The Cobbler (2014) Poster


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The story is so catchy,, the comedy is fresh,, one of the best Sandler's movies in years ;)
Aktham_Tashtush9 May 2015
The idea of the movie is fresh new ... at the beginning it starts so vaguely intriguing .. if i didn't knew it's Adam sandler's movie and already had watched the trailer and knew it's a comedy i wouldn't get it from that start of New York 1903 story ;)

The plot is catchy starts easy understandable and grows nicely to the flip point where the shoe maker uses that magical "stitcher" machine we saw on the trailer and wears his first shoe ,, there is some predictability but it was still nice storyline to follow.

The screenplay is tight ,, perfectly written, the movie itself is purposeful ,, like literally "put yourself in somebody's shoes" what would you do !! Seeing how everyone's life really is ... having his own life, problems, having fun ...etc until things go waaaaay bad :D

Well as for the cast ,, i mean come on .. it's Adam Sandler and i don't know but i really liked the short appearance of Dustin Hoffman i like him too,, his role kinda brought some emotional moments to the movie ;)

Overall the movie is really sweet ,, not the type of comedy where you find yourself on your back laughing ,, but it works with the events smoothly.
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Unique and bizarrely invigorating, The Cobbler is better than Sandler's recent works
quincytheodore9 April 2015
Adam Sandler has made an array of dubious movies for several years now, filled with cheap jokes and crude slapstick moments. The Cobbler has significantly different direction than all of those, it brings an odd near magical concept that unexpectedly works. While it also has a couple of flaws like some corny jokes and predictable plot devices, it remains entertaining without forced juvenile moments and delivers genuine laughs.

Story follows Max Simkin (Adam Sandler), a cobbler who finds out that his old apparatus has another magical function other than fixing soles. It allows him to change into the person who owns the particular shoes. The premise is good, Max steps into other persons' lives and also the wrong crowd, whose lives are far more diverse than his. Adam Sandler take a different role than his usual silly middle age men role. He brings more of casual awkwardness from a polite man, the addition of background and cultural aspects are also very welcomed to set a more identifiable setting.

Cinematography is slightly somber, certainly a change of pace from Sandler's usual overly colorful tone. To its credit, there are amount of details of the environment and the movie portrays the setting as a fundamental part of it. Humor mostly hits the spot, the jokes will create a few chuckles here and there. Though it's not all gold, it is definitely better than maniac laughs in Grown Up which isn't infectious at all. The film has more focus as it tells the comedy with both subtlety and exaggerated motions.

Actors deliver fair performance. Max's transformation takes him into different skins, all of which are portrayed with shared clumsiness. The body switching subgenre has a few predictable twists, the film also faces this problem, but it creates scenes with enough refinement that makes them refreshing and presentable. Screenplay and script have substantial material, they don't overreach the premise even though there are a few subplots in play.

There are some narrative hiccups towards the latter half, although these are not intrusive and shouldn't deter one from giving the movie a chance. The Cobbler reminds me of Click, it has strange concept yet surprisingly effective. This is an improvement in Sandler's movie line-up and it's certainly worth a view.
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Total Surprise!
sykesm-251358 October 2020
I had no idea I'd end up really enjoying this movie! Seriously... total surprise!
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worth the watch!
moviecritic70116 March 2015
I don't understand why this movie has such low ratings. It definitely is different than movies that you would typically see Adam Sandler in, but none the less still a really good movie. It was different, its appropriate for children. It was a sweet and heart-warming movie. It also had some laughs. It was a movie that I really enjoyed and probably wouldn't mind watching it again. I think this is one movie I am glad I didn't watch based on reviews but because it is an Adam Sandler movie. I think this is showing Adam Sandler in a different light and I love it. I think this role suited Adam Sandler really well it made me respect him more. I would say it is worth the watch.
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Are you a 10 and half size feet?
rollernerd30 December 2020
Welcome back to another edition of Adam's Reviews!! **queue in intro music**

Tonight's movie review is the fantasy comedy The Cobbler (2014), the Sandman plays Max Simkin, a fourth-generation cobbler in New York City who lives with his mother after his father left many years ago and deals with his uninspiring daily life of fixing shoes until he comes across an out of this world stitching machine. Before I watched this flick, I quickly looked at the ratings across different platforms and found out it was soooo low. After watching it, I really do not know why theres so much hate. It's not your typical Sandler comedy flick but the story and acting were great. And give or take it was a bit emotional in particular the scenes between Max and his mother. Throughout the film you find an emotional and light hearted story. Sandler does well in his role and once again shows real depth. This movie doesn't deserve low ratings or negative reviews and I definitely recommend this film to anyone. There is a nice twist at the end and a good message throughout the film which is literally "put yourself in somebody else's shoes." Very unique story and great cinematography of urban New York. There are some narrative hiccups and the end does feel like it transitioned from a heist to a drama film then to a - if you call it, a superhero style film. Overall 7.4/10
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This shoe flick won't necessarily steal-etto your heart, but it's a nice movie with a lot of sole.
rooprect16 February 2017
Oh my Galoshes, there's a lot to say about this movie. I'll try to polish over both good & bad, so at times I might sound like I'm Flip Flop-ing. But rest assured my overall experience was positive, and I came out of the theater feeling pretty Pumped.

"The Cobbler" is an entertaining flick that's good wholesome fun for you, your family and your Keds. My one & only criticism is I don't think it fully explored the moral lessons it could've presented, nor did it delve too deep into the characters. Instead, it deliberately took the route of being a plot driven story, and so it ended up being more of a comedy crime caper than an intimate moral tale. I guess you could say this shoe flick strikes a New Balance between action and heart.

First let's talk briefly about the plot. Adam Sandal-er plays the cobbler Max, a 40-something loser whose life has very little meaning. One day he stumbles on the power to transform himself into any person whose shoes he wears. The story is a clever & original take on the moral lesson: "Don't judge anyone until you've walked a mile in their shoes" (because then you can talk smack about them, and you're a mile away and you've got their shoes). Or something like that.

The entire production is very well done, and all acting performances were excellent. With a supporting cast of legendary talents like Dustin Hoffman, Steve Buscemi & Ellen Barkin, you'd think "The Cobbler" would be a Shoe-in for movie of the year. But I can't help but think it missed a great opportunity to explore the aforementioned moral. You'd think this would be a great way to delve into social prejudices as Max learns what it's like to experience the lives of people of different races, genders and social status. But the film doesn't touch upon that at all, instead remaining rooted in the story of a man who uses his special power to take on the bad guys. That sort of Suede my opinion against the film.

Comedy is sparse & low key but effective. If you're an Adam Sandler fan, you probably know that he doesn't always play the wisecracking comedian, but his serious roles are every bit as good if not better ("Punch-Drunk Love", "Funny People", etc). It's definitely interesting to see him take on the role of Max. He has a way of giving the character a personal touch so you can really Fila lot of emotion. The character is a man of few words, but we can still learn a lot about him through his fleeting interactions and Converse-ations.

So there you have it: a mixed review but overall positive; I wanted to give you an idea what to expect if you watch "The Cobbler". Hopefully Adidas all a favor. This is a nice, breezy movie that'll entertain you for 99 mins, and it has a nice surprise twist that might make you want to hur-Reebok to the theater and watch it a 2nd time.

And as I'm completely out of cheesy shoe puns, I think I'll end this review. See ya Laces!
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A unique film with a very different role by Adam Sandler
stephendaxter16 March 2015
After watching the trailer for this film i can say that i was definitely intrigued because it looked like something a little different for Adam Sandler. And after watching this film not only was this a different role for Sandler it was a very different movie, it felt odd and unique so i give it props for being different. The movie starts out as being very grounded and pretty slow for the first 20 minutes, and i wasn't getting any comedy from the film at that point so it seemed like i was in for a complete bomb. But after then the movie changed, the pacing of the movie stayed relatively similar but it got very weird and at the same time a little more interesting. The idea of someone living out other peoples lives in their shoes was intriguing and made me want to see where they went with the film. Unfortunately where they went was into a series of 4 to 5 different subplots, all of which weren't really that interesting. They offered a few funny moments but none of the humour really connected, not that i was too surprised after Sandler's previous works. But i wasn't as disappointed about there being not nearly enough humour because to me this film was more of a drama than a comedy, sure there are a couple of funny bits but the focus of the film was still on Adam's character Max who was part of definitely the most interesting subplot.

I haven't been able to say this in a while but the scenes with Adam Sandler were actually my favourites of the movie as he is really the only character that undergoes any character development at all. Well, no-one else was really in the film long enough to get any character development or they were just playing various stereotypes. There is a twist at the end that was a pretty good twist to reveal.......... if i hadn't already guessed it two thirds into the film. It was unfortunate but i felt like they hit you over the head too many times with clues so that by the time they revealed it you already knew. Also there are a few cameo's in this film including one by Dan Stevens that unfortunately weren't used to the best of their ability so a bit of wasted potential with some of those characters. So in the end it is still not a very good film but one of Sandler's better ones recently, 1 or 2 good subplots out of 5 and some pretty meaningful and emotional moments are not enough to make up for the not so entertaining and unfunny subplots and predictable ending. If you're looking for a laugh out loud Sandler film this isn't for you but if you are looking for him to play a more grounded role in a drama-like film then you may get a bit of a kick out of this. - 4.5
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This isn't the typical Adam Sandler movie, but...
cleberpassanante8 September 2015
... it's a very good one. If you're looking for something funny, then go watch something else as this film goes far away from the regular comic act from A. Sandler we are all used to.

In fact, this film is anything but regular. This is an out of the box, imaginative and creative story. The plot has a good pace as it keeps presenting characters and information but also progresses quickly through the story. As every good movie, there's a bit of a twist in the end, which was very positive to the story.

In a certain way, it reminds me of two other fine movies starred by two comedy actors but focusing on a creative story rather than a funny one. Those would be "Be Kind Rewind" (Jack Black) and "Stranger Than Fiction" (Will Ferrell). The connection with Be Kind is mainly due to the preservation of the tradition that lies in both plots and how important that is to the course of the story. The connection with Stranger is because of the innovative fantasy that gives such peculiar taste to these stories.

If this film had at least a couple of funny scenes, it would be better, but it is good to take a break from all the dumb comedy movies we have been seeing lately. Definitely worth checking out!
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One of the Strangest Films I've Ever Seen
RustyShacklefordd13 March 2015
I'll start off this review by saying this is without a doubt one of the strangest films I've ever seen. I had actually been looking forward to it because McCarthy's past films have been good and it was nice to see Sandler in a different type of film. It wasn't terrible, but it certainly wasn't good either.

I really have no clue what McCarthy was going for here. The film starts off as an old-fashioned comedy with some drama thrown in, but it eventually becomes jumbled in a bunch of subplots that involve saving the neighborhood a murder plot involving gangsters. Parts of it get a bit dark and surprisingly violent for a PG-13. It's a mix of a dramedy, fantasy comedy, and crime thriller that never mash together leading to the film having a major identity crisis.

I think some people are pinning it on Sandler being the problem here, but he is actually decent in his role. Although, I found it strange that they chose to show the other actors in the roles of the side characters when Sandler is "in their shoes". It would have been funnier and much more enjoyable if it had been done the other way around. Steve Buscemi and Dustin Hoffman also appear briefly in the film, but neither of them are giving much to do.

The main reason why the film fails is because of it's script. As previously mentioned, the film is an uneven mess. McCarthy and Paul Sado are the only writers, but it feels like they had several people write various subplots that were all mashed together. This could have easily been a PG-rated family film if it hadn't been for brief moments of unnecessary nudity and violence that don't serve any purpose. Aside from the unevenness of the whole film, the writing itself is pretty poor. Some of the dialogue is laughably awful and incredibly forced, most of which comes from Melonie Diaz and Method Man's characters. With that said, none of the dialogue is clever or good, but some of the more established actors such as Sandler and Steve Buscemi. There is a point where it seems like the film could take a route of having a message about the way a community interacts with one another, but nothing ever comes of it resulting in a rather predictable story in which the twist can be solved about halfway through.

Despite all of it's missteps, The Cobbler does have a few factors that keep it from being a complete disaster. Sandler himself does a decent job in the lead role. It's not a particularity memorable one despite going out of his comfort zone, but he fits the role and uses that to his advantage. Despite being wasted, the film does feature a great cast including Steve Buscemi, Dustin Hoffman, and Dan Stevens who while given little to do, are nice to see on screen. Even though the story itself is pretty predictable, I never found myself bored during the film's runtime. I'm not sure if it's because of how bizarrely awful some of it is, but the strangeness of the whole thing is enough to keep you amused just to see where it will end up next. Even though I didn't laugh once throughout the entire film, there are some occasional chuckle worthy moments such as a montage early on of Sandler discovering his new ability.

After a long string of bad comedies, I was really hoping The Cobbler would be a step back in the right director for Sandler. Unfortunately, it ends up being a bigger misstep for director Thomas McCarthy. There was potential for this to be something noteworthy for the two of them. Instead, it's cluttered mess of a film that's almost admirable in how bizarre it is. The Cobbler is no Jack & Jill by any means, but it certainly isn't going to do an favors for Sandler's career either.
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Worthy of a better rating
Kingslaay4 January 2019
Creative, interesting and amusing are thoughts that come to mind after watching the Cobbler. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed this film. The concept was very creative and fascinating. It also had quite an alright story to ground the fantasy.

If rewritten or directed differently perhaps with a bit more flair and moments this could have been an incredible film. Nevertheless, it was still pretty good and deserves a higher rating on here.

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I wanted to love this film but it just didn't connect with me
sweeeetmikey15 July 2015
THE COBBLER review by: Mike Smith

Max Simkin repairs shoes in the same New York shop that has been in his family for generations. Max stumbles upon a magical heirloom that allows him to step into the lives of his customers and see the world in a new way.

I watch every Adam Sandler movie with the hope it will make me laugh like Little Nicky, Happy Gilmore, or the classic Billy Madison, or hit me emotionally like Click did. The Cobble was another unfortunate miss. This movie falls short every time and doesn't fully pull the trigger. For instance, the sad emotional parts don't completely deliver the emotion and fall flat. The comedy isn't laugh out loud funny and you only get small chuckles.

The story sounds good on paper but sadly it just didn't lure me in; I tried hard to love this movie but it just felt two dimensional. The cast is full of talented people like Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi, Dustin Hoffman, Ellen Barkin, Melonie Diaz and let's not forget Method Man. Yes, they work well together but besides Adam Sandler and Steve Buscemi, the chemistry between the rest of the cast seems not to be there. The film's ending felt rushed like the writer didn't know how to end it and the wheels just fell off.

The cinematography is basic but the shots of the New York working class streets make you feel like they are there. Because the movie is about a shoemaker get ready for... you guessed it: lots of shoe shots.

All together I wanted to love this film but it just didn't connect with me. The ending is rushed and outright ridiculous for the last 5-10 minutes of the film. I still have faith Adam Sandler will make a classic movie sooner or later but I would pass on The Cobbler at together. Cheers and remember life won't suck as long as there is a good movie to watch, and I watch the bad ones so you don't have too.

3 out of 10

Edited by Samantha Locke

Twitter: FatMikeTPK Facebook Page:
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I honestly don't get all the hate..
lonniew13 March 2015
As you've read, this is not your typical Adam Sandler movie.. yes it has it's jokes but it's not his typical shtick .. some of that is thrown in for good measure, but this is much lighter.

This has what I thought to be a very good story and even a nice twist, even though I saw it coming before it was revealed, it was still a nice twist.

I think this movie has a lot of heart and it has morality tale spun in for good measure.. It has a pretty good cast of characters as well.. I got my laughs, I got some sincere emotional moments and the "yay for the underdog" moments as well .. I left satisfied!

The KEY to this movie is don't go in with expectations.. if you're going there hoping to see another "Click" or "Happy Gillmore" movie you'll be disappointed..

I honestly do feel bad for Adam because he's gotten typecast .. if he tries to step out of the expectations then people think he sucks.. Jim Carrey has fought that for a long time.. just as so many others have... Give them a chance!
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Awful Ending to a an otherwise Good Movie
drjohntas30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A gentle, amusing, entertaining movie, perfect for one of those nights when you don't want to be stretched. But the ending is possibly one of the worst I've ever seen .. the closing scene is completely unnecessary and totally out of genre. It looks like it was tacked on as an after-thought and completely destroys some of the intriguing parts of an otherwise good narrative. Some loose-ends are a good idea in a narrative and tidying them up with a ridiculous closing scene treats the viewer as being brainless and unable to cope with curiosity. In less than 5 minutes this absurd ending turns the "missing" father from being a person of mystery into a heartless husband and dad and a Marvel-caricature , in the same moment destroys the character of Jimmy who is beautifully played by Streve Buscemi, and gives Dustin Hoffman the final words in a film he was probably not required. The film already has a perfectly good ending in the preceeding understated scene between Carmen (Melonie Diaz) and Max (The Cobbler). My advice is switch off the movie at the last ad-break and remember the film for all its really good moments.
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Nearly Plot less and Unenjoyable
Challenger201328 July 2015
The common argument nowadays is that Adam Sandler follows his past formula too closely. The comedic formula he championed in films like "Happy Gilmore" and "Big Daddy" has become bland in newer films such as "Grown Ups 2" and the horrid "Jack and Jill." Most critics suggest that he try new things, work for different directors, and focus on acting instead of having complete control over his films. I mostly agree with this, but with "The Cobbler," Sandler has followed all of these suggestions and still failed to hit the mark.

"The Cobbler," directed by Thomas McCarthy, follows Max, a shoemaker and repairman (hence the title) who lives a boring and undesirable life until he finds an old spinning machine with a special quality. When Max wears shoes that he repairs with the machine, he takes on the physical identity of the owners of the shoes. Sounds interesting, right? Unfortunately, the idea is not well executed and the plot seems like a mindless wonder for a very long hour and a half.

The plot here is practically non-existent. We watch Max parade around as other people for most of the film, then McCarthy attempts to create a storyline, involving gangsters and crooked rich people, in the last thirty minutes. Unfortunately, he tries too hard and it occurs too little too late. The film is promoted as a comedy, but I can't recall chuckling or finding any part of the film humorous at all. The film starts as an attempt of a drama, then becomes a fantasy, then a caper/crime film, and then finally (and you won't believe it) a superhero film. The film does not know where it wants to go, probably because it does not seem to be going anywhere.

The topic on everybody's mind with the release of this film is simple: how is Adam Sandler? Well, he is not "bad" by any means. It seems as though he was trying to recreate his brilliant performance in "Punch-Drunk Love," but he cannot seem to find the same conviction in this one. His performance seems real for the most part, but there are often moments when he looks just as bored as I was. It's hard to blame him too much with the content he was given--his character is pretty hard to like for most of the picture--but the film would benefit from a little more energy in his performance.

Dustin Hoffman recently stated that film is the worst it has ever been at this moment. Whether he is right is debatable, but I can understand how he feels this way after starring in one of the worst films of recent memory. Of course, he is not to blame, and this time, neither is Sandler. What floors me is how a director like McCarthy, who has been so highly praised after his first few pictures, can deliver a film like this. The premise caught my interest, but the product failed to deliver. To be frankly honest, "The Cobbler" is a narrative mess.
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Amusing if finally a bit much
edgeofreality27 December 2020
Mainly enjoyable fantasy, well played by most of the cast, so that I started imagining all the things you could do in another's shoes. It gets tangled up in its own plot twists and crime capers by the end, and the revelation about the barber was one surprise too many.
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If the Shoe Fits, Make a Decent Movie Out of It
ryanpersaud-5941522 February 2022
The Good: This is a pretty fun movie, I have to be honest.

What makes The Cobbler stand out from other Sandler flicks is that it takes a killer premise, but doesn't go the direction you'd expect it to. Within the first 15 minutes of the movie, there are at least four or five narrative strands the movie could've have pulled on...and it doesn't tug on any of them, really. Not until later, which means it's a movie that's very easy to get invested in. This film is far more (conceptually) like Flick than Spanglish, but it feels more like the latter than the former. (Btw, Flick is absolutely an argument for how a good premise can be completely ruined, whereas this is how a good premise can be done pretty well).

It's also more grounded in sentimentality and heart than a lot of Sandler schlock. He gives a pretty solid performance too. I don't know, I'm always rooting for the guy and even though I know he's probably a billionaire at this point, he still strikes me as a relatable dude. At least here. No one is particularly "great" in this movie, performance wise, but man, they're having fun.

Side note, the last scene had me in stitches. I don't know if was meant to, but I'll give it credit. If you were to tell me a fantasy comedy about a magic shoe stitching machine would end up being a superhero origin story, I wouldn't have believed you. But I'd also totally want to watch it. Thankfully, The Cobbler exists, so I don't have to wait any longer.

The Bad: The Cobbler's tone is a bit all over the place. Sometimes it wants to be a cute, thoughtful movie about family and sometimes...Sandler's character comes close to committing sex crimes. That sounds jarring, right?

The other big issue are the endless plot contrivances. Things just *happen* because the script says they do, even if they make no sense, are out of character, feel lazy and undeveloped. It's really the worst thing about this movie.

The Ugly: Like many comedies of the "pre-woke" era, this one has jokes and scenarios that straddle the line between playful and "cancel worthy" circa 2022, if you catch my drift. Just putting that out there.
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Very nice modern fairy tale of 'walking in someone else's shoes.'
TxMike17 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie on Netflix streaming movies. I had not heard of it before, either it didn't receive much publicity or maybe wasn't well-received. But the synopsis looked interesting.

It is a fantasy, but with a message of hope. Sandler didn't write or direct and he plays one of his more enjoyable characters as a modern day Jewish cobbler, with a little shop in Manhattan's lower east side. He lives with his mother, apparently has no outside interests, is just a dull and quiet person. Adam Sandler is Max Simkin.

The movie actually opens with a scene from 1903, when his grandfather and others are sharing camaraderie and one tells the story of helping a man who then left a shoe stitcher behind. And mentions the phrase "walking in another man's shoes" which becomes the theme of this movie.

Back to present day, Max has a job that needs to be finished that day and his motorized stitcher (sews on leather shoe soles) blows up, the repairman can't come until tomorrow, so he goes into his storage room and digs out the old manual stitcher that he learned to use when he was a kid. He does the repair, the man doesn't show up by 6PM closing time, so on a whim he slips on the other man's shoes, his same size 10 1/2, and sees himself in the mirror. He looks and sounds just like that man. When he figures out it is the magical stitcher he digs up several other old 10 1/2 shoes, stitches the soles on the magical stitcher, and when he puts each on he sees that he looks and sounds like the original owner.

All this sets up the rest of the movie. At first Max does silly things, like having a nice meal at a restaurant, then going to the mens room to change shoes, then slip out without paying, unrecognized. But he quickly figures out he can he a hero, he can save the lower east side from an unscrupulous businesswoman who wants to buy up and evict residents to build modern buildings. To do so gets him in hot water with crooks but he manages to prevail.

Steve Buscemi is good as Jimmy, the barber who has the shop adjacent to Max's cobbler shop. Melonie Diaz (who actually IS from Manhattan's lower east side) is good as Carmen Herrara who is working with a neighborhood preservation group and wants to prevent its demise.

Really good movie, I enjoyed all of it and Sandler plays a mostly straight role with no goofiness and it comes off very well.

SPOILERS: There is an interesting twist after Max manages to save the area and get the crooks arrested. Jimmy confronts Max, and reveals that he has been wearing someone else's shoes, that Jimmy is actually Max's long-gone father who stayed in disguise so many years to protect Max and mom. Seems each generation of the Simkins discovered the magic of the manual stitcher.
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i cannot believe the amount of people that have rated this quite hightly
grumpy-34 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
loads of spoilers, but how can you spoil a really bad and in many ways a nasty film. let me say that i am an adam sandler fan, and have liked most of his films. this could have been great but has one of the worst scripts and stories ever put to film. so the idea of getting to know someone by stepping into their shoes is a good idea. so what do they do with it, he finds out using a special stitcher, handed down for generations, and if the shoe fits then he becomes that person. but only physically and with their voice, he is still himself. so instead of thinking of good uses for this, the film spends about 15 minutes with him goofing around beceome other people, none of this is funny, he then gets involved with a nasty gangster and decided to become him, leading him into ever more stupid escapades that no person with normal intelligence would ever dream of doing,this all leads to a plot to throw and old timer out of his apartment, or burn him down, and by even more stupid and unlikely plots twists Sandler saves the day. there is one bit where he puts on his dads's shoes, the dad in question having abandoned him and his mother, to grant his mum's wish to spend one last evening with her husband, this came very near to incest, throughout the film the character does'nt not develop, grow and learn anything, he is as stupid and undynamic as he was at the start. we kept watching to see how they would get to the happy ending, and we wish we had not
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Nothing Special
Floated222 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Cobbler (2015) stars Adam Sandler in an offbeat drama comedy. The Cobbler tries to stitch a fantastical and comical premise with family heartbreak. Max's father (Dustin Hoffman) has left his mom, who suffers from dementia and can't quite figure out where her husband has gone) and a plot about an evil property developer (Ellen Barkin) forcibly gentrifying the neighborhood. And it feels, if you'll pardon the obvious wordplay, cobbled together.

The Cobbler though does show that Sandler can still give a solid performance when money is far from involved. He is solid, and a supporting cast that includes Steve Buscemi, Melonie Diaz and Method Man are all very watchable. But the movie is never able to find its footing, and when it finally meanders towards a jaw-dropping twist, what goodwill it might have collected along the way is soundly given the boot. Watch for the performances but overall the Cobbler struggles and what we thought of potential does not quite fully live up to it. ==================================================================== ====== After a rewatch (03/11/17') the Cobbler has a slight different feel. It is quite average but in a somewhat way enjoyable in the least. Seeing several comparisons to Click (2006) but this film is far from the quality and overall entertainment of Click. On a second viewing, this film plays as more as a dramedy, with very few laughs but some decent moments. Things don't feel as forced but given the plot, the climax and high points could have been better. The ending twist is quite similar to Click, but here is not as great. Rating changed from 3/10 to 6/10.
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The trailer make it seems a lot better
XB-Jedi14 March 2015
This movie is bad in every aspect. Bad acting, bad script, all the story is a mess but it is very predictable. I like a lot of Adam's movies, but this one is another fail for him. His acting is really bad, a lot of his actions are illogical and unreal. The trailer make this movie looks better than it really is. It has mild nudity, some blood and crimes so it is not a family movie in any aspect. The story starts good, it had potential but they didn't approached the story very well, this movie is a failure since the script and some bad acting is just the bonus. If you cut like half an hour of the movie it could have been better. My recommendation is (if you want to watch it) to watch when you don't have any other thing to watch and wasting the less amount of money possible by doing so.
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Succeeds at its core Warning: Spoilers
My main motivation to watch this 100-minute movie from last year was certainly BAFTA-winning writer and director Thomas McCarthy (actually mostly an actor). I really love his "The Visitor" and I know that he also made "Win Win" and "The Station Agent" that received good criticisms, so I was curious. Oh yeah, and he also wrote Pixar's "Up" which brought him an Academy Award nomination. The story here is pretty simply. A man who owns a shoe repair store gets a magic heirloom and from that moment on he can transform into complete strangers simply by wearing their shoes. Now, I like this idea. However, you could ask many questions that sort-of make it look bad: What if the real guy sees him(self)? What if he wears the shoes of a dead person? Or what if he wears shoes that get carried by several people? This film somehow implies that shoes are intelligent being who are able to identify their current owner. And why did the protagonist not ask himself all these questions, but just kept wearing them as he wanted. He seemed to be an intelligent, thoughtful fella. Anyway, lets forget about this now.

The main character here is played by Adam Sandler (approaches his 50th birthday) and I can hear the haters already ask why Sandler did not pun on the shoes of an actor before making this movie here. However, he really isn't that bad here. It's been quite some time since the last Sandler movie I saw, so I believe he did a decent job here. However, I have to say I enjoyed watching this film. Especially the first scenes with Dustin Hoffman were pretty good and touching as we gain a deeper insight into his relationship to his son and wife. Steve Buscemi is a nice addition as always too. The first hour of the film was pretty good and I might have given it a higher rating even, only based on that. However, the entire crime plot between minutes 60 and 90 is a complete mess. It's almost impossible to understand what is going on who is who and if Sandler is currently in disguise. This is really a shame as the introduction of Method Man's character at the shop early on wasn't bad at all and they really could have done something great with that. Sadly, nothing involving Ellen Barkin's character (looks like an old Cameron Diaz) worked in this film and I wish they would have left out the entire crime story, even if the movie had only run for slightly over 60 minutes this way. Or come up with something less chaotic and confusing. The ending with Hoffman back in action (it was a bit expected who he is) is pretty solid again.

All in all, it is a decent movie, but it could have been actually pretty great without the filmmakers messing up a crucial section of the movie. Also, i watched the entire Nip/Tuck series in the past and there was a pleasant surprise for me watching this. Recommended.
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Slow and boring
Mrsbooga26 July 2020
Watched about 50% and turned it off. Very slow and story line just isn't interesting.

There is a lot of big names in this film but don't be fooled it's terrible. Adam Sandler doesn't seem interested in his character
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Sandler's best film in a long time
spmact6 April 2015
I used to be a big Adam Sandler fan, until he started phoning it in with the same kinds of immature jokes and "safe" comedies that sucked but still made a lot of cash.

I'm really glad he branched out and took a chance with this film; I think it really paid off. This film has a lot of heart, some decent comedy, and a nice story. It's more drama than comedy, but it's not too much drama. It even has a nice fantasy element without getting too caught up in it.

I don't get why it has such a low rating. I read some negative reviews by "critics" and thought it was another disappointment by Sandler, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it wasn't. Give it a chance, and if you're not already prejudiced, I think you'll be glad you did.
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One of Sandler's Better Works
karenlim8916 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie, considering how much I've started to hate Adam Sandler over the past few years. The last watchable movie he made (in my opinion) was Click and since then, everything he's written, directed and/or produced was annoying and just pure garbage. The Cobbler is simply proof that when Sandler takes the backseat in the writing and production department, magic can happen.

The Cobbler is listed as a comedy but Sandler's character, Max Simkin, is a fairly serious guy. Bored by his humdrum life as a small-time business owner and as a tradesman, Max Simkin is understandably unenthusiastic about anything. The one thing that keeps him doing what he does is his devotion to his elderly mother who depends on him and Sandler played this side of his character beautifully. Then comes that fateful day when he discovers the magic behind the old shoe stitching machine his father left him and soon, Max rediscovers happiness and excitement in his daily life, from just being able to step into someone else's shoes and be another person for just a day. Of course, in typical fashion, he makes some tactical mistakes and triggers an avalanche of nasty events while pretending to be someone else.

It's nice to see Sandler make a rebound from the horrible movies he's been doing these past few years and tone down the craziness into something pleasant to watch. While this movie wasn't particularly spectacular, it is quite memorable and the plot is engaging enough to keep you interested in seeing what happens at the end.

-SPOILER- I was pleasantly surprised at the plot twist regarding Jimmy's true identity and was wondering how I had not seen it coming until the big reveal was a few seconds away. I guess it's safe to say that Max's (mis)adventures drew me in and distracted me from the obvious, which is great. Looking back, I appreciated how they gave Jimmy just enough screen time to solidify his position as a character that's central to Max's world, but not so much as to raise suspicion and give the secret away before it was time.

While all was well and good, what the movie lacked was a bit of direction, in the sense that there wasn't much history or explanation given about how Max's family and the other tradesmen's families came to acquire their unique 'gifts'. A little clarity on this aspect would have gone a long way and would have added a lot more depth to the characters.
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Good Premise But Bad Execution...
MovieHoliks29 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In recent years, it seems Adam Sandler has been cranking out some real clunkers- and with this recent movie, "The Cobbler"- I don't even remember this one being released-?? I would say his career peaked right around the mid-late 2000s with films like "Reign Over Me", "Click" and "Funny People". It seemed that in spite of him doing the mainstream comedies, he was still dabbling in some more serio-dramatic films, and were pretty decent to boot. But in recent years, with films like "Jack and Jill", "That's My Boy", and whatever the latest "Grown-ups" installment is, his film career is dangerously close to falling off into that direct-to-video (now on-demand) abyss-?? Hopefully, this summer's "Pixels" will re-invigorate things for him-??

Okay, on with my review-->> "The Cobbler" has a decent-enough premise- the story of a shoe repairman (Sandler) who is given the mystical power to literally "step inside someone's shoes" every time he puts them on. I like this idea for a comedy film- but this movie just delivers a poor execution unfortunately. It's not really all that funny- in fact, I barely recall even laughing once-?? The film even gets a little sadistic at times. I don't mind that normally, but for this film, it just didn't work. Melonie Diaz, Ellen Barkin, Oscar winner, Dustin Hoffman, and Sandler regular, Steve Buscemi, co-stars.
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