The Void (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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Hell Hasn't Been This Much Fun In Ages
SmartGun9 April 2017
First off, I've seen some negative reviews on here that have truly surprised me. After growing up as a fan of Horror during that wonderful 80's period, I can honestly say The Void felt as comfortable as it does uncomfortable, especially if you're a fan of those movies of that time. Yes there are some very strong Clive Barker influences running throughout the movie (both Hellraiser and Nightbreed for example), but I think that's what kept me hooked throughout. That with a dash of Lovecraftian themed fantasy here and there really gave this movie a lot of (albeit dark) charm. I think the last time I saw something this twisted was probably the Turkish movie 'Baskin', with which it shares a lot of similarities, but The Void tends to push the boundaries a bit further, The landscape and atmosphere are nightmarish, imaginative, and gleefully sinister and foreboding. If they set out to create a true vision of hell then I can safely say that they've achieved that goal and then some.

Its only true flaw is probably some moments of shoddy dialogue but they by no means break the movie. I can think of a lot of top box office Horror's that have far worse dialogue in fact.

One of the things that I found most pleasing was the return to practical effects, so if you're a fan of movies like Carpenter's 'The Thing' then you're in for a real treat here. I think I only saw one moment of CGI in the entire picture, which was extremely refreshing. Nothing kills horror like bad CGI ('Mama', I'm looking at you) but its obvious from the get go that this is a movie made by people who respect the genre, and want to bring it back to its roots.

Ignore the negative reviews. If you're a true fan of the genre then I'm sure you'll find a lot to love about this movie. Its one hell of a trip, literally!
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Is it over?
begob8 April 2017
A local sheriff brings the victim of a mysterious attack to a rundown hospital, where sinister events ensue during a night of blood and gore ...

Ambitious siege horror with all sorts of influences. After a disturbing opening scene, we have one moment of normality followed by a constantly twisting nightmare that never lets up. At one point it seems there's a triple threat coming from different angles, and the story is at risk of collapsing from overload, but then the endgame comes into play through well produced set pieces and the climax brings some clarity.

The weakness is in the writing, which gives us two heroes, three pregnancies, over elaborate back stories, and plenty of shouty dialogue. The strength is in the effects and the photography and sound that create the hellish otherworld. The performances are OK, but the pace ebbs and flows instead of building steadily.

Overall: impressive vision delivered through a hectic concept.
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This movie almost had the making of a science fiction/horror classic. No spoilers
sicbassman10 April 2017
I gave this one a solid 7 out 10. What it lacks in solid lead actors it makes up for with some amazing visuals and special effects. The void does have some real levels to it and really immerses you into the threat of imminent danger. It's almost reminiscent of silent hill meets Netflix's stranger things. The only thing that drove me bonkers about this film is it's unapologetic and total lack of explanations on plot and drive. It's like being dropped into hell and the devil forgets to tell you how you died. The whole time i was waiting for that one character who seemingly knows all but for "reasons" inconveniently discloses the full story by the time its too late. The void is worth watching for sure but don't expect to understand right away. I will definitely be pondering away and painfully scratching my head on this film for a while. It isn't without it's perks though. For the avid horror and sci fan it contains some real tone and plenty of gore to tide you over
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"This Isn't My Face!"...
azathothpwiggins19 September 2019
Imagine if John Carpenter had decided to combine his remake of THE THING with ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, and set it in a hospital, like in HALLOWEEN 2. Add to that, the murdering madness of EVENT HORIZON, and the overarching, occult horror of HP Lovecraft, seasoned with a dash of HELLRAISER, and you're close to THE VOID.

If you're one who craves practical monster / gore effects that work, then watch this film! If you want grisly, intense action, then look no further! When it all hits the fan, it breaks the blades! Suspense? In spades, along with a fantastic sense of mystery, bleakness and impending doom. Satisfying throughout, the final abomination is a wonder to behold!

As an homage, this movie pushes every button its bloody fingers reach for! As a horror story, it proves what can still be accomplished with some imagination and skill...
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An unashamed John Carpenter tribute
Leofwine_draca16 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While I don't like open rip-offs and remakes of previous, better fare, I have no problems with watching films that are heavily derived from their predecessors. The low budget, crowd-funded Canadian indie horror flick THE VOID is such a film, a throwback to 1980s creature cinema which feels heavily indebted to the movies of John Carpenter. It's a siege film in which a bunch of characters holed up in an isolated hospital are assailed by hooded cult members and horrific monsters, and the viewer witnesses bits of the HELLRAISER series as well as PRINCE OF DARKNESS and THE THING as they watch. I'm a huge fan of anything remotely Lovecraftian, and the tentacled horror of THE VOID was right up my street. Sure, the budget is low and they have to cut corners at times, leaving some parts fairly unconvincing, but the prosthetic effects are quite terrifying and the gore scenes hard to stomach. The unknown cast work hard to convince in their roles, and there's enough energy and imagination to make this a lot of fun.
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half the work was done here. guess which half?
Quinoa19848 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
On the effects and style end, The Void is an example to all of those filmmakers who say "fix it in post" and want to only use CGI blood instead of actual syrup mixed with whatever. It's an often grotesque display of what can be done with rubber and latex and some imagination. Is it the *most* imaginative use of practical effects? Perhaps not, but it's a lot of the time in the designs, and that the lighting is often cued to make us see the creatures and monsters and tentacles so that it's just real enough without becoming fake. And there are some unsettling choices in direction and atmosphere - how we first are introduced to the mind-control aspect involving a nurse with a scalpel and a face as revealed to be pretty much (gulp) torn off is exciting and disgusting. These directors weren't lazy when it came to effects, but unfortunately they became lazy when it came time to do the *work* of a movie script.

These characters and the plot that are cooked up for The Void are half-baked, and the actors, while not necessarily bad, are not given enough to rise up to a challenge of doing something more than what their one (or simply half) dimensional characters require them to do. The set-up is The Thing with a bit of Night of the Living Dead and then there's I'm sure a butt-load of Lovecraft there too, as a small town cop and a few locals (including the cop's pregnant wife, who we don't find out is so until later on) are trapped in a hospital as strange, white hooded figures (no KKK component with that, by the way, they're more like evil monks one sees in horror with cult scnarios) with some powers that sometimes get sort of explained, and other time (mostly) do not. It's a siege movie where people walk slowly in dark hallways and down to dark cellars, and one of the stakes is that the pregnant girl may give birth at any moment. Plus, there may be a... inter- dimensional portal of some kind?

This is a movie made by people who clearly (nakedly) love their influences (and maybe smoked a good amount of weed possibly before the script writing process, maybe during too), but they didn't put in what has to be done to make us care about the characters. This is a story where people keep acting mean and obnoxious to one another because, well, DANGER! But one of the aspects of a movie like Carpenter's The Thing is that we get to know and like the characters, and while they're types the actors do a lot of good work to help flesh out the characters too. In here, the actors often have one expression planted on their faces, and it stays there whether it's panic or mean consternation or... more panic. And while I mention that the movie has some good atmosphere, it's not directed with a distinguishing vision that would set it as something unique: a lot of hand-held when it has to get intense, a music cue that comes in when a character does a surprise move into a room or reveal in a shot (and music that becomes extremely loud and *TELLING YOU THIS IS SCARY TIME*-like during some of the more gruesome scenes).

But more than with the characters, I don't think the writers/directors did a good job selling us on what the mythology is supposed to be. There's a lot of symbolism involving these triangles and shots of dark-ominous clouds rolling in the sky, and, obviously, there is some fantastical/outer-space/interdimensional things going on. Although we do eventually get two scenes where separate villainous characters monologue to other characters - one being someone who is curiously strapped down with some scary medical things about to happen, and the reveal is a good troubling sight, while the other fills in only the slightest gaps in logic and this by the climax - I wanted to know more about the rules here.

There's mind-control and there's sometimes scenes where this world of 'The Void' or what have you shows characters some of their dreams and tries to trick them with fulfilling their desires, and yet it's also not clear how they can do this and why it's only done to some of the characters. And moreover, if they could do mind-control, why doesn't the ultimate main Bad-Baddie get the pregnant woman to him sooner for what is ultimately an impregnation-incubus sort of plot? This is a lot of style that can often work though mostly in the use of practical effects, and I must emphasize that whoever did the effects deserves a free bar for a year for the amount of work put in here (though some of that reaction may be like a guy coming in from being in the CGI desert for so long, whether some of that is derivative too I'm not sure right after seeing it), and at the same time it's sizzle-no-steak.

I didn't go with high or low expectations since I didn't know much about the film, but that's usually a good thing I think: show me what you got and try to impress me with a vision that isn't encumbered by a franchise or a major studio breathing down your necks. The Void has its moments, but a lot of it is humorless and without charm (this really could've used, if one is going to go for the 'but its homaging Carpenter and Romero etc' argument like a Ken Foree or Kurt Russell or something, someone who can make me feel some concern for these people), and at worst it may be all too impressed with its own half-baked imagery and context. 5.5/10
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A Return to Practical Effects
stillkillingzombies9 April 2017
"The Void" has been compared, quite a bit, to John Carpenter's 1980's remake of "The Thing", and understandably so. The use of practical effects in this movie are really its highest selling point. Like "The Thing", this film does not shy away from showing you some extremely well crafted and effective monsters. However, to compare this film with "The Thing" for reasons outside of practical effects, does not make a lot of sense.

In short, "The Void", is well worth a watch. If the trailer interested you, the movie will absolutely deliver. In a recent rash of indie horror films, "The Void" stands out for several reasons. In many of the recent indie horror films, there is usually something glaring that needs to be overlooked in order to make the film enjoyable. Whether it be poor acting, loose plot lines, or an over abundance of things that attempt to shock, many recent indie horror titles have been held back by mediocrity. "The Void" as a sum of its individual parts its a well crafted and enjoyable ride that I would feel comfortable recommending to most horror fans. The special effects are easily its highest selling point, but the film is held together by a decent story line and fair acting. The characters are believable for the most part, and the story does a good job explaining the necessity of the effects.

Where the film falters the most however, is in its lack of atmosphere. The film feels as if it should be claustrophobic and isolating, but for some reason, I was unable to connect with these themes. I am usually an advocate for a movie telling less to the audience, in order for the viewer to create some of the more frightening aspects in their mind, bu with this particular film, I was left wanting more exposition. Unlike the original "Hellraiser" film, "The Void" did not leave the origins of the monsters creation completely unexplained, but the origin story was a little to vague, and it made it difficult to connect as deeply to the conclusion of the film as I may have liked.

Overall, "The Void" is a good movie to throw on for a horror movie night with some friends who enjoy some good over the top gore and monster effects.
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Never Gets Around to Being a Movie
evanston_dad17 August 2018
"The Void" is one of those horror movies with a big (capital "M") Mystery at its center, but let's just see if you give a damn about it by the time the film finally gets around to (badly) explaining it. This film is all build up, dropped hints, and dangled carrots. The problem is that it never gets around to just being a damn movie.

The premise, which I don't think I could explain if I tried, is clearly overly ambitious for the filmmakers to pull off. It's part "Hellraiser," part "Re-Animator," part "Event Horizon," part, I don't know, "Halloween II?" There are people trapped in a hospital, Klu Klux Klan members lurking outside, a devil worshiping doctor, mutant zombie corpses, a woman giving birth, a useless nurse, a Libertarian. Everyone shouts a lot and for a long time the hostages are their own worst problem. Then they go exploring the murky depths of the hospital and boy, does the exposition begin. But the exposition never makes any sense, and to this day I'm still totally in the dark about who all the hooded figures walking around were.

I like my horror cerebral if it's done well, but if it's not, then I'd prefer something dumber but actually scary.

Grade: C-
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Criminally underrated
seanpatrick-3600026 February 2018
I'm floored by the poor reception this movie got. It's a loving throwback to horror classics with modern polish, clearly influenced by HP Lovecraft and body horror classics like Hellraiser and The Thing. If you like "classic" horror - i.e., horror before CGI and jump scares replaced practical effects and slow dread - you owe it to yourself to watch this movie.

It does drag a little bit at the end, but the opening and middle are fantastic. I would have given this movie a 10/10 if the denouement had been done more efficiently. But honestly, it's very watchable right up to the credits.

This movie has some of the best damn body horror I have EVER seen, period. I don't know how much of it was accomplished by practical effects, but it does seem like a lot. The acting is mostly good, and the pacing, while slower than most modern horror movies, is brisk enough that I didn't get bored.

I really wish horror movies like this were still getting made.
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A nightmarish surprise
Naive-fox30 May 2017
As much as one might try to watch each movie unconditioned, unprejudiced and ready to judge it for what it is, it's really hard to tackle a title such us the void and not to expect another B horror movie filled with cliché and disastrous acting. Luckily, it takes but a few minutes to realize "The void" is something else, a bold take on cult movies with a very limited budget.

If there's something "The void" stands out for, that's its Lovecraftianish feel. You've got the cult, got the creatures, got the parallel dimension, got the eerie atmosphere that spans through the whole film, with a story that tells you just enough to keep you hooked and, at the same time, unaware of what it's going on. Sure, it's got its holes, and contradictions, and its unexplained events, as is to be expected of any indie flick mimicking a Lovecraft universe, but the film is so well paced and the action so packed, you can't but overlook them and let you drown in the thick nightmare and the gore fest.

With acting performance that don't let down (except for a few exceptions -ahem, Ellen Wong-) and a solid music score, "The void" won't win big awards or be labeled as movie of the year, but it's probably one of the most pleasant surprises 2017 will bring us, we who long longed for a flick drinking from 80s classics such us The thing or Reanimator.
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There's a difference between unspoken horror and lazy writing.
salviolog8 June 2017
When you create a... conceptual void, no pun intended, around the main mystery of the movie, leaving it to the viewer's imagination - that's one thing. But when you straight out just don't tell us anything, and leave an entire movie up to the viewer's interpretation, why not just let us stare at the blank screen, and imagine our own movie entirely, the one that's better hopefully. The visuals are very interesting and creepy, there's a great practical effects work done here, but they alone can't hold the movie! We don't know anything about the characters at the beginning, and we know next to nothing at the end. The characters themselves have no personality and are reduced to a single characteristic by which they can be recognized - the cop, the nurse, the old guy, the pregnant lady, the angry guy, the young guy, the bad guy. They're all boring and unlikable. I guess this movie is OK if you're stoned and just want some heady visuals, but that's about it.
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Love 80s horror? watch this
prodigychild200827 April 2017
I am shocked, seen too many "80s feel" horror, or so called, which are either poorly filmed or the acting is painful.

Just heard about this and thought "oh not another" but happy to say this is very good, its not going to win any Oscars for acting, the script is not Shakespeare, but what it try's to do it does well.

The practical effects for the most part are great, The Thing/Hellraiser type, on a very low budget.

Story is in realm of Hellraiser/Phantasm/Event Horizon, seen those? you will get my drift.

Its ending does leave questions, but also left me wanting to know more, and I would happily watch a second film if they stick to this way of making them, maybe a bit more money spent but keep away from CGI.

Overall I am impressed, they should be applauded for going old school and doing it well.
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We're not Going to Die. You're Going to Die.
nogodnomasters4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A small group of people we barely know are trapped inside the Marsh County Hospital with folks in white hoods sporting knives outside. The cop inside has a shotgun so....okay let's not confuse the issue with facts. Strange things happen within the hospital, i.e. re-animator type stuff along with blob creatures and of course the void, also called the abyss.

We get to see the void early and it looks like something out of "Phantasm." There was clearly a Clive Barker/Crowley/Lovecraft influence and I am glad I didn't see another Miskatonic diploma. I didn't understand the electrical power arrangements, some lights went off, some stayed on, phones and radio didn't work, cop lights do, inside hospital lights on, outside lights off. Yup, I missed something there. Would the engine start? I would take inside an operating vehicle against a group of people with knives...just saying. Also the characters were flat. Who were the final people? Poor introductions. I didn't care if they all died or went wherever...that thing before time, whatever that is. I don't think they understand quantum physics better than a fifth grader.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. 7 stars for special effects.
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Hellraiser Hospital
BA_Harrison14 April 2017
My friend Phil recommended The Void to me, saying that it was 'weird'; he clearly understands what I look for in a film. Phil was spot on: The Void is totally bizarre, but a little bit too strange and inexplicable towards the end even for my particular tastes.

The film opens intriguingly, with two armed men chasing a young couple, catching the woman and setting her on fire. The young man escapes and is found by local sheriff Daniel Carter (Aaron Poole), who takes him to a nearby hospital that is in the process of closing down. Before long, the armed men show up, keen to kill their escapee. Meanwhile, members of a strange sect surround the hospital, and a series of horrific events occur inside the building.

Influenced by the likes of H.P. Lovecraft and Clive Barker (one character turning into a creature closely resembling a Cenobite), the film has bags of atmosphere and a palpable sense of dread, but with zero explanation for the events that unfold, I eventually lost track of what was going on and, consequently, I lost interest. I'm all for a bit of ambiguity, but this one doesn't offer up even the slightest exposition. Who are the hooded people outside the hospital? No idea! Why are people turning into monsters? No idea! Where does the strange triangular gateway lead to? No idea!

4/10 for the practical effects and a reasonable dose of splatter, but way too convoluted and baffling to be all that satisfying.
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Horror Worth Watching
parsonm210 April 2017
I eagerly waited to see this one but didn't have high expectations. Thankfully, was actually "better" than I hoped. If you're a fan of H. P. Lovecraft or mythos themed movies, you'll consider this a decent flick. If that sort of ancient elder evil from outside isn't your sort of thing, steer clear of this one. I'd compare it to "The Resurrected" with Chris Sarandon. Both have the same visceral creature effects and outer horror theme. Good acting and production values. Basically the story is about a tiny group of people trapped in a nearly abandoned small town hospital while under siege by cultists. There is actually much more going on with the plot with a couple of twists I didn't see coming and while you never get a tired explanation, you do get just enough to piece together what has been going on in this small town. It is action and gore heavy with good old-school creature effects not CGI. Sadly, I don't think we don't get enough of this kind of modern horror movies. I rather enjoyed this and picked up a copy to keep. It isn't anything stellar, but I was pleased with it and can say it was worth watching.
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what a disappointment
pckq9 April 2017
The Void is a hectic, unoriginal mix of hellraiser/lovecraft/Assault on Precinct 13/ and capcom's various biohazard games.

Acting is average at best. The bland music does not help this movie much either. The camera is flat throughout the film and the weird editing is just confusing.

This awkward B-movie production doesn't offer anything new. The void felt like a student project. And i was glad when it was finally over.
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deathfromabove-025715 September 2019
This film gets a big high-five for effort. While some of the story points and overall effects sometimes fall short, I always appreciate when film makers use their imagination.

Some good tense and the acting was ok, but overall if you dig low-budget sic-fi (almost horror) then you'll like this little film.
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Bunch of side stories thrown into one and never explained.
timay7869-62-82696511 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead. None of the plots are ever explained. Why was the first couple in the farm house being hunted by the 2 men? Why couldn't one of those men talk? He was silent the entire film and it never said why. They set the girl on fire? What did she ever do? The guy said he went there just to do some drugs so that made no sense. Why was the cop car moved away from the hospital by an extra 100 feet? He still had the keys on him. The cop chopped up his wife with an ax then it shows him in his same cop uniform while she changed clothes holding his hand in the end. Never shown what happened to the Doctor once he entered the void. Why did anyone else need to go into the basement besides the cop looking for his wife? The Asian girl who stayed up top was the only smart one.
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weird but it does have it all, a gem
trashgang26 April 2017
I stepped into this flick without knowing what it was all about so it was a big surprise that I found this one a gem. Can I say something negative about The Void, well, no. Maybe for some the story will be a void because it's all about weird things, supernatural stuff, I don't know what to say but pick it up without hesitation.

If you are a newbee into the genre this is going to be a hell of a ride because nowadays with all those rather low on gore flicks this will get you. For the old school geeks this is a must. I can't say a thing about the story because I would spoil it. And even if I would I couldn't say what's it all about.

It's somewhere between Hellraiser (1987) and The Thing (1982). And all the effects are on-camera, no use of CGI. It's messy, it's weird and it has a lot of gore inside. By all means, this is just a throwback to old school horror. Long time ago I've seen such a joy for the eye. Masterpiece.

Gore 3/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 4/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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Great low-budget 80's style horror
metalrage66625 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Had no real idea what to expect when I picked this up, my decision was based almost solely on the cover and the small synopsis on the back, the same way we used to choose movies back in the day. Well I'm glad I did as this was a very pleasant surprise and although it doesn't break any new ground, it was refreshing to see a new horror done in an old style and still manage to work.

The setting is a largely abandoned hospital that has recently suffered a major fire. A highway patrolman finds a man, a drug addict, lying in the road and takes him to the hospital for treatment. The hospital is now only run by a skeleton staff of one doctor, 2 nurses and an intern. There are only a handful of patients. Not long after arriving the police officer notices one of the nurses killing one of the patients and seemingly under some kind of hypnotic state as she has removed the skin from her face. After she lunges at the officer with a pair of scissors, she's shot and killed. A state trooper who was already on the way investigating a previous murder relieves the officer of his gun.

Somehow the nurse has reanimated and transformed into a grotesque creature killing the trooper. Meanwhile hooded figures have surrounded the hospital not allowing anyone to leave. 2 armed men show up wanting to get their hands on the man who was recently brought in as he apparently has knowledge of what's going on and they believe he's responsible. With communications between the occupants and the outside world cut and the place surrounded, the small group find themselves in a twisted nightmare and a fight for survival as the mystery of what's going on gets more and more complicated until it's revealed that the doctor has been experimenting on reanimation and has instead found a way to transform people believing that they are a higher and more advanced form of life.

The doctor has managed to impregnate one of the patients and the remaining nurse, (ex-wife of the police officer) in an attempt to recover his lost daughter. The police officer, 2 gun-men and the addict venture down into he lower levels to locate the missing nurse and find themselves hallucinating. It's at this point the movie gets a little hard to follow as you don't always know what's real and what isn't. In any event, the doctor, who was actually killed earlier has since brought himself back to life and with all his skin removed and using a hidden sub-basement area for his experiments has been able to open a portal into another dimension which represents itself as a "plains of hell" complete with black pyramids. The pregnant patient gives birth to a full sized creature which is supposed to be the reincarnation of the doctors daughter. The police officer who is now wounded and near death anyway, grapples with the doctor and they plunge through the portal and into hell. He then reunites with his ex-wife as they stand holding hands at the base of a huge black pyramid.

The movie certainly has a familiar feel to it but that doesn't make it any less fun to watch. Anyone who's seen Re- animator, HellRaiser, From Beyond, John Carpenters - The Thing or even movies such as Xtro will find similarities in The Void, and it's clear that the creators of this have deliberately made it that way as they are obvious fans of trashy creature/gore films. The budget in this certainly wasn't high enough to produce the effects to the same quality as huge production features, so instead they opted for low-light more atmospheric shots, where limitations in design were not going to distract the viewer from the overall effect of what they were trying to achieve. It's sad this this only had a limited run in a handful of cinemas as people have really missed out on seeing what can be done using old-school special effects that still hold up today if you know what you're doing and not rely solely on CGI.
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totally void... of content
cunningham-paul26 March 2019
Zero substance movie! After about 1/2 hour you quickly start to get that the intro of the movie was nothing more than a substancless side plot that doesn't go anywhere.

Some of the actors that play important roles do their job well and there is some impressive contortionists employed in this movie but they are so poorly used.

They have tried a kathoolooo angle to give this movie some substance but it turned out to be a movie that you should never expect a sequel from. It's just too boring. You could turn this movie into a 1/2 hr script and it might be entertaining but the way it is just feel like a waste of an hour and a half. Sorry but, I want my hour back. Poorly conceived = 1/10
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A remarkable throwback creature feature
fox_davidson26 February 2017
I attended a screening of The Void at the Nevermore film festival in Durham, NC. It was a remarkable throwback to classic John Carpenter-style films. I hesitate to list too many details about it, since the feel of the film is very much like a nightmare that might be spoiled if you go in knowing how it turns out. I can say that the creature designs were some of the best I've seen on film in recent years. The feel of the film reminded me a great deal of Silent Hill, perhaps because it shares a lot of the same influences.

My few criticisms have to do with the screenplay. The filmmakers do a good job of leaving some mystery, but there's a bit of exposition I felt like I missed that would explain why some of the people take the actions they do. Even so, that didn't detract from the film enough for me to stop enjoying it. It's a minor miracle how nice the film looks given its low budget. The production design was just outstanding. Considering how ambitious the feature is, I think missing the mark by a bit in certain areas is forgivable.
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good midnight madness
SnoopyStyle19 June 2017
Small town cop Daniel Carter (Aaron Poole) has another boring night. He picks up a possible drunk and brings him to the small rural hospital run by Dr. Richard Powell (Kenneth Welsh). His estranged wife Allison Fraser (Kathleen Munroe) is a doctor there. Kim (Ellen Wong) is a medical student intern. A man has brought in his pregnant granddaughter. Neighboring sheriff arrested a drifter who escaped from a scary farmhouse. A father and son arrive after the bloody farmhouse incident. First, a nurse slices up a patient and her face. They battle a monster. The drifter escapes and takes a hostage. Creepy hooded people surround the hospital. The father and son are a volatile threatening duo. Then, things start to get crazy.

There is general horror goodness in this Canadian indie. My main complaint is that it piles on too much too quickly. These things need to be paced out. It needs to build atmospheric tension before throwing in the monsters. There is a good dividing line as the group finds the mysterious sub-basements. When the group descends, the movie can go crazier. By the end, the horror pacing gets overloaded and the shock value wears thin.

The acting is solid although it could improve with bigger names. The scariest scene is actually Kim trying to do a C-section. There is a lot to like here. It is able to maintain interest all the way to the end. There are some good real work. It is better than most indie horrors.
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Self-indulgent crap with paid positive reviews!
salmon6228 February 2018
If the producers and director of this movie are going to make a film this convoluted and non-cohesive out of some sort of desire to make an homage, then I get to write a consumer review that accurately describes this mess!

This movie has so many disparate parts of other horror movies thrown together to constitute a separate movie that defies description due to its inconceivable plot lines. Is it horror? Yes, Its a horrible film because it tries to be something its not. Is it science fiction? Yes, its scientifically a bad movie!

The dialogue (script) is a mess------lots of superfluous use of yelling and the "F" word, to no practical benefit. There is gore, but that does not sustain a movie.

This movie seems to have been made not for the enjoyment of the movie viewers, but to satisfy the movie makers desires to be seen as in the same company as "iconic" horror storytellers from the past------storytellers who are no longer relevant to consumer tastes.

I won't name these former icons of horror filmmaking because that is what the makers of "The Void" want in comparison of their effort.

The Void is aptly titled because their are several voids in the plot. Any reasonable viewer is left wondering, "What the hell is that included for", or "What just happened?'

There is absolutely no redeeming quality to this film. Given that, examine the hyperbole and scores used by the paid reviewers and production crew ro celebrate this movie. You will see the corruption that IMDb has fostered.

Its alarming that IMDb has allowed paid reviewers or people affiliated with the production to hijack the reviews to promote this movie among others. It seems to be part of the movie -making process today to include post-production positive reviews on IMDb as part of the marketing. Its dishonest!
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I think it should be watched for sure. Don't miss it. Ignore bad reviews
pjr23525 June 2017
I've com to realize that nothing in life is perfect. The Silent Hill movies were utter garbage and this film is the first in a very long time that has managed to deliver a solid nightmare experience.

First, we start with the weak points and end strong just as the movie did.

The writers, fkn kill them.. literally drown them in a bucket of their own puke. There weren't many cringe moments but there were a handful such as that Asian chick's (wake up) "Or what?" line that was so out of place. (maybe the director is partly to blame for not recognizing how much certain lines didn't work.) What's crazy is that this movie does NOT seem to lack in creativity, imagination or budget but instead suffers from some bad writing/dialog. BUT STOP, AND TRUST ME. This movie should be watched!!! Why? There are ONLY a handful (as in about 5 lines) that were unforgivable. The rest was quite passable. Now on to the good. The sound work/score very nice work. Camera work, 6 to 8 out of 10 (pretty damn good in most scenes, kinda bad in one or two, awesome where it counts) The acting, pretty good considering the sludge lines the writers gave the actors to work with. The acting, not the best, not great, but not at all bad either.

So on to the bottom line: 1. Don't pass this up. 2. The opening was kind of rough but you might not notice if you're not a writer, so jump in as this story does. Stick with it. The opening was kind of slow but the slow pace DID NOT last long 5-15mins (nothing really wrong with the opening and it didn't drag on too long but they could've used their time a little better.) Honestly they could have fared better with actors that have much more exp. in acting.

I don't want to spoil it, I had to get some of the bad out, but the bad was not that bad when I consider the whole. my mouth hung open for at least the last half if not 3/4ths of the movie, and in a good way! If you're a fan of Silent Hill (the games, starting from 1) you will totally click with this movie. I feel like it was an Ode to Silent Hill or at the very least, a welcome nod. I just wish they got a deal with Silent Hill/ Konami or someone/studio that would have given them better access to higher quality writers/directors because the actors weren't even that bad.

7/10, looking for a scary wtf movie? This is it. I was so scared of ending up with another 'indie waste-of-time' movie but I was so splendidly surprised by this movie that I just had to write this review and add my voice (instead of just thumbing up some other review.). As soon as the movie gets going, which is quite soon enough, it keeps going and doesn't let up, instead, it gets crazier and more nightmarish. Im so impressed that I'd love to see a multi-million dollar reboot. At the same time, the job they did was so satisfactory that all they might be able to improve was a handful of lines and maybe plug in a few semi-big name actors because the effects and everything else was great.

TL:DR. 7.5/10 Do Not Miss Out On This One!
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