3 Days in Malay (2023) Poster

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A spit in the face
haenni024 November 2023
Go into the street, find the filthiest beggar, and get spit in the face. This will more worthwile than watching this garbage.

I guess someone really wanted a paid vacation in Thailand, got himself a ChatGPT script, and somehow found some chumps to invest in a fake movie.

I'm ashamed to say I sat through this whole insult to humanity, but here's a few details:
  • dialogue is abysmal and nonsensical
  • all the "japanese" are clearly from southeast asia.

  • peasants from southeast asia saunter through a battlefield that's not even on the same continent
  • the machine guns are made of rubber, you can actually see the barrels flexing.

  • acting is... just... just stop

Utter trash.
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A One Star with a Helmet with a Chin Strap
dianapameticky4 May 2024
The title says it all. A one star general, inside, wearing a helmet with a chin strap...and a cinched waist on his BDUs. Say what? What a lame excuse for a tribute to the men who experienced those three days in Malay. The characters were one dimensional caricatures, GI Joe figures staged beyond the realm of credibility. I have been watching war flicks for 60 years and my "embrace the suck" meter pegged out on this peace of tripe. Rotten Tomatoes gave this film a 91%. I'm gobsmacked. The set staging looked, uh, staged. I am loath to find anything to recommend watching this production. A handle bar mustache is hard to imagine as a reasonable sight in any combat theater. The list can go on ad nauseam, but I won't lest my comments loose their punch.
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Not as Bad as Reviews Say
mmidler16 May 2024
Not a great movie, but the directing in fine. The actors are unknown but serviceable. I think some people expected this to be Guadalcanal Revisited or some other pivotal battle. It is just a minor story illustrating many similar stories of WWII in the Pacific. It won't hurt you to watch. Low budget perhaps, but they did ok with the props. The airplanes still have the model glue showing, but the concept works. Whoever the technical advisor was didn't have much military experience because I've never seen so many people in combat standing and firing when they could be shooting from behind sandbags and other cover. The main message seems to be God does not participate in wars and never take a pee in enemy territory.
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kuranda-8549314 August 2023
Based on a true story. I dont think so First the title. Malay is a language not a country.

All the fighting in Malaya which i assume this is what they were meaning involved only British and Commonwealth troops There were no Americans involved not that that has ever stopped Hollywood before.

Lets face it large numbers of people out there who nelieve that hollywood movies are real history Saying it was based on a true story is a insult to all the allied troops incolved in the war in the far east. All i can say is don't waste your time on this rubbish There are far better films out there to watch.
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ydf-600514 November 2023
The film is full of crazy scenes, such as spying on the enemy walking at a distance of 20 meters with binoculars. Using machine guns that shoot without bullets. You can really see that these were not loaded. During an attack, several Japanese are shot dead who fall in front of the defense, a few minutes later a second attack follows and the previous victims suddenly were remove the scene. Between attacks, soldiers play cards and no one stands guard. It was more like a hobby club. Otherwise terrible conversations. I really don't recommend this movie to anyone. I really didn't watch the movie until the end and turned it off after 3/4. What a waste of time.
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What a load of tripe.
adarby-9637216 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I sometimes wonder why they make junk like this. The story is supposedly set in 1942 so the USA hasn't been in the war very long and the soldiers depicted look tired, worn out and unenthusiastic. Its not clear where "Malay" is as there is no historical accuracy provided. The "hero" of the piece, John Caputo, is obviously in his late fifties (the actor is actual 57), and like many of his comrades he is overweight and unfit - hardly comparable to anyone shown in the wartime newsreels. The men are left to mope about and smoke and drink and talk of melancholy tales of sweethearts back home. Almost all the men have some sort of facial hair including one with an enormous handlebar moustache - hardly regulation.

Some of the early dialog takes place between a one-star general and a senior sergeant. This would be a highly unusual conversation and the insubordination from the sergeant would not be tolerated. If this is supposed to represent a crack team of combat ready troops then my money is on the Japanese.

Plus there's no indication of black/white segregation as everyone is treated equal. But there are some howlers lurking in the script including a soldier referring to an attack by "fighter jets" and there's a shot of the crescent moon with the stars behind it clearly visible. I'm thinking this is more like a Zucker Brothers or Neil Breen production. Its awful. Don't waste your time.
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thanks for the heads up
dokker-974026 May 2024
Thank you for your review. I had started this movie (i am about 12 mins. In) and became confused by where the action was taking place, along with the many, many anachronisms and inaccuracies in just the first few minutes. I had planned to try the rest of the movie another evening but abandoned that thought after reading your review.

Correct me if i am wrong but... Malay refers to the people and culture/language of the Malay peninsula (i.e: Malaysia). Though bad things were happening in all of the far east, conflating the Solomons campaign and specifically Guadalcanal or Operation Watchtower with Malay is just wrong. And though all the characters appear far too old for the roles they are playing, at least the main character/writer and director Louis Mandylor looks old enough to know better.

Furthermore, moviemakers have been willing to get period haircuts since everyone noticed the stupid 70's coiffes and sunglasses in the original Midway. And what's up with that overweight and unshaven sergeant speaking to an American General in what looks like a surplus North Korean military uniform. I'm surviving on a small social security check monthly but could have spent more on this film than the producers did.

Finally, as much as i appreciate roles for African Americans, the army was segregated in 1942. It would have been more accurate and perhaps more educational to show a black man in the service as a mess employee or worse.

That's where i gave up. Good luck to those that stick with it.

J. D.
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Just Terrible
jlthornb519 May 2024
Everything about this movie is wrong. In just the first few minutes there were so many historical inaccuracies that saying the story is set in WWII is outrageous. The dialogue, the uniforms, the weapons, the equipment are glaringly anachronistic. The movie isn't interesting, exciting, or watchable. It isn't even tolerable. The acting is embarrassingly bad. Why was this movie even made? It is nothing but a waste of time. I only wish I had looked up some reviews before I decided to sit down and suffer through the first half hour of horror. I couldn't take anymore. I just could not. I could only take so much punishment.
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Horrible, to the point of being disrespectful to WWII veterans
tommahon-3456922 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing about this movie works on any level. There are so so many unforced errors its clear the producers did not care about accuracy despite being "based on real events".

The actors are too old for the parts they play. The lead actor is clearly 50+ years old and overweight, playing the part of a private? Please.

The military aspects of the movie are totally wrong. The uniforms are wrong. The weapons are wrong. The tactics are wrong. The dialog is wrong for the period. Haircuts and facial hair is wrong.

Some specific examples of the grotesque errors; The Marine Corps began admitting African Americans in June 1942, and was segregated, and yet there are black actors scattered throughout, including one of the leads. A black captain leading white troops? Never happened. Not once. This kind of error suggests to viewers that the military in WWII was one big happily integrated family and it was not, and disrespects the struggle made by our black countrymen to play an active part and be recognized for their ability.

How about a wildly overweight one star general that wears a helmet liner indoors? Not an actual helmet, mind you, just the liner, with a big star painted on the front. Its like the producers were actively TRYING to get it all wrong.

Cheesy dialog and horrid acting, bad CGI, there is literally nothing to recommend this movie.
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Could it be worse?
doc-249639 May 2024
The acting is terrible and the dialogue is horrendous. The scene set ups are in a word abysmal while the uniforms, weaponry, personnel interactions and just about everything else is time period incorrect. I think the ONLY thing correct about this movie is that during World War II the United States was at war with Japan. Whoever gives this Movie even a mediocre review Should seriously consider getting a mental health review. Whoever financed this movie either needed a losing tax break or promised someone they could get them into a movie and this was the only way they could do it. To say don't waste your time would be an understatement.
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We need ammo....and actors!
dbweathers4 May 2024
Whoever directed this elementary school project should work at Burger King because that's about the extent of their skill. I could have had more entertainment just sitting around picking my nose. This was an hour and a half of my life that I wish I could get back. Everything from the special effects to the acting was terrible. If you are reading reviews prior to watching, they will be more entertaining! I can assure you that a single episode of Saturday Night Live is better! Clearly they had no military people advising them on anything war related. The story line is atrocious and would have been worthy of a D- in grade school!
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ritsu-ka18 May 2024
Good but not great, CGI for what CGI there is was horrible. Many of the guns sound like toys as opposed to their real-life counterparts, what close combat there was had the soldiers grunting and screaming like they were fighting in Power Rangers which makes sense since it's a Saban film. This movie feels like the soldier's story was poorly researched and had no backing from any of the survivors. Borderline disrespectful. But hey, there's no love story like Michael Bay Pearl Harbor so that's a big plus. Defiantly not worth the watch. The director and writers should be ashamed. Christopher Nolan should have been the one to tell this story.
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Could they not find just one advisor!!??
jeremydt-6610622 May 2024
Even I know as a civilian that you DO NOT graduate top class from West Point only to become a sergeant that berates a General! And why do they keep referring to him as (Sir) when he's not even an officer!!?? This amateur-hour "movie" will make you cringe with the cheesy/cliche dialogue. The American accents are terrible! Especially from the guy claiming to be from New York. And having Privates that are 50 years old? Please, if that were the case, those guys would have been hardened WWI veterans! I could go on and on... You should definitely watch this movie if you are up to having your intelligence insulted.
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Was Betty White not Available?
ososkid8 May 2024
You know that guy who works at the grocery store whose job is running around the parking lot collecting wayward shopping carts? Someone thought it would be a good idea to let him direct a movie. America, after 3 Days in Malay can never again call itself a meritocracy. This work fails to reach heights that would even begin to put mediocrity within site. The Voyager spacecrafts will reach other star systems before 3 Days reaches mediocre.

Our soldier heroes are portrayed by guys who are almost 60 years old. General Eisenhower was literally younger on D-Day than the guy playing Caputo, a supposed fresh faced replacement.

I bet the "Rural Juror" was a better movie.

Whoever approved this film should be sent to death row.
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This is terrible - ashamed to admit I have seen it!
garydavo12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This may be the worst movie I have ever seen in over 50 years!." The costumes are ridiculous, the scenes are atrocious, a 1 star general who has to always wear a tin hat is ordered around by a Sergeant (with tiny stripes) that everyone calls sir while another Officer in dress uniform ad libs! When the American troops finally manage to find any weapons (after attacking the Japanese with spoons!!) they use German MP40 machine pistols against the Japanese, the heavy caliber machine guns and the bayonets are rubber! There is a priest that uses a Thompson machine gun with the outdated gangster drum magazine. There is no plot, 2 guys who are friends fight each other for no reason and the Japanese troops act like Ninjas when they are not cannon fodder. Just don't watch it, terrible, terrible, terrible!
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Old man Army
greentreebene18 May 2024
I love war movies, but this is so poorly made. I mean you've got these soldiers that are like in their 50s running around with helmets two sizes too small, within earshot of the enemy yet no one walks around with any weapons. When they got attacked one guy had a soup ladle,I kept watching it out of fascination that things could get better, but I never saw anything as pathetic. What did it for me is that the machine gun pits are 3 feet above the ground and when the japs fell you see the rubber bayonets flopping back-and-forth it's actually pathetically hilarious. I wish tv and streaming war movie would stop with the under budget trash, reminds me of the movies they try to put a name in like Tom Sizemore that were always done poorly.
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US Marines did not fight in Malaya.
I know a fair bit about WW2 -- my dad served in the USN in Pacific and I grew up watching Victory at Sea. Over and over. Lately, I've been reading about the loss of Singapore and then the slow counter in the China-Burma Theater. Closest that Marines might have come to Malaya might have been when USS Saratoga (CV-3) was sent to train with the British Eastern Fleet in 1944. If there were any Marines aboard Saratoga.

If anything like this ever happened, it would have been British, Indian, or Australian troops holding off the Japanese.

This mess appears to have begun as a script about a company of the US Army bravely defending a fort against human-wave attacks of Indians, standing their ground in the stockade walls and hoping to hear the bugles of a cavalry regiment sent to their rescue. Of course, western forts did not have stockades, while they did have cannons, and western Indians did attack forts, and, even more, Indians did not attack in human waves.

Or, perhaps, the director got the script from John Ford's "Drums Along the Mohawk", 1939, and, randomly picked out a war and signed up some unknown actors to replace Claudette Colbert and Henry Fonda.
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I made it 14:16 in
likydsplit16 May 2024
Oh my...this is bad. In the opening scene, we have Japanese soldiers who somehow manage to fire their bolt action rifles in semi-auto. We have an American, presumably a Marine, with a handle bar mustache? Then we cut to a seen with an American who seems to be "checking in" with the Red Cross - but based on the attempted exposition via dialogue, i can't tell if he is arriving or leaving. We also discover that this unit of Marines had integrated both women and African Americans...in 1942?

There is a bizarre scene where a pot bellied Sargent berates a Colonel and a Brigadier General (who for some reason is wearing a helmet with a chin strap indoors). And the uniforms these "Marines" are wearing...complete failure.

At that point, I surrendered; 14 minutes and 16 seconds in.
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Low budget?
ptzscchbrb7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It is one thing to have a low budget but quite another to craft such poor props. The microbe guns in this film fire by a magical mechanism seeing as there are no discernible thumb triggers. You just walk up and shake the gun and presto high rate of fire. Further the weapons in question had very visible, very poor welds on them. The explosions would have been amazing if my tv was not 4k and shot in 1977 not 2023. What little plot there was, besides war, was riddled was so riddled with holes that it was indiscernible what it was. While I could go on I finish with the random bonzi imperial who snuck around killing people. That was he purpose, to render a particular scene he was in pointless due to him killing someone during it.
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jneiser25 May 2024
Awful. First, they are not Marines despite the description. Second, no one would be calling a master sergeant "sir." Third, it's overacted and terribly done. Open fires at night in a combat zone? How did this one come to be? There are so many great stories of little-known battles.

I'm not trying to be a killjoy or overly technical (I'm making surface observations), but the missing big picture details should have been my indication to avoid the movie entirely.

Im writing this to help others from wasting their time on what appeared to be a decent movie. I'm sure there was a technical advisor. I'm not sure their counsel was followed.
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WarEagle7212 May 2024
This movie proves that millennials and foreigners not from the U. S. A. Can get older props for a movie, but they just can't write/direct/publish well at all.

This movie could have been great. It's not though, because the people that wrote the story and the dialect went through Marxist/commie public school, and they have no idea what really went on in WWII.

I loved the props used in the movie. Sad thing on the belt guns was no feed of the bullets while they were supposedly shooting the Japanese infantry. I had to rewind it several times just to see it again. At the fifth rewind, I started laughing.

So, if you like comedies and have an hour and a half to spend, dive right in.
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Terrible movie I'd give it a zero rating if I could
quintinlister30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was horrible, the props to the uniforms to the fighting was by far the most ridiculous load of crap. I managed to sit through the entire movie if that's what we are going to call it and the fighting at the end had so many issues from the bodies that they were shooting just disappearing the the floppy bayonets, to the machine guns barrels flopping around like a noodle and just firing with out reloading because the ammo belts weren't even moving while they were shooting. It's a complete waste of time to sit a watch this movie. I don't normally write reviews, but after that I felt like I had to try and save someone's sanity.
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Just awful
cjustinsmith31 May 2024
This is the worst historical war movies I have ever seen. I was taken in by the story line, and was hoping for a gem, instead it was a lump of moldy bread. Almost nothing in this movie was historically accurate. The weapons were all wrong and some looked like toys purchased at the local convenience store. Why didn't the procducers hire just one historian or technical advisor. Uniforms were all wrong, hand to hand combat scenes were laughable. It was as if a group of pre-reens made this movie. Cannot overstate how awful it was. Really did a dis-service to the families of the men who lived through this terrible battle. I can't believe any streaming service actually agreed to air this content.
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