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The Bear (2022– )
The driving tempo of The Bear
7 May 2024
The performances are absoloutly outstanding, and the use of tempo and visualisation captures the essense of what its like to work at a resturant. The series delves into serious themes like family issues, trauma, suicide and relationships, all while telling a story about the ups and downs of starting a bussines. In my opinion there isn't a modern series that does what the bear does to such degree where you are left at The edge of your seat for every episode. Season 1 and 2 feel so different but so alike that you cant help but wonder what comes next.

Season 3 better follow in its amazing track record in being amazing television and a modern masterpiece.
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Misses what made the book so interesting
6 May 2024
I recently read the book in anticipation for the adaptation, and came out enjoying the origin story of coriolanus snow, enjoying the twist and turns and getting to know the mindset that drove him to become President Snow from the original trilogy, but all of that seem to be missing in the movie

The performances are quiete fine, instead its the lack of focus in the interesting parts from the book thats missing. We dont see the the intricit thoughts and motivations that drive Mr. Snow to become the character we know.

What we end up with is a Young Adult cliche relationship that feels forced and disconnected from the book, where you were left questioning his motivations and perspective.

The movie misses what made the book so interesting and instead leans toward a main stream Holywood love story.
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A masterclass in filmaking
3 April 2024
Denis Villeneuve once again knocks it out of the park with the second part of Dune.

This is cinema at its finest, delivering stunning visuals, beautiful orchestral scores, great performances and writing, just like in the first part, except the second part takes it even further. It's a movie that needs to be experienced on the big screen, to really immerse yourself in the glory unfolding on the screen.

Dune, the franchise said to be unfilmable, has been made into one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time and a mainstream classic for the future. This will without a doubt in my mind go down as one of the greatest sequels ever made, and with talks of Dune Messiah, one of the greatest trilogies of all time.
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A simple rom com done right!
16 January 2024
Way better than I expected! Now this isn't a new take on the rom com genre at all, and frankly we've seen this scenario play out quite a few times by now, but despite that it still manages to make you laugh, smile, and ultimately give you a good experience at the theater.

And I must admit, after leaving, I can't get Ben's serenity song out of my head. The movie enraptures you with its quirky dialogue, cliche scenarios, and great chemistry between the two leads. The plot has some contrevensises and plot holes, but ultimately that doesn't stop it from being everything a simple rom com needs to be.
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A fine followup, that doesn't justify its existence
7 January 2024
It is extremely smart to make a follow up to a danish cult classic almost 30 years later. You manage you capture a new audience, while reintroducing and appealing to the ones who watched it on release back in 1994.

Now this new installment feels and looks like a modernization of the first one and delves into the story years later. It manages to keep the creepyness from the first one, despite lacking the humor and the "out-there-ness" the first movie brought in its delivery and script.

The performances are great all around, but it doesn't do anything new in terms of the genre. To be honest, I personally didn't like the ending, as I felt it lacked a sense place as a lot of the problems the movie explored through its runtime, is resolved with a cliche ending.

It's a good enough movie, even if it doesn't justify its existence because of the sense of conclusion we got in the original.
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Amazing animation, driven by an emotional and expansive story
9 December 2023
Another outstanding spectacle filled with depth, character building, emotion, while delivering top notch animation through the entire run time.

It uses nostalgia and other funny quirks, for the viewers to take notice of and have a laugh at. Despite that it isn't driven by those aspects, but instead the characters and story. Where the first movie felt like a conclusive origin story about Miles Morales, this instead feels like an expansion of the universe and the beginning of a larger tale.

In the end it feels very much like the first part of two, and I can't wait for the second half. That being said, the story still has a but not as conclusive as the first one. Its a bigger and more expansive story, about Miles' journey about what it means to be Spiderman and the responsibility that follows.
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A great watch for kids and fans alike
7 December 2023
This is definitely mostly targeted towards kids, in that aspect it does a tremendous job. It quickly paces along from set piece to set piece, while referencing the many games in the series, a great introduction to new comers and a fun watch for fans.

Ultimately it doesn't have layers upon layers as to appeal to an older audience, and the animation isn't spectacular. There is a lot of bright colors, funny quirks and fast paced clips and cuts. The voice of Luigi is great and sounds exactly like you would expect, while I was a bit worried about Chris Pratt as Mario, his voice grew on me and it wasn't as distracting as I feared. Jack Black as bowser was absolutely outstanding doing an amazing job capturing the quirky and "funny" side, balancing that with

It does bring references that nintendo lovers and fans of the Mario franchise, and the cast of characters that are closely connected to the franchise. While the movie isn't revolutionary in any way, it's a fun time especially for kids, that passes along at an astronomical pace.
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A great movie despite lacking in crucial aspects
6 November 2023
Martin scorsese delivers once again with a great piece of cinema, even if it doesn't hit the highs of the past.

All around it delivers on a great presentation and performances from all across its cast, but especially Leonardo DiCaprio does a great job at capturing the seemingly dumb-witted nature of his character. The story feels relevant and you can feel craftsmanship behind the filmmaking and writing. That being said the story lacks the "wow" moment where you're left in awe, speechless, and mesmerized by the plot or performance of an actor, instead it feels like a well paced drama where you for the most part know the outcome.

The editing and cinematography keeps the pace ticking along at a great pace, even with a long run time of 3.5 hours it never truly feels like it could be shortened at any point as every shot is specifically selected and crafted. With the "fast" editing and story structure we as viewers are able to keep track of time and evolution of the characters despite it not giving us specific dates. Overall it's an enjoyable movie, but definitely not for everyone. If you like Martin Scorsese's movies, or long drama's this is specifically crafted for you, if not, its completely fine to sit this one out.
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The Creator (2023)
A beautifully crafted look into the future
27 October 2023
A solid take on the AI and humanity problems we may come to face, delving into interesting themes even if it doesn't go as deep as I would like, still it brings great cinematography and a soundtrack that matches the ascetic and atmosphere perfectly.

In certain aspects the story feels rushed and in a hurry to get to the next "set piece" of the story. It doesn't delve deep into the ethical problems of developing AI, but instead lingeres around on the surface, ultimately appealing to a more mainstream audience. As the action set pieces and costume design is where the story shines its brightest. The characters are pretty one note, and while you care for them, they evolve in a predictable way, but it's intriguing to follow them on their journey either way. At times the writing becomes contradictory as the writers can't figure out in what genre they're writing.

In the end it was a great and certainly beautiful watch that left an impact after the credits rolled, even if it doesn't expand or develop the genre as a whole.
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A danish classic
23 October 2023
A comedy starring a lot of the best danish actors. This feels like a 2000's comedy as it's so silly and over the top in both the script, writing and music. The story is told in an interesting way, slowly revealing each of their backstories, in the end culminating in a satisfying ending.

It doesn't take it self too serious and the characters are pretty characteristic, not meaning one note, but that each of the four friends has a characteristic that defines them. Ultimately this is just a fun friday night watch to enjoy no matter where you're from. Over the years its become a danish comedy classic from a time that didn't take it self to seriously.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
A promising future, driven by nostolgia
4 October 2023
Star Wars is back with a promising story with well-known and new characters. Ahsoka does use a lot of nostalgia to build out the universe and characters, while never feeling like a cop out. The series manages to juggle pushing the story forward but keeping true to the characters we came to love, hate and ultimately understand in Rebels and The Clone Wars. The story feels like the sci-fi aspects of Star Wars and stands in direct contrast to Andor, and its great to see the assortment of genres in the franchise.

The series sets up the future for Star Wars and the promising new aspects and characters that future seasons will explore, and im all for it. In the end it's a great first season that feels a lot like Star Wars with a lot of great throwbacks, while still exploring and expanding everything that makes Star Wars great.
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One Piece (2023– )
A great adaptation of a beloved franchise
18 September 2023
I have never watched or read one piece, so I didn't have any expectations going in, but I must admit I enjoyed the journey and story a lot. The 1000+ episodes of the anime is a bit too daunting for me, so I'll be following this live action adaptation instead as it's a great entry point into the world of pirates.

The characters are distinct and unique, and every single crew member contribute with their own twist and quirk. The production quality is amazing, which helps with building a believable world and making the special attacks seem more realistic and not as cartoony and animated.

We learn about each of their struggles and backgrounds, giving a better understanding of their character and motivations, which in the end lead to a great conclusion to this part of the story, as there is so much more to discover and explore. I can't wait for season 2 and will surely be watching along.
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Elden Ring (2022 Video Game)
From Softwares Magnum Opus
14 September 2023
I was excited going into Elden Ring. Having played most of the developer's lineup of games. Over the years this genre of games has become one of my favorites, so I already knew the level of quality they would deliver, and with George RR Martin attached to the project, I knew I was in for something special.

The boss design is outstanding as they all bring a sense of scale and fear to the player as they enter the arena and watch as a being of unknown power emerges. The story is, per usual, told through mysteries cut scenes and item descriptions which can be quiet confusing.

The world design and the organic way of discovery is what kept me engaged. As you are thrown right into a sprawling open world, with only a small guideline to follow, but essentially the freedom to go wherever you want.

Having gotten the platinum on PlayStation and with countless hours of frustration and joy. I can truly say that this is From Software's masterpiece and will be looked upon as a stable in video games. This has become one of my all-time favorites and I can't wait for the DLC to release at some point in the future.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
A prime example of a spin-off
31 August 2023
Finally a prequel that doesn't rely solely on nostalgia, but fleshes out both existing and new characters, bringing even more depth to characters from Breaking Bad. That said, you'll have to watch Breaking Bad before watching Better Call Saul.

Of course the unique camera angles, song choices, cuts and edits that Vince Gilligan is know for is on display. The characters fell like real people where their actions have consequences for themselves and the people around them. With exceptional writing and a great understadning of their characters, their morals and giving a sense of understanding to every single character.

Better Call Saul is an outstanding character drama as we watch Jimmy Mcgill's ascension into crime, through both ups and downs.
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A great ending to the trilogy
14 August 2023
The movie is beautifully directed by Matt Reeves, by a great soundtrack that truly encapsulates the action and heartfelt moments. The music elevate the movie and captures the emotions the film is conveying.

The third and final entry is the most action heavy, but the cgi and motion capture looks great, while the quieter moments gives the action depth and an understanding of their emotions and deeds. The ending feels satifactoary and heartfelt. Once again Andy Serkis gives an amazing performance and complete closure to the trilogy.

The trilogy still holds up on every level and is a great watch almost 10 years after the first entry in this long running series.
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Short and sweet
8 November 2022
The team behind one of the best animated series to date is back. 6 small episodes of Star Wars exploring the backgrounds of Ashoka and Count Doku. Amazing voice acting and the same animation style that was used for the animated series, meaning it looks absolutely outstanding, while the pacing of each episode is on point.

Ultimately the show delivers satisfying, charming and fun to characters we have come to love. I hope they make a seasons 2 and expand on other characters going further back, telling stories about known and unknown in the universe, as there are so many stories yet to be told

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The Boys (2019– )
Superheroes with a dark sense of humor
8 November 2022
Amazon Prime has really captured a new essence of the superhero franchise and the recent burnout most have felt with both the MCU and DCEU is completely gone in the boys. It's more than blood, gore and dark humor with deeper themes delving into corruption and the dark side of the American dream.

The performances are absolutely amazing, and especially homelander and billy butcher are two standouts that will immediately become fan favorites. The show makes you care and hate the characters. You understand their emotions and reasoning for their actions. All around this is a niche' series for certain people. If you have a dark sense of humor and enjoy much more than just serviceable TV this is a definite watch.

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The Northman (2022)
A particular audience
31 October 2022
The Northman is extremely similar to movies like "The green knight" or "the witch" feeling kind of indie and out there but still with a high enough budget to show an enormous spectacle and have prestige actors like Willem Dafoe, Anya Taylor and Alexander Skarsgaard.

The performances and overall story is pretty straight forward and wonderfully acted. There are title sequences dividing the movie into different chapters, just like in the green knight. While the overall feel and eeriness is something straight out of the witch. This is a typical "b-tier" movie that is very well produced all around, that seeks a particular audience more than the mainstream.

In the end if you were intrigued or liked the trailers and promotion then give it a watch. It doesn't ride the same beats as main stream movies, but if you want to be a bit adventurous this is good on a Saturday evening.

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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
There's a reason why this Is one of the best ever!
19 October 2022
I finally got around to watching breaking bad in 2022, more than 10 years after the show first premiered. This is at the top of the list for best rated shows and it's a series that has been recommended to me a lot of times and... wow. What an absolutely outstanding piece of television.

It's perfectly paced across 5 seasons, bringing gripping portrayals of what feels like real people. The events are shocking, real, clever and all around well written and though out. The show brings out so many different emotions, and will take you on a rollercoaster ride through twist and turns. Ultimately culminating in a near perfect ending, that will leave the audience satisfied, but with a sense of dread as the credits roll one final time. The cinematography is absolutely outstanding, capturing and you see a lot of the same techniques being used in movies and others show to this day.

Breaking bad changed the industry while bringing some of the best portrayed and written characters ever put to screen. Now I wish I could erase all memory of the show, so I could watch it for the first time once more.

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Looks outstanding, but under the surface it's a mess.
14 October 2022
The show looks absolutely outstanding with pretty great cinematography, set design and materials that look expensive. Here the budget truly shines, but when the actors to their part and deliver their lines from a lackluster script, following a story that bleak and boring. It's easy to see through the beautiful landscapes, and realize how horrible the writing and actual story is.

The show didn't have to replicate the Peter Jackon trilogy, but still capture the magic of what made that world and atmosphere feel so special. Take inspiration from both books, the movies and lore surrounding the world of middle earth and beyond. Personally I have read the hobbit and the LOTR trilogy, so I do have some inside knowledge, but as the show is set many years before these events, I was excited to see Middle earth and the lands far away in a new light. I was pretty disappointed though as the show falters in so many aspects, where other fantasy shows and movies shine. Maybe in season 2 they will expand and hire new writers, but for now I was left with an empty feeling for the show's future seasons.

The production value is extremely high and the set designs, clothes, materials and cgi look pretty outstanding, but they should have spent some of that money on developing a better story and hiring better writers that truly understand the source material.

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Uncharted (2022)
Just play the games...or watch them.
11 October 2022
Well this wasn't the video game adaptation that would finally take them to the next level of cinema. Ultimately it feels like a generic adventure movie with a cocky protagonist. Where you could easily replace the actors with a new cast. It doesn't really feel as impactful or risky as it did in the games. There isn't the same progression. The villain is generic and Tom Holland feels like he is playing Spiderman without the costume. The humor isn't a cocky and witty, even if some of the jokes did land for me, it still felt pretty empty and half hearted.

The award winning soundtrack from the games, don't hit the same as I did when playing. There are quite a bit of Easter eggs for existing fans that doesn't take away from the non-experienced viewers, and is a nice touch that is well needed. The runtime is just way too long, it just keep going and going never seeming to end. It could have easily been cut down to a nice 90 minutes. Of course companies will keep trying to adapt beloved video games, to give the stories a wider audience and maybe, just maybe, they'll get the formula right one day, but this wasn't the one.

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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
A disappointing adaptation of a good book series
4 October 2022
Now I recently read the books of the same name, because I thought the show looked interesting and I knew as per usual HBO would take take the adaptation seriously. I finished the book trilogy being quite pleased with the outcome, and being excited to see a great bookseries adapted to the silver screen.

Well I was sadly quite disappointed. Looking back at the creation and the experience I had with the show. I dont feel like they did a good job adapting the story. It follows mostly the same beats, but still falters in too many aspects where the books shine the brightest. The world building is just fine, but key plot points and twists are lacking in impact, with the sets feeling small in scale. Also the Daimons seems boring and doesn't change as much as I would like, as they are illustrated a reflection of the soul and feelings the person is going through in that particular moments. The budget might not have been large enough, which might have made the show falter in certain aspects. Some of the set design feels way out of left field in comparison to what I imagined reading.

The show is just good enough to keep by, but doesn't reach the same heights that the books did in my opinion. I would definitely read the books first, and might even skip the show at that point as it doesn't truly add any important aspects. If you don't want to read, then go for it if it looks interesting, but just know that you're missing out from its true greatness. I am still happy that the show is getting a third and final season and not leaving it before the end.

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Andor (2022– )
The left turn the franchise needed
25 September 2022
I didn't have much anticipation or hope for Andor, despite some shots from the trailers looking quite well shot and choreographed. Recent projects had left me pretty burned out being mediocre and faltering in both script, performances and all around leaning too heavily into cameos instead of focusing on actual storytelling.

I decided to give it a chance being a huge Star Wars fan and I must say I am impressed. With a 3 episode premiere was a great idea and really gives you a sense of scale and ambition that the series has set up for the coming weeks. The first 10 minutes feels like something straight from blade runner 2049. It's beautifully shot and the characters and writing seems sensible.

It feels more grounded, not focusing on action packed light saber battle. It instead delves into the characters and dialogue building real relationships and starts of a fresh slate, that leaves you excited for the rest of the series to come. It's hard to say but Andor has the potential of becoming just a big a sensation as the Mandalorian. Creating a more adult view on the world from George Lucas.

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If you enjoyed the game, you'll likely enjoy this
18 September 2022
The characters are pretty well portrayed, written and acted out. The story feels like a main mission with a couple of side quest from the game, all around seeing how the world and structure of night city. The game wasn't so much about the story, but more about the world and characters which the show gets just right.

But if you dont like anime or that kind of animation or that just particular style with expressions and sounds this likely won't be for you. Personally im not a big anime guy, but have watched some anime, both movies and shows, so I guess my "tolerance" is high. I think it will capture and audience and from the positive response it has since release I hope they will renew for a season 2. And of course there are a lot of both major and small Easter eggs and references to the game, that will please people who played the game, but won't take away from the un-experienced people who hasn't played the video game.

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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Let the games begin!
28 August 2022
I am a huge fan of George RR Martins work and the world he has created over the years, and like many others the last season left a bad taste in my mouth, but despite that incident I had faith in HBO and everyone involved in making a prequel. Now the creator of the universe is just as involved as he was for the first seasons of GOT and it's lovely to see that he is just as excited to showcase a new chapter in the world of Westeros.

You can feel the love that has been poured into the making of the HOTD, trying to follow the legacy of GOT, but still giving the characters and portrail its own tone and flavour. The cinematography, audiodesign and music is just what we have come to expect from HBO's premium shows. The show is more vibrant, colorful and nuanced, with colors ranging from blue and green to grey and black, but still it doesn't hold back from the gore and uncensored violence. The dialogue is just as captivating with some key stand out lines.

This is my most anticipated series this year and I must say we are back at peak television. I will definitely be following along every week and you should too!
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