The Muppets. (TV Series 2015–2016) Poster


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Really fun and enjoyable; brings the old series into modern-day
redwriteandblue22 September 2015
Really enjoyed it! Just an extension of the first film that came out a few years ago, with the Muppets having "gone Hollywood" - and the 1 Million Moms who are all hating on the series already only blowing smoke about A) something they haven't even seen yet; and B) something all their whining is only going to bring more press, attention, and probably ratings too. Enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, it brings the old series into modern-day with the behind-the-scenes look at Miss Piggy's chat show, and was a lot of fun. Truly looking forward to more, and love the interaction with the live celebrities - this round, particularly with Elizabeth Banks and Piggy, or even her with Scooter in the electric cart!
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Muppets are back!
snarkyphilo22 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary/mockumentary style of the show was actually one of the enjoyable parts about this episode, and they paid attention to detail in keeping with the style of one, such as the odd moment of shaky cam, and framing shots designed to look like someone trying to film in tight corners (peeking in on a conversation between Kermit and Ms. Piggy). The design of the puppets remains the standard of what is expected from a contemporary muppets production, with a few new background muppets that were adequately designed. Denise's design was…awkwardly serviceable. There has been contention that she is depicted as a younger and skinnier replacement of Ms. Piggy, and I would agree there seems to be some truth to this, particularly with how her personality is portrayed so far. There is also similarities particularly to the earlier incarnations of Ms. Piggy from the original muppets from the 1980's in her design, She does stand separate just enough visually from Ms. Piggy to be her own character.

The characters themselves were for the most part good. Kermit (Steve Whitmire) plays a decent aggrieved boss man just getting over a relationship with a co-worker, Ms. Piggy (Eric Jacobson), with some long suffering moments akin to said awkward post-breakup, but there is also care and dry humour in him that balances out the negative moments, he is definitely the star of this episode. Fozzie (also Eric Jacobson) was himself as the unfunny but optimistic bear, even in a romantic relationship (despite its awkwardness here and there), and that static nature of him was enjoyable to see, particularly as he balances out Kermit's more serious inclinations.

Now for the, well, pig in the room, Denise.

Denise (Julianne Buescher) is…*deep sigh*. To begin with her voice was startling, and a little off putting, coming out of a muppet, though her walking innuendo tonality somewhat works with the type of character she plays, so after you get over that annoying factor you realize its reluctantly appropriate. Personality and story wise she seems to have nothing else going for her so far, nothing that makes her unique except to be there as Kermit's girlfriend, the young sexy office relation trope variety. Hopefully she will improve with later episodes, but right now she is the least enjoyable.

The story for the show was actually really enjoyable. The plot flows well with the mockumentary style, the fact that this is very similar to The Office (2005-2013) is likely no surprise to anyone, but the use of the muppets working through the show's premise with all the strong personalities (for the most part) and the wacky nostalgia that was the muppets wraps all together for an interesting viewing for the most part. The side arc of Fozzie and his relationship was the weakest of the plot, and felt a little forced, though was somewhat saved within the culmination of the arc in the conversation between Fozzie and his girlfriend, did illicit an amused snort.

Speaking of the humour, it is hit or miss, depending on the individual, with Kermit being the definite winner for the most amusement factor through his dead pan deliveries. The humour inherent in the set-up was adequately utilized with just the right amount of adult humour to remind you of why this show is prime-time. It is also the more adult themed humour and other content is likely to put some viewers up in arms, but to remind those that might have umbrage with it, the original Muppet Show from the 80's was actually originally geared towards an adult audiences.

Overall the show had a rather interesting start to the show with some good use of parody and mockumentary, Kermit the frog and his character's trials and his dry wit, and so on. A few things were forced here and there, and Denise was one dimensional, even for a puppet. Still what are wrong with it could be easily remedied further episodes in, so it's well worth the watch.
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Better than I Expected (If not one of the weirdest shows I've ever seen.)
pisces-kelsey10 December 2021
First of all, this is a show for a VERY niche audience: people that love the Muppets, but won't feel like their childhood is ruined if they do some dirty jokes. It's also not necessarily as family friendly as the other Muppet shows, but it's not...Avenue Q. Kids might just not like it because they won't get the jokes, but it's not super raunchy or anything. Basically, I'd feel more comfortable letting a kid watch this than something like "Family Guy."

Basically, Miss Piggy has her own late-night talk show, and her ex-boyfriend Kermit is the producer, with all the other Muppets working on the show in some form or fashion. It's filmed mocumentary style, like The Office or Modern Family, which works...okay? Tbh, you could've just filmed this show normally and it would've been fine.

The jokes are all very modern and have to do a lot with topics like micro-aggression, office politics, relationships, gender, sexuality, and even drug use. My favorite being a little nod to the members of The Electric Mayhem being "medically happy" and buying all of Bobo's GirlScout cookies.

I basically went in expecting the worst thing in the world, but it was actually pretty good! But don't get me wrong, I totally see why this was canceled. This is just a very odd combination of material. It's weird seeing Kermit and Piggy have real relationship conversations, it's weird when the show alludes to Bunsen and Beaker possibly spending the night together, and it's weird watching Piggy make-out with Josh Groban. Like, I dig it ALL, but it's also just plain weird.

I gotta throw out my favorite line of the whole show, however, and it is this: Fozzie: "Kermit, have you ever been hit with a tranquilizer?" Kermit: "No, but I once licked my third cousin and the walls started melting, so I feel you, bro."
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Don't be fooled! The muppets are in fine form!
groovywagster25 September 2015
The point of this show is that the muppets grew up with us. Sure, it's not as innocent as the original, but the content isn't vulgar or inappropriate in any way. These just aren't the muppets of 1976, and they shouldn't be. Even if the muppets are fuzzy and ridiculous, I need to relate to them or the comedy won't resonate. I don't want the muppets I loved as a kid. I want the muppets I can love now.

Regarding the controversy over the portrayal of Ms. Piggy, there's nothing inherently wrong with any character, male or female, having shortcomings, or even being betrayed in a negative light. Kermit isn't portrayed as a beacon of virtue either. By laughing at these grown up muppets with grown up problems who have to learn how to find peace with themselves and others, I get a good healthy laugh at myself.
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Muppets as they should be.
amesmonde30 December 2015
The background shenanigans of Miss Piggy's show that's produced by Kermit.

Packed with gags and celebs, the personalities and voices are thankfully on point. The backstage set up works perfectly and the Muppets are always centre stage, where they should be.

Each episode gets better and better the Christmas one is particularly notable -every fun episode is sharp, witty and visually interesting.

All the main character's return, including Scooter and Rolf (the late Jim Henson usually voiced/puppeteered) and they have been omitted or reduced to appearing briefly in the past, it nice to see the characters back in full swing

Highly recommend.
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Loved it
eanra22 September 2015
As someone that grew up with the Muppets and loved them just as enthusiastically through adulthood I found the show to be a breath of fresh air. I was laughing out loud within the first few minutes and that's something I haven't done with any 'comedy' show in a very very long time. There's something about seeing all my favorites on the air again that makes me feel like a kid again, but the adult humor (and I mean that in a sort of mild way, because it's not remotely what I would personally consider raunchy) kept it fresh and suited for the adults as well. The more adult humor was there, yes, but as innuendo. In my opinion it's always been there, subtly under the banter only now it's more noticeable for those of us that want to see it. And those instances were scattered.

Was it flawless? No, but it's the Muppets and I for one am more than grateful to ABC for giving them new life because I missed them with all my heart.
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Lacks the Heart and Soul that Made the Muppets so Beloved,
lesleyharris3022 August 2016
The Muppets is a decent television series with a reasonably well developed plot line, albeit a stellar live action and voice cast. It was certainly to see these characters in a completely different format. The mockumentary style, similar to the Office and Modern Family, was fun to witness as they all struggle to keep Miss Piggy's new talk show on its feet.

However, the series never delivered on its potential, the ten minute pilot episode is very entertaining, but they sadly could not deliver the same kind of energy and enthusiasm to a twenty minute episode, it simply falls flat.

As well as that, it is lacking in heart, which was always one of the strongest features of the Muppets franchise, they do not sing any musical numbers and the distinct relationship between each character is lost here. It certainly has many great moments in its 16 episode run, but the Muppets is simply too adult for kids and too childish for adults, fans of the franchise will still check it out, but I would not recommend you go out of your way to see it.

The Muppet join forces once again to run a talk show hosted by Miss Piggy, which proves to be a difficult task, particularly for Kermit.

Best Performance: Steve Whitmire / Worst Performance: Kristen Chenoweth

Best Episode: Going, Going Gonzo / Worst Episode: Singie All The Way
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It's one of my favorite shows on TV!
cosmic_email14 October 2015
I think there are two Muppet groups forming here, those that hate it and those that love it.

For those that Love: I would say those that love it enjoy the tongue-in-cheek adult humor. It can be more of an intellectual or clever kind of subtle joke that can take a while to sink in, or it can be something instant like "OMG, are they really alluding to THAT!" In short, if you liked the style of the Office (American version), then you'll probably like the Muppets.

For those that Hate: I would say those that hate are expecting this to be a show that will be entertaining to children, it won't. That they are expecting the Muppets to be the same from the show when they were a kid, they are, but they aren't. It's like seeing the Muppet's outside of the Muppet show living their life.

Overall, it carries a similar format to the classic show. Where the show is set mainly at a show, in this case Miss Piggy's talk show, and the whole Muppet crew works it. There is always a guest, even when Piggy doesn't have them on her show. The characters in the original show I would characterize as lovable, but predictable and one-dimensional, you always knew what they were going to be and behave. On the new show, the characters get fleshed out with our modern times and issues, yet still carry the lovable factor and are both predictable and unpredictable. It makes it interesting to grow up watching them and now to see them again in a different framework. I think the team behind the new show has done an awesome job with keeping it real with the Muppet tradition and heritage, but at the same time has created something wonderful and new for the adults that grew up with the Muppets.

My hat is off to you ABC!
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The office but with muppets
mitchellphillips-7436611 January 2021
If you enjoy the muppets as I do, you will enjoy this show. Nothing ground breaking but a pretty fun mockumentary.
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Hate unwarranted
wheeledgoat29 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I know it's not possible to please ALL the people ALL the time... but I still don't get where all the hate is coming from.

No, these aren't the 1976 muppets. And you didn't want them, even if you think you did. Go ahead, watch a few episodes on youtube. Been there, done that.

This 2015 reboot is brilliant (so far). They've preserved the kookiness and fun while spinning in a fresh direction. We're given plots that engage us and makes us care. If you come in with a fresh mind and let go of your expectations attached to a show from almost 40 years ago, you WILL be entertained.

The reality show / "the office" format does have a down side, though, in that this is not something timeless that we will care to view on youtube 30 years from now. This is entertainment for today. Enjoy the moment, people. This is really good stuff. They hit the nail on the head with balancing old and new, fun vs plot, kooky vs serious. I'd challenge all these naysaying armchair quarterbacks to even come close.
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Funny and has lots of potential. Needs to fix some things in other areas.
oranui5621 October 2015
I've seen only bits of the older muppets show, and I did like it. So I watched this the day it came out, I knew however, that it would be aimed at a somewhat older audience. Opinions I think a lot of the jokes are pretty well written and the setting itself isn't bad. As a lot of reviews will point out, there is some added adult humor which was definitely not in the original, I honestly am not much of a fan of that, it isn't nearly as crass as shows with "The Office" style humor. However, these jokes are used a little too much and feel forced and a even a bit awkward at times. The good news is that it doesn't make up the entirety of the comedy. I think they should lessen the adult humor, at least a bit, not only does it make it a bit better for younger audiences, it also leaves the door open for more creative comedy. I will continue watching this to see how this show progresses.
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jonny_robinson15 November 2020
I have just discovered this and its amazingly funny. We need more series 👍💪😁
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What did I just watch?
jogre1723 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not saying the pilot was bad or anything, just too much. About 1/3 funny or good, 1/3 crap, and 1/3 just plain messed up. For a prime time sitcom, it isn't bad in a sense of some humor and randomness but there was just so much thrown into one episode. The whole Fozzy Bear and his girlfriend thing should have been one topic for one show and not thrown in with Kermit's and Miss Piggy's drama over the break-up and all. Plus now Kermit is dating another pig and the whole Elizabeth banks thing was just over the top stupid!

I could have lived with that a bit, but what really got me was the script. The script was a show aimed for purely an audience of 13-25 year olds when what we really needed was a script understandable for kids under 13 and the general adult fan base who originally grew up with the Muppets. What I am saying is that the script was very inappropriate for the Muppets. I still see potential in the show, but they really need to get things straight on who the main audience really is and what they really want to see.
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Simply not the Muppets in any sense...
spacelordxaffax8 January 2016
I'm a fan of the Muppets and I liked the Muppets tonight,so I don't feel I'm overly sentimental or stuck in the past. But if you are going to revive an old show you'll need to capture some of he magic that the made the original a success. They did so with Star Trek after they figured it out. The magic of the Muppets was a combination of a Rebellious anti authoritarian, witty adolescent type of humor. A bit like Monty Python but without the black, gore and nastiness. Then there were the characters that were really well thought out and often very complicated without seeming so. And then there were first rate puppeteers, who could really play those characters like first rate actors/comedians. This new series has none of that. The puppetry is stiff and mediocre. The lines aren't delivered that well, and the puppets don't come alive. Everybody could do puppetry on that level. But worst of all they take well established and loved special characters and make them kind of normal, and boring. Animal speaks whole sentences and shows depth. That basically destroys everything that made him fun. Your not supposed to feel at ease with Animal. He has only pure in the moment cave man emotion. He doesn't speak, he utters emotions in terms of two words max. Sex,food,Drums and violence, that's Animal. You don't know where he's been and you don't know where he's going. You don't ask. That's what makes him fun. All these characters are kind of maimed by this show. If they think we need a new kind of muppets to fit these times, let them at least create new muppets for it. As for me, I don't like "these times" anyway.
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A Lost Treasure
aaronatt19 March 2021
Rewatching this series on Disney+ has me missing it even more. The Muppets fit PERFECTLY in this world. Up Late With Miss Piggy and the rest of the cast working on set just gelled, and remains one of the better Muppets configurations.

Whoever had the bright idea to cancel this series prematurely needs to rethink their life. When a new director took over mid-season, it was evident that it was done in haste, as the series lost that special something, but it was still entertaining.

Such is the world of Hollyweird.
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Funny fun that's cute, adorable, and loving it brings back memories to my childhood!
blanbrn15 October 2015
I always did love "The Muppets" it was an excellent creation from Jim Henson I grew up in the late 1970's and as a kid fell in love with the original "Muppet Show" they are always fun, caring, and just downright cute to love! With this ABC series update called "The Muppets" these puppets each week are put in their own mockumentary style with guest stars appearing each week from actors, actresses, and funny people and most of the time they are guest on Miss Piggy's late night talk show! The man himself the adorable Kermit the Frog is present each week with his favorite friends of Fozzie the bear, Animal, Dr. teeth, and many others and the jokes and humor is just excellent yet I guess for 2015 it might push the envelope a little bit as crude and dirty, but times have changed! Still "The Muppets" are fun and so cute I'm green with envy they can be loved by everyone thank god they have returned to the small screen weekly!
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Very disappointing
Wizard-830 October 2015
Several weeks back, I caught the first episode of this new series. I was pretty let down by the results. But I decided to stick with it for a little while, seeing that sometimes it takes a few episodes for a show to find its groove, and because my love for the Muppets goes way back to when I was a child.

I've now seen several more episodes, and to be quite frank, the show doesn't seem to have improved. One of the big problems with the show is that the Muppets on this show don't seem like the Muppets that we once knew. Kermit is now a spineless wimp. Miss Piggy is very mean- spirited and without a vulnerable side. Fozzie Bear now has a human girlfriend, and it's hinted he has sex with her.

That last observation about Fozzie Bear brings up another problem with the show - trying to have an adult "edge". I can't speak for everyone, but I think the show's attempts at adult innuendo is, well, both wrong and weird. References to drugs, sex, alcohol, and other such topics seem out of place for these characters. I can understand wanting to appeal to adults, but the ironic thing is that the original Muppet show back in the 1970s appealed to both kids AND adults even though it was squeaky clean.

Actually, I might have accepted the more adult tone and the changed characters had the show been funny, but it isn't. While I have occasionally laughed at one of this show's gags, most of the attempts at humor have been lame and obvious. One reason for this may be that the show is more cynical in nature and seems reluctant to have the joy and innocence the original show had. The downbeat nature makes it hard for the writers (or audience) to have any fun.

Worst of all, my favorite Muppet, Rowlf, has been demoted to a bit part! Anyway, as I said in my summary line, this show is a real disappointment. I won't be surprised if it's cancelled at the end of the season.
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Funny, but it does need some improving....
Filvies14412 November 2015
This is a show that was anticipated for Fall 2015. I watched the premiere on TV. This is what happened: The first episode was nice, but the script wasn't that great because it focused on Mrs. Piggy not wanting Elizabeth Banks on the show and Kermit doesn't know what to do. The jokes were good, but the story wasn't engaging. I give that one a 6/10.

The humor of the show is really funny, (especially in bear left then bear write) the characters are as well, but the guest stars in the show are all plot devices usually and the stories aren't masterpieces and need work.

Mrs. Piggy was bossy in the first episode, but fine in the others, Kermit is just hilarious, and the other ones are likable as well.

The camera angles, I've do got to admit, shaky at times, but it doesn't apply all the time. The puppet handling is great as well.] So overall, the Muppets is a good show to spend time on Tuesday night watching. The stories may not have great writing, but the humor and characters are funny. This may not be exactly Jim Henson's Muppets, but its still worth a watch.
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Underrated and fun
rozza-3469117 October 2020
Fun little series. Smart writing and subtle humour. A shame there's only one series as it has good potential. Existing fans can enjoy it whilst it could also introduce new viewers to the muppets in a format and style relevant to current times. Definitely worth a watch!
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gfmcniven5 October 2021
Who in there right mind decided to turn the muppets into the Office??? Obviously the people who made this has no idea who the audience for this show is. Not surprised it was cancelled.
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the best show ever!!
chilalithecritic6 July 2020
During these tough times, the muppets the series has really come through. A perfect blend of hilarious and heartwarming, this show has the power to make the whole world laugh! Please, PLEASE bring back this show, the only bad thing is that there is only one season! You must give it a watch and a good review. P.S, does anyone know who I can email to ask to bring this show back?
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what could have been
SnoopyStyle17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Muppets are back but not exactly in the way that everybody remembers them from their childhood. Kermit the Frog is the harried producer of Miss Piggy's late night talk show. The rest of the Muppets are the crew working to put together the show. Fozzie is dating Becky and Kermit may have a new love interest.

What could have been? That's what haunts this show right from its inception. Everybody has memories of The Muppets from their childhood. The recent movies are good updates. This is such an obvious TV pitch of a Muppets' copy of 30 Rock that it actually annoyed my sensibilities. Then there is the problem that trying to copy 30 Rock would illicit. Kermit and Miss Piggy can fight but they can't seriously try to manufacture a love triangle. Then there is Fozzie dating a human girl. The humor is too adult which clashes with the innocence of the Muppets. Once the adjustment is made in the expectation, there are some minor laughs but this was doomed from the start.
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How ignorant are you if you believe your children are too innocent for this show?
nqsferatuslair5 October 2015
I don't usually review TV series because if the show is still running I can't judge it in its' complete form and if it has ended there will already be many reviews which reflect my opinion. This is a special case because the Muppets have a significant place in my heart and because I find all the sanctimonious outrage surrounding this latest series of the show absolutely terrifying, here's why. Crazies from the far left ("progressives" is their ill-informed banner of choice) and far right maniacs ("conservatives" . . . slightly less ill-informed yet no less crazy) have managed to join forces with a large segment of the unwashed masses who've somehow managed to keep their heads submerged in quicksand underneath the most immotile of boulders, even in the year 2015.

The gist of what people are complaining about - "Kermit is a misogynist with mental health issues, poor Ms Piggy the strong independent woman has been besmirched by drug addled white cis male writers intent on curbing diversity and perpetuating harmful gender stereotypes AND the entire cast would make participants in a Roman orgy blush . . . wont somebody think of the CHILDREN!" etc.

What planet are these people living on? Are you so old that you don't remember being a child? Don't you let them go outside, attend school, interact with social media or the internet, TV, films, literature . . . anything? Have you managed to successfully wrap them in sound and light proofed bubble wrap since birth and are so far off the grid that child services hasn't intervened? If so, well done and I'm sorry your assumptions of what is currently deemed suitable for general audiences was misinformed, you should crawl back to your vault under a mountain now and never return for your own sake and those of us unfortunate enough to live on the surface who must deal with reality.

If not then you are either the biggest hypocrite to ever steal oxygen to complain about this topical yet mild and inoffensive comedy show which is suitable for all ages whilst buying your 6 year old daughter apparel which would be too flamboyant for Miley Cyrus for their beauty pageants and a smartphone to take their sluttish selfies with and plaster all over social media before acting shocked that pedophiles exist and have invited her to their home to catch up on keeping up with the Kardashians, or, purchasing hundreds of dollars worth of tech and a copy of GTA V (an adults only game, what? Adults play games? yes parents they do and if you spent as much time researching what you purchase for your kids as you did complaining about this show, even if that research consisted of looking at the packaging for 5 seconds, you'd know this) for your 9 year old son in the hopes it'll keep him off porn hub or breaking into your gun cabinet to make a splash at show and tell in school for the next month or two.

Or (and what terrifies me is that this might not be the majority of the whiners) you are so ignorant of what your children are aware of that you actually think this show is somehow harmful to them. Even if you are an extremely conservative type of parent who only allows your child to attend a school and none of the other examples and their like, understand that children who are like this are who your children are spending more time with and are more impressed by than you. So please, for the love of your children, roll the boulder away and wash the sand out of your head holes for just long enough to figure out something about the world you are attempting to guide them through and where The Muppets sits on the potential harm scale before jumping on the outrage bandwagon because you might just be shouting to the world exactly why you should not have authority over them and making yourself look a fool more harmful to their development than any TV show could ever be. The world is more openly morally corrupt than ever yet parents are more overly protective than ever . . . exactly how is this going to help them? At best you are proving to them how out of touch with reality you are as they learn about the world which will breed contempt and disrespect and at worst you are setting them up for failure and victimization.

As for you far left/righters . . . just keep doing what you're doing, there's no point trying to reason with you. Pawns of the powers that be you just keep dividing humanity, sucking up the vulnerable from the center, keeping everyone and yourselves distracted from the real issues that need solving whilst feeling proud of yourselves.

As for the show, yeah it's pretty entertaining. Chances are if you're in your early teens to middle age there will be something to enjoy here. If you're older or younger you may (MAY) have difficulty understanding the humour. Of course, there will be some people who won't like the slight voice and character changes or simply don't appreciate the humour and I don't begrudge those people their opinions. For me, I love it despite the small changes from previous Muppets incarnations. The tone is more modern, as every Muppets has been in their day. There hasn't been as much slapstick yet as there used to be but it's still early in the series. Miss (or should I say ms) Piggy hasn't karate chopped anyone yet. There have been some very (VERY) mild drug references and sexual innuendos which are pretty amusing and will go over the heads of anyone who doesn't understand. I can't say much more without entering spoiler territory except I chuckled quite a bit and laughed out loud a few times in the span of 2 episodes, recommended.
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A Mind #### Down Memory Lane
bobbyd610742 January 2020
I should state right up front that this is a different Muppets than you remember. Consider this when deciding to watch with your little ones. But that's not to say you shouldn't.

Our lovable Muppets all look the same. But they are no longer child-like in nature. This group is a bit jaded. They've loved, lost. Facing the problems that many who grew up with the original are currently coping with. You'll certainly identify with one or more storylines.

The show centers around a late night talk show similar to The Tonight Show/Kimmel/Colbert but hosted by a self centered Miss Piggy. Kermit serves as the executive producer and the rest of the crew are pretty much that...crew.

The funniest material is a tiny bit blue however, fortunately it goes right over my 9 yr olds head. I almost aborted before episode 1 ended. I'm glad I didn't. Very interesting reimagining of a tired franchise. Would love more episodes but think they need to re-market this. I'm sure many parents who grew up in the 70's and 80's excitedly tuned in with their children but never stuck around past episode 1.

They need to tone it back a notch so parents don't have to pre-watch, fearing one of their subtle but sexual innuendos is embarrassingly decoded on my living room floor. Almost a great show.
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Just Not Funny
fataldelay2 October 2015
As a long-time Muppets fan, I'm very disappointed. Most fans expect a show featuring the Muppets to be funny - both for kids and adults, and this just isn't either. The voice actors and puppetry are all very well done, but the writing is just plain terrible. I think they're trying to be "modern" and "edgy", but it just falls flat. Fans expect a show with lots of funny gags and no one taking things too seriously, but they're trying to make jokes and including a depressing story line between Kermit and Ms Piggy that just drags it further down. It's definitely not for kids and really not any good for adults either. Lame and utterly disappointing.
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