The Colony (2021) Poster


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For the Mannie (nothing you haven't seen before)
kuarinofu12 July 2021
'Tides' or 'The Colony' is not a bad film. After a sloppy start which didn't make much sense, like a capsule drowning in water (that is full of air and is specifically designed to float), the absence of technical means for navigation or communication, the film starts to grow. The production quality is great, it looks and sounds really good, the location is solid. Some of the visuals reminded me of the Metro Exodus and Fallout games.

Then, around 30 minutes into the film, it turns into complete boredom after a sequence of vaguely motivated decisions. The problem is the predictability of the story. Every character, every plot thread, the ending - everything is so full of cliches you can pretty much recite the dialogue along with the characters. You know how it is going to end. In fact, I'm writing this review while still watching it, and it is really that predictable.

They don't really try to obscure it or provide an interesting twist. Like, come on, you can't cast Iain Glen and make him look like a good guy.

Anyway, now as the film is over, I can conclude my review. This film is everything you have seen before, plus some virtue signaling fueled by popular political ideas, making me think that it was probably made to fish out some festival awards.

Great production shell, but empty inside.
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Meh but a solid Meh !
dhooghesven9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a German/Swiss Sci-fi movie set somewhere between 100 and 150 years in the future. The wealthy elite escaped an earth where disasters and climate change made the planet uninhabitable. However things aren't going as planned on Kepler 209 either so they hope to return after 2 generations.

They've sent a first mission but lost contact so they sent a second mission to try again and to find out what happened with the first mission.

The production level is excellent, this never feels cheap or low budget and it can hold it's own to flicks with double the budget. Acting, score, pace, directing, editing, etc is all at a professional level. Critics who do this for a living can probably give a more nuanced view but never was it so bad that it bothered me or broke the illusion.

This is a dark and at times depressing film with a minimal story that reminded me of The Road (2009) but even a minimal story needs to make sense.

In a Hollywood blockbuster with loads of action and explosions you know you are basically looking at a live action comic book. For those movies I'm way more tolerant for illogical events (for example the dance-off in Guardians of the Galaxy), but this movie aims at the thinking sci-fi fan.

The massive plot holes really start to bother you after a while. Without spoiling anything for you I'll give a few examples just from the premise. They have solved interstellar travel but somehow still use tech from the 1960's to land ? Why did they send astronauts when they could have used drones, robots or even androids for the first recon ? If the planet is radioactive and uninhabitable, why don't they wear suits ? Was it a one way suicide mission or how are they going to get back? The list goes on and on.

For the Spocks among us this will be a huge let down and nothing but wasted potential and the Action Jacksons will find this boring and slow. Good for a one time watch but this could have been so, so much more.
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Tweetienator2 September 2021
Solid produced post-apocalyptic movie with some serious trouble regarding logic, psychology/behaviour and world building - I read a lot of pulp fiction sci-fi novels and magazines back in my younger years, that got more science in their DNA despite being mostly adventure stories. Anyway, if you like such movies and shows, to mind comes The 100, Tribes of Europe and the like, this may do for you.
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Disappointed once again by a very nonsensical sci fi
rsvp3217 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I always wonder how writers and directors can be so careless and sloppy when putting these productions out. I love any sci fi that can stimulate the imagination or pushes past the edge of science reality, but this one is frustratingly, completely unscientific and illogical!

~3/4 of Earth's surface is water, and they sent a spaceship that can't float?! (that gave me a laugh) The mudders kill Blake's Capt but she makes friends with them? The mudders have a big bonfire at night, but there's zero plants, let alone trees, anywhere on Earth!. I wonder how the mudders made their bows/arrows, too. Everyone has good condition (cotton?) shirts and pants, and tarps for capes...From where?! All day it's relentless fog and rain but at night we see stars. Earth has long been destroyed, but they still have a boat with diesel fuel? The mudders are portrayed as savages, yet they could navigate that boat after they escaped, to return directly to their settlement? Scientifically, a viable human population needs ~4,000 to 10,000 people to ensure genetic diversity to avoid inbreeding (=doom!) There were only a few dozen total, both colonies. If Earth's surface is devoid of land animals and plants, what will the rest of the Keplers eat once they get here?

There were some other annoying details, too, to add yourself.

This was completely unsatisfying, once finished. Three stars for the decent actors.
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This had nothing to do with astronauts, space or anything sci-fi
mochteam24 January 2022
This was just a movie about boats and roaming around in the fog and boy did it suck. Very boring movie that didn't deliver on anything it advertised. It was like Beyond the Thunderdome without anything that made it good. Some even say this is like water world but I remember that movie actually having scenes that kept you awake.

If you do choose to watch The Colony of your own volition just know that this is a very long and bland movie. It takes like an hour and 20 minutes before you even get to see the lead character fire her space gun. The ending is right on par with the monotone pace of the film and for some reason this movie is filled with more fog than a cheap dance club. The entire movie is just fog everywhere...even the final scene is plagued by fog. I guess they did that so they wouldn't have to spend money on actually creating backgrounds. Not like that be difficult since a broken down cargo ship is the entirety of this movies scenery.

I couldn't say for sure just how bad this movie is that will be up to you but it certainly is worth a solid 4 for me. The best part of the film is the first 5 minutes because that's the only part of this movie that feels like a sci-fi space film. It also doesn't help that the movie is somewhat predictable but still manages to be highly anticlimactic. Usually you'll get a worthwhile ending to a predictable film but not this one.

Also I'm quite sure I saw a plot like this on an episode of Star Trek once. Not as extreme but a similar plot where a planets species could not reproduce except...they just made clones of everyone instead and forced them pre-assigned jobs in society (don't worry that's not the plot of this movie).

Overall this movie is highly forgettable because it's so bland.
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Missed opportunities and story holes...
RodMartinJr10 July 2021
Lack of clarity in the story robs this of its potential. Some questions are never resolved. One big plot hole involves the immense distance to the extrasolar colony in the Kepler 209 system. At 587 pc (1,914 light years), they would have to have FTL technology. And if they had FTL technology, they would likely have chosen something far, far closer to Earth. Better than that, with the right use of FTL tech, they could have terraformed Mars in a few decades.

Great acting, nice cinematography, but pacing seemed too slow in places. A movie like Das Boot could make boredom seem interesting. That time of deep creativity was missing, here.
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Simple logic doesn't apply to this movie
jordandellavecchia2 January 2022
This movie is one of the worst i've seen in 2021.

How old are the writers? 10 years old??? I mean there is absolutely to logic in the way the story was written and depicted on screen.

1- humanity has devolved a few centuries = ok, i'll believe that.

2 - boats are still being operated? Where are they getting the fuel, the parts, the oil, the maintenance???

3 - where are they getting fresh water from? Rain maybe?

4 - how are they not sick being always in the water?

5 - how can they light fires if there is no trees, wood, etc?

6 - where are they getting their clothes from?

Writer(s) must be smoking some good weed? Not sure how this movie got funded!
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visually pleasing dystopian (if derivative) art-house sci-fi
spasticfreakshow6 July 2021
Is it reminiscent of other sci-fi dystopian flicks that came before it? Yes, but so what. Everything in life is a bit derivative or reminiscent of something else. Personally, I enjoyed the casting, the actors and the acting, combined with the an artistic take on the genre. A bit of an art-house indie version of a sci-fi trope if you will, by comparison with big budget studio productions, which sometimes fall short of late by relying on one or two big name actors to carry them. Aside from Iain Glen, I wasn't familiar with the cast, but they not only performed well, but were relatable and won me over. I didn't mind that the script was light on plot and dialog, but the ending felt rushed. I'd rather they'd have taken their time and added 20 minutes or so to the final cut. Still, the imagery was lovely and the main actress both lovely and powerful.

MORE art-house indie sci-fi with larger casts, please!
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A Waterworld/Road Warrior ripoff
chesta_j14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of water, yet everyone is filthy. So, how do the "savage" people survive? What's their food source? Water source? Perhaps a little bit more reality is in order; it could have good possibilities, but not yet. Also, where's this gasoline coming from? At least "The Road Warrior" had that covered & understood.
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Pretty good
thoughton7114 August 2021
A solid sci fi film. Cinematography was great, acting was good. As others have noted various plot points have been done before but what film doesn't do this? Fairly slow-paced but still holds your attention.
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A Contingency Plan for the Wealthy
TruView6 November 2021
...and the Meek shall inherit the Earth, according to Matthew 5:5; that is, until the Rich come back to reclaim it. Failing to seed the Cosmos with "the very best" of human stock, they return with their tails tucked between their legs and begin preying on the surviving primitives that were supposed to have died. Even on this water world of a planet, they go back to their old imperial games of conquest and enslavement.

This film is ultimately a quiet celebration of the status quo. There's this cheesy litany for solidarity cited by the returning descendants of the killer elite who forsook Mother Earth when she was at her worst; they quote it a couple of times hoping to dignify their nefarious plans of reconquest. Don't be fooled by it! I couldn't give this film a score any higher than a 3 and it has convinced me to take a long deserved break from the dystopian.
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A more realistic Waterworld
siderite13 July 2021
This is a film made in Europe, so naturally the score of 5 on Imdb translates to an actual 8 if you think about it a little. The acting is great - even the children, the story makes sense, the direction is good, the atmosphere well thought out and the movie well executed. And that on a budget that is probably orders of magnitude smaller than an American film.

Earth is made uninhabitable by people, so the elite just leave it behind and move to another planet. However, the joke's on them, as they lose all reproductive ability there, so they need to come back. The story is about this woman who is the sole survivor of a survey mission and who discovers people still live on Earth, including earlier surveyors. The action is well done, the characters believable and, other than a rather disappointing finale, it's a pretty good film. There are themes of racial supremacy, protecting the Earth and a general moral that ethics are important and the means are not justified by the end.

Bottom line: I recommend it. It's not perfect, it has its flaws, but overall it does exactly what it set out to do and does it well.
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Grey, slow, well-produced.
Safetylight7 July 2021
The world is wet, covered in perpetual mist, there is almost no color and everything is miserable and rotten.

I became fed up past the first thirty minutes and then spent the next fifteen clicking the 'Jump Ahead 10 Seconds' button looking for key scenes in order to see if things got any less dreary and dull, and to get an idea of the story thesis.

I can report that the sets become more interesting, (rotted big ships from a previous age form a depressing community), and there is something of a developing mystery in the story, featuring fascist leadership and poor waifs, etc. However, even with the power of "Skip Ahead" at my disposal, I found I just didn't care enough to see how the miserable tale played itself out.

Perhaps I've been spoiled, my brain re-wired by a diet of high-speed flashy films and peppy story lines. Maybe slow and dreary and damp are your thing. If so, this film is for you.

As for the thesis...

This film offers a vision of the world from the perspective of Climate Change alarmism. -Which is hard to take if you know anything about how C02 works on plant life; (you don't get endless mud flats and too much water), but who cares about science or facts? -Not the writers, who evidently envision advanced space faring humans capable of removing our species to a distant star system as apparently NOT capable of engineering a landing craft which doesn't look like an ancient Apollo capsule and which doesn't immediately sink to the bottom of the ocean upon touchdown and kill its occupants. Even in the 1960's we knew how to make more reliable space ships.

Tides offers lots of dreary 'feels' which don't care about your facts. Otherwise, the production values and acting were above average and the film made good use of a limited budget.

6/10 because honest craft went into this production.
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One of the sci-fi films ever made
bhutansho-9966916 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Acting is okay. Direction and cinematography is quite good. The plot is everything you've ever seen before + non sensical. I'm not mad at this film - just disappointed.

The biggest sin is that this movie is a "good guy vs bad guy" film, rather than an exploration of human civilisation two generations apart in a dystopian world. Main character realises that (wow what a shocker) that her side are actually the bad guys! Painfully obvious story without any layers or dimensions. Gibson, the main antagonist, is painted as an evil authoritarian with no angles, whilst Blake, our protag, is stone faced nobody that doesn't do anything but have the plot move her forward. Talking about the characters...

We don't see the characters so much to develop. Our main protagonist never smiles. We never see a moment of what makes her happy. Her stone face stoic attitude is boring and doesn't change once in the entire run time. The relationship between herself and her dad feel shallower than the mud plains the entire film is based on because we don't see them interact in any genuine father-daughter chemistry. Even in the flashbacks, she's dead pan serious, as is her dad.

The mud plains make for a very pretty set piece. However, if the entire film takes place on said mud plains, it becomes visual noise. The environment could easily become a character in a plot like this - but it isn't. Forget about all the plot holes for now - why are people living on a tidal plane anyways? It's further exacerbated by the endless fog that permeates the screen. The third act has more fog than it has story beats.

The plot holes. Positive reviews say ita forgivable but it really isn't. There's meant to be some level of believability to make the story stand on its own legs:

1. Landing ships without landing capabilities? These are interstellar travelling humans and they can't land a ship? The entire film would be over if they landed anywhere but the sea and sent communication back.

2. Landing into a body of water; and your ship sinks instead of floats. Space pods can land on water and float. Our great pods in this film sink...

3. They mention data monitoring and communication buoys relaying information of earth. These things can't/don't even collect information outside of the weather...

This is a sci fi film for the first 10 minutes. Then it isn't anymore - so this isn't really for sci fi fans.

I'd like to spend more time reviewing this film but that would mean putting more effort into this than the writers did in trying to make a cohesive and compelling story.

Trust me when I say I really wanted this to be good. The premise is deeply interesting and the it starts off with a bang.

Unfortunately it ends in a whimper.
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More plot holes than plot, amazing amount of cliché packed into dialogue
random-7077823 September 2021
Wow, I don't think I have seen a film in the past few years with more clichés packed into the dialogue. And there is a lot of yacking in this film, so the clichés and predictable conversation becomes overwhelming.

And for Sci Fi one expects to suspend disbelief on even core elements, but one does not expect more plot holes than a sieve. A civilization that is doing interstellar travel hundreds of years more advanced than 2020 space efforts, but doesn't have landing technology of 1960's Mercury or Soviet Vostok????

Lastly, the acting except for Ian Glenn is atrocious, cringeworthy.
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Like Waterworld, but on the beach
dclift-864057 July 2021
Lots of Water, Rust and Beaches and fog. Could do with subtitles here and there but overall a watchable movie.
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Very good movie despite the reviews
vromano100330 October 2022
I'm not sure why this movie got such bad ratings!!! It's very well filmed, it's in fact a work of art. The story is strong, the characters are solid and there are absolutely NO plot holes - despite most of the reviews.....luckily I decided to ignore the rating and watch it anyway. This is way better than most of the stuff that's out there! I'm a writer & producer (in the film industry) and I tend to over analyze shows when I watch them especially when it comes down to plot holes and character development and The Colony is very well done. This movie deserves to be recognized for what it is, a good one!!
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Should be a really good movie, but plot won't work out
jony-582928 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cinematography, the cg and the concept are really good, i will give them 8 out of 10, but the plot just minus 3 stars.

There are so many plot holes the makes this movie doesn't make any sense.

If there is a someone who can speak English in the tribe, why won't the protagonist ask them something ? Or Why didn't that English-speaking indigenous one just tell her what happened on the earth?

If the protagonist want to stop the information transmit back to kepler, why she just jumped on that bad guy after he transmitted it ?

Oh, and at the end, i don't even know the protagonist want to stop it or not.... The position of the protagonist just went back and forward that makes the whole movie really confusing....

So much potential here, but the writer ruined it.
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Nice SF movie
Jneo049 July 2021
Great atmosphare, great actresses and actors. Great camera work. Story ist a bit predictable but entertaining.
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Unimaginative and stale
lafilmgroup26 August 2021
Bad dialogs. Not a single line that we haven't heard exactly like this in many other movies. Stop stealing dialog, it just makes you look stupid.

Bad guy threatens the tough female hero? Female hero doesn't say a single word. Probably because these dudes cannot for the life of them create a female character that actually speaks. Embarrassing.

Visually? If you like looking at pictures that are way too dark and then become overexposed foggy blurry because they couldn't or wouldn't come up with and build good sets then by all means, watch it...

Music: stupid boring. I can't believe this guy gets to do this sort of music in 2021. Unimaginative drones, a thousand times heard before. Likewise with the drums. Learn how to create tempo with elements other than drums. Bush league.

Two groups of people, none of them we get a connection with. Why should we care about these people? Filmmakers: please show us!

Don't waste your time.
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Why is everything shot in the dark these days?
rgb-0317827 June 2022
Dune, The Northman, The Colony... and surely there's more. All in the dark!

I'll give it a 6 because it's ok, but not surprising or original.

Worth watching? If you're a sci-fi fan, yes.
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Boring and pointless nonsense
mm-7568714 January 2022
I have no idea how I lasted more than 10 minutes with this piece of garbage. It seems to be a cheap knockoff of "The 100". But this movie just has nothing interesting or compelling whatsoever. It is a complete waste of film.
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Huge science fiction fan. Don't understand the hate
rwalk-230 August 2021
I saw the reviews for this movie and the negative reviews almost drove me off. Don't let them! This is raw sci fi at its best. I was thoroughly impressed by this film. Very good and a must watch.
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It's fictional entertainment. Not a science documentary.
movieliker112 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I don't understand many of these reviewers' complaints. It's not an action movie like "Star Wars" or "The Fast and Furious". So to say its slow and boring --- what did they think they were watching?

Secondly, I know the science doesn't make any sense. It's not a science documentary. It's fictional entertainment. I can separate the science logic (or illogic) from fictional entertainment.

Many of these reviewers didn't even know what was happening. It explains right in the beginning "in text" that humans destroyed the Earth and the rich and well connected left for another planet. Two generations later they are coming back to see if Earth is habitable again. They lost contact with the first mission. And the Nora Arnezeder character (Blake) arrives on the second mission. They eventually find that the first mission survived and split into two opposing factions of save the indigenous. Or use them as sex/reproduction slaves.

I know the science doesn't make sense. Space capsules are designed to float. Not sink. And even if they did, they would not wash up on shore right next to the girl who was swimming.

And it doesn't make sense that all or most of the world would be reduced to mudflats that go underwater at high tide. And re-emerge at low tide. Even in the worst case scenario --- nuclear war combined with global warming apocalypse --- there would still be mountains, hills and above sea level land with trees, birds and land animals. A lot less land if all the polar ice melts. But still plenty.

I too was disappointed that they went the route of good guys fighting the bad guys. Instead of a scientifically logical exploration of the Earth two generations after humans left.

But I thought the acting was good. Nora Arnezeder was terrific. The dialogue was good. And so was the action. (Although it didn't make sense that when Blake tackles the bad guy into the water at the end and chokes him to death, he wouldn't try to shoot her. You can clearly see the gun before, during and after the fatal fight.)

It's not a science documentary. It's fictional entertainment. Movies often over-exaggerate to make a point. And try to provide dramatic entertainment.

7 out if 10 for me.
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Waste of time
kalem-cossette9 July 2021
I love sci-fi. This isn't it. A dreary look on a not so possible future. No color. Unrealistic science. Underdeveloped and unrealistic characters. Slow moving and boring.
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