The Bad Batch (2016) Poster


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So much going for it - but painfully slow
thekarmicnomad22 August 2017
This is a dystopian movie about a young woman left out in a lawless desert with some real choice characters.

This film starts off very brutally but calms down considerably after the first few scenes.

The characters, acting, production and filming are really good. The story is adequate for needs. The scenery and leading lady are absolutely gorgeous.

So why the low score? The pace of this film is cripplingly slow. There are tedious scenes that should be time lapsed but are run in real time, there is lots of staring and grimacing in silence. You really can go and make yourself a sandwich during this and be safe in the knowledge that you are unlikely to miss anything.

A lot of potential, I really wanted to like this, but it is just so slow I was fighting to stay awake.
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Dreadful stuff
jtindahouse3 October 2017
I went against my instincts when it came to watching 'The Bad Batch'. Every nerve in my body was telling me it would be dreadful, but the words cannibals, Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves and Giovanni Ribisi kept repeating over and over in my head until I finally gave in and made the fateful mistake of watching it. My god, how is it possible to make a story this boring out of cannibals? Every single thing it tries to make itself interesting with completely falls flat. When you manage to get a completely dull and forgettable performance out of Jim Carrey you know you're doing something terribly wrong.

The film tries to be thought-provoking (at least it seemed like that was what it was going for) but none of the concepts it presents are in any way actually worthy of a second thought. It also goes for a lot of style, however it again falls short. In a futuristic desert wasteland setting there a thousand different concepts you could use to create an interesting story. For some reason 'The Bad Batch' chooses a story that could have been told in any setting and in any time period. That's about as lazy as story-telling gets. If you do make the mistake of selecting this one up on Netflix brace yourself for a long and painful couple of hours.
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It so desperately wants to be cool, but continuously misses the mark.
bigfatmouth-238835 October 2017
I'm very liberal when it comes to rating movies. Not everything can be "The Usual Suspects" - I understand that.

Holy crap, does this thing drag on and, man, is it trying desperately to be hip, edgy, cool, or something. It's like it comes up to the edge and I think, "Ooh, it might happen here!" and then it doesn't.


It's not fun. It's not even really fun in a bad way. It's just ... bad.
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A true "MUST-SEE" Movie!
hellhound830 September 2017
I STRONGLY recommend everyone watch this.

Is it good? No. Is it coherent? Hah! Is it the worst movie ever? Quite possibly.

So why would I recommend anyone watch this steaming pile of incoherent garbage? To come back and read the IMDb reviews after.

There's something cathartic about seeing the immense anger of all the other poor viewers who survived this experience. Their frustration, their rage, their inability to comprehend the world any longer... after you watch this "movie," you too will understand that sensation. And it is truly uniting.

... but from the perspective of a good use of time, no, don't watch this. It has no plot, horrible acting, and dialogue written by (and likely for) a 4 year old. It did have one incredible accomplishment though - the director managed to turn $6 million into $100,000 box office gross. So it has that going for it.
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not as bad or good as they say...
jjmuggs18 June 2020
I've seen 1 and 2 star reviews, and I've seen 8 or 9 stars. This movie lies somewhere in the middle. There is a ton of talent in this movie, and the story was interesting enough, but there is a ton of wasted potential here. I hope to see this directors next effort as I'm sure the craft will be refined. Overall, it can be a tuff watch, but the performances are outstanding. If you want something original check this out.
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Good opening, then limps to nowhere
keith-benoit14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Carrey is uncredited. I wondered why. Then I watched the movie.

Thing is, I watched the first 20 minutes, then put it aside, thinking that my wife's sister's family, who are fans of edgy cinema and were soon to visit us, would be down for an aprés apocalypse mindfock like this.

They, like me, enjoyed the first 20 minutes. Hardly any dialogue (in a good way), some nice directorial flourishes, a more than adequate set up. Lots of promise. A good skeleton on which to put some meat.

A young woman is banished to a lawless territory in the desert, is kidnapped by what turns out to be a community of iron-pumping cannibals, has an arm and a leg amputated (and her wounds cauterized, presumably so that the rest of her can also be eaten or, you know, otherwise put to use), then manages to free herself and find her way to a place called Comfort where the people eat noodles and chicken instead.

I assumed what would follow would be a story of revenge and rescue, the goodies of Comfort taking down the baddies at the Venice Beach barbecue, maybe with some explanation as to how the people of Comfort get access to gasoline, photocopiers, rice noodles and all the recreational pharma you could hope for. (My guess was that there would be some connection to a group outside the lawless land, perhaps some sort of probably not-so-kosher arrangement between Keanu Reeves's Jim Jones knockoff and his inworld suppliers.)

No answers came. None.

Despite a severe underbite, Jim Carrey managed to chew what little scenery there was and he was still the best thing in the film by a long walk. The moment he hands Momoa a snowglobe was when I knew I wasn't coming back. The movie had left me in my own offworld without a clue where I was going or what would happen to me when I got there.

Loooong story short, the girl falls in love with Momoa's Atkins aficionado after eating some Guatemalan insanity peppers and tripping out like she ate a bad oatmeal cookie at a Grateful Dead concert.

There's some other stuff. A kid who likes spaghetti elbows more than actual elbows and who cries when her Daddy and her new stepmom eat her pet rabbit; a homeless philosopher dude played by Ribisi, channeling an amalgam of all those fidgety weirdos that Brad Pitt used to play; and almost no dialogue not spoken by Reeves, whose explanation of where his dookie go goes on for about nine minutes.

But it is bad enough to be a fun watch with friends who like movies made without scripts by people who can't make a movie without a script. Which is most people.

Seriously, I want to know the backstory to this debacle. My guess: Super-talented young director makes great movie, gets noticed, then gets one of those bags with the two dollar signs on it and access to Harvey Weinstein's rolodex while he's in the bath. But the movie has to be made in 10 days because Jim has a showing of his larger canvases at a gallery where people will hand him bags with two dollar signs on them because he's Jim Carrey, not because he's actually a talented sculptor and painter.

Or Jim shook the snowglobe and handed it to the director, saying (with only his eyes), "Before the snow has settled within, the script must be written."
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Terribly underrated!
pmcjrw25 March 2020
This is my first, and possibly only, review on IMDB. Felt I needed to come out in defense of this film which I regrettably put off watching for so long. There was initially two things that put me off after I'd seen A Girl Walks Home and wanted more Ana Lily Amirpour: cannibals and Jason Momoa's eyebrows (seriously, those things are straight out of a comic book). Anyway if you can get past a little gore and the f'd up concept of cannibalism this film is a worthy, bigger budget follow up to AGWHAAN. Suki Waterhouse creates an icon with the role, Keanu's character will come at you like a curveball, and everyone else is diggable yet understated.

I love Amirpour's pacing and the breath she allows into films. To sum up, you get some dystopian sci-fi, a little horror, and a really good movie about compassion and heart. Watch this film, and keep The Dream alive!
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Much Ado about nothing......
stephenw-3018023 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There are three previous reviews about this film ranging from 3 of 10 to 9 of 10. I won't bore you with the lengthily details of the entire film as one reviewer did. (Would not be surprised at all if He/She had some direct connection with the making of the film, etc)

I am always up for cerebral, off color, non conformist, anti-Hollywood type films and praise those who make them. I am not, however, a fan of films that aim high to be recognized as deeply artistic and thought provoking when the film fails miserably in achieving that goal.

There are at least four big name actors in this mess and there is hardly any dialog through almost 2 hours of run time. This is not to say Dialog makes a film great. Often silence and facial expression and body language speaks volumes. Sadly, this is not the case in "the Bad Batch". BORING is the first word that comes to mind to describe this film. The story line and plot are all over the place. Th film is set in a supposed Apocalaptic setting with a two caste system. One being cannibals, the other the privileged, if you can call it that.

To categorize this film as "Romance/ Sci-Fi" is utterly misleading. There is absolutely No romance in this film nor is there any Science Fiction in it anywhere. I would categorize this film as a Dark Drama. The only redeeming quality of the film is the score in my opinion.

None of the story telling is explained or resolved and you meander through the film (as do the characters) with no purpose. Here is my take on the film.....Girl is captured, has her leg And arm amputated barbarically, which is used for food BTW, by a group of cannibals. Girl escapes, finds woman in desert, kills her and takes daughter, head cannibal sets out to find daughter, finds girl sans two limbs, sets her out on a mission to find little girl. Girl finds little girl at another "camp" of the higher caste and recovers little girl, meets Said Gorilla cannibal in desert, film ends!

Two hours of time I'll never recover. Swallowing glass would be less painful then watching this again. Reviewers can wax philosophical all they want, "the bad Batch" is just plain BAD!
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Burning woman.
js-6613017 July 2017
Hoo boy. This movie requires some effort. What starts off as a brutal exploitation flick, surely to weed out the meek, evolves into an absorbing treatise on primal human conditions in a barren, deserted wasteland.

While Ana Lily Amipour's sophomore effort contains pulpy roots, littered with outrageous characters and circumstances, it also tackles some grand topics. Our white trashy heroine Arlen is unceremoniously turfed out of society to fend for herself behind a Texan fence, where lawlessness and depravity are the rule of the day. She is soon captured by a tribe of cannibals, and mayhem ensues.

Dystopian futures as these don't seem all that far fetched any more. "The Bad Batch" may serve as a warning, but chiefly it serves as dusty entertainment. Much like the "Mad Max" franchise, it is a world full of crazies scrambling to survive in glorious sunbaked vistas.

Sporting a primo porn stash, Keannu Reeves pops up as a bizarro, robe clad cult leader. Giovanni Ribisi slips in several rambling, asylum escapee diatribes, but it is an unrecognizable Jim Carrey who absolutely steals the movie as a wizened bag man.

"The Bad Batch" has the art junk, lost inhibition, drug and music orgy feel of Burning Man, and because it's stealthily asking tough questions, has much more going for it than the cheap veneer may indicate.
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Desperately trying to be cool
avenuesf23 June 2017
This is another film that screams "I want to be a cult movie!" but just doesn't have what it takes. It starts out promising and then seems to have absolutely nowhere to go; it just becomes long, ponderous and self-indulgent. As someone who grew up going to midnight movies, "The Bad Batch" seems like its taken elements from these films ("El Topo," "Mad Max," "Kill Bill") and stitched them all together in the hopes it'll hit the mark somewhere. The performances in the film are adequate, but nothing in the script really demands much of the characters. Ms. Amirpour obviously had the support of actors like Diego Luna, Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves, all of whom are seen briefly, but I'm willing to bet they never saw much of a script. At two hours, there's probably half an hour of real material here, the rest just feels like padding.
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bunnymassacre-5655420 November 2018
I like movies like this. It's slow, kinda. It's got cannibals, an apocalyptic-like wasteland, dismemberment, weird characters and a great soundtrack. I think all the bad reviewers watch too many Marvel movies. It's just an arty cannibal movie, with a bunch of limbless girls wandering around. Only thing it's lacking is chainsaws, but most movies are lacking those anyways.
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Surprisingly Good.
mrvanin21 July 2018
After watching this film for the first time, I decided to wait a while before saying anything about it. After two months, I watched it again and decided that this was well worth a second view.

The story is pretty typical for the genre of undesirables exiled to a wasteland. Yes, some felt compelled to resort to cannibalism as the easier strategy. And yet, there's a haven of sorts, if one is willing to find it.

The lead character, played by Suki Waterhouse, does an admirable job - but Jim Carrey is the real surprise - dramatically entertaining in a completely unexpected role. Even Keanu Reeves' portrayal of a dubious but benevolent "desert sultan", replete with breeding harem. is spot on. An agreeable fellow who is just too smooth to be truly likable. Jason Momoa's character remains an unpredictable cut-throat who may or may not turn out to be one of the most depraved amongst these outcasts.

I would be tempted to rate the film higher if the story had been a little more imaginative. Kudos to the director for coping with the harsh environment - and the in-camera special effects that largely took care of the scenes that required them. I'll be happy to upgrade my rating in future, if I find that the film continues to grow on me.
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Did they spend all the money on getting actors and could pay a scriptwriter?
neil_j_harper20 September 2017
No exaggeration 90% of this movie is people walking in silence, staring in silence or sitting in silence.

It's excruciating.

It's grind house trying to be "arty" and failing at both in the process.
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I was rendered speechless
Vartiainen19 October 2020
This film was Jason Momoa and Keanu Reeves in it... It's from the director of A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, a real surprise hit of a vampire movie. It's set in the dystopian Mad Max future where a crippled woman has to face a desert full of monsters and rapists with her guts and prosthetic limb alone.

This should have been amazing.

But the execution is the key in everything that is ever done. And that fails on all the levels here. This film has no idea what it should be doing. It has no direction. No rhyme, no rhythm. It's not tasteless enough to be a gore film, nor is it coherent enough to be proper dystopian science fiction. Its actors seem to have had next to no direction whatsoever as they're mainly just reading out their lines with no inflection whatsoever.

And it's just so amazingly disjointed. The story wanders from one scene to another and nothing about it makes any sense. It's like someone smashed two completely different stories together and then tried to parse together a narrative from the ashy remains of their cliff notes.

The worst crime this film is guilty of, however, is the fact that it criminally misuses its Momoa and Reeves. The two should have been the highlight of the film, but instead they're just about the most baffling and boring part of it. Which boggles the mind. How is that even possible!?

Hard skip on this one.
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Perhaps it's a fetish thing?
Gordon-1131 October 2017
This film tells the story of a young woman who is captured by Cannibalistic tribe in the desert.

I cannot believe how bad this film is. The first word is spoken at the twenty minute Mark. The film is constantly provides close ups of amputees, so much that it almost feels like it's a fetishistic thing. There is almost no story, and the only so called story is just to provide reasons for more amputation. The film is beyond terrible. I don't know how it attracted three big actors.
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Fantastic Light Displays, Beautiful People and other Charms
Blue-Grotto2 October 2016
Desert exile, a cult leader with an armed and pregnant harem and roaming gangs of hungry cannibals, are only some of the worries for solitary Arlen. She is very resourceful and open minded though. She manages to make her way on a gnawed leg, to a frontier settlement of free dealing outlaws. Arlen attempts to lay low in this town with an apparently abandoned little girl and her pet rabbit. With the cult leader showing interest in the pair and a burly cannibal searching for his little girl, Arlen is faced with some difficult choices. There are truths she needs to find for herself.

There are glimmers of Amirpour's amazing previous film, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, including funky music, fantastic light displays, beautiful people, charming spontaneity, skateboards, gorgeous hot pants and grisly encounters. Keanu Reeves makes a delightful appearance as the harem loving cult leader and Jim Carrey as an impulsive and sunburnt hermit. I wish there was more depth to the dialogue. Long pauses work better with excellent actors, and the stars of the film do not have this range yet. Seen at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival.
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The Bad Batch is Not A Good Catch
zardoz-1321 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Writer & director Ana Lily Amirpour came up with an interesting premise, but "The Bad Batch" scratches out long before its 118-minute runtime ends. To call this movie slow would be an understatement. The cast and lenser Lyle Vincent's widescreen cinematography are to die for. Each shot is artfully composed. I'm not sure what Amirpour wanted to do with this unappetizing epic where the heroine has both her right arm and leg hacked off by cannibals. Mercifully, Arlen (Suki Waterhouse) escapes but the moment when she steals a skateboard to roll her across the desert made me want to burst out in laughter. I mean, here's a drop-dead gorgeous chick laying supine on a skateboard with only one arm to propel her forward. It isn't like she knows where she is going either as she stares into the brassy white hot sky. Eventually, Arlen escapes from the flesh-eaters, recovers, and acquires a fake leg. She gets pretty good with a gun and kills Miami Man's (Jason Momoa) black wife Maria (Yolonda Ross), kidnaps his daughter Honey (Jayda Fink of "Under the Bed") and takes her back with her into a safe zone where the cannibals aren't allowed to venture. Jim Carrey must have been bored out of his skull to want to play the Hermit who cannot talk. He's in the film perhaps 10 minutes, and he is virtually unrecognizable. Keanu Reeves wears his sunglasses well as the chief villain, The Dream, who keeps people high on drugs and searching for 'The Dream.' Arlen loses Honey to The Dream, but it takes her a while to track her down. Meantime, Miami Man enters the desert to find his wife and daughter, but finds only the wife. The shot of a vulture feasting on her eye socket looked cool. Arlen shot.

Ana Lily Amirpour's screenplay didn't make a lot of sense either. Arlen saves Honey from the desert, loses her and then trudges back into the desert and runs into Miami Man. He gets the drop on her and takes her prisoner, informally speaking, and then on the way back, she watches an African-American dude shoot him in the left side of his chest. Predictably, Miami Man survives the shooting and The Hermit picks the right time to find him before he dies so he can nurse him back to health.

The cast is excellent and so is the cinematography, while the movie struck me as sluggish and half-baked.
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Ever watch a Car Crash in Slow Motion?
alexforwine20 May 2019
The first 15 minutes are shocking! From there, I felt as though my eyelids were forced open with toothpicks (I could not look away and did not want to blink).

There are many attractive people and other visuals, and some action, to keep you going which is good as there is not much dialogue.

The movie is slow, but who says every movie needs to be Bruce Willis's "Die Hard"?

If you made it this far into the reviews, you dont need another plot summary. It's an interesting film if you dig for meaning and/or want to experience drugs, and try to moralize cannibalism without actually taking part in such evil endeavors.

Definitely not for everyone......but I liked it
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Walking around, more walking, oh and did I mention walking?
andrew-marks5925 January 2017
I was excited to see this movie after reading the synopsis a couple of days before the screening. As the title of this summary suggests, there is a lot of walking in this movie. The story starts out semi promising with you wondering what happened to the earth but ends up being the walkiest and least talkiest movie I've ever seen. I know those aren't words but goddammit they get my point across.

The main actress is forgettable, Jason Momoa, Jim Carrey, and Keanu Reeves were miscast or maybe it was just the bad script? Possibly both? Back to the walking part, with minimal dialogue and no action whatsoever, this movie becomes a student film really quick. What I mean is that they don't cut out all the walking around and other useless scenes that should have obviously been taken out.

There isn't really a story, it's sort of tried to take elements from Mad Max and other post apocalyptic films that are much better than it and hope the audience notices and doesn't care or doesn't notice at all.

My suggestion: don't see it unless you want to be bored to death.

Seen at TIFF 2016.
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A movie for people who love (real) Cinema
SickBoyGoreHound1 October 2017
This is a really beautiful film and - most importantly - it's real, actual, solid cinema as opposed to the tons of commercial, repetitive, mainstream crap we're (unfortunately) flooded with. This review could end here, because it's something you have to see for yourself.

There's a caveat, though: as for every real movie, "The Bad Batch" requires you to have the SKILL of watching a film. You have to work *with* the movie in order to enjoy it, which means your brain must be ON. If you are the kind of viewer who thinks movies should be mindless entertainment to switch your mind off for a couple hours, who needs to be guided through a story, hand-holded by expositional dialogue and stereotyped characters, then I strongly suggest you turn to something different: the Fast & Furious franchise, or Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie #17 may be a more apt choice, for you.

Here you'll find strong acting performances, a beautifully crafted narrative that relies on visuals way more than on dialogues, a great soundtrack, a chiseled editing and lots and lots of great small moments, ranging from horrifying to dramatic, from comedic to romantic, from bitterly satiric to endearingly sweet.

It's a great cinematic experience all around which, as cherry on top, also has something to say about the world we live in. So do yourself a favor, watch it, and decide for yourself if you like it or don't :-)
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Wasted Premise in an acting wasteland.
themwntl25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You'll need to suspend all of your disbelief to close the holes in this movie's plot, starting with the pumping-iron, body-building cannibals, working out and living in aluminum airplane wreckage in the burning desert sun, in the middle of nowhere. Sun block anyone?

Enter Protagonist Suki Waterhouse, 25, acting age 17, cute and lean, and apparently in the eyes of the body-builders, ready for the BBQ- Grill... Fresh Meat over aged, in wings and legs the saying goes? Predictably, escape follows, and Suki finds Keanu's Village of DJ's, Drugs, Dirt. (Keanu at least has a swimming pool and clean towels) That's Not good enough for Suki, She's in love with the Cubano, the "Artist" (and lead cannibal) with the mute daughter. Cubano's Mute Daughter is a MacGuffin.

The movie starts off "OK", with a good pace, and despite poor acting skill (Suki is mostly eye-candy, with a squeaky voice to match), it maintains an interesting premise. But then dramatically FIZZLES after Suki revenge kills Cubano's girlfriend. Then the "distopian love story" plot takes over and the movie is just embarrassing. There is zero chemistry between the actors, the writing is hideously awkward, and the location seems impossible. Grade F.

I would recommend the movie: "A boy and his Dog" for a successful example of this kind of Protagonist Survival in a post-apocalyptic world (with cannibals.)
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Slowly but surely: one of the most original films of the decade.
alihandemiral6 February 2018
If I was asked to describe The Bad Batch in a classic Hollywood motto, I'd have to go with "Mad Max meets Jim Jarmusch". I only began watching because I am a fan of Jason Momoa, but after the ten minute mark, I knew this film was going to be good. First off all, this is not for people who want constant action and a fast plot. The film progresses slowly but surely; there are scenes that do not contribute to the main plot, and characters whose developments are left incomplete. Moreover, Both the directing style of Amirpour and the plot suggests spontaneity. Therefore the whole film may be described as "a post-apocalyptic ramble".

The remarkable cast is led by the amazing future star Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Giovanni Ribisi, Keanu Reeves and an uncredited Jim Carrey as "The Hermit". The leading cast's portayal of their rambling characters blends perfectly with the spontaneous plot of the film.

Lastly, the soundtrack of the film is one of the most beautiful I encountered in a long while. Great work.
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Not for everyone
nashw8218 March 2021
If you need your stories spoonfed to you with a clear plot and an ending that wraps everything up in a neat little package then this is probably not for you. A wandering, meandering visual feast set in a dystopian desert wasteland where 1000s have been tattooed and exiled; labelled 'The Bad Natch. Solid performances despite the limited dialogue, including Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Keanu Reaves, Giovanni Ribisi and an almost unrecognisable Jim Carrey. Besides the cannibalism this isnt really a horror film, and it is really more surreal. See it if that sounds like your kind of thing, you might be pleasantly surprised.

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Human Protein ?
dmilesd74 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If the movie had depicted reality, Jason Mamoa would have been skinny like Jim Carey. Under those conditions - there is No Way those dudes would be jacked - even if they were eating humans.

Remember on ESPN, when the commentators would say: Come On Man !

This movie was a Cluster Fvck. Was eating the rabbit at the End the final exclamation point that Life is Brutal?

I don't even know what this movie was trying to say. They could have substituted all the A List actors with D List actors and they would have achieved the same result.

This movie was reprehensible, repugnant, ridiculous, heinous, hideous, insidious, disgusting and despicable. (All better synonyms than "Bad.")
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Director's sophomore effort is definitely a slump
Mfbarry-90-77350725 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to the director's follow up to "A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night" but after seeing it I'm incredibly disappointed. There are a lot of things that work here;the direction and pacing of the film are spot on with some nice cinematography and some interesting choices along the way. Likewise, most of the actor's contribute some nice work here including the much lauded cameos by Jim Carey and Giovanni Ribissi and the high profile appearances of Jason Momoa and Keannu Reeves. (None of whom did this film because they "needed a paycheck" by the way but was a chance to work with the Sundance Institute and/or an up and coming director they wanted to support.) Carey was really surprising, it took me a few minutes before I even realized it was him and Momoa shows he's got real acting chops but it was Keannu Reeves who really stole the show for me. He goes against type and really brings the creepy to his role of a "Jim Jones" type cult leader. It would be interesting to see him play an out and out villain in a future role. As for Suki Waterhouse, I honestly have no idea whether she can act or not because the script is so bad, littered with wooden dialogue and bad choices throughout, that it's impossible to tell. The characters consistently make decisions or take actions that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. We are not talking your typical Hollywood tropes either (Going down to the basement alone, saying "I'll be right back," know the drill)NO, we are talking actions and decisions that are so wrong they are insulting to the viewer. Example, after narrowly escaping from a group of cannibals and finding safety in a small town, our hero, sans two limbs mind you, immediately wanders BACK OUT into the desert right back towards the cannibal community.She then, over the course of the rest of the movie, proceeds to fall for the head cannibal. A man who participated in a barbecue involving her arm and leg!! I kid you not. I actually found this offensive. And I'm not offended easily. I am baffled as to how the director even considered this line of action for the character or even what the point was. I'm totally mystified as to how anyone could have thought this was a good idea. I found myself very irritated with Ms. Waterhouse's character, to the point that I yelled at the screen several times during the film, so annoyed was I at the character's stupid decisions and at the creators themselves for letting this character be such an idiot. It was like a roll back to before Buffy, when women in horror or sci-fi were nothing but mindless eye candy. You'd think Ellen Ripley had never happened. And this during the week "Wonder Woman" came out. So, there you go. I hate to be so harsh but I have no idea what Ms. Amirpour was going for here and in the future suggest she stick to directing, for which she is quite capable. Just do us all a favor and leave the screenplay to someone else.
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