Black Butterfly (2017) Poster

(II) (2017)

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Enjoyable to watch
deloudelouvain3 September 2017
Black Butterfly is a mystery/thriller. You feel that there are going to be twists so you try to figure out what the outcome will be. For once I had it right even though it wasn't necessarily obvious. My wife didn't see it coming. The story is far from perfect but it still remains a good movie to watch. The main characters are played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Antonio Banderas and they did a good job. Their complicity is what the movie makes it interesting to follow. And even if there were a couple faults in the story, not very big ones, Black Butterfly is a good movie for people who like this genre. It could have been better but than again I saw so much bad movies lately that I'm not going to be fussy about this one. Nicely shot, with good actors, and with an okay story with the necessary twists for a movie in this genre.
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Ending damages the quality of the film
jtindahouse3 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I generally try to avoid doing reviews containing spoilers, however in the instance of 'Black Butterfly' the ending was far too important towards the quality of the film not to discuss it. So let's start there. It's typically considered the laziest technique possible in the film making industry to end your film with the "it was all a dream" twist. 'Black Butterfly' uses this twist, and tries to cover it up by implying that the whole dream will be used to get a writer's career back on track. That doesn't fly with me. It still means that everything that happened up until that point was completely purportless. It's a shame too because up until that happened I had really enjoyed the film for the most part.

So the film loses a couple of points for the ending it uses, but I suppose the rest of the film still needs to be evaluated. Right before the dream twist was revealed I thought the movie was going to cut to the credits. Had it done so I think I would've called this a flawed, yet entertaining thriller that meant well in what it tried to do. The twist before the dream twist (yes that's right, the film already had a twist going for it without the need to tack on that final scene) was intriguing and had me reconsidering everything that had happened to that point. It didn't entirely add up and some scenes suddenly come across very strange when you reflect on them. For the most part though it worked well enough.

I felt a little sorry for Jonathan Rhys Meyers in this film. He gives it his absolute everything, but the script often holds him back with repeated and uninspiring dialogue. Also the actors he is given to play off (Antonio Banderas for the most part) really aren't on the same level as him in this film, and so his performance can come across as overacting occasionally. It's not, he's just a level above the rest.

I'm told the trailer to this film gives away entirely too much, which is a real shame. I watched knowing almost nothing of the story and that definitely made it a much more enjoyable experience on my part. Wipe the final scene and I think you have yourself a very fine little thriller. Even as it is it's still above average.
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A double twist
npjy8323 February 2019
Really enjoyable story. I had my own theory on what the ending was going to be, I wasn't too far off it. If you want to watch a movie that does not involve thinking, then move on, however if you would like to watch a movie which involves thought process and keeps you guessing to the end, then this one is for you. An ending that will surprise, and is very cleverly thought-out. It does drag out a little in parts, but nothing too bad. Acting is good, storyline is believable. No plot holes.
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The endings ending blew it for me.
Top_Dawg_Critic13 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of slow paced films, and this one was just that, BUT, the writing/story kept me interested. I will admit that at first, I was very disappointed on how easily this film was predictable, as was waiting for a grand finale, and did get a grand one, of which I wasn't expecting. But then, I got disappointed again - they ruined the ending, with an overdone cliché of ending - part 2.

I will say though that the characters and their chemistry between the leads Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Antonio Banderas and Piper Perabo were on point. The twist between the characters played out very well, but again, got ruined with the endings ending.

That's all I will say as I don't want to ruin this for anyone, but had they taken that dumb part out, this would have been a hit for me. So for that, it's only a 7/10 form me.
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A captivating story
Gordon-1125 August 2017
This film tells the story of a reclusive writer, who gets into a fight in a diner. A stranger helps him out, therefore the writer offers the stranger a place to stay. Little does the writer know, things will go the wrong way, and he is soon taken prisoner in his own house.

"Black Butterfly" has a thrilling story. The tension and thrill is palpable, especially when the stranger becomes increasingly deranged. One hour into the film, there is a major twist that gets me lost for a moment, but after making sense of the twist, I find it quite clever. It is a thrilling and an enjoyable film.
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Contrived but sufficiently enjoyable for at least one viewing
opiaterein21 October 2021
This is one of those twist movies that feels forced even throughout the first viewing and I expect that a second would make it feel all the more so. The twist itself is plausible and satisfying but the house of cards required to build up to it ... is kind of a monstrosity. Still, I'd say worth seeing at least once. You've definitely seen worse.
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Very good!!
heydiddlediddle00717 November 2018
I rarely start watching a movie and try figuring out or realizing the plot so the twist and the end was so awesome and totally surprising but I wish they'd left it there and not added the last twist. Jonathan Rys-Meyers nailed his part, he one seriously talented actor.
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Very Good Movie, Bad Sound Mix
mojoguzzi-879-6849812 July 2017
A remake of a foreign thriller, this version is worth your while if you've read the synopsis and the story sounds appealing.

The direction is crisp. Editing and cinematography are generally excellent. The story and script are tight and twisty. The casting is excellent -- Antonio Banderas was cast instead of Nicholas Cage and we can all be thankful for that. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and Piper Perabo do a great job as well, as do the supporting players.

Sadly, the sound mix is one of the worst I've ever heard, due to the poorly mixed dialog tracks and one song that is cranked too loud (and not a great song at that). The dialog volume veers wildly all throughout the movie, from barely audible mumbling to deafening shouts. I had to watch this with my controller in hand to be ready to drop or raise the volume significantly at every radical shift.

The fact that two production sound mixers are credited might point to the problem (i.e. -- the first one might have been replaced for being incompetent), but there's no excuse for not fixing it in post so the ultimate blame belongs to the post supervisor and the dozen or so producers listed in the credits who should have insisted on and sprung for a better mix. Yes, post sound is an expensive item but it's also a critical feature.

Ironically, the sound efx are top notch. It might be a small triumph, but the gun shots are the most realistic shots I've ever heard in a movie.

If you like tense commercial thrillers, check it out. Just keep the volume control handy, particularly if your neighbors are sensitive to noise.
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Delivers plot twists but without any sense of reality
bmco-247-7210251 July 2017
I watched this film primarily based on the other glowing reviews in IMDb. I try screening on IMDb, Rotten T. & Netflix to keep from wasting time and being disappointed. This film currently has a 50% rating on the Tomato Meter, so I realized it was a gamble.

The main issue for me was that the plot strained any sense of credibility in a real world setting starting from the point where the two main characters begin to establish a relationship. I always appreciate a clever plot twist, however, while said plot twist is delivered well towards the end of the story, the scenario is so implausible that I felt I had really wasted my time. The ending was a bit of a cliché (some might consider another "twist") and was equally disappointing.

If you don't mind films that deviate sharply from the real world, then you might find this entertaining.... otherwise, I'd recommend staying away.
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Clever and very well done Thriller
stephenw-3018026 May 2017
I have never been accused of holding back my thoughts on reviews I've written for films or music or anything really. I feel it is ones duty, if writing a review from a Laymans perspective to be as honest and forthright as possible.

In my reviews, I do not sugarcoat or bend to please the masses if my opinions are in dire contrast to what most say or think. Also, rather then go into redundant story line explanations which are provided in the synopsis portion of the first page , I try to tell people what I like or dislike and often will oppose or agree with other people's reviews.

That said, "Black Butterfly" was much better then I had anticipated. I will elaborate. First, Rhys-Meyers and Banderas have great chemistry in this film. I think highly of both actors skills to begin with but think they would make a great pairing in another film as they worked so well off each other in BB.

The story line may seem typical at first, as is often the case in the thriller genre, but it most certainly is NOT! I never provide information on narratives or plots that may be considered a "Spoiler" but will say there are some VERY surprising moments in this film with great twists and turns that completely blind-side the viewer.

I love a film where you think you have the proverbial "Killer, cheat, thief etc" right in your cross hairs then the story completely smacks you down and leaves you wondering, "how did that happen"?

With the amount of Drek being made at breakneck speed today it's no wonder film fans abound are pleasantly surprised when a movie can actually trick you or keep you in suspense for more then five minutes throughout the entire film. Between big studio productions, self produced big name Hollywood types and Indie films we are becoming more and more frustrated with the same old C**P being fed to us and packaged as "Bold and new". This is just not the case. In general. Black Butterfly delivers all it promises to and then some.

Let's be honest....there are not many Hitchcock worthy scripts left that have not already been put on film 1000's of times. However, every now and then a very "watchable" film comes our way. This is one of those films.

I can say with confidence, this is almost two hours you will be glad you invested if your into a tricky, well done, well acted, twisty thriller that can easily be recommended to a friend.

By all means, enjoy!
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Plodding, ultimately unsatisfying thriller
Wizard-83 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Since his fall from being in the Hollywood "A" list, Antonio Banderas hasn't been terribly successful in finding quality direct to video productions to star in, and "Black Butterfly" doesn't do anything to break him out of the doldrums. I will admit that I never got to the point of being bored by what I was seeing. However, all the same the movie failed to engage me. It's a very slow-moving movie, taking much longer to get to key points in its storyline. It takes about 40% of the movie for the Banderas character to realize that he might be unsafe about the hitchhiker he has invited into his home. But what's worse about the movie is the two (yes, two) twists the movie decides to pull off in its last half hour. While I admit I didn't see the first twist coming, right after it was pulled off, it instantly became ludicrous when thinking about it. And I thought about it a lot. Even worse is the second twist at the very end of the movie, a clichéd and oh-so-tired twist that essentially makes what we have seen up to that point a waste of time. Had the movie instead gone the more logical and believable route, and ditched those two twists, we might have had an okay thriller. But as it is, it will most likely frustrate and anger viewers.

P.S. Attempts to pass the shot in Italy countryside as being Colorado are very unsuccessful.
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Great movie with a small cast - just 2 men !
mike_brunton28 May 2017
I really enjoyed Black Butterfly, it was one of those movies that you kind of knew what was happening next, and then things turned out very differently. The 2 main characters were very well acted. I know a negative reviewer was saying alcoholics don't swig out of bottles, well as an alcoholic, I can tell you that was true to life, as was the early morning drinking, and blanking out and waking up in bed. The movie had a great location a secluded ranch style house and the tension was palpable almost from the start. I promise you, the ending was amazing and totally unexpected and a pleasant surprise. Overall a low budget movie which I enjoyed far more than Star Trek Beyond which cost $180 million dollars and which I refused to watch to the end. I am quite critical with movies, read my other reviews. This film is definitely worth viewing with pleasure and interest.
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I like my ending better! Not the one comes after that!
Reno-Rangan24 September 2017
It was a little surprise film, but not that great. I really enjoyed it. It was thrilling, suspense and fast paced storytelling. I usually like this type of flicks. If you too prefer entertainment over a masterpiece, then you would enjoy it as well. Only the beginning was slow, but once the concept of the film ignited, it was a non-stop entertainment. So the later parts are like between the two characters that took place in an isolated place. A great setting and with all the development, the film totally gets you.

A struggling alcoholic writer who got rescued by a stranger at a diner, invites him to the home for the stormy night ahead. Later the stranger decides to help him out with his writing, so his stay extends. With talking to each other, the writer comes to know what kind of person he's brought into his house. His agenda ires the stranger and hence a conflict begins between them. The rest of the film is to disclose who ends where with a twist at the end.

When the second act begins, that's when your guessing game starts. At the end of that section, I had in my mind that at least 4 to 5 possible paths the story could head. With that kind of option, who won't enjoy such film. Whatever I predicted, that did not happen. That's another reason why I liked it. The twist was good, and so the performances by Jonathan Rhye Meyers and Antonio Banderas. BUT when all was going well, the end scene before the credits, disappointed me. It should have not been in the film at all. That's why I did not like 'Prince of Persia' too. Apart from that final 10 seconds, it was a good film.

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Black Butterfly....
cwacosta1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie became awful at the end when it turns out to be all a dream/imagination. Everybody is commenting on how the plot has a lot of twist and how it could have been better and how actors didn't act their part properly......IT DOESN't MATTER!! cause Banderas was dreaming it anyway. They could have put a flying car before he woke up and it still doesn't matter because he was dreaming it anyways. The movie was OK, and the fact that it was a dream made it bad.....and because it was a dream, the story line or plot DOES NOT MATTER......To sum up the movie it was about a writer that got "stuck" on writing a story and had a dream of a story, the end.
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big swing
SnoopyStyle1 December 2022
Paul Lopez (Antonio Banderas) is a struggling hard-drinking writer. His career is troubled. His money problem is forcing him to sell his property through realtor Laura Johnson (Piper Perabo). He gets into a road rage incident with a trucker. Drifter Jack (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) comes to his aid. Paul befriends Jack and brings him back to his home.

This thriller takes a big swing. It starts out with a standard creep story which turns into Misery adjacent. I'm fine with that. It has potential especially with good actors. Then the movie takes that big swing. Looking backwards, it's not a reasonable turn. I get the wish for a shocking reveal, but it relies on too many conveniences. The final scene is an acceptance that the twist is a writer's creation. All in all, I applaud them for taking the big swing even if it doesn't completely work.
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good solid thriller
watcher201914 June 2020
Great filmwith banderas who is so so good. Lots of little twists and turns. The reason for the 7 is the very final 2 mins. Watch it and see whatyou think. Does it spoil it?
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This movie making fun of me
phanthinga10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I only know Antonio Banderas thought action movie like Desperado,The Mask of Zorro....he awesome in that so see him for the first time starring in a crime thriller movie is very refreshing.About the movie Black Butterfly i think there a lot of cool stuff in it but at the same time there also a bunch of dumb moment and a terrible ending.The movie concept is old a writer live in a isolation place pick up a stranger played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers for helping him while a serial killer lurking outside.If you watch many home invasion movie you will know the stranger always is the killer but this movie take the twist to a whole new different level.The movie is suspense and intense that gave me a 'Misery' vibe with good performance from both Antonio and Jonathan.My only problem with this movie is when the truth finally revealed it took me off guard cause the leading up to that is so ridiculous.If the movie keep that ending i may feel better but no there a second ending and that ending is completely horrible and insult my intelligence.You guys need to watch the movie to believe it
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Not as good as the original
fgpinarli4 June 2017
This the remake of the French movie "Papillon Noir" directed by Christian Faure at 2008. The story is nearly the same except, an additional scene just at the end, which is a disappointment because it make the film much more simple. I recommend the original French one, especially if you are familiar with the language.
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begob27 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A failing writer takes in a drifter who saved his ass in a road rage incident, but the rage has only just begun as the drifter takes over ...

Solid psychological thriller, with good performances. The pace is even, and everything is introduced in good time. It's mostly a two-hander, with decent dialogue and a steady ramp up in tension, only to switch at the end with a clear twist. I guess the only problem is that we rely on the government to tell us what's true in the end - bit old fashioned and needed more weird, maybe more influence from female characters.

All the actors are good, and the direction. Nothing special in the photography or sound.

Overall: worth a look.
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murfit21 June 2020
Two twists. the first one is utterly unbelievable. the second is utterly lazy.

decent acting, interesting location. but twisted into an awful mess.
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Serial Killer With A twist
Pairic24 June 2020
Black Butterfly; A serial killer is active in Colorado, the Roadside Killer snatches his female victims within seconds and disappears along with them. Paul Lopez (Antonio Banderas) is an alcoholic author with writers block, basically he's broke and is trying to sell his house. He has a run in with a trucker in a diner and a drifter, Jack (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers), intervenes throwing the trucker out. Paul offers to let Jack stay overnight at this house as a storm is brewing. Jack hangs on to do some repairs. He's friendly at first but Paul starts to get suspicious and ends up being held captive. An interesting take on the serial killer trope with a few surprises emerging as the plot develops. A harrowing scene at the very beginning as you see (or rather don't see) how quickly someone can be abducted. an interesting exploration of the psychological relationship between captor and captive but perhaps this thriller has one plot twist too many for it's own good. Directed by Brian Goodman. 7/10. On Netflix.
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Almost there but not quite yet
waywardroute3 November 2017
~ starts out flat, with almost no character development, lots of dialog but no real interaction between them and their actions, becomes boring and predictable at a certain point; then it hits you, and for 2 minutes it becomes a great f*****g movie only to mess up everything in the end and give you the cheapest solution possible.
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Great Suspense Film
dongillette121 June 2017
This was a really great, suspenseful film and I was very surprised I hadn't heard about it someplace. Weird how they'll spend all this dough on a movie and not publicize it at all. Antonio Banderas was amazingly powerful and showed a good range of skills. Jonathan Rhys Meyers was also very good, but a little ham-handed in the way he played the psycho. How do play a psycho overboard? Not sure, but he managed it. The atmosphere managed to be both claustrophobic AND cinematic at the same time thanks to the closeness of the cabin and the isolated surroundings. The location was beautiful, the story was believable, and it kept my attention for the entire 90 minutes which is becoming more and more difficult with the junk Hollywood's been putting out lately. I'd give this a solid 8 out of 10, this year especially.
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Engaging Story
rutzelb27 July 2017
Paul (Banderas) is a struggling writer who is stuck, stuck, stuck. He takes a break and later picks up a drifter who just helped him at the restaurant with a truck driver who wouldn't let him pass. Paul feels like he owes drifter Jack ( Rhys Meyers) a ride and later offers him to stay for the night. Jack accepts and later discovers Paul is a writer, and feels like he owes Paul and offers to help him write the story. Paul sort of accepts. Jack does work around the cabin and things seem okay. Well, since this movie just started you just know things won't be "okay" for long. (So true)

The next part for me is not to say anything that would give everything away. Let's say things really go bad and Paul comes to feel like a prisoner in his own house. (Oh, oh)

The movie does have suspense and quite a bit of tension.

Antonio Banderas, I think, outdoes himself in this one. Oscar? Hmmm……… Maybe. Jonathan Rhys Meyers does an outstanding job also.

It was said in the movie that a Black Butterfly is very rare and the same can be said for this story because it will take you places other stories do not.

Notable: Piper Perabo as Laura a real estate agent who is trying to sell Paul's cabin.

I see you are thinking that there is a twist coming up. Indeed there is. There is one big clue. I missed it, but will you?

This will keep you engaged for sure. (7/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Yes, but not a whole lot.
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Stop! I've Seen this One Before
leftbanker-128 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I felt uneasy about this movie from the very start. I just never bought any of what there were selling. I just couldn't picture Antonio Banderas as a washed up writer. His drinking looked like how an 8 years old child would portray a drunk by swigging out of the bottle. Does anyone really drink like that? His relationship with his realtor seemed phony.

I wrote those lines somewhere around the middle of the film. I knew something smelled fishy. As it turns out it was all part of the gimmick. Relying on gimmicks almost never makes for good films and that is true in this case. It's like the writers wanted desperately to put themselves into the story by trying WAY too hard to come off as clever and original. I love "clever" and "original" but those are hard to pull off so it's better to shoot for plain ordinary "good." I recognize the writing in this as something that plagues a lot of cinema these days. I just don't think these writers read enough (if at all) and thus they base everything the write on films they have seen. It's like they are making a copy from a bad copy.

I can't remember seeing Jonathan Rhys Meyers before but he was quite good in his role.
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