness and sudden surprises.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Sadly predictable, and ultimately, not that scary
27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what to expect from Get Out, and I was initially surprised and offput, but the last half an hour ended up being boringly predictable - not plot-wise, but how the characters would end up (dead or alive), and who were bad guys and good guys.

If you find the idea of someone taking over someone else's body terrifying, you will be much more offput by the story and visuals. In my opinion, the whole thing was too silly to be scary.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Amazing in the beginning and painful at the end
27 June 2022
I watched all 14 seasons. I don't know why I did it. Truthfully, it felt like the only reason was because I had already watched so much. The same thing keeps happening over and over. Every season brings a new villain who seems to appear out of nowhere and drags the show along. I would give this 8 stars if it just didn't end the way it did; abruptly, with little satisfaction. It should have ended way earlier.

Also, rethink everything you know about God, love, family, time, and the supernatural. Supernatural makes you think one way and then turns it all on its head. I don't know if that's a good thing.
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Morbius (2022)
Overused plotline and subpar acting
27 June 2022
When I watched this movie, I felt like I had watched something similar before. Oh wait. It was Spider-Man, and it was way better.

The only reason you should watch this movie is to tell your friends "It's Morbin' time" and also not to watch it themselves.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
I was a skeptic until I watched it
27 June 2022
For years, I made fun of everyone who was a fan of this show. Then, I watched the first season. Then, the next. And then the next. And now I'm hooked for season four.

So what makes it good? The duality of the world, a good and evil, is represented in a creative and unusual way. While characters act in ways that make no sense and the evil is often defeated too easily, I'm still entertained by the sometimes terrifying scenes, goofiness of the children and parents, and the struggle for everyone to remain sane as their world crumbles with every season.

Some characters get a little boring and repetitive as the show goes on, but overall, I would recommend this show if you like medium horror with an interesting plot.
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Very creative and unusual, surprising, and a little confusing and silly
27 June 2022
To be honest, in the first 15 minutes, I had no idea what to expect of this movie. It took me by complete surprise. With infinite possibilities, you will never know what to expect from one minute to the next. There are silly parts, goofy scenes, emotional moments, and brilliantly crafted shots. One of the better movies I have watched this year. Very, very creative.
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One of my favorite films ever
15 September 2021
Not an original idea, but damn well executed. Cruise and Blunt (and the rest of the cast) fit very well into their roles, and you feel deeply for the characters. There's enough action to keep you gripped, but it's not overdone or pointless. The plot is very clever indeed. You may think it will come across as repeating and bland - it's anything but.

If you haven't watched this yet, please do! Well worth your time.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Thoughtful storyline with excellent VFX
15 September 2021
With a unique plot, well-executed visuals, and superb acting by class acts, Oblivion keeps you entertained from start to finish and over and over. However, it's hard to deny the plotline is a little confusing, especially to a first-timer, and several re-watches later I still have unanswered questions. It may be trying too hard to explain too much in too short of a time.

Regardless, an excellent film that will leave you deep in thought afterwards.
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Avatar (2009)
Enjoyed it then and enjoy it now
15 September 2021
It's been 12 years, and the VFX of Avatar still stands strong as a pioneer in the industry at its time. I enjoyed the plotline, even as it started to drag on a little. I really appreciate and admire Cameron's efforts to bring the alien world of Pandora to life, and the planet feels very real and vivid. I'm disappointed it's taken so long for a sequel to come out.
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The scariest part isn't even scary
15 September 2021
I don't know what to say. A definitely creepy plot idea ruined by a series of terrible decisions and lame-ass jumpscares. You're not going to be scared, you're just going to be surprised by the loud noises and sudden movement on your screen.

Save your time and watch something better, but if you really do wish to watch it just know it won't scare you - you will already know what will happen before it does, and that's a bad sign.
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