"True Detective" Night Country: Part 5 (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Ok Finally a good episode
GhostReturns10 February 2024
This was their best episode so far this season. The story moved along and we got some answers. Characters that they are revealing to be involved have not been developed well enough for the reveals to be satisfying. Also it it becomes Harder and harder to root for Liz and company because they are proving to be just as dirty and dupicities as the villains they are passionately trying to capture. Also the daughter's character is annoying and a waste of viewer time. Sames goes for Pete's wife. She is kicking him out because he works hard and cares about his job. It's unrealistic that in a town where professional jobs are hard to come back, you give your husband grief for applying himself to his job.
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At last it's moving
jon-2264310 February 2024
There is too drama and irrelevant side stories to make the life of all characters miserable hence it's unreliable, as it's impossible that each and every character suffers but still manage to move on at work and in life.

The acting since episode 1 is 10/10, you can see that all cast members even actors with small parts are authentic and doing the best work possible, it's the bad script fault which could have been so match better.

Not sure if this was mentioned before but I guess it was, Kali Reis is doing almost identical character to the one she made in Catch the Fair One, I saw that movie yesterday and it felt like someone in the production of True Detective simply loved that movie and her, and casted her to True Detective, she is so powerful and authentic it that movie it's simply non-brainer that she can make the character is True detective, and she does a very good job indeed.

Still it's Foster that carries season 4, so amazing acting performance. She hardly act anymore at least in the past years , which is such a shame, would like to see more of her, maybe this is a beginning for a comeback.

Episode 5 seems to move to the right direction, at last, maybe too late as there is only 1 to go, anyways, any true detective season is a blessing for me, although each season is so different. I promise that for those who were wondering where is the true detectives in season 4 will find them in episode 5.
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Much Needed Improvement
eoinageary11 February 2024
Yea this episode is leaps and bounds better than the past 3. It's still not perfect but the last 30 minutes are very good.

Our story has Liz and Navarro finally making ground on the case when forensic results push them into a hard place. Certain players have been tipped off but by who and why, a rising conflict of interest, Liz getting impatient and Navarro getting annoyed. Tensions rise this episode as information is uncovered and others want it buried.

A much better episode, stakes are felt, story is progressing much better and the whole cast is used together that feels more interlinked and meaningful.

Still a lot of filler in the episode but more strong points than weak, 7.5/10.
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Pretty good episode
chelbelle7710 February 2024
Don't understand the reviewers who say this is a boring show and nothing happens. It's a slow burn, which is what it's meant to be. That doesn't mean it's not good it means it's not the type these reviewers like that's all.

This was a gripping episode, several very important pieces of the puzzle came to light and it ended on a real cliffhanger, which I can't wait to see the conclusion of.

Things I like about this series include getting an insight into the lives of indigenous Alaskans, it shows a lovely culture of community and care.

What I don't like is Danvers lack of understand for her step daughter. If it was me I'd have walked out and never looked back but Leah hasn't yet. I feel like in the end Danvers is going to say she tried to keep her under control because she was scared of losing her. If that's the case it will be a lot obvious, if she doesn't then I'm not sure I understand that character much at all.

This episode was a lot to take but I can't wait for the conclusion. The acting here is excellent. Love the story and pacing and dialogue.

What I can't understand is people who don't enjoy it watching week after week only to come and complain that it's too slow. It's a genre, if it's not for you just say you like shows that are in your face and spell out the subtext for you instead of complaining about this excellent - female driven - show that is riveting, thoughtful and very intense.
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Enough with the smear campaign! Great TV
ivokeepapp11 February 2024
I don't understand the elaborate smear campaign against this show? It's quite good, creepy, tense, well-acted and the secrets are not revealed until the last episode. I almost gave up on the show, just because of the episode ratings, which are totally not true. Me and my wife are baffled as to why are so many people giving this show a hard time. Yes, it's not the first season, because the first season is a total classic and won't be ever outdone. Just enjoy this season and give respect to Jodie Foster's work.

I think that every single episode was better than the previous and the mystery is getting more and more twisted before the final act. Enjoy the show and stop listening to people, who are visibly biased against the show for other reasons than entertainment. 10/10.
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Best episode of the season so far.
bgscfsmpwh12 February 2024
Listen. I'm no movie critic. I'm watching this show because 1. The setting above the Artic Circle is intriguing to me, 2. I love a good mystery, and 3. The cast. Foster has been excellent, as always, and the subplots - while not always obvious - are becoming more apparantly important. Has this season been edge of your seat, absolutely locked in TV so far? No. The first couple of episodes had their moments, but I think it has gotten better as the season goes on, and this episode had me yell out loud to the TV. Jodi Foster is great and Kali Reis has grown on me. Trust me, just stick with it. I think the payoff will be well worth it.
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True Identity Crisis
philipalmenpa10 February 2024
Where to start. This season has no idea what it wants to be, but it's not True Detective. BUT the best episode this season.

Jodie Foster is always solid, and let's admit she's the one pulling any audience at all since Nic left the series as a showrunner. Quite disappointing she is NOT the main character, as anyone would expect with a two time Academy Award winner.

Like somebody else wrote, all the subplots are just a waste of time and result in absolutely nothing. We wanna now if the murders are from paranormal activities or not. We wanna have a conclusion, world building and character development. All the revelations just doesn't hit you in the feels since the writers haven't made them worthwhile to be emotionally invested in.

Nah. True Detective really was one season only, maybe two with season 3 included. This season isn't worthy of the fancy title.
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This episode redeemed the whole season
siegethewriter11 February 2024
Surprised how good this one was... it rescued the whole season. Subplots making sense, threads tying together, and they don't disappoint. Characters are tested and true to their core. Don't be put off by the previous episodes, especially the supernatural scenes. What seemed like off the path turns out not the case. Jodie Foster brilliant as always. I wanted to keep on watching. Can't wait for the finale-although this episode was so rewarding I wish there was more to tell. Felt like the true True Detective we couldn't shake off. This director (and writers) knew exactly what they were doing. Hope the finale is just as good.
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Decent Episode But
alexgabrielgyorgy10 February 2024
We finally get some answers, albeit from sloppy detective work. The pacing of this season has been horrendous. Nothing interesting to show and now all of the sudden, in an attempt to wrap things up, the writers just hash everything out. It's kind of like the opposite of Season 2, where everything was happening at the same time and it got too messy in the end. But at least S02 had somewhat more interesting characters, more action going on, freedom of locations etc.

I'm not sure how all this will conclude, and to be honest, part of me doesn't even care. At this point, it's too late to give up on this show completely, so I will probably watch the finale also.

Round of applause to Jodie Foster and Finn Bennett, as their acting has been nothing short of stellar.
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Disjointed, Incoherent
johnspringer-9544011 February 2024
This episode mercifully returns some focus to the case after a 2-episode sojourn into dour familial melodrama. Unfortunately it also makes it increasingly clear that the season is disjointed style over narrative substance. When we last saw Navarro she was bleeding from the ears and staring at a Christmas tree that was mysteriously illuminated in the bowels of an abandoned dredge. What was that all about? No idea - no one even mentions it and now she's fine. More generally none of the characters' backstories have been developed enough to really justify why any of them do the things they do this episode. The season is just a bunch of creepy imagery and dramatic vignettes within a loose framework but nothing gets enough explication to constitute a compelling story.

P. S. This show's calendar doesn't make sense. December 31st couldn't be the 14th day of polar night. Lazy writing.
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Thank goodness.
robinrayfield10 February 2024
This is exactly what the show should have been all along: minimal weird and maximum detective. This one calls back to season one's glory. There is no uncomfortable and unbelievable behavior from Foster, and this episode provides a true glimpse into the town of Ennis. Characters we wanted to know more about are shown in ways that are true, without gratuitous past views that do not tie into the story. The details and camera work are excellent; the acting is superb. We are getting to know each character in a way that makes them seem real and the town's trouble is becoming true to the viewer (and infuriating).
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My disappointment was surprisingly lessened by this episode
blomstrom3011 February 2024
Been a really big fan of true Detective all 3 seasons and having watched season one, three times. So far I had agreed with most of the lower ratings on this season, finding it very disjointed and acting quite stiff, nothing really flowed like the previous season I was not getting that feeling or vibe inside of excitement that I had with the other seasons. I struggled to get through episode four going back to it five times I believe before I finished it and then I saw that episode five was on early in the week. There was no doubt I had to finish it and see what happened and I was pleasantly spread with this episode as suddenly everything started to come together and I had this feeling inside of me that wow I'm really enjoying this episode. Where is the other ones I was constantly nitpicking with what was going on and I was just getting tiring of watching it waiting for it to spring back and live up to it expectations . I'm not gonna go into detail on what I was missing and what I suddenly saw Come back in episode five but I just relieved that I can finally look forward to the next episode even though it is two weeks out. I can never understand though after watching it I'm pretty savvy I what I'm watching it. I don't understand all the nine and 10 stars because it definitely was overrated compared to the other seasons. I got to give this episode five at least seven stars out of ten. I hope they come out with a season five and and it lives up to the name true Detective.
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The writers don't understand True Detective
jonathanborelli11 February 2024
What made the first season perfect, amongst many things, were:

1- the cult element of the crimes 2- the atmosphere of the location 3- the philosophy inderpining the detective's relationship

Season 4 has absolutely none of this.

1- The murder case was initially interesting, but it became generic once it was tied with the mining company. The detectives themselves have no reason to care it, or for the case pf the lady with the missing tongue. We get little exposure to the frozen scientists beyong the initial episode. Its worth noting that the "supernatural" aspects of S1 are not hinted, but rather linked to the cult's beliefs. Us, as the audience, are never lead to believe they are the devil, but rather very evil people. S4 is showing us ghosts and frozen men talking, it just takes you out of the mystery and into another genre entirely.

2- there is no atmosphere whatsoever. A small city in the Alaskan winter should feel frozen and lonely, and we do not feel either. Matter of fact, I feel rather warm seeing how much company they all have. They should have taken inspiration from "Certain Women" on how to make the audience feel alone in a small town. We should feel cold just watching it, like "Society of the Snow".

3- the relationship between the detectives in nonexistant. Its hard to believe Jodie and the Boxer were ever partners - there's no depth to it. Jodie and the young detective would have been a much better pairing, with her having struggles with her daughter, and him with his dad, wife and kid. The phylosophycal underpining of the season should have been loneliness, isolation, and ultimately camaradery through obsession with a case. Most of the scenes between the detectives should have evolved around the defrosting bodies in the rink, and we should sense the unhinging of the detective's sanity through the investigation, aided by the endless night. What a waste of the only chemistry seen on screen, between Jodie and the Kid.

Unfortunately, the only way I am enjoying this season is watching it with "what would I have done instead?" in mind. Lets be honest, we all want another Season 1 and there would have been no shame in producing a somewhat copied, but at least high quality, Season 4.
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True Detective
junopazcaulfield11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like or dislike this season you can't deny that they got the name of the series right with this episode. A son that killed his father to do what's right and two detectives going without their safekeeper to a death trap... all of that to get to the truth ? That's what True Detective means, the writer truly knows what True Detective is about and this is what pains me the most about this season, while i like it a lot, don't get me wrong... i feel like asking for Nic's direction in a few things and having a novelist on board wouldn't hurt anyone at all, this has to be the best plot the series ever had, unfortunately it isn't the best script. Loved the episode regardless, this felt like True Detective, i hope the last episode is amazing.
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Pace is picking up, and it's finally making sense
andrehaugan-1937212 February 2024
Don't understand why some are hitting on the show. TD hasn't been great since season 1 and maybe a few times in S3. At least they're picking up some connection to the subplot of season one to connect some of the dots to the cosmic horror that everyone loved.

We finally moved the story further along to give us some clue to what's really going in Ennis. The city is engulfed in lies, and corruption has eaten up the last good person. Everyone has dead skeletons in the closet and no one is innocent, not anymore and not after this episode.

Don't listen to the haters, this has been a good installment to the series. We're back in occult country and cosmic storytelling again!
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Tense, atmospheric, great acting
gian-1717 February 2024
Embark on a riveting journey through this season's narrative tapestry, meticulously woven against a backdrop of stunning locales that elevate the tension to palpable heights. The seamless integration of captivating scenery with nuanced performances immerses audiences in a world where every character breathes with authenticity, their complexities carefully unraveled with each passing episode. From the protagonist's introspective moments to the supporting cast's nuanced portrayals, the ensemble delivers a masterclass in character development, ensuring every emotional beat resonates with depth and sincerity. Yet, it is the unexpected twists and turns that punctuate the narrative, culminating in a finale that leaves jaws dropped and minds reeling, solidifying this season as a triumph of storytelling prowess.
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Getting Better But This Is Not True Detective
LazyHitchhiker12 February 2024
This was my "If this episode is like the rest, then I am done with the season." Fortunately, it was not like the rest. You do have some good forward movement of the story and some good character building and less of the paranormal activity. I've ditched even the slightest thought that I am watching True Detective, and I am gaslighting myself by believing I am watching an X-Files/Fargo hybrid. I will continue on in hopes the unexplained gets explained, but in the end, there may not be a Scully to rationalize what we've seen. I fear in the end, we will be stuck with a bunch a Mulder's accepting it as is.
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Argh, I hate reveals that's not discovered by the protagonist
vinsma12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The reveal that it was the head of the mines and the cop involved with the death of Annie from their perspective is lazy! What's the point of watching a detective work through a case if the show just reveals important information to the audience away from the detectives themselves. It would've been so much scarier for the audience to see the cop follow Jodie without us knowing why, and watching him kill Otis out of the blue would've been so much more impactful.

I like the character development though so far, and we begin to see the motives behind each person. Still awaiting for next episode on how the supernatural elements tie into it, if at all.
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Night Country: Part 5
Prismark1012 February 2024
The plot finally managed to break out in episode 5. Although there is the overwhelming feeling that Night Country has ended up in a cul de sac. The series was greenlit with a script that remained unpolished.

With the aid of heroin addicted scientist Otis Heiss. Danvers and Navarro hope to find the ice cave where Annie K was murdered.

Captain Ted Connelly with the help of Silver Sky Mining's chief, Kate McKittrick manages to spike the murder investigation of the Tsalal men's deaths. The forensics point to an avalanche caused by freak weather conditions. The men froze to death.

Silver Sky Mining is the baddie. Obscuring the pollution caused by its mines. McKittrick also has Hank Prior on the payroll. He is a dirty cop and he needs to silence Heiss.

An improvement but the episode is not without problems. McKittrick interrogating Danvers where she has no authority was stupid.

Hank being dirty does not look good on Danvers and Connelly. The man who kept files at his house. If Hank came for Heiss, then he would have had to kill Danvers. How was Connelly going to deal with that? Just too many plot holes.
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Probably the worst written episode thus far.
charlieedmond11 February 2024
Nothing about any of the actions the characters take makes any sense anymore. Maybe that's the point, to try and guess why people do what they're doing.

Maybe we were the True Detectives all along...

This episode by far has the worst pacing, and the most forced references to Season 1. Let me just say, just because you repeatedly reference Season 1, doesn't mean it's gonna combine with the merits of Season 1. This Season needs to stand on it's own and the writing just isn't doing it.

The cast is good, the cinematography is great. But my word, I can't emphasize enough how badly the writing nose dived here.
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Good episode
Clementine4414 February 2024
I like this season better than the last 2. The first season was the best, and nothing will ever top it, but this is still pretty good. I like the character development and the mystery of the story. I like the environment. This episode was the best of the season so far, but the earlier episodes were leading up to it. I was surprised at the ending and irritated at the stupid cop. Don't want to give spoilers, but I hope nobody makes such a stupid decision. What he was asked to do was not worth the reward promised. But people make stupid decisions every day, so I guess it's realistic in that sense.

I'm surprised there's only one more episode... I feel like there's too much to wrap up in one final hour.
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Dropped off a cliff
benprichardsdotcom14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
British Reviewer.

Firstly I'm not a hater, I gave the 2nd episode of this season 7/10 because I genuinely thought it was good. So believe me when I say my criticism is not without just cause.

The warning signs were there. The episode before this had an extra writer, this episode is credited with 2 extra writers and boy have they made a mess of it. I can only imagine that is the producers panicking over how this show will get wrapped up.

I like the ideas that Issa Lopez has brought to the show, I mean, it's not True Detective in any shape or form other than on the poster but this melange of The Thing... and Eastenders and maybe Erin Brokovitch is interesting albeit unoriginal.

The editing is awful, the sound and cinematography are good. The casting is great, even self-insert Kali Reiss but the directing is woeful and the screenplay is absolutely amateur and should have gone through a rigorous editing.
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Stop the haters
jakekopf-3051117 February 2024
I find it truly annoying that everyone is hating on this season just because they changed writers. As if people could even tell the difference, acting like they could 🙄. This season isn't the strongest, I'll admit that. But, the actors do a good job with what is given and the writing isn't absolute garbage. Jodie foster does a great job depicting her character. In fact, I think all of the cast does a great job depicting their characters. I just wish that they would have tied this story more to season one, bringing back Matthew's character. That would have blown everyone's mind and honestly would have sky rocketed the ratings and views of this season.
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Dissapointing episode streak ended!
nicokautto11 February 2024
So I really enjoyed this series in the beginning. This shows setting that was introduced in the forst episode had me really intrigued about where this season was headed.

Then episode 2 gave me confidence that even though this might be a slow burn. This season still has potential.

Didn't like the direction they went with episode 3 and it felt really slow and I didn't really have a good connection to the characters yet.

Where I felt the series was losing it's identity a bit was in episode 4 that felt like a filler episode. Very slow, but still I felt like I had finally understood the characters and their values a little bit better.

Episode 5 is where all this fluff and character development that didn't seem to lead to anything really does lead to something. This is a great episode and if somebody thinks this is a bad episode I strongly disagree with you. We finally get some answers and the plot is actually progressing. Also the acting has been great in this season, but especially in this episode. Great twists and a great ending to the episode.

Now all we need is a great finale and this may be in the running for 2nd place in the ranking of seasons. Kind of a shame that it will not surpass season 1, but I guess nothing ever will.

I'm feeling great after watching this episode!
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I sat on pins and needles for this one
trcgabriela13 February 2024
Love this, Jodie Foster is great, and all the cast too, the only problem is that i have to wait untill the final episode wich will be on air not until 18 february and i just sit on pins and needles, last time i was so thrilled was when i watched another HBO series: Outsider.

I liked especially Finn Bennett and Kali Reis, how they stand up against a veteran like Jodie Foster, and then, there was John Hawkes and that magical Fiona Shaw, i just knew that is going to be something else compared to the previous seasons, i knew i had to watch it and i'm glad i did.

Of course, now i'm sitting.... on pins and needles untill the final episode...
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