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Absolutely Brilliant
13 May 2010
Unfortunately this is only available second hand and on video. Bob Mills takes us through the heroes and villains who have littered world cup adventures since 1966 (because the world cup didn't really matter until then).

Hilarious throughout, Mills takes us back to the 1974 World Cup Final, Ronald Koeman's free kick or more importantly Seaman's illogical positioning and of course Terry Fenwick's failure to boot Maradona into the stands.

Mills is always on the mark and this is a thoroughly entertaining piece of TV that has been rarely seen.
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Atonement (2007)
Lacks the emotional intensity of The English Patient
3 April 2008
Not quite as bad as I thought it was going to be, given what I'd heard and read here and there but still very much The English Patient for the Heat Magazine crowd. Like Pride And Prejudice the direction is strong, probably a bit earnest and the Dunkirk scene was pretty amazing if striving a bit too hard. I thought the story was interesting but the problem was the two leads who were out of their depth. Funnily enough I felt that it was McAvoy who was the weaker of the two as Knightley did manage to generate a couple of acting moments but all too often it felt a bit Harry Enfield when they were trying to deliver their meaningful dialogue. In comparison to The English Patient where it felt completely natural for the characters to talk in that stylised luvvie dialogue, here it just wasn't working and as a consequence it was difficult to feel the characters' emotions so much so that when the emotional wrench does come it falls a bit flat. If they'd have gone with leads that were a bit more mature and had a bit more presence it might have worked but I still think there'd be a bit of a issue with the source material.
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Continuing the tradition of fine Linklater films
23 March 2007
Richard Linklater's adaptation is a fictional dramatisation of the non-fiction novel. Playing out more as a narrative on the fast food industry than a critique, the film stops short of being an anti-capitalist diatribe in favour of a simple presentation of the concerns that society shares about such an industry. Following along similar lines to many of Linklater's other works it mixes his traditional free-flowing conversations with tinges of Maria Full Of Grace and Dazed And Confused. Containing some gruesome images the film's strength lies in the free-flowing conversations and the all too familiar ethical choices that the characters face and it's to Linklater's credit that he places more emphasis on the difficultly of these ethical choices than on the emotional impact they have on the characters. It is simple, there's little exploration of the bigger picture and there has been criticism that the character arcs don't interlink which I don't think matters, because the characters are just as much the meat going into the machine as the beef itself. Harshly underrated by the critics it could have been a three hour multi-layered epic that might have failed, instead it's a tight, empathic little film that's definitely worth a watch.
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Crumb (1994)
18 March 2006
Fascinating documentary about a US underground cartoonist, Robert Crumb. Although I'd heard of Crumb (mainly through American Splendour I wasn't that aware of his work although some of his cartoons were images that I'd seen before. Basically the guy did an assortment of freaky and surreal images straight out of the darker recesses of his mind. Criticised for his portrayal of women in his comics by some, the film delves into what can only be described as a unique family background, where his brothers appear to be as divorced from reality as his comics are. It was good enough to get me to go and check out some of his stuff.
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Shadowlands (1993)
Not as good as Remains Of The Day
18 March 2006
After being very impressed with Remains Of The Day I was more than keen to watch this, after hearing a lot of good things about it. After a good start I lost interest about forty five minutes in and upon reflection, felt that the film needed a little bit more character development before plunging into the start of a relationship between writer CS Lewis and a married American woman. I don't know why this didn't grab me because it started well and had a good feel about it, but I think that for me there was too big a leap taken between a cursory relationship to one of great love. I couldn't get into the feelings being presented on screen in the end.
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Exposing some of the myths of the Russian Revolution
14 November 2005
Fascinating collection of footage from the years 1913-17 focusing on the Russian Revolution. With an introduction by a Russian historian and cultural expert, it exposed a number of myths about the revolution and in particular, the Bolsheviks.

With this gentleman providing a commentary over the footage that's happening and explaining the propaganda behind not only this film, but the three films that I'd seen by Eisentein, presenting them in a completely different light. Filmwise it wasn't anything special, however the informed commentary was riveting and helps you to understand a bit more about what actually happened, even if it only touches the surface.

Watched in conjunction with Eisenstein's October 1917, Strike and Battleship Potemkin, these are essential viewing.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
20 minutes of mayhem
31 January 2005
I liked this a lot. Franke Potente in the lead role and I can see why she got a couple of Hollywood films after this but the real star of the show is the direction which is superb. Based on a twenty minute period in the main characters' lives it's stretched out for considerably longer with repetitive shots done differently almost each time. There are small twists and turns that take you in a direction you weren't expecting as well as ones that are ludicrous, but they work. The film is played with a real edge of the seat feel to it and doesn't stray away from the central love story too much. The music wasn't great but it played the film perfectly and I think anyone who's enjoyed the likes of Trainspotting or Human Traffic would enjoy this film.
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Interesting but not essential
31 January 2005
I found this to be more of a film about film-making than a great piece of cinema in its own right. It started fairly slowly and was unlike anything that I'd seen before but at the same time it wasn't really going anywhere. I watched some of the extras with the DVD and I'm glad I did because it highlighted the camera work and score which is really all that I'd really picked up watching it. The dance scene was brilliant but aside from that I didn't really find much in the characters to hook me in. I understand from the extras that there was no script which I know isn't uncommon with other directors but it did play like that. There was some good interaction between the characters at times but overall the only real spark inside the film itself was the dance. More technical for me than anything else.
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Another overlooked decent Brit film
31 December 2004
A black comedy about alcohol addiction. If that makes you think twice about watching it then don't. As you can imagine, a film dealing with such a subject will be pretty dark and this definitely is. Disjointed at times with a plot that doesn't really cover the relationships that the characters are ruining through their own addiction lets this film down. The acting performances are competent and there is some empathy that you develop occasionally. At times it is very, very funny and the film is done in a mix of The Office style documentary and fly-on-the-wall film which works very well. Not the greatest but again significantly better than most of the guff that Hollywood turfs out. 7.5/10.
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For British working class males aged 28-40, funnier than you may think
31 December 2004
I'm certainly not hailing this as a classic but it is far from the worst film of the year that it was tainted as. Some terrible jokes for sure but some genuine laugh out loud moments as well turned this into a pleasant surprise. My warning is that if you don't like films or television programmes that are done in bad taste then this is not for you. A number of the jokes are cringe-worthy and embarrassingly unfunny yet it's not there where I think the film's gotten the reputation that it has.

When I say that some of the jokes are bad taste I am thinking of the most excruciatingly bad taste jokes that you can possibly think of. It's there were the film is a big hit and miss. Generally the real bad taste jokes are terrible and in some cases I was struggling to watch. I don't mean because it was so unfunny, I mean because they really were not watchable. However I have great constitution when it comes to films and soldier on I did to witness a film that eventually fell apart in the last half hour.

If you're a male of the Gregory's Girl generation, liked early 80s British music i.e. punk, Dexy's, ska and the like I am sure you will be able to appreciate more parts of this film than others who haven't been fortunate enough to be raised with credibility in artistic interpretation as an innate ability. This is closer to the comedy in which I think most males of a similar age to myself will have experienced growing up through school and whilst it is crass and smutty at times it does have enough funny moments to justify it's rental.

Don't expect anything stylish, classy or respectful but this is closer to the England I know and live in than the tired Brit-gangster flicks that get turfed out year after year. Much funnier than Dodgeball and it's only the lack of a real story that stop this being a point higher.. 6/10.
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Losing its sparkle
12 December 2002
Pierce Brosnan - I think he's done a good job restoring Bond back to his sleazy roots, but the time has come for him to pass the torch. He just looks old now and I couldn't suspend my belief as he beat up martial arts experts half his age. Time to go, bring on Christian Bale.

Plot - One of the best Bond plots I would say. The Icarus is a great idea and there were enough twists to make it interesting.

Bad Guys - The Korean guy with silver bits in his face was quite good, but he wasn't in it enough. The British guy started off a bit like Alan B'Stard but got better as the film went along. The only thing that pissed me off was that as if it's not bad enough English blokes playing bad guys in American movies they're now playing bad guys in what is effectively a British movie. When are we going to get a bad guy who is American?

Opening Credits - Well it wasn't The Spy Who Loved Me, but it was good in that it had a twist in it.

Stunts - Generally pretty good and yes most of them are unbelievable but still within the realms of possibility, except for surfing on the tidal wave, which was ludicrous.

Bond Girls - Halle Berry, well what can you say? She is gorgeous and the flirting scenes were great, but, I am going to have to watch Monsters Ball because this woman still cannot act. Is she the black Kim Basinger? Rosamund Pike on the other hand was great. Deliciously sexy.

Ending - What's happened to Bond endings? Since Roger Moore left all the big shootout endings have disappeared with him. Bring them back.

Is There Life In Bond - I would say so, but it's going to take another change of direction and probably down a more serious path. The entendres in this were tired and lazy, almost cringeworthy, which is a shame because Brosnan brought back the cheek into the character, but it just wilted this time. I know Bond is a cliche, but it has been a good cliche at times. It's in danger of just becoming a parody, if it isnt' already. New blood needed.
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Losing its sparkle
12 December 2002
Pierce Brosnan - I think he's done a good job restoring Bond back to his sleazy roots, but the time has come for him to pass the torch. He just looks old now and I couldn't suspend my belief as he beat up martial arts experts half his age. Time to go, bring on Christian Bale.

Plot - One of the best Bond plots I would say. The Icarus is a great idea and there were enough twists to make it interesting.

Bad Guys - The Korean guy with silver bits in his face was quite good, but he wasn't in it enough. The British guy started off a bit like Alan B'Stard but got better as the film went along. The only thing that cheesed me off was that as if it's not bad enough English blokes playing bad guys in American movies they're now playing bad guys in what is effectively a British movie. When are we going to get a bad guy who is American?

Opening Credits - Well it wasn't The Spy Who Loved Me, but it was good in that it had a twist in it.

Stunts - Generally pretty good and yes most of them are unbelievable but still within the realms of possibility, except for surfing on the tidal wave, which was ludicrous.

Bond Girls - Halle Berry, well what can you say? She is gorgeous and the flirting scenes were great, but, I am going to have to watch Monsters Ball because this woman still cannot act. Is she the black Kim Basinger? Rosamund Pike on the other hand was great. Deliciously sexy.

Ending - What's happened to Bond endings? Since Roger Moore left all the big shootout endings have disappeared with him. Bring them back.

Is There Life In Bond - I would say so, but it's going to take another change of direction and probably down a more serious path. The entendres in this were tired and lazy, almost cringeworthy, which is a shame because Brosnan brought back the cheek into the character, but it just wilted this time. I know Bond is a cliche, but it has been a good cliche at times. It's in danger of just becoming a parody, if it isn't already. New blood needed.
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Solid film
7 July 2002
Nothing much to say on this one really. Good direction, acting, effects as you'd expect, just lacking originality with the script, which is basically LA Confidential 100 years later. I enjoyed it, but have seen better films and films with better homages in.
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Traffic (2000)
Great Direction, but there's just something missing
9 December 2001
In most other years this film would be down as a good film, not a great film. The various plots work well together and the acting is first rate, which is a compliment to those working in front and behind the camera. At no point does this feel like a film. It draws you in and you end up being a bystander in these tales. That is the film's strength, but there's just something missing with the various story lines that stops it from being great, but it's almost pulled off with a great ending.
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Nice and jumpy
9 December 2001
An intelligent horror (it's not a thriller) lifts this above the standard horror fare, but it just doesn't take that next step that would lift it into that 8+ mark. Michelle Pfeiffer turns in a very believable performance and Harrison Ford's placidness is for once useful. It does make you jump as well.
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The Pre-Cursor to The Life Of Brian
9 December 2001
I don't know enough about English History to understand all of the jokes in this film, but suffice to say that it is entertaining and funny, but not as good as The Life of Brian (little us). Whereas Brian concentrates on a historical story that I can relate to strongly, this does the same but with English History. The Python's run the same kind of spin on a famous yarn, pointing out how ridiculous the concept of The Holy Grail (and hence, the English Church) is.

What does work is the appearance, to me, that they are producing a performance that would fit onto a stage and turning it into a film, which is one of the strongest points of this film.

Ultimately, it isn't funny enough to be a great film, but if you've not seen this or The Life of Brian I would recommend both to ascertain just what the Python's were trying to achieve. No particular order as you'll need to watch both.
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Casablanca (1942)
29 November 2001
I watched this film for the first time very recently and share most of the opinions aired on this site. It is slow and not all the acting is that great. The dialogue, story and emotion is first class.

I'm not saying that they don't make 'em like they used to, but it's hard to think of a story about love that's as strong as this. I have to say I thought it was great. I can't analyse the film because to me there is nothing to analyse. You don't anaylse love you relate to it and the way your emotions are sucked in is it's magic. Let's hope James Cameron doesn't do a remake.
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Life of Brian (1979)
One of the funniest films you will ever see
20 September 2001
A lot of reviewers have highlighted what is so great about this film, it's satire. Satire is often funny, but never as consistently funny. This is gut wrenchingly funny as opposed to funny ha ha. No stone is left unturned. Religion is the but of the joke, but the fundamentalists, socialists and ignorants all get lambasted in a severely underrated film.

The concept of Jesus as a chancer and a man who happened to be in the right place at the right time is pure genius. The utilisation of modern attitudes and language works wonders as this historical tale unwinds and the immaculate conception is explained away in perhaps the most original thought on this matter. There is joke after joke after joke. You can't catch them all the first time and it takes repeated viewing to ascertain and appreciate the complexity of the intelligent writing.

Beyond the jokes are the messages. Messages that are so obvious and relevant in today's society, but messages that fall on deaf ears every day.

Those that say this isn't funny or isn't their funniest piece of work they just don't know. They're not there. They're missing a critical piece of art and historical social commentary that's ever been committed to film.

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Modern Times (1936)
A true visionary
20 September 2001
You can't take it away from the man. This is a wonderful film in sentiment and ethos. You don't need me to tell you all about the perceived ills of industrialisation and capitalism, just watch this film and you can see that before the logos appeared, the writing was on the wall for everyone to see.

As for comedy, well it isn't the funniest film ever, it's good, but it's rated highly because of the film. There are a lot of films out there that are funnier, but to see Charlie Chaplin indulging in some Charlie put me into hysterics and, erm, opened my eyes to the time. Good stuff all round.
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Great film, but not as good as the score says.
7 June 2000
This is a terrificly moving film that confronts the usual downtrodden American Dream going sour cliche. Unlike, say, Fight Club, American Beauty presents it in an unoffensive way, offering comment-lite which is where the film falls down of fantastic status.

There are many better films out there that address the same issues in a much more intelligent and, in some cases, confrontational way. If you like your film 'spot on' this is it, but it falls short of being subversive which is what it wants to be.

You should still watch it though.
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A Great Film But Not A Top 10 of all time
2 April 2000
Another one of those very rare Hollywood films that give you that little bit more than just entertainment. First rate performances from all around, particularly the young supporting cast, although this is about Kevin Spacey.

A dazzling central performance that puts across your empathy for the character in faultless manner.

My only gripe with the film is the praise that is lavished upon it. It's a great film, but isn't a Top 10 of all time. Whilst the film satirises and captures the suburban/middle class/American Dream/whatever you want, it doesn't really say anything new to me. It's a great film, but not in the league of, say, Fight Club which gets it right. In fact it's like an Easy Listening version of Fight Club (albeit a different message).

Worth the watch though, for sure.
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Up there with the best Bond films ever
16 December 1999
There was a definite "I'm expecting the usual Bond cliches with little surprises" expectation before watching this film. I mean just how many more times can we get away with this character? Well, if the next film stacks up as well as this then bring 'em on now.

The World Is Not Enough is the usual Bond cliches but bigger and better than ever before. Brosnan is THE man when it comes to Bond, no doubt about it. He takes the toughness of Connery and the humour of Moore, ignores dreary Dalton and puts it into this modern day superhero.

Whilst the film is in danger at times of becoming Carry On Spying, the action is just so flipping fantastic that you don't really care. Gimme 100% entertainment from Mr Bond anyday and i'll be happy. That's what this is. When you watch a Bond film you don't expect it to change your life so just enjoy this for what it is.
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Hyped up too much over here
7 November 1999
Unfortunately, the hype preceeded this film, big time. Instead of falling into the "is it a true story or not" debate, I knew how it was filmed, what it was about etc. This spoiled what was an inventive if slow movie.

The acting is brilliant and there's no doubt that the level of creativity and originality behind the film is first rate. Unfortunately, when it comes down to it, Blair Witch has a couple of scary-ish moments. All to often we are treated to me and my mates going down to the woods when we were twelve and trying to scare each other, with spooky noises.

Definite potential for future films, but I'd have to give this a miss, if I was you.
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A great little film
7 November 1999
I liked this film a lot. It's a slow film, with simple dialogue, but a great premise. Having kept myself away from all information about the plot, I went in completely oblivious and was blown away by a superb ending.

A film littered with clues and hidden meanings, so much so that i'm gonna have to watch it again.
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Vampires (1998)
James Woods and big guns
7 November 1999
Another one of John Carpenter's great ideas, that goes wonky half way through.

The premise is simple, we kill Vampires. There's some great actions scenes, with James Woods being his usual cool self. The bad guys are scary and there's loads of 'em.

Unfortunately, for a film that is a kick-off film, there just isn't enough kicking-off. More guns and guts please next time.
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