
33 Reviews
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Gen V (2023– )
Winx Club going NSFW
1 December 2023
Have you ever wondered what The Boys would be if you kept all the gore and shocking elements, but removed all subtlety? Gen V doesn't do a great job at much, but it certainly does a good job answering that question.

Everything from script to characters and cinematography looks and feels generic. As if a child has tried to cook in a great chef's kitchen. Sure the meal includes all the ingredients you might expect; superheroes, gore, "shocking" nudity, corruption and more. But it's all just a thrown onto a platter with no finesse whatsoever, making it a terribly bland meal. Especially since you know how much better the real deal is.

All in all, the show isn't absolutely terrible. But it's definitely not a new 'The Boys'. If anything, it's more like Winx Club going NSFW.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Not bad, but highly repetitive
3 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Allthough well cast and well shot, I can't help but to feel slightly bored when watching HBO:s The Last of Us.

What's supposed to be the story of Joel and Ellie has for some reason become the story of just about everyone else. And in a world like this, where everyone but the main character thend to die gruesome dearths, that's a recipie for repetition.

Every other episode we're introduced to new characters, forcibly made to love them. Then, after at most 60 minutes of screen time, we're supposed to cry when they're offed. Not that it doesn't work for the first few times, but when it's at the cost of a coherent story it's not quite worth it.

Could have been great, but as is it's more of a one trick pony or a broken record.
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
Replacing the fun and excitement of the original with bad songs
29 December 2022
Even though I was an adult when first introduced to the original Matilda a few years back, I instantly loved it. Not only was it a rather smart and heartfelt story, but it also managed to make me laugh out loud more than once. All in all, quite the little gem of a film.

This new musical adaptation, though? I suppose it does quite a decent job as a regular kids film, although it neither as suspenseful or as funny as the original. But it could have been an okayish remake, if not for a extraordinarily poor musical parts. Most of the songs are forgettable (and some downright bad) - and non of them fit into the film, but act as jarring pieces of rubbish you just want to fast forward through.

As for the cast, Alisha Weir is good as Matilda. The others as forgettable as the songs they're forced to sing.
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Rushed and badly cast
28 December 2022
The Black Phone has a solid premise, interesting settings and some of the groundsworks of a more than half-decent plot. Sadly, a fairly short runtime and a bad main cast prevents it reaching but a sliver of its full potential.

One of my greatest problems with the film is that I'm unable to care for our main protagonist, Finney. This is odd, since I always root for the bullied child, but with Mason Thames portraying Finney I find this highly difficult. His performance is awkward at best, never showing any of the emotions expected from a human being, making any sense of connection to his character near impossible.

The film's main antagonist, The Grabber, played by Ethan Hawke, isn't much better. Being a supposed serial killer, I should feel some kind of dread when he's on the screen. But I never do. Instead, I do my best not to laught. A part of the problem could be Thames and his non-acting in their shared scenes, but an actor of Hawke's calibre should be able to make it work anyway. As is, I feel that Hawke crumbles behind the mask he is forced to wear.

Outside if the main cast, other characters are slightly more interesting, with Finney's sister Gwen (Madeleine McGraw) being the true highligh of the film. Sadly her screen time isn't enough to make me feel anything but underwhelmed when the end credits roll.
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A confused adaptation of an excellent book
7 January 2022
I'd describe the book, Anxious People, by Backman as a confused but heartfelt story about a group absurd but likable people. This adaptation by Felix Herngren however is merely a confused story about absurd people. But there's nothing heartfelt or likable about it, making it a pretty dull tv-experience.
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Lucifer: Partners 'Til the End (2021)
Season 6, Episode 10
A half-decent ending to an unneccesary season
16 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sad to say that this last season feels as an absolutely unnecessary piece of fan service, and that the show probably should have ended after the stellar fifth season.

Surely there were a few questions left unanswered after the fifth season, but none of any greater importance. Of course, Dan would find his way into heaven eventually, as Mr. Said Out Bitch showed us. And of course everyone would live happily ever after.

As for the actual outcome of this season, I'm pretty much ok with it. It's not great, but nothing I can't live with. Lucifer returning to his old neighborhood felt pretty reasonable, and Amenadiel as god felt as a fairly decent choice. But the episodes which led us there were not just sub par, they were plain bad. First seven badly episodes of slow paced nothingness, then one or two episodes which actually felt exciting, which eventually led us to this. Another slow paced episode which i actually fast-forwarded through on multiple occasions. But I've got to admit, the last scene brought a tear to my eye.

All in all. A descent episode. But absolutely unnecessary.
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Lucifer: A Lot Dirtier Than That (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
Crappy filler
15 September 2021
So far season 6 has been a seaon of fillers. Some of them amusing, others quite dull. I'd say this one is by far the worst. Utterly pointless.
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Black Widow (2021)
Pugh and Harbour great in generic action film
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I for one have never wondered about Natasha Romanoff's past, nor have I heard anyone else ask about it. What is there to tell about the physically enchanced super spy/soldier/assassin which hasn't already been told in dousens of films already? Not much, as it turns out. Changing faces to trick an enemy? Ethan Hund (Mission Impossible) has done that in some thirty movies for the last to decades. As for tracking the mastermind behind a network of mind controlled assasins, it's already been done by Jason Bourne in at least five movies.

Don't get me wrong, Black Widow is still an enjoyable movie. The action is pretty good and the camerawork decent. The addition of Florence Pugh as Natasha's sister adds some real emotion to the mix, and David Harbour as Natasha's father adds some pretty awesome comic relief.

As for being part of the MCU, Black Widow isn't much more than a filler episode.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
An apocalyptic mistake
24 December 2020
The jumbled timeline kills all the horror of suspense of the initial outbreak. Nor does it allow for any actual character development. Absolutely disastrous decision by the filmmakers.

Can't be recommended at this point although it could become good with a proper re-edit.
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Greenland (2020)
Bad writing and awkward cast ruins otherwise decent film
20 November 2020
I for one appreciate this take on a disaster film, focusing on a family and their quite reasonable struggles to stay alive. It's down to earth and enjoyable. At times, at least.

Some cast members are quite awful though, including two thirds of the main cast. Only Butler pull through - although, to be fair, it's not his best effort either.

Sadly, part of the writing is pretty lackluster too. Hints are much to obvious and characters make stupid choices for no other reason than to set up supposedly tense scenes.

Still, worth a watch if found in the three for ten department.
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Will Smith surrounded by scrawny millennials
5 April 2020
Will Smith does his best to keep this movie from falling apart, but not even his star quality can save a script this bad.

Storywise it's not all bad; in fact the two main antagonists' backstory is pretty good. Sadly there's just too much much inconsequential stuff going on everywhere else to make me care for it. Worst of all is the description to add a bunch of smug millennial cops, whose sole purpose seam to be to steal Smith's and Lawrence's thunder. I kept waiting for them to have their asses handed to them, but it never happened.

Nah, save yourself the time. Get your daily Smith fix elsewhere.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
Great over the top Crank:ish action
20 March 2020
Guns Akimbo reminds me of Crank, and let me tell you - that is a good thing. A nearly perfect shot of pure adrenaline. Over the top stupid in every single way, which makes for some lovely late night entertainment.

Doubtlessly Radcliffe's best role as of yet, and a great way to show that he's more than a childish wizzard.

My only complaint is that some of the action was too unrealistic. Of course, one can't too much of a movie such as this. But there were a few too many scenes of Radcliffe and Weaving running in a straight line towards or from a shooter.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Could be good, but won't come together
27 December 2019
My main complaint with the first season was that the chronology was all jumble, to the point that it didn't make any sense until the latter episodes. Also, some of the practical effects were beyond bad. But apart from that, I found it quite enjoyable.

As for the second season, it still feels jumbled even though it's mostly chronological. It's as if the show runners couldn't descide on wether the show is episodical or continuous, nor what the common thread of the season is. As it stands, more than fifty percent of the scenes feel out of place and out of context. Possibly the show runners thought this would create an epic feel, but sadly it doesn't. More of an amature feel.

Henry Cavill and Freya Allen is a great cast though. Sadly they're not enough to save the show from itself.
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The Irishman (2019)
A heartwrenching masterpiece
28 November 2019
Just seeing DeNiro and Pacino joining forces on the silver screen again is enough to bring on the chills. And then there's Scorsese. And Pesci. Almost as if the stars have aligned to create the perfect trip down memory lane. A, possibly last, chance to see the giants of old act their hearts out against one another.

And truth be told, I didn't expect much more of this film. Some great nostalgia. Possibly a punch to the gut as I realize how time flies. And that would have been fine with me. I would still have paid to see it.

But it's clear as day that's not enough for them. Because this isn't just nostalgic nod to the past, but a masterpiece in its own right.

The film centers around DeNiro's character Frank, an old mob hitman telling us about his past. Of how he got to work for the Russell Bufaino (Pesci). Of his friendship and ultimate betrayal of Jimmy Hoffa (superbly portraited by Pacino). And of his regrets in regards of to how his children came to view him and his crimes.

The three-and-a-half hour of runtime may scare some, but to me it was worth every second of it. The main trio of actors are excellent. As is the rest of the cast. And the camerawork. And most everything else; the suspense is high, dialogue is sharp and progress steady. But most of all I'm awed by the underlining sense of dread. The almost tangible fear of ending up old and alone.
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A descent filler
22 April 2019
This episode is nothing but a filler, which brings nothing new to the table. Entertaining at times to be sure, but that's about it. May be a good addition to the show if you binge-watch it, but nearly embarassingly empty when you watch the episodes from week to week.
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Community: Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas (2010)
Season 2, Episode 11
Undoubtedly the worst episode of an otherwise show
27 February 2019
I'm a great fan of Community, at least so far (having seen the first thirty episodes in two days). This episode though, can't see the point of it.
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Bird Box (2018)
High quality drama in a beautiful apocalypse
23 December 2018
Rarely do drama and horror blend as beautifully as in the apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic genre, and Bird Box is a perfect example of that. Since the movie focuses more on the emotions and relations among the group of survivors (of a never fully explained apocalyptic event) most charactes become relatable and appreciated - even the morally complex ones. Because of these relations set up between the charactes we as viewers also feel their pain and sorror when something happens to one of them.

Sandra Bullock is great as the pregnant woman caught in the middle of this strange maelstorm, and John Malkovic is amazing playing an enigmatic (and sometimes infuriating) cynic. The rest of the cast does well too. The two child actors are superb too. Great choice!
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The moral downfall of man (Stlller) is hillarious
18 December 2018
This might not be one of Stiller's best works, with a few lagging acts - but it's still good for quite a few laughs.

The Heartbreak Kid starts off as any other romcom, with Stiller playing a slightly depressed 40-year-old single. This is no romcom though, at least not of the regular kind. Instead of following the regular rules of romcom-fiction, where a guy follows his heart and eventually ends up with the love of his life, The Heartbreak kid follows a guy who follows his heart... and ends up making som terrible, morally questionable, decisions. This is also what makes this move hilarious - at least when the directors remember to follow through.

The movie isn't without flaws though. For one there's some slightly too graphic sex, which even though it serves is purpose for the story is a but over the top (even for me, a single guy with internet access). And then there's the first act, which I find quite dull. Again, it serves a purpose, but still - it's not particularity entertaining.

All in all I'd say it's a good movie though. Just don't expect a regular romcom. Expect a pretty graphic and over the top tale about the moral downfall of Stiller.
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Scary, beautiful and rather heartbreaking
12 November 2018
The Haunting of Hill House is not only a genuinely scary horror show, it also manages to double down as a solid drama delving into the trauma and psychology of a family who've lost a loved one in a haunted house.

The story arches over more than two decades, but mainly focuses on two story lines - then and now. In the former the family's five kids and their two parents try to cope with the strange occurrences taking place in their new home, Hill House. In the latter, taking place some twenty six years later, the remaining family members try to cope with memories still haunting them.

Each episode focuses on a different family member, which allows for some pretty great insight into each one of them. The mixed perspectives also bring a solid grounding for the character drama, while also allowing the writers to feed us just enough information about the Hill House-mystery to keep us intrigued.

Might be a 10/10, but I'm not sure yet. Will rewatch it in a year or two and update my score then
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Adorably dark and comically evil
9 November 2018
As an old geezer who enjoyed the olden Sabrina of the 90's I can't help loving this adorably evil:ish take on the old sitcom. Sure, it's stupid and terribly laughable at times - but in my opinion that's one of the shows strenghts. Everyone from writer to cast seam very much aware of how silly the premise is, which is oddly refreshing in a time of overly serious tv dramas.

I've read some comments from people claiming this show to be SJW-propaganda, but I disagree. Sure, women are empowered. But what's to stop them when they wield magic powers? And perhaps there's the odd political remark - but never to the point that it disagrees with me.

Overall a fun and easy-to-watch series. Can't wait for the next season to come.
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Show's that women can star in just as bad remakes as men
19 September 2018
I believe Screen Junkies' Honest Trailers said it best: This movie proves that women are just as capable to star in bad remakes as their male equivalents.

That being said, this is really an amazingly bad movie. All four man characters act as the funny sidekick, which means there's no character left to relate to. That, along with a plot so bad even the ghostbusters cartoon guys would have trashed it, makes for a horribly bad movie.

Let's hope for another, better, remake in ~2030.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
Absolutely brilliant - first time I've gotten the King feeling on screen!
19 September 2018
The one thing I've always loved about Stephen King's works (the books, that is) is the pacing. Slow, but never boring. Filled to the brim with interesting details, which together makes for a better whole. His pacing rarely translates well onto the screen though, where most adaptations either are too fast paced (such as the 2017 version of IT and The Dark Tower) or too slow and dull (hello to The Langoliers and The Shining miniseries). Castle rock manages to find this perfecy pacing though. It's slow, but never too slow - and always filled with great details. Love it.

Could the director of this make a remake of IT, please? As 10 episode series for each timeline. With the cast from Stranger Tings, preferably.
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How It Ends (2018)
The Last of Us: Grumpy Father in Law edition
16 July 2018
Although I'm a huge fan of the apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic genres I rarely find such movies to be entertaining. How It Ends is a great exception to this rule though.

Characters are dialed down but still relatable and likeable, and although simple the story keeps me interested throghout the film. In many ways How It Ends reminds me of The Last of Us, although the father-daughter relation has been replaced with a guy-father in law relation.

Not great. But pretty darn good.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Dislikable characters and quite underwhelming
18 May 2018
The idea of this show is pretty great, but sadly it's pretty badly produced. Characters tend to be dislikable and unrelatable due to their ever shifting moods and personalities. The story itself isn't all bad, but most of the "adventures" the group face feel both forced and unrealistic.

Great use of CGI and such though. Not worth to watch though.
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Lucifer: Quintessential Deckerstar (2018)
Season 3, Episode 23
At last!
14 May 2018
At last we're getting somewhere with the show. Highly emotional episode which had be at the edge of my seat for most of it.

Some of the events with Pierece and Maze felt forced; but hopefully this means their characters will be normalized again after this. (I didn't like what they did to Maze this season. It didn't add up. And Pierece? He never addad up. I hope for a better 'bad guy' next season. And less Days of our lives-drama...)
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